Meth Elab Topic N2
Meth Elab Topic N2
Meth Elab Topic N2
for students of Medicine Faculty nr.2
Topic N2
Acne vulgaris is the most common of all skin disorders. It is a chronic
inflammatory process that affects the pilosebaceous unit in virtually every adolescent
and in many adults and prepubertal children as well.
Acne Lesions
Lesions are confined to the face, shoulders, upper chest and back. The primary
lesion of acne vulgaris is the microcomedo, the microscopic, bulging mass that results
from a combination of hyperproliferative corneocytes and sebum and leads to follicular
The closed comedo (whitehead) is the first visible acne lesion. It is a
noninflammatory lesion that evolves from the microcomedo and appears as a
white dot ranging from 0.1 to 3.0 mm in diameter.
The open comedo (blackhead) is a 0.1- to 3.0-mm noninflammatory lesion
that looks like a black dot. Many acne patients mistakenly think the black
dot is dirt, but researchers now believe the dark color is caused by the
blockage of light transmission through the occluded follicle.
Inflammatory acne lesions include papules, pustules, nodules, and cysts.
A papule is a pink-to-red, raised, palpable lesion with no visible
accumulation of fluid, which can range from 1 to 4 mm in diameter.
A pustule is a raised accumulation of purulent material on the skin's surface,
and is similar in size to the papule. Pustules are sometimes characterized as
superficial or deep. In a superficial pustule there is a localized rupture of the
epithelium near the skin surface, and in a deep pustule there is extensive
destruction of the entire epithelium.
A nodule is a tender, firm lesion that may persist for weeks.
Cysts may be as large as several centimeters in diameter, and they may drain
a creamy, yellowish material.
Darkly pigmented skin affected by acne tends to develop significant
postinflammatory hyperpigmentation. This tendency has given rise to the suggestion
that a new acne lesion should be designated - the acne hyperpigmented macule (AHM).
The AHM can last for 4 months or longer, and is often the central complaint of acne
patients with skin of color.
Depressed or hypertrophic scarring and post-inflammatory hyperpigmentation can
follow. Conglobate is the name given to a severe form of acne with all of the above
features as well as abscesses or cysts with intercommunicating sinuses that contain thick
serosanguinous fluid or pus. On resolution, it leaves deeply pitted or hypertrophic scars,
sometimes joined by keloidal bridges. Acne scars can be classified into three different
types—atrophic, hypertrophic, or keloidal. Atrophic acne scars are by far the most
common type. Although hyperpigmentation is usually transient, it can per- sist,
particularly in those with an already dark skin.
Classification of Acne
There is no single standardized grading system for acne, but there are several
useful methods used to classify the disease. Most simply, acne is described as mild,
moderate, or severe. Identifying the most severe predominant lesion - comedones
(comedonal acne), papules/pustules (papulopustular acne, nodules/cysts (nodulocystic
acne) - is another method used to categorize the disease and help guide therapy.
Diagnosis of Acne
The diagnosis of acne is generally made on clinical grounds and is usually fairly
straightforward, although some rarer variants such as acne excoriée, chloracne, and acne
fulminans (see below) can be diagnostically challenging and may require a dermatology
None are usually necessary. Cultures are occasionally needed to exclude a
pyogenic infection, an anaerobic infection or Gram-negative folliculitis. Only a few
laboratories routinely culture P. acnes and test its sensitivity to antibiotics.
Any acne, including infantile acne, that is associated with virilization needs
investigation to exclude anandrogen-secreting tumour of the adrenals, ovaries or testes,
and to rule out congenital adrenal hyperplasia caused by 21-hydroxylase deficiency.
