Merged Ns
Merged Ns
Merged Ns
Network Security
Fifth Edition
by William Stallings
Mutual Trust
• Key Management
• Digital Certificates/User Authentication
Network Security
• Transport and IP level Security
• Wireless Security
Why Do I Need Security?
Average economic cost of cyber attacks -
$10.4 million
Direct cost - $0.9 million
Indirect loss due to job losses and loss
of reputation - $3.1 million
Macroeconomic impact such as reduced
customer and enterprise spending - $6.3
Source: ‘Understanding the Cyber security threat landscape in Asia Pacific:
securing modern enterprise in the digital world’ by Microsoft and Frost and
Computer Security
The protection afforded to an automated
information system in order to attain the
applicable objectives of preserving the
integrity, availability and confidentiality of
information system resources (includes
hardware, software, firmware,
information/data, and telecommunications)
Data confidentiality: Assures that private or confidential
information is not made available or disclosed to
unauthorized individuals.
Data integrity: Assures that information and programs are
changed only in a specified and authorized manner.
Key Security Concepts
The security goal that generates the requirement for
actions of an entity to be traced uniquely to that entity.
This supports nonrepudiation, deterrence, fault
isolation, intrusion detection and prevention, and after
action recovery and legal action.
Low Impact
The loss could be expected to have a limited adverse
effect on organizational operations, organizational
assets, or individuals.
A limited adverse effect means that, for example, the
loss of confidentiality, integrity, or availability might
Cause a degradation in mission capability to an
extent and duration that the organization is able to
perform its primary functions, but the effectiveness of
the functions is noticeably reduced;
Result in minor damage to organizational assets;
Result in minor financial loss; or
Result in minor harm to individuals.
Moderate Impact
The loss could be expected to have a serious adverse
effect on organizational operations, organizational
assets, or individuals.
A serious adverse effect means that, for example, the
loss might
Cause a significant degradation in mission capability
to an extent and duration that the organization is able
to perform its primary functions, but the effectiveness
of the functions is significantly reduced.
Result in significant damage to organizational assets.
Result in significant financial loss.
Result in significant harm to individuals that does not
involve loss of life or serious, life-threatening injuries.
High Impact
The loss could be expected to have a severe or
catastrophic adverse effect on organizational operations,
organizational assets, or individuals.
A severe or catastrophic adverse effect means that, for
example, the loss might
Cause a severe degradation in or loss of mission
capability to an extent and duration that the
organization is not able to perform one or more of its
primary functions.
Result in major damage to organizational assets.
Result in major financial loss.
Result in severe or catastrophic harm to individuals
involving loss of life or serious life threatening injuries.
Examples of Security
Requirements: Confidentiality
Student grade information is an asset whose
confidentiality is considered to be very high
The US FERPA Act: grades should only be
available to students, their parents, and their
employers (when required for the job)
Student enrollment information: May have
moderate confidentiality rating; less damage if
Directory information: Low confidentiality rating;
often available publicly
Examples of Security
Requirements: Integrity
A hospital patient’s allergy information (high integrity
data): a doctor should be able to trust that the info is
correct and current
If anyone deliberately falsifies the data, the database
should be restored to a trusted basis and the falsified
information traced back to the person who did it
An online newsgroup registration data: moderate level
of integrity
An example of low integrity requirement: anonymous
online poll (inaccuracy is well understood)
Examples of Security
Requirements: Availability
A system that provides authentication: high
availability requirement
If customers cannot access resources, the loss of
services could result in financial loss
A public website for a university: a moderate
availably requirement; not critical but causes
An online telephone directory lookup: a low
availability requirement because unavailability is
mostly annoyance (there are alternative sources)
Examples of Security
Confidentiality – student grades
Integrity – patient information
Availability – authentication service
Authenticity – admission ticket
Non-repudiation – stock sell order
Computer Security Challenges
1. Not simple – easy to get it wrong
• Mechanism required to implement CIA are
2. Must consider potential attacks
• Successful attack exploit an unexpected
3. Procedures used counter-intuitive
• Proper evaluation of any threat to evolve
security mechanism.
4. Involve algorithms and secret info
• i.e. encryption keys. How to create, distribute
and protect secret information. Protocol
design challenges.
Computer Security Challenges
5. Must decide where to deploy mechanisms
• Physical placement. Implement in which
protocol layer?
6. Battle of wits between attacker / security admin
• Attacker at advantage. Single weakness
necessary to mount an attack.
7. Not perceived on benefit until fails
8. Requires regular monitoring
• Difficult in short term, overloaded environment
9. Security is a process, not an event
Computer Security Challenges
9. Too often an after-thought
10. Needs to be integral part of system design.
• Most old Internet Protocol had no build in
security mechanism.
11. Regarded as impediment to using system in
user friendly and efficient manner.
“Security verses Convenience”
“Security and Moral issues”
“Security and Privacy issues”
Security Concepts and
OSI Security Architecture
Software architecture refers to the
fundamental structures of a software system
and the discipline of creating such structures
and systems.
Modify message
Active Attack: Masquerade
Active Attack: Replay
Handling Attacks
Passive attacks – focus on Prevention
• Easy to stop
• Hard to detect
Active attacks – focus on Detection and
• Hard to stop
• Easy to detect
• Attack surface – Reachable and exploitable
vulnerabilities in system.
• Network attack surface, Software attack surface,
Human attack surface
Threat Consequences
• Unauthorized disclosure: Threat to confidentiality
• Exposure (release data), interception, inference, intrusion
• Deception: Threat to integrity
• Masquerade, falsification (alter data), repudiation
• Disruption: Threat to integrity and availability
• Incapacitation (destruction), corruption (backdoor logic),
obstruction (infer with communication, overload a line)
• Usurpation: Threat to integrity
• Misappropriation (theft of service), misuse (hacker
gaining unauthorized access)
Security Service
Enhance security of data processing systems
and information transfers of an organization
Intended to counter security attacks
Using one or more security mechanisms
Often replicates functions normally
associated with physical documents
• For example, have signatures, dates; need
protection from disclosure, tampering, or
destruction; be notarized or witnessed; be
recorded or licensed
Security Services
“A service provided by a protocol layer of
communicating open systems, which ensures
adequate security of the systems or of data
RFC 2828:
“A processing or communication service
provided by a system to give a specific kind of
protection to system resources”
Security Services (X.800)
Authentication - assurance that communicating
entity is the one claimed
have both peer-entity & data origin authentication
Access Control - prevention of the
unauthorized use of a resource
Data Confidentiality –protection of data from
unauthorized disclosure.
• Connectionless confidentiality
• Connection confidentiality
• Selective-Field confidentiality
• Traffic flow confidentiality
Security Services (X.800)
Data Integrity - assurance that data received is
as sent by an authorized entity
• Connection integrity with recovery
• Connection integrity without recovery
• Selective-Field Connection integrity
• Connectionless integrity
• Selective-Field Connectionless integrity.
Non-Repudiation - protection against denial by
one of the parties in a communication
• Nonrepudiation, Origin
• Nonrepudiation, Destination
Availability – resource accessible/usable
Security Mechanism
Key Size (bits) Number of Alternative Time required at 1 Time required at 106
Keys decryption/µs decryptions/µs
128 2128 = 3.4 1038 2127 µs = 5.4 1024 years 5.4 1018 years
168 2168 = 3.7 1050 2167 µs = 5.9 1036 years 5.9 1030 years
26 characters 26! = 4 1026 2 1026 µs = 6.4 1012 years 6.4 106 years
Classical Substitution
where letters of plaintext are replaced by
other letters or by numbers or symbols
or if plaintext is viewed as a sequence of
bits, then substitution involves replacing
plaintext bit patterns with ciphertext bit
Caesar Cipher
earliest known substitution cipher
by Julius Caesar
first attested use in military affairs
replaces each letter by 3rd letter on
meet me after the toga party
Caesar Cipher
can define transformation as:
a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z =
D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z A B C =
Plain: abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz
Plaintext: ifwewishtoreplaceletters
Monoalphabetic Cipher
key size is now 25 characters…
now have a total of 26! = 4 x 1026 keys
with so many keys, might think is secure
but would be !!!WRONG!!!
problem is language characteristics
Language Redundancy and
human languages are redundant
e.g., "th lrd s m shphrd shll nt wnt"
letters are not equally commonly used
in English E is by far the most common letter
followed by T,R,N,I,O,A,S
other letters like Z,J,K,Q,X are fairly rare
have tables of single, double & triple letter
frequencies for various languages
English Letter Frequencies
Use in Cryptanalysis
key concept - monoalphabetic substitution
ciphers do not change relative letter frequencies
discovered by Arabian scientists in 9th century
calculate letter frequencies for ciphertext
compare counts/plots against known values
if caesar cipher look for common peaks/troughs
peaks at: A-E-I triple, N-O pair, R-S-T triple
troughs at: J-K, U-V-W-X-Y-Z
for monoalphabetic must identify each letter
tables of common double/triple letters help
(digrams and trigrams)
amount of ciphertext is important – statistics!
