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Washington - Royal Hospital - Sunderland - Vicarage Farm Estate

2 Effective from: 26/12/2023

Go North East
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7 20 25 29 34 37 43 47 52 55 journey times

Boxing Day

Washington Galleries Bus Station 0804 0859 59 1659 1759 1839 1919
Harraton 0811 0906 06 1706 1806 1846 1926
Pennywell Industrial Estate 0825 0920 20 1720 1819 1859 1939
Sunderland Crematorium 0829 0925 Then 25 1725 1823 1903 1943
Sunderland Royal Hospital 0831 0928 at 28 1728 1826 1906 1946
Sunderland Stockton Road 0837 0934 34 1734 1831 1911 1951
mins. until
Sunderland Winter Gardens arr 0839 0936 36 1736 1833 1913 1953
Sunderland Winter Gardens dep 0840 0938 38 1738 1834 1914 1954
Grangetown 0844 0943 hour 43 1743 1838 1918 1958
Hollycarrside 0849 0948 48 1748 1842 1922 2002
Tunstall Village Green 0853 0953 53 1753 1846 1926 2006
Vicarage Farm Estate 0856 0956 56 1756 1849 1929 2009
Via: Galleries, Malvern Road, Sedling Road, Sycamore Avenue, Vigo Lane, Bone Mill Lane, Bonemill Lane, Bone Mill Lane, Bonemill Lane, Station Road, Chester Road,
Grindon Mill, The Broadway, Chester Road, Stockton Road, Burdon Road, Durham Road, Toward Road, Villette Road, Ryhope Road, Toll Bar Road, Leechmere Way, Black Road,
Ryhope Street, Tunstall Bank, Tunstall Village Grn, Tunstall Village Road, Silksworth Terrace, Silksworth Road, Church View
Vicarage Farm Estate - Sunderland - Royal Hospital - Washington
2 Effective from: 26/12/2023
Go North East

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5 11 15 21 23 29 34 37 42 56 63 journey times

Boxing Day

Vicarage Farm Estate .... 0809 0900 0930 30 1730 1805 1835
Tunstall Village Green .... 0814 0905 0935 35 1735 1810 1840
Hollycarrside .... 0820 0911 0941 41 1741 1816 1846
Grangetown .... 0824 0915 0945 Then 45 1745 1819 1849
Sunderland Winter Gardens .... 0831 0922 0952 at 52 1752 1825 1855
Sunderland Holmeside .... 0833 0924 0954 these 54 1754 1827 1857
Sunderland Interchange arr .... 0836 0927 0956 mins. 56 until 1756 1829 1858
Sunderland Interchange dep 0738 0838 0929 1000 past 00 1800 1829 ....
Sunderland Royal Hospital 0742 0842 0933 1004 the 04 1804 1833 ....
Sunderland Crematorium 0746 0846 0937 1008 hour 08 1808 1836 ....
Pennywell Industrial Estate 0751 0851 0942 1013 13 1813 1840 ....
Harraton 0805 0905 0956 1027 27 1827 1853 ....
Washington Galleries Bus Station 0812 0912 1003 1034 34 1834 1900 ....
Via: Church View, Silksworth Road, Vicarage Road, Cumberland Road, Blind Lane, Silksworth Terrace, Tunstall Village Road, Tunstall Village Grn, Tunstall Bank, Ryhope Street,
Black Road, Rye View, Leechmere Way, Toll Bar Road, Ryhope Road, Villette Road, Toward Road, Borough Road, Holmeside, Park Lane, Green Terrace, Chester Road, The Royalty,
Western Hill, Chester Road, The Broadway, Chester Road, Station Road, Bonemill Lane, Bone Mill Lane, Vigo Lane, Sycamore Avenue, Sedling Road, Malvern Road, Galleries

This information is provided by Nexus on behalf of Local Authorities, and is updated as and when changes occur. Nexus can accept no liability for any errors or omissions herein
Washington - Sunderland - Vicarage Farm Estate
2A Effective from: 26/12/2023

