Architecture of OCB-283: Venkata Videhi Balusupati, Pavani Velaga, A.Rama Krishna
Architecture of OCB-283: Venkata Videhi Balusupati, Pavani Velaga, A.Rama Krishna
Architecture of OCB-283: Venkata Videhi Balusupati, Pavani Velaga, A.Rama Krishna
Architecture of OCB-283
Venkata Videhi Balusupati, Pavani Velaga, A.Rama Krishna
Abstract: OCB 283 means Organ De CommandeB2 Version MSU with RSU, transit, TAX, IN & mobile exchanges. It has
8300 Microprocessor. It is the latest electronics digital ISDN type a maximum of 35 types of cards (excluding subscriber racks).
switching technology being imported in INDIA, OCB 283 is a
digital switching system which supports a variety of 1.1 Salient Features of the System
communication needs like basic telephony, ISDN, interface to It is a digital switching system with single „T‟ stage
mobile communication, data communication etc, it is a Digital
Switching System (DSS) with single ‘T’ stage switch. A maximum switch. A maximum of 2048 PCM‟ s can be connected. It
of 2048 PCM’s can be connected. It supports both analog and supports both analog and digital subscribers. The system
digital subscriber. Subscriber connected units (CSN) are so supports all the existing signaling systems, likes decadic, MF
designed that they can be equipped with either analog subscriber (R2), CAS. It provides telephony, ISDN, Data
or digital subscriber. Or both the cards for analog subscriber and Communication, cellular radio and other value added
digital are different, but can be equipped in any slot of the shelf. services. The system has automatic recovery feature. When a
These provide facility to connect speech path from a subscriber’s serious fault occurs in a control unit, it gives a message to
loop or circuits from an external PCM’s and transfers these
speech samples on to selected time slots called voice channels on a
SMM (O & M Unit). Subscriber‟ s access unit CSND can be
LR link (internal PCM). This provides access for Man Machine placed at place and connected to the main exchange through
dialogues for the human operators to interact and command the PCM links. Further, line concentrators can also be placed
working of exchange equipments. remote location and connected to the CSNL or CSND
through PCM‟ s.
Keywords: OCB (Organ de Commando with version B), DSS
(Digital Switching System), CSN (Subscriber Connection Unit), 1.2 Subscriber Facilities Provided by
PCM (Pulse Code Modulation). OCB 283 OCB 283 provides a large number of subscriber
facilities. Some facilities are available to only digital
I. INTRODUCTION subscribers and as such they cannot be availed by analog
The Alcatel OCB-283 is a network element manager that subscribers. To avail these facilities subscriber numbers are
operator real-time servers and Alcatel switches. given special categories by man machine commands. 1.3
It collects data from network elements and forward it to Salient features of OCB-283 A line can be made only out
applications, enables basic remote access to network going or incoming. Immediate hot line facility- the subscriber
elements, and manages data security and integrity. Each is connected to another predetermined subscriber on lifting
probe works in a different way to acquire event data from its the handset, without dialing any number. Delayed hot line
source, and therefore has specific features, default values, facility- when subscriber lifts the handset, dial tone is
and changeable properties. Use this summary information to provided he can dial any number. If he does not dial a
learn about this probe. Each probe uses a different method to number, within a predetermined time, he is connected to
acquire data which method the probe uses depends on the predetermined number. Abbreviated dialing- the subscriber
target system from which it receives data. The probe for can record a short code and its corresponding full number in
Alcatel OCB-283 is a single headed socket- based client. It the memory. Later to dial this number, he has to only dial
connects to a specified host and port. The probe performs a short code. Call-forwarding- when activated, incoming calls
configurable chat in sequence before reading alarms. If the to the subscriber gets transferred to the number mentioned by
device is inactive for a period longer than that specified by the sub while activating the facility. The facility is especially
the Connection Max Wait property, the probe sends a very useful for the people who are on the move. Conference
character to determine whether the devices is still running. If between 4 subscribers- the subscribers A and B while in
the device fails to respond within the time specified by the conversation can include two more subscribers by pressing
Timeout property, the probe exists. It can handle a maximum flash button and dialing their numbers. Call waiting
of 8lacs BHCA. It can handle traffic of 25,000 elands a indication- when a subscriber is engaged in conversation and
maximum of 2lacs subscribers or 60,000 circuits can be if gets an incoming call; an indication is given in the form of a
terminated. It can work in different platforms viz. as local tone. Hearing this, the subscriber has option, either to hold
the subscriber in conversation and attend the waiting call or
to disconnect this subscriber and attend to the waiting call. In
the former case, he can revert back to the earlier subscriber.
Revised Manuscript Received on 30 October 2012
*Correspondence Author(s)
Venkata Videhi*, Balusupati, Department of Electronics and Computer II. GENERAL ARCHITECTURE OF OCB-283
Engineering, KL University, Guntur, Krishna Dt, Andhra Pradesh, India. OCB-283 EXCHANGE IS ALSO CALLED ALCATEL
Velaga Pavani, Department of Electronics and Computer Engineering, K
L University, Guntur Dt, Andhra Pradesh, India. 1000 E-10. Exchange has got three basic subsystems: -1)
A.Rama Krishna, Department of Electronics and Computer Engineering, subscriber access subsystem 2) connection and Control
K L University, Guntur, Krishna Dt, Andhra Pradesh, India. subsystem 3) operation and maintenance subsystem.