Example Cryptanalysis
given ciphertext:
count relative letter frequencies (see text)
Example Cryptanalysis
given ciphertext:
guess P & Z are e and t
guess ZW is th and hence ZWP is “the”
proceeding with trial and error finally get:
it was disclosed yesterday that several informal
direct contacts have been made with political
representatives of the viet cong in moscow
Playfair Cipher
not even the large number of keys in a
monoalphabetic cipher provides security
one approach to improving security was to
encrypt multiple letters
the Playfair Cipher is an example
invented by Charles Wheatstone in 1854,
but named after his friend Baron Playfair
Playfair Key Matrix
a 5X5 matrix of letters based on a keyword
fill in letters of keyword (sans duplicates)
fill rest of matrix with other letters
eg. using the keyword MONARCHY
Encrypting and Decrypting
plaintext is encrypted two letters at a time
1. if a pair is a repeated letter, insert filler like 'X’
2. if both letters fall in the same row, replace
each with letter to right (wrapping back to start
from end)
3. if both letters fall in the same column, replace
each with the letter below it (wrapping to top
from bottom)
4. otherwise each letter is replaced by the letter
in the same row and in the column of the other
letter of the pair
Playfair Example
Message = Move forward
Plaintext = mo ve fo rw ar dx
Here x is just a filler, message is padded and segmented
mo -> ON; ve -> UF; fo -> PH, etc.
Ciphertext = ON UF PH NZ RM BZ
Security of Playfair Cipher
security much improved over monoalphabetic
since have 26 x 26 = 676 digrams
would need a 676 entry frequency table to
analyse (versus 26 for a monoalphabetic)
and correspondingly more ciphertext
was widely used for many years
eg. by US & British military in WW1
it can be broken, given a few hundred letters
since still has much of plaintext structure
Polyalphabetic Ciphers
polyalphabetic substitution ciphers
improve security using multiple cipher alphabets
make cryptanalysis harder with more alphabets
to guess and flatter frequency distribution
use a key to select which alphabet is used for
each letter of the message
use each alphabet in turn
repeat from start after end of key is reached
Vigenère Cipher
simplest polyalphabetic substitution cipher
effectively multiple caesar ciphers
key is multiple letters long K = k1 k2 ... kd
ith letter specifies ith alphabet to use
use each alphabet in turn
repeat from start after d letters in message
decryption simply works in reverse
Example of Vigenère Cipher
write the plaintext out
write the keyword repeated above it
use each key letter as a caesar cipher key
encrypt the corresponding plaintext letter
eg using keyword deceptive
key: deceptivedeceptivedeceptive
plaintext: wearediscoveredsaveyourself
simple aids can assist with en/decryption
a Saint-Cyr Slide is a simple manual aid
a slide with repeated alphabet
line up plaintext 'A' with key letter, eg 'C'
then read off any mapping for key letter
can bend round into a cipher disk
or expand into a Vigenère Tableau
Cipher Disk
Vigenère Tableau
Security of Vigenère Ciphers
have multiple ciphertext letters for each
plaintext letter
hence letter frequencies are obscured
but not totally lost
start with letter frequencies
see if it looks monoalphabetic or not
if not, then need to determine number of
alphabets, since then can attack each
Kasiski Method
method developed by Babbage / Kasiski
repetitions in ciphertext give clues to period
so find same plaintext a multiple of key length
which results in the same ciphertext
of course, could also be random fluke
e.g. repeated “VTW” in previous example
distance of 9 suggests key size of 3 or 9
then attack each monoalphabetic cipher
individually using same techniques as before
Example of Kasiski Attack
Find repeated ciphertext trigrams (e.g., VTW)
May be result of same key sequence and same
plaintext sequence (or not)
Find distance(s)
Common factors are likely key lengths
key: deceptivedeceptivedeceptive
plaintext: wearediscoveredsaveyourself
Autokey Cipher
ideally want a key as long as the message
Vigenère proposed the autokey cipher
with keyword is prefixed to message as key
knowing keyword can recover the first few letters
use these in turn on the rest of the message
but still have frequency characteristics to attack
eg. given key deceptive
key: deceptivewearediscoveredsav
plaintext: wearediscoveredsaveyourself
Vernam Cipher
ultimate defense is to use a key as long as the
with no statistical relationship to it
invented by AT&T engineer Gilbert Vernam in
specified in U.S. Patent 1,310,719, issued July
22, 1919
originally proposed using a very long but
eventually repeating key
used electromechanical relays
One-Time Pad
if a truly random key as long as the message is
used, the cipher will be secure
called a One-Time pad (OTP)
is unbreakable since ciphertext bears no
statistical relationship to the plaintext
since for any plaintext & any ciphertext there
exists a key mapping one to other
can only use the key once though
problems in generation & safe distribution of key
key: pxlmvmsydofuyrvzwctnlebnecvgdupahfzzl
plaintext: mr mustard wit the candlestick in
the hall
key: mfugpmiydgaxgoufhklllmhsqdqogtewbqfgyo
plaintext: miss scarlet with the knife in the li
Transposition Ciphers
now consider classical transposition or
permutation ciphers
these hide the message by rearranging
the letter order
without altering the actual letters used
can recognise these since have the same
frequency distribution as the original text
Rail Fence cipher
write message letters out diagonally over a
number of rows
then read off cipher row by row
Message: meetmeafterthetogaparty
eg. write message out as:
m e m a t r h t g p r y
e t e f e t e o a a t
giving ciphertext
Row Transposition Ciphers
is a more complex transposition
write letters of message out in rows over a
specified number of columns
then reorder the columns according to
some key before reading off the rows
Key: 4312567
Column Out 4 3 1 2 5 6 7
Plaintext: a t t a c k p
o s t p o n e
d u n t i l t
w o a m x y z
Block Transposition Ciphers
arbitrary block transposition may be used
specify permutation on block
repeat for each block of plaintext
Key: 4931285607
Plaintext: attackpost poneduntil twoamxyzab
M3 C3 Plaintext pre-image of Ci is
unique to Ci under k
key k and Mi in M, Ǝ! Cj
Mi Ci
in C such that E(k,Mi) = Cj
key k and ciphertext Ci
in C, Ǝ! Mj in M such that
E(k,Mj) = Ci
Cn Ek(.) is “one-to-one” (injective)
M=set of all C=set of all
If |M|=|C| it is also “onto”
plaintexts ciphertexts (surjective), and hence
Encryption Mappings (2)
A given plaintext (Mi)
M1 C1
Mi is mapped to some ciphertext
E(K,Mi) by every key k
Different keys may map Mi to the
M2 Kj C2
same ciphertext
There may be some ciphertexts to
M3 K2,K89,... C3
which Mi is never mapped by any
Km .. Notation
key k and Mi in M, Ǝ!
, K7 ciphertext Cj in C such that
Mi 57 Ci E(k,Mi) = Cj
. It is possible that there are keys k
and k’ such that E(k,Mi) = E(k’,Mi)
There may be some ciphertext Cj
Mn for which Ǝ key k such that
Cn E(k,Mi) = Cj
Encryption Mappings (3)
M1 C1 A ciphertext (Ci)
Has a unique plaintext pre-
,K 1
image under each k
M2 7,. C2 May have two keys that map
the same plaintext to it
There may be some plaintext
M3 K2,K89,... C3 Mj such that no key maps Mj
Km to Ci
4 Notation
... Kj , K9
key k and ciphertext Ci
Mi ... Ci in C, Ǝ! Mj in M such that
E(k,Mj) = Ci
There may exist keys k, k’
Claude Shannon and Substitution-
Permutation Ciphers
Claude Shannon introduced idea of substitution-
permutation (S-P) networks in 1949 paper
Form basis of modern block ciphers
S-P nets are based on the two primitive
cryptographic operations seen before:
substitution (S-box)
permutation (P-box)
Provide confusion & diffusion of message & key
Confusion and Diffusion
Cipher needs to completely obscure
statistical properties of original message
A one-time pad does this
More practically Shannon suggested
combining S & P elements to obtain:
Diffusion – dissipates statistical structure
of plaintext over bulk of ciphertext
Confusion – makes relationship between
ciphertext and key as complex as possible
Feistel Cipher Structure
Horst Feistel devised the feistel cipher
based on concept of invertible product cipher
Partitions input block into two halves
process through multiple rounds which
perform a substitution on left data half
based on round function of right half & subkey
then have permutation swapping halves
Implements Shannon’s S-P net concept
Feistel Cipher Structure
Feistel Cipher Design Elements
Block size
Key size
Number of rounds
Subkey generation algorithm
Round function
Fast software en/decryption
Ease of analysis
Data Encryption Standard (DES)
Most widely used block cipher in world
Adopted in 1977 by NBS (now NIST)
as FIPS PUB 46
Encrypts 64-bit data using 56-bit key
Has widespread use
Has been considerable controversy over
its security
DES History
IBM developed Lucifer cipher
by team led by Feistel in late 60’s
used 64-bit data blocks with 128-bit key
Then redeveloped as a commercial cipher
with input from NSA and others
In 1973 NBS issued request for proposals
for a national cipher standard
IBM submitted their revised Lucifer which
was eventually accepted as the DES
DES Design Controversy
Although DES standard is public
Was considerable controversy over design
in choice of 56-bit key (vs Lucifer 128-bit)
and because design criteria were classified
Subsequent events and public analysis
show in fact design was appropriate
Use of DES has flourished
especially in financial applications
still standardised for legacy application use
DES Encryption Overview
Initial Permutation IP
First step of the data computation
IP reorders the input data bits
Even bits to LH half, odd bits to RH half
