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Open Access
Biologically Active Compounds in Seaweed Extracts - the Prospects for the
Institute of Inorganic Technology and Mineral Fertilizers, Wroclaw University of Technology ul. Smoluchowskiego 25,
50-372 Wroclaw, Poland
Abstract: The paper covers the latest developments in research on the utilitarian properties of algal extracts. Their appli-
cation as the components of pharmaceuticals, feeds for animals and fertilizers was discussed. The classes of various bio-
logically active compounds were characterized in terms of their role and the mechanism of action in an organism of hu-
man, animal and plant.
Recently, many papers have been published which discuss the methods of manufacture and the composition of algal ex-
tracts. The general conclusion is that the composition of extracts strongly depends on the raw material (geographical loca-
tion of harvested algae and algal species) as well as on the extraction method. The biologically active compounds which
are transferred from the biomass of algae to the liquid phase include polysaccharides, proteins, polyunsaturated fatty ac-
ids, pigments, polyphenols, minerals, plant growth hormones and other. They have well documented beneficial effect on
humans, animals and plants, mainly by protection of an organism from biotic and abiotic stress (antibacterial activity,
scavenging of free radicals, host defense activity etc.) and can be valuable components of pharmaceuticals, feed additives
and fertilizers.
Keywords: Algal extracts, feed additives, fertilizers, pharmaceuticals, biologically active compounds.
groups, methoxyl groups, pyruvic acid acetals and glucosyl particular interest, because they are very important for hu-
side chains. These groups can be irregularly distributed man health maintenance and they are synthesized only by
through the macromolecule [1]. Galactans have anti-tumor plants [15]. These lipids consist of at least 20 carbon atoms
and antiviral properties. with at least two double bonds. When the first double bond is
Fucoidan is a sulfated polysaccharide found in brown located in the third carbon atom, the lipid molecule is re-
seaweeds. The macromolecule contains α-1,3-linked sul- ferred as omega-3 (n-3 LC-PUFA). The research [13]
phated L-fucose as main sugar unit and sulfate ester groups showed that n-3 LC-PUFA constituted 10.38 % of total fatty
[8, 9]. The chemical composition depends on the algal source acids found in Enteromorpha spp.
and harvesting time. The amount of fucoidan in algae is
about 10% of dry mass. The absorption and bioavailability of 2.4. Pigments
fucoidan depends on its molecular weight. Compared to high Seaweed pigments can be divided into three major
molecular fucoidan (HMF), low molecular fucoidan (LMF) groups: chlorophylls, carotenoids and phycobiliproteins.
is bioavailable in higher degree [8]. Many of biological ef- Carotenoids are organic pigments present in chloroplasts and
fects of these polysaccharides are related to their ability to chromoplasts [2]. They are produced by marine algae, plants,
change surface properties of the cell. It has anti- fungi and by some bacteria [5, 16] and are the most wide-
inflammatory, antiviral, anti-tumor and antioxidative activi- spread pigments in the nature. Pigments are polyenes soluble
ties [8, 9]. Antiviral properties of fucoidan participate in in lipids. Different species of algae contain different kinds of
inhibition of viral-induced syncytium formation. carotenoids, which are very strong antioxidants. These prop-
Laminarin is one of the major polysaccharides found in erties are based on the fact that they are able to quench sin-
brown algae. It has a chemical structure consisting of β- glet oxygen and scavenge free radicals [5]. The most impor-
(13)-linked glucose in the main chain and random β- tant carotenoids are β-carotene, fucoxanthin and tocopherol.
(16)-linked side-chains [10]. The content of laminarin in The content of β-carotene in algal dry mass ranges from 36
seaweeds is about 10% of dry weight, but seasonally it can to 4500 mg/kg. Fucoxanthin comprises even 70% of total
reach up to 32% [7]. Laminarin is a dietary fibre and can act carotenoid content [7]. Supercritical CO2 extraction gives an
as a prebiotic. Also, it has antiviral and antibacterial proper- opportunity to extract these compounds from different sea-
ties [10]. Antioxidative acitivity of laminarin depends on its weeds (e.g. Chlorella vulgaris, or Dunaliella salina) with
molecular weight and chemical structure [5]. extraction yield ranging up to 90% [17].
