Final Infectious Pe - 1-Edit
Final Infectious Pe - 1-Edit
Final Infectious Pe - 1-Edit
These are all possible cases taking from
various files and combined.
A 40-year-old woman presents to her physician with an erythematous annular
patch with central clearing on her left forearm. The patient states that the rash
began as a small red papule about 5 days ago and has grown progressively
larger. She also complains of fatigue, headache, myalgias, and intermittent
arthralgias. She has remained afebrile, and her vital signs are stable. Physical
examination is significant for 8×7-cm erythematous patch on her left forearm
that has concentric rings of redness and a clearing center. She also has cervical
and axillary lymphadenopathy. The remainder of the examination is
unremarkable. She has been on a hiking trip with her family 10 days ago but
nobody else developed any symptoms. She recalls no sick contacts.
What is the most likely diagnosis? How did this patient get infected? • Lyme
disease, a multisystem inflammatory disease caused by borrelia
burgdorferi, must be considered in a patient with the history of hiking and
a classic “bull’s-eye” rash of erythema migrans in combination with
constitutional symptoms.
• Ixodes scapularies tick (deer tick) is the vector of this spirochete
What other symptoms could this female patient expect to develop over time
if the condition is not treated?
Lyme disease can be divided in stages:
• Stage 1 – early localized infection: Erythema migrans
• Stage 2 – early disseminated infection: Migratory musculoskeletal pain
and migratory arthralgias accompanied by malaise and fatigue are the
most common, less likely (14 % of patients): neurologic manifestations
encephalopathy, neurocognitive dysfunction, peripheral neuropathy (VII
CN palsy) and nonspecific symptoms (headache, fatigue) also occur.
Even less commonly (8%) – Cardiac involvement - carditis, fluctuating AV
block of any type; LV dysfunction, cardiomegaly
• Stage 3 – Late persistent infection: 60 % - develop arthritis: oligoarticular
in large joints, chronic neurologic involvement, Acrodermatitis Chronical
What is the most appropriate treatment for this condition? • Early Lyme
disease – doxycycline (amoxicillin, cefuroxime, erythromycin - alternatives)
for children <9 years –– amoxicillin
• Neurologic involvement, 3rddegree AV cardiac block – IV ceftriaxone
A 22-year-old college student is your patient in the emergency room. When
you walk into the room, he is lying on the examination table, with his arm
covering his eyes. You look at his chart and see that his temperature is39°C
(102.3°F), heart rate 110 bpm, and blood pressure 120/80 mm Hg. When you
ask how he has been feeling, he says that for the past 3 days he has had fever,
body aches, and a progressively worsening headache. The light hurts his eyes
and he is nauseated. He has vomited once. He reports no diarrhea, cough, or
nasal congestion. On examination, he has petechial skin rash on his trunk. His
pupils are reactive to light, but he feels severe discomfort when you shine the
light into his eyes and begs you to stop. Ears and oropharynx are normal.
Heart, lung, and abdomen examinations are normal. Neurologic examination
reveals no focal neurologic deficits, but passive flexion of his neck worsens his
headache, and he is unable to touch his chin to his chest. According to him,
one other student in his dormitory has recently been hospitalized, but he
doesn’t know why.
Is this infection transmitted trans placentally? YES - pregnant women with latent
syphillis may infect the fetus in utero.transmission can occur at any stage of
pregnancyfetal damage occurs at 4th month of gestation.
2 weeks later the patient wakes-up and is not able to move his feet. What is
this complication and what is the underlying pathophysiologic mechanism?
Why is this condition dangerous? What is the management of the patient?
Guillain-Barre syndrome – autoimmune demyelination of the peripheral
nerves – leads to ascending weakness/ paralysis of the muscles - may lead to
respiratory paralysis; management: intubation because it may lead to
respiratory failure., plasmapheresis or IV immunoglobulin; prognosis is
A 26-year-old woman presents to the office with a 3-day duration of
discomfort with urination and increased urinary frequency. She has noted that
her urine has a strong odor as well. She denies abdominal pain, back pain,
vaginal discharge, or skin rash. She is diagnosed with uncomplicated cystitis.
What is the most common cause of this condition?
Extra-intestinal pathogenic E. coli (ExPEC)
Most likely mechanism of introduction of organism into the urinary tract:
Urethral contamination by colonic bacteria followed by ascension of the
infection into the bladder.
What are the most common symptoms and signs of this condition? Who is
under increased risk to develop urethritis/cystitis? - Females, pregnant
Burning/discomfort with urination – dysuria; No fever. No costovertebral angle
tenderness. Abdominal exam – shows suprapubic tenderness.
What can cystitis complicate with? What is the most common presentation
of this condition?
PyelonephritTis - Burning/discomfort with urination – dysuria; presence of
fever. Costovertebral angle tenderness, or back pain, nausea/vomiting
uncomplicated cystitis, catheter associated UTIs.
