Beer & Bread

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A game by Scott Almes

for 2 players, ages 10 and up

Theme and object of the game
Founded on the fruitful lands of an erstwhile monastery,
two villages have held up the dual tradition of brewing
beer and baking bread. While sharing fields and resources,
they still find pride in their friendly rivalry of besting each
other’s produce.
Each of you represents one of these villages. Over the course of six years - which alternate
between fruitful and dry - you must harmonize your duties of harvesting and storing
resources, producing beer and bread, selling them for coins and upgrading your facilities.
However, in order to win, you must maintain the balance between your baked and liquid
goods. Because, after the sixth year, you only score the coins collected from the type of
good - beer or bread - for which you earned less. The village with the higher score wins.

60 cards 1 board
30 beer cards 30 bread cards

84 resource 1 year
tokens marker
there are and 18 water tokens
3 types of beer: 3 types of bread:
18 wheat tokens
worth 1 scoring
4 or 5 18 barley tokens pad
15 rye tokens
6 or 7 15 hops tokens

1 windmill The windmill
8 or 9 serves as the
coins starting player


1 Place the board horizontally between the players. Each player has their own
side of the board, which includes their own storage, bakery, brewery and
upgrade slots. The fields and river are shared by both players.

Bakery (A) Brewery (A) Storage (A)

Upgrade slots of player A

Side of player A

River Exchange card spaces


Side of player B Calendar track

Upgrade slots of player B

Brewery (B) Bakery (B) Storage (B)

2 Shuffle all 60 cards and place

them as a single draw deck
Beside the draw
deck, leave
beside the board, next to the forest room for a
with the lake on player B’s side. discard pile.

3 At the 3 exchange card spaces, make

sure to leave room for cards that can be
placed there during the game.
Next to it, create a
common supply for the
5 types of resource:
• the blue water tokens
• the yellow wheat tokens
• the brown barley tokens
• the orange rye tokens
• and the green hops tokens

4 Place the year marker

onto the first space of the 5 Choose a
starting player
calendar track. (Here, the and give them
rounds of the game will the windmill.
be marked.)

Playing the game
The game is played over six rounds (years). These alternate Fruitful year
between fruitful years and dry years: Rounds 1, 3 and 5 are
fruitful years, whereas rounds 2, 4 and 6 are dry years. Dry year
Fruitful and dry years comprise the same 4 phases but differ
slightly in the way these phases are carried out:

Fruitful years:
a) Seeding phase The fields are seeded with many resource tokens
b) Card phase Each player is dealt 5 cards from the draw deck
c) Action phase Players play one card each, then swap their hands - this is repeated until
all hand cards are played
d) Windmill phase The player with fewer stored resources gets the windmill

Dry years:
a) Seeding phase The fields are seeded with few resource tokens
b) Card phase Players pick up the cards they played for harvest in the previous round and
replenish their hands to 5; also 3 exchange cards are placed on the board
c) Action phase Players play one card each until all hand cards are played (without
swapping hands)
d) Windmill phase The player with fewer stored resources gets the windmill; also the exchange
cards on the board and all cards played for harvest are discarded

Fruitful years
a) Seeding phase
To seed the fields on the board, add resource
tokens from the common supply to them
according to the green part of their wooden signs:
• Bring the number of yellow wheat tokens on the wheat field to 7.
• Bring the number of brown barley tokens on the barley field to 8.
• Bring the number of orange rye tokens on the rye field to 6.
• Bring the number of green hops tokens on the hops field to 6.
• Also add all blue water tokens from the supply to the river.
If there are not enough tokens of a resource in the common
supply, only add as many as there are.
b) Card phase
Deal 5 face-down cards from the draw deck to the player with the windmill.
Then deal 5 face-down cards from the draw deck to the other player.
Put your cards into you hand and proceed with the Action phase.