Alginates are absent in terrestrial plants. They can be Phycobiliproteins are water soluble pigments produced
extracted from brown seaweeds, in which they constitute up by cyanobacteria (blue-green algae), red algae and crypto-
to 47% of dry biomass [7]. Alginates can be found both in monads [18]. They constitute a few percent of algal dry
acidic and salt forms. The acid form, known as an alginic weight. Phycobiliproteins have not only antioxidant, but also
acid, is a polymer consisting of two types of hexuronic acid anti-inflammatory, antiviral and neuroprotective properties
monomers linked by 1–4 bonds [11]: β-D-mannuronic acid [7].
and α-L-guluronic acid. They have thickening, stabilizing
and general colloidal properties [12], but also strong antibac- 2.5. Polyphenols
terial and anti-inflammatory activities. Polyphenols are produced by most plants, including sea-
weeds [19]. Among polyphenols phenolic acids, flavonoids,
2.2. Proteins isoflavones, cinnamic acid, benzoic acid, quercetin and lig-
Structure and biological properties of proteins extracted nans can be mentioned [20, 21]. Polyphenols are strong
from seaweeds are not as widely documented as of polysac- antioxidants [22]. Seaweeds produce these compounds to
charides. Usually the content of proteins in seaweeds is less protect them from external conditions such as stress and
than 5% [3]. The lowest content of proteins have brown herbivores [23]. Reactive oxygen species, generated in or-
seaweeds. Most species of algae contain all of the essential ganisms as an integral part of metabolism, are highly reac-
amino acids. For example, in Enteromorpha spp.: 9 of the 10 tive and can cause cellular dysfunction and cytotoxicity [24].
amino acids essential for vertebrates were detected in higher Polyphenols can donate hydrogen to free radicals and pro-
levels than in an equivalent weight of soy beans [13]. Very duce non-reactive radicals [21]. Seaweed extracts contain
important bioactive proteins that can be extracted from appreciable amounts of polyphenols, but their content is
macroalgae are lectins, which bind with carbohydrates and strongly dependent on the extraction method. Ascophyllum
participate in many biological processes like intercellular spp. have significantly more polyphenols than other sea-
communication. They have also antibacterial, antiviral or weeds, while Ulva spp. have the lowest content of these
anti-inflammatory activities [14]. compounds [20, 25].
