Simply Crochet, Amigurumi Easter

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Hoppy up in

a er !
Stitch a quirky bunny and
her sweet springtime pals

4 FriEnds
to Make

Easy SurfaCe cr
Ochet Try bObble stitcH ...anD more!
Tiptoe to the end of the garden this spring and you’ll
find Evangeline the bunny tending her flowers, with
help from her three amigurumi pals. We’re not
usually ones for playing favourites, but who could
resist Maximilian the snail’s bonnet-wearing antics?
Make your Easter a little bit whimsical.
Hop to it
Easter wouldn’t be the same without a bunny, so
get your paws on Evangeline. By Vanessa Mooncie.
With her oversize buttoned shoes, dainty
A BIT bloomers, Peter Pan collar and patch
TRICKY pockets, Evangeline the Rabbit is the
DK 2.5MM picture of old-fashioned charm. This
winsome bunny loves ice cream, riding
her bicycle and sniffing freshly-cut grass,
but her absolute favourite thing in the
YOU WILL NEED world is carrots, which she collects in her
Q Rico Essentials Cotton DK special carrot-gathering basket.
(100% cotton, 50g/130m),
2 balls of Yarn A Grey (25) NOTES The bodice section of Evangeline’s dress
1 ball of each: The Head, Body, Arms, Legs, Basket and fastens at the top with two buttons.
Yarn B Dusky Pink (19) Carrots are worked using the amigurumi
Yarn C Natural (51) method. Work in a continuous spiral
Yarn D Berry (15) without closing off each round with a slip
Yarn E Plum (21) stitch.
Yarn F Taupe (89) You may find it helpful to place a marker in
Yarn G Pumpkin (87) the first st of each round and move it up as
Yarn H Grass Green (66) you work. Ch1 at beg of a dc round does
Q A 2.5mm (US B/1 or C/2) hook not count as a st throughout.
Q A 3mm (US C/2 or D/3) hook The Dress, Bloomers and Shoes are all
Q A tapestry needle removable.
Q A pair of safety eyes, 6mm diameter
Q Toy stuffing HEAD Evangeline’s head is worked first, from the tip
Q Embroidery thread in black Starting at Rabbit’s nose, using a 2.5mm of the nose. Features are added at the end.
Q Embroidery needle hook and Yarn A, make a magic loop.
Q 20cm (8in) length of 5mm (¼in) Round 1 Ch1, 6dc into loop. [6 sts]
wide elastic Round 2 (2dc in next st) 6 times. [12 sts] [24 sts]
Q Four 1cm (3/8in) diameter buttons for Round 3 (2dc in next st, 1dc) 6 times. Round 5 (2dc in next st, 3dc) 6 times.
the dress and shoes [18 sts] [30 sts]
Q Sewing thread to match buttons or Round 4 Dc in each st around. Round 6 (2dc in next st, 4dc) 6 times.
yarn, and elastic Round 5 (2dc in next st, 2dc) 6 times. [36 sts]
Q Sewing needle [24 sts] Round 7 (2dc in next st, 5dc) 6 times.
For yarn stockists contact Round 6 Dc in each st around. [42 sts]
Rico or Round 7 (2dc in next st, 3dc) 6 times. Round 8 (2dc in next st, 6dc) 6 times.
Black Sheep Wools 01925 764231 [30 sts] [48 sts] Round 8 Dc in each st around. Round 9 Dc in each st around.
Also available from your favourite Round 9 (2dc in next st, 4dc) 6 times. Round 10 (2dc in next st, 7dc) 6 times.
yarn store [36 sts] [54 sts]
Round 10 Dc in each st around. Round 11 Dc in each st around.
TENSION Round 11 (2dc in next st, 5dc) 6 times. Round 12 (2dc in next st, 8dc) 6 times.
24 sts and 26 rows to 10x10cm (4x4in) [42 sts] [60 sts]
over double crochet using a 2.5mm Rounds 12-17 Dc in each st around. Rounds 13-15 Dc in each st around.
hook. Matching the tension isn’t Round 18 (Dc2tog, 5dc) 6 times. [36 sts] Round 16 (Dc2tog, 8dc) 6 times. [54 sts]
critical but will affect overall size and Round 19 (Dc2tog, 4dc) 6 times. [30 sts] Rounds 17-18 Dc in each st around.
yarn quantities. Round 20 (Dc2tog, 3dc) 6 times. [24 sts] Round 19 (Dc2tog, 7dc) 6 times. [48 sts]
Round 21 (Dc2tog, 2dc) 6 times. [18 sts] Rounds 20-21 Dc in each st around.
MEASUREMENTS Round 22 (Dc2tog, 1dc) 6 times, ss to first Round 22 (Dc2tog, 6dc) 6 times. [42 sts]
Approx 25cm (10in) tall st to join. [12 sts] Round 23 Dc in each st around.
Fasten off, leaving a long tail of yarn. Round 24 (Dc2tog, 5dc) 6 times. [36 sts]
ABBREVIATIONS Round 25 Dc in each st around.
For a full list, see page 92 of Simply BODY Round 26 (Dc2tog, 4dc) 6 times. [30 sts]
Crochet magazine Starting at the base, using a 2.5mm hook Round 27 Dc in each st around.
and Yarn A, make a magic loop. Round 28 (Dc2tog, 3dc) 6 times. [24 sts]
Round 1 Ch1, 6dc into loop. [6 sts] Round 29 Dc in each st around.
Round 2 (2dc in next st) 6 times. [12 sts] Round 30 (Dc2tog, 2dc) 6 times. [18 sts]
Round 3 (2dc in next st, 1dc) 6 times. Rounds 31-33 Dc in each st around, ss to
[18 sts] first st to join.
Round 4 (2dc in next st, 2dc) 6 times. Fasten off, leaving a long tail of yarn.


vang in th rabbit

st to join.
Fasten off, leaving a long tail of yarn.

The loops will appear at the back of the
fabric as you work.
Using a 2.5mm hook and Yarn C, make a
magic loop.
Round 1 Ch1, 6dc into loop, ss to first dc to
join. [6 sts]
Round 2 Ch6, dc in back loop only of st at
base of ch-6, (ch6, 1dc into back loop only
of next st) 5 times. [6 loops]
Round 3 Working into front loops only of
Round 1, (2dc in next dc, dc in next dc) 3
times, ss to the first dc to join. [9 sts]
Round 4 Ch6, dc in back loop only of st at
base of ch-6, (ch6, dc into back loop only
EARS (MAKE 2) Round 5 Dc in each st around. of next st) 8 times. [9 loops]
INNER EAR Round 6 (2dc in next st, 2dc) 6 times. Round 5 Working into front loops only of
Using a 2.5mm hook and Yarn B, ch13. [24 sts] Round 3, (2dc in next dc, 1dc in next 2 dc) 3
Row 1 (WS) Dc into second ch from hook, Round 7 (2dc in next st, 3dc) 6 times. times, ss to the first dc to join. [12 sts]
dc into next 10 ch, 3dc in next ch, working [30 sts] Round 6 Ch6, dc in back loop only of st at
along opposite side of starting ch, dc in base of ch-6, (ch6, dc into back loop only
next 11 ch. [25 sts] DIVIDE FOR LEG of next st) 11 times. [12 loops]
Row 2 (RS) Ch1, dc in the first 12 dc, 3dc in Round 8 Dc in the next 6 dc, skip next 18 Round 7 Dc in the front loop only of each
next st, dc in the next 12 dc, turn. dc, dc in the next 6 dc. [12 dc] st of Round 5 around.
[27 sts] Cont working on these 12 sts to finish Leg. Fasten off, leaving a long tail of yarn.
Row 3 Ch1, dc in the first 13 dc, 3dc in next Rounds 9-20 Dc in each st around.
st, dc in the next 13 dc, turn. [29 sts] Fasten off, leaving a long tail of yarn. DRESS
Fasten off. Starting at the neck, using a 3mm hook
FOOT and Yarn D, ch23.
OUTER EAR Rejoin Yarn A with a ss to the first skipped Row 1 (RS) Dc into the second ch from
Using a 2.5mm hook and Yarn A, ch13. dc of Round 7. The join is a different place hook, dc in the next 21 ch, turn. [22 sts]
Rows 1-3 Work as Rows 1-3 of Inner Ear. to that of the Duck. The gap on the front of Row 2 (WS) Ch1, (2dc in next st) 22 times.
Do not fasten off. the ankle will be sewn up later. [44 sts]
Round 1 Dc in the same st as the ss, dc in Row 3 Ch1, dc in first 5 dc, 3dc in next st,
JOIN EAR PIECES the next 17 dc. [18 sts] (dc in next 10 dc, 3dc in next st) 3 times, dc
Place wrong sides of Inner and Outer Ear Round 2 (2dc in next st, 2dc) 6 times. in next 5 dc, turn. [52 sts]
together, with the Inner Ear facing up. [24 sts] Row 4 Ch1, dc in next 6 dc, 3dc in next st,
Row 4 Using Yarn A, ch1, inserting the Rounds 3-5 Dc in each st around. (dc in next 12 dc, 3dc in next st) 3 times, dc
hook under both loops of each st of the Round 6 (2dc in next st, 3dc) 6 times. in next 6 dc, turn. [60 sts]
Inner Ear first, then the Outer Ear to join, dc [30 sts] Row 5 Ch1, dc in next 7 dc, 3dc in next st,
in each of the next 14 dc, 3dc in next st, dc Rounds 7-9 Dc in each st around. (dc in next 14 dc, 3dc in next st) 3 times, dc
into each of the next 14 dc. [31 sts] Round 10 (Dc2tog, 3dc) 6 times. [24 sts] in next 7 dc, turn. [68 sts]
Ss to the first dc to join the lower corners Round 11 (Dc2tog, 2dc) 6 times. [18 sts] Row 6 Ch1, dc in next 9 dc, skip next 16 dc,
and shape the Ear. Round 12 (Dc2tog, 1dc) 6 times, ss to first dc in next 18 dc, skip next 16 dc, dc in next
Fasten off, leaving a long tail of yarn. st to join. [12 sts] 9 dc, turn.
Fasten off, leaving a long tail of yarn. Continue working on these 36 sts.
LEGS (MAKE 2) Rows 7-8 Ch1, dc in each dc across, turn.
The construction of the heel/ankle is the ARMS (MAKE 2)
same as for the Duck. See Diagram on p13. Starting at Rabbit’s paw, using a 2.5mm SKIRT
Using a 2.5mm hook and Yarn A, make a hook and Yarn A, make a magic loop. Row 9 Ch1, (dc in next dc, ch2, skip 1 dc, dc
magic loop. Rounds 1-3 Work as Rounds 1-3 of Head. in next dc, ch2) 11 times, dc in next dc, ch2,
Rounds 1-2 Work as Rounds 1-2 of Head. [18 sts] skip 1 dc, dc in next dc, turn. [23 ch-2 sps]
[12 sts] Rounds 4-8 Dc in each st around. Row 10 Ch1, dc in first dc, *(dc, ch2, dc) in
Round 3 Dc in each st around. Round 9 (Dc2tog, 1dc) 6 times. [12 sts] next ch-2 sp, skip next dc; repeat from * 21
Round 4 (2dc in next st, 1dc) 6 times. Rounds 10-22 Dc in each st around. more times, (dc, ch2, dc) in next ch-2 sp, dc
[18 sts] Round 23 Dc in each st around, ss to first in last dc, turn.

