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History of Fashion Costume I


•Brief History of Prehistoric life

•Introduction to Stone age (Paleolithic Age,
Mesolithic Age, Neolithic Age)
•Introduction of Metal age (Bronze age, Iron Age)

By: Muhammad Umar Iqbal

Department of Design
Brief History of Prehistoric life
 Human prehistory, also known as pre-literary history,
is the period between the use of the first stone tools by cave
men 3.3 million years ago and the invention of writing
 The term "prehistory" can refer to the vast span of time
since the beginning of the Universe or the Earth, but more
often it refers to the period since life appeared on Earth, or
even more specifically to the time since human-like beings
 Sumerians in Mesopotamia, the Indus valley civilization,
and ancient Egypt were the first civilizations to develop their
own scripts and to keep historical records.
Three age System
 Historians typically use the three-age system, whereas scholars of
pre-human time periods.
 Stone Age
 Bronze Age
 Iron Age
Stone Age: The stone age is sub divided in following three
1. Paleolithic Age
2. Mesolithic Age
3. Neolithic Age
Paleolithic Age
2.5 Millions years ago– 10 000 years ago
 "Palaeolithic" means "Old Stone Age", and begins with the
first use of stone tools. The Paleolithic is the earliest period
of the Stone Age.
 Throughout the Paleolithic, humans generally lived
as nomadic hunter-gatherers, used fire and early tools like
bones, stones for fishing and hunting as well as body
decoration in form of jewelry.
Mesolithic Age
10 000 years ago
 The Mesolithic, or Middle Stone Age is combined from
the Greek mesos, 'middle', and lithos, 'stone‘
 Societies were able to live well on rich food supplies from
the planes fostered by the moderate climate.

 People started getting civilized

 Agriculture appears
 People started Living in groups
 Labor tools appear
 Dugout boats made
Neolithic Age
10 000 years –4500/2000 years ago
 "Neolithic" means "New Stone Age". Although there were several
species of human beings during the Paleolithic, by the Neolithic
only Homo sapiens remained.
 This was a period of primitive technological and social development.
It began about 10,200 BCE in some parts of the Middle East, and
later in other parts of the world and ended between 4,500 and 2,000
BCE (Before common era). The Neolithic is a progression of
behavioral and cultural characteristics and changes, including the use
of domestic crops and domesticated animals, including wheat, grains,
and the keeping of dogs, sheep, and goats.
 Settlements became more permanent with some having circular
houses with single rooms made of mud brick.
Neolithic Age
Cro-Magnon Man
 Homo sapiens, better known as Cro-Magnon man. Cro-
Magnon man first began to appear around forty
thousand years ago in various parts of the world, as
far apart as Borneo, in Malaysia, and Europe.
 Cro-Magnon man stood fully upright, had a larger
brain, a thinner nose, a more pronounced chin, and
a skeletal structure nearly identical to modern man
 Cro-Magnon humans were largely hunter-gatherers, which
meant their food depended on the animals that they
killed and the fruits and plants they gathered from
within their local surroundings.
 Over time they developed more sophisticated ways of
making stone tools, such as arrow points and axes, and
they also developed tools from the bones of animals.
Cro-Magnon clothing and footwear
 Animal skins provided their first forms of clothing and footwear, and
Cro-Magnon man used tools such as rock and bone scrapers to strip
the flesh and fat from the skins and cut the skins into primitive forms
of clothing.
 Cro-Magnon man, considered the next stage in human development,
emerged around forty thousand years ago. Magnon people learned
how to make fire and cook food, and they developed finer, more
efficient tools. Sharp awls, or pointed tools, were used to punch
small holes in animal skins, which were laced together with hide
 Body Decorations: Cro-Magnon man began to decorate the
human body with body paint and tattoos. The body was likely painted
in order to provide camouflage while hunting or for ritual or social
occasions. They may also have used other forms of decoration such as
tattooing or scarification, in which small cuts are made in the skin to
create permanent scars in patterns.
 Both men and women liked to ornament themselves with bracelets
and necklaces that consisted of a length of animal hide strung with
beads, shells, teeth, bones, or other small objects.
Metal age-Bronze age
 The Bronze Age is the earliest period in which some civilizations have
reached the end of prehistory, by introducing written records. The
Bronze Age or parts there of are thus considered to be part of
prehistory only for the regions and civilizations who adopted or
developed a system of keeping written records during later periods.
Soon after the appearance of writing, people started creating texts
including written accounts of events and records of administrative
 The term Bronze Age refers to a period in human cultural
development when the most advanced metalworking included
techniques for smelting copper ores, and then combining them to
cast bronze.
 The valuable new material was used for weapons but for a long time
apparently not available for agricultural tools. Much of it seems to have
been hoarded by social elites.
Metal age-Bronze age

– The costume was semi fitted
– introducing
• Dyestuff: consisted of wide range of vegetables, mineral colors
• Introducing woven ornaments
• Introducing great variety of jewelry, headdresses, natural ornaments accessories
Metal Age – Iron Age
 The Iron Age is not part of prehistory for all civilizations who had
introduced written records during the Bronze Age. Most remaining
civilizations did so during the Iron Age, often through conquest by
the empires, which continued to expand during this period. For
example, in most of Europe conquest by the Roman Empire means
that the term Iron Age is replaced by "Roman", "Gallo-Roman", and
similar terms after the conquest.
 In archaeology, the Iron Age refers to the start of ferrous metallurgy.
The adoption of iron coincided with other changes in some past
cultures, often including more sophisticated agricultural practices,
religious beliefs and artistic styles, Although iron ore is common, the
metalworking techniques necessary to use iron are very different
from those needed for the metal used earlier, and iron was slow-
spreading and for long mainly used for weapons, while bronze
remained typical for tools, as well as art.
Metal Age – Iron Age

Make a A3 size research board (Manual drawn or digital) of

what you have learnt from the lecture in form of pictures and
a little brief to describe the image.

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