a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t
Article history: In this study, a microchannel monolith photoreactor was investigated for photocatalytic CO2 reduc-
Received 9 March 2013 tion with H2 O in gaseous phase using TiO2 and indium doped TiO2 nanoparticles. Effects of
Received in revised form 25 July 2013 operating parameters such as monolith geometry, reaction temperature, indium loading and feed
Accepted 27 July 2013
ratios were investigated to maximize yield rates. CO and CH4 were the main products with max-
Available online 17 August 2013
imum yield rates being 962 and 55.40 mol g-catal.−1 h−1 , respectively and selectivity being 94.39
and 5.44%, respectively. The performance of the photoreactor for CO production was in the order
of In/TiO2 -monolith (962 mol g-catal.−1 h−1 ) > TiO2 -monolith (43 mol g-catal.−1 h−1 ) > TiO2 -SS cell
Monolith photoreactor
(5.2 mol g-catal.−1 h−1 ). More importantly, the quantum efficiency in microchannel monolith reactor
CO2 reduction was much higher (0.10%) than that of the cell type reactor (0.0005%) and previously reported internally
In/TiO2 nanoparticles illuminated monolith reactor (0.012%). The significantly improved quantum efficiency indicated pho-
Kinetic model ton energy was efficiently utilized in the microchannel monolith reactor. A simple kinetic model based
on Langmuir-Hinshelwood model, developed to incorporate coupled effect of adsorptive photocatalytic
reduction and oxidation process, fitted-well with the experimental data.
© 2013 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
0926-860X/$ – see front matter © 2013 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
484 M. Tahir, N.S. Amin / Applied Catalysis A: General 467 (2013) 483–496
it was observed that nitrogen doped In2 O3 thin film electrodes were developed to determine the kinetic parameters and to provide fun-
efficient for H2 O splitting [29]. Recently, Kuo et al. [30] reported damental insights on possible reaction mechanisms.
titanium–indium oxy (nitride) with RuO2 for H2 O splitting and
observed higher H2 yield rate over the In2 O3 /TiO2 catalyst. Due
2. Experimental
to indium ability to produce large number of electrons and hinder
their recombination, it is envisaged that indium is able to improve
2.1. Catalyst preparation and coating procedure
TiO2 photocatalytic activity for efficient CO2 conversion to value
added chemicals and fuels.
Fig. 1 describes the procedure of catalyst synthesis and coat-
In addition to an efficient semiconductor photocatalyst, the
ing on monolith channels. The sol–gel single step method was
design of photoreactor is also vital for improving product yield
used to prepare mesoporous TiO2 and In/TiO2 nanoparticles. The
rates. In the period of 1980–2000, slurry reactors have been
precursory of titanium solution was prepared with molar ratios:
employed excessively for the photocatalytic CO2 reduction [31–33].
Ti (C4 H9 O)4 :15C2 H5 OH:2CH3 COOH (1 M). Typically, 30 ml of iso-
However, slurry type reactors have several limitations includ-
propanol was added into 10 ml of titanium tetra iso-propoxide and
ing inefficient light distribution throughout the system, catalyst
stirred well for 30 min. The controlled hydrolysis was conducted by
attrition, and product separation challenges and fewer catalyst
adding drop wise a mixture of 6.37 ml acetic acid (1 M) and 10 ml
recycling possibilities.
isopropanol under vigorous stirring. The mixture was continuously
During the last 10 years, fixed-bed, catalyst supported and opti-
stirred for 24 h at 30 ◦ C. Subsequently, indium(III) nitrate dissolved
cal fiber reactors have been under investigation for photoreduction.
in isopropanol was added drop-wise and stirred for another 12 h
The fixed-bed with its lower surface to volume ratio, inefficient
until clear sol was produced. The sol obtained was poured into a
light distribution and lower interaction between reactant and cat-
glass container for monolith coating.
alyst [34] seem not suitable for the photoreduction process. The
The monolith was initially washed with acetone and iso-
optical fiber photoreactors, however, fall in the category of effi-
propanol to remove any organic material, and then dried at 80 ◦ C
cient photocatalytic reactors. These reactors have been explored
for 12 h. The SHIMADZU analytical balance ATY-224 with speci-
for photocatalytic CO2 reduction since the exposed surface area
fications: Max = 220 g, Min = 10 mg, d = 0.1 mg, e = 1 mg was used
to light ratio are larger, delivering light efficiently and uniformly
to measure the weight of the monoliths. For every sample, three
throughout the reactor [35,36]. However, several disadvantages
readings were noted for bare monolith as well as coated monoliths
such as lower adhesion strength, relatively low surface area and
and their average values are reported. For example, the weight of
only 20–30% of effective total reactor volume hindered the progress
the 2 cm 100 CPSI bare monolith was 46.8219 g, aggregated from
of the reactor toward commercialization [37,38].
