ConditionalOffer UNESydney OnCampus20231102013945

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Date: 02 Nov 2023

Applicant Number: UNE00071108

Date of Birth: 05 Oct 2005

Rohit Bhandari

Province 3 44600,
Dear Rohit Bhandari,
Congratulations and welcome! The University of New England is pleased to offer you admission as an international student. You are joining a
university that has earned the Good Universities Guide top five-star rating for the quality of our student experience and overal experience for
twelve years in a row.
The details of your Offer of Admission are set out below. Please note that this Offer is valid only for the Course Start Date listed below. As you
wil be studying on campus, you must accept your Offer no later than eight (8) weeks before the Course Start Date listed below. If you wil be
studying online, you must accept your offer no later than two (2) weeks before the Course Start Date listed below.
UNE International Bursary Awards
Congratulations! You have been awarded an International Bursary to study your course. This could reduce your annual tuition fees by up to 20%.
Please check the accompanying bursary offer for the ful details. By accepting this Offer of Admission, you are also accepting the International
Bursary Offer.
Course Name : Bachelor of Business (Accounting) - Sydney
CRICOS Course Code : 097601F
Mode of Study : On Campus - Ful Time
Location of Study: UNE Sydney
Course Duration : 3 Year(s)
Course Start Date : 26 Feb 2024
Course End Date : 01 Nov 2026

Admission Conditions
Bachelor of Business (Accounting) - Sydney
This offer is conditional upon your education agent providing evidence (via their checklist) that you have undergone their GTE assessment.
If you are currently under 18 years of age, you will not be able to accept your offer and commence your UNE studies until you turn 18 years old or are
accompanied in Australia byyour parent/s or legal guardian.

Admission Basis
You have been admitted as a candidate under Rule E

Intensive Schools
Some UNE units you enrol in may require you to attend an Intensive School. Please see the UNE Course Handbook for details of any intensive
school for each of your units. Please note that you must attend compulsory or mandatory intensive schools to be able to successfuly complete a
unit of study.

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UNE International, University of New England, Armidale, NSW, 2351 Australia -
University of New England CRICOS Provider 00003G Page 1 of 9
Programof Study (Course Content)
You should refer to the UNE Course Handbook for ful details of the content of your course. You must ensure you folow the programof study for
your course. Failure to do so may affect your enrolment and progression in your course.
Minimum English Language Requirements:
UNE’s minimumEnglish language requirement for each course is published in the English Language Requirements for Admission
Rule and English Language Requirements for Higher than the University Minimum Requirement Annex in the Policies section on the UNE
website. Regardless of course, study location or mode of study, you must meet the minimumEnglish language requirements for the course listed in
this Offer. Your English language proficiency has been assessed against the published requirements as part of the admission process. This Offer
tels you whether you stil need to meet the English language requirements for your course.

Minimum Academic Qualification Requirements:

UNE has minimumAcademic Requirements for each course. Your academic qualifications have been assessed against the published requirements
as part of the admission process.

Mandatory IT Requirements – Specific Courses Only:

Students enroling in either the Master of Information Technology or the Bachelor of Business (Analytics and Informatics) at UNE Sydney are
required to bring their own device in order to enrol in their course and study throughout each trimester at UNE. If you are accepting admission into
either the Master of Information Technology or the Bachelor of Business (Analytics and Informatics) at UNE Sydney, you are required to own and
use IT equipment that complies with one of the two folowing minimum IT requirements:

Microsoft® Windows® 7/8/10 (64-bit)

8 GB RAM recommended
20 GB of available disk space minimum,
1280 x 800 minimum screen resolution

Mac® OS X® 10.10 (Yosemite) or higher, up to 10.13 (MacOS High Sierra)

8 GB RAM minimum,
20 GB of available disk space minimum,
1280 x 800 minimum screen resolution

International Student Fees

International Student Fee:
Bachelor of Business (Accounting) - Sydney
Estimated Total Course Fee $90599.00
2024 Annual Course Fee $30200.00

Fees payable with Acceptance:

