2023 ACFI3006 Group Contract
2023 ACFI3006 Group Contract
2023 ACFI3006 Group Contract
Group Name/No:
How often, where and for how long will the group meet face-to-face?
Frequency: Weekly
Location: Class
Duration: 15-30min
Record keeping:
When is it OK/not OK to miss a group meeting?(one example for each)
What actions will the group take if a member does not have an acceptable reason
and misses one or meetings? More than two meetings?
What actions will the group take if a member leaves the course?
Indicator Two:
What will the group do if a member is not doing their share of the work or not
completing work?
What actions will the group take if there is conflict within the group?
Action Two:
What actions will the group take if one member is unreasonably dominating?
Action Two:
What tasks and roles are required to complete Who is What are the
the assignment? responsible for deadline for
each of these each task ?
tasks and roles?
Current Position
Recommended Investments
Whole group
Whole group
What actions will the group take if it is not achieving its goals or milestones?
Action One:
Action Two:
What grade does the group, or individuals, aim to achieve for the assignment?
Group Aim:
If there are differences between individuals in terms of which grade they wish to
achieve, how will this be accommodated within the work allocation?
Write three characteristics that group members believe and agree are important for
effective and harmonious group work.