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Narratology is a humanities discipline dedicated to the study of the logic, principles, and
practices of narrative representation.
Dominated by structuralist approaches at its beginning, narratology has developed into a
variety of theories, concepts, and analytic procedures. Its concepts and models are widely
used as heuristic tools, and narratological theorems play a central role in the exploration and
modelling of our ability to produce and process narratives in a multitude of forms, media,
contexts, and communicative practices.

Look from without

Narratology is a humanities discipline dedicated to the study of the logic, principles, and
practices of narrative representation.
Dominated by structuralist approaches at its beginning, narratology has developed into a
variety of theories, concepts, and analytic procedures. Its concepts and models are widely
used as heuristic tools, and narratological theorems play a central role in the exploration and
modelling of our ability to produce and process narratives in a multitude of forms, media,
contexts, and communicative practices.

Elements of Narrative
Point of view

There is a close relationship between meaning and narration technique in novels. The method
used to investigate this relationship is the narratological reading method. Genette describes
this style of reading as practical reading in Narrative Discourse Revisited. Accordingly, being
aware of the concrete structures that make up a narrative will enrich the reading, and the
reader will become more conscious of the nature of narrative texts, narrative discourses, or
narrative fictions, and will have information about the design that creates the meaning.
Good writers almost always deal with moral issues but are often not moralists. When viewed
carefully, it aims to show that the truth is not something that can be easily seized, by
subverting conventional moralistic judgments, as well as revealing the concern of a good text
Characters are mostly reflected in the process of formation. This process manifests itself with
the increasing level of consciousness of them (and the reader).
It is also a "technical" achievement of strong writers to reflect the change in characters
strikingly from different angles and perspectives and to draw the reader into a double-layered
reading adventure by making this change a part of it.

What is Farabi's attitude towards poets?

Different philosophical elements to understand Farabi's world of thought. It is necessary to
examine how it was transferred to the peripatetic tradition. As it is known, there cannot be a
tradition in the history of thought that is not eclectic in nature because an event or repetition
of the phenomenon is not possible. Something unchanging in a Heraclitic context but also,
behind every change there is an unchanging element. Parmenides also sheds light on another
aspect of truth. In that case, the determination of changing and unchanging issues and
producing it with a new language in the context of your own antecedents will prevent you
from creating a unique and specific conception of knowledge, science, and civilization. The
Aristotelian and Neoplatonic influence is clearly visible in Fârâbî's al-Cem beyne Ra'yeyi'l
Hakîmeyn. With this work, the philosopher attempted to reconcile the ideas of Plato and
Aristotle. This effort, in our opinion, is a necessity of defining philosophy as sharing
concerns. The purpose is the formation of philosophy, which is significantly affected on one
side; On the other hand, there is the concept of creation, it is trying to make an explanation by
ensuring their harmony. This issue is very important in terms of Islamic philosophy. Because
with Aristotle's conception of the First Cause and the Architect God and his philosophical
approaches, the creator God in Islam How to establish the relationship between the universe
and the universe was an important problem. This is in the context of the cosmological
knowledge of the period, with the doctrine of emanation, with the reconciliation of the views
of these two philosophers were available.
Of course, by the way, because of Greek culture instead of Athens, Neoplatonism doctrine
and medieval Christian scholars tried to overcome the same problem. It also had an important
effect on the Islamic world through Alexandria.9 Partially Aristotelian, which, in part,
constitutes a Neoplatonic approach. Seeing Fârâbî's coherent and rational explanations, he
turned to his work called “İlimlerin Sayımı”. It is also revealed why it started with the science
of language and logic. Indeed, the eclectic according to the principle of being, Yuhanna b.
The logic he got from a Christian scholar named Haylan further developed its formation.

Story in Narratology
Stories can be told within a story, and these combinations have a quality that directly or
indirectly affects the meaning. Sub-narratives produced within the same main narrative can
contradict, support, manipulate, threaten the main frame. The reader may be confused by the
question of whether the narrator is trustworthy.
Literary Theory has long focused on the issue of (fictionality), trying to understand its
ontological and semantic dimensions, contemplating its narratological function, and the
discussion is mainly carried out around the question of what literature tries to represent.