Tests should then include the measurement of plasma testosterone, sex hormone-
binding globulin, luteinizing hormone (LH), follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH),
dehydroepiandrosterone sulphate, andro- stenedione, 17-hydroxyprogesterone, urinary
free cortisol and, depending on the results, ultrasound examination or computed
tomography scan of the ovaries and adrenals. Female patients should not be taking the
oral contraceptive pill when these hormone levels are measured. Congenital adrenal
hyperplasia is associated with high levels of 17-hydroxyprogesterone, and androgen
secreting tumours with high androgen levels. Polycystic ovarian syndrome is
characterized by modestly elevated testosterone, androstenedione and
dehydroepiandrosterone sulphate levels, a reduced sex hormone-binding level and a LH
: FSH ratio of greater than 2.5 : 1. Pelvic ultrasound may reveal multiple small ovarian
cysts, although some acne patients have ovarian cysts without biochemical evidence of
the polycystic ovarian syndrome.
Skin biopsies are rarely performed for the purpose of diagnosing acne.
Histopathologic findings, however, mirror the pathogenic events described above. The
key pathologic features of acne are follicular plugging and distention and perifollicular
inflammation. Evolving acne lesions may show rupture of the follicle with an influx of
lymphocytes, polymorphonuclear leukocytes, macrophages, and foreign-body giant
cells. Late stages may reveal granuloma formation and/or scarring.
Differential Diagnosis
There are 2 diseases that are rather frequently confused with acne: rosacea (often
called acne rosacea in the older literature) and perioral dermatitis. We will discuss
rosacea in depth later, but it may be distinguished from acne by several features:
Age: rosacea patients are generally older than are acne patients;
Type of lesion: acne lesions are by definition follicular, while rosacea
lesions are not; and
Distribution pattern: rosacea usually affects primarily the central third of the
face, while acne is generally more widespread on the face, neck, back, and
Perioral dermatitis is a difficult disorder to define because of variable
clinical presentations. As the name implies, its distribution pattern is
generally perioral, although occasionally it may be more widely distributed
on the face. The disorder is seen most commonly in young adult women, but
may affect both sexes and all ages. Clinically, it is characterized by a
combination of eczematous and acneiform features. When eczematous
features are absent, the disorder may be difficult to differentiate from acne,
with the perioral pattern often the most useful clue.
Rarer conditions that may present with follicular papules and/or pustules (and
occasionally dermatitis) are Demodex folliculitis and Pityrosporum folliculitis. Caused
by mites and yeast-like organisms, respectively, these disorders can only be diagnosed
by microscopic examination or therapeutic trials. Patients who are suspected of having
these conditions or who fail to respond to appropriate acne therapy should be referred
for a dermatologic consultation.
seem to be especially effective in combination therapy with BP or topical
antibiotics. Such combination therapy seems quite logical when one recalls
the basic pathophysiology of acne, ie, a combination of comedo formation,
proliferation of P acnes, and inflammation. Thus, the value of a regimen
that combines antibiotics to kill P acnes and suppress inflammation with
topical retinoids to resolve comedones and add additional anti-
inflammatory effects is clear.
o Tetinoin 0.025% gel and 0.05% cream.
o Adapalene is available in 0.1% gel (Differin)
o Tazarotene 0.1% gel (Tazorac),
3. Miscellaneous Topical Therapy. Older therapies still available include
arious products containing sulfur, resorcinol, and salicylic acid (decrease
follicular occlusion in acne vulgaris) These are generally less effective than
the newer topical agents discussed above.
4. Azelaic acid (Azelex), a dicarboxylic acid available in a 20% cream with
efficacy against inflammatory (and to a lesser degree, comedonal) lesions.
3. Hormonal
a. Co-cyprindiol, a combined antiandrogen–oestrogen treatment (Dianette: 2
mg cyproterone acetate and 0.035 mg ethinylestradiol), is available in
many countries and may help persistent acne in women.
b. Ethinyl estradiol 35 µg/norgestimate (Ortho Tri-Cyclen) and
ethinylestradiol 20 –35 µg/norethindrone acetate (Estrostep) have been
approved for use in acne in the USA.
c. Spironolactone blocks the androgen receptor, and reduces sebum
production. It may be added to the OCP after 3 months if there has been an
inadequate response. The usual dosage is 25–100 mg/day with food.