three different readings, i.e. (a) 46.8214 g, (b) 46.8225 g, and (c)
Among photocatalytic reactors, the monoliths with large illu-
46.5218 g. After the weight of the dried monolith was recorded,
minated surface area to reactor volume ratio and efficient light
it was immersed slowly into the indium loaded TiO2 sol and kept
utilization/distribution over the catalyst surface are considerably
for a few minutes. The excess sol from the channels was blown off
effective for photocatalytic CO2 reduction applications. Basically,
using compressed air and dried with an air drier. To increase the
monoliths composed of large number of channels with catalyts
film thickness and catalyst loading, the monolith was dipped for
usually coated as thin layer along the walls to allow higher surface
the second time using the same procedure. The coated monolith
interaction with irradiation [39,40]. In addition, higher flow rates in
was then put into the oven, dried at 80 ◦ C for 12 h and finally cal-
the honeycomb monoliths give lower pressure drops, and its sub-
cined in a muffle furnace at a rate of 5 ◦ C min−1 up to a maximum of
strate can provide specific surface area 10–100 times more than
500 ◦ C and held for 5 h. After calcination, the average weight of the
other types of catalyst supports having the same outer dimensions
coated monolith was 47.3532 g calculated from three readings (a)
47.3539 g, (b) 47.3531 g, and (c) 47.3526 g. Therefore, the catalyst
Internally illuminated monolith photoreactor was tested by
coated over monolith channels was 0.5313 g calculated by subtrac-
Liou et al. [37] for photocatalyitc CO2 reduction in which optical
ting coated monolith weight (47.3532 g) from un-coated monolith
fibers were inserted inside the channels of the honeycomb sub-
weight (46.8219 g). In/TiO2 sol was dried and calcined with the
strate. Increased yield rates were observed using the monolith
same procedure as explained above to obtain In/TiO2 powder. For
reactor with optical fibers. However, such experimental system
comparison, bare TiO2 nanoparticles were also similarly prepared
needs higher aperture of channels to increase space for inserting
and coated inside the microchannels of the monolith.
the fibers. Consequently, using higher aperture of channels, light
could not be distributed efficiently over the catalyst surface. The
other disadvantages of larger aperture channels are decreased in 2.2. Characterization of nanocatalysts
mass transfer rates, non uniform gas distribution, and lower illu-
minated surface area per volume of reactor. However, recently it In order to determine the structure and crystallinity of the
has been reported that, higher efficiency of CO2 reduction pro- photocatalysts, powder X-ray diffraction (XRD) was performed on
cess is posssible using monolith of smaller aperture channels [43]. Bruker D8 advance diffractometer (Cu K␣ radiation, wavelength
Smaller channels with higher surface area per unit volume are use- = 1.54 Å, operated at 40 kV and 40 mA). The surface morphology
ful for efficient light distribution and increasing mass transfer rate was examined using scanning electron microscopy (SEM) with JEOL
on the catalyst surface. In addition, light distributions along the JSM6390 LV SEM instrument. The particle size and lattice structure
axial length of the monolith decreases gradually and higher CO2 of the individual crystals was visualized by high resolution trans-
mass transfer coefficient can be achieved using shorter monolith mission electron microscope (HR-TEM) carried out with FEI-Tecni
length [44]. G2 Transmission Electron Microscope (TEM) at EFGO Scientific,
The objective of this study is to test the performance of a Kulim, Kedah, Malaysia. Textural characterization of the samples
microchannel monolith as photoreactor for the conversion of CO2 was carried out with a Micromeritics ASAP 2020. The nitrogen
using H2 O as the reducing agent over In/TiO2 nanoparticles. The adsorption–desorption properties were examined at 77 K. The spe-
catalyst samples were characterized using XRD, FE-SEM, TEM, cific surface area (SBET ) of monolayer coverage was determined
BET, and UV–vis spectroscopy. The monolith geometric and oper- using Brunauer–Emmett–Teller (BET) method. The pore size distri-
ating parameters effects were investigated to maximize yield bution was calculated using the adsorption branch of the isotherm
rates. Kinetic model based on Langmuir-Hinshelwood equation was by means of Barrett–Joyner–Halenda (BJH) method. Meanwhile,
M. Tahir, N.S. Amin / Applied Catalysis A: General 467 (2013) 483–496 485
the UV–vis absorption spectra of the samples were measured with fan at the top and sides to remove lamp heat. The light intensity
UV-Vis-NIR spectrophotometer, Shimadzu UV 3101pc. was measured with an online optical process monitor ILT OPM-1D
and a SED008/W sensor. The average irradiation intensity passing
2.3. Photocatalytic CO2 reduction through the top of the reactor was 150 mW/cm2 . The reactor was
covered with aluminum foil to ensure lights for reactions came
The schematic photocatalytic reaction system for reduction of through the quartz window only. In case of the cell type photore-
CO2 with H2 O in gaseous phase is illustrated in Fig. 2. The reactor actor, the reactor chamber and the light source was the same with
consisted of a stainless steel cylindrical vessel with 5.5 cm length the monolith reactor. Furthermore, 50 mg of nanocatalyst powder
and a total volume of 150 cm3 . The monoliths were supplied by was suspended uniformly at the bottom of the reactor to ensure
Pingxiang Meitao Chemical Packing Co., Ltd., China. The dimen- the light was efficiently distributed over the catalyst surface.
