5 6307646467632794779
5 6307646467632794779
5 6307646467632794779
7. The details of vacancies as per G.O. Rt. No.78, Finance (HR.I-PLG. &
POLICY) Dept., dt: 31.03.2022, G.O. Ms. No.98, Finance (HR.I-PLG. &
POLICY) Dept., dt: 28.08.2023 and G.O. Ms. No.112, Finance (HR.I-
PLG. & POLICY) Dept., dt: 20.10.2023 are as follows:
No. of
Post Name of the Post vacancies
Code including
No. Executive Posts carried
Municipal Commissioner Grade-III in A.P. Municipal
01 04
Commissioners Subordinate Service
Sub-Registrar Grade-II in Registration and Stamps
02 16
Subordinate Service
Deputy Tahsildar in A.P. Revenue Subordinate
03 114
Assistant Labour Officer in A.P. Labour Subordinate
04 28
05 Assistant Registrar in A.P. Co-operative Societies 16
Extension Officer in PR & RD in A.P. Panchayat Raj &
06 02
Rural Development Service
Prohibition & Excise Sub-Inspector in A.P. Prohibition
07 150
& Excise Sub-Service
Assistant Development Officer in A.P. Handlooms
08 01
and Textiles Subordinate Service
Total Executive vacancies 331
Non-Executive Posts
Assistant Section Officer (GAD) in A.P. Secretariat
09 218
Assistant Section Officer (Law Dept.) in A.P.
10 15
Secretariat Sub-Service
Assistant Section Officer (Legislature) in A.P.
11 15
Legislature Secretariat Sub-Service
Assistant Section Officer (Finance Dept.) in A.P.
12 23
Secretariat Sub-Service
Senior Auditor in A.P. State Audit Subordinate
13 08
14 Auditor in Pay & Account Sub-ordinate Service 10
Senior Accountant in Branch-I (category-I) (HOD) in
15 01
A.P. Treasuries and Accounts Sub-Service
Senior Accountant in Branch-II (Category-I) A.P.
16 12
Treasuries and Accounts (District) Sub-Service
Senior Accountant in A.P. Works & Accounts (Zone
17 02
wise) Sub Service.
Junior Accountant in various Departments in A.P
18 22
Treasuries & Accounts Sub-Service
19 Junior Assistant in A.P. Public Service Commission 32
20 Junior Assistant in Economics and Statistics 06
21 Junior Assistant in Social Welfare 01
22 Junior Assistant in Commissioner of Civil Supplies 13
Junior Assistant in Commissioner of Agriculture
23 02
Junior Assistant in Commissioner of Agriculture
24 07
(As per G.O.Ms.No.06, Finance (HR.I-PLG, & POLICY) Dept., dt: 06-01-2023)
Written Examination (Objective Type) - Degree Standard
Paper Subject No. Of Duration in Maximum
Questions Minutes Marks
General Studies & Mental Ability 150 150 150
Total 150
N.B: As per G.O.Ms. No.235 Finance (HR-1, Plg & Policy) Dept, Dt: 06/12/2016, for each
wrong answer will be penalized with 1/3rd of the marks prescribed for the question.
(As per G.O.Ms.No.06, Finance (HR.I-PLG, & POLICY) Dept., dt: 06-01-2023)
Written Examination (Objective Type) - Degree Standard
No. Of Duration in Maximum
Paper Subject
Questions Minutes Marks
1. Social History of Andhra
Pradesh i.e., the history of Social
and Cultural Movements in
Paper - I 150 150 150
Andhra Pradesh.
2. General over view of the Indian
1. Indian and AP Economy.
Paper - II 150 150 150
2. Science and Technology
Total 300
N.B: As per G.O.Ms. No.235 Finance (HR-1, Plg & Policy) Dept, Dt: 06/12/2016, for each
wrong answer will be penalized with 1/3rd of the marks prescribed for the question.
Ancient History: Salient features of Indus Valley Civilization and Vedic age - Emergence of
Buddhism and Jainism - Mauryan Empire and Gupta Empire: Their administration, Socio-Economic
and Religious Conditions, Art and Architecture, Literature - Harshavardhana and his Achievements.
Medieval History: The Chola Administrative System - Delhi Sultanate and The Mughal Empire:Their
Administration, Socio-Economic and Religious Conditions, Art and Architecture, Language and
Literature - Bhakti and Sufi Movements - Shivaji and the rise of Maratha Empire - Advent of
Modern History: 1857 Revolt and its Impact - Rise and Consolidation of British Power in India -
Changes in Administration, Social and Cultural Spheres - Social and Religious Reform Movements in
the 19th and 20th Century - Indian National Movement: it's various stages and important
contributors and contributions from different parts of the country - Post Independence
Consolidation and Reorganization within the country.