What is the most likely diagnosis? What bacteria can be associated with the
development of this condition?
Peptic ulcer – H. pylori
If the condition goes untreated, what conditions may develop?
1. Adenocarcinoma of the distal stomach
2. MALT lymphoma
3. Gastric carcinoma
A 19-year-old woman presents for the evaluation of vaginal discharge that has
progressively increased over the past week. She is sexually active, has had four
lifetime partners, takes oral contraceptive pills, and occasionally uses
condoms. On examination, she appears in no acute distress and does not have
a fever. Her abdomen is soft with moderate lower abdominal tenderness. On
pelvic examination, she is noted to have a yellow cervical discharge and mild
cervical motion tenderness. No uterine masses. A Gram stain of the cervical
discharge reveals only multiple polymorphonuclear leukocytes.
What other diseases can be caused by the same bacteria, but different
C. trachomatous serogroups A, B, C: trachoma, conjunctivitis C.
trachomatous serogroups D –K – STD– cervicitis, urethritis, PID C.
trachomatous serogroups L1, L2, L3 – lymphogranuloma venereum
7-year-old boy is brought to your office in January with the 2-day history of
fever, cough, and rhinorrhea. He complains of left ear pain since yesterday.
You diagnose him with acute bacterial otitis media .
1. What is the most likely bacterial cause of his symptoms? list 2
otherpathogens causing the similar presentation Streptococcus
pneumoniae – most common, haemophilus Influenzas – nontypable
strains, Moraxella catharallis
3. List the other conditions most likely caused by the same pathogen;S.
pneumonia is the most common cause of: pneumonia, sinusitis,
otitis media, one of the most common cause of meningitis;
4. What is the most appropriate Treatment of this patient’s condition?
Empiric antibiotics that cover all most common causes: amoxicillin+
clavulanic acid – the best initial
5. Who has increased risk to develop diseases caused by
thismicroorganism and why?
Repeated pneumococcal infections: it’s an encapsulated bacterium,
removal of that kind of bacteria is facilitated by spleen; so, a splenic
patient - higher risk of encapsulated organism infection
A 28-year-old female presents to your office. You diagnose her with post
infectious glomerulonephritis. Three weeks ago, she had impetigo on her
forearm, which resolved without treatment.
A 9-year-old patient develops sore throat. He has fever 38.2oC. On physical
exam, Pharynx is erythematous with purulent exudates covering posterior wall.
2 small pustules are visualized on tonsils. Patient has tender cervical
A 5-year-old child is taken to pediatrician because of severe sore throat and
fever of 4 days’ duration. Today the patient abruptly developed a skin rash.
You diagnose him with scarlet fever.
5-year-old girl is brought to the emergency room by the worried parents. The
girl has been irritable for the past 4 days. Today morning, she complained of
sore throat and refused to swallow the food during the day. On admission, she
refuses to lie down supine to be examined and is bending forward with the
neck extended. She has fever of 39.7oC and is drooling. Respiratory rate is 40
with shallow breaths and use of accessory respiratory muscles. Pharynx is
erythematous. Her lungs are clear.
1. Based on this clinical presentation, what is your primary diagnosis?
Whatis the most likely causing organism?
Hemophilus influenza type B - epiglottitis
2. What could have prevented development of this condition? vaccination
3. What is the best next step in the management of this child? – keep
the airway patent - intubate
4. What is the treatment of this condition? – intubation and cephalosporin
- ceftriaxone
5. While managing this child, what other infectious causes should
beincluded in your differential diagnosis? – strep pharyngitis, diphtheria
A 16-month-old child is brought to the emergency room following a seizure. His
mother says that he had a cold for 2 or 3 days with a cough, congestion, and
low-grade fever, but today he became much worse. He has been fussy and
irritable. He then had two grand-mal seizures. His mother reports that he has
not received all of his immunizations. On examination his temperature is
38.1°C (100.5°F), his pulse is 110 beats per minute, and he appears very ill. He
grimaces when you try to bend his neck. His skin is without rash and his
(head, eyes, ear, nose, throat), cardiovascular, lung, and abdominal
examinations are normal. His white blood cell count is elevated, and a CT scan
of his head is normal. You perform a lumbar puncture, which reveals
numerous small gram-negative coccobacilli.
1. What organism is the most likely etiology of this illness?Hemophilus
influenza type B - invasion from nasopharynx-all parts( meninges,
2. What could have prevented development of this condition?vaccination
3. What other clinical presentations can be caused by the same
Epiglottitis- dysphagia,chocking,tumbprint sign on xray, cellulitis- bluish red colour
skin, less common- osteo myelitis, septic arthritis, renal disfunctions.
4. What is the treatment of this condition? –
Cephalosporins, glucocorticoids,ceftriaxone - epiglottitis.