sions of the monolith are as follows: diameter = 6 cm; length = from Prior to feeding, both reactors were purged using helium (He)
0.50 to 10 cm, channels per square inch (CPSI) = 100 and 400. After flow to remove air as well as to check for leakage under 2 bar pres-
coating with about 50 mg catalyst the monolith was placed at the sure for 10 h. Pure CO2 (purity = 99.995%) was bubbled through
center of the cylindrical stainless steel reactor, equipped with a deionized water saturator for 1 h to remove dissolved oxygen and
quartz window for passing light irradiations from the reflector lamp air. The temperature inside the water bubbler was controlled using
located above the reactor. The reactor temperature was adjusted a temperature controller. The compressed CO2 regulated by a mass
using heating and cooling jackets. The light source used to acti- flow controller (MFC), was bubbled through the deionized water
vate the photocatalytic reactions was a 200 W mercury lamp for UV and its concentration was adjusted with helium regulated by the
irradiations source, having non-collimated irradiations with max- MFC. The partial pressure of H2 O vapors was adjusted by changing
imum intensity at 252 nm. The lamp was equipped with a cooling the temperature of the water saturator. The gases, CO2 , He and H2 O
486 M. Tahir, N.S. Amin / Applied Catalysis A: General 467 (2013) 483–496
Fig. 2. Schematic of experimental set-up using monolith photoreactor for photocatalytic CO2 reduction with H2 O vapors.
mixed well inside the gas mixer, continuously passed through the associated with tetragonal anatase. The average crystallite sizes
reactor containing powdered catalyst or coated monolith for about of TiO2 and In/TiO2 nanoparticles were calculated using Scherer’s
1 h prior to switching on the lamp. The pressure inside the reactor equation (Eq. (1)) according to the (1 0 1) peak [45,46].
was adjusted to 0.20 bars above atmospheric pressure while tem-
perature inside the reactor was controlled using a heating jacket. L= (1)
The products were analyzed using an on-line gas chromatograph ˛ cos
(GC-Agilent Technologies 6890N, USA) equipped with thermal con- where L is the thickness of crystallite (nm), k is a constant
ductivity detector (TCD) and flame ionized detector (FID). The depending on the crystallite shape (0.90 for this study), is the
gaseous products from the reactor were also taken using gastight X-ray wavelength (nm), ˛ is full peak width at half max in radi-
syringe (Agilent, 1000 l) for offline analysis using the same vol- ans and is Bragg’s angle of the 2 peak. The calculated crystallite
ume as in the online analysis. Furthermore, the FID detector was sizes of TiO2 , 10% In/TiO2 and 20% In/TiO2 samples were 18.73,
connected with a HP-PLOT Q capillary column (Agilent, length 13.8 and 11.32 nm, respectively. It was observed that the size of
30 m. ID 0.53 mm, film 40 m) for separation of C1 –C6 paraffins the TiO2 nanoparticles decreased gradually, possibly due to indium
and olefins hydrocarbons, alcohols and oxygenated compounds. controlling the crystal growth in TiO2 .
The TCD detector was connected to UCW982, DC-200, Porapak Q The SEM micrographs of monoliths are depicted in Fig. 4. The
and Mol Sieve 13X columns. The UCW-982 was used for back flush pore morphology of the bare and coated monolith is shown in
and reversed flow to ensure C6 and higher compounds could be Fig. 4(a) and (b), respectively. It is obvious that catalyst was entirely
detected earlier in the chromatogram. Meanwhile, C1 –C2 , C3 –C5 coated over the monolith channels with no broken layer observed.
compounds and light gasses (H2 , O2 , N2 , CO) were separated using Fig. 4(c) indicates smooth and thoroughly distributed uniform
Porapak Q, DC-200, and MS-13X columns, respectively.
Fig. 4. SEM micrographs of bare monolith and In/TiO2 coated monolith at different magnifications; (a) bare monolith channels, (b) catalyst coated monolith channels, (c) top
view image at magnification 1000 and scale 10 m, and (d) mesroprous structure of coated catalyst at magnification 15,000 and scale 1 m.
catalyst layer investigated at 10 m of SEM magnification over The pore size distribution of the samples is presented in
the monolith surface. At magnification of 1 m, it is identified Fig. 6(b). The pore size distribution, calculated from adsorp-
that the catalyst nanoparticles are uniformly distributed on the tion branch, is based on the BJH model. The BJH adsorption
monolith surface, as shown in Fig. 4(d). It is also observed that isotherms show that the interparticle pore size diameter falls in
the indium-loaded TiO2 mesoporous particles are uniform in the range of 2.5–25 and 2.4–14 nm for TiO2 and In/TiO2 samples,
size. respectively.