General and Physical Geography: The Earth in our Solar System - Interior of the Earth - Major
Landforms and their features - Climate: Structure and Composition of Atmosphere - Ocean Water:
Tides, Waves, Currents - India and Andhra Pradesh: Major Physiographic features, Climate,
Drainage System, Soils and Vegetation - Natural Hazards and Disasters and their Management.
Economic Geography of India and AP: Natural resources and their distribution - Agriculture and
Agro based Activities - Distribution of Major Industries and Major Industrial Regions. Transport,
Communication,Tourism and Trade.
Human Geography of India and AP: Human Development - Demographics - Urbanization and
Migration - Racial, Tribal, Religious and Linguistic groups.
Structure of Indian Society: Family, Marriage, Kinship, Caste, Tribe,Ethnicity, Religion and Women
Social Issues: Casteism, Communalism and Regionalisation, Crime against Women, Child Abuse
and Child Labour, Youth Unrest and Agitation
Welfare Mechanism: Public Policies and Welfare Programmes, Constitutional and Statutory
Provisions for Schedule Castes, ScheduleTribes, Minorities, BCs, Women, Disabled and Children.
Logical Reasoning (Deductive, Inductive, Abductive): Statement and Assumptions, Statement and
Argument, Statement and Conclusion, Statement and Courses of Action.
Mental Ability: Number Series, Letter Series, Odd Man out, Coding -Decoding, Problems relating to
Relations, Shapes and their Sub Sections.
Basic Numeracy: Number System, Order of Magnitude, Averages, Ratio and Proportion,
Percentage, Simple and Compound Interest, Time and Work and Time and Distance. Data Analysis
(Tables, bar diagram, Line graph, Pie-chart).
PAPER –I (150M)
1. Pre - Historic Cultures - The Satavahanas, The Ikshvakus: Socio - Economic and Religious
Conditions, Literature, Art and Architecture - The Vishnukundins, The Eastern Chalukyas of Vengi,
Andhra Cholas: Society, Religion, Telugu Language, Art and Architecture.
2. Various Major and minor dynasties that ruled Andhradesa between 11th and 16th centuries
A.D. - Socio - Religious and Economic Conditions, Growth of Telugu Language and Literature, Art
and Architecture in Andhradesa between 11th to 16th centuries A.D.
3. Advent of Europeans - Trade centers - Andhra under the Company - 1857 Revolt and its
Impact on Andhra - Establishment of British Rule - Socio - Cultural Awakening, Justice Party/Self
Respect Movement - Growth of Nationalist Movement in Andhra between 1885 to 1947 – Role of
Socialists - Communists - Anti-Zamindari and Kisan Movements - Growth of Nationalist Poetry,
Revolutionary Literature, Nataka Samasthalu and Women Participation.
4. Origin and Growth of Andhra Movement - Role of Andhra Mahasabhas - Prominent Leaders
- Events leading to the formation of Andhra State 1953 - Role of Press and News Papers in the
Andhra Movement - Role of Library Movement and Folk and Tribal Culture.
5. Events leading to the Formation of Andhra Pradesh State - Visalandhra Mahasabha - States
Reorganization Commission and its Recommendations - Gentlemen Agreement - Important Social
and Cultural Events between 1956 to 2014.
National Income of India: Concept and Measurement of National Income - Occupational Pattern
and Sectoral Distribution of Income in India – Economic Growth and Economic Development -
Strategy of Planning in India - New Economic Reforms 1991 – Decentralization of Financial
Resources – NITI Aayog.
Structure and Growth of AP Economy: Gross State Domestic Product (GSDP) and Sectoral
Contribution, AP Per Capita Income (PCI) – AP State Revenue: Tax and Non-Tax Revenue – AP State
Expenditure, Debts and Interest Payments – Central Assistance – Projects of External Assistance -
Recent AP Budget.
5. Agriculture and Allied Sector, Industrial Sector and Services Sector of Andhra Pradesh:
Production Trends of Agriculture and Allied Sectors – Cropping Pattern –Rural Credit Cooperatives –
Agricultural Marketing – Strategies, Schemes and Programmes related to Agricultural Sector and
Allied Sectors in Andhra Pradesh Including Horticulture, Animal Husbandry, Fisheries and Forests –
Growth and Structure of Industries – Recent AP Industrial Development Policy - Single Window
Mechanism – Industrial Incentives – MSMEs – Industrial Corridors – Structure and Growth of Services
Sector – Information Technology, Electronics and Communications in Andhra Pradesh – Recent AP
IT Policy.