4. Physical
a. Treatment with various lasers, in particular the pulsed dye 585 nm laser,
has been tried. While results show some benefit, there are no data on long-
term outcomes, or trials comparing lasers with other acne treatments.
b. Peeling procedures and epidermabrasion with gritty soaps peel off more of
the stratum corneum than they open comedones, and are not generally
Rosacea affects the face of adults, usually women. Although its peak incidence is
in the thirties and forties, it can also be seen in the young or old. It may coexist with
acne but is distinct from it. Rosacea develops gradually. Many patients, unaware that
they suffer from a treatable skin condition, assume that the intermittent facial flushing,
papules, and pustules are adult acne, sun or wind burn, or normal effects of aging.
Correct diagnosis and early treatment of rosacea are important because, if left untreated,
rosacea can progress to irreversible disfigurement and vision loss.
Clinical features
Rosacea is a vascular disorder of distinct, predictable symptoms that follows a
remarkably homogenous clinical course. Rosacea generally involves the cheeks, nose,
chin, and forehead, with a predilection for the nose in men. There are four
acknowledged general stages of rosacea.
1. Stage I can be described as pre-rosacea. This stage is characterized by
frequent blushing, especially in those who have a family history of rosacea.
Blushing as a symptom of rosacea can start in childhood, although the
typical age of onset for rosacea is 30 to 60 years. There might be increased
frequency of facial flushing or complaints of burning, redness, and stinging
when using common skin care products or antiacne therapies.
2. The second stage of rosacea is vascular. At this point in the disease
progression, transitory erythema of midfacial areas, as well as slight
telangiectasias, become apparent.
3. In the third stage of rosacea, the facial redness becomes deeper and
permanent. Telangiectasias increase, and papules and pustules begin to
develop. During this stage, ocular changes, such as conjunctivitis and
blepharitis, can develop. Edema can develop in the region above the
nasolabial folds.
4. In the fourth stage, there is continued and increased skin and ocular
inflammation. Ocular inflammation can progress to keratitis and result in
loss of vision. Multiple telangiectasias can be found in the paranasal region.
It is at this point that fibroplasia and sebaceous hyperplasia of the skin
produces the nasal enlargement known as rhinophyma.
Several skin conditions share some clinical features with rosacea. Acne vulgaris
causes comedones, papules, pustules, and localized inflammatory nodules but not the
generalized erythema, telangiectasias, and other vascular features of rosacea. Seborrheic
dermatitis, perioral dermatitis, and the malar rash of lupus can all cause mild erythema,
but these conditions will not produce the characteristic flushing, telangiectasias,
papules, and pustules of rosacea.
Sarcoidosis can closely mimic rosacea by producing red papules on the face, but
the disease will usually manifest itself in other organs as well. In addition, a biopsy will
show sarcoid granulomas.
The cause is still unknown. Rosacea is often seen in those who flush easily in
response to warmth, spicy food, alcohol or embarrassment. Psychological abnormalities,
including neuroticism and depression, are more often secondary to the skin condition
than their cause. No pharmacological defect has been found that explains these flushing
attacks. However, the warmer skin that results may make normal bacteria behave
differently, setting off papules, pustules and other inflammation. Sebum excretion rate
and skin microbiology are normal. A pathogenic role for the hair follicle mite, Demodex
folliculorum, or for Helicobacter pylori infection of the gastric mucosa has not been
proved. Triggers that cause episodes of flushing and blushing play a part in the
development of rosacea. Exposure to temperature extremes can cause the face to
become flushed as well as strenuous exercise, heat from sunlight, severe sunburn, stress,
anxiety, cold wind, and moving to a warm or hot environment from a cold one such as
heated shops and offices during the winter. There are also some food and drinks that can
trigger flushing, including alcohol, food and beverages containing caffeine (especially,
hot tea and coffee), foods high in histamines and spicy food. Foods high in histamine
(red wine, aged cheeses, yogurt, beer, cured pork products such as bacon, etc.) can even
cause persistent facial flushing in those individuals without rosacea due to a separate
condition, histamine intolerance. Certain medications and topical irritants can quickly
trigger rosacea. Some acne and wrinkle treatments that have been reported to cause
rosacea include microdermabrasion and chemical peels, as well as high dosages of
isotretinoin, benzoyl peroxide, and tretinoin. Steroid induced rosacea is the term given
to rosacea caused by the long term use of topical or nasal steroids oinments. These
steroids are often prescribed for seborrheic dermatitis. Dosage should be slowly
decreased and not immediately stopped to avoid a flare up.