The TEM micrographs of mesoporous In/TiO2 catalyst are shown The BET surface area, pore volume and pore size of bare TiO2
in Fig. 5. From Fig. 5(a), TEM image revealed mesoporous anatase and In/TiO2 samples are summarized in Table 1. Obviously, the
TiO2 nanoparticles consisted of average particle size with diam- indium loading into TiO2 influences the surface area, pore vol-
eter less than 13 nm. The particle size is close to the estimated ume and pore size. The BET surface areas for indium doped TiO2
crystallite size by Scherrer equation. It can be observed that the samples are larger than bare TiO2 . Besides this, the t-plot exter-
nanoparticles have interparticle mesoporous structure. The growth nal and BJH adsorption surface areas also increased significantly.
and aggregation of the small particles probably caused interparticle The increase in surface area was probably due to suppression
mesoporosity. The HR-TEM image in Fig. 5(b) confirms the mor- of TiO2 crystal growth by indium and also due to increase in
phology of TiO2 nanoparticles where 0.35 nm aligned anatase phase mesoporosity. Furthermore, the BJH adsorption pore volume also
grown along 1 0 1 directions is observed, as already confirmed with increased with indium loading. Conversely, the pore diameter grad-
XRD. These results are in good agreement with previous reports ually decreased with indium loading. The increase in the pore
[4,47]. volume with reduced pore diameter is attributed to higher sam-
Fig. 6 exhibits the N2 adsorption and desorption isotherms and ple mesoporosity. The well-developed mesopores, larger surface
Barrett–Joyner–Halenda (BJH) pore-size distribution of TiO2 and area and higher pore volume could enhance molecular transporta-
In/TiO2 samples. It is obvious from Fig. 6(a) that the hysteresis tion rates of reactants and products to increase CO2 conversion
loops increase with increasing indium loading, resulting obvious efficiency.
increase in the N2 volume adsorbed. The isotherms of the samples
are similar to type IV curves with hysteresis loops, corresponding
to mesoporous materials [19]. 3.2. UV–vis analysis
Furthermore, the initial part of the isotherms (at low P/Po ) is
related to monolayer–multilayer adsorption on the internal sur- The UV–vis absorbance spectra of the TiO2 nanoparticles and
face. However, at higher P/Po , there was a steep increment in the In/TiO2 samples are depicted in Fig. 7. The absorption band
adsorption volume, attributed to capillary condensation, then pores edge of TiO2 is located at 400 nm, which indicates obvious red
saturated with liquid. The monolayer–multilayer is more dominant shift in wavelength of TiO2 compared to standard anatase TiO2
in TiO2 in which capillary action starts at P/Po = 0.60. Both capillary ( ∼ 380 nm). The peaks identified for 5, 10, 15 and 20 wt.% In/TiO2
and condensation processes are more obvious in In/TiO2 samples are located at 401, 402, 403 and 404 nm respectively. It can be
and eminent at P/Po of 0.55. seen that indium has no significant effect on shifting TiO2 band
488 M. Tahir, N.S. Amin / Applied Catalysis A: General 467 (2013) 483–496
Fig. 6. (a) N2 adsorption–desorption isotherms of TiO2 nanoparticles and In/TiO2 samples and (b) BJH pore size distribution of corresponding samples.
edge. The band gap of the samples was calculated according to 20 wt.% indium doped TiO2 samples, respectively. It is identified
Eq. (2). that loading indium into TiO2 decreased the band gap but not red
shift was observed as compared to TiO2 nanoparticles.
Eg = (2)
3.3. Photocatalytic reduction of CO2 with H2 O
where Eg is the band gap energy (eV), h is the Planks constant, c
is the light velocity, and the wavelength (m). The Ebg estimated Initially, a series of preliminary tests were conducted in the
were 3.105, 3.098, 3.090, 3.082 and 3.075 for TiO2 and 5, 10, 15 and absence of CO2 and H2 O under UV irradiations for 2 h at 373 K for
Table 1
Summary of physiochemical characteristics of TiO2 and In/TiO2 samples.
Type of catalyst Surface area (m2 /g) Pore volume (cm3 /g) Pore width (nm)
BET surface area t-Plot external surface area BJH adsorption surface area BJH adsorption pore volume BJH pore width
compared to 400 CPSI. The higher yield rate was probably due to
efficient harvesting and utilization of light irradiations inside 100
CPSI channels compared to very dense channels (400 CPSI) [43].
