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Pre TT 3P

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1 Complete these sentences with a suitable verb. The -al -er -ful -ian -ist -or
first letters are given.
1 If we g a virus on mum’s new computer, 1 My brother plays the violin really well. He wants to be
she’ll be really annoyed. a famous .
2 My teachers often u videos onto the 2 My best friend loves doing athletics. He’s a fast
school website so that we can watch them at home. .
3 If you b that mirror, you’ll be very 3 That man is a member of the government. He’s a
unlucky. .
4 We can’t i new programs onto the 4 Ouch! I’ve just injured my knee and it’s really
school computers. .
5 Please s the soup with this spoon. 5 We asked the hotel to call a taxi for us.
6 Can you b some more air into the 6 My sister loves the world of film. She’s love to be a
balloon? film .
7 I’m going to d these files. I don’t need 7 Studying for exams is really .
them now. 8 I love doing things like watching plays
8 Let’s these f these bottles with water. or going to art exhibitions.
2 Read the definitions and write the words. The first
4 Choose one of these pairs of words to complete the
letters are given. sentences.
1 someone who paints, draws or makes sculptures • advert / article
a • cheerful / colourful
2 the people who sit and watch a performance at a • imagination / concentration
theatre, cinema etc. • pay / charge
a • carry / work
3 a person whose job is to teach people to improve at a • see / look
sport, skill or school subject
• notice / sticker
• told / said
4 someone who writes poems
1 How much did you for the sweater you
p bought online?
5 someone whose job is to give medical care to animals 2 There’s a(n) on these trousers that says
that are ill or hurt they’re half-price now.
v 3 I read a(n) about Kanye West. It said he
6 someone who takes care of your child while you are was also a fashion designer.
out 4 My teacher me that I had to use more
b paragraphs.
7 someone whose job is to give advice to people about 5 Use your when you write your story.
the law and speak for them in court 6 I’m trying to out the answer to this
l maths problem.
8 the writer of a book, article, play etc. 7 I can’t those people’s faces because
a they’re too far away.
8 Rachel’s always happy and positive – she’s
3 Complete the sentences with a suitable word. Use
each word from list A with a suffix from list B. You may
need to use two of the suffixes twice.

culture direct music pain politic

reception run stress


Name Class Date

GRAMMAR 5 ‘I can’t hear you very well.’

She said she .
5 Complete the sentences in the present or past simple,
6 ‘Don’t forget to buy some cheese.’
active or passive.
Dad reminded me .
1 The Eiffel Tower (design) by
Eiffel Gustave’s company. 7 ‘Can you help me with this exercise?’
2 Chinese (speak) as a first My friend asked me .
language by more people than English. 8 ‘We’re having a great time.’
3 Many people (use) ‘12345’ as They said .
their password.
4 My dad lives in Madrid but he 8 Read the text and complete each space with one word.
Well the school year is nearly over and it’s been an
(not be born) there.
interesting year for me. If I had to choose one special
5 Dr. No was the first James Bond film. It moment, I (1) say it was when I was in charge
(see) first in 1962. of the school website for a week. That was definitely the
6 Nowadays more films (make) in (2) amazing thing I’ve done this year. I
India than in Hollywood. (3) wanted to write for the website for a long
7 Wayne Rooney (not write) his time. The magazine section has articles (4) are
own biography. written by students. So what was the experience like? It was
harder (5) I expected. As soon as the articles
8 Many artists (not produce) all
(6) written, the person in charge has to check
their own paintings. They have assistants.
them all. I was (7) embarrassed to ask anyone
6 Match the sentence halves. Then choose the correct to write their article again. Would I like to be a journalist
words. when I’m older? I’m going to go to university first and then I
1 Unless it rains A she won’t / wouldn’t (8) think about it.
help us.
2 If you were a model B it ’s / ’d be unlucky. LISTENING
3 If I were the C you ’ll / ’d be able to
03 9 You will hear five short conversations. Each person
goalkeeper hear me. is talking about their favourite thing. Choose each
D you get / ’d get green. person’s favourite thing.
4 If you turn down
the music 1 Alison
5 Unless we tell our E you ’ll / ’d wear brand A a cat
teacher the truth new clothes every day. B a skateboard
6 If I didn’t go to F my parents are / would C some jellewery
university be disappointed with D a bike
me. 2 Mark
7 If you mix blue with G my team ’ll / would win A a bike
yellow all their matches. B a mobile phone
8 If you walk under a H we ’ll / ’d eat outside. C a cat
ladder D a skateboard
7 What did these people say? Complete the second 3 Sara
A some jewellery
1 ‘I love solving problems.’
B a baseball cap
My sister said .
C a novel
2 ‘I’ll share this link on the blog.’
D a sculpture
He said .
4 Dan
3 ‘Study hard’.
A a novel
The teacher told us .
B a mobile phone
4 ‘Don’t go near that spider.’
C a bike
She warned us .
D a baseball cap