1. Technology Missions, Policies and Applications:
National S&T Policy: Recent Science, Technology and Innovation Policy, and National Strategies
and Missions, Emerging Technology Frontiers – Space Technology: Launch Vehicles of India,
Recent Indian Satellite Launches and its applications, Indian Space Science Missions – Defence
Technology: Defence Research and Development Organization (DRDO): Structure, Vision and
Mission, Technologies Developed by the DRDO, Integrated Guided Missile Development
Programme (IGMDP) – Information and Communication Technology (ICT): National Policy on
Information Technology – Digital India Mission: Initiatives and Impact – E-Governance Programmes
and Services – Cyber Security concerns – National Cyber Security Policy – Nuclear Technology:
Indian Nuclear Reactors and Nuclear Power Plants – Applications of Radioisotopes –India’s Nuclear
2. Energy Management:
Policy and Projections: Installed Energy Capacities and Demand in India - National Energy Policy -
National Policy on Biofuels - Bharat Stage Norms - Non-Renewable and Renewable Energy:
Sources and Installed Capacities in India – New Initiatives and Recent Programmes, Schemes and
Achievements in India’s Renewable Energy Sector.
Ecology and Ecosystem: Basic concepts of Ecology, Ecosystem: Components and Types –
Biodiversity: Meaning, Components, Biodiversity Hotspots, Loss of Biodiversity and Conservation of
Biodiversity: Methods, Recent Plans, Targets, Convention and Protocols - Wildlife Conservation:
CITES and Endangered Species with reference to India – Biosphere Reserves – Indian Wildlife
Conservation efforts, projects, acts and initiatives in recent times.
Solid Waste: Solid Wastes and their Classification – Methods of Disposal and Management of Solid
Wastes in India – Environmental Pollution: Types of Environmental Pollution – Sources and Impacts –
Pollution Control, Regulation and Alternatives: Recent projects, acts and initiatives to reduce
Environmental Pollution in India – Impact of Transgenics on Environment and their Regulation – Eco-
Friendly Technologies in Agriculture – Bioremediation: Types and Scope in India.
5. Environment and Health:
Environment Challenges: Global Warming, Climate Change, Acid Rain, Ozone Layer Depletion,
Ocean Acidification – Environmental Initiatives: Recent International Initiatives, Protocols,
Conventions to tackle Climate Change with special reference to India’s Participation and Role –
Sustainable Development: Meaning, Nature, Scope, Components and Goals of Sustainable
Development – Health Issues: Recent Trends in Disease Burden and Epidemic and Pandemic
Challenges in India - Preparedness and Response: Healthcare Delivery and Outcomes in India –
Recent Public Health Initiatives and Programmes.
1. OFFICE SUITE: MSOFFICE or any open source office like Libre Office /Apache Open Office Neo
office for Windows/Linux/Media Access Control Address (MAC)OS.
2. GETTING STARTED WITH OFFICE: Introduction to Office Software- Starting and Exiting the Office
Applications - Introducing the Office Shortcut Bar - Customizing Office Shortcut Bar.
3. FILE OPERATIONS IN THE OFFICE: Common Office Tools and Techniques - Opening An
Application - Creating Files - Entering And Editing Text - Saving Files - Opening Files - Closing a
File - Exiting The Application - Managing Your files With The Office Applications.
4. TOOLS IN THE OFFICE APPLICATIONS: Key Combinations - Cut, Copy and Paste - Drag And
Drop Editing - Menu Bars And Toolbars - Undo and - Redo - Spell Checking - Auto Correct -
Find and Replace - Help And The Office Assistants - Templates and Wizards.
5. WORD PROCESSING (MS WORD or its equivalent in Libre office /Apache Open Office / Neo
office for Windows/s/Linux/Mac OS): Starting Word
Title Bar - Menu Bar - Format Bar - Standard Bar - Ruler - Workspace Area - Scroll Bar - Status Bar
- Different Toolbars - Option a Menu Bar - Creating New Document When Word is Running -
Opening Pre existing Documents When Word is Running - Designing Your Document - Typing
Text - Selection text - Deleting Text - Formatting text and document - copying and moving -
Saving Document - Page Setup - Properties of a document - Undo-Redo-Cut-Copy a
Document - Pasting a Document - Print Preview - Printing - Select All - Find - Replace - Go To -
Four Different View Of A Document - Normal, Web Layout, Print Layout, and Outline Layout-
Document Map - Full Screen - Zoom - Objects - Page Break - Header and Footer - Page
Number - Auto Format - Auto Text - Inserting Date And Time - Working With Header, Footers-
footnotes-Fields-Symbols-Caption Cross Reference-Index-Tabs-Table and Sorting - Working With
Graphics - Inserting Pictures - Modifying Pictures - Word Art - Inserting Chart - Inserting Files -
Hyper Linking - Bookmark - Using Different Fonts - Paragraph – Bullets Borders and Shading-
Columns-Drop Cap-Theme-Change Case Background-Frames-Style-Spelling And Grammar -
Set Language - Word Count - Auto Summarize - Auto Correct - Merge Document - Protect
Document - Envelopes And Labels - - Templates, Wizards And Sample Documents - drawing
Tables - Merge Cell - Spilt Cells - Spilt Table - Table Auto Format - Auto Fit - Sort - Formula -
Arrange All-Split- Micro Soft Word Help - Macros - Custom Toolbars - Keyboard Shortcuts -
Menus - Mail Merge.