5. Non-encapsulated form of this bacteria can also cause human
List several of those; otitis media, sinusitis,
exacerbations in COPD patients
A 14-day-old infant is brought to the pediatric emergency room by her
panicked mother. The child has developed a fever and has been crying nonstop
for the past 4 hours. She has fed only once today and vomited all of the
ingested formula. The baby was born by vaginal delivery after an
uncomplicated, full-term pregnancy to a healthy 22-year-old gravida1 para1
(one pregnancy, one delivery) woman. The mother has no history of any
infectious diseases and tested negative for group B Streptococcus prior to
delivery. The baby had a routine check-up in the pediatrician’s office 3 days
ago, and no problems were identified. On examination, the child has a
temperature of 38.3°C (100.9°F), pulse of 140 beats per minute, and
respiratory rate of 32 breaths per minute. She has poor muscle tone. Her
anterior fontanelle is bulging. Her mucous membranes are moist, and her skin
is without rash. Her heart is tachycardic but regular, and her lungs are clear.
Her white blood count is elevated, a urinalysis is normal, and a chest x-ray is
clear. A Gram stain of her cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) from a lumbar puncture
shows gram-positive coccobacilli.
What is the most likely diagnosis? Meningitis
What is the most likely clinical presentation of the infection with the same
organism in the healthy adult? Mild self-limited gastroenteritis
What is the most likely source of infection in healthy adults? Raw mild; soft
cheese made out of unpasteurized mild, unwashed vegetables, ready to eat
delicatessen meats - hams
A 19-year-old man is brought to the office for evaluation of a cough and fever.
His illness began 8 days ago with low-grade fever, headache, myalgias, and
fatigue. He now has a persistent hacking dry cough. He has no significant
medical or family history. No family members have been ill recently, but one of
his good friends missed several days of school approximately 2 weeks ago with
“walking pneumonia.” On examination he is coughing frequently but is not
particularly ill-appearing. His temperature is 38.1°C (100.5°F), pulse is 85 beats
per minute, and respiratory rate is 22 breaths per minute. His pharynx is red;
otherwise, a head and neck exam are normal. His lung exam is notable only for
some scattered rhonchi. The remainder of his examination is normal. A chest x
ray shows patchy infiltration. A sputum Gram stain shows white blood cells but
no organisms.
A 23-year-old woman presents with chills, fever and productive cough. 7 days
ago, she developed nasal congestion and myalgia. She became progressively
fatigued and developed cough, productive of 1 teaspoon of yellowish sputum.
Today she saw flecks of blood in it and panicked. Medical history is remarkable
only for appendectomy 2 years ago and a fractured humerus 15 years ago. On
physical exam, she has fever – 39.1°C. Head and neck exam is normal. Crackles
are heard on pulmonary auscultation.
Based on the information given, what is the most likely diagnosis? List 4 most
common bacterial causes of this condition;
Community-acquired pneumonia (CAP)
1. S. pneumonia
2. C. pneumonia
3. M. Pneumonia
4. L. Pneumophila
What are the characteristic symptoms and signs of this condition? • The
“typical” pneumonias described as a sudden onset of fever, cough with
productive sputum, often associated with pleuritic chest pain, and possibly
rust-colored sputum. Localized Crackles on chest auscultation and lobar
consolidation on the chest X-ray. This is the classic description of
pneumococcal pneumonia.
• The “atypical” pneumonia is characterized as having a more insidious
onset, with a dry cough, accompanying extrapulmonary symptoms such
as headache, myalgias, sore throat, absent or mild findings on chest
auscultation and a chest X-ray that appears much worse than the
auscultatory findings. This type of presentation usually is classic to
Mycoplasma pneumoniae.
• Although these characterizations are of some diagnostic value, it is very
difficult to reliably distinguish between typical and atypical organisms
based on clinical history and physical examination alone.
What Diagnostic and lab tests are you going to order? Which test is
considered to be the “golden test” for to find the causing organism? Best
initial test – Chest X-ray - gives you characterization (lobar, interstitial),
location of inflammatory process (right middle lobe, Left upper lobe, etc.),
presence or absence of pleural effusion. (CT scan is even more informative,
but rarely needed)
• Microbiologic studies - sputum Gram stain and culture - important to try
to identify the specific etiologic agent causing the illness – Most cases are
diagnosed using this method. However, use of this method is limited by
the frequent contamination by upper respiratory flora. Blood cultures can
also be helpful - 30% to 40% of patients with pneumococcal pneumonias
are bacteremia.
• Serologic studies - to diagnose organisms not easily cultured Legionella,
Mycoplasma, or C pneumoniae.