Quite regular in structure (easy in h/w)
No cryptographic value
IP(675a6967 5e5a6b5a) = (ffb2194d 004df6fb)
Initial Permutation
58 50 42 34 26 18 10 2
60 52 44 36 28 20 12 4
62 54 46 38 30 22 14 6
64 56 48 40 32 24 16 8
57 49 41 33 25 17 9 1
59 51 43 35 27 19 11 3
61 53 45 37 29 21 13 5
63 55 47 39 31 23 15 7
32 1 2 3 4 5 4 5 6 7 8 9 8 9 10 11 12 13 12 13 14 15 16 17 16 17 18 19 20 21 20 21 22 23 24 25 24 25 26 27 28 29 28 29 30 31 32 1
32 1 2 3 4 5
4 5 6 7 8 9
8 9 10 11 12 13
12 13 14 15 16 17
16 17 18 19 20 21
20 21 22 23 24 25
24 25 26 27 28 29
28 29 30 31 32 1
Substitution Boxes S
Have eight S-boxes which map 6 to 4 bits
Each S-box is actually 4 little 4 bit boxes
outer bits 1 & 6 (row bits) select one row of 4
inner bits 2-5 (col bits) are substituted
result is 8 lots of 4 bits, or 32 bits
Row selection depends on both data & key
feature known as autoclaving (autokeying)
S(18 09 12 3d 11 17 38 39) = 5fd25e03
Substitution Boxes S
Each of the eight s-
boxes is different
input symbol Each s-box reduces
6 bits to 4 bits
Si So the 8 s-boxes
implement the 48-bit
output symbol to 32-bit contraction
Permutation Box P
S1 S2 S3 S4 S5 S6 S7 S8
16 7 20 21 29 12 28 17 1 15 23 26 5 18 31 10 2 8 24 14 32 27 3 9 19 13 30 6 22 11 4 25
Permutation Function (P)
16 7 20 21 29 12 28
1 15 23 26 5 18 31
2 8 24 14 32 27 3
19 13 30 6 22 11 4
DES Round in Full
Right Half i-1 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32
32 1 2 3 4 5 4 5 6 7 8 9 8 9 10 11 12 13 12 13 14 15 16 17 16 17 18 19 20 21 20 21 22 23 24 25 24 25 26 27 28 29 28 29 30 31 32 1
Round Key i
O 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48
input symbol input symbol input symbol input symbol input symbol input symbol input symbol input symbol
S1 S2 S3 S4 S5 S6 S7 S8
output symbol output symbol output symbol output symbol output symbol output symbol output symbol output symbol
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32
16 7 20 21 29 12 28 17 1 15 23 26 5 18 31 10 2 8 24 14 32 27 3 9 19 13 30 6 22 11 4 25
O 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32
Right Half i
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32
DES Key Schedule
Forms subkeys used in each round
initial permutation of the key (PC1) which
selects 56-bits in two 28-bit halves
16 stages consisting of:
• rotating each half separately either 1 or 2 places
depending on the key rotation schedule K
• selecting 24-bits from each half & permuting them
by PC2 for use in round function F
Note practical use issues in h/w vs s/w
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16
17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24
25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32
33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40
41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48
49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56
57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64
Discarded bits
Initial permutation - PC1
57 49 41 33 25 17 9
1 58 50 42 34 26 18
10 2 59 51 43 35 27
19 11 3 60 52 44 36
63 55 47 39 31 23 15
7 62 54 46 38 30 22
14 6 61 53 45 37 29
21 13 5 28 20 12 4
14 17 11 24 1 5 3 28
15 6 21 10 23 19 12 4
26 8 16 7 27 20 13 2
41 52 31 37 47 55 30 40
51 45 33 48 44 49 39 56
34 53 46 42 50 36 29 32
DES Key Schedule
64-bit key with parity bits
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64
choice 1
57 49 41 33 25 17 9 1 58 50 42 34 26 18 10 2 59 51 43 35 27 19 11 3 60 52 44 36 63 55 47 39 31 23 15 7 62 54 46 38 30 22 14 6 61 53 45 37 29 21 13 5 28 20 12 4
56-bit key 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56
2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 1 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 29
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56
choice 2
14 17 11 24 1 5 3 28 15 6 21 10 23 19 12 4 26 8 16 7 27 20 13 2 41 52 31 37 47 55 30 40 51 45 33 48 44 49 39 56 34 53 46 42 50 36 29 32
48-bit subkey 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48
DES Decryption
decrypt must unwind steps of data computation
with Feistel design, do encryption steps again
using subkeys in reverse order (SK16 … SK1)
IP undoes final FP step of encryption
1st round with SK16 undoes 16th encrypt round
16th round with SK1 undoes 1st encrypt round
then final FP undoes initial encryption IP
thus recovering original data value
DES Round Decryption
Left half i-1 Right half i-1
Function Round key i
DES Example
Avalanche in DES
Avalanche Effect
Key desirable property of encryption alg
Where a change of one input or key bit
results in changing approx half output bits
Making attempts to “home-in” by guessing
keys impossible
DES exhibits strong avalanche
Change in Plaintext Change in Key
Round Number of bits that differ Round Number of bits that differ
0 1 0 0
1 6 1 2
2 21 2 14
3 35 3 28
4 39 4 32
5 34 5 30
6 32 6 32
7 31 7 35
8 29 8 34
9 42 9 40
10 44 10 38
11 32 11 31
12 30 12 33
13 30 13 28
14 26 14 26
15 29 15 34
16 34 16 35
DES Design Criteria
As reported by Coppersmith in [COPP94]
7 criteria for S-boxes provide for
resistance to differential cryptanalysis
good confusion
3 criteria for permutation P provide for
increased diffusion
Each S-box has six bits of input and four bits of output. (This was the largest
size that we could accommodate and still fit all of DES onto a single chip in
1974 technology.)
No output bit of an S-box should be too close to a linear function of the input
bits. (That is, if we select any output bit position and any subset of the six
input bit positions, the fraction of inputs for which this output bit equals the
XOR of these input bits should not be close to 0 or 1, but rather should be
near 1/2.)
If we fix the leftmost and rightmost input bits of the S-box and vary the four
middle bits, each possible 4-bit output is attained exactly once as the middle
four input bits range over their 16 possibilities.
If two inputs to an S-box differ in exactly one bit, the outputs must differ in at
least two bits.
If two inputs to an S-box differ in the two middle bits exactly, the outputs must
differ in at least two bits.
If two inputs to an S-box differ in their first two bits and are identical in their
last two bits, the two outputs must not be the same.
For any nonzero 6-bit difference between inputs, ΔIij no more than 8 of the
32 pairs of inputs exhibiting ΔIij may result in the same output difference
Similar to (S-7), but with stronger restrictions in the case ΔOij = 0, for the
case of three active S-boxes on round i
The four output bits from each S-box at round i are distributed so that two of
them affect (provide input for) “middle bits” of S-boxes at round i + 1 (the two
middle bits of input to an S-box, not shared with adjacent S-boxes), and the
other two affect “end bits” (the two left-hand bits or the two righthand bits,
which are shared with adjacent S-boxes).
The four output bits from each S-box affect six different S-boxes; no two affect
the same S-box. (Remember that each “end bit” affects two adjacent S-boxes.)
For two S-boxes j , k, if an output bit from S, affects a middle bit of Sk, then an
output bit from Sk cannot affect a middle bit of Sj. This implies that in the case j =
k, an output bit from Sj must not affect a middle bit of Sj.
Strength of DES – Key Size
56-bit keys have 256 = 7.2 x 1016 values
Brute force search looks hard
Recent advances have shown is possible
in 1997 on Internet in a few months
in 1998 on dedicated h/w (EFF) in a few days
in 1999 above combined in 22hrs!
Still must be able to recognize plaintext
Must now consider alternatives to DES
Strength of DES – Analytic
Now have several analytic attacks on DES
These utilise some deep structure of the cipher
by gathering information about encryptions
can eventually recover some/all of the sub-key bits
if necessary then exhaustively search for the rest
Generally these are statistical attacks
differential cryptanalysis
linear cryptanalysis
related key attacks
Strength of DES – Timing
Attacks actual implementation of cipher
Use knowledge of consequences of
implementation to derive information about
some/all subkey bits
Specifically use fact that calculations can
take varying times depending on the value
of the inputs to it
Particularly problematic on smartcards
Differential Cryptanalysis
One of the most significant recent (public)
advances in cryptanalysis
Known by NSA in 70's cf DES design
Murphy, Biham & Shamir published in 90’s
Powerful method to analyse block ciphers
Used to analyse most current block
ciphers with varying degrees of success
DES reasonably resistant to it, cf Lucifer
Differential Cryptanalysis
A statistical attack against Feistel ciphers
Uses cipher structure not previously used
Design of S-P networks has output of
function f influenced by both input & key
Hence cannot trace values back through
cipher without knowing value of the key
Differential cryptanalysis compares two
related pairs of encryptions
Linear Cryptanalysis
Another recent development
Also a statistical method
Must be iterated over rounds, with
decreasing probabilities
Developed by Matsui et al in early 90's
Based on finding linear approximations
Can attack DES with 243 known plaintexts,
easier but still in practise infeasible
DES Design Criteria
As reported by Coppersmith in [COPP94]
7 criteria for S-boxes provide for
resistance to differential cryptanalysis
good confusion
3 criteria for permutation P provide for
increased diffusion
Block Cipher Design
Basic principles still like Feistel’s in 1970’s
Number of rounds
more is better, exhaustive search best attack
function f:
provides “confusion”, is nonlinear, avalanche
have issues of how S-boxes are selected
Key schedule
complex subkey creation, key avalanche
Design Of Function F
Function F provides confusion.
