History of Law

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murder- murderous. / (ˈmɜːdərəs) / adjective. intending, capable of, or guilty of murder.

formal very dangerous, difficult, or unpleasant: a murderous road.

society - social relating to activities in which you meet and spend time with other peo-
ple and that happen during the time when you are not working:

I had an active social life when I was at college.

B) Complete the word building table.

Noun Adjective Verb Noun

murder murderous. 1. to devote Devotion

society social 2. to define Definition

negligence negligent 3. to exist Existence

justice just\Judicial 4. to regulate Regulation

tradition traditional 5. to inhibit Inhibition

variety various 6. to condemn Condemnation

culture cultural 7. to recognize Recognition

peace peaceful 8. to confuse Confusion

difference different 9. to injure Injury

law lawful 10. to suffer Suffering

influence influential. to punish Punishment

C) Add negative prefixes:

moral advantage

legal perfect

order written
1. Immoral
2. Disadvantage
3. Illegal
4. Imperfect
5. Disorder

Heading 1: The Nature and Purpose of Law

Heading 2: Law and Morality in Society

Heading 3: Importance and Functions of Law

Heading 4: Law as the Foundation of Culture

Heading 5: Categories and Purpose of Laws (Criminal and Civil)

2. Give the Ukrainian equivalents to the following words and expressions.

For our purposes; relationship of law and moral; confusion, fear, disorder; to take advantage of one an-
other; to regulate public conduct; to maintain a peaceful, orderly, relatively stable society; to resolve dis-
putes; to facilitate business activities; to provide society with the rules; to imprison offenders; to punish in
some other way; to bring a case against somebody; be imprisoned, fined, placed under supervision; to com-
mit a crime; to feel wronged or injured; consumer protection; real estate; negligence; to inhibit social dis-
crimination; within the framework of an ordered society; to enjoy rights; to live their lives accordingly

1. For our purposes - За наших цілей

2. Relationship of law and moral - Відносини права та моралі
3. Confusion, fear, disorder - Переплутаність, страх, безлад
4. To take advantage of one another - Використовувати один одного
5. To regulate public conduct - Регулювати громадську поведінку
6. To maintain a peaceful, orderly, relatively stable society - Зберігати мирне, впорядковане, відносно
стабільне суспільство
7. To resolve disputes - Вирішувати суперечки
8. To facilitate business activities - Сприяти бізнес-активності
9. To provide society with the rules - Надавати суспільству правила
10. To imprison offenders - Ув'язнювати порушників
11. To punish in some other way - Покарати іншим способом
12. To bring a case against somebody - Подати скаргу на когось
13. Be imprisoned, fined, placed under supervision - Бути ув'язненим, оштрафованим, під наглядом
14. To commit a crime - Скоїти злочин
15. To feel wronged or injured - Відчувати себе обманутим або пораненим
16. Consumer protection - Захист прав споживачів
17. Real estate - Нерухомість
18. Negligence - Байдужість, неуважність
19. To inhibit social discrimination - Перешкоджати соціальній дискримінації
20. Within the framework of an ordered society - У рамках впорядкованого суспільства
21. To enjoy rights - Насолоджуватися правами
To live their lives accordingly - Жити відповідно до свого життя

