TDS 98 04 Pib

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Varco PRODUCT BULLETIN: TDS-98-04 Top Drive Systems rou Information June 9, 1998 SUBJECT: TDS-9S Connector Label & Lockwire Kits PURPOSE: __ Insure Safe and Correct Tightening of Connectors EFFECTIVITY: All TDS-9S Units Varco engineering recommends that all power, control and encoder connectors be Wrench Tight- ened to 30-35 ft Ib. of Torque and Lockwired. This is necessary to ensure that the connectors remain tight and properly sealed during rough drilling conditions to prevent water ingress caused by loose gland nuts. 1) Failure to tighten high power cable can cause an electrical shock if immersed in water or drilling fluid, 2) Shorting of the connector pins can cause drive, motor and control system damage. 3) _Itis imperative that the protective caps for the connectors are installed and tightened dur- ing each rig move. Please check the tightness of all connectors on your TDS-9S units before starting up electrical power. Try to keep all cables and connectors off the ground and elevated when possible. Use lecktro clean type electrical cleaner on any connectors that incur contamination or water ingress and dry thoroughly before reassembling. Please report any problems or concerns to your local Varco Service Center immediately. Varco has produced a Caution Label Kit forthe TDS-9S connectors (P/N 120575). These kits are available from your local Varco Service Center free of charge. These kits include caution labels which are designed to provide a highly visible warning for properly maintaining connectors. Also included in this kit is .032" lockwire which is needed to keep your connectors property tightened, These labels may be installed by rig personnel or may be installed by a Varco Service Engineer during future rig visits. As this is a field retrofit, the Caution Label Kit for the TDS-9S connectors (P/N 120575) is avail- able free of charge as a Warranty Retrofit from your local Varco Service Center. Please reference Warranty 97024 in place of your Customer Purchase Order number. Lastly, if you need a lockwire tool for your connectors, Varco makes a TDS-9S Lockwire Kit (P/N 119987). This kit includes the lockwire tool and two types of lockwire for your TDS-9S unit. You can purchase a lockwire tool kit through your local Varco Service Center. ‘Tps-98-04 1 0f2 Sao REVSIONS —|ACAD RELEASE, JA.G. 2/97 1__|120575.0NG| KIT, CAUTION LABELS TDS9S_CONN. 4 H1OFT | Z6000—8| LOCKWIRE .032DIA 3 8 [118230 | LABEL, CAUTION (POWER/ COMPOSITE)| 2 2 1118552 [LABEL CAUTION (ENCODER) 1 QTY |P/N DESCRIPTION ITEM| rev SANS or'sneets [Ta] s[e [5 fe) [a fo el aloha 7 GLOCKNER [2/97 Eon KIT, CAUTION LABELS ou ‘TOS—9S CONNECTORS SS ee 120575 ‘APPLICATION RINE a suet 1 or 1 ‘Tos-98-04 202

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