Bachelor of Business (Accounting) - Sydney
Initial Year(s) Course Fee $15100.00
Student Services and Amenities Fee $324.00
Overseas Student Health Cover (Single) $2546.00

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UNE International, University of New England, Armidale, NSW, 2351 Australia -
University of New England CRICOS Provider 00003G Page 2 of 9
Please note that the University reserves the right to review and increase your international course fees annually. If your Total Fees Payable for First Trimester
have been based on the previous year’s fee, and the annual fees have increased bythe time you commence, you will be obligated to paythe difference to
maintain your enrolment. If you enrol in Year Long units, you maybe required to paythe full academic year’s cost of the unit in your first trimester of enrolment. You
need to paythe initial trimester fees before you receive enrolment information. For your subsequent trimesters, you will receive an invoice from the University,
based on your enrolment, advising you what you need to payand the due date.

Non-Tuition Fees
In addition to the tuition fees quoted above, you will need to payfor non-tuition items such as text books, course-based uniforms, equipment and non-academic
courses (for example, a first aid course), course-related field trips, etc. Not all courses require the purchase of these items, however, you should budget for an
additional AUD$2,000 per year to cover such expenses.

Overseas Student Health Cover (OSHC)

If you are an international student studying in Australia on a Student Visa, then the Australian Government requires you to have compulsory
Overseas Student Health Cover (OSHC) for the entire length of your visa at the time you submit your online Student Visa application. If you are
not on a Student Visa, then you are not eligible for OSHC. UNE’s OSHC provider is Bupa. The amount quoted in your offer letter is for a single
student. If you have a spouse and/or children, you must notify UNE International so that we can provide you with an additional quote prior to
accepting your offer and paying any initial fees. You should note also that this is a quote only and may change annualy as Bupa review and set
annual fees. Please remember that it is one of the conditions of your Student Visa that you maintain your compulsory OSHC membership.
Student Services and Amenities Fee
This fee is payable on an annual basis and helps to cover the cost of student services at UNE including food outlets, sporting facilities, childcare,
counseling, legal, health, housing and employment services as wel as independent student representation structures. The fee quoted in your offer of
admission covers the cost of the fee for one year. If your course is longer than one academic year, you wil be invoiced by the University for
subsequent years. The fee is set by the Australian Government and is subject to annual change. You wil need to pay the difference between the
amount quoted in your Offer and the new rate at the time of your arrival.

Indicative Living Costs in Australia - On Campus Students Only

As an international student studying in Australia on a student visa, you must have enough money that is genuinely available to pay for course fees,
travel and living expenses for you and any accompanying family members while you are in Australia. Your course fees are listed in this Offer Letter.
Home Affairs advises that the indicative living costs for 12 months are: AUD24,505 for a student and an additional AUD7,362 for your spouse or
partner and an additional AUD3,152 for a child.

Payment Options
Once you have met al conditions in your Offer, you can pay your initial fees at Convera. This payment portal helps you pay in your own currency
or that of your choice. UNE wil receive your payment in Australian Dolars so you don’t need to worry about currency conversion or extra bank
fees. Although UNE is not alowed to ask you to pay more than the 50% initial tuition fee stated in this Offer (as per the Tuition Protection Service
(TPS)), you may choose to do so or you may be invited to do so in order to meet Genuine Temporary Entrant (GTE) requirements.

Financial Sponsorship
If you intend to be financialy sponsored by an organisation (i.e., not a family member) for the payment of your tuition fees, you must contact UNE
International to obtain a Student Sponsorship Form. You and your sponsor must complete this formand return it to UNE International when you
accept your offer.

Commencing International Student Fee and Refund Principles

Scope - The International Student Fee and Refund Principles listed below apply to al commencing international students who accept an
Offer of Admission to study at UNE regardless of whether you progress to formaly enrol at the University. These Principles and the
availability of complaints and appeals processes does not remove your right to take action under Australia’s consumer protection laws.