Phlorotannins are the group of tannin compounds, which
2.3. Polyunsaturated Fatty Acids (PUFAs) belong to the polyphenolic substances. Although tannins are
widespread among both terrestrial and marine plants, phloro-
Phospholipids and glycolipids are the main classes of
tannins, eg. eckol or dieckol, have been found only in brown
lipids found in seaweeds. When the decrease of environ-
seaweeds [19, 21]. The phlorotannins are polyphenols
mental temperature occurs, seaweeds can accumulate poly-
formed by polymerization of phloroglucinol through the
unsaturated fatty acids (PUFAs). The species that live in cold
acetate-malonate pathway [2, 23]. These polymers have
regions contain more PUFAs than species living in higher
many biological activities in organisms, eg. are involved in
temperatures [7]. Long chain PUFAs (LC-PUFAs) are of
host defense mechanisms [26]. Phlorotannin content varies
22 The Open Conference Proceedings Journal, 2012, Volume 3 Chojnacka et al.
from 1 to 10% of the algal dry mass [26]. The molecular Abscisic acid (ABA) synthesized from carotenoids by
skeleton of phlorotannins consists of even 8 phenol rings more than 60 species of algae (e.g. Chlorella spp., Haemato-
[27], while terrestrial plants produce tannins consisting of coccus pluvialis) is another plant growth regulator. ABA is
only 3 to 4 rings [19]. Phenol rings act as electron traps for mostly responsible for synthesis of proteins required for
free radicals [21]. Consequently, phlorotannins have very response to drought [25]. Although abscisic acid was deter-
strong anitioxidant properties because of their unique struc- mined in many groups of seaweeds, in some extracts lunu-
ture [19]. For example, phlorotannins isolated from Eisenia laric acid was found as a compound which plays the same
bicyclis have shown even 10 times higher antioxidant activ- role as ABA in higher plants. It is supposed that algae pro-
ity in comparison with ascorbic acid and α-tocopherol [21]. duce a complex responsible for growth inhibition consisting
Phlorotannins also have strong antimicrobial activities. They of several components which act as ABA in algae [33].
can attack microbiological proteins, which can result in inhi-
Betaines, which are not conventional plant hormones,
bition of bacteria [21].
were also found in algal extracts [37]. Their minor function
is to protect plants from drought and frost [25]. Besides, they
2.6. Minerals can act as a source of nitrogen for plants. Another role of this
Algae are a rich source of minerals [28]. Their content in plant regulator is to enhance chlorophyll content in leaves by
the biomass is sometimes as high as 40% [29]. This is be- decreasing its degradation. Extracts from brown algae Asco-
cause seaweeds accumulate metal ions from salt water and phyllum nodosum are also proved to be rich in betaines [25,
concentrate those substances as carbonate salts in their 36].
fronds [30]. Researchers examined the mineral content in
concentrates from seaweeds harvested from Japanese beach- 3. USING SEAWEED EXTRACTS AS COMPONENTS
es. The highest concentrations of potassium (2.71 g/L), mag- OF PHARMACEUTICALS, FEEDS AND FERTILIZ-
nesium (0.19 g/L) and calcium (0.16 g/L) ions were detected ERS
in extract from Sargassum ringgoldianum subsp. coreanum.
Algal extracts were firstly manufactured to obtain highly
Codium fragile was shown to be a rich source of sodium ions
concentrated product with long shelf life [26]. For agricul-
(1.21 g/L) [31]. Kappaphycus alvarezii contains high levels
tural uses, seaweed extracts were first applied in 1949. While
of magnesium and calcium ions [32]. Their concentrations in
liquefying seaweeds, in some cases even 100% of particular
extracts were 581.20 mg/L and 460.11 mg/L, respectively.
biologically active substances can be extracted [16]. Among
different valuable compounds in algal extracts there are
2.7. Plant Growth Hormones sulfated polysaccharides, carotenoid pigments, phycosterols,
Plant growth hormones found in seaweed extracts are bioactive peptides [19, 38], polyunsaturated fatty acids
mainly responsible for plant growth stimulation and the (PUFA) [15, 39], betaines, taurine [39], polyphenols (espe-
increase of the intensity of photosynthesis. Cytokinins (plant cially phlorotannins) [27,39], minerals [19], vitamins [21]
growth regulators) protect plants from the consequences of and others [40-42] (Table 1). Some of biologically active
temperature changes [33, 34]. They are synthesized by bio- substances, like phlorotannins, occur only in seaweeds [19,
chemical modification of adenine. Among many important 21]. The biochemical composition of seaweed extract de-
functions, being responsible for controlling of bud and cell pends on geographical location of harvested algae and on the
division, seem to be the most important. Within this group of extraction method [16, 43].
