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By: Mallory, Ledger, Ryan, and

Basic beliefs of Buddhists
- The main principles of this belief system are
karma, rebirth, and impermanence.
Buddhists believe that life is full of suffering,
but that suffering can be overcome by
attaining enlightenment.
- Like hinduism, Buddhists also believe in
- Their final entry into nirvana is known as
- Interdependent origination: This means that
nothing exists apart from anything else.
Instead, all things depend on each other.
Each thing exists as “a collection of other
4 noble truths of Buddhism

1. Suffering is inherent in life

2. The cause of suffering is desire

3. There is a way to put an end to desire

and suffering

4. The way is the Noble Eightfold

path.(solution to the problem of
desire and suffering)
Noble eightfold path
1. Right view: seeing things as they are, in accordance with Buddha’s teachings
2. Right intention: making a commitment to strive for enlightenment
3. Right speech: addressing others with kindness, while abstaining from lying, divisive or abusive
speech, and idle chatter
4. Right action: abstaining from killing, stealing, and sexual misconduct
5. Right Livelihood: making a living in a way that harms no one and benefits all
6. Right effort: striving to abandon all thought and action that is harmful to oneself or others and to
cultivate virtues that benefit oneself or others
7. Right mindfulness: focused awareness of the body and mind and the phenomena arising within
and affecting reach
8. Right concentration: cultivating concentration that leads to equanimity beyond pleasure and pain
Karma, rebirth, and impermanence

- Karma: like Hinduism, buddhists believe in karma and how your actions affect your
afterlife. However, they go into more detail believing that even the intentions of
our actions that precede what we do also affect our afterlife

- Rebirth: Buddhists recognise that there is a continuous cycle of life, death and
rebirth. This cycle is known as samsara. The ultimate aim of Buddhist practice is to
become free from samsara.

- Impermanence: all things are always changing. This means that all things are in a
state of becoming. For example a blade of grass, even tho you dont notice it at
first that blade of grass is always growing and always changing.
How Buddhism conflicts with Christianity
Christianity Buddhism
1. Christians believe in the one 1. Buddhists do not believe in
true God any kind of god, although
2. Believe that suffering is a there are supernatural figures
result of sin, not who affect people on the path
desire/temptation towards enlightenment
3. Believe in heaven or hell, and 2. Believe that the cause of
that life has a beginning and suffering is desire
ending 3. Believe in a “rebirth” and
4. Believe that continuous cycle of life, death,
and rebirth
desire/temptation is a
4. Believe that there is a way to
human’s response to sin and
put an end to desire
that there is no way to
completely eradicate it
How can we reach them with the
We can use the 4 noble beliefs of Buddhism to reach
them with christianity:
- Teach them that suffering is a part of human life
as a result of sin. Suffering was brought into the
world after The Fall.
- As previously said, the cause of suffering is sin,
not desire. As humans we cannot control desire
but we can control how we respond to it
- The Noble Eightfold path is not a way to
obliterate suffering and desire. Again as said
before these are human responses to sin. Instead,
as christians we strive to follow the 10
commandments in order to live as Jesus did.

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