Should be nonlinear
Achieved by Avalanche effect
Strict Avalanche Criterion (SAC)
• Any output bit j of substitution box should change
with probability ½ when any single input bit i is
inverted for all i, j.
Bit Independence Criterion (BIC)
• Output bit j and k should change independently
when input bit i is inverted for all i,j,k.
have considered:
block vs stream ciphers
Feistel cipher design & structure
• details
• strength
Differential & Linear Cryptanalysis
block cipher design principles
Cryptography and
Network Security
Chapter 4
Fifth Edition
by William Stallings
Chapter 4 – Basic Concepts in
Number Theory and Finite
The next morning at daybreak, Star flew indoors, seemingly keen for
a lesson. I said, "Tap eight." She did a brilliant exhibition, first
tapping it in 4, 4, then giving me a hasty glance and doing it in 2, 2,
2, 2, before coming for her nut. It is astonishing that Star learned to
count up to 8 with no difficulty, and of her own accord discovered
that each number could be given with various different divisions, this
leaving no doubt that she was consciously thinking each number. In
fact, she did mental arithmetic, although unable, like humans, to
name the numbers. But she learned to recognize their spoken
names almost immediately and was able to remember the sounds of
the names. Star is unique as a wild bird, who of her own free will
pursued the science of numbers with keen interest and astonishing
— Living with Birds, Len Howard
will now introduce finite fields
of increasing importance in cryptography
AES, Elliptic Curve, IDEA, Public Key
concern operations on “numbers”
where what constitutes a “number” and the
type of operations varies considerably
start with basic number theory concepts
say a non-zero number b divides a if for
some m have a=mb (a,b,m all integers)
that is b divides into a with no remainder
denote this b|a
and say that b is a divisor of a
eg. all of 1,2,3,4,6,8,12,24 divide 24
eg. 13 | 182; –5 | 30; 17 | 289; –3 | 33; 17 | 0
Properties of Divisibility
If a|1, then a = ±1.
If a|b and b|a, then a = ±b.
Any b /= 0 divides 0.
If a | b and b | c, then a | c
e.g. 11 | 66 and 66 | 198 so 11 | 198
If b|g and b|h, then b|(mg + nh)
for arbitrary integers m and n
e.g. b = 7; g = 14; h = 63; m = 3; n = 2
7|14 and 7|63 hence 7 | 42+126 = 168
Division Algorithm
if divide a by n get integer quotient q and
integer remainder r such that:
a = qn + r where 0 <= r < n; q = floor(a/n)
remainder r often referred to as a residue
Greatest Common Divisor (GCD)
a common problem in number theory
GCD (a,b) of a and b is the largest integer
that divides evenly into both a and b
eg GCD(60,24) = 12
define gcd(0, 0) = 0
often want no common factors (except 1)
define such numbers as relatively prime
eg GCD(8,15) = 1
hence 8 & 15 are relatively prime
Example GCD(1970,1066)
1970 = 1 x 1066 + 904 gcd(1066, 904)
1066 = 1 x 904 + 162 gcd(904, 162)
904 = 5 x 162 + 94 gcd(162, 94)
162 = 1 x 94 + 68 gcd(94, 68)
94 = 1 x 68 + 26 gcd(68, 26)
68 = 2 x 26 + 16 gcd(26, 16)
26 = 1 x 16 + 10 gcd(16, 10)
16 = 1 x 10 + 6 gcd(10, 6)
10 = 1 x 6 + 4 gcd(6, 4)
6 = 1 x 4 + 2 gcd(4, 2)
4 = 2 x 2 + 0 gcd(2, 0)
GCD(1160718174, 316258250)
Dividend Divisor Quotient Remainder
a = 1160718174 b = 316258250 q1 = 3 r1 = 211943424
b = 316258250 r1 = 211943424 q2 = 1 r2 = 104314826
r1 = 211943424 r2 = 104314826 q3 = 2 r3 = 3313772
r2 = 104314826 r3 = 3313772 q4 = 31 r4 = 1587894
r3 = 3313772 r4 = 1587894 q5 = 2 r5 = 137984
r4 = 1587894 r5 = 137984 q6 = 11 r6 = 70070
r5 = 137984 r6 = 70070 q7 = 1 r7 = 67914
r6 = 70070 r7 = 67914 q8 = 1 r8 = 2156
r7 = 67914 r8 = 2156 q9 = 31 r9 = 1078
r8 = 2156 r9 = 1078 q10 = 2 r10 = 0
Modular Arithmetic
define modulo operator “a mod n” to be
remainder when a is divided by n
where integer n is called the modulus
b is called a residue of a mod n
since with integers can always write: a = qn + b
usually chose smallest positive remainder as residue
• ie. 0 <= b <= n-1
process is known as modulo reduction
• eg. -12 mod 7 = -5 mod 7 = 2 mod 7 = 9 mod 7
a & b are congruent if: a mod n = b mod n
when divided by n, a & b have same remainder
eg. 100 mod 11 = 34 mod 11
so 100 is congruent to 34 mod 11
Modular Arithmetic Operations
can perform arithmetic with residues
uses a finite number of values, and loops
back from either end
Zn = {0, 1, . . . , (n – 1)}
modular arithmetic is when do addition &
multiplication and modulo reduce answer
can do reduction at any point, ie
a+b mod n = [a mod n + b mod n] mod n
Modular Arithmetic Operations
1. [(a mod n) + (b mod n)] mod n
= (a + b) mod n
2. [(a mod n) – (b mod n)] mod n
= (a – b) mod n
3. [(a mod n) x (b mod n)] mod n
= (a x b) mod n
[(11 mod 8) + (15 mod 8)] mod 8 = 10 mod 8 = 2 (11 + 15) mod 8 = 26 mod 8 = 2
[(11 mod 8) – (15 mod 8)] mod 8 = –4 mod 8 = 4 (11 – 15) mod 8 = –4 mod 8 = 4
[(11 mod 8) x (15 mod 8)] mod 8 = 21 mod 8 = 5 (11 x 15) mod 8 = 165 mod 8 = 5
Modulo 8 Addition Example
+ 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
0 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
1 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 0
2 2 3 4 5 6 7 0 1
3 3 4 5 6 7 0 1 2
4 4 5 6 7 0 1 2 3
5 5 6 7 0 1 2 3 4
6 6 7 0 1 2 3 4 5
7 7 0 1 2 3 4 5 6
Modulo 8 Multiplication
+ 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
1 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
2 0 2 4 6 0 2 4 6
3 0 3 6 1 4 7 2 5
4 0 4 0 4 0 4 0 4
5 0 5 2 7 4 1 6 3
6 0 6 4 2 0 6 4 2
7 0 7 6 5 4 3 2 1
Modular Arithmetic Properties
Euclidean Algorithm
an efficient way to find the GCD(a,b)
uses theorem that:
GCD(a,b) = GCD(b, a mod b)
Euclidean Algorithm to compute GCD(a,b) is:
if (b=0) then return a;
else return Euclid(b, a mod b);
Extended Euclidean Algorithm
calculates not only GCD but x & y:
ax + by = d = gcd(a, b)
useful for later crypto computations
follow sequence of divisions for GCD but
assume at each step i, can find x &y:
r = ax + by
at end find GCD value and also x & y
if GCD(a,b)=1 these values are inverses
Finding Inverses
1. (A1, A2, A3)=(1, 0, m);
(B1, B2, B3)=(0, 1, b)
2. if B3 = 0
return A3 = gcd(m, b); no inverse
3. if B3 = 1
return B3 = gcd(m, b); B2 = b–1 mod m
4. Q = A3 div B3
5. (T1, T2, T3)=(A1 – Q B1, A2 – Q B2, A3 – Q B3)
6. (A1, A2, A3)=(B1, B2, B3)
7. (B1, B2, B3)=(T1, T2, T3)
8. goto 2
Inverse of 550 in GF(1759)
Q A1 A2 A3 B1 B2 B3
— 1 0 1759 0 1 550
3 0 1 550 1 –3 109
5 1 –3 109 –5 16 5
21 –5 16 5 106 –339 4
1 106 –339 4 –111 355 1
a set S of elements or “numbers”
may be finite or infinite
with some operation ‘.’ so G=(S,.)