© The Authors. Published by Blue Eyes Intelligence Engineering and
Sciences Publication (BEIESP). This is an open access article under the
CC-BY-NC-ND license
Published By:
Retrieval Number: E0333101612/12©BEIESP Blue Eyes Intelligence Engineering
Journal Website: and Sciences Publication (BEIESP)
66 © Copyright: All rights reserved.
Architecture of OCB-283
2.1 SUBSCRIBER ACCESS SUBSYSTEM can be carried out very easily by adding necessary hardware
This is treated as an independent entity. Every subscriber
connecting equipment rack is given a signaling point number
to operate in common channel signaling mode with rest of the
exchange sub systems. The subscriber connection units CSN,
SMT and SMA are connected to switching network through
PCM links. SMTA and SMTP which are connected through
internal links o LISM. Both of them are connected to PCM
interfaces as well as to MAS token rings. CSN are also
designed that they can be equipped with either analog or
digital subscriber or both. The cards for analog and digital
subscribers are different, but can be equipped in any slot of and software.
the shelf.
It is the block consisting of control functions, connection Any automatic switching system comprises in general of
switching equipments. Control functions comprise of following distinct subsystems. 1).Subscriber access sub
common control equipments which; process, monitor, system. 2) Connection and control sub system-which
control the call setup and release. Connection and switching comprises of 2.a) Switching network units 2.b) Circuit
block comprises of switching matrix equipment for connection units 2.c) common control function unit. 3)
performing digital time switching of speech path. Connection Operation and maintenance sub system. In OCB-283 we can
equipments for connecting PCM (digital) junctions from: classify various units into following types according to the
Other exchanges and RSUs. Auxiliary equipments for tones, nature of their functions: 2.a) CONNECTION UNITS-These
frequencies and other auxiliaries for signaling protocol provide facility to connect a subscribers loop are circuits
handling. The subscribers are now in surveillance of calling from an external PCM and transfer these speech samples on
and called sub to respective CNS and releases. Connection to the selected time slots called voice channels on a LR link
sub systems comprises of switching matrix station, trunk (internal PCM) towards switching matrix and vice versa.
multiplex station, auxiliary equipment station and all These units are:
associated LR links. Since all the control units like MR, MQ,
TX, TR, etc... And SMA are implemented on a common type
of hardware architecture known as station. It is worthwhile to
understand architecture and the concepts of station. There can
be one principal processor (PUP) and 4 secondary processors
(PUS) in a station. Similarly there can be one main coupler
and up to 4 secondary couplers. Specific couplers can be
equipped for specific purposes. CONTROL UNITS: These
units provide control of calls on stored programs. They
process the calls on reception of dialed digits from calling
subscriber or circuit and take part in handling of call setup
and release.
For operation and maintenance of exchange by operators or B) Switching network – These provides facility for
remote NMC. In an electronic stored program control digital connecting the LRs (internal PCMs) coming from connection
exchange like OCB-283, all operation and maintenance units and performs switching operation for calling subs TS
activities are performed by a unit called O&M unit or OMC onto called subscriber TS and vice versa for a two-way
(operation and maintenance center). This provides access for connection per call of telephony. 2. c) Control Units – These
man machine dialogues for the human operators to interact a units provide control of calls on the basis of stored programs.
command the working of exchange equipments. The They process the calls on reception of dialed digits from
exchange can be managed either locally or through NMC of release by processing, monitoring, measuring.
64kbps link.. The OCB-283 system is made up of only 35 Calling subscriber and handles the call setup and calls and
different types of cards. This exclude cards required for all other common control functions needed for working of an
CSM. The system has very modular structure. The expansion automatic Common control exchange. These control units
can comprise of following functions. 3) O&M Units and
maintenance peripherals: In an electronic stored program
control digital exchange like OCB-283, all operation and
maintenance activities are performed by a unit called O&M
unit or OMC (operation and maintenance centre). This
provides access for man machine dialogues for the human
operators or interacts and commands the working of
exchange equipments.
Published By:
Retrieval Number: E0333101612/12©BEIESP Blue Eyes Intelligence Engineering
Journal Website: and Sciences Publication (BEIESP)
67 © Copyright: All rights reserved.
International Journal of Innovative Technology and Exploring Engineering (IJITEE)
ISSN: 2278-3075 (Online), Volume-1 Issue-5, October 2012
Published By:
Retrieval Number: E0333101612/12©BEIESP Blue Eyes Intelligence Engineering
Journal Website: and Sciences Publication (BEIESP)
68 © Copyright: All rights reserved.
Architecture of OCB-283
1. The differential call processing based on the simple priority
scheduling algorithm in SIP6. Chinchow Kim, Byounguk chio,
Keecheon Kim, Sum young Han.
2. Call Processing language framework and requirement. J Lennox, H
3. Wireless D black by Uyless.
4. Cisco BTS 10200 softswitch command line interface.
Published By:
Retrieval Number: E0333101612/12©BEIESP Blue Eyes Intelligence Engineering
Journal Website: and Sciences Publication (BEIESP)
69 © Copyright: All rights reserved.