28244-Article Text-100587-1-10-20231109
28244-Article Text-100587-1-10-20231109
28244-Article Text-100587-1-10-20231109
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*Muhammad Zuhdan Jauzi, Dinar Catur Istiyanto, Aris Subarkah, Sungsang Urip Sujoko, Mardi Wibowo, Raka
Firmansyah, Rizaldi Caesar Yuniardi
The National Research and Innovation Agency (BRIN)
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High-rate accumulation of sediment materials in front of the sea water intake (SWI) of a petrochemical factory cooling
water system has caused high maintenance dredging costs. A study was conducted to identify the pattern and rate of
sedimentation and to find an engineering solution that enables controlling sedimentation rate reduction. Based on
numerical simulation, it is identified that the existing total rate of sedimentation around the channel in front of the SWI
is 50 cm/year. Further numerical simulation series revealed an optimum mitigation scenario by the construction of a pair
of groins along both sides of the channel in front of the SWI. Under this scenario, the average bed level change becomes
0.10 cm/year and the maximum value of the bed level change is around 24.96 cm/year. A BPPT-lock armored rubble
mound-type structure was designed for this sediment control groin by considering its advantages. BPPT-lock is selected
due to its high hydraulic stability (KD) of 17 for the trunk application and 13 for the head application. It is found that
about twenty-five percent more armor unit numbers were required at the final stage of construction compared to the
designed one. In this case, the calculation was designed for random placement, but the actual construction was in uniform
placement. A calculation was made to compare the construction budget requirement between this constructed groin
armored with BPPT-lock and if the same structure armored with tetrapod. The calculation result shows that BPPT-lock
armor units required 64% less budget compared to the tetrapod. -Times New Roman 11 Italic-
A petrochemical factory needs a cooling water system to keep the production process run normally. Under
specific circumstances, the cooling water supply may be disrupted by any potential natural disturbance [1]. A
case happened to a petrochemical factory in Indonesia where its Sea Water Intake’s front area was covered by
currents and waves generated high-rate sedimentation. It is anticipated that this sedimentation will only get
worse by which the supply of cooling water will become much limited and potentially stop the production [2].
Frequent maintenance dredging had been carried out, but it caused undesirable significant operation and
maintenance costs [3].
An engineering solution is required in this regard to stop or at the very least to minimize the rate of
sedimentation instead of dredging every year in front of sea water intake area [4]. A study to identify the
pattern and rate of sedimentation, the possible alternative means to control the sedimentation and detailed
engineering design of the selected sediment control’s structure were conducted [5]. Under several
considerations, a rubble mound type groin is selected as the sediment control structure in the present case based
on its performance, feasibility, ease of construction, and local availability of structure materials. In comparison
to tetrapod, BPPT-lock was given the priority as the armor units due to its high coefficient of hydraulic stability
(KD), which is 17 for the trunk application and 13 for the head application [6]. The sediment transport
Figure 1 shows the location of the study at a petrochemical factory in Tuban, East Java. Due to the currents
and waves hydrodynamics around the area, sedimentation has occurred in front of sea water intake (SWI) area
of its cooling water system. The amount of cold-water supply for the factory cooling system may decrease due
to sedimentation that takes place in the sea water intake area. Additionally, the transfer of sedimentary material
into pipes and equipment has the potential to impair the system performance of the petrochemical factory.
The present study includes the activies of data collection and processing, data analysis for design, numerical
simulation, detailed design of sediment control structure (groin) with BPPT-lock armored layer, detailed
design of sediment control structure (groin) with tetrapod armored layer, and the budget comparison between
the use of BPPT-lock and tetrapod for armor materials. Primary data were obtained through field data
acquisition survey activities, including hydro-oceanography, bathymetry and topography, and sediment
sample. The secondary data used in this study include wind/wave data, geotechnical data, and others. Primary
and secondary data as well as numerical modeling were employed in the structural design process. The final
output of the study is the design of groin as a sediment control structure.
The acquired primary and secondary data are then prepared and examined to be used as parameters in the groin
design as a sediment control structure. Additionally, this data is also used in several numerical models such as
sediment models and wave models. Iterations are required in the design process that needs numerical to acquire
the most effective layout of the groin structure in minimizing or reducing the sedimentation rate in front of sea
water intake (SWI) of the petrochemical factory cooling water system.
In this study, survey activities were carried out in 2018. In term of the survey, it was tide measurement,
bathymetry, topography, currents, and sediment sample. Tide measurements were carried out using a Valeport
Tide Master tool. The location of the tide measurements is made right in front of sea water intake on December
19, 2018, to January 9, 2019. The results show that the elevation of HHWL = 0.96 m and LLWL = -0.96 m,
so the tidal range is 1.92 m. Furthermore, the Ceeducer Pro tools was used to measure the contours of the
Current measurement is carried out using the ADCP Bottom Mounted (ADCP BM) tools in front of sea water
intake (SWI) [8]. With a maximum current velocity about 0.9 m/s and a dominant direction toward the
southeast, the predominant current velocity in front of the SWI mouth at spring tide conditions is in the range
of 0.1 to 0.3 m/s. Sediment characteristics, this study took 16 bottom sediments and suspended sediments that
copyright is published under Lisensi Creative Commons Atribusi 4.0 Internasional.