1. Ціла галузь знань - an entire field of study

2. Набір правил та розпоряджень - Set of rules and regulations
3. Присвятити відповіді на це питання - Devote to answering this question
4. Поведінка людей - Conduct of people
5. У межах суспільства (2) - Within society; Within the framework of society
6. Створювати закони - Make laws
7. Піддавати осуду вбивство - Condemn murder
8. Не обов'язково незаконний - Not necessarily illegal
9. Незалежно від того, що каже закон - Regardless of what the law says
10. Брехати другові - Lying to a friend
11. Підтримувати відносно стабільне суспільство - Maintain a relatively stable society
12. Робити внесок у соціальну стабільність - Contribute to social stability
13. Вирішувати суперечки у цивілізований спосіб - Resolve disputes in a civilized way
14. Користуватися правами - Enjoy rights
15. Сприяти господарській діяльності - Facilitate business activities
16. Забезпечити певну ступінь свободи - Provide a certain degree of freedom
17. Стримувати соціальну дискримінацію - Inhibit social discrimination
18. Покращувати якість приватного життя - Improve the quality of private life
19. Верховенство закону - Rule of law
20. Скоїти злочин - Commit a crime
21. Обвинувачувати в скоєнні злочину - Accuse of committing a crime
22. Порушувати цивільну справу проти особи - Bring a civil case against somebody
23. Нерухомість - Real estate
24. Халатність - Negligence
25. Захист прав споживача - Consumer protection
26. У справах здоров’я, освіти та добробуту - In matters of health, education, and welfare
Наріжний камінь нашої культури - Cornerstone of our culture

Here are the words or phrases from the text that match the given descriptions:

1. Procedures taken in court synonymous to lawsuit: Civil action (lawsuit)

2. Rule made by authority for the proper regulation of a society or correct conduct in life: Set of rules and
3. Make less difficult or more easily to achieve: Facilitate
4. Legal ending of a marriage by law: Divorce
5. Safeguard against loss, provision against sickness, death, etc. in return for regular payment: Insurance
6. To put or keep in prison: Imprison
7. Sum of money paid as a penalty for breaking a law or rule: Fined
8. Happiness and prosperity: Welfare
9. To prevent an action or progress: Inhibit
Carelessness; failure to take proper care or precautions: Negligence

1. The main tendency is to refer to crimes as offences.

2. The police are sure that this person committed the crime, so they charged with him it.
3. He always takes advantage of the mistakes made by his rivals.
4. We all condemn cruelty to children.
5. They condemned him for his bad conduct.
6. The insurance company will pay for the damage to my car.
7. The purpose of punishment is to correct anti-social behaviour of offenders.
8. The penalty for non-performance of contract is heavy.
9. We need a set of rules of conduct to enable us to live in any kind of satisfactory state.
10. If it were not for the law, you could not go out without the fear of being kidnapped, robbed, or murdered.
11. When our rules are once set, no Governor should offer to alter them.
Two persons have been severely injured in a car accident.

1. Lawyers devote the entire field of study to answering the question ‘What is law?’.
2. It was done for a good purpose.
3. She brought legal action against her employer regardless of danger to lose the case.
4. Has every member of the family been equally provided for?
5. Every society provides people with the rules according to which they live.
6. The prisoner is charged with criminal negligence.
7. Ukrainian lawyers have made a considerable contribution to development of jurisprudence.
8. He was released from prison and placed under supervision.
9. The driver was fined for exceeding speed limits.
10. We provide insurance for every employee of our company.
11. If a person commits a crime, he goes to prison.
12. We owe our rights to our society.
13. Psychologist inhibited her from committing suicide.
He is always taking advantage of my good nature.

1. Law regulates … b) the conduct of people within a society.

2. Jurisprudence answers the question … c) ‘What is law?’
3. There are two main groups of laws: … a) criminal and civil.
4. Everything that they consider immoral is not necessarily … b) illegal.
5. Law … b) contributes to social stability by resolving disputes in civilized fashion.
6. Criminal laws require … a) imprisonment.
7. A civil action is brought against a person … c) who committed a wrong.
8. Laws … c) facilitate business activities and private planning.
An example of a civil case is … c) a divorce.
1. Traditional ideas of right and wrong don’t influence our legal system. - False. Traditional ideas of right and
wrong do influence our legal system.
2. Immoral actions are always illegal. - False. Not all immoral actions are necessarily illegal.
3. Every society needs laws. - True. The text emphasizes the need for laws in every society.
4. All laws are fair and good. - False. The text suggests that not all laws are fair or good.
5. Members of every community keep guns in their houses for self-defense. - Not mentioned. The text
doesn’t specifically mention this.
6. Penalties for crimes under civil law are imprisonment, fines, placing under supervision. - True. These penal-
ties are mentioned in the text.
7. The law is an enabler, something that inhibits us to have rights. - False. The law is not something that in-
hibits rights, rather it often protects and upholds them.
8. Law helps to provide some degree of freedom that is impossible to achieve in another way. - True. Law is
mentioned as providing a degree of freedom that might not otherwise be possible.
9. Law is the cornerstone of jurisprudence. - True. Law is indeed considered the cornerstone of jurisprudence,
the study of law.
10. A person can bring a civil action when another person commits a crime. - False. A civil action is brought for
wrongs or injuries, not necessarily crimes committed by another person.
Primitive people didn’t have any rules that regulated people’s conduct. - False. The text implies that even primitive
people had rules to regulate conduct within the group.