Obeys CAIN:
Closure: a,b in S, then a.b in S
Associative law: (a.b).c = a.(b.c)
has Identity e: e.a = a.e = a
has iNverses a-1: a.a-1 = e
if commutative a.b = b.a
then forms an abelian group
Cyclic Group
define exponentiation as repeated
application of operator
example: a3 = a.a.a
and let identity be: e=a0
a group is cyclic if every element is a
power of some fixed element a
i.e., b = ak for some a and every b in group
a is said to be a generator of the group
a set of “numbers”
with two operations (addition and multiplication)
which form:
an abelian group with addition operation
and multiplication:
has closure
is associative
distributive over addition: a(b+c) = ab + ac
if multiplication operation is commutative, it
forms a commutative ring
if multiplication operation has an identity and no
zero divisors, it forms an integral domain
a set of numbers
with two operations which form:
abelian group for addition
abelian group for multiplication (ignoring 0)
have hierarchy with more axioms/laws
group -> ring -> field
Group, Ring, Field
Finite (Galois) Fields
finite fields play a key role in cryptography
can show number of elements in a finite
field must be a power of a prime pn
known as Galois fields
denoted GF(pn)
in particular often use the fields:
Galois Fields GF(p)
GF(p) is the set of integers {0,1, … , p-1}
with arithmetic operations modulo prime p
these form a finite field
since have multiplicative inverses
find inverse with Extended Euclidean algorithm
hence arithmetic is “well-behaved” and can
do addition, subtraction, multiplication, and
division without leaving the field GF(p)
GF(7) Multiplication Example
0 1 2 3 4 5 6
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
1 0 1 2 3 4 5 6
2 0 2 4 6 1 3 5
3 0 3 6 2 5 1 4
4 0 4 1 5 2 6 3
5 0 5 3 1 6 4 2
6 0 6 5 4 3 2 1
Polynomial Arithmetic
can compute using polynomials
f(x) = anxn + an-1xn-1 + … + a1x + a0 = ∑ aixi
• n.b. not interested in any specific value of x
• which is known as the indeterminate
several alternatives available
ordinary polynomial arithmetic
poly arithmetic with coefs mod p
poly arithmetic with coefs mod p and
polynomials mod m(x)
Ordinary Polynomial Arithmetic
add or subtract corresponding coefficients
multiply all terms by each other
let f(x) = x3 + x2 + 2 and g(x) = x2 – x + 1
f(x) + g(x) = x3 + 2x2 – x + 3
f(x) – g(x) = x3 + x + 1
f(x) x g(x) = x5 + 3x2 – 2x + 2
Polynomial Arithmetic with
Modulo Coefficients
when computing value of each coefficient
do calculation modulo some value
forms a polynomial ring
could be modulo any prime
but we are most interested in mod 2
ie all coefficients are 0 or 1
eg. let f(x) = x3 + x2 and g(x) = x2 + x + 1
f(x) + g(x) = x3 + x + 1
f(x) x g(x) = x5 + x2
Polynomial Division
can write any polynomial in the form:
f(x) = q(x) g(x) + r(x)
can interpret r(x) as being a remainder
r(x) = f(x) mod g(x)
if have no remainder say g(x) divides f(x)
if g(x) has no divisors other than itself & 1
say it is irreducible (or prime) polynomial
arithmetic modulo an irreducible
polynomial forms a field
Polynomial GCD
can find greatest common divisor for polys
c(x) = GCD(a(x), b(x)) if c(x) is the poly of greatest
degree which divides both a(x), b(x)
can adapt Euclid’s Algorithm to find it:
Euclid(a(x), b(x))
if (b(x)=0) then return a(x);
else return
Euclid(b(x), a(x) mod b(x));
all foundation for polynomial fields as see next
Modular Polynomial
can compute in field GF(2n)
polynomials with coefficients modulo 2
whose degree is less than n
hence must reduce modulo an irreducible poly
of degree n (for multiplication only)
form a finite field
can always find an inverse
can extend Euclid’s Inverse algorithm to find
Example GF(23)
since coefficients are 0 or 1, can represent
any such polynomial as a bit string
addition becomes XOR of these bit strings
multiplication is shift & XOR
cf long-hand multiplication
modulo reduction done by repeatedly
substituting highest power with remainder
of irreducible poly (also shift & XOR)
Computational Example
in GF(23) have (x2+1) is 1012 & (x2+x+1) is 1112
so addition is
(x2+1) + (x2+x+1) = x
101 XOR 111 = 0102
and multiplication is
(x+1).(x2+1) = x.(x2+1) + 1.(x2+1)
= x3+x+x2+1 = x3+x2+x+1
011.101 = (101)<<1 XOR (101)<<0 =
1010 XOR 101 = 11112
polynomial modulo reduction (get q(x) & r(x)) is
(x3+x2+x+1 ) mod (x3+x+1) = 1.(x3+x+1) + (x2) = x2
1111 mod 1011 = 1111 XOR 1011 = 01002
Using a Generator
equivalent definition of a finite field
a generator g is an element whose
powers generate all non-zero elements
in F have 0, g0, g1, …, gq-2
can create generator from root of the
irreducible polynomial
then implement multiplication by adding
exponents of generator
have considered:
divisibility & GCD
modular arithmetic with integers
concept of groups, rings, fields
Euclid’s algorithm for GCD & Inverse
finite fields GF(p)
polynomial arithmetic in general and in GF(2n)
Cryptography and
Network Security
Chapter 5
Fifth Edition
by William Stallings
Chapter 5 –Advanced Encryption
Number of Rounds 10 12 14
Round Key Size ( word/byte/bits) 4/16/128 4/16/128 4/16/128
Expanded Key Size ( word/byte) 44/176 52/208 60/240
AES Structure
data block of 4 columns of 4 bytes is state
key is expanded to array of words
has 9/11/13 rounds in which state undergoes:
byte substitution (1 S-box used on every byte)
shift rows (permute bytes between groups/columns)
mix columns (subs using matrix multiply of groups)
add round key (XOR state with key material)
view as alternating XOR key & scramble data bytes
initial XOR key material & incomplete last round
with fast XOR & table lookup implementation
AES Structure
Some Comments on AES
1. an iterative rather than Feistel cipher
2. key expanded into array of 32-bit words
1. four words form round key in each round
3. 4 different stages are used as shown
4. has a simple structure
5. only AddRoundKey uses key
6. AddRoundKey a form of Vernam cipher
7. each stage is easily reversible
8. decryption uses keys in reverse order
9. decryption does recover plaintext
10. final round has only 3 stages
Substitute Bytes
a simple substitution of each byte
uses one table of 16x16 bytes containing a
permutation of all 256 8-bit values
each byte of state is replaced by byte indexed
by row (left 4-bits) & column (right 4-bits)
eg. byte {95} is replaced by byte in row 9 column 5
which has value {2A}
S-box constructed using defined transformation
of values in GF(28)
designed to be resistant to all known attacks
Substitute Bytes
Substitute Bytes Example
Shift Rows
a circular byte shift in each each
1st row is unchanged
2nd row does 1 byte circular shift to left
3rd row does 2 byte circular shift to left
4th row does 3 byte circular shift to left
decrypt inverts using shifts to right
since state is processed by columns, this step
permutes bytes between the columns
Shift Rows
Mix Columns
each column is processed separately
each byte is replaced by a value
dependent on all 4 bytes in the column
effectively a matrix multiplication in GF(28)
using prime poly m(x) =x8+x4+x3+x+1
Mix Columns
Mix Columns Example
AES Arithmetic
uses arithmetic in the finite field GF(28)
with irreducible polynomial
m(x) = x8 + x4 + x3 + x + 1
which is (100011011) or {11b}
{02} • {87} mod {11b} = (1 0000 1110) mod {11b}
= (1 0000 1110) xor (1 0001 1011) = (0001 0101)
Mix Columns
can express each col as 4 equations
to derive each new byte in col
decryption requires use of inverse matrix
with larger coefficients, hence a little harder
have an alternate characterisation
each column a 4-term polynomial
with coefficients in GF(28)
and polynomials multiplied modulo (x4+1)
coefficients based on linear code with
maximal distance between codewords
Mix Columns - Decryption
Add Round Key
XOR state with 128-bits of the round key
again processed by column (though
effectively a series of byte operations)
inverse for decryption identical
since XOR own inverse, with reversed keys
designed to be as simple as possible
a form of Vernam cipher on expanded key
requires other stages for complexity / security
Add Round Key
AES Round
AES Key Expansion
takes 128-bit (16-byte) key and expands
into array of 44/52/60 32-bit words
start by copying key into first 4 words
then loop creating words that depend on
values in previous & 4 places back
in 3 of 4 cases just XOR these together
1st word in 4 has rotate + S-box + XOR round
constant on previous, before XOR 4th back
AES Key Expansion
Key Expansion Rationale
designed to resist known attacks
design criteria included
knowing part key insufficient to find many more
invertible transformation
fast on wide range of CPU’s
use round constants to break symmetry
diffuse key bits into round keys
enough non-linearity to hinder analysis
simplicity of description
AES Decryption
AES decryption is not identical to
encryption since steps done in reverse
but can define an equivalent inverse
cipher with steps as for encryption
but using inverses of each step
with a different key schedule
works since result is unchanged when
swap byte substitution & shift rows
swap mix columns & add (tweaked) round key
AES Decryption
Implementation Aspects
can efficiently implement on 8-bit CPU
byte substitution works on bytes using a table
of 256 entries
shift rows is simple byte shift
add round key works on byte XOR’s
mix columns requires matrix multiply in GF(28)
which works on byte values, can be simplified
to use table lookups & byte XOR’s
Implementation Aspects
can efficiently implement on 32-bit CPU
redefine steps to use 32-bit words
can precompute 4 tables of 256-words
then each column in each round can be
computed using 4 table lookups + 4 XORs
at a cost of 4Kb to store tables
designers believe this very efficient
implementation was a key factor in its
selection as the AES cipher
General Security
Rijndael has no known security attacks. Rijndael uses S-boxes as nonlinear
components. Rijndael appears to have an adequate security margin, but
has received some criticism suggesting that its mathematical structure may
lead to attacks. On the other hand, the simple structure may have facilitated
its security analysis during the timeframe of the AES development process.
Software Implementations
Rijndael performs encryption and decryption very well across a variety of
including 8-bit and 64-bit platforms, and DSPs. However, there is a
decrease in performance with the higher key sizes because of the increased
number of rounds that are performed. Rijndael’s high inherent parallelism
facilitates the efficient use of processor resources, resulting in very good
software performance even when implemented in a mode not capable of
interleaving. Rijndael’s key setup time is fast.