hormones, zetaine and indole-3-propionic acid (IPA) were
the main compounds identified in seaweed extracts [35]. 3.1. Pharmaceuticals
Cytokinins were found in Protococcus, Chlorella, and
Algae are a natural source of bioactive molecules with a
Scenedesmus spp. [33]. broad range of biological activities, such as antibiotics, anti-
Other plant hormones present in seaweed extracts – aux- virals, anti-tumorals, antioxidants and anti-inflammatories
ins, were shown to initiate root formation and inhibit its [44]. A large number of algal extract products have been
elongation. Plants are able to synthesize these compounds found to have antimicrobial activity [41, 45]. Many of the
from tryptophan or indole [33]. The concentrations of auxins structures were identified as fatty acids and hydroxyl unsatu-
in seaweed extracts are different and strongly depend on the rated fatty acids, glycolipids, steroids, phenolics and terpe-
species. Some authors reported their presence in extract from noids. Lauric acid, palmitic acid, linolenic acid, oleic acid,
Ascophyllum nodosum in the concentration of 50 mg IAA/g stearic acids are known to be potential antibiotic or antifun-
of dry mass (IAA - indole-3-acetic acid) [36]. Other re- gal agents [44]. Some halogenated with bromine, chlorine
searchers have shown that IAA is also present in extracts and even iodine metabolites like diterpenes, triterpenes have
from Porphyra perforata, Botryocladia spp., Enteromorpha been reported to possess diverse biological activities as anti-
sp. and in cyanobacteria [36]. bacterial, ichtyotoxic, antioxidant, antimalarian, insecticidal
Among plant hormones, gibberellins were also isolated and cytotoxic [45].
from seaweed extracts. They are produced in developing Polysaccharides possess immunological properties rang-
seeds from glyceraldehydes-3-phosphate. Gibberellins were ing from nonspecific stimulation of host immune system,
identified in extracts from Fucus vesiculosus and Fucus resulting in anti-tumor, antiviral and anti-infection effects to
spiralis [33]. Trace quantities of these compounds were also antioxidant, anti-mutagenic or hematopoietic activity [28, 46,
detected in extract from Ascophyllum nodosum [25]. The 47]. These properties were found in the blue-green filamen-
main role of gibberellins is to initiate seeds germination. tous alga Spirulina extract, which can inhibit viral replica-
Biologically Active Compounds in Seaweed Extracts The Open Conference Proceedings Journal, 2012, Volume 3 23
tions and cancer development, and enhance antibodies pro- tumor effects. A role of sulfated polysaccharides from algae
duction [48]. The antiviral polysaccharides should have very as anti-neoplastic agent has been suggested. Several investi-
low cytotoxicity towards mammalian cells if they are to be gations have reported that sulfated polysaccharides have
used for medicinal purpose. Polysaccharides have shown anti-proliferative activity in cancer cell lines as well as in-
good immunomodulatory properties associated with anti- hibitory activity against tumors [49]. A polysaccharide (sarg)
extracted from the brown marine alga Sargassum stenophyl-
Table 1. Biologically Active Substances in Seaweed Extracts lum could effectively inhibit vasculogenesis as well as de-
velopmental angiogenesis in chick embryos [50].
Biologically Active
Activity In many papers anticoagulant, antithrombotic, immuno-
Substance modulatory, anticancer and anti-proliferative activities are
prebiotics [4] the most extensively studied biological effects of fucoidans
antimicrobial activity [3]
[51]. Fucoidan has antiviral properties toward viruses such as
HIV and human cytomegalovirus (HCMV) [52]. Increasing
growth-promoting activity [4]
the number of sulfate groups in the fucoidan molecule has
health-improving activity [4] been shown to affect the anti-tumor and anti-angiogenic
antiviral activity [8,19,52] activity [53]. Fucoidan with sulphate content less than 20%
Polysaccharides anti-tumor activity [8,19,53] showed dramatic decreases in anticancer activity. It was also
anti-inflammatory activity [8,19] suggested that fucoidan polymers activate the host immune
source of soluble dietary fibers [8,10] system against tumor [54].