• Nonspecific helpful lab tests that give you information about the general
condition of the patient’s – elevated PMNs, liver and kidney function
tests, serum electrolytes,
• Fiberoptic bronchoscopy with bronchoalveolar lavage often is performed
in seriously ill or immunocompromised patients Gold Standard test for
etiologic diagnosis = biopsy of the lung tissue and culturing the
specimen – invasive; done in very complicated cases that does not
respond to standard antimicrobial therapy
A 31-year-old man presents to the emergency room with 2 days of crampy
abdominal pain relived by defecation, nausea, and diarrhea. He has not had
any blood in his stool. He denies contact with anyone with similar symptoms
recently. The only food that he did not prepare himself in the past week was
scrambled eggs and bacon that he had at a diner the day before his symptoms
started. On examination, he is tired appearing; his temperature is 37.7°C
(99.9°F); and his heart rate is 120 beats per minute when he sits up. His blood
pressure is 110/60 mm Hg when sitting. His mucous membranes appear dry.
His abdominal exam is notable for diffuse tenderness but no palpable masses,
rebound, or guarding. A rectal exam reveals heme-positive stool containing
flecks of mucus.
1. What is the most likely etiologic agent of this infection?
Shigella , dysentery type 1- hus, watery diarrhea - produces shiga toxin which
which inactivates 60S sub-unit ribosomes- inhibtn of protein synth.
Fecal-Oral route.
2. List at least 3 other microorganisms causing the similar
presentation: campylobacter, shigella, salmonella, E. coli
3. What is the diagnostic approach to this patient?
Based history and clinical findings, stool testing for WBCs, blood,
bacteria, CBC, electrolytes
4. What is the management of this patient?
Supportive – fluids, electrolytes; antibiotics for severely ill patients’
ciprofloxacin , flouroquinolone
5. What is the prevention of this infection?
Adequately cooking the food, washing hands thoroughly while handling
the food
COMPLICATION; hus, arthritis, conjunctivitis, urethritis, intestinal
perforation, seizures in children.
A 20-year-old female is hospitalized with severe symptoms of hemolytic
uremic syndrome. Her medical history is significant for diarrheal disease that
started 3 days prior to development of her current symptoms.
1. What microorganism would most likely be isolated from a stool
Enterohemorrhagic E coli (Shiga-toxin producing E. coli – STEC) 0175:07;
2. List the most likely sources that this patient got infected from; poorly
washed vegetables – beef,cucumbers, lettuce, spinach, ham burger 3.
Explain the underlying pathophysiologic mechanism of her current
condition? inhibit protein synthesis of cell binding to Gb3 receptor-inhibits
ribosomes or induces apoptosis.. 4. Describe the symptoms and signs of
hemolytic uremic syndrome; hemolytic anemia, thrombocytopenia, acute
kidney disease.
TTP- HUS symp+ fever encephalopathy. 5. What is the appropriate
management of this patient? Fluids and electrolytes azithromycin,
E. pathogenic- infants,
E.aggregative- all
E.invasive- blood, inf colitis.
A 30-year-old traveler drinks glass of fresh orange juice that he bought in the
street while sightseeing Nepal. Next day he develops watery diarrhea
accompanied by severe crampy abdominal pain. He has no fever; no blood or
mucus is seen in his stool. He is symptom-free in 3 days.
1. What is his most likely diagnosis?
Traveler’s diarrhea - due to ingestion of contaminated wayer, poorly cooked or
unpeeled food.
2. This presentation is typical for which microorganism?
ETEC – enterotoxigenic E. coli - tropical or developing countries.
3. What is the underlying pathophysiologic mechanism of diarrhea in
Bacteria produces 2 toxins: heat-stable toxin – fluid secretion in jejunum
and ileum and heat-labile toxin – structurally similar to cholera toxin 4. What
is the appropriate management of this patient?
Supportive – fluid and electrolytes. Early treatment fluroquinolone, azythromycin.
A 16-year-old male presents with progressive weakness of the legs two
evenings before admission. He has a history of a diarrheal illness 2 weeks
prior. On examination, he has moderate leg and mild arm weakness;
Respiratory function is normal. His muscle reflexes are diminished in arms
and absent in lower extremities. Mental status is clear;
1. What is the most likely diagnosis? Guillain -barre syndrome
2. Describe the underlying pathophysiologic mechanism of this
presentation; antibodies mistakenly attack and destroy the myelin –
weakness and
paralysis results
3. What microorganism is the most likely because of his current
Campylobacter jejuni
4. What is the most likely food source that this patient ingested?
Poultry, meat
5. What is the appropriate management of this patient?If necessary,
intubate, plasmapheresis, IV IG
Case 22
A 3-year-old boy presents with “barking” cough and fever. The cough started
suddenly in the middle of the night. On physical examination, the patient’s
temperature is 38.5°C and he appears frightened and anxious. He has a heart
rate of 160 beats/min and a respiratory rate of 36/min. His breathing is
labored and he is using his accessory muscles of respiration. Marked
inspiratory stridor is audible. Lung examination is unremarkable.
