Procedure in Running A Tape Measurement

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Procedure in Running a Tape Measurement

A. Aligning the tape

Means measuring a distance between two points by a straight line.

Procedures on how to obtain a straight line measurement:

1. Mark both ends of a distance to be measured.

2. Hold range poles at marked ends. Sight the two range poles and mark by
chaining pins at the intermediate forming a straight line.
3. The head tape man takes the zero end and move forward following the stuck
chaining pins.
4. The rear tape man calls out stop by vocal or hand signal when the 30 meter
end of the tape comes up even.

B. Stretching the tape

A steady and firm pull, generally between 4 to 7 kg is applied on one end of the
tape during stretching.


1. Hold the tape between the fingers and the palm and stick a chaining pin on the
ground to mark the zero-meter at the end of the tape.
2. Then the rear tape man should hold the other end of the tape tightly and
precisely on the mark.


a. If the tape is stretched less than a standard pull, all recorded measurements
will turn out to be “too short”.
b. If the stretch is greater than the standard pull, measurements will turn out
to be “too long”.
c. To maintain a steady pull, leather thong is wrapped at the hand of the head
tape man and tape clamping handle will aid the rear tape man.

C. Plumbing

When the ground is covered by obstacles, weeds, low bush and

irregularities on the ground surface and laying a tape horizontally is
impossible; follow the following procedure:

1. Hold both ends of the tape above the ground, about the level of the chest, or
waist, with the forearm in line with the tape and both legs spread apart.
2. Both tape man hold the string of the plumb bob, which points of the plumb
bob pointed to the point mark for the distance; this is done when tape is
stretched and aligned.

D. Marking full tape length

Full tape length measurement can be done if distance to be measured is
greater than the tape used.


1. When on full tape length is measured, rear tape man holds its end to transfer
to the mark set by the head tape man, while the head tape man drags the tape
transferring to another full tape length.
2. On the line set using range poles and chaining pins or marks to obtain a straight
line, measure using procedure for stretching the tapes.
3. Perform (1) and (2) until the last mark for the distance to be measured is

E. Tallying Tape Measurements

Refer to the counted number of full tape length in measuring lines. Following
the same procedure stated at full tape length. Multiply the number of full tape
length by the length of tape being used.

F. Measuring Fractional Length

Refers to the last performed taping procedure that is lesser from one full tape
length. And the result is added to the tape measurements of full tape length.

Breaking the Tape

This is the process of the measuring or taping on sloping uneven terrain

surfaces, when full tape length or fractional cannot be done directly on the ground
*Perform direction always downslope.


1. From the given distance, determine the straightness of the line where
measurement is to be run.
2. The head tape man carries the 0 meter mark of the tape in such a way that
length of the tape is in his convenient position, either on waist or on his
3. The rear tape man holds the tape on the mark point on the ground, while
the head tape man plumbs the end of the tape and mark the projection on
the ground. Measurement is done while the recorder sights the horizontal
levelness of the tape. First distance is recorded.
4. The head tape man drags the tape to the next prospect point, while the rear
tape man transfers to the mark established by the head tape man. Repeat
procedures 2 andT3o.tal Distance (£r) = D1 + D2 + D3
5. Repeat procedures 2, 3 and 4 until the last mark below is reached. Add the
measured length; the result is the horizontal distance by breaking the tape.

Slope Taping
When the ground is of uniform inclination and fairly smooth, direct
measurement can be performed, following the same procedures as taping on level

If θ is given:
d = Scosθ*

If h is unknown
h=√𝑆2 − 𝑑2

d = horizontal distance
h = difference in elevation between initial and terminal points
S = is the measured slope distance
θ = angle formed between slope and horizontal distance

A measurement is made along a line that is inclined by a vertical angle of 15˚25’

as measured using a hand level and clinometer. The slope measurement is 756.52 m.
what is the corresponding horizontal distance?
Lesson 1
A. Learning Outcomes
B. Time Allotment

Errors, Mistakes and Correction in Linear Measurement by Tapes

Errors in Measurement of Horizontal Distances

1. Tape not in standard length

2. Imperfect alignment
3. Tape not horizontal
4. Tape not stretched straight
5. Imperfection of observations
6. Errors due to variations in temperature
7. Errors due to sag