Conversely, further increase in yield rates possibility exist over 150
and/or 200 CPSI channels, as smaller apertures support more illu-
minated surface area to volume ratio of reactor granting further
investigation for optimum channel aperture.
Fig. 8(b) shows the effect of monolith channel lengths on
photocatalytic CO2 reduction over TiO2 photocatalyst at differ-
ent irradiation times. It was found that CO2 reduction with H2 O
vapors to CH4 improved using longer monolith. As the channel
length increased beyond 2 cm, a gradual reduction in CH4 yield
was observed. Although the same amount of irradiation penetrated
inside the channels yet only small portion of light probably passes
through longer channels because of non-collimated light source.
Besides, there is higher catalyst loading and lower CO2 mass trans-
fer on the catalyst surface at prolonged monolith length, resulting
Fig. 7. UV–vis absorption spectra of TiO2 and In/TiO2 samples.
in lower yield rate [44]. Furthermore, only the front part of the
monolith was efficiently irradiated and after a certain length there
was probably inefficient light being distributed over the catalyst
the following cases; (1) empty reactor with helium, (2) reactor with
required for photocatalysis. Therefore, the monolith geometry is
monolith without coating and helium, (3) reactor with TiO2 coated
vital and optimum monolith dimensions are critical to enhance CO2
monolith and helium and (4) monolith coated with In/TiO2 cata-
reduction efficiency. Based on such observations, it is obvious that
lyst with helium. In all cases, no reaction products were detected.
photon flux distribution inside reactor is very important, since it
This confirmed that no products were due to photodecomposition
directly influences reactor performance [48].
of organic residues in catalyst, if any. In addition, other prelimi-
Fig. 9 illustrates the effect of reaction temperature on photo-
nary tests were also conducted using H2 O vapors and helium in
catalytic CO2 reduction at three different temperatures (70, 80 and
presence of photocatalyst. The results again confirmed in either
100 ◦ C) using 10 wt.% In/TiO2 catalyst. In all the three temperatures
case no carbon containing compounds were produced. Therefore,
investigated, the reaction rate exhibits similar behavior, which
it can be reiterated that photocatalytic reduction process require
is slow initially for CO production, but becomes considerably
all three components, i.e. catalyst coated monolith and/or catalyst,
faster after 2 h of irradiations. The other products observed were
feed (CO2 , H2 O), and light source. Meanwhile any carbon containing
CH4 and traces of C2 –C3 alkanes and alkenes (figure not shown).
compounds should be produced from CO2 through photocatalytic
The increased in yield rates at elevated temperature can be
reactions. Furthermore, all the experiments were repeated three to
explained on the basis of adsorption–desorption phenomenon. In
five times and aggregated results have been reported.
heterogeneous photocatalysis process, especially in gaseous phase,
The effect of cell density on photocatalytic CO2 reduction over
simultaneous adsorption and desorption processes occurred over
different irradiation time is illustrated in Fig. 8(a). Higher CH4 yield
the catalyst surface. The rate of reaction depends on the efficiency
rate observed over TiO2 using monolith with cell density of 100
Fig. 8. Effects of channel length on performance of monolith photoreactor for photocatalytic CO2 reduction with H2 O vapors.over TiO2 catalyst (T = 373 K, PH2 O = 0.074 bar
and PCO2 = 0.020 bar).
490 M. Tahir, N.S. Amin / Applied Catalysis A: General 467 (2013) 483–496
Fig. 11. Photocatalytic CO2 reduction with H2 O over 10% In/TiO2 catalyst at different irradiations time and CO2 partial pressures (L = 2 cm, CPSI = 100, In = 10 wt.%, T = 373 K,
and PH2 O = 0.074 bar).
efficiency, calculated for each experiment, as the ratio of product microchannel monolith photoreactor, which may be attributed to
rate (mol per s) with photonic flux (mol per s) [38]. The quantum higher photons absorption inside the microchannels due to larger
efficiency of the microchannel monolith photoreactor coated with illuminated active surface area. The significant improvement in
In/TiO2 for CO production was 0.10%, 24 times higher than that of the performance of the monolith is due to more catalyst being
TiO2 coated monolith and 198 times higher than catalyst suspended exposed to incoming irradiation flux. In this way, a much larger
cell type photoreactor. Liou et al. [37] reported quantum efficiency fraction of the reactor volume was effectively used to convert CO2
of internally illuminated monolith photoreactor for methanol pro- to products, thus resulting in higher quantum efficiency. The lower
duction during CO2 reduction with H2 O vapors which was 0.012%, efficiency in TiO2 is related to higher probability of electron–holes
8.33 times lower than the value reported above for CO produc- recombination over TiO2 where large number of photons remained
tion. Significantly higher quantum efficiency was observed using unproductive.
Fig. 12. Comparison of photocatalytic CO2 reduction with H2 O using cell type and monolith photoreactor (V = 150 cm3 , T = 373 K, PH2 O = 0.074 bar, PCO2 = 0.04 bar).
