Junior Iditarod Racers
Junior Iditarod Racers
Junior Iditarod Racers
Lesson 8
Narra tive Nonfiction
Below Level
Harcourt Leveled
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ISBN-13: 978-0-15-350575-1
ISBN-10: 0-15-350575-3
by Iris Dineen
Cover: Alaska Stock LLC/Alamy; 3, Jeff Schultz/Alaska Stock; 4 Al Lorenz; 5 Jeff Schultz/Alaska
Stock; 6 Paul Souders/Corbis; 7, 8 Jeff Schultz/Alaska Stock; 9 Troy Wayrynen/NewSport/Corbis; 10
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Many people feel that the Iditarod is the most
challenging race in the world. It is certainly a difficult
race. Mushers and their dog teams must guide sleds
weighing about 200 pounds (90.7 kg) up mountains
and across streams. They must travel on sea ice and
down frozen riverbeds. They have to deal with freezing
temperatures, icy winds, and blizzards that make it
almost impossible to see. The mushers must keep water
from seeping into their clothing.
The Junior Iditarod is not quite as tough. The young
mushers only race about 160 miles (257.5 km). Instead
of taking more than a week, the race usually takes just
over one day.
The race starts well for her. Ellie runs the first 77
miles (123.9 km) of the race without any big problems
or delays. She arrives at the Sourdough checkpoint just
behind Nikolai Buser, who’s in first place.
All the mushers are required to rest for eight hours
at the Sourdough checkpoint. They feed their dogs and
allow them to sleep. Some mushers take a rest as well,
but most gather around a big campfire. There they pass
the time by joking around and telling stories.
The second thing most racers love about the race
is being out in the wilderness, alone with their dogs.
Mushers and their dogs have to work together as a team
to race well. For many Junior Iditarod racers, being out
on the trail adds to their sense of self-worth and their
ability to join forces with their dogs. For them, it’s not
just about racing, it’s about life!
Think Critically
1. What is the Junior Iditarod?
Social Studies
Iditarod Poster Find out more about the Junior Iditarod. Use
the Internet to help you. When did it first start? Who were some
other winners? How long did it take them to cross the finish line?
Create a poster to share the information you find.