Census Date Is the official deadline for formalising your enrolment for a teaching
period. Census dates for each study period are listed in the UNE
Principal Dates
Commencing You are a commencing international student if you are intending to enrol
Student in a course at UNE in your first teaching period regardless of whether
you have formalised your enrolment
Confirmation of The CoE provides evidence of your enrolment with UNE as a provider
Enrolment (CoE) registered on the Commonwealth Register of Institutions and Courses
for Overseas Students (CRICOS). This evidence is required before
DHA wil issue a student visa. The CoE contains information about
UNE, your agent if you used one, your course and duration of your

On Campus International Student Offer and Written Agreement - April 2022 Version
UNE International, University of New England, Armidale, NSW, 2351 Australia -
University of New England CRICOS Provider 00003G Page 3 of 9
Deferment A written agreement between you and UNE that alows you to
commence a course of study after the date shown on the original CoE
and/or Offer
Department of Department of Home Affairs
Home Affairs (DHA)
ESOS Act Commonwealth Government of Australia Education Service for
Overseas Students Act 2000
Exceptional Are circumstances that are exceptional, compeling or compassionate
Circumstances that have affected you and the cause of which was outside your control
International You are an international student if you are NOT an Australian citizen,
Student NOT a New Zealand citizen, NOT the holder of an Australian
Permanent Resident Visa or NOT the holder of a permanent
humanitarian visa
Offer The document you are reading now is the official Offer of Admission
letter issued by UNE to you and/or your agent. It sets out the offer
being made to you, including course, start dates, fees etc.
Packaged Student You are a packaged student if your Offer contains more than one
course of study (for example, an English language course and a degree
Principal Course If you are a Packaged Student, your Principal Course is the main course
of study for which the CoE and the student visa has been issued
Start Date Is either the first day of lectures/trimester as listed in the UNE Principal
Dates (if you are a coursework degree students); or the first day you
commence if you are a Higher Degree by Research candidature; or the
first day you commence English language studies at the UNE English
Language Centre (ELC)
Student Default You are considered to “Default” in relation to a course in the
circumstances set out in Section 45A91) of the ESOS Act if you fail to
start the course by the start date listed in this Offer; if you withdraw
from the course either before or after the start date listed in this Offer; if
UNE refuses to provide the course because you failed to pay tuition
fees as directed by UNE or you breached your student visa conditions.
Tuition Fees Is one trimester (half) of the annual tuition fee stated in your Offer and
paid by you as a commencing student at the time you accept the Offer
University Default UNE is considered to “Default” in relation to a course in the
circumstances set out in section 46A(1) of the ESOS Act, including if
UNE fails to provide the course to you at the location and start date
listed in this Offer; or if the course starts but ceases to be provided to
you at the location listed in this Offer and you have now withdrawn from
the course before the date of the University default
Unused Tuition Fees Are tuition fees that you pay to the University that are repayable to you
in any of the circumstances set out in the Fee and Refund Principles

1 Principles – Enrolment and Fees

1.1 In accepting your formal UNE Offer, you agree, as an international student, to:
1.1.1 Pay al tuition fees as directed by the University to maintain your enrolment and Confirmation of Enrolment
1.1.2 Commence your course on the start date listed in this UNE Offer. You accept that if you fail to do this and you
have not been formaly granted a deferment for your course, your offer of admission wil lapse, your CoE wil be canceled,
you may incur additional fees, and you may be required to submit a new admission application to the University.
1.2 You accept that al tuition fees and OSHC must be received directly by the University in Australian dolars via the
official payment options outlined in this Offer.
1.3 You accept that, unless otherwise specified in this Offer, you wil not receive your CoE until the University has received:
1.3.1 The initial trimester course fee (half the published annual tuition fee for your course)
1.3.2 OSHC (if applicable) to cover the duration of your student visa
1.3.3 Any other fees advised in the Offer
1.4 You accept that as a commencing international student you are not eligible for a payment plan or extension of time to
pay tuition fees under any circumstances.
Principles – Refunds Overview
2.1 If, as a commencing student, you are eligible for a refund of any tuition fees paid to the University, you may apply for a
On Campus International Student Offer and Written Agreement - April 2022 Version
UNE International, University of New England, Armidale, NSW, 2351 Australia -
University of New England CRICOS Provider 00003G Page 4 of 9
refund by completing and submitting the Request for Fee Refund – Commencing International Student Only form to UNE
2.2 Applications for refunds are assessed strictly in accordance with the Commencing International Student Fee and Refund
Principles in this Offer.
2.3 If approved, refunds are paid in Australian dolars directly to the applicant or to the person who paid the fees on behalf
of the student (for example, parents, formal guardian, and official sponsor).