Although the exact pathogenesis of rosacea is unknown, the pathologic process is
well described. The erythema of rosacea is caused by dilation of the superficial
vasculature of the face. It is thought that atrophy of the papillary dermis provides for
easier visualization of the dermal capillaries. Edema can develop as a result of the
increased blood flow in the superficial vasculature. This edema might contribute to the
late-stage fibroplasia and rhinophyma. It has been suggested that Helicobacter pylori
infection is a cause of rosacea. H. pylori, originally implicated as the cause of gastric
ulcers, has more recently been associated with urticaria, Henoch-Schonlein purpura, and
Sjödogren syndrome. Thus the role of H. pylori in rosacea remains uncertain, and the
cause of rosacea remains elusive.
Differential diagnosis
Acne has already been mentioned. Rosacea differs from it by its background of
erythema and telangiectases, and by the absence of comedones. The distribution of the
lesions is different too, as rosacea affects the central face but not the trunk. Also rosacea
usually appears after adolescence. Sun-damaged skin with or without acne cosmetica
causes most diagnostic difficulty. Remember, rosacea affects primarily the central, less
mobile parts of the face, whereas sun damage and acne cosmetica are more generalized
over the face. Seborrhoeic eczema, perioral dermatitis systemic lupus erythematosus
and photodermatitis should be considered but do not show the papulopustules of
The most important first step in the treatment of rosacea is the avoidance of
triggers. Triggers are both exposures and situations that can cause a flare-up of the
flushing and skin changes in rosacea. Principal among these is sun exposure. Rosacea
patients must be advised always to apply a nonirritating facial sun block when outdoors.
Stress, through autonomic activation, can also increase the flushing. Alcohol
consumption, while not a cause in itself, can aggravate this condition through peripheral
vasodilation. Spicy foods can also aggravate the symptoms of rosacea through
autonomic stimulation. Finally, care must be taken to use only those facial cleansers,
lotions, and cosmetics that are nonirritating, hypoallergenic, and noncomedogenic.
Rosacea should be treated at its earliest manifestations to mitigate progression to
the stages of edema and irreversible fibrosis. Antibiotics have traditionally been
considered the first line of therapy, although their success is considered to be primarily
due to anti-inflammatory effects rather than antimicrobial ones.
Oral antibiotics:
o Tetracycline is the primary oral antibiotic prescribed for rosacea
therapy, at a dosage of 1.0 to 1.5 g/d divided into 2 to 4 daily doses.
o Minocycline at 100 mg two times a day is an acceptable alternative.
o Doxycycline is another acceptable alternative, although the
monohydrate formulation, in a dosage of 100 mg once daily, is more
consistently effective and has fewer gastrointestinal side effects than
the hyclate form.
o Clarithromycin, 250 mg to 500 mg twice daily, has been found to be
as effective as doxycycline but with a more benign side effect profile.
Topical metronidazole, which is effective for stage I and stage II rosacea and
avoids the toxicity of systemic treatment, is considered first-line therapy.
Metronidazole is available in a twice-daily application of 0.75% cream or
gel and in a newer once-daily 1.0% formulation.
Azelaic acid is a naturally occurring, dicarboxylic acid possessing
antibacterial activity. It is available as a 20% cream and is generally used as
an alternative treatment for acne vulgaris.
