Iso4412 1-1979

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$80 4912/1-1979 (8) International Standard SO 4412/1 Hydraulic fluid My NS power — Test code for the determination of airborne noise levels — Part 1: Pumps, Transmissions hydrauliques ~ C Partio 1: Pompes First edition — 1979-11-0 fe essai pour la détermination du niveau de bruit aévien — UDC 621.65 : 534.6 Descriptors: pumps, ydraute conditions Ref. No. 1S0 4412/1-1979(E) |! power, acoustic measurement, noise lsound, althorne noise, sound power, sound pressure, testing Price tnd on 6 poe Foreword 180 {the International Organization fo rational standards institutes (ISO mel rational Standards is carried out thro body interested in a subject for which Standardization! is @ worldwide federation of ber bodies}, The wark of developing Inter- {gh ISO technical committees. Every member technical committee has been set up has the right to be represented on that committee. International organizations, governmental ‘and non-governmental, in faison with Draft International Standards adopted! the member bodies for approval before) the 180 Council, International Standard 1S0.4812/1 1SO/TC 181, Fluid power systems and bodies in September 1976. It has been approved by the member Australia Indi ‘Austria tal Belgium Kor Brazil Mo Bulgaria Net chile Phil Czechostovakia Pol Germany, FA Por Hungory Ron The member body of the following cot technical grounds : Fea International Organization for Sta Prioted in Switzerland |SO, also take part in the work. by the technical committees are circulated to Itheir acceptance ae International Standards by jwas developed by Technical Committee Lomponants, and was circulated to the member lodies of the following countries Spain Sweden ja, Rep. of Turkey ico United Kingdom lerands usa pines USSR id Yugoslavia gal ‘try expressed disapproval of the document on. laardization, 1979 © INTERNATIONAL STAN JARD 1SO 4412/1-1979 (E) ee Hydraulic fluid of a Part 1: Pumps 0 Introduction Inhydraulc thud power systems, trolled through a liquid un circuit, Pumps are compone ‘mechanical power into fluid pow verting mechanical power into by noise, fluid-borne vibrations and radiated from the pump. The airborne noise level of 3 hy important consideration in cor moasuroment technique must, t accurate appraisals of these determination of noise levels isc which occur during noise measu structure-borne vibrations from t ‘the circuit and ultimately give rise} levels which could affect the airborne noise levels. ‘The procedures described inthis, tended to measure only the ais from the pump under test. 1 Scope procedures based on ISO 2208 ver is transmitted and con- lar pressure in a closed ts which convert rotary ‘During the process of con: draulc fuid power, airborne ructure-borne vibrations are faulie fluid power pump is an fonent selection. The noise erefore, be such as to yield jborne noise levels. ‘The kmplicated by the interactions. lemonts. The fluid-borne and ump can be transmitted to (9 background airbome noise letermination of the pump International Standard are in jorne noise radiated directly the determination of the This International Standard sb a test code describing sound power levels of a hydrau controlled conditions of instalat providing a basis for comparing terms of | ~ Acweighted sound power) ‘octave band sound powe} From these sound power level levels may be calculated for report ) THe= ts 21-_At present atthe stage of daft fc fluid power pump, under In and operation, suitable for he noise levels of pumps in level levels. reference sound pressure ng purposes (see clause 13) power — Test code for the determination borne noise levels — For general purposes, the frequency range of interest includes the octave bands with centre frequencies between 125 and 8.000 Hi.) 2 Field of application ‘The test code specified by this International Standard is 9p plicable to all types of hydraulic fluid power pumps operating under steady-state conditions, irrespective of size, except for any imitations imposed by the size ofthe test environment (see clause 61 3. References 180 2208, Acoustics — Guide to the measurement of airborne acoustical noise and evaluation of is effects on man. 180 3740, Acoustics — Determination of sound power levels of noise sources — Guidelines for the use of basic standards and for the preparation of noise test codes. 