Rows 11-19 Ch1, dc in first dc, *skip next next 3 dc, ss to first dc to join.
dc, (dc, ch2, dc) in next ch-2 sp, skip next Fasten off. [28 dc and 4 ch-2 sps]
dc; repeat from * 21 more times, (dc, ch2,
dc) in next ch-2 sp, dc in last dc, turn. BLOOMERS
Row 20 Ch1, dc in first dc, (skip 1 dc, 5tr in Using a 3mm hook and Yarn B, ch51.
the next ch-2 sp, skip 2 dc, dc in next ch-2 Row 1 (RS) Htr in the third ch from hook,
sp, skip 1 dc) 11 times, skip 1 dc, 5tr in next (ch1, skip 1 ch, htr in the next 2 ch) 16
ch-2 sp, skip 1 dc, dc in last dc, do not turn. times, turn. [34 htr, 16 ch-1 sps]
Row 2 (WS) Ch1, (dc in next 2 htr, dc in
BUTTON BAND next ch-sp) 16 times, dc in next 2 htr, turn.
Row 1 (RS) Work 10 dc evenly up the edge [50 sts]
of the Skirt, work 8 dc evenly up the edge Rows 3-14 Ch1, dc in each dc across, turn.
of the bodice, turn. [18 sts]
Row 2 (WS) Ch1, dc in each of the 18 dc, ss FIRST LEG
to the next st. Fasten off. Work each Bloomer Leg separately in
BUTTONHOLE BAND Round 1 (RS) Ch1, dc in the first 25 dc,
Using a 3mm hook and RS facing, join Yarn ch11, ss in first dc to join leaving rem sts
D with a ss to the first st at the neck edge unworked. [25 dc]
of the Dress. Round 2 Ch1, dc in first 25 sts, dc in next 11
Row 1 (RS) Working into Row ends, dc in ch, ss to first dc to join. [36 sts] The skirt section of the dress is left open at
the same st as the ss, work 7 dc evenly Round 3 Ch1, dc in each st around, ss to the back, showing off the bloomers and tail.
down the edge of the bodice, work 10 dc first st to join.
evenly down the edge of the Skirt, ss into Round 4 Ch1, (dc2tog, 7dc) 4 times, ss to
the first dc at the scalloped hem of the first st to join. [32 sts]
Skirt, turn. [18 sts] Rounds 5-6 Ch1, dc in each st around, ss to A D B
Row 2 Ch1, dc in first 10 dc, (dc in next dc, first st to join.
ch2, skip 2 dc, dc in next dc) twice, ss to Round 7 Ch1, *dc in next dc, skip 1 dc, (dc,
next dc at neckline. Fasten off. 3htr, dc) in next dc, skip 1 dc; repeat from * C
7 more times, ss to first dc to join.
COLLAR Fasten off.
Using a 3mm hook and Yarn C, ch28.
Row 1 (RS) Dc in second ch from hook, htr SECOND LEG
in next ch, *5tr in next ch, (tr in next ch, 2tr With RS facing and a 3mm hook, rejoin Embroider the nose by making a large stitch
in next ch) 3 times, tr in next ch, 5tr in next Yarn B with a ss to the first skipped st of A to B then come up at C and down at D.
ch*, skip 2 ch, ss in next ch, skip 2 ch;
repeat from * to *, htr in next ch, dc in next
ch. Fasten off, leaving a long tail of yarn.


Using a 3mm hook and Yarn E, make a
magic loop.
Round 1 Ch1, 8dc into loop, ss to the first
dc to join. Fasten off. [8 sts]
Round 2 Join Yarn B in first st, ch1, (dc, ch2,
dc) in same st, *dc in next dc, (dc, ch2, dc)
in next dc; repeat from * twice more, dc in
next dc, ss to first dc to join. Fasten off.
[12 dc and 4 ch-2 sps]
Round 3 Join Yarn E in first st, ch1, dc in
same st, *(dc, ch2, dc) in next ch-2 sp, dc in
next 3 dc; repeat from * twice more, (dc,
ch2, dc) in next ch-2 sp, dc in next 2 dc, ss
to first dc to join. Fasten off.
[20 dc and 4 ch-2 sps]
Round 4 Join Yarn B in first st, ch1, dc in
same st, dc in next dc, *(dc, ch2, dc) in next
ch-2 sp, dc in next 5 dc; repeat from * twice
more, (dc, ch2, dc) in next ch-2 sp, dc in


vang in th rabbit

Round 1 (RS) Ch1, dc in same st, dc in the 6 dc, 2dc in next dc. [27 sts] starting at the heel, join Yarn E with a ss to
next 24 dc, dc in each ch of the opposite Round 3 2dc in next dc, dc in next 7 dc, htr the opposite side of the first ch.
side of the ch-11 to form the second leg, ss in next htr, 2htr in next htr, 2tr in next 7 tr, Rows 1-2 Work as for Rows 1-2 of Right
to first dc to join. [36 sts] 2htr in next htr, htr in next htr, dc in next 7 Shoe Buttonhole Strap.
Rounds 2-3 Ch1, dc in each st around, ss to dc, 2dc in next dc. [38 sts]
first st to join. Do not fasten off. LEFT SHOE BUTTONHOLE STRAP
Rounds 4-7 Work as Rounds 4-7 of the first With RS of the Shoe Upper facing, join Yarn
leg. Fasten off. JOIN SOLE TO UPPER E with a ss to the opposite side of the first
Round 4 Place the Upper on top of the ch at the heel.
SHOES (MAKE 2) Sole of the Shoe. Rows 1-2 Work as for Rows 1-2 of Right
UPPER Insert the hook under both loops of each Shoe Button Stand.
Using a 3mm hook and Yarn E, ch31. stitch of the Upper first, then the Sole to
Row 1 Dc in the second ch from hook, dc join, dc in each of the next 38 dc, ss to the BASKET
in next 29 ch, turn. [30 sts] first dc to join. Fasten off. Starting at the base of the basket, using a
Row 2 Ch1, dc in first 9 dc, 2dc in each of 3mm hook and Yarn F, make a magic loop.
next 2 dc, htr in next dc, tr in next 6 dc, htr RIGHT SHOE BUTTONHOLE STRAP Rounds 1-8 As Rounds 1-8 of Body.
in next dc, 2dc in each of next 2 dc, dc in With the RS of the Shoe Upper facing, [48 sts]
next 9dc, turn. [34 sts] starting at the heel, join Yarn E with a ss to Round 9 (2dc in next st, 7dc) 6 times.
Row 3 Ch1, dc in next 10 dc, 2dc in each of the opposite side of the first ch. [54 sts]
next 2 dc, htr in next 2 sts, tr in next 6 sts, Row 1 Dc in the same st, dc in the opposite Round 10 (2dc in next st, 8dc) 6 times.
htr in next 2 sts, 2dc in the next 2 dc, dc in side of the next 4 ch, turn. [5 sts] [60 sts]
next 10 dc, turn. [38 sts] Row 2 Ch11, dc into seventh ch from hook Rounds 11-22 Dc in each st around, do not
Row 4 Ch1, dc in next 11 dc, htr in each of to form a buttonhole, dc in next 4 ch, dc in fasten off.
next 3 dc, tr in next 10 sts, htr in each of the next 5 dc. [10dc and ch-6 loop]
next 3 dc, dc in next 11 dc, turn. Fasten off. HANDLES
Row 5 Ch1, dc in each st across. Round 23 Dc in next 12 dc, ch8, skip 6 dc,
Fasten off, leaving a long tail. RIGHT SHOE BUTTON STAND dc in next 24 dc, ch8, skip 6 dc, dc in next
With WS of the Shoe Upper facing, join 12 dc.
SOLE Yarn E with a ss to the opposite side of the Round 24 Dc in next 12 dc, 12dc in the
Using a 3mm hook and Yarn C, ch10. first ch at the heel. next ch-8 sp, dc in next 24 dc, 12dc in next
Round 1 Dc in second ch from hook, dc in Row 1 Dc in the same st as the ss, dc in the ch-8 sp, dc in next 12 dc. [72 sts]
next 7 ch, 3dc in next ch, working along opposite side of the next 4 ch, turn. [5 sts] Round 25 Ss in both loops of each st
opposite side of starting ch, dc in next 8 Row 2 Ch1, dc in each dc across. around. Fasten off.
ch. [19 sts] Fasten off.
Round 2 2dc in next dc, dc in next 6 dc, CARROT
2htr in next dc, 2tr in next dc, 3tr in next LEFT SHOE BUTTONHOLE STRAP Using a 2.5mm hook and Yarn G, make a
dc, 2tr in next dc, 2htr in next dc, dc in next With the WS of the Shoe Upper facing, magic loop.
Round 1 Ch1 (does not count as st), 6dc
into loop. [6 sts]
Round 2 Dc in each st around.
Round 3 (2dc in next dc, dc in next dc)
3 times. [9 sts]
Rounds 4-6 Dc in each st around.
Round 7 (2dc in next dc, dc in next 2 dc)
3 times. [12 sts]
Rounds 8-10 Dc in each st around.
Round 11 (2dc in next dc, dc in next 3 dc)
3 times. [15 sts]
Rounds 12-14 Dc in each st around.
Round 15 (2dc in next dc, dc in next 4 dc)
3 times. [18 sts]
Rounds 16-18 Dc in each st around.
Round 19 (2dc in next dc, dc in next 5 dc)
3 times. [21 sts]
Rounds 20-22 Dc in each st around.
Round 23 (2dc in next dc, dc in next 6 dc)
3 times. [24 sts]
Rounds 24-26 Dc in each st around.
Round 27 (Dc2tog, 2dc) 6 times. [18 sts]

Round 28 (Dc2tog, 1dc) 6 times.
Fasten off. [12 sts]
Stuff the Carrot firmly, using the end of the
hook to push the stuffing right into the tip
of the Carrot.