Topical retinoic acid has been shown to have a beneficial effect on the
vascular component of rosacea. (0.05% retinaldehyde cream for 6 months)
Topical vitamin C preparations have recently been studied in the reduction
of the erythema of rosacea. Daily use of an over-the-counter cosmetic 5.0%
vitamin C (L-ascorbic acid) preparation was used in an observer-blinded and
placebo-controlled study.
Two different virus types (HSV-1 and HSV-2) that can be distinguished in the
laboratory cause herpes simplex virus (HSV) infections. HSV-1 is generally associated
with oral infections and HSV-2 with genital infections. HSV-1 genital infections and
HSV-2 oral infections are becoming more common, possibly as a result of oral-genital
sexual contact.
Herpes simplex virus infections have two phases: the primary infection, after which
the virus becomes established in a nerve ganglion; and the secondary phase, characterized
by recurrent disease at the same site.
The rate of recurrence varies with virus type and anatomic site. Genital recurrences
are nearly 6 times more frequent than oral-labial recurrences. Genital HSV-2 infections
recur more often than genital HSV-1 infections. Oral-labial HSV-1 infections recur more
often than HSV-2 infections.
Infections can occur anywhere on the skin. Infection in one area does not protect the
patient from subsequent infection at a different site. Lesions are intraepidermal and
usually heal without scarring.
Primary infection. Many primary infections are asymptomatic and can be detected
only by an elevated IgG antibody titer. Like most virus infections, the severity of disease
increases with age. Respiratory droplets may spread the virus, by direct contact with an
active lesion, or by virus-containing fluid such as saliva or cervical secretions in patients
with no evidence of active disease.
Symptoms occur from 3 to 7 or more days after contact. Tenderness, pain, mild
paresthesias, or burning occur prior to the onset of lesions at the site of inoculation.
Localized pain, tender lymphadenopathy, headache, generalized aching, and fever are
characteristic prodromal symptoms. Some patients have no prodromal symptoms.
Grouped vesicles on an erythematous base appear and subsequently erode. The
vesicles in primary herpes simplex are more numerous and scattered than in the recurrent
infection. The vesicles of herpes simplex are uniform in size in contrast to the vesicles
seen in herpes zoster that vary in size. Mucous membrane lesions accumulate exudate,
where-as skin lesions form a crust. Lesions last for 2 to 6 weeks unless secondarily
infected and heal without scarring.
During this primary infection, the virus enters the nerve endings in the skin directly
below the lesions and ascends through peripheral nerves to the dorsal root ganglia, where
it apparently remains in a latent stage.
Recurrent infection. Local skin trauma, (e.g., ultraviolet light exposure, chapping,
abrasion) or systemic changes (e.g., menses, fatigue, fever) reactivate the virus, which
then travels down the peripheral nerves to the site of initial infection and causes the
characteristic focal, recurrent infection. Recurrent infection is not inevitable. Many
individuals have a rise in antibody titer and never experience recurrence. The prodromal
symptoms, lasting 2 to 24 hours, resemble those of the primary infection. Within 12
hours, a group of lesions evolves rapidly from an erythematousis base to form papules
and then vesicles. The dome-shaped, tense vesicles rapidly umbilical. In 2 to 4 days, they
rupture forming aphthaelike erosions in the mouth and vaginal area or erosions covered
by crusts on the lips and skin. Crusts are shed in approximately 8 days to reveal a pink,
reepithelialized surface.
In contrast to the primary infection, systemic symptoms and lymphadenopathy are
rare unless there is secondary infection.
The frequency of recurrence varies with anatomic site and virus type. The frequency
of recurrence of HSV-2 genital herpes is higher than HSV-1 oral-labial infection. HSV-1
oral infections recur more often than genital HSV-1 infections. HSV-2 genital infections
recur 6 times more frequently than HSV-1 genital infections. The frequency of recurrence
is lowest for oral-labial HSB-2 infections.
I. Oral-labial herpes simplex.
Primary infection. Gingivostomatitis and pharingitis in children between 1
and 5 years.
Recurrent infection. Herpes labialis.
II. Cutaneous herpes simplex.
Herpes simplex may appear on any skin surface.