A 20-year-old student presents to you in January for evaluation of her
respiratory symptoms. 3 days ago, she developed nasal congestion and clear
rhinorrhea accompanied by sneezing. Next day she woke up with malaise and
scratching sensation in her throat. Today on physical exam, the patient is in no
acute distress, but notes fatigue; Head and neck exam is within the normal
limits, pharynx is no erythematous. Her temperature is 37.20C. Lungs are clear.
2. What organism is the most likely because of her illness? Rhino virus 3.
How did this patient most likely get infected? Respiratory droplets,
Family- Paramyxoviridae
1. According to the physical exam findings, what is the most
likelydiagnosis? Measles - trnsmission: resp droplets, aerosol. Symp:
fever, koryza, hackig cough, cunjuncyivitis
3. What diagnostic approach can be used? Clinical findings for meningitis PCR,
A 15-year-old girl presents to her pediatrician with fatigue and a sore
throat of several weeks’ duration. She says that she is still able to
attend classes at her high school but falls asleep as soon as she gets
home. She has never had anything like this before but notes that
one of her close friends has missed school recently. On physical
examination, her vital signs include a temperature of 38.6° C, heart
rate of 72/min, blood pressure of 120/75 mm Hg, and respiratory
rate of 14/min. Her throat is markedly erythematous with occasional
exudates on the tonsils. She has tender posterior cervical
lymphadenopathy bilaterally. Mild hepatosplenomegaly is palpated
on abdominal exam. The remainder of her exam is within normal
limits. A peripheral blood smear reveals atypical lymphocytosis.
You are called to examine a 1-day-old male because the nurse is concerned
that he is jaundiced. He was born by spontaneous vaginal delivery to a 21-
year-old gravida1 para1 after a full-term, uncomplicated pregnancy. The
mother had no illnesses during her pregnancy; and the only medication that
she took was prenatal vitamins. There is no family history of genetic
syndromes or illnesses among children. The infant is mildly jaundiced and has
several petechias over his abdomen. Inspection is notable for an abnormally
small head circumference (microcephaly). His cardiovascular examination is
normal. His liver and spleen are enlarged. There is no startle response to a
loud noise. CT scan of his head reveals intracerebral calcifications.
Normal CMV- blood, transplant organs, contact with body fluid.recides latently
in, monocytes, dentritic cells and myeloid precursors.
1. What is the most likely cause of this infant’s condition? CMV-hhv5 - most
common cause of non genetical sensorineural hearing loss.
. What is the most common presentation of infection with the same agent in a
healthy adult?
CMV mononucleosis- elevated aminotrasferase, splenomegaly,
A 63-year-old man comes to your office for the evaluation of lower back pain.
For the past 3 days, he has had a sharp, burning pain in his left lower back,
which would radiate to his flank and, sometimes, all the way around to his
abdomen. The pain comes and goes, feels like an “electric shock,” and is
unrelated to activity. He has had no injury to his back and has no history of
back problems in the past. He denies fever, urinary symptoms, or
gastrointestinal symptoms. His examination today, including careful back and
abdominal examination, is normal. You prescribe a nonsteroidal anti
inflammatory drug for the pain relief. The next day, he returns to your office
stating that he has had an allergic reaction to the medication because he’s
developed a rash. The rash is in the area where he had the pain the day
before. On examination now, he has an eruption consisting of patches of
erythema with clusters of vesicles extending in a dermatomal distribution
from his left lower back to the midline of his abdomen.
A 32-year-old man with known HIV is brought to the hospital with respiratory
distress. He describes increasing shortness of breath over the past 2 weeks
with a nonproductive cough. On physical examination, he is a thin and ill-
appearing man in respiratory distress. He is notably using his accessory
muscles to breathe. Vital signs include a temperature of 38.3° C (101.8° F),
heart rate of 122/min, blood pressure of 122/66 mm Hg, respiratory rate of
34/min, and oxygen saturation of 84%. Auscultation of the lungs reveals
bibasilar crackles with relatively clear middle and upper lung fields. His oral
cavity reveals a white film on his tongue and buccal mucosa.
3. Below what CD4 count is this condition common? <200/l remain for
three months
4. What prophylactic treatment is generally administered in
Tmp smx-14 days in non HIV and 21 days in HIV , doc cotrimoxazole + steroids
What is the most likely diagnosis? aspergillosis - infects previously cavitated lesions like
tb, sinuses.
List the helpful diagnostic approaches to diagnose infection with this fungus
positive culture and sputum culture,
CXR – halo sign, aspergillus antigen test, biopsy of nodules , sputum culture
A 59-year-old male presents to your office for follow-up of some abnormal
blood test results. His liver enzymes are elevated by approximately three times
the upper limits of normal. The patient denies alcohol or drug use and is not
taking any medications. He gives no history of jaundice. His past medical
history is significant only for hospitalization at the age of 35 for a bleeding
stomach ulcer. He required surgery and transfusion of 5 units of blood. His
physical examination is normal: it shows no signs of jaundice, no
hepatosplenomegaly, and no findings suggestive of portal hypertension. You
suspect an infectious etiology;
2. How did he most likely acquire this infection? Blood transfusion from
past past history
6. Treatmentsofosbuvir/ledipasvir, Grazoprevir
7. What diagnostic tests are you going to order to find out the exactcause
of his abnormal liver function tests?