180 3742, Acoustics — Determination of sound power lovals of noise sources ~ Precision methods for discrete-frequency ancl narrow-band sources in reverberation rooms. 1S0 3743, Acoustics ~ Determination of sound power levels of noise sources — Engineering methods for special reverberation test rooms. 1SO 3744, Acoustics — Determination of sound power levels of noise sources — Engineering methods for fee-tield conditions cover a reflecting plane?) 180 3745, Acoustics — Sound power levels of noise sources ~ Precision methods for anechole and semi-anechore rooms IEC Publication 50 (08), International Electrotechnical Vocabulary (2nd edition) ~ Group 08 : Etectro/acoustics. IEC Publication 178, Precision sound love meters. 1S0 4412/1-1979 (E) 4 Definitions For the purposes of this International $tandard, the following Uefinitions apply, Itis accopted that tho}e definitions may differ from those in other specific Internationd| Standards. For defini- tions of other terms used see IEC Pubifcation 50. 4.1. free sound field : A sound figd in a homogeneous, isotropic medium free of boundaries. I practice, itis a fied in ‘which the effects of the boundaries are negligible over the fre quency range of interest 4.2. free-field over a reflecting plarje : A field produced by a souree in the presence of one reflecting plane on which the source is located. 4.3 reverberant sound field : Thal portion of the sound {isld in a test room over which the infldsnce of sound received directly from the source is negligible. 4.4. anechoie room : A test room hjving boundaries which ‘absorb essentially all of the incident sognd energy over the fre quency range of interest, thereby afforc}ng frae-field conditions ver the measurement surface, 4.5 special reverberant room : A foom having reverbera tion time/ frequency characteristics as fpectied in ISO 3743, 448 moan-square sound press: The sound pressure Sveagedm spe atime ona oper bes nae {artis wostmeted by spc nd tp evraing ovr ito fat onthe amare of hed foprone postions 4.7 mean sound pressure level : Ten times the logarithm to the base 10 of the ratio of the mear}-square sound pressure to the square of the reference sound sressure. The weighting ‘network or the width ofthe frequency tind used should always be indicated: for example, A-weightel! sound pressure level, ‘octave band sound pressure lovel.| The reference sound pressure is 20 uPa (Unit: decibet (dB)]." 4.8 sound power level : Ten times the logarithm to the base 10 of the ratio af a given sound [power to the reference Sound power, The weighting netwom or the width of the ‘frequency band used should always be fidicated. The reference sound power is 1 pW (Unit : decibel {4.2 4.9. volume of source under test : The volume of the noise source isthe volume of the envelope of the whole pump under 1 TuPa = 10-€ Wim? 2 pw 0 Rw 5 Measurement uncertainty Use methods of measurement which tend to result in standard deviations which are equal to or less than those specified in ‘able 1. The International Standards indicated in table 2 meet this oquirement.. ‘Table 1 — Standard deviation of sound power level ‘determinations ‘Standard deviation (a8) - for actave band contd on (He) Wie | 5 [250 | 500 ~ 1000 — 4000 I 0 [30 | 20 20 ‘The standard deviations of table 1 include the effets of allowable variations in the positioning of the measurcment points and in the selection of any prescribed measurement sur face, but exelude variations in the sound power output of the source from test to test NOTE — The Awsighted sound power level wi in most practical ‘cases be determined with a standard deviation of approximately 2 4B, 6 Test environment 6.1 Conduct tests in environments which provide “tree-field over a reflecting plane’ or “special reverberant conditions Which mest the environmental qualification requirements described in ISO 3743 and ISO 3744 (see table 2) 6.2. Conduct tests in “anecholc"” or “reverbsrant” environ ents when more exacting environmental qualification pro cedures and measurement techniques, 2s specified in [SO 3742 and ISO 3748 {see table 2), are required. ‘Table 2 — Environmental qualification procedures matnodot | ton | ,tlvant, | procadore ‘environment rational | of relevant Sioned" | &folean Feo tnoinewing | “Sreecnen” | 180.78 ‘tae Eearening | wos | canes | ~T Glause 4 Preceion sso | Ss snot A Tessin | Rowboon | oar | Arex A 7 Instrumentation 7.1 Use instrumentation to pressure, pump speed and flu with the recommendations for testing i. class C given in Anne 7.2. Use instrumentation for ac} ccardance with IEC Publication shall bein accordance with the specified in table 2 for both pert measure uid flow, uid temperature in accordance Industrial class” accuracy of A yustical measurements in ac- 179, This instrumentation fant International Standard irmanea and calibration. 