Water based, membrane forming concrete curing compound
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Subsequent surface finishes Storage and Shelf life
It is important that the complete removal of the MASTERKURE 106i must be stored where
MASTERKURE 106i should be ensured prior to the temperatures do not drop below +5°C. If product has
application of any surface finish or additional frozen, thaw at +5°C or above and completely
treatment. It is recommended that where the concrete reconstitute using mild mechanical agitation. Do not
is to receive a coating or the application of tiles, the use pressurized air for agitation. Store under cover, out
use of MASTERKURE 181 is considered. (see of direct sunlight and protect from extremes of
separate datasheet) temperature.
Curing/ After Treatment Shelf life is at least 12 months when stored as above.
Breakdown of the MASTERKURE 106i film usually
commences after 30 days and takes up to 6 months Failure to comply with the recommended storage
for total disintegration to occur. The time for conditions may result in premature deterioration of the
disintegration in all cases is dependent on a number of product or packaging. For specific storage advice
variables, such as thickness of film applied; the degree consult your local BASF representative.
and severity of exposure to weather and traffic, and
porosity of the concrete. BASF offers no guarantees Safety precautions
that breakdown will ever be wholly complete. As with all chemical products, care should be taken
during use and storage to avoid contact with eyes
Removal mouth, skin and foodstuffs (which can also be tainted
Ease of curing compound removal is directly related to with vapour until product fully cured or dried). Treat
the length of time the compound is left on a surface. If splashes to eyes and skin immediately. If accidentally
MASTERKURE 106i will be removed at some point, ingested, seek immediate medical attention. Keep
remove it as soon as curing period is complete (no away from children and animals. Reseal containers
longer than 28 days) for best results. after use. Do not reuse containers for storage of
consumable item. For further information refer to the
Do not use acid to remove MASTERKURE 106i. Acids material safety data sheet. MSDS available on demand
will not dissolve the wax coating but will dissolve the or on BASF construction chemicals web site.
surface of the concrete.
All BASF Technical Data Sheets are updated on
Use hot water and detergent to clean rollers and spray
regular basis; it is the user's responsibility, to obtain
equipment before MASTERKURE 106i dries.
the most recent issue.
Coverage Field services where provided, does not constitute
The recommended rate of application is 5-6 square supervisory responsibility, for additional information
metres per litre. This corresponds to that at which contact your local BASF representative.
MASTERKURE 106i has been tested, and at which it
attains the claimed degree of curing efficiency. In Disclaimer
favourable conditions such as shaded interior surfaces, Whilst any information contained herein is true,
adequate curing can be achieved with extended accurate and represents our best knowledge and
coverage rates. experience, no warranty is given or implied with any
recommendations made by us, our representatives or
In place of the above recommendations, the rates of distributors, as the conditions of use and the
cover stipulated in a specification should at all times be competence of any labour involved in the application
observed. are beyond our control.
MASTERKURE 106i is available in 20Ltrs & 210 litre