Anti hep c assay, HCV RNA PCR.
Case 38
A 26-year-old man comes to your clinic complaining of a 5-day history of
nausea, vomiting, diffuse abdominal pain, fever and muscle aches. He has
lost his appetite, but he is able to tolerate liquids and has no diarrhea. He
has no significant medical or family history, and he has not traveled outside
the country. He admits to having 12 different lifetime sexual partners, denies
illicit drug use, and drinks alcohol occasionally, but not since this illness
began. He takes no medications. On examination, his temperature is 38°C °F,
heart rate 98 bpm, and blood pressure 120/74 mm Hg. He appears jaundiced,
his chest is clear to auscultation, and his heart rhythm is regular without
murmurs. His liver percusses 4 cm below the costal margin and is smooth
and slightly tender to palpation. He has no abdominal distention or
peripheral edema. Laboratory values are significant for a normal complete
blood count, creatinine 1.1 mg/dL, alanine aminotransferase (ALT) 3440 IU/L
(normal: 7 55 U/L), aspartate aminotransferase (AST) 2705 IU/L (normal: 8 -
48 IU/L), total bilirubin 24.5 mg/dL (normal: 0.1 - 1.2 mg/dL);
What tests are going to order to find the exact infectious cause of your
patient’s disease? Explain why;
serological test
Recovery phase - HBsAb +ve, anti HBc IgG +ve
Chronic phase- HBsAg +ve upto 6 months, anti HBeAg +ve
Window phase-anti hbc + ve
Vaccinated – HbsAb +ve and anti HBc –ve.
Discuss the transmission modes and prognosis for each possible
infectious cause of this patient’s symptoms:
Hepatitis A fecal - oral (100 percent recovery)
Hepatitis B sexual transmission, mother to fetus. Less by transfusion 90
percent recovery 5 percent chronic
Hepatitis C blood transfusion, iv drug abuser. Less by trans placentally. 85
percent chronic
Hepatitis E fecal oral 100 percent
A 34-year-old man is brought to the clinic for a 3-month history of
unintentional weight loss (6kg). His appetite has diminished, but he reports
no vomiting or diarrhea. He does report some depressive symptoms since the
death of his wife a year ago, at which time he moved from Kiev to the United
States. He admits night sweats. He denies a smoking. He complains of a
3month history of productive cough with greenish sputum. He has not felt
feverish. He takes no medications. On examination, his temperature is 380C
(100.4°F) and respiratory rate is 16 breaths per minute. His neck has a normal
thyroid gland; no cervical lymphadenopathy is noted. Supraclavicular
lymphadenopathy is palpated on the left side. His chest has few scattered
rales in the left upper-lung fields. His heart rhythm is regular with no gallops
or murmurs. His abdominal examination is benign and his stool is negative for
occult blood. His chest x-ray shows left upper lobe cavitary lesion.
1.What is the most likely diagnosis and what is the causing organism? What
is the underlying pathophysiologic mechanism of the disease? • Pulmonary
tuberculosis (TB) - Mycobacterium tuberculosis • Granulomatous lesions are
caused by the inflammatory response of lymphocytes and macrophages. T
helper cells activate macrophages by production of INF-gamma. Macrophages
encircle the lesion and control the spread of infection - The center of the
lesion may become necrotic (caseous necrosis) and form a cavity. Sometimes
it may get calcified, healed lesions are called Ghonlesions. (Ghon complex –
granulomatous necrosis of the pulmonary lesion + same process in the lymph
node) Most patients exposed to M tuberculosis do not manifest clinical
symptoms, but they may have a latent infection. Years later, frequently during
times of stress or immunosuppression, TB may reactivate and become
Reactivation TB usually involves the apical and posterior segments of the
upper lobes or the superior segments of the lower lobes of the lungs.
2. What is the clinical course of this disease? What are the characteristic
symptoms and signs of the infected patients?
Signs and symptoms are nonspecific and subacute, including fever, night
sweats, malaise, unintentional weight loss, and anorexia. The cough usually
is productive of purulent sputum and sometimes streaked with blood.
Cervical and supraclavicular lymphadenopathy – sometimes.
3.What is the diagnostic approach to this patient?
X-ray, CBC,
• The diagnosis of TB is made by combining the history and clinical picture
withAcid-Fast stains or culture of a specimen (smear or tissue
biopsy).Sputum samplesfor identification of the organism, and for
culture. Cultures may take from 4 - 8 weeks.