Name Class Date

5 Carol 5 When Cleopatra was three, she

A a sculpture on her father’s album.
B a cat
C some jewellery WRITING
D a baseball cap
11 Read part of a letter from your English friend William.
It’s my turn to choose a film to watch in our film club. Have
READING you seen a good film lately? Who’s the director? And the main
actors? What’s the film about? And why did you like it?
10 Read the article about children with special abilities
Now write a reply to William’s letter answering his
and complete the sentences with up to three words.
questions. Write about 100 words.
Child prodigies
According to the Cambridge Dictionary Online, a child
prodigy is a young child who has great ability in something.
They could be a painter, a musician, a scientist or even a
Pablo Picasso
Pablo Picasso is known all over the world for his painting,
drawing and sculpture. People say that Picasso’s first words
were ‘piz, piz’. He was trying to say ‘lápiz’, which of course
is the Spanish word for ‘pencil’. He wasn’t a good student 12 A Complete the conversations with one word.
at primary school and he wasn’t interested in school work. 1 A: I think giving your parents a photo or a picture is
He preferred drawing in his notebook. When Picasso was more original than a bunch of flowers.
14, he moved with his family to Barcelona. The art school B: Maybe you’re .
there took students much older than Picasso, but he was so
successful in the exam, that the school let him join. 2 A: What about buying your brother a new football
Ricky Rubio
B: I’m not so . He’s already got around
While Ricky Rubio was watching his brother play basketball, 15 shirts.
he decided that he wanted to train too. At the age of four,
he joined the local team. However, when he was 10, he 3 A: What do you think about looking for something
persuaded his father to allow him to play football instead. online?
After a few matches, Rubio asked his father if he could go B: The with that is my computer has
back to basketball. At the age of 14, Ricky Rubio became got a virus.
the youngest person to play in the Spanish Basketball 4 A: I think asking him what he wants for his birthday
League and at 17, he was part of the Spanish basketball might be a good idea.
team which won the silver medal at the 2008 Olympics. B: I what you mean.
Cleopatra Stratan 5 A: What about going shopping after school?
Singer Cleopatra was born in Moldova in 2002. She holds B: The problem with that is I’ve got lots of homework.
several world records: she is paid more than any other child Saturday might be .
singer, she is the youngest person to receive an MTV award
A: Yes, that’s a good idea.
and she is the youngest person to have a No. 1 song in a
country. It all started when Cleopatra was three. Her father B One of your classmates is moving to another school
Pavel, who is also a singer, was making an album when in another country. You and your friends would
Cleopatra picked up the microphone and began singing like to give him/her a present. With a partner talk
too. Pavel and his friends were shocked by Cleopatra’s together for three minutes about the different
talent but they all decided that Cleopatra had to sing on things you could get and decide which would be
the album too. best. Use the words from the list below or your own
1 Pablo Picasso didn’t enjoy primary school. He liked ideas.
2 Pablo Picasso was the youngest student at a biography a class photograph
. a drawing or painting a lucky key ring
a poem written by the class
3 When Ricky Rubio was 10, his father let him
4 No other young singer gets
Cleopatra Stratan.


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