III. Genital Herpes simplex (herpes progenitalis) (penis, vulva, rectum, cervix,
pubic area).
1. Herpes encephalitis or meningitis can occur without any cutaneous clues.
2. Disseminated herpes simplex: widespread vesicles may be part of a severe
illness in newborns, debilitated children or immunosuppressed adults.
3. Eczema herpeticum: patients with atopic eczema are particularly susceptible
to widespread cutaneous herpes simplex infections. Those looking after pati-
ents with atopic eczema should stay away if they have cold sores.
4. Herpes simplex can cause recurrent dendritic ulcers leading to corneal
None are usually needed. Doubts over the diagnosis can be dispelled by culturing the
virus from vesicle fluid. Antibody titres rise with primary, but not with recurrent
‘Old-fashioned’ remedies suffice for occasional mild recurrent attacks; sunblock
may cut down their frequency. Dabbing with surgical spirit is helpful, and secondary
bacterial infection can be reduced by topical bacitracin, mupirocin, anilini solutions,
framycetin or fusidic acid. Aciclovir cream, applied five or six times a day for the first 4
days of the episode, may cut down the length of attacks. More effective still is oral
aciclovir 200 mg five times daily for 5 days, although this is usually reserved for those
with widespread or systemic involvement. Famciclovir and valaciclovir are metabolized
by the body into aciclovir and are as effective as aciclovir, having the additional
advantage of better absorbtion and fewer doses per day. Recurrences in the
immunocompromised can usually be prevented by long-term treatment at a lower dosage.
Sometimes when we have acyclovir-resistant herpes simplex virus (HSV) and varicella
zoster virus (VZV) we may use foscarnet that inhibits the replication, at least in vitro, of
multiple herpes family viruses, hepatitis B virus, and the human immunodeficiency virus.
Herpes zoster, or shingles, a cutaneous viral infection generally involving the skin of
a single dermatome, occurs during the lifetime of 10% to 20% of all persons. People of
all ages are affected; it occurs regularly in young individuals, but the incidence increases
with age. There is increased incidence of zoster in normal children who acquire chicken
pox when younger than 2 months. Patients with zoster are not more likely to have an
underlying malignancy. Zoster may be the earliest clinical sign of the development of the
acquired immunodeficiency syndrome in high-risk individuals.
Zoster rezults from reactivation of varicella virus that entered the cutaneous nerves
during an earlier episode of chicken pox. Traveled to the dorsal root ganglia, and
remained in a latent form. Age, immunosupressive drugs, lymphoma, fatigue, emotional
upsets, and radiation therapy have been implicated in reactivating the virus, which
subsequently travels back down the sensory nerve infecting the skin. Some patients,
particularly children with herpes zoster, have no history of chicken pox. They may have
acquired chicken pox by the transplacentral route. Although reported, herpes zoster
acquired by direct contact with a patient having active varicella or zoster is rare.
Following contact with such patients, infections are more inclined to result from
reactivation of latent infection.
Clinical manifestation. Preeruptiv pain, itching, orburning, generally localized to
the dermatome, precedes the eruption by 4 to 5 days. Preeruptive tenderness or
hypersthezia throughout the dermatome is a useful predictive sign. Prodromal syndrome
may be absent, particularly in children.
Eruptive phase. Although generally limited to the skin of a single dermatome, the
eruption may involve one or two adjacent dermatomes (ophthalmic, maxillary,
mandibullary, thoracic, sacral zoster). Possibly because chicken pox is centripetal, the
thoracic region is affected in two thirds of herpes zoster cases. An attack of herpes zoster
does not confer lasting immunity, and it is not abnormal to have two or three epizodes in
a lifetime. Occasionally, a few vesicles appear across the medline. The eruption begins
with red, swollen plaques of various sizes and spreads to involve part or all of
The vesicles arise in clusters from the erythematous base and become cloudy with
purulent fluid by day 3 or 4. The vesicles vary in size, in contrast to the cluster of
uniformly sizes vesicles noted in herpes simplex. Successive crops continue to appear for
7 days. Vesicles either umbilical or rupture before forming a crust, which falls off in 2 to
3 weeks. The elderly or debilitated patients may have a prolonged and difficult course.
