Maranatha Boys Academy Geography Group Discussions (Population Pyramids & Demographic Transition Model) (104 Marks)

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(104 marks)

1. Define the following terms

a. Youthful population structure

b. Population distribution
c. Population growth rate
2. The area of Malawi 484 008 km2 while its population density is
32. Calculate the total number of people in Malawi(4marks)
3. Figure 1.

a. In which category does the population structure fall?

b. Give the reason for your answer in the question above
4. Below are age-sex pyramids of two countries .use them to
answer the questions that follow

a. Identify the population structures for both (a) and (b)


b. Differeciate the population structures in terms of

(i) Birth rate
(ii) Social security systems
(iii) Female literacy
(iv) Child labour
c. Give two countries that are likely to have a population
(i) A
(ii) B
d. Describe any three problems which are likely to be faced in a
country with a pyramid like (b)

e. give any two advantages of having a population pyramid (a)

to a country
5. a. What is meant by the term “dependence ratio”?

b. If the number of economically active for working population
of a particular country is 15, 789,322 while that of non-
economically active population is 11,456,905.
(i) Is the country developed or developing? Give a reason
for your answer
(ii) Calculate the dependence ratio of this country(4marks)

c. Mention the advantages and disadvantages for the following

population structures
(i) Youthful population structure
(ii) Aging population structure
_____________________________________ (1mark)
_____________________________________ (1mark)
6. Figure 3. Is a demographic transition model. Use the diagram to
answer the question that follow

a. Name the following stages

(i) 1________________________(1mark)
(ii) 2________________________(1mark)
(iii) 3________________________(1mark)
(iv) 4________________________(1mark)
b. Describe the trend of the birthrate and death rate in stage
(i) 1______________________________________________
(ii) 2______________________________________________
(iii) 3______________________________________________
(iv) 4______________________________________________
c. Describe any two reasons for the trend of both birth and
death rates in stage 1
d. Explain why the death rate stabilizes in stage 4
7. a. Explain any two causes of rapid population growth
b. describe any two effects of rapid population growth on
d. Suggest any three strategies that can Malawi can use
e. Explain any three benefits of controlling population growth
8 a. Figure 3 is a population pyramid for the United Kingdom.
Use it to
answer questions (i) and (ii).

(i) Identify the population structure

(ii) Give any two examples of countries with such population
b (i) Explain any two social factors which have contributed to
the shape of
population structure above

c. (i) State any two factors that lead to youthful population

(i) Define the term life expectancy
(ii) Explain any two factors affect world population
d (i) List down any two areas with high population distribution
(ii) Explain any two reasons why such areas have high
(4 marks)
(iii) State any two disadvantages of ageing population

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