3 Principles – Refunds For Student Visa Refusal

3.1 If your application for a Student Visa is rejected by Home Affairs, UNE wil retain $500 of the tuition fees paid but wil
refund al other unused tuition fees.
3.2 If your Student Visa is rejected by Home Affairs on the basis of fraud, you wil not receive a refund of any tuition fees.

iples – Refunds Where Student Defaults

4.1 If you are an on campus student (and have not received a Student Visa rejection), and you do not commence your course on
the start date listed in this Offer, and you have not previously withdrawn fromyour course with approval from the University, your
CoE (if applicable) wil be canceled and you wil be entitled to a refund of any unused tuition fees, except that UNE wil retain
AUD$5,000 to cover administrative and processing costs.
4.2 If you are an online student and you do not commence your studies on the start date listed in this Offer, or you withdraw from
your studies after the commencemnt of the trimester, you wil be entitled to a refund of any unused tuition fees as folows:
4.2.1 For ful degree online students, UNE wil retain AUD$5,000 to cover administrative and processing costs.
4.2.2 For non-award online students, UNE wil retain AUD$500 to cover administrative and processing costs.

5 Principles – Refunds Where UNE Defaults or Offer is Withdrawn

5.1 In the unlikely event that UNE is unable to provide the course listed in your Offer (Provider Default), you are entitled to
a refund of al tuition fees already paid but unused unless:
5.1.1 You have withdrawn or discontinued prior to the day of the University’s default; or
5.1.2 You have accepted another offer in a University course of study; or
5.1.3 The circumstances specified in 9.1.2 and 9.1.3 of these Principles apply to you.

6 Principles – Refunds Where Student Obtains Permanent Residency

6.1 If you gain Australian Permanent Residency (must be officialy granted, not pending) after you commence your studies
as an international student but before the census date for your initial trimester, you may be entitled to a refund according to these
Principles depending on the date you advise UNE of your visa status change.
6.2 The University cannot change your status to that of Permanent Resident after the census date in any given trimester
under any circumstances.

7 Principles – Refunds in Exceptional Circumstances

7.1 UNE may consider an application for a refund in circumstances other than those set out in these Principles but only if
you can demonstrate and provide satisfactory evidence of compassionate and compeling circumstances beyond your control.

8 Principles – Refunds of OSHC

8.1 You accept that must make your own arrangements to apply for a refund of any OSHC directly with the OSHC
provider unless you receive a visa rejection from Home Affairs, in which case, UNE wil arrange the refund of the OSHC.

9 Principles – No Refunds
9.1 You accept that you are not entitled to a refund if:
9.1.1 You advise UNE of your withdrawal froma course (or unit for Non-Award students) and request a refund after
the census date of your initial trimester of study.
9.1.2 Department of Home Affairs cancels your visa for any reason, including a breach of a condition of your visa;
9.1.3 Any documents or information submitted by you on or your behalf as part of your application for admission or
your Student Visa application are, or later found to be fraudulent.


On Campus International Student Offer and Written Agreement - April 2022 Version
UNE International, University of New England, Armidale, NSW, 2351 Australia -
University of New England CRICOS Provider 00003G Page 5 of 9
ESOS Framework
The ESOS Act establishes legislative requirements and standards or the quality assurance of education and training institutions offering courses to
international students who are in Australia on a Student Visa. ESOS also provides tuition fee protection for international students. For further
information consult the Australian Department of Education and Training’s ESOS Framework.

Australian Consumer Law

This Offer of Admission (Written Agreement), and the right to make complaints and seek appeals of decisions and actions under various
University processes, does not affect your right to take action under the Australian Consumer Law if the Australian Consumer Law applies.