For them, the eruption is typically more extensive and inflammatory, occasionally
resulting in hemorrhage blisters, skin necrosis, secondary bacterial infection, or extensive
scarring, which is sometimes hypertrophic or keloidal.
1. Postherpetic neuralgia. Pain is the major cause of morbidity in zoster. There is an
increasing incidence and duration of pain with age. Pain can persist in a dermatome
for months or years after the lesions have disappeared. The pain is often severe,
intractable, and exhausting. Postherpetic neuralgia is more common and persists
longer in cases of trigeminal nerve involvement. The mechanism of pain has not
been explained.
2. Dissemination in-patients with cancer, Hodgkin’s disease etc.
3. Motor paresis.
4. Necrosis, infection, and scarring.
5. Encephallitis.
6. Secondary impetiginization
7. Hearing injury and eyes involvement
8. Hypertrophic and keloid scars
Differential diagnosis.
Occasionally, before the rash has appeared, the initial pain is taken for an emergency
such as acute appendicitis or myocardial infarction. An early painful red plaque may
suggest cellulitis until other plaques in the dermatome appear or until vesicles develop on
their tops. Otherwise, the dermatomal distribution and the pain allow zoster to be dis-
tinguished easily from herpes simplex, eczema and impetigo.
1. Acyclovir 800 mg 5 times a day for 7 days. (Valacyclovir 1000 mg 3 times a
day for 7 days; Famcyclovir 500 mg 3 times a day for 7 days).
2. Topical therapy. Burow’s solution or cool tap water.
3. Oral steroids. Steroid recipients report more complications.
4. Sympathetic blocks with 0,25% bupivacaine.
5. Analgesics.
6. Systemic carbamazepine, gabapentin or amitriptyline, or 4 weeks of topical
capsaicin cream despite the burning sensation it sometimes causes, may be
worthwhile for estalished post-herpetic neuralgia.
Warts are benign epidermal neoplasms. Different viruses cause different types of warts.
At least 60 distinct types of human papilloma virus (HPV) have been identified by their
DNA composition (warts - common: 1, 2, 4, 7; warts – flat: 3, 10; plantar: 1, 2, 4).
Warts commonly occur in children and young adults, but may appear at any age.
Warts transmitted simply by touch; it is not unusual to see warts on adjacent toes. Warts
commonly appear at sites of trauma, on the hands, in periungual regions from nail biting,
and on plantar surfaces.
Individual variations in cell-mediated immunity may explain differences in severity
and duration (AIDS, lymphomas, atopic eczema).
Warts: the primary lesion. Viral warts are tumors initiated by a viral infection of
keratinocytes. The cells proliferate to form a mass but the mass remains confined to the
epidermis. There are no ‘roots’ penetrating into the dermis.
1. Common warts. Common warts begin ass smooth, flesh-colored, non
inflammatory papules and evolve into dome-shaped, gray-brown,
hyperkeratotic growths with black dots on the surface, they may have long
asymptomatic evolution. The black dots, which are thrombosed capillaries, are
a useful diagnostic sign and may be exposed by paring the hyperkeratotic
surface with a 15 surgical blade. The first sign is a smooth skin-coloured
papule, often more easily felt than seen. As the lesion enlarges, its irregular
hyperkeratotic surface and vertical shouders give it the classic ‘warty’
appearance. Common warts usually occur on the hands but are also often on
the face and genitals. They are more often multiple than single. Pain is rare.
Generally, the warts to become so numerous that they become confluent and
obscure large areas of normal skin. The histopathological changes specific for
common warts are acanthosis, papillomatosis and hyperkeratosis.Treatment.
