PT - 1 UNIT - IV Cutting Fluids
PT - 1 UNIT - IV Cutting Fluids
PT - 1 UNIT - IV Cutting Fluids
The main disadvantage of cutting fluid is that the fluid system becomes costlier due to
incorporation of filtering, pumping and collection system.
Coolant: A cutting fluid used to cool the tool and work piece is called coolant. Water based
fluids are most effective for cooling the tool and work piece due to higher specific heat and
thermal conductivity.
Lubricant: A cutting fluid used for the purpose of diminishing friction between the
contacting surfaces in the cutting zone is called lubricant. Oil based fluids are the better
lubricants because they are stable at high temperature.
These are employed as finely divided particles and are kept in a suspension state in liquid,
by means of a dispersing agent. The most convenient means of applying these lubricants to
the cutting tools are in the form of sticks waxes and bar soaps, but their applications are
limited to tapping and sawing operations. Example: Graphite.
Properties of Lubricants:
Viscosity is defined as the property of a fluid, which offers resistance to the flow of
one layer of fluid over the other. It is the measure of degree of fluidity of a liquid.
Oiliness is defined as the tendency of lubrication, due to which oil can stick on to the
surface of the machine parts. The machine with oiliness can operate under heavy load
and pressure.
Flash point is defined as the lowest temperature point, at which the lubricant
produces sufficient vapours and ignites for a moment, when subjected to a standard
Fire Point is defined as the lowest temperature point, at which the lubricant burns
continuously for at least 5 seconds, when subject to a standard flame.
Corrosion Stability: Good lubricating oil should not corrode metals. As the
lubricating oil is frequently employed and is in contact with the copper and brass
system, its properties should be checked thoroughly by copper corrosion test and steel
corrosion test.
Fluids and coolants required in turning, drilling, shaping, sawing & broaching.
Machining Cast Hard
Soft Steel Brass Bronze Aluminium Copper
operations Iron Steel
Cooling Mineral Mixture
compound, Mineral oil + Mineral of lard oil
Turning Dry Kerosene
cutting oil, lard oil 10% lard oil and
soap water fatty oil. turpentine
Kerosene, Cooling
Dry or
Any strong Dry or compound
Drilling Dry Dry any
Coolant soda Kerosene lard oil
water and
Shaping Dry water, Dry Dry Kerosene Dry
lard oil
soda water
Sawing Soluble oils
Broaching Minerals oils or soluble oils
The selection of a particular type of cutting fluid depends on the following factors.
1. Manual Method
2. Drip tank method
3. Pump method
a. Flood or high jet method
b. Mist method
Manual Method:
In this method, the cutting fluid is applied on cutting tool by hand, with the help of
In this method, a drip tank is connected to the machine body. The fluid is applied to
the cutting tool from the tank.
Pump Method:
In this method cutting fluid is applied on the tool, with the help of pump.
A flood or high jet method is a continuous process of supplying cutting fluid to the
cutting tool. In this method, a nozzle is used , which directs the fluid on the cutting zone.
After cooling the work piece and tool, the fluid is collected in a lower tank and is recirculate
with the help of a pump. The chips and dirt during recirculation are prevented by using filters.
A high jet method increases the life of tool but due to high pressure, it is hazardous for the
operator. In addition, this method is more expensive as it requires costly apparatus for
supplying the cutting fluid.
Mist Method
This method works on the principle of venture meter. It consists of a tank, siphon
nozzle and on-off valve. In this method air and finely atomized liquid droplets are mixed
together (mist) and is used as a cutting fluid. The fluid is directed to the cutting zone at very
high velocities. The size of liquid droplets varies from 10micrometer to 25 micrometre. The
air from the tank flows to the nozzle through a siphon tube, which draws the fluid into the
nozzle. Hence the cutting fluid is supplied to the tool with high velocity through nozzle.
Classification of lubricant (solid, liquid, gaseous)
Classification Description Sub classification Examples
Solid lubricants are the
i. Structural
materials, in the form of
ii. Mechanical
solid phase, used to reduce i. Graphite
Solid iii. Chemically active
1 friction, where the ii. Molybdenum
lubricants iv. Refractories, ceramics &
maintenance of oil film is disulphide.
unusual due to high
pressure and temperatures
2 Liquid Liquid lubricant is a i. Vegetable oils i. Palm oil
lubricants continuous fluid film ii. Animal oils ii. Castor oil
supplied between the iii. Mineral oils
rubbing surfaces, to reduce iv. Blended oils
friction between them v. Synthetic oils
3 Semi-solid Semi-solid lubricants i. Grease
lubricants possess high viscosity than ii. Vaseline
the liquid lubricants and
are used when liquid
lubricant (like oil) cannot
remain in place.
The selection of a particular type of cutting fluid depends on the following factors.
i. Type of machining operation like turning, drilling/grinding, sawing,
broaching, shaping, planning, milling.
ii. Metal removal rate
iii. Type of work piece material
iv. Type of tool material
v. Surface finish required
vi. Cost of cutting fluid
vii. Viscosity of cutting fluid.
3. State the purpose of lubrication/ cutting fluids
a. To reduce the friction between cutting tool and the material being cut
b. To minimize the heat generated during operation
c. To prevent rise in temperature
d. To reduce wear
e. To reduce the friction between cutting tool and the material being cut
f. To minimize the heat generated during operation
g. To prevent rise in temperature
h. To reduce wear
4. State the functions of cutting fluids
It is used to cool the cutting tool and work piece.
It is used to lubricate the tool, chip and work piece.
It is employed to prevent the formation of built-up edge on work piece.
The use of cutting fluids helps in lubricating the relatively moving parts.
It increases the surface finish of work piece.
It protects the work material from corrosion.
It helps to carry away the chips.
5. State the difference between a coolant and a lubricant
Sl No Coolant Lubricant
1 Coolant is to take away generated Lubricant is to reduce coefficient of
cutting heat from the cutting zone, and friction between surface of cutting tool
thereby keep the cutting zone and work piece and thereby minimize
temperature low. rate of heat generation
2 Coolant acts on the generated heat. It Lubricant can reduce the rate of heat
cannot reduce rate of heat generation generation. It has no influence on
removing heat that is already generated.
3 Coating on cutting tool has no role as Coating layer on cutting tool sometimes
coolant acts as lubricant
4 To act as good coolant the cutting To act as good lubricant the cutting fluid
fluid should possess high specific heat should possess high lubricity.
Cutting fluids act as lubricants between the cutting tool and the work piece. This
reduces friction and wear on the tool, leading to longer tool life. Reduced friction also
means less heat is generated during the cutting process.