5) Geology
5) Geology
5) Geology
To impart basic knowledge about the Earth, its origin, history, processes operating on the Earth, its geomorphic features and Earth materials.
1.1 Geology as an interdisciplinary science: historical beginning, its branches and scope. 1.2 Origin of the Earth: Nebular theory 1.3 Earth in the solar system: age,
size, shape, mass and density of the earth. 1.4 Earth’s internal structure and its composition.
2.1 Elementary idea of continental drift, sea-floor spreading. 2.2 Plate tectonics: types of plate boundaries. 2.3 Earthquakes: terminology, causes, magnitude and
intensity; distribution of earthquake belts. 2.4 Volcanoes: types and distribution of volcanoes.
3.1 Weathering: its agents and types. 3.2 Fluvial processes: erosional and depositional features produced by rivers. 3.3 Aeolian processes: erosional and depositional
features produced by wind. 3.4 Important features in Karst landscapes and glacial landscapes.
4.1 Definition and characters of a Crystal; unit cell; crystallographic axis and six crystal systems. 4.2 Minerals: definition, rock forming and ore forming minerals;
physical properties and their significance in identification of minerals. 4.3 Concept of ore: Ore and gangue minerals; tenor and grade of ore. 4.4 Rock and its types -
general classifications of igneous, sedimentary and metamorphic rocks; rock cycle in the Earth system.
5.1 Fossils: types, conditions of fossilization and modes of preservation. 5.2 Models/theories of the origin of life. 5.3 Principles of Stratigraphy; stratigraphic
classification. 5.4 Geological time scale with emphasis on major bio-events.
Reference Books:
Mahapatra, G. B: A text book of Geology, CBS Publishers. Parbin Singh: Engineering & General Geology, SK Kataria & Sons K. M. Bangar: Principles of
Engineering Geology, Standards Publishers Distributors Umeshwar Prasad: Economic Geology, CBS Publishers PC Jain & MS Anantharaman: Palaeontology, Vishal
Publishing Co.
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