Genuine Temporary Entrant (GTE) and Financial Capacity Requirements

The Genuine Temporary Entrant (GTE) requirement is an Australian Government Home integrity measure to ensure that the Student Visa
Program is used as intended and not as a way for international students to maintain ongoing residency in Australia. The GTE criterion must be
satisfied by al students who make an application for a Student Visa. To ensure the best possible Student Visa application outcome, UNE wil ask
students to undergo comprehensive GTE assessment. Included in this assessment, is whether a student can demonstrate their capacity to fund
their study and living costs in Australia.
If you have been asked to undertake GTE assessment, please DO NOT PAY fees before you have received a final, positive GTE assessment
outcome from the University in writing.

Under 18 Year Old Student Arrangements

International students who are under 18 years of age at the time theyapplyfor admission to a UNE degree or to UNE's English Language Centre, are not
permitted to commence their studies at UNE until they turn 18 years old or are accompanied in Australia bya parent or legal guardian. UNE does not take
responsibility for welfare arrangements for international students under 18 years old.

Student Visa Application

If you wil be studying on campus at UNE on a Student Visa Subclass 500, then you wil need to apply online – see for
further details. Ensure that you attach the UNE-approved Statement of Purpose (SOP) to your online Student Visa application as evidence of
meeting GTE requirements.


You must attend the compulsory International Student Orientation programthat is held prior to the commencement of your course. This program is
where you wil be officialy welcomed, provided with important information essential to your success in your course. Please check the
University’s Principal Dates for the most current International Orientation dates.

Enrolment is the process of choosing your individual units and having themadded to your University record – it is essential that you complete this
process. Please note that the enrolment process is different to the admission process. Al students enrol in their units online. UNE International wil
send you details on how and when to enrol after you have accepted your offer and before the start of your first trimester of study.

As an international student, you must ensure that you are enroled as a ful-time student each compulsory trimester. Any changes to your enrolment
load must be approved by the Manager of International Services. Please note that you not permitted to enrol in more than 33% of online units in
your course. Some students who are sponsored by their home governments may not be able to enrol in any online units. You should check
carefuly any enrolment conditions that you have to comply with.

Student Academic Misconduct and Plagiarism

Plagiarism is a serious academic matter at UNE. If you engage in plagiarism, you must be aware that this may result in your exclusion fromyour
course and cancelation of your enrolment. In that event that your enrolment is canceled, UNE wil notify the Department of Immigration and
Border Protection. According to the Student Coursework Academic Misconduct Rule, you are required to successfuly complete the self-test
module on Plagiarism and Academic Misconduct before submitting your first piece of assessable work after you commence your course.
UNE Trimesters
UNE’s academic year comprises three trimesters. Trimester 1 starts in February/March and ends in June. Trimester 2 starts in July and ends in
October. Trimester 3 starts in October/November and ends in the folowing February. You should always refer to UNE’s official Principal
On Campus International Student Offer and Written Agreement - April 2022 Version
UNE International, University of New England, Armidale, NSW, 2351 Australia -
University of New England CRICOS Provider 00003G Page 6 of 9
Dates for information about formal trimester dates and official vacations. These dates are very important to ensure that you start your course on
time and that you can plan any vacation employment once you have commenced your course.

Expected Course Completion

As an international student studying in Australia on a student visa, you are expected to complete your award within the normal duration of the
course as stated in this Offer and on any Confirmation of Enrolment (COE) issued by UNE. However, there are defined compassionate and
compeling circumstances that the University may consider in the event that you are unable to complete your course within the expected duration,
or you are unable to meet attendance requirements or you wish to defer, suspend or cancel your enrolment.

Grounds to Defer, Suspend or Cancel Enrolment

If you cannot commence your studies by the start date listed in this Offer, you need to formaly request to defer your studies to the next available
trimester by contacting

If you have already enroled at UNE and you wish to suspend or cancel your coursework enrolment, you must advise the Manager of International
Services in writing and provide documentary evidence to support your intention to suspend or cancel your enrolment. If you are a research student,
you must advise Research Services in writing and provide relevant documentary evidence.