c) Action phase
Repeat the following 3-step sequence until all hand cards have been played:
1. The player with the windmill takes one turn (by playing a card and performing an
2. Then the other player takes one turn (also by playing a card and performing an
3. Then both players swap their hands (by exchanging their remaining
hand cards with each other).
To take your turn, choose one card from your current hand and use it immediately to
perform one of the following actions:

A) Harvest and Store Harvest section Harvest column

Play the chosen card face up in front of you. If
you already have cards there, place this new
card slightly offset on top of them, creating a
harvest column, in which the harvest section
of each card is still visible. Then check which
types of resource are shown in the harvest
section of the newly played card. Of these
types, you must now collect as many tokens
from the board as are shown in all harvest Example:
sections of your harvest column combined. The card that Lin plays for harvest
shows water , barley and wheat
You can only collect resource tokens that are in its harvest section. Of these 3 types of
on the board’s fields and river. resource, she collects as many tokens from
If there are fewer tokens of a resource on the the board as are shown in total in her
fields/river than you are supposed to collect, harvest column (2 , 1 and 3 ).
take as many as there are and forfeit the rest Then she puts these in her storage.
(unless you have upgrades that say otherwise
- see next page).
After taking all harvested resource
tokens, store them in your storage.
Your storage consists of storage units.
Each of your initial 9 storage units
can hold one token of any type.
Not enough storage?
Whenever you collect more resource tokens than you can store, choose from among
all your tokens (the ones in your storage and the new ones) which to store - the rest
you must offer to the other player now.
Of these offered tokens, the other player may take and store as many of their choice
as they want and have free storage units for (they may not exchange them for any of
their already stored tokens). Any excess tokens are returned to the common supply.

B) Produce and Sell Brewery Bakery

Play the chosen card to brew its beer or bake its

bread by placing it face up onto your brewery
space on the board (if it is a beer card) or onto
your bakery space (if it is a bread card).
Then spend all resource tokens shown in the
card’s recipe section by returning them from Example:
Amber brews beer by
your storage to the common supply. playing a beer card onto
If you cannot do so, you cannot play the card her brewery. She discards
into your bakery/brewery. 2 and 3 from her
After you’ve spent all necessary resource storage to the common
tokens, flip the played card face down. It has Recipe section supply and then flips the
been sold now. However, it remains in its space beer card face down.
until you clean the space up (see below).
Attention: In general, your bakery and your brewery can each only hold
1 card. So you cannot play another card onto such a space if there is
already a card on it (unless you have upgrades that say otherwise).

C) Upgrade and Clean Upgrade slots

Play the chosen card as an upgrade by sliding it face
up under the board so that only its upgrade section is
visible. The icon on top of the card’s upgrade section
shows which upgrade slot on your side of the board
it should be slid under. The 6 slots correspond to the
ability of the upgrades as each of them provides an
continuous benefit in a certain aspect of the game.
(For an overview of the upgrades, see pages 10 and 11.) Upgrade section

There is no limit to the number of upgrades that you can have at any slot. If you have
more than one at the same slot, just arrange their cards in an overlapping column, in
which the upgrade section of each is visible.
Right after playing a card as an upgrade, also
clean your brewery and bakery by removing all
sold cards (if you have any) from their spaces
and placing them face down beside the board:
right next to your town square with the well.
Fan the cards beside the board out to show
how many you’ve sold. You may look at the
fronts of your sold cards at any time (but not
the ones of the other player).

After each of you has played your last hand card, proceed with the Windmill phase.

d) Windmill phase
Give the windmill to the player who has fewer resource tokens in their storage
units. In the case of a tie, the windmill goes to the player that did not have it
this round.
Then move the year marker one space forward on the calendar track and
continue with the following dry year.

