Lec 1& 2
Lec 1& 2
Lec 1& 2
– The costume was semi fitted
– introducing
• Dyestuff: consisted of wide range of vegetables, mineral colors
• Introducing woven ornaments
• Introducing great variety of jewelry, headdresses, natural ornaments accessories
Metal Age – Iron Age
The Iron Age is not part of prehistory for all civilizations who had
introduced written records during the Bronze Age. Most remaining
civilizations did so during the Iron Age, often through conquest by
the empires, which continued to expand during this period. For
example, in most of Europe conquest by the Roman Empire means
that the term Iron Age is replaced by "Roman", "Gallo-Roman", and
similar terms after the conquest.
In archaeology, the Iron Age refers to the start of ferrous metallurgy.
The adoption of iron coincided with other changes in some past
cultures, often including more sophisticated agricultural practices,
religious beliefs and artistic styles, Although iron ore is common, the
metalworking techniques necessary to use iron are very different
from those needed for the metal used earlier, and iron was slow-
spreading and for long mainly used for weapons, while bronze
remained typical for tools, as well as art.
Metal Age – Iron Age