There are specific grounds for UNE approving or instigating the temporary suspension or cancelation of your enrolment and these are:
1. If you have been granted a leave of absence fromyour studies for reasons which fal within the Compassionate and Compeling
Circumstances Guidelines as specified below.
2. If you have been found guilty of misconduct as defined in the UNE Student Behavioural Misconduct Rule or Student Coursework Academic
Misconduct Rule.
3. If it is determined that you have failed to comply with any applicable standards of conduct, statutes, regulations, policies and procedures of
the University by which suspension or cancelation of your enrolment is the result of you failing to comply.
The University wil consider your request and you wil be notified in writing of the outcome, including the requirement that you advise UNE of your
intention to return to study.

Compassionate and Compelling Circumstances

UNE has guidelines to determine what constitutes compassionate and compeling circumstances should you:
1. Be unable to complete your course on time or not meet attendance requirements
2. Request to defer, suspend or cancel your enrolment
3. Lodge an appeal through UNE’s complaints and appeals procedures.
According to these guidelines, “compassionate and compeling circumstances” must:
§ Be beyond your control
§ Occur after you have accepted this Offer
§ Have an impact upon your wel-being or your ability to progress through your course
Compassionate and compeling circumstances may include:
§ Serious ilness or injury where a medical certificate is provided to prove you were unable to attend class
§ Death of a close family member such as your parent, sibling, spouse, child (where possible a death certificate wil be required)
§ Major political upheaval or natural disaster in your home country which requires emergency travel that impacts upon your studies
§ A traumatic experience which could include involvement in or witnessing an accident or crime where the experience impacts upon your ability to
study. This type of experience would need to be supported by a police or psychologist’s report.
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UNE International, University of New England, Armidale, NSW, 2351 Australia -
University of New England CRICOS Provider 00003G Page 7 of 9
§ If you have failed occasional units in your course but you have not performed poorly enough to become the subject of an Early Intervention
Strategy for course progress
§ Other clearly compassionate and compeling circumstances at the discretion of UNE.
Assessment Methods
Assessment at UNE includes a range of methods, such as formal end-of-trimester examinations, continuous assessment throughout the trimester,
assignments, essays, online quizzes, seminars, tutorials and field trips/projects. You wil be advised of the exact assessment methods for each unit
at the time you enrol in individual units of study.

Work Integrated Learning and Placement Requirements

Some courses at UNE require students to complete a practical, clinical or work experience component as a formal part of the course. Course specific work based
requirements are outlined in your Offer of Admission. Additional information about anywork integrated learning and placement requirements is located in
the UNE Course Handbook for your course.

Arrangements with Other Providers

UNE does not have any arrangements with another education provider to offer you course stated in your Offer of Admission.

Personal Information and Privacy

UNE collects, manages, corrects and protects personal information relating to students in accordance with relevant State and Federal legislation, specifically,
the Privacy Act 1988 (Cth), Privacy and Personal Information Protection Action 1998 (NSW). The personal information you provide to UNE will be used for the
purpose you provided it, to assist the University in undertaking its primarypurposes and anysecondarypurposes related to the primarypurpose. UNE is not
responsible for the privacypractice of web sites external to the University. UNE will not disclose your personal information without your consent unless authorised
bylaw. However, information maybe disclosed to a third party if the disclosure is necessaryto prevent or lessen a serious and imminent threat to the life or health
of you or another person. UNE's policy instrument to assist with the management of personal and health related information, is the UNE Privacy Management
Rule. UNE staff are required under the UNE Code of Conduct to follow policies and to complywith appropriate legislation in relation to privacyand other matters.
The University relies upon a number of keydocuments informed by State and Federal legislation, to manage these.

As an international student studying at UNE on a student visa, your personal details are collected during your admission and enrolment in order to meet UNE’s
obligations under the ESOS Framework and to ensure that you complywith the conditions of your Student Visa. The authority to collect this information is
contained in the ESOS Framework.

