Digital Communication and Information Theory

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Digital Communication and Information Theory

Unit I: Information Theory

(10 Lectures)

Measure of information, Information content of Messages, Markoff Model for Information sources, Entropy and Information rate of Markoff sources, Source encoding, Shannon encoding Algorithm, Discrete communication Channels, Rate of Information transfer over Discrete Communication Channel, Capacity of a discrete memory-less channel, Shannon' s Theory of Channel Capacity, Numerical Problems (Encoding Algorithms, Rate of Information Transfer and Channel Capacity)

Unit II: Digital Communication

(10 Lectures)

Sampling Theorem (statement and proof), Elements of Pulse Code Modulation (PCM), Differential PCM and Delta modulation, Digital modulation techniques (ASK, PSK and DPSK ) Data transmission over voice-frequency channels, Noise and signal distortion over telephone circuits, Multi- path propagation over HF channels and Inter-symbol Interference (ISI), Equalization techniques, Linear equalizers, Maximum likelihood detectors, Introduction to NMLDs, Cellular mobile radio communication.

Unit III: Data Communication and Error Control Coding

(10 Lectures)

Data Communication codes, Protocols (Character oriented and Bit oriented), Data communication Modems (Synchronous and Asynchronous), Data Transmission Modes (Simplex, Half Duplex and Full Duplex), Introduction to Data Communication Networks, PSTN, VAN, ISDN and PSDN, Introduction to Internet. Basic definitions, Error detection techniques, Redundancy, Exact count coding, Parity coding, Vertical and Horizontal redundancy checking, Error correction techniques, Symbol substitution, Retransmission, Linear Block Codes for error detection and correction.

Unit IV: Secure Message Communication

(10 Lectures)

Message Jamming and eavesdropping, Active and Passive attacks, Cryptography, Transposition, Substitution and Product ciphers, Public Key Crypto Systems, Introduction to DES algorithm, Pseudo- Noise (PN) sequences (Properties and Circuit Implementation), Spread- Spectrum Modulation (theory and applications), Spread- Spectrum techniques, Direct-Sequence Spread Spectrum (DSSS), Frequency Hopping Spread-Spectrum and Time Hopping Spread-Spectrum.

Semester IV Informatics (Data Communication) (Special Paper I)

Course No: PHY- 407 Max. Marks: 100 Duration of Examination: 2.30 hrs. (a) External Examination: 80 (b) Internal Assessment: 20 (Syllabus for examination to be held in 2007, 2008 & 2009) Section I Data transmission fundamentals, signals for conveying information (Analog & Digital), limitations and advantages, Analog and Digital communication systems, Binary coding techniques, Concepts of decibels, Analog to signal characteristics, A to D conversion, Bit, Bytes, Parity checking, Concepts of time overate timing, timing considerations, Error detection (BER).

Section II Data propagation techniques, Antennas, Propagation modes, Wired and wireless communication, Antenna types/Gain Radiation patterns, Propagation models, LOS propagation Multiplexing/De multiplexing attenuation, Noise. Section III Signal Encoding/Decoding, Digital Modulation, Demodulation techniques, types of modulation (AM,FM), Sampling theorem, Advanced modulation techniques (ASK,FSK,PSK, TDM,PAM,PDM), Demodulation techniques, BBS receiver, Probability error, Optimum filter & matched filter. Section IV Satellite communication, Fundamentals of satellite communication, Satellite orbit, Terms for Orbiting satellites, Satellites Structure, Satellite Launch, Satellite link attributes/analysis, Noise temp link design (Analog/Digital), Signal to noise ratio. Tutorials would consist of the problems given in the Textbook /reference books mentioned below. Text & Referannce Books: Introduction to communication systems by S.Haykins Data Communication by W.Stalling Data Communication by Reid and Bartskor Analog and Digital Communication by S.Haykins Wireless communication & networks by W.Stallings Satellite communication by Dennis Roddy Satellite communication systems Engineering by Willium L.Pritchard Henri, G.Suyderhond, Robert, A.Nelson.

Sampling Theorem (statement and proof), Elements of Pulse Code Modulation (PCM), Differential PCM and Delta modulation, Digital modulation techniques (ASK, PSK and DPSK ) Data transmission over voice-frequency channels, Noise and signal distortion over telephone circuits, Multi- path propagation over HF channels and Inter-symbol Interference (ISI), Equalization techniques, Linear equalizers, Maximum likelihood detectors, Introduction to NMLDs, Cellular mobile radio communication.

Unit III: Data Communication and Error Control Coding

(10 Lectures)

Data Communication codes, Protocols (Character oriented and Bit oriented), Data communication Modems (Synchronous and Asynchronous), Data Transmission Modes (Simplex, Half Duplex and Full Duplex), Introduction to Data Communication Networks, PSTN, VAN, ISDN and PSDN, Introduction to Internet. Basic definitions, Error detection techniques, Redundancy, Exact count coding, Parity coding, Vertical and Horizontal redundancy checking, Error correction techniques, Symbol substitution, Retransmission, Linear Block Codes for error detection and correction.

Unit IV: Secure Message Communication

(10 Lectures)

Message Jamming and eavesdropping, Active and Passive attacks, Cryptography, Transposition, Substitution and Product ciphers, Public Key Crypto Systems, Introduction to DES algorithm, Pseudo- Noise (PN) sequences (Properties and Circuit Implementation), Spread- Spectrum Modulation (theory and applications), Spread- Spectrum techniques, Direct-Sequence Spread Spectrum (DSSS), Frequency Hopping Spread-Spectrum and Time Hopping Spread-Spectrum.

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