6. SPREAD SHEET (MS Excel or its equivalent in Libre Office / Apache Open Office / Neo office for
Windows/s/Linux/ Maa OS):
Features Of Excel - Excel worksheet - Selecting Cell - Navigating With The Mouse And
Keyboard - Entering And Editing Text - Text Boxes - Text Notes - Checking Spelling - Undoing
And Repeating Action - Entering And Editing Formulas - Referencing Cells - Order Of Evolution
in Formulas - Copying Entries And Equations To Minimize Typing - More Auto Fill Examples -
Creating Custom Fill Lists Protecting And Un Protecting Documents And Cell - Creating A New
Worksheet - Excel Formatting Tips And Techniques - Moving cell - Copying Cells - Sorting Cell
Data - Insertion Cells Inserting As You Paste - Deleting Parts Of Worksheet - Clearing Parts Of A
Worksheet - Excel Page Setup - Changing Column Width And Row Heights - Auto Format -
Manual Formatting - Using style - Format Code Alter A Number's Appearance - Format Painter
Speeds-Up Format Copying - Changing Font Size And Attributes - Adjusting Alignments -
Cantering Text Across Column - Using Border Buttons And Commands - Changing Color And
Shading - Inserting And Removing Page Breaks - Hiding Rows And Columns - Rearranging
Worksheet - Entering Formula - Excel Functions - Inserting Rows And Columns - Saving A
Worksheet - Printing A Worksheet - Printing Tips For Large Excel Project - Parts Of A Function -
Functions Requiring Add-ins - Function Wizard - Example Of Functions By Category - Organizing
Your Data - Excel's Chart Features - Chart Parts And Terminology - Instant charts with The chart
wizard - Creating Chart On Separating Worksheets - Resizing And Moving Charts - Adding
Chart Notes And Arrows - Editing Charts - Rotating 3-D Charts - Printing Charts - Deleting Charts
Setting The Default Chart Type - Creating Trend Lines Data Map - Working With Graphics in
Excel - Creating And Pacing Graphic objects - Resizing Graphs - Possible Sources Of Excel
Graphics - Creating and Running Macro - Sorting Excel Data - Adding Subtotals To Databases
- Customizing Excel - Customizing Workspace – Comma Separated Value (CSV) File format -
Using Worksheet As Databases.
7. PRESENTATION SOFTWARE (MS Power Point or its equivalent in Libre Office/Apache Open
office/Neo office for Windows/s/Linux/Mac Os): Introduction - Starting Presentation Software -
Views in Presentation Software - Slides - Terminology - Color Schemes - Formatting Slides -
Creating a Presentation - Using the Auto Content Wizard - Masters- - Using a Template -
Creating a Blank Presentation - Working with Text in Power Point - Adding Slides Editing And
Working Text - Working in Outlaying view – Spell checking - Finding And Replacing Text -
Formatting Text - Aligning Text - Developing Your Presentation - Importing images From The
Outside World - The Clipart Gallery - Drawing in Presentation software- Bringing A Presentation
to Life - Inserting Objects in Your Presentation - Inserting A Picture - Working With Graphics -
Multimedia in Power Point - Animating The Objects, Pictures, Graphics, - Enhancements to the
Slide Show Showing Slides Out Of Order Printing Presentation Elements - Finalizing The
Presentation - Assigning Transitions And Timings - Setting The Master Slide - Setting Up The Slide
Show - Running The Slide Show.
Assessment Pattern:
Part-A: Test may be designed to assess the candidate by means of MCQs.
(20 %of Total Marks)
Part-B: A computer based assessment test where they need to:
1. Prepare a model document and organize the same in a formatted manner. This should
cover evaluating the typing speed, organizing the document and covering several other
aspects such as inserting tables, inserting Images/WordArt, mail merge, etc...).
2. Evaluating typing speed (25% of Total Marks)
(This may be made mandatory for qualifying based on the norms existing)
3. Organizing and inserting different objects (15% of Total Marks)
4. Prepare an Excel Sheet to fill with data and format the sheet, merging/splitting cells,
formulae for calculation in the cells, conditional formatting, preparation of different
graphs based on the data. (20% of Total Marks)
5. Prepared a Power Point presentation using the standard layouts available and filling
different slides with content (Formatted text, images, tables, transition effects, animation
(20%of Total Marks)