Fundamentals of Economics
Fundamentals of Economics
Fundamentals of Economics
Origin: The word 'economics' comes from two Greek words, 'eco' meaning home and 'nomos'
meaning accounts. The subject has developed from being about how to keep the family accounts
into the wide-ranging subject of today.
Definitions: Economics is the branch of knowledge concerned with the production, consumption and
transfer of wealth. It is the study of how humans make choices under conditions of scarcity. It’s the
study of scarcity, the study of how people use resources and respond to incentives, or the study of
Adam Smith was a Scottish philosopher and considered as the father of Modern economics. He
wrote a book “The Wealth of Nations, 1776”, wherein he discussed the wealth through its four
aspects viz., production of wealth, exchange of wealth, distribution of wealth and consumption of
wealth, which clearly indicated that according to him Economics is the science of wealth. According
to him, “Economics is a science which inquired into the nature and cause of wealth of Nations.”
According to him, wealth means goods and services transacted against money. His four aspects of
wealth are as below:
1. Production of Wealth: Production of wealth means production of goods and services by
combining four factors of production that are land, labour, capital and organization or
entrepreneurship. Land is the natural resource such as, sea, minerals, livestock, forests etc.
Labour is the mental or physical work which is done for the sake of reward. Capital means
man made resources which help to produce goods and services, whereas organization is the
act of combining these factors production for the purpose of marketing of the goods and
services for the sake of profit.
2. Exchange of Wealth: Entrepreneurs produce goods and services more than their
requirements, so as to exchange their surplus goods and services in the market with the
surplus goods and services produced by others. Consequently, multiple wants of everyone in
society are satisfied.
3. Distribution of Wealth: It means to give to each individual or section of society in the national
wealth produced in a year. Wealth in a society should be distributed equally among all its
sections or individuals as that everyone will be able to enjoy goods and produced in the
4. Consumption of Wealth: The ultimate objective of production, exchange and distribution of
wealth is consumption of wealth, whereby people use their shares obtained from the national
product in order to satisfy their wants. Hence, consumption of wealth means the using up of
the utility of the goods and services for the satisfaction of wants.
Criticism: This definition was criticized by various economists due to following reasons:
1. Too Much Importance to Wealth: Adam Smith gives primary importance to wealth and
secondary to human being. In modern economics, man occupies primary place and wealth a
secondary one. The real fact is that man is more important than study of wealth.
2. Narrow Meaning of Wealth: He used the word wealth for material things only like vehicles,
industries, banks, etc. it does not include immaterial goods like services of doctor, lawyer and
teacher. In modern definition of economics the word wealth includes both material and
immaterial goods.
Supply is the quantity of the goods or services that firms are ready and willing to sell at a given price
within a period of time, other factors being held constant. It is a product made available for sale in
the market.
Law of supply states that, others factors remaining constant, if the price of the goods or services
goes up, the quantity supplied for such goods or services also goes up; if the price goes down, the
quantity also goes down. Thus, price is directly related with supply.
Rise and Fall in supply: When supply for a commodity goes up or down, not due to price but due to
other factors, the change is called rise (or increase) in demand and fall (or decrease) in supply.
There are so many factors like cost of production, technology, climatic situation, political situation,
taxation policy, prices of substitutes, etc. which can change the supply of a commodity while price
remains constant.
Assumptions of the law of supply: Following are the assumptions of the law of supply:
1. Constant cost of production: for the explanation of the law of supply, the cost of production
is assumed to remain constant. If the cost of production goes down, the price of the product
would also go down. Therefore the supply increases and the law of supply does not hold. Cost
of production is the combination of four factors of production i.e. rent, wages, interest and
Human resources may be defined as the working of all people in an organization, utilizing their
abilities and capabilities (skills) for managing operations of any organization. Human Resources of a
country include the total labour supply along with their education, training, experience, discipline
and motivation for work.
Labour: Labour means physical or mental work undertaken for monetary reward.
Characteristics of Labour:
1. Labour is perishable more than any other factors: Labour cannot be stored or postponed. If
some working time is lost, it is forever. This limitation keeps the workers under constant fear that
they may become jobless even for a single day.
2. It cannot be separated from labourer: Land and capital can be separated from the owner. They
can earn income for the owner even if he is far away e.g. the land or bus is in use at Multan while
the owner may be in Islamabad. But for labour the situation is different e.g. a driver in order to
do the work of driving at a bus has to be present there.
3. Less Mobile Labour, generally is less mobile than capital. Whereas, Labourers do not readily shift
places. Change of profession is also difficult. Whereas, it is easy to buy a taxi from Karachi and
use it in Islamabad.
4. Weak bargaining power, since labour cannot be stored, the labourer does not want to go
unemployed. So, compared to the employer, his position to settle the terms of work is weak.
Moreover, generally the workers are poorer than the employers. They have no reserve wealth. So
they are in urgent need to earn something.
5. Labourer is human being and not a machine: A labourer cannot be treated like a machine, which
has no feelings or habits. A worker being a living person needs rest and recreation. If he is not
treated properly, he may refuse to work or deliberately do something damaging.
6. Difference in work efficiency: Due to better education, training, experience or motivation, some
labourers are more efficient than others.
7. Difficult to find the cost of production of labour: Unlike machines, it is difficult to calculate the
cost of production of labour.
8. Labour is an active factor: Labour is an active factor while land and capital are passive. Land and
capital can produce goods only when some labour is applied. So the management of labour in a
factory is more important and difficult than the managing of machines and materials.
9. Labour creates capital: A labourer works and gets income. If he saves a part of his earning that
becomes capital. He can used the saved amount to earn more. So we can say that capital is
actually an accumulated form of labour.
10. Dual role: Labour is not only a factor of production, it is also the reason. Why economic activity
takes place. Labourers are consumers and buyers of goods as well.
An organization is a group of people intentionally organized to accomplish an overall, common goal
or set of goals. It may also be defined as, a stable association of people engaged in concerted
activities directed to the attainment of specific objectives. It is the act of coordinating the other
factors of production, i.e. land, labor and capital.