Coastal dynamics computational modeling is a computer-based system that simulates and solves mathematical
equations of beach processes using numerical methods [10]. This modeling includes wave and transport
modeling. This modeling aims to obtain the wave height at the SWI and the most optimal (effective) design
(layout) of sediment control.
The wave modeling scenario is carried out for a 25-year return period under existing conditions, water level
elevation in HWL conditions (+0.96 m from MSL), and dominant wave direction from the northwest. The
input waveform for the 25-year return period is a significant wave height of 3.8 m, period 7.8 s and wave
direction from 315o. Based on this scenario, the wave height around SWI is around 2.67 m (Figure 3). The
wave modeling results shown that there is refraction due to variations in bathymetry, diffraction by gaps
between breakwaters, as well as reflections by breakwater structures and other structures at the TPPI port. At
some locations, the superposition between the incident and reflected waves produces a wave height that is
mutually amplifying or diminishing, depending on the phase difference between the incident and reflected
The bottom sediment in the study area is classified in non-cohesive sediment, so the modeling is done using
the MIKE-21 Sand Transport module. This module simulates in coupling between the hydrodynamic model
and spectral waves [11]. This sediment transport modeling domain covers an area of 14 km × 10 km. The
modeling was carried out for 1 year (January-December 2018). This modeling was carried out with 11
scenarios (design/layout variations), namely existing conditions and 10 variations of sediment control designs.
Sediment control design takes into account the shape, length, position (location), and number of groins. The
sediment control design was developed until the desired sedimentation rate was obtained.
Based on the modeling results on the existing conditions during January-December 2018 significant
sedimentation occurred around the mouth of the sea-water intake, namely + 50.9 cm.
Based on the modeling of various variations of sediment control designs, it is known that the structure greatly
affects the average bed level change in the SWI. These results show that the most optimal design has an
effectiveness of 99.8%. With this design, the average bed level change in the sea water intake is only about
0.1 cm/year with a maximum value of 24.69 cm (Figure 4).
Figure 3. Results of Wave Propagation Modeling for Return Period 25 Years [12]
Calculation of the weight of the armor layer on the groin as sediment control structure in this study using the
Hudson equation, and the results are shown in the Table 1 below.
According to the Table 1, the BPPT-lock weight that required is 1,425.54 kilograms, and it is advised to use a
BPPT-lock in the field with weight 1,500 kilograms, or 1.5 tons. The layout of the groin as a sediment control
structure in the area of sea water intake (SWI) are shown in the Figure 5.
As for the east side groin structure's cross section (Figure 6), which uses the 1.5 tons of BPPT-lock, the
elevation of top structure is +3.2 m with 2.5-7.5 kg gradation of core layer and 150 kg of unit on the secondary
layer. However, in addition to the 1.5 tons of BPPT-lock, a 0.75 tons BPPT-lock is required in the other part
of the groin structure [12].
With a same design and placement (random), here are the budget of each construction with different armor
A groin structure required 0.75 tons BPPT-lock and it is equivalent to 1.6 tons tetrapod. Total budget of groin
construction with BPPT-lock as armor layer is around 49,719,101,188 IDR. Meanwhile, total budget with
tetrapod armor layer is around 78,225,116,902 IDR. So, groin structure construction with BPPT-lock armored
layers required only 64% of groin construction with tetrapod armored layers budget. Meanwhile, the actual
number of armor unit were greater than the designed one. It was designed for random placement, but the actual
construction was in uniform placement. With layer coefficient (KΔ) of random placement is 1.11 and uniform
placement is 1.37, the difference of armor unit number is equal to 1.23. So, uniform placement required about
25% higher number of armor units.
3.5. Implementation
The sediment control structure on this petrochemical factory consists of the west and the east part of the
structure. The west groin has been finished thus far, and it measures roughly 240 meters in length. The main
sorts of construction of this structure such as preparation, setting up the area of BPPT-lock production,
production, maintenance, transportation, and installation.
This study was carried out to identify the pattern and rate of sedimentation in front of a Sea Water Intake as
well as to develop an engineering solution for reducing the sedimentation rate. The results of the study can be
summarized as follows: 1) Based on numerical simulation, it is identified that the existing total rate of
sedimentation around the channel in front of the sea water intake (SWI) is 50 cm/year. 2) An optimum design
simulation result of a pair of groins constructed along both sides of the channel reduces the average bed level
change to 0.10 cm/year and the maximum value of the bed level change is around 24.96 cm/year. 3) Two
different dimensions of BPPT-lock armor units were employed for the groin structure, i.e., 1.5 tons and 0.75
tons, which costs only about 64% of the budget required for the same structure with tetrapod armor units.
We thank P.T. Trans-Pacific Petrochemical Indotama Tuban for the permission given of using the available
data for this study, and to all researchers and engineers involved in the related survey and analysis works.
[1] I. Munadhif, N. Rinanto, and M. Afiqi, “Pengendalian Otomatis Cooling Water System pada Proses
Pendinginan Turbin Gas,” Rekayasa, vol. 12, no. 1, p. 36, May 2019, doi: 10.21107/rekayasa.v12i1.4389.