antioxidants [5,6,8,19] Additionally, the anticoagulant activity of a sulfated
antithrombotic activity [51] polysaccharide from extracts of brown seaweed Ecklonia
anticoagulant activity [51] cava was investigated [55]. A group of pharmaceuticals
called anticoagulants can be used as a medication for throm-
source of essential amino acids [13]
botic disorders. Structural similarities between sulfated poly-
elements of intercellular communication [14]
saccharides from marine algae and heparin were reported
antiviral activity [14] [55].
antimicrobial activity [14]
Antioxidant property was found also in the protein ex-
anti-inflammatory activity [14]
tract, specifically some phycobiliproteins such as C-
antioxidants [55] phycocyanin (CP) and allophycocyanin. It was confirmed
health-improving activity [15] that the protection effect against hydroxyurea-teratogenic
Polyunsaturated fatty
antibiotic activity [44]
insult was related to the antioxidant activity of protein ex-
acids tract [56].
antifungal activity [44]
Natural pigments have received particular attention, be-
antioxidants [5,59]
cause their beneficial activities, such as anticancer [57], anti-
anti-inflammatory activity [7,58] inflammatory, anti-obesity, anti-angiogenic and neuroprotec-
antiviral activity [7] tive [58]. Recently, the potential antioxidant compounds
Pigments neuroprotective activity [7,58] were identified as some pigments (fucoxanthin, astaxantin,
anti-obesity activity [58,60] carotenoids) [59]. Many products formulated on the basis on
anti-angiogenic activity [58]
microalgal pigment content with intended use for anti-
obesity, immunity booster and many others can be found on
anticancer activity [57]
the market [60].
host defense activity [26]
Phenolic properties can be expected to contribute to the
strong antioxidants [22,61,63] antioxidant activity by suppressing lipid peroxidation [61].
antimicrobial activity [21] Polyphenolic extracts possess therapeutic potential for com-
antiviral activity [52] bating bronchial asthma associated with allergic diseases.
Polyphenols The intraperitoneal administration resulted in a significant
anti-photo aging activity [45,61,64,65]
anti-obesity activity [28,52,68]
inhibition of all asthmatic reactions [62]. Tannins have also
been reported to show their HIV-1 inhibitory mode of action
antiallergic activity [69]
by inhibiting polymerase and ribonuclease activities of HIV-
anticancer activity [28] 1RT [52]. Enteromorpha exhibited good antioxidant activi-
Minerals growth- and health-improving activity [28] ties of its bioactive compounds (phlorotannins) which antici-
pate a major breakthrough for a variety of food/medical
growth stimulants [25,36]
applications as they have potential for the use of such com-
protective activities [26,33,34] pounds as natural antioxidants in different pharmaceutical
cell division controllers [35] products [63].
Plant growth hormones
root formation stimulants [33] Many of polyphenolic compounds found in algal extracts
host defense activity [25] are endowed with photoprotective and anti-photo aging ac-
source of nitrogen for plants [25,26] tivities that can prevent oxidative stress and damage from
24 The Open Conference Proceedings Journal, 2012, Volume 3 Chojnacka et al.
exposure to UV radiation [45, 61, 64, 65]. For example, identified species of algae and about 5% of them are used as
enzymatic extracts from brown seaweeds strongly inhibited food for either humans or animals.
DNA damage [27, 59, 66]. One of the group of compounds
Use of algal extracts as feed additives has many benefits,
synthesized by algae, phlorotannins, are able to absorb UV
like overall health improvement of feedstock, favorable
radiation, acting as photoprotective cells against photo-
change in gastrointestinal flora or increased milk production
damage [23, 67]. It was found that these properties can also
[26]. Also, algal extracts contain compounds, which have
protect against UVB-induced skin carcinogenesis in animals
significant positive effects on the growth and immune sys-
[61]. Phlorotannins derived from E. cava such as dieckol and
tem of aquaculture [1]. Another interesting application of
eckol reduce the intracellular reactive oxygen species gener-
seaweed extracts is pet food. Not only these extracts have
ated by gamma-ray radiation [23]. Phlorotannin, dieckol, has
advantageous effects on pets health, but they also affect their
potential whitening effect and can have potential use in the
external appearance (eg. shiny hair) [15].
pharmaceutical and cosmetics industry [52]. Therefore, phlo-
rotannins have profound capabilities to be used as functional Recently, prophylactic antibiotics for pigs (feed additives
ingredients in pharmaceuticals and cosmeceuticals for skin acting as growth promoters) have been banned in most coun-
treatment. tries and there is an urgent need for new, safe and natural
substances that would have antimicrobial properties [15, 73,
Ability to inhibit digestive enzymes to achieve potential
74]. Fucoidan and laminarin are of particular interest because
anti-diabetic effect of phenolic-rich extracts from marine of their positive effect on animals (especially pigs) gut flora.
macroalgae was proved [28]. Fucosterol (phlorotannins) Zootechnical research on chickens showed that carrageenans
caused a significant decrease in serum glucose concentration
reduce the cholesterol concentration in the blood plasma
and exhibited an inhibition of sorbitol accumulation in the [75]. The study with newly weaned pigs showed that the
lenses of rat [52]. Roy et al. found in the in vitro test that the inclusion of laminarin-fucoidan extract decreased the counts
phlorotannins extracts completely inhibited in dose-
of E. coli in the feaces and improved performance of pigs
dependent relation of α-amylase and α-glucosidase, while in after weaning [10]. Fucoidan acts a soluble dietary fibre,
animals the phlorotannins extracts were able to reduce the which has been reported to increase feed intake in pig-
normal increase in postprandial blood glucose observed 20
feeding studies [74]. In another paper, after the population of
min after a meal by 90% and consecutively reduced peak shrimp Penaeus monoron was infected with White Spot
insulin secretion by 40% [68]. Syndrome virus (common shrimp virus), researchers ob-
Allergic diseases are one of the major public health prob- served increased survival rate (88-93%) within the group fed
lems in the developed world. Brown algal Sargasum hemi- with crude fucoidan extracted from either brown seaweed
phullum and red algal Carpopeltis affinis extracts have been Sargassum polycystum or green seaweed Acirosiphonia
used in Korean folk medicine as a therapeutic treatment of orientalis [76].
various allergic diseases [69]. Several phlorotannins isolated Antimicrobial properties and beneficial effect of lami-
from Eisenia arborea were reported to possess antiallergic
narin on intestinal microflora have been recently showed in
properties. zootechnical research on pigs [77]. Laminarin can influence
Polyphenol-rich extracts and isolated phlorotannin com- the translocation of bacteria across the epithelium. It also
ponents have been shown to inhibit proliferation of cancer affects the mucus composition and the intestinal pH and by
cells (e.g. colon cancer) and to influence anti-inflamantory that it can modulate the intestinal metabolism [10].
responses [28]. Phloroglucinol (phlorotannins) derivatives
Alginates can prevent absorption of toxic metal cations
exerted a higher anti-proliferative activity in human breast and play the role of dietary fibre which cleans the digestive
cancer cell, induced a significant proliferative inhibition and system and prevents substances like toxic metal ions or cho-
apoptosis [52]. Polyphenol-rich extracts of Eucheuma cot-
lesterol from absorption into the organism. Also, alginates
tonii was anti-proliferative against oestrogen-dependent and have strong antibacterial properties and stimulate reparative
oestrogen-independent human breast-cancer cell but was process of wounds [7].
non-toxic to normal cell lines [70]. Anti-proliferative effi-
ciency of algal extracts was positively correlated with the Seaweeds contain substantial amounts of omega-3 fatty
total polyphenols content. The antioxidant activity of P. acids which are substances of particular interest in animal
palmate extracts may be associated with the presence of feeding, because of their antimicrobial and antioxidant prop-
unique class of secondary metabolites, the mycosporine-like erties [15, 41] and the ability of biofortification of animal
amino acids with functions of UV-absorbing sunscreen mol- products [78]. In research [39] the antimicrobial activity of
ecule [71]. lipid extract of Gracilariopsis longissima against aquaculture
pathogens was evaluated. The extract contained significant
3.2. Feed Additives levels of omega-3 fatty acid and showed antibacterial proper-
ties and was reccomended as a dietary supplement for fish
In Europe seaweeds were used as animal feed as early as nourishment. Addition of PUFAs to the animal feed aims in
in Roman times. In Iceland, France and Norway domestic biofortification of animal products with these substances,
animals were fed with algae to enhance nutritional value of because they are essential for human [78, 79]. Studies show
feed [14, 26]. In 2004 the use of macroalgae as animal feed that feeding animals with omega-3 fatty acid supplement
comprised 1% of global value of seaweed industry (US$ 10 increases the content of these substances in milk, meat [78]
million, mostly Ascophyllum nodosum) [72]. For microalgae and eggs [15, 38].
as feed additives, the value of the industry in the same year
was about US$ 300 million [15]. There is about ten thousand
Biologically Active Compounds in Seaweed Extracts The Open Conference Proceedings Journal, 2012, Volume 3 25
Carotenoids and phycobiliproteins are the most useful They were shown to reveal antibacterial and antifungal activ-
pigments in terms of animal feeding. Carotenoid compounds ity [21].
have been reported to have antimicrobial and antioxidant
As it was shown, seaweed extracts are also a rich source
properties [20, 21, 27, 39]. Moreover, some pigments can
of macro- and micronutrients (Fe, Mn, Co, Cu) which play
accumulate in muscles of salomonids and enhance their
many important roles in plants [25]. They are essential for
color, which makes them more attractive for consumers [15].
plants life cycle, occurring in metalloproteins active sites.
Nevertheless, some researches on chlorophylls were done as
Furthermore, they improve crops quality and increase crop
well. For example, pheophorbide a, chlorophyll-related com-
yields [91] because of their influence on soil conditions [92].
pound, was found as a major colour constituent in green
seaweed pigments having strong antioxidant properties [80]. Seaweed extracts can act as plant biostimulants improv-
ing condition and vitality of plants due to the presence of
Polyphenols are reported to have very strong antioxida-
many bioactive substances important for higher plants [21,
tive properties among many other biological activities [19,
93] and can enhance nutrient uptake from soil [94]. There are
63, 81, 82] like anti-inflamatory or antimutagenic [20]. Stud-
many proved advantages of using seaweed extracts as bio-
ies have shown that polyphenolic compounds extracted from
stimulants of plant growth [32]. They revealed beneficial
seaweeds are bioavailable for animals from the colon [20].
effect on seed germination and root development [36, 95].
Polyphenols can be absorbed either directly in the upper
Plant biostimulants are also able to improve crop yields [96].
digestive tract in unchanged form or in the lower intestine,
Currently, seaweed extracts are the components of many
after modification by present bacteria [83]. Nagayama et al.
commercial products (i.e. Nitrozime, Kelprosoil) applicated
[84] suggested a potential use of phlorotannins extracted
as plant growth stimulants [36, 95, 97].
from brown algae Ecklonia kurome as antibacterial drugs,
which could be an alternative for recently banned feed anti-
biotics. The minor role of polyphenols is to protect plant 4. CONCLUSIONS AND FUTURE REMARKS
organism from damages caused by free radicals and other The paper reviewed the latest developments in the re-
oxidiants [85]. search on algal extracts as valuable components of pharma-
Many of minerals found in seaweed extracts act as mac- ceuticals, feeds and fertilizers (Fig 1). The utilitarian proper-
ro- and micronutrients (I, Zn, Fe, Cu, Ca, Mg etc.), which ties of biologically active compounds and their beneficial
importance for health maintenance of animal organism is effects on humans, animals and plants were presented.
