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1. Kindly give an example of each type of theories.

 Examples of Grand Theories:
a. General Systems Theory - Imogene King.
b. Modelling and Role Modelling Theory - Erickson, Tomlin, and Swain.
c. Transcultural Nursing (formerly Culture-Care) - Madeleine Leininger.
 Examples of Mid-range Theories:

a. The Framework of Systemic Organization - Marie-Louise Friedemann

b. Theory of Group Power within Organizations - Christina Sieloff
c. Theory of Comfort - Katharine Kolcaba

 Examples of Descriptive Theories:

a. 14 Components of Basic Nursing Care - Virginia Henderson's
b. Watson's Theory of Human Caring
 Examples of Prescriptive Theories:
a. Feature Integration Theory - Anne Treisman
b. Gestalt’s Theory of Prescription – Max Wertheimer
2. Recall some of the commonly used non nursing theories.
a. Developmental Theories
b. Psychosocial Theories
c. Health and Wellness Model Theories
d. General Systems Theories
e. Basic Human Needs Theories
f. Stress and Adaptation
g. Borrowed Theories
h. Gender Concepts and Issues in Health
i. Theories of Change
3. Distinguish and provide examples of each levels of knowing in nursing.
a. Empirical Knowledge is termed as the Science of nursing. This level of knowing
in nursing commonly use scientific enquiries and empirical researches and testing.
Using this level of nursing knowledge includes legitimate scientific knowledge
that undergoes empirical testing.
(Examples are: checking vital signs, finding veins, giving immunization to
patients, inserting intravenous fluids, giving the proper medications, etc.)
b. Aesthetic Knowledge is called as the art of nursing. This level of knowing in
nursing is seen through activities performed by the nurses such as taking care of
the patient, giving him bath, and any other tasks that nurses do.
(Examples are: giving bath to patients, feeding the patients, helping patients in to
the bathroom, reading happy stories to patients, motivating patients on their fast
recovery, etc.)
c. Personal Knowledge is also known as the intra and interpersonal nature of
nursing. This level of knowing in nursing concerns about the awareness of the
individual’s own self. This knowledge usually generates from experiences of the
nurses from their daily activities and practices.
(For example: through experiences and practices, nurses learn how to check the
blood pressure of the patients, check the patients’ vital signs, find veins, inject
medications, help doctors in medical purposes and procedures, etc.)
d. Ethical Knowledge is also called as the moral component of nursing. This level
of knowing in nursing revolves around moral knowledge, decision making and
responsibilities. It includes the right decisions that a nurse must have and perform
in the workplace.
(Example: the decision to tell the patient’s real situation, decision of withdrawal
of treatment, protection of patient’s private information, etc.)

4. Explain and illustrate the relationship between nursing research, nursing theory and
nursing practice.

Nursing research, nursing theory and nursing practice comes in a cycle. Nursing
theories as the starting point, these theories are the foundation of the assumptions, concepts
and ideas, as a result, people will be motivated to find proofs of these theories and with
that, nursing research and nursing practice will then take in action. Nursing research will
then generate scientific and legitimate knowledge regarding nursing that will lead to the
improvement of nursing practice as well as nursing theory. The methodologies of the nurses
will then become more enhanced in their practices. Nursing practice upgrades the effective
processes of the nurses in the field of healthcare, with this, nursing theory will start to be
formulated again and nursing research will begin to be performed as well. These three are
interrelated with each other, they are working in a systematic process that gives rise to the
development of nursing.

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