When we say "time" in terms of narratology, we will examine the difference between the
story time, which is thought to be the event and the characters, that is, the chronological time
units of the story in which the narrative narrates the events, and the spatial time suggested by
the story discourse.
What we mean by playing with the nature of story time is this: "event" and "character", which
are the basic elements of narrative space, need time to reach the plane of existence. However,
while events and individuals are recorded with a linear temporality and chronology in real
life, temporality in the narrative universe is a spatial or spatial temporality limited to
discourse/narration. In other words, events and characters in a narrative can only exist within
the narration and can only be externalized through the narration. In other words, events and
characters in a narrative can only exist within the narration and can only be externalized
through the narration.
The point of view in the story belongs to the narrator, the character, or an object in the
narrative space.
In contemporary narratology, "focus" has emerged as a fundamental concept surrounding

Study of literary text is exclusively interesting from the viewpoint of the analysis of its
language and author’s individual style, as well as literary and psychological trends. Such
aspects as its categories, generation of meaning, tropes and vocabulary, perception and
interpretation are also being the center of scholars’ close attention.
A literary text is a polysemic and multi-layered system. Each of its elements interacts with
others thus unfolding the author’s intentions. Thus, it is the analysis of such interaction
between various layers of text that is of special interest. Focalization is one of the most
interesting and meaningful categories of literary text.

Saatin ayarı insandır.
While talking about re-meaning the value of time, it is impossible not to mention Ahmed
Hamdi Tanpınar, who wonderfully describes Turkey's historical and cultural transformation
through his novel " Saatleri Ayarlama Enstitüsü".
“Saatin kendisi mekân, yürüyüşü zaman, ayarı insandır… Bu da
gösterir ki, zaman ve mekân, insanla mevcuttur!”
Ahmet Hamdi Tanpınar, who uses a symbolist language in his poems, preferred a realistic
style that deals with social problems in his novels.

“Saatleri Ayarlama Enstitüsü” is a bedside novel that examines the Turkish people's
confusion between east and west.
“Saatleri Ayarlama Enstitüsü” takes its content and subject from the novel’s characters Nuri
Efendi (Saat Ustası) Mubarak (An old English-made wall clock with feet), Halit Ayarcı and
clock-time-human relations.
The narration combines with Ahmet Hamdi Tanpınar's unique symbolist expression and
changes from time to time with the events that develop. It is underlined that the importance
people give to popularity and money, and how people can change their faces in an instant.

What did I learn

We transform knowledge into our experience, what perception is that we can feel the senses
and thoughts. You can learn skills under pressure, but you cannot learn.

Shyness is not anxiety.

Shyness is physical tension; anxiety is psychological tension.

Creative Drama
It is not meant to be forced teaching, it is to reduce and soften shyness.
We can never make sure that we perceive the same colour.
My red and your red cannot be the same.

“Syuzhet” is used in the sense of plot, that is, it is the sequence of events in the order and
form presented by the author in the text. “Fabula” can also be translated as "story". In this
context, “story” does not refer to a type of narrative, but to the sequence of events organized
by the author in the order they should follow in real life.
Historical author and implied author can be different.

My feelings about the lesson

I enjoyed the class, as an introverted person sometimes it was too much, but I still enjoyed it.
How you teach, is quite impressive. While talking about stuff that do not make sense, you
made connections which surprised us at the end. Talking about Serdar Ortaç and then
connecting that into “Narratology” made the lesson more fun and understandable. The same
thing happens with “Messi” example. He is also a Narratologist. You also said Elon Musk’s
best feature is him being a poet, you are absolutely right without a poet’s imagination no one
can be that successful. Imagination is the key part of our lives. I have never witnessed this
type of teaching, it was interesting, fun, and unique. I attended every lesson because of it. I
did not participate but that does not mean I did not like it. I do not participate the lessons it is
just about me being introverted. Listening Serdar Ortaç, Norm Ender, and many more made
the lessons special for most people including me.

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