492 M. Tahir, N.S. Amin / Applied Catalysis A: General 467 (2013) 483–496
Table 2
Summary of operating parameters used for cell type and microchannel monolith photoreactor and calculated quantum efficiencies.
System Cell type photoreactor Monolitha photoreactor coated with TiO2 Monolitha photoreactor coated with In/TiO2
3 3
Volume 150 cm 150 cm 150 cm3
Catalyst loading 0.5000 g TiO2 0.5341 g TiO2 0.5520 g 10% In/TiO2
Light source 200 W Hg, = 252 nm, I = 150 mW/cm2 200 W Hg, = 252 nm, I = 150 mW/cm2 200 W Hg, = 252 nm, I = 150 mW/cm2
Temperature 373 K 373 K 373 K
Pressure 0.20 bar 0.20 bar 0.20 bar
Main product CO/CH4 CO/CH4 CO/CH4
Yield rateb (mol g-catal.−1 h−1 ) 5.2/7.7 43.0/78.0 962.0/55.40
Quantum efficiency for COc 0.0005% 0.0042% 0.10%
Quantum efficiency for CH4 c 0.0028% 0.0301% 0.022%
The dimensions of monolith were length = 2 cm, CPSI = 100, diameter = 6 cm.
Yield rates were calculated at 10 h irradiation basis, PH2 O = 0.074 bar and PCO2 = 0.040 bar.
Quantum efficiency = (number of electrons × moles of production rate)/(moles of UV photons flux) × 100%.
Table 3 summarizes the yields over various catalysts used • CO− radicals. On the other hand, holes (h+ ) were transferred to
in cell type and monolith photoreactor with 10 h irradiation H2 O initiating its photooxidation yielding hydrogen ions (H+ ) and
time. The presence of mesoporous In/TiO2 and microchan- hydroxyal radical (• OH) and further oxidized with • OH radicals for
nel monolith played important roles and CO2 reduction was the production of O2 and H+ [53]. The • H radicals originated during
obviously increased. The performance of the photoreactor for CO reduction of proton were reacted with carbon radicals on the cata-
production was in the order of In/TiO2 -monolith (962 mol g- lyst surface to produce intermediate • CH2 , • CH3 and finally CH4 and
catal.−1 h−1 ) > TiO2 -monolith (43 mol g-catal.−1 h−1 ) > TiO2 -SS higher hydrocarbons (C2 H4 , C2 H6 and C3 H6 ). All possible reaction
−1 −1
cell (5.2 mol g-catal. h ). Similarly, the yield rates of CH4 steps during photocatalytic CO2 reduction with H2 O are explained
produced were 55.4, 78.0 and 7.7 mol g-catal.−1 h−1 , for In/TiO2 - by Eqs. (3)–(11).
monolith, TiO2 -monolith and TiO2 cell type, respectively. In E ≥E
−→bg e−
TiO2 ph (TiO2 ) + h+
vb (TiO2 ) (3)
addition, less concentrations of C2 H4 , C2 H6 , and C3 H6 were also cb
produced over TiO2 and In/TiO2 coated monoliths. Based on these In + e−
→ In − e−
results, it is obvious that mesoporous In/TiO2 catalyst with higher
e− ,H2 O
surface area and lower particle size is more favorable for efficient H2 O + h+ → • OH + H+ −→ • H + O2 (5)
reduction of CO2 to CO. In general, higher efficiency of the catalysts •H
and reactors may be attributed to the followings: CO2 + e− → • CO−
2 −→CO + OH
CO + e− → • CO− −→• C + OH− (7)
(1) Larger illuminated surface area, higher light utilization, efficient
•H •H •H
adsorption–desorption process and higher catalyst interparti- •C + •H → • CH−→• CH2 −→• CH3 −→CH4 (8)
cle mesoporosity are probably the important factors to improve
• CH + • CH2 → C2 H4 (9)
the yield rates in monolith photoreactor. Conversely, in cell type 2
photoreactor, there is lower light utilization and mass transfer • CH + • CH3 → C2 H6 (10)
• CH + • CH3 + • CH → C3 H6 (11)
(2) Indium in TiO2 controls the crystal growth, increases the meso- 2
porosity and the surface area, and reduced the particle size.