Round 28 Join in Yarn H in first st, dc in the
back loop only of each st around.
Round 29 (Dc2tog) 6 times, do not fasten
off. [6 sts]

Row 1 Dc2tog, ch12 (stalk), *ch6, (ch5, ss in
the 2nd ch from hook, ss in the next 3 ch) 3
times, ss down the next 6 ch to form the
stem; rep from * twice more, ss down the
next 4 ch of the stalk, 1dc in the next 8 ch
to the top of the carrot.
Repeat Row 1 twice more to make 2 more
Leafy Stalks, ss into the top of the Carrot.
Fasten off. EARS
With the tail of yarn sew each Ear neatly to
TO MAKE UP the Head at approximately Round 17 and 5
HEAD sts apart, stitching all around the edges to
Attach the safety eyes to the crocheted attach them securely in place.
Head between Rounds 7 and 8, approx 7
sts apart. Stuff the Head firmly. Thread the TAIL
tail of the yarn onto a needle and run a With the tail of yarn run a gathering stitch
gathering stitch around the last round of around the last round of sts, draw up to
stitches, draw up to close. Fasten off. close. Fasten off.
Embroider the nose in fly stitch (see pg7), Sew the Tail to the lower end at the back of
using 4 strands of embroidery thread. the Body.

BODY DRESS The basket handles are created by working

Stuff the Body firmly, filling it right to the Pin the Collar to the neckline of the Dress double crochet stitches into two 8-ch spaces.
open end. Sew the Head to the Body, with each end of the Collar at the back
stitching all around the Neck edge and opening, but not overlapping the Button
inserting more stuffing into the Neck and Buttonhole Bands, and with the
before closing, if necessary. middle of the Collar at the centre front of
the Dress. Use the tail of yarn to sew the
ARMS AND LEGS Collar in place around the neckline. Stitch
Stuff the Arms, keeping them soft. Stuff the pockets to the Skirt, using the tail of
the feet firmly, pushing the stuffing to the yarn.
end of the Foot and the heel. Stuff the Legs
less firmly, filling them to the top. Run a BLOOMERS
gathering stitch around the last round of Sew tog the back seam, leaving an
stitches at the end of the Foot, draw up to opening for the Tail to poke through.
close. Fasten off. Sew tog the gap at the Thread elastic through the eyelets in the
front of the ankle where the Leg was waist. Overlap the ends of the elastic and
divided to form the foot. stitch tog on the inside of the Bloomers,
To finish each Arm and Leg, flatten the drawing the waistband in to fit. Trim away
open end and, with the tail of yarn sew the the excess elastic.
sts tog from each side to form a straight
edge. Sew an Arm to each side of the SHOES
Rabbit at the top of the Body using the Use the long tail of yarn to st tog the back
image as a guide. seam of each Shoe Upper. Sew a button to
Sew the Legs to the base of Body, slightly the button stand at the side of each shoe. Evangeline’s basket has little handles and is
off centre towards the front. Weave in all the yarn ends. roomy enough for stashing three carrots.


Flower power
There’s no need to worry about wilting petals when
you hook up a bunch of these yarny blooms.
Ideal for using up leftover yarn, crochet a
EASY selection of Vanessa Mooncie’s flowers in
PEASY your fave colours and you’ll have bright
DK 2.5MM florals in your home all year. The wire
stems make them easy to display.

YOU WILL NEED The stitches at the centre of the Flower are
Q Rico Essentials Cotton DK gathered up and stitched down to form a
(100% cotton, 50g/130m), flattened button shape.
1 ball of each: Yarn A, Yarn B and The stem of the Flower is made from The sturdy stems are made by wrapping
Yarn C (in your choice of colours) florist’s wire, wrapped in yarn and stitched florist’s wire neatly with your green yarn.
1 ball of Yarn D Grass Green (66) to the Flower.
Q A 2.5mm (US B/1 or C/2) hook
Q A tapestry needle FLOWER
Q 20-23cm (8-9in) florist’s wire for CENTRE
each stem Using Yarn A, make a magic loop.
Q Pliers to bend and trim the wire Round 1 Ch1 (does not count as st
For yarn stockists contact throughout), 5dc into loop. [5 sts]
Rico or Round 2 (2dc in the next st) 5 times.
Black Sheep Wools 01925 764231 [10 sts] Round 3 Dc into the back loop only of
Also available from your favourite each st around, ss to the next dc.
yarn store Round 4 Ch3 (counts as first tr), tr in the For maximum impact, choose sharply
same st as the ss, 2tr in the next 9 sts, ss to contrasting shades for your Yarns A and B.
TENSION top of beg ch-3 to join. [20 sts]
24 sts and 26 rows to 10x10cm (4x4in) Fasten off, leaving a long tail of yarn.
over double crochet using a 2.5mm Fasten off.
hook. Matching the tension isn’t PETALS
critical but will affect overall size and With the inside of the centre facing, join TO MAKE UP
yarn quantities. Yarn B with a ss to the remaining front loop FLOWER
of the first dc of Round 2. With the length of yarn left after fastening
MEASUREMENTS Round 1 Ch1, 2dc in the same st as the ss, off the Flower Centre, weave through the
Approx 10cm (4in) diameter 2dc in the front loop of the next 9 sts of last round of stitches, pull up tight to
Round 2. [20 sts] gather and stitch right through to the
ABBREVIATIONS Round 2 (Dc in the next dc, ch9, dc in the other side of the Flower to pull the middle
For a full list, see page 92 of Simply second ch from hook and next 7 ch, dc in of the centre in, forming a flattened button
Crochet magazine the next 3 dc) 5 times. shape.
Fasten off.
Round 3 Join Yarn C in first dc, (working STEM
along ch-9, htr in the next ch, tr in the next Use pliers to bend under the sharp ends of
5 ch, htr in the next ch, 3htr in the next ch, the wire. Wrap Yarn D tightly around the
skip last ch, 3htr in the next dc, htr in the length of wire, covering the end of the
next dc, tr in the next 5 dc, htr in the next yarn at the same time.
dc, skip the next 2 dc, ss into the next dc, A small amount of glue can be applied to
skip next dc) 5 times, ss to first st to join. prevent the end unravelling.
Fasten off, leaving a long tail of yarn. Knot the other end, leaving a long tail of
yarn to sew the Stem to the Flower.
Using Yarn D, make a magic loop. Slip the Stem through the loop in the
Round 1-2 Work as Rounds 1-2 of Centre. centre of the leaves and slide them up to
[10 dc] the flower to enclose the top of the stem.
Round 3 Dc in each st around. Sew the Leaves in place using the tail of
Round 4 2dc in each st around. [20 sts] Yarn B left after fastening off the Petals,
Round 5 (Dc in the next st, ch11, ss into the positioning the Leaves between the Petals.
second ch from hook, dc in the next ch, htr Close the loop of the Leaves around the
in the next 2 ch, tr in the next 6 ch, skip 3 Stem by pulling tight on the short end of
These flowers have raised, button-like centres dc of Round 4) 5 times, ss into the next st. the yarn.
that are worked in just four rounds. [5 leaves] Weave in all the yarn ends.


Splish splash
Wearing her snazzy rain boots, Arabella certainly won’t
be fazed by April showers. By Vanessa Mooncie.
Arabella is definitely a puddle duck, as
A BIT she’s ready to go splashing through the
TRICKY farmyard wearing her brightly-coloured
DK 2.5MM wellies. Maximilian’s hat is also a great fit
for Arabella, so why not crochet a version
for her? We think you’d be quackers not to.


Q Rico Essentials Cotton DK The Duck is worked using the amigurumi
(100% cotton, 50g/130m), method. Work in a continuous spiral
2 balls of Yarn A Natural (51) without closing off each round with a slip The Head and Neck are worked separately
1 ball of each: stitch. You may find it helpful to place a from the Body and need plenty of stuffing.
Yarn B Curry (61) marker in the first st of each round and
Yarn C Berry (15) move it up as you work. Where there is a
Q A 2.5mm (US B/1 or C/2) hook ch-1 at the beginning of a dc round, it does
Q A 3mm (US C/2 or D/3) hook not count as a st.
Q A tapestry needle
Q Safety eyes BODY
Q Toy stuffing The Body starts at the chest and works
For yarn stockists contact down towards the tail. Using a 2.5mm
Rico or hook and Yarn A, make a magic loop.
Black Sheep Wools 01925 764231 Round 1 Ch1, 6dc into loop. [6 sts] Round 2 (2dc in the next st) 6 times.
Also available from your favourite [12 sts] When you stuff the beak, take care to leave
yarn store Round 3 (2dc in the next st, 1dc) 6 times. the tip of it flat for the best possible shape.
[18 sts]
TENSION Round 4 (2dc in the next st, 2dc) 6 times.
24 sts and 26 rows to 10x10cm (4x4in) [24 sts] each side of the last round together.
over double crochet using a 2.5mm Round 5 (2dc in the next st, 3dc) 6 times. Ss into the back loop only of one stitch
hook. Matching the tension isn’t [30 sts] from each side to join across, adding more
critical but will affect overall size and Round 6 (4dc, 2dc in the next st) 6 times. stuffing if necessary before closing.
yarn quantities. [36 sts] Do not fasten off.
Round 7 (5dc, 2dc in the next st) 6 times.
Approx 23cm (9in) tall Round 8 (2dc in the next st, 6dc) 6 times. Round 1 Dc into the front loop of each st
[48 sts] of Round 43 of the body. [24 sts]
ABBREVIATIONS Round 9 (2dc in the next st, 7dc) 6 times. Rounds 2-3 Dc in each st around.
For a full list, see page 92 of Simply [54 sts] Round 4 Dc in the next dc, (dc2tog, 2dc) 5
Crochet magazine Round 10 (8dc, 2dc in the next st) 6 times. times, dc2tog, dc in the next dc. [18 sts]
[60 sts] Rounds 5-6 Dc in each st around.
Rounds 11-25 Dc in each st around. Round 7 (1dc, dc2tog) 6 times. [12 sts]
DIAGRAM FOR HEEL Round 26 (Dc2tog, 8dc) 6 times. [54 sts] Rounds 8-9 Dc in each st around.
Work on Rounds 27-28 Dc in each st around. Fasten off and thread yarn through the
these 12sts Round 29 (Dc2tog, 7dc) 6 times. [48 sts] last round of stitches, pulling tightly.
for the leg Rounds 30-31 Dc in each st around.
Wrong side Round 32 (Dc2tog, 6dc) 6 times. [42 sts] HEAD
of circle Rounds 33-34 Dc in each st around. Starting at the top of the Head, using a
Round 35 (Dc2tog, 5dc) 6 times. [36 sts] 2.5mm hook and Yarn A, make a magic
Rounds 36-37 Dc in each st around. loop.
Do not fasten off. Rounds 1-7 As Rounds 1-7 of Body. [42 sts]
Rounds 8-15 Dc in each st around.
Stuff the Body firmly, filling it to just a Round 16 (Dc2tog, 5dc) 6 times. [36 sts]
couple of rounds below the opening. Round 17 (Dc2tog, 4dc) 6 times. [30 sts]
Round 38 (Dc2tog, 4dc) 6 times. [30 sts] Round 18 (Dc2tog, 3dc) 6 times. [24 sts]
Rejoin here Rounds 39-40 Dc in each st around. Round 19 (Dc2tog, 2dc) 6 times. [18 sts]
to work the
foot Round 41 (Dc2tog, 3dc) 6 times. [24 sts] Round 20 (Dc2tog, 1dc) 6 times. [12 sts]
Rounds 42-43 Dc in each st around.
Work on
these 18sts Stuff the end of the Body. NECK
for the foot Flatten the end to bring the 12 sts from Round 21 Dc in each st around.


arab a th duck

Arabella’s tail is worked directly into the

front loops of Round 43 of the Body.

