HM Revenue & Customs - ORIGINAL
HM Revenue & Customs - ORIGINAL
HM Revenue & Customs - ORIGINAL
You have been audited for BROKER COMMISION by UK HMRC (HM Revenue and Customs)
Broker Department on 9/23/2023 for the total amount of 4,735.83 USD / 707291.47 JPY.
Preferential commission is 6.5% for the Non-UK & UK residents. The nominal beneficiary of the
account is a citizen of Japan, holding bank account with bank of Japan and verified crypto account on
wallet Coincheck. Based on the conducted investigation by HMRC, it was revealed the account holder
is a national of Japan and has obligation towards UK broker commission.
After Broker Commission payed, the total amount of 72859.32 USD / 10,881,466.58 JPY transfer
will be removed from the arrest and released.
Due to UK Tax legislation, after your tax payment by 2 days, you are able to apply for a refund to
the paid tax amount within 6 months of broker commission payment.
BY: ___________________
Eve Finn