Chromosomal Structure and Karyotyping: Chromosomes

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Chromosomal structure and karyotyping

♡The nucleus is the organelle that houses chromosomes.
♡Chromosomes consist of DNA, which contains heredity
information and instructions for cell growth, development,and reproduction.
♡Chromosomes are present in the form of strings of
double stranded DNA and histones (protein molecules) called chromatin.
♡The repeated units of chromatin granules called nucleosomes.
♡When a cell is “resting” i.e. not dividing, the chromosomes are
organized into long entangled structures called chromatin.
♡The chromosome appears as a cross-shaped structure

due to the union of its 2 chromatids (S-chromosomes)

at the central region known as the centromere.

♡It has 4 arms radiating from the point of the

Centromere ( long arm →q and short arm → p ).

♡The stainability of the chromosome is not homogenous
along the whole length of its chromatids.
1-According to the position of centromere:
The chromosome may be:
-Metacentric chromosomes:Centomere lies near the middle of the chromosome such as
chromosomes number 1, 3, 16, 19 and 20, where p arm is equall to q arm.
-Submetacentric chromosome: Centromere is present midway between the ceanter of
chromatids and their upper ends such as chromosomes number 2, 4 to 12, 17, 18 and X
chromosome, where p arm is shorter than q.
-Acrocentric chromosomes: Centromere is present near one end thus the short arm p is very
small such as chromosomes number 13, 14, 15, 21, 22 and Y chromosome.
-Telocentric chromosomes: Centromere is present at the terminal end
(not in human).

2-Denver classification:
The chromosome set can be classified into 7 groups (A-G) in according to

The chromosome length, the position of the centromere and the presence of specific


Group A:♡chromosome 1,2 and 3.

♡Large with approximately median centromeres.

♡chromosome 1 is the largest metacentric chromosome

♡Chromosome 2 is submetacentric

Group B: ♡Chromosome number 4-5

♡they are large and submetacentric,

♡chromosome number 4 is longer.

Group C:♡Chromosomes number 6-12 and X chromosome,

♡they are medium sized and submetacentric.

♡ The chromosomes are arranged according to decreasing size pattern.

♡Secondary constriction found in chromosome 9.

♡Chromosome 12 has the smallest short arms of the group

Group D:♡Chromosome 13, 14 and 15.
♡Median-sized acrocentric. and have satellite.
Group E:♡Chromosomes number 16 to 18,
♡they are smaller than group D chromosome 16 is metacentric
♡and has secondary constriction and chromosomes 17 and 18 are submetacentric .
Group F:♡Chromosomes number 19 and 20 ♡they are short and metacentric.
Group G:♡Chromosomes number 21, 22 and Y,
♡they are very short acrocentric chromosomes.
♡Chromosomes 21, 22 are the smallest and contain satellites.
•Within these groups, chromosomes are arranged in descending order of length with
their centromere on the same line.
•The X chromosome is long, while the Y chromosome is short.
•in female, one of the 2 XX chromosomes is inactive and remain highly
condensed and staindarkly during interphase forming a Barr Body.
X chromosome:
It is one of the longest two or three chromosomes in the group C .
In female, one X is stained slightly darker than the other.
Y chromosome:
♡Longer than 21 & 22.
♡Long arms are less divergent.
♡No secondary constrictions on the short, thus no satellites.
♡Centric constriction is indistinct.
♡Secondary constriction is seen in long arm.
♡The terminal region of long arm are poorly defined.
♡Usually found toward the periphery of the metaphase preparation.

Ctogenetics and karyotyping

-Cyto-genetics: is a word for the study of chromosomes
-Karyotype: is the number of chromosomes in a particular person.
-Karyogrm: the array of chromosomes in a form suitable for analysis.
-ideogram: is a schematic diagrammatic representation of the karyotype showing all the
morphological features of chromosomes(chromosomes arranged in order of decreasing length,
showing the location of genes as bands)

Clinical importance of chromosomal study:

1- Chromosomal studies and chromosomal mapping help in diagnosis of certain diseases and
syndromes as Down’s syndrome, mental retardation, abnormal sexual development as Turner
and Klinefelter syndromes.
2- Diagnosis of repeated spontaneous abortion, and infertility.
3- Diagnosis of certain malignant diseases as chronic myeloid leukemia.
4- Karyotyping of fetal cells from amniotic fluid helps in prenatal diagnosis of 5- determination
of the sex of the fetus.

Principal of chromosomal study:
• The morphology of a chromosome can best study at metaphase.
• The need of cells in metaphase requires tissue with a sufficient number of dividing cell (blood-
bone marrow)
The division of the cells is stimulated by addition of phytohaemagglutinin to the culture media.
•The basic steps in chromosome preparation of all tissues are the disruption of the spindle
apparatus by colchicine (colcemid).
• The swelling of the cells obtained by hypotonic solution.
• The spreading of chromosomes on slides.
• Staining by Giemsa for G banding.
Samples: are obtained from:
1- Peripheral blood leucocytes: provide the shortest and most convenient method for routine
cytogenetic analysis. This takes 3 days.
2- Amniotic fluid. 3- Chorionic villus. 4- Fibroblasts.
5- Solid tumors. 6- Tissue effusion. 7- Lymph nodes and spleen.
8- Bone marrow (as from leukemic patients), it has high mitotic rate.

Metaphase spread of chromosomes (karyotyping)

Identification of chromosomes
1-Morphological approach:

♡Arms long or short

♡Centromeric position
♡Morphological features
Permits the localization of radioactive substances in tissue by means of the effect of emitted
radiation on photographic emulsion.
3. Chromosomal banding:
It is a part of chromosome that is clearly distinguishable from its adjacent segments by appearing
darker or lighter as a result of new staining
Types of banding:
♡Quinacrine-bands (Q-bands)
♡Giemsa-bands (G-bands)
The most frequently used type of banding is G banding.
This name is derived from the Giemsa stain.
♡Reverse-bands (R-bands) (reverse of G)
♡Constitutive heterochromatin bands (C-bands) (centromeric)
♡T bands (telomeric).
♡High resolution banding.
• When they are stained, the mitotic chromosomes have a banded structure that identifies each
chromosome of a karyotype.
• Each band contains millions of DNA nucleotide pairs.
• metaphase chromosomes exhibit light and dark bands under appropriate staining conditions.
• The short arm, p, and the long arm, q, are divided into regions then bands which are then
subdivided into sub-bands moving outwards from the centromere,
-band 1 being the nearest to the centromere.
• Centromeres and telomeres are not numbered.

4. Fluorescence In Situ Hybridization (FISH)
Used to visualize karyotypes using different combinations of DNA probes that bind to
specific DNA sequences for each chromosome to produce spectral or sky karyotypes.
How does FISH work?
♡FISH involves the preparation of short sequences of single-stranded DNA, called probes,
which are complementary to the DNA sequences needed to paint and examine.
♡These probes which are labeled with fluorescent tags bind, to the complementary DNA and
can be detected by fluorescent microscope.
♡Unlike most other techniques used to study chromosomes, which require that the cells be
actively dividing, FISH can be performed on non dividing cells, making it a highly versatile


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