Activity in TFN
Activity in TFN
Activity in TFN
4. Explain and illustrate the relationship between nursing research, nursing theory and
nursing practice.
Nursing research, nursing theory and nursing practice comes in a cycle. Nursing
theories as the starting point, these theories are the foundation of the assumptions, concepts
and ideas, as a result, people will be motivated to find proofs of these theories and with
that, nursing research and nursing practice will then take in action. Nursing research will
then generate scientific and legitimate knowledge regarding nursing that will lead to the
improvement of nursing practice as well as nursing theory. The methodologies of the nurses
will then become more enhanced in their practices. Nursing practice upgrades the effective
processes of the nurses in the field of healthcare, with this, nursing theory will start to be
formulated again and nursing research will begin to be performed as well. These three are
interrelated with each other, they are working in a systematic process that gives rise to the
development of nursing.