j o u r n a l h o m e p a g e : w w w. e l s ev i e r. c o m / l o c a t e / h yd r o m e t
a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t
Article history: A new technique of decomposing beryl ore at low temperature with ammonium hydrofluoride (NH4HF2) is
Received 22 November 2010 proposed. Removing the fluorides of silicon and aluminium from the reaction product as volatile and insoluble
Received in revised form 2 May 2011 compounds, respectively, have been investigated experimentally and the feasibility of the process has been
Accepted 3 May 2011
established to extract beryllium fluoride (BeF2) as a soluble compound. The sequence of reaction of beryl ore
Available online 10 May 2011
with the strong fluorinating agent NH4HF2 has been studied by TG/DSC, intermediates and final products were
identified by XRD. The product yield was found to be up to 93%. A process flow sheet to produce beryllia (BeO)
Beryl ore and BeF2 for subsequent magnesiothermic reduction to produce beryllium metal is proposed based on the
Fluorinating agents experiments conducted at bench scale. Methods of recycling NH4HF2 have been suggested, thereby making
Ammonium hydrofluoride the proposed route superior to the conventional methods in terms of recovery, low temperature of operation,
Beryllium oxide fluoride recycling, and significant reduction in effluent as well as improved safety in handling of beryllium.
© 2011 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
0304-386X/$ – see front matter © 2011 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
D.D. Thorat et al. / Hydrometallurgy 109 (2011) 18–22 19
4.2.2. Temperature optimization for complete removal of silica from the ore
The samples were collected from the reaction mixture of beryl and
NH4HF2 at 100 °C, 200 °C, 300 °C, 400 °C and 800 °C. Concentrations of
Be, Al and Si were determined by the ICP-AES technique, and the data
obtained were plotted as a function of temperature (Fig. 3). It can be
seen that concentration of silica decreases significantly with increase
in temperature. This is due to thermal decomposition of (NH4)2SiF6
giving off gaseous SiF4, which is confirmed by TG/DSC (Fig. 1) and XRD
analysis (Table 1). Fig. 3 shows that product becomes completely free
from silica at temperature around 400 °C while the concentrations of
Be and Al are almost unaffected up to this temperature.
Table 2
Recovery of beryllium for various batch sizes from beryl ore processed by NH4HF2.
Fig. 6. Novel route for extracting beryllium from Indian beryl using ammonium hydrofluoride.
22 D.D. Thorat et al. / Hydrometallurgy 109 (2011) 18–22
Table 3
Comparison between existing fluoride process and the proposed process for extraction of beryllium.
Process steps involved Involves 6-steps: mixing, briquetting, sintering, crushing, ball milling Only 3-steps: mixing, heating and water leaching are involved.
and three-stage leaching.
Process 750 °C (sintering) 200–400 °C
Process time All steps are time consuming: mixing (6 hours), briquetting (5 hours), Overall process time is significantly reduced due to the
sintering (8 hours), crushing (5 hours), ball milling (2 hours) and complete elimination of briquetting, crushing and ball
leaching (6 hours) for 60 kg batch size milling operations.
Total process time is 7 hours.
Energy All steps are energy intensive. Elimination of three energy intensive steps viz. briquetting,
consumption crushing and ball milling makes the process economical.
Fluoride Fluoride is only partially recovered in the form of iron cryolite (Na3FeF6) by NH4HF2 can be fully recovered and recycled. SiO2 is produced as
recovery treating NaF (liquid effluent) with ferric chloride. commercial by-product.
Waste generation Generates 1.5 kg of solid waste for processing of 1 kg of beryl ore Generates only 0.37 kg of solid waste for processing of 1 kg
beryl ore
Beryllium Generates airborne beryllium contamination which is a potential hazard of Beryllium airborne contamination and personnel exposure can be
toxicity inhalation by personnel during exposure during mixing and crushing operations. effectively controlled due to close and wet operations.
Plant features Process requires large floor space, big size process equipments which are Feasible to instal a compact, integrated and fully automated plant.
unsuitable for scaling up and automation.
Yield 70% up to beryllium hydroxide 88% up to beryllium hydroxide
6. Novel extraction technique for beryllium from Indian beryl using Additionally, another important economical advantage is the possi-
ammonium hydrofluoride bility of regenerating major part of hydrofluoride from SiF4. Based on
the aforementioned distinctive features, this new route appears to be
After the feasibility of decomposition of beryl ore by reaction with promising for extraction of beryllium with minimal toxicity, solid and
NH4HF2 was established, a flow sheet of the process for producing water liquid waste generation.
soluble beryllium fluoride from Indian beryl is presented (Fig. 6).This
process involves only three stages of operations: mixing, heat treatment Acknowledgements
(150 °C–400 °C) and room temperature (RT) water leaching for
converting beryllium value of the beryl ore into water soluble beryllium The authors are grateful to Dr. A. K. Suri , Director, Materials Group,
fluoride with recovery of more than 90%. By contrast, conventional Bhabha Atomic Research Centre for giving motivation and encour-
beryllium extraction processes involve cumbersome multiple opera- agement during the work. The authors are also thankful to S.
tions with relatively lower recovery. After producing beryllium fluoride Narsimhan and S. J. Ghanwat, Powder Metallurgy Division, Bhabha
as a water soluble compound, the subsequent methods of preparation of Atomic Research Centre for providing technical support.
either BeO by calcination of Be(OH)2 or Be metal by magnesiothermic
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