Restricted-Space Environments
In general, Rijndael is very well suited for restricted-space environments
where either
encryption or decryption is implemented (but not both). It has very low RAM
and ROM requirements. A drawback is that ROM requirements will increase
if both encryption and decryption are implemented simultaneously, although
it appears to remain suitable for these environments. The key schedule for
decryption is separate from encryption.
Hardware Implementations
Rijndael has the highest throughput of any of the finalists for feedback
modes and second highest for non-feedback modes. For the 192 and 256-
bit key sizes, throughput falls in standard and unrolled implementations
because of the additional number of rounds. For fully pipelined
implementations, the area requirement increases, but the throughput is
Attacks on Implementations
The operations used by Rijndael are among the easiest to defend against
power and timing attacks. The use of masking techniques to provide
Rijndael with some defense against these attacks does not cause significant
performance degradation relative to the other finalists, and its RAM
requirement remains reasonable. Rijndael appears to gain a major speed
advantage over its competitors when such protections are considered.
Head n T
Pn T
En-1 Head n
Advantages and Limitations of
A ciphertext block depends on all blocks
before it
Any change to a block affects all following
ciphertext blocks... avalanche effect
need Initialization Vector (IV)
which must be known to sender & receiver
if sent in clear, attacker can change bits of first block, by
changing corresponding bits of IV
hence IV must either be a fixed value (as in EFTPOS)
or derived in way hard to manipulate
or sent encrypted in ECB mode before rest of message
or message integrity must be checked otherwise
Stream Modes of Operation
Block modes encrypt entire block
May need to operate on smaller units
real time data
Convert block cipher into stream cipher
cipher feedback (CFB) mode
output feedback (OFB) mode
counter (CTR) mode
Use block cipher as some form of
pseudo-random number generator...
Vernam cipher
Cipher FeedBack (CFB)
Message is treated as a stream of bits
Added to the output of the block cipher
Result is feed back for next stage (hence
Standard allows any number of bits (1,8, 64 or
128 etc) to be feed back
denoted CFB-1, CFB-8, CFB-64, CFB-128, etc.
Most efficient to use all bits in block (64 or 128)
Ci = Pi XOR EK(Ci-1)
C-1 = IV
Advantages and Limitations of
Most common stream mode
Appropriate when data arrives in bits/bytes
Limitation is need to stall while do block
encryption after every s-bits
Note that the block cipher is used in
encryption mode at both ends (XOR)
Errors propagate for several blocks after
the error ... how many?
Output FeedBack (OFB)
Message is treated as a stream of bits
Output of cipher is added to message
Output is then feed back (hence name)
Oi = EK(Oi-1)
Ci = Pi XOR Oi
O-1 = IV
Feedback is independent of message
Can be computed in advance
uses: stream encryption on noisy channels
Why noisy channels?
Advantages and Limitations of
Needs an IV which is unique for each use
if ever reuse attacker can recover outputs...
Can pre-compute
Bit errors do not propagate
More vulnerable to message stream modification...
change arbitrary bits by changing ciphertext
Sender & receiver must remain in sync
Only use with full block feedback
subsequent research has shown that only full block feedback
(ie CFB-64 or CFB-128) should ever be used
Counter (CTR)
A “new” mode, though proposed early on
Similar to OFB but encrypts counter value rather
than any feedback value
Oi = EK(i)
Ci = Pi XOR Oi
Must have a different key & counter value for
every plaintext block (never reused)
again, OTP issue
uses: high-speed network encryptions
Advantages and Limitations of
can do parallel encryptions in h/w or s/w
can preprocess in advance of need
good for bursty high speed links
Random access to encrypted data blocks
Provable security (good as other modes)
Never have cycle less than 2 b
But must ensure never reuse key/counter
values, otherwise could break (cf OFB)
New mode, for block oriented storage use
in IEEE Std 1619-2007
Concept of tweakable block cipher
Different requirements to transmitted data
Uses AES twice for each block
Tj = EK2(i) XOR αj
Cj = EK1(Pj XOR Tj) XOR Tj
where i is tweak & j is sector no
Each sector may have multiple blocks
per block
Advantages and Limitations of
can do parallel encryptions in h/w or s/w
random access to encrypted data blocks
Has both nonce & counter
Addresses security concerns related to
stored data
Criteria For Comparison
Can a random block be encrypted or
How much does a error in transmission
affect the receiver?
Is parallel encryption/decryption possible?
Can the keystream be pre computed?
Multiple Encryption & Triple-DES
Modes of Operation
Next – Stream ciphers (Ch 7), then hash
functions (Ch 11)
Cryptography and
Network Security
Chapter 8
Fifth Edition
by William Stallings
Chapter 8 – Introduction to
Number Theory
The Devil said to Daniel Webster: "Set me a task I can't carry out, and
I'll give you anything in the world you ask for."
Daniel Webster: "Fair enough. Prove that for n greater than 2, the
equation an + bn = cn has no non-trivial solution in the integers."
They agreed on a three-day period for the labor, and the Devil
At the end of three days, the Devil presented himself, haggard, jumpy,
biting his lip. Daniel Webster said to him, "Well, how did you do at
my task? Did you prove the theorem?'
"Eh? No . . . no, I haven't proved it."
"Then I can have whatever I ask for? Money? The Presidency?'
"What? Oh, that—of course. But listen! If we could just prove the
following two lemmas—"
—The Mathematical Magpie, Clifton Fadiman
Prime Numbers
prime numbers only have divisors of 1 and self
they cannot be written as a product of other numbers
note: 1 is prime, but is generally not of interest
eg. 2,3,5,7 are prime, 4,6,8,9,10 are not
prime numbers are central to number theory
list of prime number less than 200 is:
2 3 5 7 11 13 17 19 23 29 31 37 41 43 47 53 59
61 67 71 73 79 83 89 97 101 103 107 109 113 127
131 137 139 149 151 157 163 167 173 179 181 191
193 197 199
Prime Factorisation
to factor a number n is to write it as a
product of other numbers: n=a x b x c
note that factoring a number is relatively
hard compared to multiplying the factors
together to generate the number
the prime factorisation of a number n is
when its written as a product of primes
eg. 91=7x13 ; 3600=24x32x52
Relatively Prime Numbers & GCD
two numbers a, b are relatively prime if have
no common divisors apart from 1
eg. 8 & 15 are relatively prime since factors of 8 are
1,2,4,8 and of 15 are 1,3,5,15 and 1 is the only
common factor
conversely can determine the greatest common
divisor by comparing their prime factorizations
and using least powers
eg. 300=21x31x52 18=21x32 hence
Fermat's Theorem
ap-1 ≡ 1 (mod p)
where p is prime and gcd(a,p)=1
also known as Fermat’s Little Theorem
also have: ap ≡ a (mod p)
useful in public key and primality testing
Euler Totient Function ø(n)
when doing arithmetic modulo n
complete set of residues is: 0..n-1
reduced set of residues is those numbers
(residues) which are relatively prime to n
eg for n=10,
complete set of residues is {0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9}
reduced set of residues is {1,3,7,9}
number of elements in reduced set of residues is
called the Euler Totient Function ø(n)
Euler Totient Function ø(n)
to compute ø(n) need to count number of
residues to be excluded
in general need prime factorization, but
for p (p prime) ø(p)=p-1
for p.q (p,q prime) ø(p.q)=(p-1)x(q-1)
ø(37) = 36
ø(21) = (3–1)x(7–1) = 2x6 = 12
Euler's Theorem
a generalisation of Fermat's Theorem
aø(n) ≡ 1 (mod n)
for any a,n where gcd(a,n)=1
a=3;n=10; ø(10)=4;
hence 34 = 81 = 1 mod 10
a=2;n=11; ø(11)=10;
hence 210 = 1024 = 1 mod 11
also have: aø(n)+1 ≡ a (mod n)
Primality Testing
often need to find large prime numbers
traditionally sieve using trial division
ie. divide by all numbers (primes) in turn less than the
square root of the number
only works for small numbers
alternatively can use statistical primality tests
based on properties of primes
for which all primes numbers satisfy property
but some composite numbers, called pseudo-primes,
also satisfy the property
can use a slower deterministic primality test
Miller Rabin Algorithm
a test based on prime properties that result from
Fermat’s Theorem
algorithm is:
TEST (n) is:
1. Find integers k, q, k > 0, q odd, so that (n–1)=2kq
2. Select a random integer a, 1<a<n–1
3. if aq mod n = 1 then return (“inconclusive");
4. for j = 0 to k – 1 do
5. if (a2 q mod n = n-1)
then return(“inconclusive")
6. return (“composite")
Probabilistic Considerations
ifMiller-Rabin returns “composite” the number
is definitely not prime
otherwise is a prime or a pseudo-prime
chance it detects a pseudo-prime is < 1/4
hence if repeat test with different random a
then chance n is prime after t tests is:
Pr(n prime after t tests) = 1-4-t
eg. for t=10 this probability is > 0.99999
could then use the deterministic AKS
(Agrawal–Kayal–Saxena) test
Prime Distribution
prime number theorem states that primes
occur roughly every (ln n) integers
but can immediately ignore evens
so in practice need only test 0.5 ln(n)
numbers of size n to locate a prime
note this is only the “average”
sometimes primes are close together
other times are quite far apart
Chinese Remainder Theorem
used to speed up modulo computations
if working modulo a product of numbers
eg. mod M =
Chinese Remainder theorem lets us work
in each moduli mi separately
since computational cost is proportional to
size, this is faster than working in the full
modulus M
Chinese Remainder Theorem
can implement CRT in several ways
to compute A(mod M)
first compute all ai = A mod mi separately
determine constants ci below, where Mi = M/mi
then combine results to get answer using:
CRT Example – Addition 1/2
Given 973 mod 1813
Now 1813 = 37 x 49
= ( 11, 42)
CRT Example – Addition 2/2
We wish to add 678 to 973 i.e. calculate S = ( 678 + 973 ) mod 1813
Let B = 678
= ( 12, 41)
= (23, 34)
in RSA have:
carefully chose e & d to be inverses mod ø(n)
hence e.d=1+k.ø(n) for some k
hence :
Cd = Me.d = M1+k.ø(n) = M1.(Mø(n))k
= M1.(1)k = M1 = M mod n
RSA Example - Key Setup
1. Select primes: p=17 & q=11
2. Calculate n = pq =17 x 11=187
3. Calculate ø(n)=(p–1)(q-1)=16x10=160
4. Select e: gcd(e,160)=1; choose e=7
5. Determine d: de=1 mod 160 and d < 160
Value is d=23 since 23x7=161= 10x160+1
6. Publish public key PU={7,187}
7. Keep secret private key PR={23,187}
RSA Example - En/Decryption
sample RSA encryption/decryption is:
given message M = 88 (nb. 88<187)
C = 887 mod 187 = 11
M = 1123 mod 187 = 88
can use the Square and Multiply Algorithm
a fast, efficient algorithm for exponentiation
concept is based on repeatedly squaring base
and multiplying in the ones that are needed to
compute the result
look at binary representation of exponent
only takes O(log2 n) multiples for number n
eg. 75 = 74.71 = 3.7 = 10 mod 11
eg. 3129 = 3128.31 = 5.3 = 4 mod 11
c = 0; f = 1
for i = k downto 0
do c = 2 x c
f = (f x f) mod n
if bi == 1 then
c = c + 1
f = (f x a) mod n
return f
Efficient Encryption
encryption uses exponentiation to power e
hence if e small, this will be faster
often choose e=65537 (216-1)
also see choices of e=3 or e=17
but if e too small (eg e=3) can attack
using Chinese remainder theorem & 3
messages with different modulii
if e fixed must ensure gcd(e,ø(n))=1
ie reject any p or q not relatively prime to e
Efficient Decryption
decryption uses exponentiation to power d
this is likely large, insecure if not
canuse the Chinese Remainder Theorem
(CRT) to compute mod p & q separately.