Dry years
a) Seeding phase
According to the red part of their wooden signs, adjust
the number of resource tokens on the fields (either
by adding tokens to them from the common supply
or removing tokens and placing them back in the
common supply):
• Bring the number of yellow wheat tokens on the wheat field to 5.
• Bring the number of brown barley tokens on the barley field to 4.
• Bring the number of orange rye tokens on the rye field to 4.
• Bring the number of green hops tokens on the hops field to 4.
• Also add all blue water tokens from the supply to the river.
If there are not enough tokens of a resource in the common
supply, only add as many as there are.
b) Card phase
Each player: Pick up the cards you played for harvest in
the last round and add them to your hand.
Then draw as many cards from the draw deck as it takes
to bring your hand to a total of 5 (the player with the
windmill does this first).

Afterwards, place 3 cards from the draw deck face up on

the 3 exchange card spaces of the board. These 3 cards
are called exchange cards.

c) Action phase
Starting with the player who has the windmill, take alternating turns (by
playing a card and performing an action) until all hand cards have been
played. In this phase, you do not swap hands.
To take your turn, choose one card from your hand and use it immediately to perform
one of the usual actions (see the blue boxes on pages 5 to 7).
Attention: Instead of playing a card from your hand, you can
swap it for one of the exchange cards on the board and play
that card instead. To do so, take any of the 3 displayed exchange
cards and place your chosen hand card face up on its space (thus
it becomes an exchange card itself). Then immediately play the
taken exchange card to perform one of the usual actions (you
may not add it to your hand).

d) Windmill phase
Give the windmill to the player who has fewer resource tokens in their storage units.
In the case of a tie, the windmill goes to the player that did not have it this round.
Discard the 3 exchange cards from the exchange spaces and all cards that were played
for harvest this round by putting them face up on the discard pile.
Then move the year marker one space forward on the calendar track
and continue with the next fruitful year.
If the year marker moves to the space with the icon, the game

General notes
• If the draw deck runs out, shuffle the discard pile to form a new draw deck.
• You can look at the backs of any cards whenever you like, including the ones of the draw
deck, but you cannot change their order or look at their fronts.
• You may look at the fronts of your own sold cards (in your brewery/bakery and beside the
board) and the ones in your own harvest column (but never the ones of the other player).

End of the game

After the 6th round, the game ends.
Now, each player does the following:
Take all your sold cards (those from beside
the board and any from your brewery and
bakery) and place them face up in front of
you, separated by beer and bread. Add up
the numbers printed on the coins of your
beer cards and write the result down on the
scoring pad. Then do the same for your bread

Afterwards, check the 22

upgrades (if any) that you 2
placed at your upgrade
slot and write down any extra 24
coins that you gain for beer 23
and bread.
Now you have a total score for beer 26
and a total score for bread. The
lower of the two is your final score. 24
Whoever has the higher final score wins the game. In the case of a tie, the player who
has the higher total score for their other type of good wins.
If this does not break the tie, the player who does not have the windmill wins.

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Overview of the upgrades
The upgrades provide benefits in different aspects of the game. Most of them should be self-
explanatory. For some of them, you’ll find additional clarifications below.
General notes:
• If you have multiple copies of the same upgrade, their benefits add up if applicable.
• “Collect“ a resource always means that you must take it from the fields or river and put it in
your storage. If all tokens of a resource type are gone from its field, you cannot collect it any
more. If you do not have enough storage for all your collected tokens, you must offer any
excess to the other player (see the brown box on page 6).

These upgrades pertain to rules regarding the These upgrades

different types of year and/or the Card phase. pertain to collecting
resources from the
fields and river.
These upgrades are
also available for
If you want to do wheat, barley and rye.
this, wait until the If both of you have
other player has such upgrades, the
their 5 hand cards player with the
for the round. windmill collects first.
Then put one of your hand cards face up on the
discard pile and put the top card from the draw Whenever you collect
deck in your hand. this type of resource
and it’s gone from
its field, you collect
This means that it from the common
you do not have to supply instead (if it is
keep all the cards available there).
you played for
harvest during the These only apply
previous round. when the resource
Just put the ones you do not want face up on type is collected
the discard pile before replenishing your hand during a Harvest
to 5 cards. and Store action.
Collect your water
Do this at the token after the other
start of your last player has finished
turn in the Action their Harvest and
phase of a fruitful Store action.
year. First put the
top card from the These upgrades
draw deck in your hand. Then play one card give you additional
and put the other face up on the discard pile.
storage units.