8 Installation conditions of pump 81 Pump location Locate the pump in any position stallation and measurement surf requirements specified in the {202 table 2) for the test environ 8.2 Pump mounting 8.2.1. Construct the pump mou} the noise radiated by the mounti tions. 8.2.2. Construct mounting brac ‘or with sound damping and soun the bracket as required. 8.2.3. Employ vibration isolation -onsiatont with the source in- ce (or microphone traverse) fant International Standard ent boing used. ting 80 that it will minimize 19 8a result of pump vibra fot of high damping materiat insulating material applied to jechniques, if needed, even it the pump is usually securely mounted 8.2.4 Use flange mountings th: minimize interference with radiat lend of the pump. 8.3 Pump drive Locate the drive motor outside ump through flexible couplings isolate the motor in an acoustic 8.4 Hydraulic circui 8.4.1 Include in the circuit al ol land restrictor valves as required ‘operating conditions (see clause 84,2. Use test fluid and fitrati ‘manufacturers’ recommendation. 8.4.3 Install inlet and discharge with the manufacturers’ comme} care when assembling inlet lines 1 ‘are as small as practical to jn of sound towards the shaft, 2 test space and drive the 1nd an intermediate shaft or losure. ‘ters, ol cooles, reservoirs fo meet the pump hydraulic Wn in accordance with the line diameters in accordance ded practice. Exercise extra prevent ai leaking inte the 1SO 4412/1-1979 (E) 8.4.4 Mount the inlet pressure gauge at the same height as the inlet fitting or calibrate for any height difference. 8.45. Select the lengths of pipe between the pump and the Joad valve which minimize setting up standing waves in the discharge line which can increase the sound radiated from the pump. NOTE — It has bon found chat along length of hydraulic hase can minimize standing wave effects 8.4.6 Use a stable load valve. NOTE — Unstable load valves inthe discharge line can generate and transmit naige through the Mlid and piping which can emerge a 3 ome sound at the ump. 8.4.7 Position tha load valve far from the pump, preferably ‘outside the test room, to minimize the interaction. Locate the load valve close to the pump only when adequate control af its ‘acoustic performance can be provided, 8.4.8 Wrap al fluid lines and load valves in the test space with acoustical materials, if required (see 11.1), Use material having sound transmission loss of at least 10 dB at 125 Hz, and greater loss at higher frequencies. 9 Operating conditions 9.1 Determine the sound power levels of pumps for any desired set of operating conditions (see 14.2.7). 9.2. Maintain these test conditions during the test within the limits specified in tbe 3, Table 3 — Allowable variations in test conditions Tes parameter “owabie varaton 2] ow cs Pressure | 2% Seen 1s Tere 2 9.3. Test the pump in the “as delivered condition with any ancillary pumps and valves aperating normally during the test, 50 as to include their noise contributions to the airborne noise lovel of the pump. 10. Location and number of sound measurement points The location and number of measurament points are to be as required by the relevant international Standard stated in table for the particular environment and method of measurement tad for the pump noise (ost. 1S0 4412/1-1979 (E) 11. Test procedure 11.1. Background noise measurdments {1.1.1 Measura the background noise pf interest that is pre: sent during the pump noise test which dpes not emanate from the pump itsel. NOTE — Over the fequency range of infest, the band sound pressure levels ofthis background noise are yp be at leat 6 8 below the pump band sound pressure loves at ea] measurement point. 11.1.2 Cortect for this background npise, if evidenced by measurement, by apping the soreetans for this purpose ‘ven in the relevant International Standprd in table 2. 