• Purified protein derivative (PPD), or tuberculin skin testing - useful for
screening for latent TB infection but has a limited role in diagnosing
active infection because of frequent false-negative results. A positive PPD
is defined by induration of at least 5 mm after 48 to 72 hours
➢ HIV-infected persons or persons receiving immunosuppressive therapy
≥5 mm
➢ Close contacts of tuberculosis patients ≥5mm
➢ Persons with fibrotic lesions on chest radiography ≥5mm
➢ Recently immigrated persons (≤5 years) ≥10
➢ Persons with high-risk medical conditions≥10
➢ Low-risk persons≥15
• Interferon-gamma release assays (IGRAs) are the most specific diagnostic
tools for latenttuberculosis. They measure T-cell release of interferon-
gamma (IFN-gamma) followingstimulation by TB antigens. All patients
with positive PPD should undergo IGRA testing - The most commonly
used IGRAs are the QuantiferonTB Gold assay.
A 7-year-old girl is brought into the office for evaluation of a sore throat and fever,
which she has had for approximately 4 days. Her parents have immigrated to the
United States from Russia about 4
months ago. She has not had much medical care in her life, and her
immunization status is unknown. On examination the child is anxious, tachypneic, and
ill appearing. Her temperature is 38.6°C (101.5°F), and her voice is hoarse. Examination
of her pharynx reveals tonsillar and pharyngeal edema with the presence of a gray
membrane coating of the tonsil, which extends over the uvula and soft palate. She
has prominent cervical adenopathy. Her lungs are clear.
1. Based on this clinical presentation, what is your primary diagnosis? What is the
most likely causing organism? If your diagnosis is correct, what could have prevented
this presentation? pharyngeal diphtheria caused by cornybacterium deptheria. –
vaccination dtp
4. What is the most likely food source that this patient ingested?
Raw and undercooked meat (Poultry)
5. What is the appropriate management of this patient?
Azithromycin (classic choice) If necessary, intubate;
plasmapheresis, IV IG
A 39-year-old construction worker presents with symptoms of jaw
discomfort and dysphagia that started yesterday evening. Today he
woke up to discover that his symptoms have been worsened. Now
he also complains of stiffness in his neck, back, and shoulders. On
examination, he is unable to open his jaw, his proximal limb
muscles are stiff as is his abdomen and back, but the hands and feet
are relatively spared. He occasionally has violent generalized muscle
spasms that cause him to stop breathing, but there is no loss of
consciousness. His muscle reflexes are exaggerated.
Fixed jaw and eyebrows are elevated, bruce lee- rocky like tetanus
spasm of muscles of abdomen, neck and back- patient is unable to
speak and cry., cyanosi- repiratory arrest.
Mortality is highest at greter age and drug abusers.
5. What are the measures to prevent this disease? Boil the water in
endemic areas, avoid drinking water contamination with stool, boil
water, maintain hygiene., whole cellB subunit vaccine.
A 52-year-old man presents for the evaluation of diarrhea and abdominal pain,
which have been worsening over the past week. He is now having 8–10 watery
stools a day and mild cramping pain. He denies vomiting, fever, ill contacts, or
having had blood in his stool. He has no history of gastrointestinal diseases. He
states that approximately 10 days ago he completed a course of
amoxicillin/clavulanate for sinusitis. On examination, he is mildly ill
appearing, but his vital signs are normal. His abdomen is soft, has hyperactive
bowel sounds, and is diffusely, mildly tender.
1. What is the most likely etiologic agent of this disease?
Clostridium difficile (Abx associated colitis) extreme age, sever
underlying disease, prolonged hospital stay, nursing home.
A previously unvaccinated nurse incurs a needle stick from a
patient with known active hepatitis B infection.
1. What is the appropriate management for the health
Single dose hep b immunoglobulin +3 doses of hep vaccine
within 1 week of exposure.
Polyarthritis nodosa,
3. What viral proteins are used for serologic diagnosis of
envelop antigen antibody, Hepatitis B surface antigen, Hepatitis
B surface antibody, hepatitis B core antibody.
4. What are the transmission routes of HBV?
Sharing needles, sexual contact, transplacental, blood
After that HBV is attached to liver cell surface- tlyph
and CD8+ cells rec- destroy process intn Antigen-
antibody complex dep in glomglomerulonephritis,
A previously healthy 21-old college student is admitted with the complaints of
blurry vision and dry mouth that started 1 hour ago. He no longer can hold his
eyes open and pupils do not react to the light. He’s afebrile, and does not
report headache, or neck stiffness. His medical history is insignificant other
than appendectomy 10 years ago. Last meal was in the morning when he
opened the jar of home-canned sun-dried tomatoes sent by his mother. He
recalls no sick contacts. He lives alone in the dormitory room. He does not
smoke cigarette, but reports occasional marijuana and beer use on weekends.