Do this on your In these 2 storage

first turn in the units, you can only
Action phase of store water. If a
a fruitful year. water storage unit
Thus, when is vacant, you may
the first swap move a water token
happens, you give the other player 3 normal to it from any of
cards + the inverted card. That card must your other storage
remain inverted until you decide to play it on a units at any time.
turn in which you have it in your hand.
These upgrades pertain These
to brewing beer and upgrades
baking bread. pertain to
Usually you can only your
have a maximum of brewery/
1 card in your brewery bakery.
and 1 card in your
bakery. Each of these
upgrades increases that These take
card limit by 1 for the immediate
corresponding type. effect (and
You can use these benefits even apply
multiple times during to sold cards
the same action and that you
even combine them: For clean up
example, if you have these during the
upgrades, you could spend same action
4 wheat to replace 2 hops, as you
then use these 2 hops to placed the
replace 1 rye in a recipe. upgrade).
Be aware, though, that They do not
this is not a trade: You apply to
only substitute needed cards that
resources virtually, never you take
actually take them from from the
the fields. brewery/
bakery at
the end of
These upgrades pertain the game.
to the scoring at the
end of the game.

“Its type of good”

means: If the sold
card is a beer card, If both of you
gain 1 coin for beer; if have the same
it is a bread card, gain number of
1 coin for bread. upgrades, the
is not met.
If you meet the
mentioned requirement,
you can choose for
which type of good you
want to gain the 2 extra The 3 types
coins (naturally, the one of bread:
that increases your final
score). You cannot split
the 2 coins between the
types of good. The 3 types
of beer:

Overview of the game
The game is played over six rounds (years), alternating between fruitful and dry years.

Fruitful years (see pages 4 to 7)

Seed the fields and river with resource tokens
a) Seeding phase
from the common supply.

Deal 5 cards from the draw deck to the player with the
b) Card phase
windmill. Then deal 5 cards to the other player.
The player with the windmill takes one turn. Then the other player
c) Action phase takes one turn. Then swap hands with each other.
Repeat until all hand cards are played.

d) Windmill phase The player with fewer stored resource tokens gets the windmill.

Dry years (see pages 7 and 8)

Seed the fields and river with resource tokens from
a) Seeding phase
the common supply.

Each player picks up their cards played for harvest, then replenishes their
b) Card phase hand to 5 cards. Place 3 exchange cards from the draw deck on the board.

c) Action phase The player with the windmill takes one turn, then the other player. Repeat
until all hand cards are played (do not swap hands with each other).
The player with fewer stored resource tokens gets the windmill. Discard
d) Windmill phase
the 3 exchange cards from the board and any cards played for harvest.

On your turn in the Action phase, play 1 card to perform one of these actions:
A) Harvest and Store OR B) Produce and Sell OR C) Upgrade and Clean
(see pages 5 and 6) (see page 6) (see pages 6 and 7)
The game ends when the 6th year has been completed.
Each player reveals their sold cards (including any on their brewery/bakery) and calculates their
total score for beer and their total score for bread - the lower of the two is that player’s final
score. The player with the higher final score wins.
= water = wheat = barley = rye = hops

Game design: Scott Almes Distribution:

Artwork: Michael Menzel Pegasus Spiele GmbH,
Development: Viktor Kobilke, Am Straßbach 3,
Peter Eggert 61169 Friedberg, Germany.
Rule book: Viktor Kobilke
Proofreading: Neil Crowley v1.0 All rights reserved. Reprinting
or publishing of the rule book, game
© 2022 Deep Print Games GmbH, components, or illustrations is
Sieglindestr. 7, 12159 Berlin, prohibited without prior permission.
Germany. All rights reserved.

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