11.1.3 When measuring band levels of background noise is rot practical, the A-weighted backgroud sound level of each freasurement point is to be at least @dB below the pump ‘Aciveighted sound level for background noise. Easing the requirements for background hoise levels can lead to an overestimate of the pump band sound pressure levels, 11.1.3. In this case correct these sofa measurements NOTE — The A-weighted backaround sounl evel st each measure- ment point may be checked by covering the pump with sound in Suating moterals capable ofa transmission iss ofa east 10 dB over the froquency range which is “determiningh the A-weighted sound level ofthe pump, 1.14 tthe background oe found to be to gh, check {or tamer nose contl ofthe pump mourn dive or here cuts insted 11.1.5. Ensure that the orientation of t}e microphone and the period of observation are as specified| in the relevant Inter- rational Standard, see table 2 11.2. Pump measurements fora sufficient time to purge ar from thefsystem and to stabilize all variables, including ‘uid condition} to within the limits specified in table 3, Prior to commencement of series se ‘operate the pump ‘Measure the following for each test 1a} pump speed and flow rate bb) uid temperature and pressure pit pump inlet and fluid pressure at discharge fittings or at thp test point provided by the pump manufacturer; } band sound pressure levels at efch measurement point lover the frequaney range of interes dd} Asweighted sound level at each{ measurement point, if Foquired by the relevant Interationd| Standard. 11.2.1. New or rebuilt pumps Repeat the initial pump measurement test of the series at the end of a test series or after one hour of testing. Invalidate the whole test series if the A-weighted sound level at any selected measurement point does not duplicate that of the first test within 2 6B (A 12. Calculation of pump mean sound pressure levels and sound power levels 12.1. Refer to the relevant International Standard as shown in table 2 to find information regarding corrections to be apnlied and the method af calculating the mean levels and pump sound power levels. 42.2 Correct the measured band sound pressure levels (ond ‘Acweighed sound levels where appropriate) at each measure ment position for the measured background noise (background noise corrections! 12.3 Use these corrected levels to calculate the pump mean band sound levels and mean A-weighted sound level. 12.4 Calculate the pump sound power level from these mean sound pressure levels, taking into account any correction for “unwanted environmental eflections (environmental correction factor) 13 Calculation of mean sound pressure level at a reference distance “The calculation of the mean sound pressure level ata distance Im) from the equivalent point source radiating into a froe-fetd ‘over a reflecting plane (hemispherical radiation) from the ‘calculated pump sound power level is defined in ISO 3740 as p= bw ~ Wlog [2 x A/S; where Lo ig the mean sound pressure level, A-weighted or in bands. Reference : 20 uPa; LLyy_ is the A-woighted or band power level of pump under test Reference : 1 pws 2m r2_ is the area of hemisphere (m2) of radius & Sp = 1 on. NOTE — For reporting purpases, choose a reference sistance of = 1 min which case the nurarcal value of Li obtained by sub {racting 8 08 from the numerical value of the caleulated sound power love Ly 14. Information to be redorded Compile and record the folldiwing information for all measurements made according fo the requirements of this Intemational Standard : 14.1 General informat 1) name and address ofpumi| manufacturer and, if appl cable, user; b) reference number(s} for identification of pump; 16) name and address of perfons or organization respon- sible for the acoustic tests on fhe pump: 14) date and place of acousti tests; fe statement that the sound power levels of the pump have been obtained in full ebnformance with this Inter rational Standard and the relfvant Intemational Standard for the determination of solind power levels of noise sources as selected from table 2. (See also, clause 16.) 14.2. Pump under test 14.2.1. Description of pump ‘al type of pump (for examiie gear or piston) including ancillary equipment; bi type of displacement (for ‘ol pump overall linear difmonsions (with sketch if necessary): 8) pump maximum displacerent; ‘el type of displacement conifoller and setting. 