then combine to get desired answer
approx 4 times faster than doing directly
onlyowner of private key who knows
values of p & q can use this technique
RSA Key Generation
users of RSA must:
determine two primes at random - p, q
select either e or d and compute the other
primesp,q must not be easily derived
from modulus n=p.q
means must be sufficiently large
typically guess and use probabilistic test
exponents e, d are inverses, so use
Inverse algorithm to compute the other
RSA Security
possible approaches to attacking RSA are:
brute force key search - infeasible given size
of numbers
mathematical attacks - based on difficulty of
computing ø(n), by factoring modulus n
timing attacks - on running of decryption
chosen ciphertext attacks - given properties of
Factoring Problem
mathematical approach takes 3 forms:
factor n=p.q, hence compute ø(n) and then d
determine ø(n) directly and compute d
find d directly
encrypt M as a pair of integers (C1,C2) where
• C1 = ak mod q ; C2 = KM mod q
A then recovers message by
recovering key K as K = C1xA mod q
computing M as M = C2 K-1 mod q
a unique k must be used each time
otherwise result is insecure
ElGamal Example
use field GF(19) q=19 and a=10
Alice computes her key:
A chooses xA=5 & computes yA=10 mod 19 = 3
Bob send message m=17 as (11,5) by
chosing random k=6
computing K = yAk mod q = 36 mod 19 = 7
computing C1 = ak mod q = 106 mod 19 = 11;
C2 = KM mod q = 7.17 mod 19 = 5
Alice recovers original message by computing:
recover K = C1
mod q = 11 mod 19 = 7
compute inverse K-1 = 7-1 = 11
recover M = C2 K-1 mod q = 5.11 mod 19 = 17
Elliptic Curve Cryptography
majority of public-key crypto (RSA, D-H)
use either integer or polynomial arithmetic
with very large numbers/polynomials
imposes a significant load in storing and
processing keys and messages
an alternative is to use elliptic curves
offers same security with smaller bit sizes
newer, but not as well analysed
Real Elliptic Curves
an elliptic curve is defined by an equation
in two variables x & y, with coefficients
consider a cubic elliptic curve of form
y2 = x3 + ax + b
where x,y,a,b are all real numbers
also define zero point O
consider set of points E(a,b) that satisfy
have addition operation for elliptic curve
geometrically sum of P+Q is reflection of the
intersection R
Real Elliptic Curve Example
Finite Elliptic Curves
Elliptic curve cryptography uses curves
whose variables & coefficients are finite
have two families commonly used:
prime curves Ep(a,b) defined over Zp
• use integers modulo a prime
• best in software
• y2 = (x3 + ax + b) mod p
binary curves E2m(a,b) defined over GF(2n)
• use polynomials with binary coefficients
• best in hardware
Elliptic Curve Cryptography
ECC addition is analog of modulo multiply
ECC repeated addition is analog of modulo
need “hard” problem equiv to discrete log
Q=kP, where Q,P belong to a prime curve
is “easy” to compute Q given k,P
but “hard” to find k given Q,P
known as the elliptic curve logarithm problem
Example: E (1,1)
Point of E23(1,1)
ECC Diffie-Hellman
can do key exchange analogous to D-H
users select a suitable curve Eq(a,b)
select base point G=(x1,y1)
with large order n s.t. nG=O
A & B select private keys
nA<n, nB<n
compute public keys: P =n G, P =n G
compute shared key: K=n P , K=n P
same since K=nAnBG
attacker would need to find k, hard
ECC Encryption/Decryption
several alternatives, will consider simplest
must first encode any message M as a point on the
elliptic curve Pm
select suitable curve & point G as in D-H
each user chooses private key nA<n, nB<n
and computes public key PA=nAG, PB=nBG
When A send data to B
to encrypt Pm : Cm={kG, Pm+kPB}, k random
decrypt Cm compute:
Pm+kPb–nB(kG) = Pm+k(nBG)–nB(kG) = Pm
ECC Security
relies on elliptic curve logarithm problem
fastest method is “Pollard rho method”
compared to factoring, can use much
smaller key sizes than with RSA etc
for equivalent key lengths computations
are roughly equivalent
hence for similar security ECC offers
significant computational advantages
Comparable Key Sizes for
Equivalent Security
Symmetric ECC-based RSA/DSA
scheme scheme (modulus size in
(key size in bits) (size of n in bits) bits)
56 112 512
80 160 1024
112 224 2048
128 256 3072
192 384 7680
256 512 15360
have considered:
Diffie-Hellman key exchange
ElGamal cryptography
Elliptic Curve cryptography
Cryptography and
Network Security
Chapter 11
Fifth Edition
by William Stallings
Chapter 11 – Cryptographic
Hash Functions
Each of the messages, like each one he had ever
read of Stern's commands, began with a number
and ended with a number or row of numbers. No
efforts on the part of Mungo or any of his experts
had been able to break Stern's code, nor was
there any clue as to what the preliminary number
and those ultimate numbers signified.
—Talking to Strange Men, Ruth Rendell
Hash Functions
condenses arbitrary message to fixed size
h = H(M)
usually assume hash function is public
hash used to detect changes to message
want a cryptographic hash function
computationally infeasible to find data mapping
to specific hash (one-way property)
computationally infeasible to find two data to
same hash (collision-free property)
Cryptographic Hash Function
Hash Function Uses
Message Integrity Check (MIC)
send hash of message (digest)
MIC always encrypted, message optionally
Message Authentication Code (MAC)
send keyed hash of message
MAC, message optionally encrypted
Digital Signature (non-repudiation)
Encrypt hash with private (signing) key
Verify with public (verification) key
Hash Functions & Message
ymmetric Key
nkeyed Hash
) Message
) Message
Hash Functions & Message
ymmetric Key
Keyed Hash
) Message
Hash Functions & Digital
Other Hash Function Uses
pseudorandom function (PRF)
Generate session keys, nonces
Produce key from password
Derive keys from master key cooperatively
pseudorandom number generator
Vernam Cipher/OTP
S/Key, proof of “what you have” via messages
More Hash Function Uses
to create a one-way password file
store hash of password not actual password
e.g., Unix, Windows NT, etc.
salt to deter precomputation attacks
Rainbow tables
for intrusion detection and virus detection
keep & check hash of files on system
e.g., Tripwire
Lamport One-time Passwords
Password safety in distributed system
server compromise does not compromise P
interception of authentication exchange does
not compromise password either
Alice picks Password PA
Hashes password N times, HN(PA)
Server stores (Alice, N, HN(PA))
Attacker can’t get PA from HN(PA)
Lamport One-time Passwords
Alice sends “I’m Alice”
Server sends “N-1”
Alice sends “X” where X=HN-1(PA)
Server verifies H(X) = HN(PA)
Server updates to (Alice, N-1, X)
Attacker still can’t get PA or authenticate as
Two Simple Insecure Hash
consider two simple insecure hash functions
bit-by-bit exclusive-OR (XOR) of every block
Ci = bi1 xor bi2 xor . . . xor bim
a longitudinal redundancy check
reasonably effective as data integrity check
one-bit circular shift on hash value
for each successive n-bit block
• rotate current hash value to left by1bit and XOR block
good for data integrity but useless for security
What If We Hash and Encrypt
Hash h = XN+1 = X1 xor X2 xor ... xor XN
Encrypt the message along with hash
Y1, Y2, … , YN+1 where
Y1 = IV xor E(K, X1)]
Y2 = Y1 xor E(K, X2)] ….