Since all the above products were detected experimentally, there-
Indium doped TiO2 catalysts with smaller particle sizes coated
fore, CH4 was confirmed to be produced from methyl radicals
over microchannels have higher photocatalytic activity because
(• CH3 ) through Eq. (8). Similarly, CO was probably produced
electrons are more mobile over the photocatalysts. Further-
according to Eq. (6). The higher yield rate of CO production also con-
more, indium trapped electrons and hindered recombination
firmed that there were significant productions of electrons which
of electrons–hole pairs during TiO2 photocatalysis, and possibly
were efficiently trapped by indium and then transferred to CO2 for
enhanced TiO2 photocatalytic activity.
its reduction to CO. However, there are many possible routes for
the production of C2 –C3 hydrocarbons and most possible routes
3.4. Mechanism of photocatalytic CO2 reduction are explained in Eqs. (9)–(11). According to above reaction mecha-
nism, all the possible products are dependent on the production of
During photocatalytic CO2 reduction with water vapors the first intermediate product, CO and its further reduction to C1 –C3 hydro-
step was the production of electrion–holes pairs when light striked carbons through Eqs. (7)–(11). The possibility for production of
on the TiO2 surface. The electrons (e− ) were transferred from the C2 –C3 compounds enhanced if there are series of reaction taking
conduction band of TiO2 for the photoreduction of CO2 yielding place over catalyst surface. Similar observations have been reported
Table 3
Summary of products from photocatalytic CO2 reduction with H2 O for different type of reactors and catalysts.
TiO2 -cell TiO2 -monolith In/TiO2 -monolith TiO2 -monolith In/TiO2 -monolith
Fig. 13. (a) Schematic reaction scheme for photocatalytic CO2 reduction and H2 O oxidation to hydrocarbons using CO as intermediate over In/TiO2 and (b) thermodynamic
reduction based mechanism of CO2 reduction with H2 O vapors to CO and CH4 over In/TiO2 catalyst.
in other studies using TiO2 based photocatalysts [19,49]. The reac- hand, traces amount C2 to C3 were possible due to a series of reac-
tion scheme for the production of CO, CH4 and higher hydrocarbons tion that occured ove rthe catalyst surface. Using bare TiO2 , CH4
using In-loaded TiO2 is elaborated further in Fig. 13(a). was found as the major product which revealed TiO2 coated over
The photocatalytic CO2 transformation to CO and CH4 as main microchannel is more feasible for CH4 production than CO. Thus, the
products over In/TiO2 catalyst could be further explained using CO production over In/TiO2 was probably due to a more negative
energy band theory, which is based on the relative positions of con- conductance band and possibility of CH4 reduction to CO. How-
ductance band, valance band and oxidation potentials. In general, ever, further investigations are needed to find out the exact reaction
photo-excited electrons could consume effectively, if the reduction mechanism of CO and hydrocarbons production. In other studies,
potential of reaction is lower than the conductance band potential CO was also observed as the main product during CO2 reduction
of the semiconductor [54]. The mechanims for photocatalytic CO2 with H2 O vapors using TiO2 and the modified TiO2 catalysts [13,14].
reduction in terms of thermodynamic reduction potentials versus
normal hydrogen electrode (NHE) at pH 7 is explained in Fig. 13(b) 3.5. Development of kinetic model
[17]. The possible reactions that can occur during photocatalytic
CO2 with H2 O to produce CO and CH4 in terms of thermodynamic In heterogeneous photocatalytic processes, rates are usually
reduction potentials versus normal hydrogen electrode (NHE) at proportional to adsorption of reactants with efficient desorption of
pH 7 can be described by reactions (12)–(15) [11,55,56]. products on the catalyst surface. When the two reactants compet-
itively adsorbed on the same catalyst surface active sites, but with
CO2 + 2H+ + 2e− → CO + H2 O E o = −0.48 V (12)
different adsorption and desorption rate constants, and undergoes
2H+ + 2e− → H2 E o = −0.41 V (13) a reaction to yield different products, the reaction could be repre-
sented by Langmuir-Hinshelwood mechanism, as explained by Eq.
+ − o
CO2 + 8H + 8e → CH4 + 2H2 O E = −0.24 V (14) (16) [44].
developed. The results from previous section could enable kinetic the L–H mechanism could be written as in Eq. (21) [44]. The rate of
model development for photocatalytic reduction of CO2 and H2 O. product formation can be obtained by subtracting rate of oxidation
In general, the CO2 with H2 O was photocatalytically reduced to from rate of reduction as explained in Eq. (22) where, k2 = (koxd Ia )
CH4 and CO as the main products through the following reaction is dependent on reaction temperature and light intensity factor.
scheme as illustrated in Eq. (17).
hv, In2 O3 /TiO2
3CO2 + 2H2 O −→ CH4 + 2CO + 3O2 (17) Rate of oxidation = k2 (21)
Some of the products would photo-adsorb on the catalyst sur-
face, blocked the active sites and slowed down the CO2 reduction Rate of formation = k1 − k2 (22)
process. There is also possibility some of these products recom- (KCO PCO ) KCO PCO
bined in a reversed reaction. For example, when CO and oxygen Under constant temperature and pressure, partial pressure of CO2
produced were not effectively desorbed from the catalyst surface, and H2 O vapors will be constant. Similarly, partial pressures of CO
these products would undergo photo-oxidation back to CO2 in and oxygen would be proportional to partial pressure of desired
the reversed reaction. The kinetic model is developed using these product, i.e. PCO = PO2 = P. Based on these assumptions, product
assumptions to investigate the coupled effect of adsorptive photo- formation Eq. (22) in simplified form can be expressed by Eqs. (23)
catalytic reduction and oxidation processes. By assuming reactants and (24).
and products are adsorbed on same active sites, rate of reaction
k k
3 4
can be explained by using Langmuir-Hinshelwood mechanism as = − (23)
dt P P 1/2
described in Eq. (18).
