Melting Rate of Iron Oxide Pellets Into Iron Melt
Melting Rate of Iron Oxide Pellets Into Iron Melt
Melting Rate of Iron Oxide Pellets Into Iron Melt
* Originally published in Tetsu-to-Hagane, 67 (1981), 303, in Japanese. English version received November 12, 1980.
** National Research Institute for Metals, Nakameguro, Meguro-ku, Tokyo 153.
reduction rate of solid iron oxides by carbon in iron saturated with carbon and the phase of iron oxide.
melt, which was considered to play a main role in The time required for melting of pellets increases with
the process of melting, was discussed by using various decreasing temperature and with decreasing oxygen
reduction rate equations reported in Refs. 5) to 11). content in iron oxide. Particularly, the weight of
Fe0 pellet melted into the carbon saturated iron
III. Results melt at 1 320°C for 10 min was only 2.2 g. This
Table 1 shows the apparent density and the porosity pellet was quenched into water and dried at 105°C
of pellets, the latter of which was calculated with the for 6 h. The structure of this pellet was examined by
true density in Ref, 12). The X-ray diffraction an optical microscope, an EPMA and an X-ray
patterns of iron oxides were not changed by sintering. diffractometer. The transformation of iron oxide
Pellets used mainly in this report were those marked from solid to liquid was observed at the last stage of
by in Table 1. The diameter and the height of melting above 1 470°C.
a hematite pellet (15 g), a magnetite pellet (30 g), Figure 3 shows the dependence of the time required
and a wustite pellet (20 g) are approximately 30~x 4, for melting of pellets on the carbon content in iron
30~x 11 and 30~x 7 mm, respectively.
Figure 1 shows the effects of the temperature of
iron melt saturated with carbon and the phase of iron
oxide on the relation between the total reduction and
the time. The relations from about 20% to about
70% of the total reduction are linear, showing that
the reduction of solid iron oxide by the carbon in
iron melt proceeds at a constant rate. The reducing
rate of solid iron oxide increases with increasing
Figure 2 shows the dependence of the time for
melting of pellets on the temperature of iron melt
Fig. 1. Changes of the total reduction rate with time and Fig. 3. Dependence of the time for melting of pellets on
temperature for carbon saturated iron melts. the carbon content in iron melts at 1570°C.
melt at 1570°C and the phase of iron oxide. Ex- hematite pellets is nearly the same as that of pure
periments with iron melts of carbon content below iron pellets. The temperature dependence of the
2% at 1 520°C could not be performed, because the melting rate of magnetite and wustite pellets above
inside diameter of crucible decreased due to the stick- 1 470°C differs from that below 1 470°C. The ap-
ing of a mixture of splashed metallic iron and iron parent activation energy of melting of pellets obtained
oxide. The sticking was not formed at 1 570°C. from these relations is 35 for hematite; 18 and 41 for
The time required for melting markedly increases magnetite above and below 1470°C, respectively; 44
at the carbon content below 1%. The minimum and 79 kcal/mol for wustite above and below 1470°C,
time required for melting is not recognized for iron respectively. The change of the apparent activation
oxide pellets. For partially reduced pellets, it was energy at 1470°C is considered to be due to the lique-
recognized 2.5'-.'3.5%C.2'4 ) faction of iron oxide.13) Because the melting point
Figure 4 shows the dependence of the time required of FeO is reported to be 1 378°N 1 420°C,'2'14'15)iron
for melting of pellets into the carbon saturated iron oxide liquefies above 1470°C. This is confirmed
melt at 1 520°C on the content of oxide additives in from the observation that the solid iron oxide liquefied
hematite pellets. The time required for melting in- at the last stage of melting above 1 470°C.
creases with increasing contents of CaO, Si02 and Figure 6 shows relations between the melting rate
CaO-Si02. The time for pellets containing 16% is and the carbon content (wt%) in iron melt at 1 570°C.
about 1.5N3 times longer than that of a pellet without Below 4%C, the melting rate of hematite, magnetite
additive. The time required for melting of pellets and wustite pellets is proportional to (wt%C)o.57,
containing up to 8%A1203 increases similarly to the (wt%C)° 45, and (wt%C)° 42, respectively. At
above pellets, but that of a pellet containing 16%A1203 1520°C, experiments with iron melts below 2%C
is extremely long. The time required for melting of could not be performed, and the dependence of the
pellet containing 2%MgO is shorter than that of melting rate on the carbon content was slightly
pellet without additive, but only 1.7 g of a pellet stronger than that at 1 570°C.
containing l6%MgO melted into iron for 10 min. Figure 7 shows the dependence of the ratio of
This pellet was quenched into water and dried at the actual amount of CO gas evolved to the
105°C for 6 h. The structure of this pellet was theoretical amount on the carbon content in iron
examined like the wustite pellet at 1 320°C. melt in alumina crucibles at 1 570°C. The ratios of
hematite, magnetite and wustite pellet in a graphite
I V. Discussion crucible are 1. 1, 0.96 and 1.3, respectively. The
1. Time Requiredfor Melting
The time required for melting of pellets includes
the time required of heating pellets, the time required
for reducing solid iron oxide by carbon in iron melt,
and the time required for reducing partly or fully
liquefied iron oxide by carbon in iron melt. In the
development of a new iron- and steel-making process,
the time required for disappearing of pellets, which
is equal to the time required for melting, is consid-
ered to be most important and will be discussed at
Figure 5 shows variations with temperature of the
melting rate (g/ s) into the carbon saturated iron melt.
The temperature dependence of the melting rate of
Fig. 5. Arrhenius-type plot of the melting rate into carbon
saturated iron melts.
Research Article
(882) Transactions ISIJ, Vol. 21, 1981
Research Article
(886) Transactions ISIJ, Vol. 21, 1981