Go North East

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W Bid Fa B Pe Pe S S S S Gr H Tu Vic
3 6 11 12 19 24 27 30 33 37 42 47 52 55 journey times

Boxing Day

Washington Galleries Bus Station 0831 31 1531 1631 1731

Biddick 0834 34 1534 1634 1734
Fatfield 0837 37 1537 1637 1737
Barnwell Shops 0842 42 1542 1642 1742
Penshaw 0843 43 1543 1643 1743
Pennywell Industrial Estate 0850 Then 50 1550 1650 1750
Sunderland Crematorium 0855 at 55 1555 1655 1755
Sunderland Royal Hospital 0858 58 1558 1658 1758
mins. until
University of Sunderland 0901 01 1601 1701 1801
Sunderland Stockton Road 0904 04 1604 1704 1804
Sunderland Winter Gardens arr 0906 hour 06 1606 1706 1806
Sunderland Winter Gardens dep 0908 08 1608 1708 1808
Grangetown 0913 13 1613 1713 1813
Hollycarrside Road 0918 18 1618 1718 1818
Tunstall Village Green 0923 23 1623 1723 1823
Vicarage Farm Estate 0926 26 1626 1726 1826
Via: Galleries, Police Link Road, Titchfield Road, Easby Road, Parkway, Biddick Lane, Worm Hill Terrace, Station Road, Wensleydale Avenue, Avondale Avenue, Chester Road,
Grindon Mill, The Broadway, Chester Road, Stockton Road, Burdon Road, Durham Road, Toward Road, Villette Road, Ryhope Road, Leechmere Road, Hollycarrside Road,
Hewitt Avenue, Ralph Avenue, Leechmere Way, Black Road, Ryhope Street, Tunstall Bank, Tunstall Village Grn, Tunstall Village Road, Silksworth Terrace, Silksworth Road,
Church View
Vicarage Farm Estate - Sunderland - Washington
2A Effective from: 26/12/2023
Go North East

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4 11 15 22 24 30 31 34 38 43 48 49 53 57 60 journey times

Boxing Day

Vicarage Farm Estate 1000 00 1500 1600 1700

Tunstall Village Green 1004 04 1504 1604 1704
Hollycarrside Road 1011 11 1511 1611 1711
Grangetown 1015 15 1515 1615 1715
Sunderland Winter Gardens 1022 22 1522 1622 1722
Sunderland Holmeside 1024 Then 24 1524 1624 1724
Sunderland Interchange arr 1026 at 26 1526 1626 1726
Sunderland Interchange dep 1030 these 30 1530 1630 1730
University Chester Road Campus 1031 mins. 31 until 1531 1631 1731
Sunderland Royal Hospital 1034 past 34 1534 1634 1734
Sunderland Crematorium 1038 the 38 1538 1638 1738
Pennywell Industrial Estate 1043 hour 43 1543 1643 1743
Penshaw 1048 48 1548 1648 1748
Barnwell Shops 1049 49 1549 1649 1749
Fatfield 1053 53 1553 1653 1753
Biddick 1057 57 1557 1657 1757
Washington Galleries Bus Station 1100 00 1600 1700 1800
Via: Church View, Silksworth Road, Vicarage Road, Cumberland Road, Blind Lane, Silksworth Terrace, Tunstall Village Road, Tunstall Village Grn, Tunstall Bank, Ryhope Street,
Black Road, Rye View, Ralph Avenue, Hollycarrside Road, Leechmere Road, Ryhope Road, Villette Road, Toward Road, Borough Road, Holmeside, Park Lane, Green Terrace,
Chester Road, The Royalty, Western Hill, Chester Road, The Broadway, Chester Road, Avondale Avenue, Wensleydale Avenue, Station Road, Worm Hill Terrace, Fallowfield Way,
Biddick Lane, Parkway, Easby Road, Titchfield Road, Police Link Road, Galleries
This information is provided by Nexus on behalf of Local Authorities, and is updated as and when changes occur. Nexus can accept no liability for any errors or omissions herein

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