Social Movements
Social Movements
Social Movements
The birth of a social movement needs what sociologist Neil Smelser calls an
initiating event: a particular, individual event that will begin a chain reaction of
events in the given society leading to the creation of a social movement. The
root of this event must be the result of some common discontent among a
community. Hence, making emergence the first step to a social movement.
This discontent will act as the chain that links common people together, as
they share the same experiences and feelings of oppression. "Within this
stage, social movements are very preliminary and there is little to no
organization. Instead this stage can be thought of as widespread
discontent.Emergence is prior to any sort of organized resistance to the
condition of society.
This third stage, bureaucratization, is when movements must become more
organized, centered around a more systematic model. The set up and system
for going about the construct must be more formal, with people taking on
specific roles and responsibilities. "In this phase their political power is greater
than in the previous stages in that they may have more regular access to
political elites."[38] In this stage, one organization may take over another one in
order to obtain a greater status and formal alliance. This 'taking over' may be
a positive or negative move for organizations. Ella Baker, an activist who
played a role in the NAACP,[40] had proposed to the students of the student
movement to start their own organization. This becomes known as the SNCC,
the student nonviolent coordinating committee (1960s). The students could
have join forces with the SCLC,[41] an already existing organization, but that
would have been a poor bureaucratizing decision, as they would succumb to
old ideologies. New and progressive ideas that challenge prior authority are
crucial to social change.
The declining of a social movement does not necessarily mean failure. There
are multiple routes in which a movement may take before proceeding into
decline. Success of a movement would result in permanent changes within
the society and/or government that would result in a loss of need for protest.
Failure is often the result of the incapability to keep a common focus, and
work towards the goal in mind. "Failure of social movements due to
organizational or strategic failings is common for many organizations".[42] Such
a route would result in the gradual breaking up of an organization, and out of
the stages of movement. Co-optation results when people or groups are
integrated and shift away from the social movement's initial concerns and
values. Repression is another example, when the movement is slowly wiped
away from the public platform through means of an outside force, usually
being the government. The last route into declining is going mainstream,
which is generally perceived as an overall success. This is when goals of the
movement are taken into society as a part of daily life, making it a 'social
norm.' For example, birth control is still a greatly debated topic on a
government level, but it has been accepted into social life as a common thing
that exists.
It is important to recognize that though movements may disintegrate and
cease to be active, the impact that they have in the social realm is success in
its own way. It sparks the notion in new generations that the possibility to
organize and make change is there.
Resource Mobilization Theory views social movement activity as "politics by other means": a
rational and strategic effort by ordinary people to change society or politics.[50] The form of the
resources shapes the activities of the movement (e.g., access to a TV station will result in the
extensive use TV media). Movements develop in contingent opportunity structures that influence
their efforts to mobilize; and each movement's response to the opportunity structures depends on
the movement's organization and resources