1) The document summarizes a land dispute between Ekta Khamkarwadi, Ram Khamkarwadi, and Laxman Khamkarwadi regarding 0.88 acres of land.
2) The land was originally owned by one party but was sold without their consent to another individual.
3) All parties have 7 days to file any objections or claims to the land ownership with supporting documents, after which the matter will be considered closed without any further complaints.
1) The document summarizes a land dispute between Ekta Khamkarwadi, Ram Khamkarwadi, and Laxman Khamkarwadi regarding 0.88 acres of land.
2) The land was originally owned by one party but was sold without their consent to another individual.
3) All parties have 7 days to file any objections or claims to the land ownership with supporting documents, after which the matter will be considered closed without any further complaints.
1) The document summarizes a land dispute between Ekta Khamkarwadi, Ram Khamkarwadi, and Laxman Khamkarwadi regarding 0.88 acres of land.
2) The land was originally owned by one party but was sold without their consent to another individual.
3) All parties have 7 days to file any objections or claims to the land ownership with supporting documents, after which the matter will be considered closed without any further complaints.
1) The document summarizes a land dispute between Ekta Khamkarwadi, Ram Khamkarwadi, and Laxman Khamkarwadi regarding 0.88 acres of land.
2) The land was originally owned by one party but was sold without their consent to another individual.
3) All parties have 7 days to file any objections or claims to the land ownership with supporting documents, after which the matter will be considered closed without any further complaints.
Sankshipt Prayavachi Evam Vilom Shabadkosh: Civil Service, Bank Po, Railway, Tet, School Va College Ke Chatr-Chatro Evam Sabhi Pratiyogi Parichao Ke Liye Upyogi Pustak