14.22 Acoustic environment for tests al the test room intemal mensions and the type of ‘acoustic field for the measurerpants {for exemple anschoic, free-field over a reflecting plane, reverberant or special reverberant!;, bb) the test room acoustic treatment; Cc) the test room reverberatio} times (when applicable) and date of measurement; {d) ambient air temperature fin degrees Celsius), relative humidity (percentage) and] barometric pressure (in snilibarsl; ‘e] results of acoustical ualifation of test environment as. required by the relovantInterrpitional Standard in table 2 1) Vbar = OP Nien? = 108 Pa ISO 4412/1-1979 (E) 442.3 Reference sound source (when applicable} ‘al manufacturer, type and serial number: b)_ sound power level calibration data inchiding name of calibrating laboratory and date of calibrations. 14.2.4 Mounting and installation conditions of pump 2} descrption of pump mounting conditions bb} nature and characteristics of the hydraulle circuit and datalls of any acoustic insulation treatment ‘©)_nature and description of other machines being used which could have an influence on the measured sound pressure lovels of the pump. 14.25 Location of pump in test environment Include a sketch showing the location of the pump in relation to walls floor and coiling of test room. Also, show the location of other reflecting or absorbing screens and noise sources whic ‘can influence measurements. 14.2.6 Instrumentation 1a) details of equipment usad to monitor pump operating ‘conditions (sea 14.2.7), including type, serial number and manufacturer; 1b). details of equipment used for acoustic measurements including name, type, serial number and manufacturer col bandwidth of frequency analyser {4} overall frequency response of instrumentation system and date and method of calibration: fe method of calibration of microphones and date and place of caloration. 142.7 Pump operating conditions Include the following details for each test a} tll description of fd; bl fuid viscosity (m/s) } shaft speed trev/mink: inlet pressure (bat) fe} outlet pressure loar), 150 4412/1-1979 (E) fF) pump dolivery (flow) either fneasured or calculated bl Astatoment thatthe sound power levels have been ob: (Wimin) tained in full conformance with the procedures ofthis Inter national Standard and specific paragraphs of the relevant al temperature of fluid at pump iplet (°C). Internations! Standard for the determination of sound power levels of noise sources as selected from table 2. 14.2.8 Acoustical data Include all data as required by the relvant Intemational Stan- 16 Identification statement (Reference to this dard listed in table 2. International Standard} Use the following statoment in test reports, catalogues and 15 Test report sales literature when electing to comply with this international Standard Provide the following information in the test report “Test code for the determination of airborne noise levels 3} The A.weighted sound powe} level and octave band conforms to ISO 4412/1, Hydraulic Muld power ~ Test code Sound power levels for each frequéncy band of interest for for the determination of airborne noise fevels ~ Part T each set of operating conditions. Pumps.” Annex Efrors and classes of measurement" A.1. Classes of measurement ‘Table 4 — Permissible systematic orrors of ‘measuring instruments as determined Depending on the accuracy required, the tests may be carried ‘during calibration out to one of three classes of measurement, 8, B or C. The Gano classes of measurement shall be agrfed between the parties mesturement | Ui a 8 e concamed, The use of class A and fis restricted to special =| came nen tee © @ sed totnd the petmance more | STAINS BY) eas aus | eas precisely defined. Attention is drawn)to the fact that class A Pow * sos [ans | £25 and 8 tests raquite more accurate dpparatus and methods, Pressuro % sos [sts | +25 which may increase the costs of sucl tests Temperature °c sos | sio | +20 [NOTE — The percentage limits givon in table # are ofthe value ofthe ‘quantity being measured and not of th maximum values of the fst or A2 Errors the maximum feading of te instument ‘Any device or method which by calibrftion oF comparison with International Standards has been denfanstrated to be capable ‘of measuring with systematic errors ngt exceeding the limits in table 4 may be used, ner ePuiew and may be subject to amendment in the future

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