YN+1 = YN xor E(K, XN+1)] = Encrypted h
XN+1 = X1 xor X2 xor ... xor XN
= [ IV xor D(K, Y1)] xor [Y1 xor D(K, Y2)]
xor … xor [YN-1 xor D(K, YN)]
Hash Function Requirements
Hash Function Resistance
Properties Required
If an m-bit MAC is used, then there are 2m
possible MACs.
N possible messages with N >> 2m
With a k-bit key, there are 2k possible keys.
Security of MACs
Like block ciphers have:
Brute-force attacks exploiting
Strong collision resistance hash have cost 2 2
Unless formatting prevents it…
… but still best to use HMAC!
HMAC Design Objectives
Use, without modifications, hash functions
Allow for easy replaceability of embedded
hash function
Preserve original performance of hash
function without significant degradation
Use and handle keys in a simple way.
Have well understood cryptographic analysis
of authentication mechanism strength
Specified as Internet standard RFC2104
Uses hash function on the message:
HMACK(M)= Hash[(K+ XOR opad) ||
Hash[(K+ XOR ipad) || M)] ]
where K+ is the key padded out to block size
opad, ipad are specified padding constants
Overhead is just 3 more hash block calculations
than the message needs alone
Any hash function can be used
eg. MD5, SHA-1, RIPEMD-160, Whirlpool
HMAC Security
Proved security of HMAC relates to that of
the underlying hash algorithm
Attacking HMAC requires either:
brute force attack on key used
birthday attack (but since keyed would need
to observe a very large number of messages)
Choose hash function used based on
speed verses security constraints
Have considered:
Message authentication requirements
Message authentication using encryption
HMAC authentication using a hash function
Cryptography and
Network Security
Chapter 13
Fifth Edition
by William Stallings
Chapter 13 – Digital Signatures
1. A->B: IDA || Na
2. B -> KDC: IDB||Nb|| E(Kb,[IDA||Na|| Tb])
3. KDC -> A: E(Ka, [IDB||Na||Ks||Tb]) ||
E(Kb, [IDA||Ks||Tb])||Nb
4. A -> B: E(Kb, [IDA||Ks||Tb]) || E(Ks, Nb)
One-Way Authentication
Use refinement of KDC to secure email
since B no online, drop steps 4 & 5
Protocol becomes:
1. A->KDC: IDA || IDB || N1
2. KDC -> A: E(Ka, [Ks||IDB||N1 || E(Kb,[Ks||IDA])])
3. A -> B: E(Kb, [Ks||IDA]) || E(Ks, M)
Provides encryption & some authentication
Does not protect from replay attack
Trusted key server system from MIT
Provides centralised private-key third-party
authentication in a distributed network
allows users access to services distributed
through network
without needing to trust all workstations
rather all trust a central authentication server
Two versions in use: 4 & 5
A user may gain access to a particular
workstation and pretend to be another user
operating from that workstation.
A user may alter the network address of a
workstation so that the requests sent from
the altered workstation appear to come
from the impersonated workstation.
A user may eavesdrop on exchanges and
use a replay attack to gain entrance to a
server or to disrupt operations.
Kerberos Requirements
Its first report identified requirements as:
Secure - eavesdropping/impersanation.
Reliable – availability/distributed architecture.
Transparent – one time password.
Scalable – large number of servers and
Implemented using an authentication
protocol based on Needham-Schroeder
Sample Dialogue 1
1. C -> AS : IDC || PC || IDV
2. AS -> C : Ticket
3. C -> V : IDC || Ticket
Ticket = E(Kv, [IDC || ADC || IDV])
C = client
AS = authentication server
Password sent in plaintext.
V = server
Password needs to be entered each
IDV = server identifier
time for new session or different
IDC = identifier of user on C
PC = client password
ADC = network address of C
KV = secret encryption key shared between AS and V
Sample Dialogue 2
Once per user logon session:
certifica Phase 2
k e y _ e xchang Server may send certificate, key exchange
server_ and request certificate.
rt if ic a te_requ
r v e r_ h ello_do
a te Phase 3
client_k Client sends certificate if requested. Client
e y_exch
a n ge sends key exchange.
a te_verif
_ cipher_
specs Phase 4
finished Change cipher suit and finish handshake
r_ specs
Client e llo Server
Phase 1
hello Protocol version, session ID, cipher
server_ suit,compression method, initial random
Phase 2
certificate_request message is optional.
Required only if client is to be authenticated
r t if ic a te_requ using a certificate.
rv e r_ h ello_do
certific Phase 3
a te
client_k certificate message is optional. Required
e y_exch only if certificate_request message was sent
a n ge
earlier by server.
a te_verif client_key_exchange message will contain
48 byte pre-master-secret encrypted using
public key of server (taken from server
_ cipher_
specs Phase 4
finished Change cipher suit and finish handshake
te Phase 2
certifica Server certificate can only be used for
k e y _ e xchang signature verification.
server_ Server creates temporary RSA public-
rt if ic a te_requ private key pair for the purpose of
ce encryption/decryption and signs this
r v e r_ h ello_do temporary public key using his private key
se and sends it to client inside
Time server_key_exchange message.
a te Phase 3
client_k client_key_exchange message will contain
e y_exch
a n ge 48 byte pre-master-secret encrypted using
certific temporary RSA public key sent by server.
a te_verif
y Temporary RSA public key is verified by
using RSA key contained in Server certificate
_ cipher_
specs Phase 4
finished Change cipher suit and finish handshake
certifica Phase 2
Server certificate message contains
certificate containing servers DH public
parameters (a, p, Y).
hello_ done
a te Phase 3
Client certificate message contains certificate
containing clients DH public parameters.
_ cipher_
specs Phase 4
finished Change cipher suit and finish handshake
certifica Phase 2
k e y _ e xchang Server certificate can only be used for
server_ signature verification.
est Server creates temporary DH public-private
rt if ic a te_requ
ce key pair signs this temporary public key
r v e r_ h ello_do using his private key and sends all public
se parameters (a, p, Y) to client inside
Time server_key_exchange message.
certific Phase 3
a te
Clients creates temporary DH public-private
e y_exch key pair and sends public key to server
a n ge
inside client_key_exchange message.
a te_verif
Shared temparory DH public parameters are
used to compute pre-master-secret.
_ cipher_
specs Phase 4
finished Change cipher suit and finish handshake
Phase 2
ke y _ e xchang Server creates temporary DH public-private
server_ key pair and sends all public parameters (a,
p, Y) to client inside server_key_exchange
message. (not encrypted, not signed)
hello_ done
Phase 3
client_k Client creates temporary DH public-private
e y_exch key pair and sends public key to server
a n ge
inside client_key_exchange message. (not
encrypted, not signed).
Discovery and
Phases Authentication
IEEE 802.1X Access Control
Extensible Authentication
EAP is an authentication framework frequently
used in network and internet connections.
Pairwise Master Key
In PSK authentication, the PMK is actually the
If an 802.1X EAP exchange was carried out, the
PMK is derived from the EAP parameters
provided by the authentication server.
The four-way handshake is performed so that
the access point (or authenticator) and wireless
client (or supplicant) can independently prove to
each other that they know the PSK/PMK, without
ever disclosing the key
Pairwise Transient Key
The PMK is designed to last the entire session and
should be exposed as little as possible; therefore,
keys to encrypt the traffic need to be derived.
A four-way handshake is used to establish another
key called the Pairwise Transient Key (PTK).
The PTK is generated by concatenating the
following attributes: PMK, AP nonce (ANonce), STA
nonce (SNonce), AP MAC address, and STA MAC
The handshake also yields the GTK (Group
Temporal Key), used to decrypt multicast and
broadcast traffic
Four Way Handshake
The Pairwise Transient Key (64 bytes) is divided
into five separate keys:
1. 16 bytes of EAPOL-Key Confirmation Key (KCK) –
Used to compute MIC on WPA EAPOL Key message
2. 16 bytes of EAPOL-Key Encryption Key (KEK) – AP
uses this key to encrypt additional data sent to the
client (for example, the GTK)
3. 16 bytes of Temporal Key (TK) – Used to
encrypt/decrypt Unicast data packets
4. 8 bytes of Michael MIC Authenticator Tx Key – Used
to compute MIC on unicast data packets transmitted
by the AP
5. 8 bytes of Michael MIC Authenticator Rx Key – Used
to compute MIC on unicast data packets transmitted
by the station
The Group Temporal Key (32 bytes) is divided
into three separate keys:
1. 16 bytes of Group Temporal Encryption Key – used to
encrypt/decrypt Multicast and Broadcast data packets
2. 8 bytes of Michael MIC Authenticator Tx Key – used
to compute MIC on Multicast and Broadcast packets
transmitted by AP
3. 8 bytes of Michael MIC Authenticator Rx Key –
currently unused as stations do not send multicast
The Michael MIC Authenticator Tx/Rx Keys in both the
PTK and GTK are only used if the network is using
TKIP to encrypt the data.
Four-way handshake has been shown to be vulnerable
to KRACK attack in 2017.
WPA/WPA2 Attack
Offline Dictionary Attack Overview: