Christine Laine Embracing The Challenges of Medic

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Christine Laine: embracing the challenges of medical journalism
“Medicine is one of the few professions where complete video content, and targetting information to portable
strangers tell you their life stories”, says Christine Laine, who formats, such as phones, are the ways forward, she thinks.
will become Editor-in-Chief of Annals of Internal Medicine in “If people look forward to getting Annals (whether by mail,
July (see webvideo). Laine, who will be the journal’s youngest computer, phone, or some device we’ve yet to imagine)”,
editor and the first solo female editor, remains a practising Laine says she will consider her role successful.
physician as clinical associate professor of medicine at Laine’s career seemed planned for editorship, with a joint
Jefferson Medical College, Philadelphia, PA, USA. Her work as college major in biology and writing, a medical degree from
a general internist is vital, Laine says, “to keep in touch with the State University of New York at Stony Brook, a fellowship
clinical medicine and interact with young physicians” and is in general internal medicine and clinical epidemiology at
also the inspiration for what she does at Annals, where she Beth Israel Hospital, and a master of public health degree
began work as a part-time associate editor in 1995. from Harvard University. But her move to medical journalism See Online for webvideo
Laine’s collaboration with other medical journals that was, she recalls, “serendipitous”. Davidoff was a principal
are traditionally considered competitors of Annals has led investigator in an extension of a patient-centred care project
to major changes in clinical trial registration, authorship, that Laine took part in for her fellowship training. “I was very
and contributorship, among other issues. She has “a close impressed with her”, Davidoff recalls. “She could take a tricky
working relationship with a lot of journal editors”, says Frank topic and in a few days would have it laid out elegantly.”
Davidoff, Emeritus Editor of Annals. Davidoff says Laine has Laine then moved to Philadelphia because her husband had
“a balanced portfolio” since her skills are “both scientific a specialty training post, and Davidoff was based there as
and literate” and that she has made notable contributions Editor of Annals. He wanted the skills of a general internist
to different sections of Annals, especially “In the Clinic” and among the associate editors, and she must have done this
“Summaries for Patients”. Laine’s interest in good writing first role well enough, Laine says, because he subsequently
for physicians is evident in the book she co-edited last year, asked her to join the full-time staff. She originally refused
The Last Half Hour of the Day. William Osler said that doctors because she was just starting a promising academic career
need to spend the last half hour of each day reading, Laine and establishing a clinical practice. Now, Laine still works
explains, and she hopes that her anthology of writings for and teaches at Jefferson, but it is typical of her to say: “I go
physicians offers them pleasure and inspiration. over there to learn more than I teach”.
“I am an unusual selection for editor of a major US medical Cathy DeAngelis, Editor-in-Chief of The Journal of the
journal”, Laine says; she thinks it sends “a good signal” that American Medical Association, notes that as Secretariat for
a fairly young woman could get into a position usually the International Committee of Medical Journal Editors
held by a senior man. The American College of Physicians, and Senior Deputy Editor of Annals, “she has shown great
the publisher of Annals, “realise that medical journalism is leadership skills. She can arbitrate very difficult situations,
very different in 2009 in comparison to 1989 or 1999”, she especially those involving strong-minded, bright, and
says. Now, continuous innovation and change is needed creative editors, with grace and humour”. What helps is
to help physicians deal with time pressures and to keep Laine’s “delightful sense of humour”, and her intelligence,
up with the rapid ways people use information. Physicians creativity, and organisational skills, says DeAngelis. These
also want interaction with journals, their colleagues, and attributes are also valued in Laine’s role as Vice President of
authors of research, says Laine. She anticipates that during the Council of Science Editors.
her tenure the main way that people use journals will not “I have to admit that there are times when I don’t feel
be by reading print and that if her children become doctors, like I do anything well”, says Laine, who has a “wonderful”
they would no longer even read print journals. husband, two children, a large extended family, and a 100 lb
Laine’s inspiration for developing Annals is reflected in Chesapeake Bay Retriever called Eli. “I don’t think he’s a dog,”
the philosophy of The Lancet‘s founding Editor Thomas says Laine wryly, “I think he’s a horse”. Like a lot of working
Wakley: “He said people read journals that inform, reform, mothers, Laine worries about how much time she spends on
and entertain and that’s true now”, says Laine. Medical her job, but her children seemed excited when she told them
editors have a lot to learn from the way people use other about the editorship. Since Laine often spends the last half
media, such as magazines or news programmes, she hour of her day finishing laundry, they have bought her a
believes. Laine will be looking to educate physicians about collection of electronic books to read while folding clothes.
medicine in a way that they can fit into their busy lives
“when commuting, exercising, or waiting for the next Kelly Morris
patient”, which is why an interactive website, audio and Vol 373 May 30, 2009 1839

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