Mistakes in Measurement of Distances

1. Adding or dropping a full tape length

2. Adding a meter, usually in measuring the fractional part of the tape at the end
of the line.
3. Reading numbers incorrectly
4. Recording numbers incorrectly
5. Reading wrong meter mark

Corrections Applied for Measurement of Distances

Corrections may be computed using formulas which will be illustrated below

and for:

Tape too long:

1. Add corrections when measuring distances.

2. Subtract when laying out distances.
Tape too short:

1. Subtract corrections when measuring distances.

2. Add corrections when laying out distances.

Corrections for error due to slope

𝑪𝒉 = 𝑺 – 𝒅;
𝒅 = 𝑺 – 𝑪𝒉

S = measured slope distance from A to B
h = difference in elevations between A and B
d = equivalent horizontal distance AC.
Ch = the slope correction or difference between the slope length and the
horizontal distance.

For very steep slope (greater than 30degrees)

Taking angle θ:

cos θ = 𝑑; d = S (cosθ)

Ch = S - d
= S - S (cosθ)
Ch = S (1 - cosθ)

For gentle slope (less than 30degrees )

For steep slopes (between 20degrees to 30degrees)

By binomial expansion:

𝒉𝟐 𝒉𝟒
𝑪𝒉 = +
𝟐𝑺 𝟖𝑺𝟑

Slope distance AB and BC measures 330.49 m and 660.97, respectively. The

differences in elevation are 12.22 for points A and B. and 10.85 m for points B and C
using the approximate slope correction formula for gentle slopes determine the
horizontal length of line ABC. Assume that line AB has a rising slope and BC has a
falling slope.

Correction Due to Temperature (to be added or to be subtracted)

1. The tape lengthens as the temperature rises.

2. The tape shortens as the temperature falls.
CT = k(T2 - T1)L
k = is the coefficient of linear expansion or the amount of change in length per
=0.00000645 ft per degree F (English)
= 0.0000116 m per degree C (Metric)

T1= temperature at which the tape was standardized

T2= observed temperature of the tape during measurement

Corrected length:
L' = L ± CT

A steel tape with a coefficient of linear expansion of 0.0000116/˚C is known to
be 50 m long at 20˚C. The tape was used to measure a line which was found to be
532.28 meters long when the temperature was 35˚ C. Determine the following:
1. Temperature correction per tape length
2. Temperature correction for the measured line.
3. Correct length of the line.

Correction Due to Pull

During calibration, a tape is subjected to a standard pull or tension on its ends.
Tape elongates or shortens depending on the amount of pull applied on it during the
1. If tape elongates, it becomes too long.
2. When tape is stretched less than its standard length due to insufficient pull
applied making it too short.

E = Modulus of Elasticity
γ = elongation or correction

Pi= standard pull of the tape which the tape is calibrated (kg)
P2 = actual pull during movement (kg)
L = measured length of the line (m)
A= cross-sectional area of the tape (sq. cm.)
E = modulus of elasticity (kg/cm3)
Cp = correction due to incorrect pull (m)
L' = corrected length of the measured line (m)

Correction Due to Sag (to be subtracted only)

1. Tape will sag even if the standard pull is maintained because of its own

2. Sag shortens the horizontal distance between the graduations since the tape
length remains the same.

3. The magnitude of the error due to sag depends on the weight of the tape, the
unsupported length and the tension applied.

Illustrations of Sag Effects during Taping Operations

1. Tape Supported at both points.

2. Tape supported at both ends and the midpoint.

3. Tape supported at both ends and two intermediate points.

WPU-QSF-ACAD-82A Rev. oo (09.15.20)

4. Tape supported at ends and every quarter points.

A 30-m tape is supported only at its ends and under a steady pull of 8 kg. If
the tape weighs 0.91 kg determine the sag correction and the correct distance
between the ends of the tape.

Gi v11n:
L 30 m. ( nominal length of tape)
P 8 kg ( pull applied on ends of tape)
W =- 0. 91 kQ ( total weight of tape)

WPU-QSF-ACAD-82A Rev. oo (09.15.20)

WPU-QSF-ACAD-82A Rev. oo (09.15.20)

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