With the top of the Foot facing and a

2.5mm hook, join in Yarn B at one edge
and ss into the back loop only of both
stitches from each side to join, forming a
straight edge.
Fasten off.

Starting at the top of the Wing, using a
2.5mm hook and Yarn A, make a magic
Rounds 1-6 Work as Rounds 1-6 of Body.
[36 sts]
Round 22 (2dc in the next st, 1dc) 6 times. Round 2 (2dc in the next st) 6 times. Rounds 7-9 Dc in each st around.
[18 sts] [12 sts] Round 10 (2dc in the next st, 5dc) 6 times.
Round 23 Dc in each st around. Round 3 Dc in each st around. [42 sts]
Round 24 (2dc in the next st, 2dc) 6 times. Round 4 (2dc in next st, 1dc) 6 times. Rounds 11-15 Dc in each st around.
[24 sts] [18 sts] Round 16 (Dc2tog, 5dc) 6 times. [36 sts]
Round 25 Dc in each st around. Round 5 Dc in each st around. Rounds 17-19 Dc in each st around.
Round 26 (2dc in the next st, 3dc) 6 times. Round 6 (2dc in next st, 2dc) 6 times. Round 20 (Dc2tog, 4dc) 6 times. [30 sts]
[30 sts] [24 sts] Rounds 21-23 Dc in each st around.
Round 27 Dc in each st around, ss to first Round 7 (2dc in next st, 3dc) 6 times. Round 24 (Dc2tog, 3dc) 6 times. [24 sts]
st to join. [30 sts]
Fasten off, leaving a long tail of yarn at SHAPE WING LOWER TIP
the end. DIVIDE FOR LEG Round 25 Dc in the next 6 dc, skip next 12
Round 8 Dc in the next 6 dc, skip the next dc, dc in the next 6 dc.
BEAK 18 dc, 1dc in the next 6 dc. Continue working on these 12 sts to finish
Using a 2.5mm hook and Yarn B, ch7. Continue on these 12 sts to finish the leg. the Lower Wing Tip shaping.
Round 1 (RS) Dc into second ch from The gap at the front of the ankle will be Round 26 Dc in each st around.
hook, dc into next 4 ch, 2dc in next ch, sewn together later. Round 27 (Dc2tog, 2dc) 3 times. [9 sts]
working along opposite side of starting ch, Rounds 9-15 Dc in each st around. Round 28 Dc in each st around.
dc in next 5 ch. [12 sts] Fasten off, leaving a long tail of yarn. Round 29 (Dc2tog, 1dc) 3 times. [6 sts]
Rounds 2-10 Dc in each st around. Fasten off and thread yarn through the
Round 11 (2dc in next st, 1dc) 6 times. FOOT back loops of the last round, pulling tightly
[18 sts] Skip the first 9 stitches of the remaining 18 to close.
Round 12 Dc in each st around. dc of Round 7, rejoin Yarn B with a ss to the
Ss to the next st. next dc, which will be underneath the foot. SHAPE WING UPPER TIP
Fasten off, leaving a long tail of yarn. Rounds 1-9 Work as Rounds 1-9 of the Round 25 With RS facing, rejoin Yarn A
instructions for Rabbit’s Foot. [30 sts] with a ss to first skipped st of Round 24, dc
LEGS (MAKE 2) Fasten off. in same st, dc in the next 11 dc.
Using a 2.5mm hook and Yarn B, make a [12 sts]
magic loop. The centre of the following JOIN END OF FOOT Rounds 26-28 Dc in each st around.
circle forms the heel; see the Diagram for Next stuff the Foot. Bring the 15 sts from Rounds 29-31 Work as Rounds 27-29 of
the Heel on p13. each side of the last round together, Lower Tip.
Round 1 Ch1, 6dc into loop. [6 sts] flattening the Foot. Fasten off and thread yarn through the

back loops of the last round, pulling tightly
to close.

Using a 3mm hook and Yarn C, ch24, ss to
first ch to join, being careful not to twist.
Round 1 Ch1, dc in each ch around. [24 sts]
Rounds 2-5 Dc in each st around.
The following is worked in rows:
Row 1 (WS) Dc in the next 9 dc, 2dc in the
next dc, dc in the next 4 dc, 2dc in the next
dc, dc in the next 9 dc, turn. [26 sts]
Row 2 (RS) Ch1, dc in first 8 sts, 2dc in the
next 2 sts, htr in the next 6 sts, 2dc in the
next 2 sts, dc in the next 8 sts, turn.
[30 sts]
Row 3 Ch1, dc in the next 9 dc, 2dc in the
next 2 dc, htr in the next 8 sts, 2dc in the
next 2 dc, dc in the next 9 dc, turn. [34 sts]
Row 4 Ch1, dc in the next 10 dc, 2dc in the
next 2 dc, htr in the next 2 sts, tr in the
next 6 sts, htr in the next 2 sts, 2dc in the
next 2 dc, dc in the next 10 dc, turn.
[38 sts]
Row 5 Ch1, dc in the next 11 dc, htr in the
next 3 dc, tr in the next 10 sts, htr in the
next 3 dc, dc in the next 11 dc, turn.
Row 6 Ch1, dc in each st across.
Fasten off, leaving a long tail.

Using a 3mm hook and Yarn A, ch10.
Rounds 1-3 Work as Rounds 1-3 of the
instructions for the Sole of Rabbit’s shoes.
[38 sts]
Do not fasten off.


Place the Upper on top of the Sole of the For all that splashing in puddles, you might want to stitch a second pair of wellington boots for
Welly. Insert the hook under both loops of Arabella in another colour – kids will love dressing her up. The contrasting sole is a winner.
each stitch of the Upper first, then the Sole
to join, work 1dc in each of the next 38 dc,
ss to the first dc. BEAK so the Duck can sit down, with its feet
Fasten off. Stuff the Beak, keeping the shape flat at sticking out at the front. Sew the Legs in
the tip. Using the long tail stitch the Beak place.
TO MAKE UP to the Head around the open edge and
HEAD inserting more stuffing if needed. WINGS
Attach the safety eyes to the Head Sew together the gap between the Wing
between Rounds 10 and 11 approx 6 sts LEGS tips. Flatten the Wings.
apart. Push stuffing right into the end of the heel. Sew a Wing to each side of the body,
Stuff the Head and Neck firmly. Making Stuff the Legs less firmly, filling them to the joining them at the curved front edge and
sure the flat side of the tail is facing up, top. Sew together the gap at the front of halfway along the top using the image as a
position the Head at the front of the Body the ankle where the Leg was divided to guide.
using the image as a guide. form the Foot.
Sew the Head to the Body, stitching all WELLIES
around the Neck edge and inserting more Flatten the open end at the top of the Leg Use the long tail stitch to together the
stuffing into the Neck before closing, if and, sew across the top using the yarn tail. opening in the back of the heel.
necessary. Position the Legs on the base of the Body Weave in all the yarn ends.


In full bloom
Bring a dose of springtime sunshine into your
life with a bunch of these cheery daffodils.
Mini Cold Frame from
Why not alternate the colour of the yarn in
A BIT the daffodil trumpet? Create a vase full of
TRICKY Vanessa Mooncie’s Easter flowers in
DK 2.5MM vibrant shades of yellow and orange.

Trumpet and Base are worked using the
YOU WILL NEED amigurumi method. Work in a continuous
Q Rico Essentials Cotton DK (100% spiral without closing off each round with
cotton, 50g/130m), 1 ball of each: a ss. You may find it helpful to place a
Yarn A Curry (61) or Pumpkin (87) marker in the first st of each rnd and move
Yarn B Natural (51) or Curry (61) it up as you work. Craft wire is crocheted
Yarn C Grass Green (66) into last row of Leaf, so it can be bent into
Q A 2.5mm (US B/1 or C/2) hook position and holds its shape. The Stem is
Q Tapestry needle made by wrapping yarn around a length of Groups of half trebles are worked in the final
Q 20-23cm (8-9in) length of florist’s florist’s wire. The sharp ends are bent back round of the trumpet to create the frilly edge.
wire for each stem and the looped wire is stitched to base of
Q 50cm (19½in) length of craft wire for Daffodil. A small crocheted circle is slipped
each leaf over Stem and stitched in place to Daffodil next 58 ch, 3dc in next ch, working along
Q Pliers to bend and twist the wire to cover the end of the wire. opposite side of starting ch, dc in next 59
For yarn stockists contact ch, turn. [121 sts]
Rico or TRUMPET Row 2 Ch1, dc in first 60 dc, 3dc in next st,
Black Sheep Wools 01925 764231 Using Yarn A, make a magic loop. dc in next 60 dc, turn. [123 sts] Rnd 1 Ch1 (does not count as st Work next row around craft wire.
Also available from your favourite throughout), 6dc into loop. [6 sts] Row 3 Ch1, dc in first 61 dc, 3dc in next st,
yarn store Rnd 2 (2dc in the next st) 6 times. [12 sts] dc in next 61 dc, turn. [125 sts] Fasten off.
Rnd 3 1dc into the back loop only of each
TENSION st around. BASE
24 sts and 26 rows to 10x10cm (4x4in) Rnds 4-6 Dc in each st around. Using Yarn C, make a magic loop.
over double crochet using a 2.5mm Rnd 7 (2dc in the next st, 3dc) 3 times. Rnds 1-2 Work as Rounds 1-2 of Trumpet.
hook. Matching the tension isn’t [15 sts] Do not pull on short end of yarn to close
critical but will affect overall size and Rnds 8-9 Dc in each st around. loop.
yarn quantities. Rnd 10 (2dc in next st, 4dc) 3 times. [18 sts] Rnd 3 Dc in each st around, ss to first st to
Rnds 11-12 Dc in each st around. join. Fasten off.
MEASUREMENTS Rnd 13 (5htr in next st, ss in next st) 9
Each flower head measures approx times. Fasten off. TO MAKE UP
10cm (4in) in diameter STEM
PETALS Use pliers to bend under sharp ends of
ABBREVIATIONS With inside of Trumpet facing and a 2.5mm wire. Wrap Yarn C tightly around length of
For a full list, see page 92 of Simply hook, join Yarn B with a ss to front loop of wire to cover it, knotting ends securely and
Crochet magazine first dc of Rnd 2. leaving a long tail of yarn at each end. Use
Rnd 1 2dc in same st, dc in the front loop a tail of yarn to sew one end of Stem to
of next st, (2dc in front loop of next st, dc Daffodil. Slip Stem through centre of
in front loop of next st) 5 times. [18 sts] crocheted Base and slide it up to Daffodil
Rnd 2 (Dc in next dc, ch11, dc in 2nd ch to enclose top of Stem. Sew Base in place
from hook, dc in next 9 ch, dc in next 2 dc) using tail of Yarn B left after fastening off
6 times. Petals. Close loop of Base around Stem by
Rnd 3 (Working up opposite side of next pulling tight on short end of yarn.
ch-11, dc in next ch, htr in next ch, tr in
next 5 ch, htr in next ch, dc in next ch, 2dc LEAF
in next ch, skip last ch, 2dc in next dc, dc in Trim craft wire and bend under sharp ends
next ch, htr in next dc, tr in next 5 dc, htr in with pliers. Use tail of yarn at the other end
next dc, dc in next dc, skip next 2 dc, ss to to sew Leaf to Stem, stitching through loop
next dc) 6 times. of the bend in the wire and sewing the
Fasten off, leaving a long tail. Stem to the centre of the Leaf for around
5cm (2in) along the length to hold it in
LEAF place. Overlap lower ends of Leaf and sew
Using Yarn C, ch61. them neatly tog, for around 2.5cm up
Row 1 Dc into 2nd ch from hook, dc into length. Weave in all ends.


Do the can can
Forget vases – this cute crocheted watering can
is just what you need to hold Easter flowers.
Elevate the watering can from a piece of
A BIT humble garden equipment to a beautiful
TRICKY piece of homeware. Hook up Vanessa
DK 2.5MM Mooncie’s brightly-hued version and it’s
perfect for showing off the crocheted
flowers and daffodils on pages 10 and 16.


Q Rico Essentials Cotton DK The Watering Can is worked using the
(100% cotton, 50g/130m), amigurumi method. Work in a continuous
2 balls of Dark Teal (40) spiral without closing off each round with
Q A 2.5mm (US B/1 or C/2) hook a slip stitch. You may find it helpful to place
Q A tapestry needle a marker in the first st of each round and
Q Toy stuffing move it up as you work.
For yarn stockists contact
Rico or The Spout is crocheted in rounds, starting
Black Sheep Wools 01925 764231 at the top and working down towards the base, which is shaped by working in short
Also available from your favourite rows, starting with a few stitches and then
yarn store crocheting into an extra stitch at each end We recommend using a stitch marker to help
of every row. you keep track of your amigurumi rounds.
24 sts and 26 rows to 10x10cm (4x4in) The Rose and Spout are stuffed.
over double crochet using a 2.5mm The base of the Spout and the Handles are [24 sts]
hook. Matching the tension isn’t stitched to the Watering Can. Round 5 (2dc in the next st, 3dc) 6 times.
critical but will affect overall size and [30 sts]
yarn quantities. COVER Round 6 (4dc, 2dc in the next st) 6 times.
Make a magic loop. [36 sts]
MEASUREMENTS Round 1 Ch1, 6dc into loop. [6 sts] Round 7 (5dc, 2dc in the next st) 6 times.
Approx 9cm (3½in) tall Round 2 (2dc in the next st) 6 times. [42 sts]
[12 sts] Round 8 (2dc in the next st, 6dc) 6 times.
ABBREVIATIONS Round 3 (2dc in the next st, 1dc) 6 times. [48 sts]
For a full list, see page 92 of Simply [18 sts] Round 9 (2dc in the next st, 7dc) 6 times.
Crochet magazine Round 4 (2dc in the next st, 2dc) 6 times. [54 sts]
Round 10 (8dc, 2dc in the next st) 6 times.
[60 sts]
Round 11 (9dc, 2dc in the next st) 6 times.
[66 sts]
Round 12 (2dc in the next st, 10dc) 6
times. [72 sts]

Fold the piece in half, with wrong sides

together, ch1, work 1dc into next 36 sts,
working though both pieces of the fabric
at the same time to join.
Fasten off.

Make a magic loop.
Rounds 1-12 Work as for Rounds 1-12 of
Cover. [72 sts]
Round 13 Dc into the back loop only of
each st around.
Rounds 14-35 Dc in both loops of each st
Do not fasten off.


With right side of Can facing, align the


stitches of the Cover with the first 36 ROSE
stitches of the Can. With Spout held upside down to work in
Next, inserting the hook through both the opposite direction, join Yarn A with a ss
loops of each stitch of the Can first, then to the front loop of the first dc of Round 2
the Cover, work 1dc in each of the next 36 of the Spout.
dc, 1dc into the remaining 36 dc of the Round 1 1dc in the same st as the ss, 1dc
Can, ss to the next dc. into the front loop of the next 11 sts.
Fasten off. [12 sts]
Round 2 (2dc in the next dc, 1dc) 6 times.
SPOUT [18 sts]
Make a magic loop. Round 3 (2dc in the next dc, 2dc) 6 times.
Round 1 Ch1 (does not count as st [24 sts]
throughout), 6dc into loop. [6 sts] Round 4 Dc in each st around.
Round 2 (2dc in the next st) 6 times. Round 5 (2dc in the next dc, 3dc) 6 times.
[12 sts] [30 sts]
Round 3 Dc into the back loop only of Round 6 (2dc in the next dc, 4dc) 6 times.
each st around. [36 sts]
Rounds 4-6 Dc in both loops of each st Round 7 Dc in each st around.
around. Fasten off.
Round 7 (2dc in the next dc, 3dc) 3 times.
[15 sts] TOP Sew the Pouring Handle firmly to the back of
Rounds 8-10 Dc in both loops of each st Make a magic loop. the can, adding a cross stitch at each end.
around. Rounds 1-6 Work as for Rounds 1-6 of
Round 11 (2dc in the next dc, 4dc) 3 times. Cover. [36 sts]
[18 sts] Round 7 Dc in each st around.
Rounds 12-14 Dc in each st around. Do not fasten off.
Do not fasten off.
SPOUT BASE Next align the stitches of the Top with the
The following section is worked in rows: last Round of the Rose, with the Top facing
Row 1 (RS) Dc in the next dc, 2dc in each up. Inserting the hook under both loops of
of next 2 dc, dc in the next dc, ss to the each stitch of the Top first, then the Rose,
next dc, turn. [6 dc, 1 ss] dc in each of the next 30 dc, push some
Row 2 (WS) Ch1 (does not count as st stuffing into the opening, dc in each of the
throughout), dc in the same st as ss, dc in last 6 dc.
the next 6 dc, dc in next dc of Round 14, ss Next row Dc in each st around, ss to the
into the next st, turn. [8 dc, 1 ss] next st.
Row 3 Ch1, dc in the same st as the ss, dc in Fasten off.
the next 3 dc, 2dc in each of next 2 dc, dc
in the next 3 dc, dc in next dc of Round 14, CARRYING HANDLE The Can section is worked from the bottom
ss into the next st, turn. [12 dc, 1 ss] Ch6. up, starting with this solid, circular base.
Row 4 Ch1, dc in the same st as the ss, dc in Round 1 (RS) 1dc into second ch from
the next 12 dc, dc in next dc of Round 14, hook, dc into next 3 ch, 2dc in next ch, dc
ss into the next st, turn. [14 dc, 1 ss] in next 4 ch along the opposite side of the Flatten and finish as for the Carrying
Row 5 Ch1, dc in the same st as the ss, dc in starting ch. [10 sts] Handle.
the next 6 dc, 2dc in each of next 2 dc, dc Round 2 Dc in each st around.
in the next 6 dc, dc in next dc of Round 14, Repeat Round 2 until work measures 27cm. TO MAKE UP
ss into the next st, turn. [18 dc, 1 ss] Flatten the piece and finish the last round Stuff the Spout.
Row 6 Ch1, dc in the same st as the ss, dc in at the edge. Working across the open end Using the long tail, sew the Spout to the
the next 18 dc, dc in next dc of Round 14, of the tube, ch1, ss into the back loop only front of the Watering Can, using the image
ss into the next st, turn. [20 dc, 1 ss] of both stitches from each side at the same as a guide.
Row 7 Ch1, dc in the same st as the ss, dc in to join. [5 dc]
the next 9 dc, 2dc in each of next 2 dc, dc Fasten off, leaving a long tail of yarn. Sew the Carrying Handle to the top of the
in the next 9 dc, dc in next dc of Round 14, Watering Can and the Pouring Handle to
ss into the next st, turn. [24 dc, 1 ss] POURING HANDLE the back, stitching the ends down securely
Row 8 Ch1, dc in the same st as the ss, dc in Ch6. and embroidering a cross stitch with the
the next 24 dc, dc in next dc of Round 14, Rounds 1-2 Work as for Rounds 1-2 of the yarn at each end of both Handles to finish.
ss to first dc to join. Carrying Handle.
Fasten off, leaving a long tail of yarn. Repeat Round 2 until work measures 16cm. Weave in all the yarn ends.

Feeling sheepish
A gambolling lamb is perfect to herald the arrival of
warmer weather. Designed by Vanessa Mooncie.
gw ndo in th amb

Leaping for joy because spring has well

A BIT and truly sprung, Gwendoline the Lamb is
TRICKY an adorable addition to your Easter
DK 2.5MM menagerie. She has a wonderfully tactile
coat covered in textured bobbles that just
beg to be stroked, made using a clever
combo of loop stitches. Truly baa-rilliant.
Q Rico Essentials Cotton DK NOTES
(100% cotton, 50g/130m), The Head, Tail and the first part of the
2 balls of Yarn A Natural (51) Body and Legs are worked using the The flower is threaded carefully through
1 ball of Yarn B Taupe (89) amigurumi method. Work in a continuous stitches that make up the lamb’s mouth.
Small amounts of: spiral without closing off each round with
Yarn C Dusky Pink (19) a slip stitch. You may find it helpful to place
Yarn D Curry (61) a marker in the first st of each round and SHAPE FRONT
Yarn E Grass Green (66) move it up as you work. The following is worked in rows:
Q A 2.5mm (US B/1 or C/2) hook Row 1 (RS) Dc in the same st as the ss, dc
Q A 3mm (US C/2 or D/3) hook The front of the Body and Legs are worked in the next 3 sts, dc2tog, dc in the next st,
Q A tapestry needle in rows. dc2tog, dc in the next 5 sts, ss into the next
Q A pair of safety eyes, 6mm diameter The bobble pattern appears on the reverse st, turn. [13 sts]
Q Toy stuffing side of the Lamb as you crochet. Row 2 (WS) Ch1 (does not count as st
Q Black embroidery thread throughout), dc in the same st as the ss,
Q An embroidery needle BODY 1dc in the next st, Bobble in next st, dc in
For yarn stockists contact Using a 3mm hook and Yarn A, make a the next 2 sts, Bobble in next st, dc in the
Rico or magic loop. next 3 sts, Bobble in next st, dc in the next
Black Sheep Wools 01925 764231 Round 1 Ch1, 6dc into loop. [6 sts] 2 sts, Bobble in next st, dc in next 2 sts of Round 2 (Dc and Bobble in next st) 6 Round 24, ss into the next st, turn. [16 sts]
Also available from your favourite times. [12 sts] Row 3 Ch1, dc in the same st as the ss, dc in
yarn store Round 3 (2dc in the next st, dc in Bobble) 6 the next 5 sts, dc2tog, dc in the next st,
times. [18 sts] dc2tog, dc in the next 5 sts, dc in next st of
TENSION Round 4 (2dc in next st, Bobble in next st, Round 24, ss into the next st, turn. [16 sts]
24 sts and 26 rows to 10x10cm (4x4in) dc in the next st) 6 times. [24 sts] Row 4 Ch1, dc in the same st as the ss, dc in
over double crochet using a 2.5mm Round 5 (2dc in the next st, dc in the next the next st, Bobble in next st, (dc in the
hook. Matching the tension isn’t 3 sts) 6 times. [30 sts] next 3 sts, Bobble in next st) 3 times, dc in
critical but will affect overall size and Round 6 (2dc in next st, Bobble in next st, the next st, dc in next st of Round 24, ss to
yarn quantities. dc in each of next 2 sts, Bobble in next st) 6 the next st, turn. [18 sts]
times. [36 sts] Row 5 Ch1, dc in the same st as the ss, dc in
MEASUREMENTS Round 7 (2dc in the next st, dc in the next the next 6 sts, dc2tog, dc in the next st,
Approx 20cm (8in) tall (excluding ears) 5 sts) 6 times. [42 sts] dc2tog, dc in the next 6 sts, dc in next st of
and 14cm (5½in) long Round 8 (2dc in next st, Bobble in next st, Round 24, ss into the next st, turn. [18 sts]
dc in each of next 3 sts, Bobble in next st, Row 6 Ch1, dc in the same st as the ss, dc in
ABBREVIATIONS dc in the next st) 6 times. [48 sts] the next st, Bobble in next st, dc in the
Bobble Yrh, insert hook into next st, Round 9 Dc in each st around. next 3 sts, (Bobble in next st, dc in the next
yrh and pull up loop, yrh and draw Round 10 Dc in the next st, (Bobble in 2 sts) twice, Bobble in next st, dc in the
through 2 loops, (yrh, insert hook into next st, dc in the next 3 sts) 11 times, next 3 sts, Bobble in next st, dc in the next
same st, yrh and pull up loop, yrh and Bobble in next st, dc in the next 2 sts. st, dc in next st of Round 24, ss into the
draw through 2 loops), yrh and draw [48 sts] next st, turn. [20 sts]
through all 5 loops Round 11 Dc in each st around. Row 7 Ch1, dc in the same st as the ss, dc in
Petal Ss into next st, ch3, yrh, insert Round 12 (Bobble in next st, dc in the next the next 7 sts, dc2tog, dc in the next st,
hook into same st, yrh and pull up 3 sts) 12 times. dc2tog, dc in the next 7 sts, dc in next st of
loop, yrh and draw through 2 loops, Round 13 Dc in each st around. Round 24, ss into the next st, turn. [20 sts]
yrh, insert hook into same st, yrh and Round 14 (Dc in the next 3 sts, Bobble in Row 8 Ch1, dc in the same st as the ss, dc in
pull up loop, yrh and draw through 2 next st) 12 times. the next st, Bobble in next st, (dc in the
loops, yrh, draw through all 3 loops, Round 15 Dc in each st around. next 3 sts, Bobble in next st) 4 times, dc in
ch3, ss into the same st Round 16 Dc in the next 2 sts, (Bobble in the next st, dc in next st of Round 24, ss to
For a full list, see page 92 of next st, dc in the next 3 sts) 11 times, the next st, turn. [22 sts]
Simply Crochet magazine Bobble in next st, dc in the next st. Row 9 Ch1, dc in the same st as the ss, dc in
Rounds 17-24 Repeat Rounds 9-16. the next 8 sts, dc2tog, dc in the next st,
Ss into the next st, turn. dc2tog, dc in the next 8 sts, dc in next st of

Round 24, ss into the next st, turn. [22 sts] ss into the next st, turn. [28 sts] Rounds 11-12 Dc in each st around.
Row 10 Ch1, dc in the same st as the ss, dc Row 15 Ch1, dc in the same st as the ss, dc Round 13 (2dc in next st, 5dc) 6 times.
in the next st, Bobble in next st, (dc in the in the next 11 sts, dc2tog, dc in the next st, [42 sts]
next 3 sts, Bobble in next st, dc in the next dc2tog, dc in the next 11 sts, dc in next 6 Rounds 14-18 Dc in each st around.
2 sts, Bobble in next st) twice, dc in the sts of Round 24, do not turn. [32 sts] Round 19 (Dc2tog, 5dc) 6 times. [36 sts]
next 3 sts, Bobble in next st, dc in the next Round 20 (Dc2tog, 4dc) 6 times. [30 sts]
2 sts, ss into the next st, turn. [24 sts] SHAPE NECK Round 21 (Dc2tog, 3dc) 6 times. [24 sts]
Row 11 Ch1, dc in the same st as the ss, dc Next Round (RS) (Dc2tog, 2dc) 3 times, Round 22 (Dc2tog, 2dc) 6 times. [18 sts]
in the next 9 sts, dc2tog, dc in the next st, dc2tog, dc in the next st, (dc2tog, 2dc) 4 Round 23 (Dc2tog, dc) 6 times. [12 sts]
dc2tog, dc in the next 9 sts, dc in next st of times, dc in the next st, ss to first st to join Ss to the next st.
Round 24, ss into the next st, turn. [24 sts] into the round. [24 sts, not including ss] Fasten off, leaving a long tail of yarn.
Row 12 Ch1, dc in the same st as the ss, dc Fasten off, leaving a long tail.
in the next st, Bobble in next st, (dc in the EARS (MAKE 2)
next 3 sts, Bobble in next st) 5 times, dc in HEAD INNER EAR
the next st, dc in next st of Round 24, ss Starting at Lamb’s nose, using a 2.5mm Using a 2.5mm hook and Yarn C, ch9.
into the next st, turn. [26 sts] hook and Yarn B, make a magic loop. Row 1 (WS) Dc into second ch from hook,
Row 13 Ch1, dc in the same st as the ss, dc Round 1 Ch1, 6dc into loop. [6 sts] dc into next 6 ch, 3dc in next ch, working
in the next 10 sts, dc2tog, dc in the next st, Round 2 (2dc in next st) 6 times. [12 sts] along opposite side of starting ch, dc in
dc2tog, dc in the next 10 sts, dc in next st Round 3 (2dc in next st, dc) 6 times. [18 sts] next 7 ch, turn. [17 sts]
of Round 24, ss into the next st, turn. Round 4 (2dc in next st, 2dc) 6 times. Row 2 (RS) Ch1 (does not count as st
[26 sts] [24 sts] throughout), dc in the first 8 dc, 3dc in next
Row 14 Ch1, dc in the same st as the ss, dc Rounds 5-6 Dc in each st around. st, dc in the next 8 dc, turn. [19 sts]
in the next st, Bobble in next st, (dc in the Round 7 (2dc in next st, 3dc) 6 times. Row 3 Ch1, dc in the first 9 dc, 3dc in next
next 3 sts, Bobble in next st) twice, (dc in [30 sts] st, dc in the next 9 dc, turn. [21 sts]
the next 2 sts, Bobble in next st) twice, (dc Rounds 8-9 Dc in each st around. Fasten off.
in the next 3 sts, Bobble in next st) twice, Round 10 (2dc in next st, 4dc) 6 times.
dc in the next st, dc in next st of Round 24, [36 sts] OUTER EAR
Using a 2.5mm hook and Yarn B, ch9.
Rows 1-3 Work as Rows 1-3 of Inner Ear. Do
not fasten off.


Place wrong sides of Inner and Outer Ear
together, with the Inner Ear facing up.
Row 4 With Yarn B, ch1, inserting the hook
under both loops of each stitch of the
Inner Ear first, then the Outer Ear to join, dc
in each of first 10 dc, 3dc in next st, dc into
each of the next 10 dc. [23 sts]
Ss to the first dc of Row 4 to join the lower
corners and shape the Ear.
Fasten off, leaving a long tail.


Starting at the foot, with a 2.5mm hook
and Yarn B, make a magic loop.
Round 1 Ch1, 6dc into loop. [6 sts]
Round 2 (2dc in next st) 6 times. [12 sts]
Round 3 Dc in the back loop only of each
st around.
Rounds 4-16 Dc in each st around.
Round 17 (2dc in the next st, 3dc) 3 times.
Fasten off. [15 sts]


The following is worked in rows:
Row 1 (RS) Join Yarn A in first st, dc in first
2 dc, (2dc in the next dc, 1dc) 6 times, dc in
the next dc, turn. [21 sts]


gw ndo in th amb

Row 2 (WS) Ch1 (does not count as st magic loop.

throughout), dc in first 2 dc, (Bobble in Round 1 Ch1, 5dc into loop, ss into the first
next st, 1dc in the next 3 sts) 4 times, dc to join. Fasten off. [5 sts]
Bobble in next st, dc in the next 2 sts, turn. Round 2 Join Yarn A or C in first st, Petal 5
Row 3 Ch1, dc in each st, turn. times, ss into first st to join.
Row 4 Ch1, dc in first 4 sts, (Bobble in next Fasten off, leaving a long tail.
st, dc in the next 3 sts) 4 times, dc in the
next st, turn. STEM AND LEAF (MAKE 1 FOR EACH
Row 5 Dc in each st, turn. FLOWER)
Rows 6-7 Repeat Rows 2-3. Using 2.5mm hook and Yarn E, ch21.
Fasten off, leaving a long tail. Row 1 Ss into second ch from hook and
next 13 ch, ch7, ss into the second ch from
HIND LEGS (MAKE 2) hook, dc in the next ch, htr in the next ch,
Starting at the foot, using a 2.5mm hook tr in the next ch, htr in the next ch, dc in
and Yarn B, make a magic loop. the next ch, ss in remaining 6 ch of the Inner and outer parts of the ears are worked
Rounds 1-17 As Rounds 1-17 of Front Legs. starting ch21. separately then joined with a dc seam.
[15 sts] Fasten off.


The following is worked in rows: BODY
Row 1 (RS) Join Yarn A in first st, dc in the Stuff the Body, filling it up to the opening
next dc, (2dc in the next dc, 1dc) 3 times, at the neck.
dc in the next 2 dc, (2dc in the next dc, dc)
3 times, turn. [21 sts] HEAD
Row 2 (WS) Ch1, dc in the next 2 dc, Attach the safety eyes to the Head in
(Bobble in next st, dc in the next 3 sts) 4 Round 8 approx 8 sts apart. Stuff the Head
times, Bobble in next st, dc in the next 2 firmly. Thread the tail of the yarn onto a
sts, turn. needle and run a gathering stitch around
Row 3 Ch1, (2dc in the next st, 1dc) 3 times, the last round of stitches, draw up tightly.
dc in the next 9 sts, (1dc, 2dc in the next st) Fasten off.
3 times, turn. [27 sts] Embroider the nose in fly stitch (see p7),
Row 4 Ch1, (dc in the next 3 sts, Bobble in using 4 strands of embroidery thread.
next st) 6 times, dc in the next 3 sts, turn. Sew the Head to the Body, stitching all
Row 5 Ch1, (2dc in the next st, 1dc) 3 times, around the neck edge and inserting more
dc in the next 15 sts, (1dc, 2dc in the next stuffing into the neck before closing, if
st) 3 times, turn. [33 sts] necessary. The tail is worked after the legs and has a
Row 6 Ch1, dc in the next 4 sts, Bobble in small amount of stuffing in the end.
next st, (dc in the next 3 sts, Bobble in next EARS
st) 6 times, dc in the next 4 sts, turn. Using the long tail, sew each ear neatly to
Row 7 Ch1, dc in each st across. the top of the Head, stitching all around the Tail. Using the yarn tail, run a gathering
Fasten off, leaving a long tail of yarn. the edges to attach them securely in place. stitch around the last round of stitches,
draw up to close.
TAIL LEGS Fasten off.
Using a 2.5mm hook and Yarn A, make a Use the long tail, sew together the seam of Sew the Tail to the back of the Body.
magic loop. the top shaping. Stuff the Legs firmly,
Round 1 Ch1, 5dc into loop, ss into the first filling them to the top and keeping the Stitch the Flowers to the top of the Stems.
dc to join. [5 sts] base flat. Stitch the front Legs side by side, To attach a pink Flower to the Lamb’s
Round 2 (2dc in next dc) 5 times. [10 sts] just before the front shaping of the Body, mouth, thread a short length of yarn
Round 3 (2dc in next dc, dc) 5 times. with the seam facing towards the back. through the end of the Stem.
[15 sts] Sew the hind Legs next to each other at Thread the ends of the yarn through a
Rounds 4-8 Dc in each st around. the back of the Body, with the seam in the needle and draw the needle between the
Round 9 (Dc2tog in next dc, dc) 5 times. Leg facing towards the front. stitches on one side of the front of the face,
[10 sts] Stitch all around each Leg to hold them below the nose, and through to the other
Rounds 10-12 Dc in each st around. securely in place, inserting more stuffing if side pulling the Stem through. Secure in
Fasten off, leaving a long tail of yarn. necessary. place with a few hidden stitches.
Tie together the remaining Flowers into
FLOWER (MAKE 5 IN YARN A AND 6 IN TAIL bunches of 5 Flowers with a crocheted
YARN C) Use the end of the crochet hook to push a cord of ch60.
Using a 2.5mm hook and Yarn D, make a small amount of stuffing into the end of Weave in all yarn ends.

Easter parade
Come out of your shell to make this adorable
bonnet-wearing snail by Vanessa Mooncie.
maximi ian th snai

With his fancy, ribbon-bedecked hat, dc into next 21 ch, 3dc in last ch, working
A BIT Maximilian the Snail is sure to take first along the opposite side of the starting ch,
TRICKY place in any Easter bonnet competition. dc in next 22 ch, turn. [47 sts]
DK 2.5MM It’s all about the details for this happy Row 2 (RS) Ch1 (does not count as st
chappie, with a shell embellished using throughout), dc in the first 23 dc, 3dc in
slip stitches worked in a contrasting next st, dc in the next 23 dc, turn. [49 sts]
colour, plus curly crocheted streamers Row 3 Ch1, dc in the first 24 dc, 3dc in next
YOU WILL NEED and tiny flowers decorating his titfer. He’s st, dc in the next 24 dc, turn. [51 sts]
Q Rico Essentials Cotton DK (100% also a fantastic project to practise your Row 4 Ch1, dc in the first 25 dc, 3dc in next
cotton, 50g/130m), 1 ball of each: shaping on – in fact, once complete, you’ll st, dc in the next 25 dc, turn. [53 sts]
Yarn A Curry (61), Yarn B Berry (15), feel as if you’ve totally snailed it. Row 5 Ch1, dc in the first 26 dc, 3dc in next
Yarn C Dark Teal (40) st, dc in the next 26 dc, turn. [55 sts]
Q A 2.5mm (US B/1 or C/2) hook NOTES Row 6 Ch1, dc in the first 27 dc, 3dc in next
Q A tapestry needle The Body is made in two pieces that are st, dc in the next 27 dc, turn. [57 sts]
Q A pair of safety eyes, 6mm diameter joined and then edged. The shaping at the Row 7 Ch1, dc in the first 28 dc, 3dc in next
Q Toy stuffing front is worked in rows, working into one st, dc in the next 28 dc, turn. [59 sts]
Q Black embroidery thread extra stitch on each side of every row and Row 8 Ch1, dc in the first 29 dc, 3dc in next
For yarn stockists contact decreasing the stitches. st, dc in the next 29 dc, turn. [61 sts]
Rico Row 9 Ch1, dc in the first 30 dc, 3dc in next
Black Sheep Wools 01925 764231 The Head and most of the Shell are worked st, dc in the next 30 dc, turn. [63 sts] using the amigurumi method. Work in a Row 10 Ch1, dc in the first 31 dc, 3dc in
Also available from your favourite continuous spiral without closing off each next st, dc in the next 31 dc. [65 sts]
yarn store round with a slip stitch. You may find it Fasten off.
helpful to place a marker in the first st of
TENSION each round and move it up as you work. FOOT
24 sts and 26 rows to 10x10cm (4x4in) Using Yarn A, ch29.
over dc using a 2.5mm hook. The Shell is crocheted in rounds and Row 1 (WS) Dc into second ch from hook,
Matching tension isn’t critical but will rows. Slip stitches are worked into the dc into next 26 ch, 3dc in next ch, working
affect overall size and yarn quantities. front loops of the stitches to produce along the opposite side of the starting ch,
three decorative bands on the surface dc in next 27 ch, turn. [57 sts]
MEASUREMENTS of the Shell. Rows 2-5 Work as Rows 7-10 of the Top of
Approx 18cm (7in) in length the Body.
BODY Do not fasten off.
For a full list, see page 92 of Simply Using Yarn A, ch24. JOIN BODY PIECES
Crochet magazine Row 1 (WS) Dc into second ch from hook, Place wrong sides of the Top and Foot
together, with the top facing up.
Row 1 Ch1, inserting the hook under both
loops of each stitch of the Top first, then
the Foot to join, dc in each of the first 32
dc, 3dc in next st, dc into each of the next
32 dc. Do not fasten off. [67 sts]

Round 1 Rotate Body to work into Row
ends of Top, work 20 dc evenly into Row
ends of Top, then work 10 dc evenly into
Row ends of Foot, ss to first dc to join, turn.
[30 sts]
Row 1 (WS) Ch1, dc in the same st as the ss,
dc in the next 11 dc, ss into the next st,
turn. [12 dc, 1 ss]
Row 2 (RS) Ch1, dc in the same st as the ss,
dc in the next 12 dc, dc in next st of Round
1, ss into the next st, turn. [14 dc, 1 ss]
Row 3 Ch1, dc in the same st as the ss, dc in
the next 14 sts, dc in next st of Round 1, ss
into the next st, turn. [16 dc, 1 ss]
Row 4 Ch1, dc in the same st as the ss, (dc,

maximi ian th snai

dc2tog, dc) 4 times, dc in next st of Round

1, ss into the next st, turn. [14 sts, 1 ss]
Rows 5-8 Repeat Rows 3-4 twice.
Row 9 Repeat Row 3.
Row 10 Ch1, dc in the same st as the ss, dc
in the next 16 dc, dc in next st of Round 1,
turn. [18 dc]
Row 11 Ch1, dc in each dc of the previous
row, turn. [18 dc]
Row 12 Ch1, 2dc in the first dc, dc in the
next 6 dc, (dc2tog) twice, dc in the next 6
dc, 2dc in the next dc, turn. [18 dc]
Rows 13-14 Repeat Rows 11-12.
Fasten off, leaving a long tail of yarn at the

With the Foot facing up, join Yarn A with a
ss to the first dc in Row 1 that joined the
Foot to the Top of the Body.
Row 1 (WS) Dc into the same st as the ss,
dc in each of the next 32 dc, 3dc in next dc,
dc into each of the next 33 dc, ss into the
front shaping, turn. [69 dc]
Row 2 (RS) Ch1 (does not count as st), dc in
each of the next 34 dc, 3dc in next dc, dc SHELL
into each of the next 34 dc, ss into the Using Yarn B, make a magic loop.
front shaping. [71 dc] Round 1 Ch1, 6dc into loop. [6 sts]
Fasten off. Round 2 (2dc in the next st) 6 times.
[12 sts]
HEAD Round 3 Dc in each st around. Fasten off.
Using Yarn A, make a magic loop. Round 4 Join Yarn A in first st, dc in each st
Round 1 Ch1, 6dc into loop. [6 sts] around. Fasten off.
Round 2 (2dc in the next st) 6 times. Round 5 Join Yarn B in first st, (2dc in the
[12 sts] back loop only of the next st) 12 times. Maximilian has a double crochet edging
Round 3 (2dc in the next st, 1dc) 6 times. [24 sts] around his foot to help him glide along.
[18 sts] Round 6 (2dc in the next st, 1dc) 12 times.
Round 4 (2dc in the next st, 2dc) 6 times. [36 sts]
[24 sts] Round 7 Dc in each st around. TOP OF SHELL
Round 5 (2dc in the next st, 3dc) 6 times. Round 8 (Dc2tog) 18 times. The Top is worked in Rows.
[30 sts] Fasten off. [18 sts] Row 1 (RS) Dc in next 42 sts, turn. [42 dc]
Round 6 (2dc in the next st, 4dc) 6 times. Round 9 Join Yarn A in first st, 2dc in each Rows 2-7 Ch1 (does not count as st
[36 sts] st around. Fasten off. [36 sts] throughout), dc in next 42 sts, turn.
Rounds 7-16 Dc in each st around. Round 10 Join Yarn B in first st, (2dc in Row 8 (WS) Ch1, dc in the next 42 sts, ch12,
Round 17 (Dc2tog, 4dc) 6 times. [30 sts] back loop only of the next st, dc in back ss to the first dc, turn, do not fasten off.
Round 18 (Dc2tog, 3dc) 6 times. [24 sts] loop only of the next st) 18 times. [54 sts] [42 dc, 12 ch]
Round 19 (Dc2tog, 2dc) 6 times. [18 sts] Rounds 11-13 Dc in each st around.
Round 20 (Dc2tog, 1dc) 6 times. [12 sts] Round 14 (Dc2tog) 27 times. BACK OF SHELL
Fasten off, leaving a long tail. Fasten off. [27 sts] The Back is worked in Rounds.
Round 15 Join Yarn A in first st, 2dc in each Round 1 (RS) Dc in next 12 ch, dc in next
TENTACLES (MAKE 2) of next 15 sts, dc in the next 12 dc. 42 dc. [54 sts]
Using Yarn A, make a magic loop. Fasten off. [42 sts] Round 2 (Dc2tog, 7dc) 6 times. [48 sts]
Round 1 Ch1, 6dc into loop. [6 sts] Round 16 Join Yarn B in first st, (2dc in Round 3 (Dc2tog, 6dc) 6 times. [42 sts]
Round 2 (2dc in the next st) 6 times. back loop only of the next dc, dc in back Round 4 (Dc2tog, 5dc) 6 times. [36 sts]
[12 sts] loop only of the next 4 dc) 6 times, dc in Round 5 (Dc2tog, 4dc) 6 times. [30 sts]
Round 3 Dc in each st around. back loop only of the next 12 dc. [48 sts] Round 6 (Dc2tog, 3dc) 6 times. [24 sts]
Round 4 (Dc2tog) 6 times. [6 sts] Round 17 (2dc in the next st, 5dc) 6 times, Round 7 (Dc2tog, 2dc) 6 times. [18 sts]
Rounds 5-12 Dc in each st around. dc in the next 12 dc, do not fasten off. Round 8 (Dc2tog, 1dc) 6 times. [12 sts]
Fasten off, leaving a long tail. [54 sts] Round 9 (Dc2tog) 6 times. [6 sts]


maximi ian th snai

Fasten off, leaving a long tail for sewing

Thread the yarn tail through the sts in
Round 9, pulling tightly on the yarn to

Join Yarn A to the front loop of the first dc
of Round 4 and ss into each st around, ss
into the first st to join.
Fasten off.
Repeat on Rounds 9 and 15 to finish the
Decorative Bands around the surface of
the Shell.

Using Yarn C, make a magic loop.
Rounds 1-6 Work as Rounds 1-6 of the
Head. [36 sts]
Round 7 (2dc in the next st, 5dc) 6 times.
[42 sts]
Rounds 8-11 Dc in each st around.
Fasten off. to the top of the neck.
Round 12 Join Yarn A in first st, dc in each
st around. HEAD
Round 13 Dc in each st around. Attach the safety eyes to the Head in Row
Fasten off. 10, approximately 5 sts apart.
Stuff the Head firmly.
BRIM Embroider the mouth using 3 strands of
Round 14 Join Yarn C in first st, ss into the embroidery thread and the image as a
next st, ch2 (counts as htr), htr in the same guide.
st as ss, htr in the next dc, (2htr in the next Sew the Head to the Body, stitching all
st, htr in the next st) 20 times, ss to top of around the neck edge and inserting more On the back of the swirly snail shell, the
beg ch-2 to join. [63 sts] stuffing into the neck before closing, if shaping forms a pretty star shape.
Round 15 Ch2 (counts as htr), htr in the necessary.
next 62 htr, ss to top of beg ch-2 to join.
Fasten off. TENTACLES
Use the end of the crochet hook to push a
FLOWERS (MAKE 3) small amount of stuffing into the
Follow pattern for Lamb’s Flower (p23), Tentacles.
using Yarn A for the Flower Centre and Sew the Tentacles to the top of the Head at
Yarn B for the Petals. the front, stitching all around the edges.

Using Yarn A, *ch25. Stuff the Shell firmly.
Row 1 1tr in the fourth ch from hook, tr in Sew the Shell to the top of the Body,
the next ch, (2tr in the next ch, tr in the stitching all around the open edges.
next ch) twice, (2htr in the next ch, htr in
the next ch) 6 times, dc in the next 3 ch, ss HAT
into the next ch. Using the yarn tail, sew the Ribbon and
Repeat from * twice more. Fasten off, Flowers to the Hat.
leaving a long tail of yarn at the end. Weave in all the yarn ends.

Stuff the Body, keeping the base flat. Use
the yarn tail to sew the edges together at Tucked beneath the flowers, the dangling
the back of neck. Add more stuffing, filling tendrils act as the bonnet’s ribbon ends.

Maximilian hasn
noticed I’ve take
his hat!
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St p-by-st p

Crochet essentials
Step-by-step guides to many useful stitches and techniques
that you’ll use every time you make amigurumi.



Tail end

1 To start a Magic Loop, don’t 2 Now insert your hook into the 3 Make a t-ch for the sts you 4 Once you’ve worked the first
make a slipknot. Instead, make loop, from front to back. Wrap want to work (above, we made round of stitches, simply pull
a loop with the yarn, leaving a the working yarn around the 1 t-ch for dc). Work your sts the tail end of yarn to draw up
tail around 10cm long. Make hook and pull the yarn through into the Magic Loop, over the ring. Work a slip stitch to
sure the tail end is under the the loop. both the loop and the tail end join the last and first sts to finish
working yarn. (so two yarn strands). the first round.


1 To make a double crochet 2 Wind the yarn around the 3 Pull the yarn through the 4 Yarn round hook again, then
stitch, insert the hook under hook (yrh). stitch, giving you two loops pull the yarn through both
the top two loops of the next on your crochet hook. loops. There’s your double
stitch on the previous row. crochet made and you’ll have
one loop left on the hook
ready to do the next stitch.


1 Make a foundation ring (see 2 Instead, work the first dc 3 You’ll now be working in a 4 On the last round, after
p89) and work the t-ch (1ch for stitch of the second round spiral. Continue to work more you’ve worked the last dc
dc). Now work 12 dc stitches into the first stitch of the first rounds of dc stitches in a stitch, you’ll need to finish off
into the ring, but do not join round. To do this, insert the spiral, according to your the spiral with a slip stitch for
the last stitch and first stitch of hook into the stitch, yrh, pull pattern instructions. a neat edge: insert the hook
this first round with a slip yarn through, yrh and pull the into the next stitch, yrh and
stitch. yarn through both loops. pull through both loops.


1 Work a double crochet stitch 2 Then work another dc, 3 Continue the 2nd dc stitch, 4 Finish the second dc stitch as
as usual: insert hook into next inserting hook into the same working yrh and pull up a loop usual, working yrh and pull
stitch, yrh, pull up loop, yrh, stitch again. of yarn. yarn through 2 loops on hook.
pull yarn through 2 loops on Once you’ve finished, you’ll
hook. see how 2 dc stitches are
worked into the same stitch.


1 Start by inserting the hook 2 Without finishing the first 3 Now complete both dc 4 This is how your completed
under the top two loops of the dc, begin the next dc by stitches together by working dc2tog should look. You will
next stitch on the previous inserting the hook in the next yrh and pull this loop through have neatly decreased one
row. Begin to work a double stitch on the previous row. all 3 loops on the hook. stitch. On subsequent rows,
crochet stitch in the usual way, Again, work yrh and pull loop you can simply work a stitch
working yrh and pull loop through (3 loops on hook). into the top of the dc2tog
through (2 loops on hook). stitch as usual.


In these patterns, you’ll work the stitches in
spiral rounds. If you’ve never done this
Meet the designer
before, don’t worry, it’s easy! At the end of a The exquisite attention to detail is what sets
round, don’t join the first and last stitches UK stitcher and author Vanessa Mooncie’s
with a slip stitch. Instead, just work the first designs apart. This adorable Easter
stitch of a new round into the top of the first amigurumi toy collection is no exception.
stitch on the previous round. Using stitch She told us a bit about her process.
markers will help you to keep track of spiral 1 Work the first stitch of a round and place a “Crocheted fabric is so easy to sculpt just
rounds. Our step-by-step guide (right) will stitch marker in this first stitch. by varying the length of a stitch or changing
show you how to do this. the direction of the working row or round.
When I work on a new design, I often have
to unravel and re-work the piece before I’m
happy with the shape.
The mistakes can lead to
unexpected success,
when a finished item
turns out better than
originally planned. It
2 Work a spiral round of double crochet 3 You’ll need to remove the marker, work makes you think of other
stitches until you’ve worked the last stitch the first stitch of the new round and then ways to work and
of the round. The next stitch you’ll want to replace the stitch marker in this first stitch, inspires new ideas!”
work into will have the stitch marker in it. to mark the start of the round again.


C het
Amigurumi by Vanessa Mooncie.
Presented with issue 55 of Simply Crochet.
Printed in the UK.
Essentially Unbeatable
Rico Essentials Cotton dk – top variety in 54 colours

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