well documented. Seaweeds contain higher levels of macro- Nowadays, annually ca. 15 mln Mg of products from
and microelements than any edible terrestrial plants [86]. seaweeds is manufactured. Only a small part is processed
Therefore, seaweed extracts could be an alternative for cur- into extracts – 250 000 Mg of seaweed extracts is currently
rently used mineral supplements. produced. However, a dynamic increase is observed, because
algal extract as compared with fresh or dry biomass of algae,
3.3. Fertilizers is a resource that can be more easily used in the production
It was shown by different researchers that marine algae
are a rich source of many bioactive substances that can posi- Presently, algal extracts are found in products commer-
tively affect cellular metabolism and beneficially condition cially available on the market. They are used as the compo-
the plants [23, 36]. These substances are also present in sea- nents of cosmetics since are the source of anti-aging, anti-
weed extracts. Among them there are many compounds such wrinkle, whitening and skin hydrating compounds. This is
as polysaccharides (e.g. laminaran and fucoidan), polyphe- the function of fucoxanthin, phlorotannins and polysaccha-
nols [21], phytohormones, carotenoids and minor nutrients rides (alginate, fucoidan). The role of algal extracts in prod-
[32]. ucts for animals is the presence of antimicrobial compounds
that reduce the growth of pathogenic microorganisms in
Polymers synthesized by seaweeds play an important role gastrointestinal tracts and the presence of compounds that
in defending plants against microorganisms [25, 36]. Fuc- stimulate the growth of beneficial microflora (lactic acid
oidan is well known for its antiviral and antibacterial action, bacteria). The latter is the role of polysaccharides. There are
while laminaran stimulates genes for producing special pro- also many products for plants. These products are not fertil-
teins that participate in antimicrobial response [31, 36, 59, izers, but plant growth stimulants. Since algal extracts are
87, 88]. Another polysaccharide – alginate, is responsible for used in very high dilutions, their role is not to supply plant
activating growth of some symbiotic fungi in rhizosphere growth nutrients. The mechanism of their action is to support
[31, 59, 87, 88]. Galactans, carrageenans and agars present in the growth of plants by supply of biologically active com-
cell wall of red seaweeds [89] are known for anticoagulant pounds that stimulate the growth of plants: plant growth
and antiviral activity [90] and act as natural chelators, sup- hormones (increased efficiency of photosynthesis and conse-
port root elongation and improve moistness of the soil (as quently higher crop yield, protection from biotic (pathogenic
hydrocolloids with antioxidant and gelling activity) [36]. organisms) and abiotic stress (salinity, drought, low tempera-
Polyphenols, identified in algal extracts, are known for tures), stimulation of growth of beneficial symbiotic micro-
antibacterial activity, which protects plants against diseases flora in the rhizosphere.
[2]. Carotenoids have also been detected in seaweed extracts. Currently, the main problem of the extracts manufacture
They enable plants to protect them from chlorophyll degra- is to elaborate an efficient solvent-free method using mild
dation [33]. Sesquiterpenes – plant pheromones, were in- process conditions to prevent the biologically active com-
cluded among substances found in seaweed extracts [87]. pounds from degradation. Recently, the first papers appeared
26 The Open Conference Proceedings Journal, 2012, Volume 3 Chojnacka et al.
• Anti-inflamatory
• Antifungal • Antithrombotic
• Antimicrobial • Anticoagulant
• Antiviral • Neuroprotective
• Anti-tumor • Anticancer
• Antiallergic
Fertilizers Feed additives
• Growth-promoting
• Health-improving
• Antioxidant
• Host defence
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possible to manufacture algal extracts, the composition of Martins, J.T.; Teixeira, J.A.; Coimbra, M.A.; Vicente, A.A. Chemi-
which would be particularly designed for a given applica- cal characterization and antioxidant activity of sulfated polysaccha-
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Received: April 13, 2012 Revised: May 29, 2012 Accepted: June 25, 2012