KH2 O KCO2 (PH2 O PCO2 ) dt = dP (24)
Rate of reduction = kI a 2
k3 − k4 P 1/2
(1 + KH2 O PH2 O + KCO2 PCO2 + KCO PCO + KO2 PO2 + KCH4 PCH4 )
k3 = k1 , k 4 = k2
where ‘k’ is the rate constant, I is UV light flux intensity for which KCO KCO
kinetic constants is evaluated, ‘a’ is the reaction order of light inten-
The differential equation (Eq. (24)) was solved using integral
sity, having value 1 or less depending on the light intensity [57].
approach as shown in Eq. (25).
KH2 O , KCO2 , KCO , KO2 , and KCH4 are the ratios of adsorption to
desorption equilibrium rate constants for H2 O, CO2 , CO, O2 and CH4 , 2k33 2P 3/2 k3 P 2k32 P 1/2
respectively. During photocatalytic CO2 reduction over the catalyst t=− ln(k3 − k4 P 1/2 ) − − 2 − +C (25)
3k44 3k4 k4 k42
surface the rate equation can be determined with the assumptions:
(a) reaction rate is proportional to the fraction of surface covered Applying initial boundary condition (t → to , Po = 0), constant C
by CO2 ; (b) H2 O, CH4 and O2 are weakly adsorbed over the cata- could be calculated, where, to is the reaction start up time or time
lyst; (c) while CO2 and CO are moderately adsorbed, then the rate delay of photo-activities due to transient state at which Po = 0. After
equation becomes Eq. (19) [44]. inserting the value of C in Eqs. (25) and (26) is obtained which was
further simplified to get Eq. (27)
KH2 O KCO2 (PH2 O PCO2 )
Rate of reduction = kI a (19) 1/2
(1 + KCO2 PCO2 + KCO PCO )2 2k33 P 2
t − to = − ln 1− − P 3/2
A simple kinetic model incorporating the coupled effect of the 3k44 (k3 /k4 )
2 3k4
adsorptive photocatalytic reduction and oxidation could be devel-
oped using the modified Langmuir-Hinshelwood model (Eq. (19)) k3 2k32
− P− P 1/2 (26)
using the following assumptions: k42 k42
(1) The surface reactions occurred at the outer surface of the mono-
P 1/2
k8 k9
lith channel where the catalyst is coated as thin layer. t − to = −k5 ln 1− − (P 3/2 ) k7 + √ + (27)
k6 P P
(2) The reduction of CO2 on the surface produced CO, which
strongly adsorbed and overall rate of reaction may be limited where
by the rate of CO desorption. 3
k 2 2
2k3 3 k3
(3) Initially reaction rate was very fast but the rate decreased as k5 = 4
, k6 = , k7 = , k8 = 2
3k4 k4 3k4 k4
CO accumulated on the surface, strongly adsorbed and the
surface was nearly completely covered by CO, i.e. KCO PCO 2
1 + KCO2 PCO2 . k9 = 2
The rate of reduction in Eq. (19) is simplified to Eq. (20).
Eq. (27) is known as the kinetic equation and it could be used
KH2 O PH2 O KCO2 PCO2 to evaluate experimental data. However, it is further simplified by
Rate of reduction = k1 (20)
(KCO PCO ) applying assumption that k5 (k7 + (k8 /P1/2 ) + (k9 /P)) as described
where k1 = (kred Ia ) is the photoreduction rate constant affected by in Eq. (28).
P 1/2
temperature and light intensity. The rate of formation of the prod-
ucts is dependent on CO conversion and/or desorption over the t − to = −k5 ln 1− (28)
catalyst surface. During photocatalytic CO2 reduction, when CO
entirely covers the catalyst surface, it also undergoes partial oxi- Eq. (28) is the simplified kinetic model equation while, k5 and k6 are
dation with oxygen. The Langmuir-Hinshelwood model could also constants related to reaction rate constants, adsorption–desorption
be used to evaluate rate of photo-oxidation. When CO oxidation ratio constants, light intensity, and experimental conditions. By
reaction with oxygen undergoes dissociative adsorption process, assuming ideal gas law, P can be assumed to be the yield of the
M. Tahir, N.S. Amin / Applied Catalysis A: General 467 (2013) 483–496 495
Table 4
Summary of kinetic constants for model fitting (Eq. (28)) with experimental data.
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