1. What law is: Law can be defined as a set of official rules and regulations established by a government or
authority that governs the conduct of individuals within a society. It's a body of regulations typically found
in constitutions, legislation, judicial opinions, etc., used to control behavior and govern a community.
2. Why we need law: Society requires laws to maintain order, prevent chaos, and regulate behavior. Without
laws, there would likely be confusion, fear, and disorder. Laws provide a framework for interactions be-
tween individuals and societal structures.
3. Functions of the law: The functions of law include maintaining a peaceful and orderly society, resolving
disputes in a civilized manner, facilitating business activities, providing a degree of freedom, inhibiting so-
cial discrimination, and improving individual life in matters such as health, education, and welfare.
4. What criminal laws are: Criminal laws regulate public conduct and define the duties owed to society.
These laws involve legal actions taken by the government against individuals charged with committing
crimes. Penalties under criminal law typically include imprisonment, fines, supervision, or other punitive
What civil laws are: Civil laws, on the other hand, regulate interactions between individuals or groups and cover
various aspects of everyday life such as marriage, divorce, contracts, real estate, insurance, consumer protection,
and negligence. Civil cases involve disputes or wrongs between private parties seeking resolution or compensation,
not necessarily related to criminal actions.

A: 1. I want to dedicate my life to scientific research in the field of constitutional law. 2. Can you give a definition of
"law"? 3. Laws have always existed in our world. 4. We arrange a meeting for the purpose of telling about our inten-
tions. 5. We must regulate our conduct according to the requirements of society. 6. If there is a need, call me. 7.
People condemn such immoral behavior regardless of the fact that the law does not consider it illegal. 8. I have
nothing to do with this disorder. 9. We acknowledge that we have committed offenses. 10. The police arrested a
person who she accuses of committing murder. 11. I did this injustice out of fear. 12. He tried to avoid punishment,
but he was sentenced to imprisonment. 13. The police supervise those who have been released from prison. 14. He
was severely injured in a car accident. 15. The management fined its employees for negligence. 16. We filed a law-
suit against the company for breach of contract and hope to win the legal process. 17. Our firm insures employees
against accidents. 18. People should restrain false desires and intentions. 19. Laws contribute to a stable life and
prosperity and provide a certain degree of freedom.

B: Home assignment.

Law is a set of rules that regulate the behavior of people in society. 2. Laws are necessary for people to live in com-
plete safety. 3. Without laws, people can take advantage of each other, regardless of whether they consider it fair or
not. 4. Not everything we consider immoral is necessarily illegal. 5. Traditional ideas have a significant influence on
our legal system. 6. Primitive people also had a certain set of rules that regulated behavior within their groups. 7. In
modern society, a certain legislative body creates laws. 8. We divide laws into civil and criminal ones. 9. Criminal
laws require penalties such as imprisonment, fines, etc. 10. A person brings a civil case against another person if
they feel unfairly offended. 11. The police accuse him of committing a crime. 12. Laws limit government power, thus
providing a certain degree of freedom to citizens. 13. Civil laws regulate issues related to marriage, divorce, insur-
ance, real estate, contracts, negligence, consumer protection, etc.

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