International Student Complaints and Appeals at UNE

UNE has formal policies and procedures relating to any complaints you may make and any appeals you may submit against formal University
decisions made about you. Your complaint is informal if you don't want the University to keep a written record of the complaint, the process of
investigating it and the outcome. Informal complaints should first be raised with the person you feel is responsible for the problem. Your complaint
is formal if you do want the University to keep records of the complaint, the process of investigating it and the outcome. For information
regarding complaints and how to register a formal complaint through the Student Grievance Unit visit Complaints, Compliments and
Feedback. Your appeal is informal if you don't want the University to keep a written record of the appeal, the process of investigating it and the
outcome. Informal appeals wil not be actioned. Your appeal is formal if you do want the University to keep records of the appeal, the process
of investigating it and the outcome. For further information please refer to the Academic Assessment Appeals Policy in conjunction with
the Academic Assessment Appeals Procedures.


If you accept this Offer of Admission, then you are responsible for:
1. Keeping a copy of this Offer of Admission (Written Agreement) and a copy of receipts for fees paid for your future reference.
2. For international students studying in Australia on a Student Visa, you must:
a. Notify the University of New England within seven (7) days of arriving in Australia of your contact details including your current Australian
residential address, mobile telephone number, personal email address, and emergency contact person and details. You must notify the University
within seven (7) days of al subsequent changes to any contact details.
b. Comply with the conditions of your Student Visa, including but not limited to:
i. Only working up to 40 hours per fortnight during the trimester (you may work unlimited hours during official UNE
breaks once you have officialy commenced your course).
i. Ensuring you maintain ful-time enrolment so that you can complete your course in the period stated on your
Confirmation of Enrolment (COE).
ii. Meeting the 80% minimumattendance of total tuition time if you are enroling in an English Language course at
UNE. If you fail to achieve this, then UNE wil report this to Home Affairs.
iv. Maintaining visa length Overseas Student Health Cover.
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UNE International, University of New England, Armidale, NSW, 2351 Australia -
University of New England CRICOS Provider 00003G Page 8 of 9
v. Make arrangements to enrol your school-aged children in primary or secondary school if they are going to
accompany you to Australia. Most students wil need to pay ful-fees for your children’s enrolment in a Government or non-Government school.
You wil need to enquire about enroling your children in school prior to arriving in Australia and you wil need to pay fees in advance as directed to
obtain a Confirmation of Enrolment (COE) to apply for the appropriate visa. Please see NSW Department of Education for further details.
Bysigning below, you are accepting what is written in this Offer of Admission and you are entering into a Written Agreement with the Universityof New England.
Before signing, you should read this Offer of Admission verycarefully. You should payattention to anyadmission conditions that you need to meet. You must
meet these before accepting.

If you are under 18 years old at the time you are accepting, your parent or formal guardian must also sign below. Please note that you will not be able to
commence studies until you have turned 18.years of age unless you are accompanied in Australia byyour parent/s or a legal guardian.

To accept this Offer of Admission, you need to sign below and also sign every page of the Offer.
You acknowledge and agree that:
a. This Offer, and any agreement that may be entered into between UNE and you in connection with this Offer, is made on the basis that any
information provided (or to be provided) to UNE by you or on your behalf is not (or wil not be) incomplete, inaccurate or misleading.
b. You authorize UNE to verify any information provided to it by you or on your behalf in connection with this Offer.
c. If information is provided to UNE by you or on your behalf that is incomplete, inaccurate or misleading then UNE may withdraw, revoke or
terminate this Offer or any related agreement (as applicable).
d. Your acceptance is only valid if:
i. You have met al conditions in your Offer.
i. You have included your signature and the date you signed below.
ii. You attach a copy of al pages of the Offer to your Acceptance in the online portal
iv. You have arranged payment of the initial fees as stated in this Offer
v. Your parent or formal legal guardian have also signed the acceptance if you are under 18 years old at the time of accepting your offer.

Rohit Bhandari
Signature: Date:

On behalf of the University of New England, we congratulate you on your successful admission and we look forward to welcoming you as a
Yours sincerely,

Director, International
UNE International
University of New England

On Campus International Student Offer and Written Agreement - April 2022 Version
UNE International, University of New England, Armidale, NSW, 2351 Australia -
University of New England CRICOS Provider 00003G Page 9 of 9

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