What is the most likely diagnosis? What is the cause of his symptoms?
Describe the organism responsible for this patient’s symptoms How did this
man get “infected”?
Botulism – ingestion of preformed toxin- neurotoxin-blocks the release
of acetilcholin fron nerve terminals- Flaccid paralysis, chlostredium
botulinum – anaerobe, spore forming(highly heat resistnt) - food borne
Other types: wound born- infected tissues :
infant- large intestine of infants.
Injecting contaminated heroin in the muscle and skin- most risky
What role does this substance have in cosmetics? – wrinkles, strabismus, etc
What are the symptoms and How is this disease diagnosed? Nausea,
vomiting, cramps, diarrhea followed by neurologic symptoms. Muscle
weakness: starts in cranial nerves and is descending, bilateral symmetric,
double vision, drooping eyelids, blurred vision, slurred speech, difficulty
swallowing, decreased gag reflex, constipation, no fever
• Diagnosis: Clinical + suspicious food source; confirmed by: botulinum
toxin in serum, stool or food
What are the other forms of the disease and how can someone develop this
• Infant botulism – ingestion of botulinum spores, mostly spontaneous,
sometimes due to ingestion of contaminated hone. Honey is strictly
contraindicated in infants <12- muscle weakness, constipation followed
by neuromuscular paralysis, poor gag reflex, poor oral secretions. Tx-
antitoxin, immunoglobulin.
• Wound botulism – history of deep puncture wound, same neurologic
symptoms, no GI symptom
Comp: daiphram paralysis, pulmonary infection.
TREATMENT: Antitoxins(A,B,E), diaphragm paralysis- intubation.
PREV: vaccine, heating of home canned food before serving
A 53-year-old man, a recent immigrant from Vietnam, is brought to the
emergency room with a cough productive of bloody sputum. He first noticed a
cough approximately 2 months ago, but there was not much sputum. In the
past several days his sputum production has increased and become mixed
with blood. He reports having lost approximately 5kg in this time frame as
well. He also notes that he’s had drenching night sweats 2 or 3 nights a week
for the past month. He has a 50-pack-year smoking history but no other
medical history. He came to the United States from Vietnam 7 months ago. On
examination, he is a thin, frail-appearing male. His vital signs are normal. His
head and neck exam is normal. He has no palpable adenopathy in his neck or
axilla. His lung exam is notable only for decreased breath sounds diffusely. A
chest x-ray shows a cavitary infiltrate of the right upper lobe.
Tuberculin skin test, IGRA-iterferon gamma release assay,blood test for Tb, lung
bipsy, x-ray, CT, nuclic acid amplification, baceria culture
A 56-year-old man is having intermittent fevers and malaise for the past 2
weeks. Two months ago, he had aortic valve replacement surgery. His
postoperative course was uncomplicated. On examination, his temperature is
38°C, blood pressure 124/80 mm Hg, pulse 72/min, and head and neck are
normal. The second heart sound is mechanical, and a 2/6 early diastolic
murmur is heard. Which of the following is the most likely causative organism
ohis condition?
A 9-year-old child is brought to the emergency room with the chief complaint
of enlarged, painful axillary lymph nodes. The resident physician also notes a
small, inflamed, 5 Tetri-sized lesion surrounding what appears to be a small
scratch on the forearm. According to the aunt, the child was seen playing with
kittens and puppies. The lymph node is aspirated and some pus is sent to the
laboratory for examination. Staining reveals many highly pleomorphic, rod
shaped bacteria. The most likely cause of this infection is: LYME DISEASE
Risk: ulcerative STI, unprotected sex,HBV & HCV, Mother to child- 2nd &3rd
trim, during birth , brest feeding.
REPLICATION; phase1- virus enters host cell through specific cell surface
receptors. Phase2- virus introduces RnA and enzyme RTase and forms dsDN~A
Integration is permanent.
1)The reverse transcriptase
2)The integrate
3)The protease
Life cycle- viral gp120 binds to the host CD4 cells, t lymphocytes,
Two majr host co proteins- CCR5, CRCX4
Gp120-fuses with host cell receptor-reverse transcriptase coverts RNA to DNA-
DNA goes to host DNA and HIV assembly- new viral particle foration.
If virus succesfully goed into lymphnodes then the infection is irreversible
SYMPTOMS: low grade fever, malaise, lymphadenopathy, occasional arthralgia, rash- begins at
the face and neck then travels to the trunk.
In adults- fever , malaise, artralgia, rhinitis, arthritis, stiff joints,
DAIGNOSIS: maternal rubella screening, viral isolation of amniotic fluid, infant body titters.
TREATMEnTS: no specific treatment, no immunoglobulins, observation, symptomatic evolution.
PREVENTION: MMR vaccine-2 doses- 1) 12-15 mo 2) 4-6 years.