Topical salicylic acid preparations, liquid nitrogen, or very light
electrocautery are the best methods for initial therapy The technique for
application of salicylic acid is described in the treatment section for plantar
2. Flat warts Flat warts are pink, light brown, or light yellow, and are slightly
elevated, flat-topped papules that vary in size from 0,1 to 0,3 cm. There may
be only a few, but generally they are numerous. Typical sites of involvement
are the forehead, about the mouth, the backs of the hands, and shaved areas
such as the beard area in men and the lower legs in women. A line of flat
warts may appear as a result of scratching these sites. Flat warts are
epidermal, solid, nitidous papules which involved dorsal surfaces of the
hands, scalp and face. Treatment. Flat warts present a special therapeutic
problem. Their duration may lengthy and they may be very resistant to
treatment. In addition, they are generally located in cosmetically important
areas where aggressive, scarring procedures are to be avoided. Treatment may
be started with tretinoin cream 0,025%, 0,05%, or 0,1%, applied at bedtime
over the entire involved area. The frequency of application is subsequently
adjusted in order to produce a fine scaling with mild erythema. Treatment may
be required for weeks or months and often is not effective. Freezing individual
lesions with liquid nitrogen or exercising a very light touch with the
electrocautery needle may be performed for patients who are concerned with
cosmetic appearance and desire quick results. Treatment with 5-fluoroucill
cream applied once or twice a day for 3 to 5 weeks may produce dramatic
clearing of flat warts; it is worth the attempt if other measures fail. Persistent
hyperpigmentation may occur following 5-fluorouracill use. This result may
be minimized by applying the individual lesions with a cotton-tipped
applicator. Warts may reappear in skin inflamed by 5-fluorouracill.
3. Plantar warts. Patients may refer to warts on any surface as plantar warts.
Plantar warts frequently occur at points of maximum pressure, such as over
the heads of the metatarsal bones or on the heels. A thick, painful callus forms
in response to pressure and the foot is repositioned while walking. This may
result in distortion of posture and pain in other parts of the foot, leg, or back.
A little wart can cause a lot of trouble. Warts may appear anywhere on the
plantar surface. A cluster of many warts that appears to fuse is referred to as a
mosaic wart. Treatment. Plantar warts do not require therapy as long as they
are painless. Although their number may increase, it is sometimes best simply
to explain the natural history of the virus infection and for resolution rather
than subject the patient to a long treatment program. Minimal discomfort can
be relieved by periodically removing the callus with a blade or pumice stone.
Painful warts must be treated. A technique that does not cause scarring should
be used; scars on the soles of the feet may be painful and a lasting source of
discomfort. Keratolytic therapy (salicylic acid).
1. Keratolitic therapy (40% salicylic acid plasters for 24-48 ore).
2. Blunt disection.
3. Chemotherapy (Bichloracetic acid).
4. Formalin 4% for 30 min.
5. Cryosurgery.
6. Contact immunotherapy (DNCB).
7. Intralesional bleomycin sulfate.
4. Plane warts These smooth flat-topped papules are most common on the face
and brow, on the backs of the hands and on the shaven legs of women.
Usually skin-coloured or light brown, they become inflamed as a result of an
immunological reaction, just before they resolve spontaneously. Lesions are
multiple, painless and, like common warts, are sometimes arranged along a
scratch line.
5. Anogenital warts (condyloma acuminata) Papillomatous cauliflower-like
lesions, with a moist macerated vascular surface, can appear anywhere in this
area usualy anogenital. They may coalesce to form huge fungat- ing plagues
causing discomfort and irritation. The vaginal and anorectal mucosae may be
affected. The presence of anogenital warts in children raises the spectre of
sexual abuse, but is usually caused by autoinoculation from common warts
Warts resolve spontaneously in the healthy as the immune response overcomes the
infection. This happens within 6 months in some 30% of patients, and within 2years in
65%. Such spontaneous resolution, sometimes heralded by a punctate blackening caused
by capillary thrombosis leaves no trace. Mosaic warts are notoriously slow to resolve and
often resist all treatments. Warts persist and spread in immunocompromised patients (e.g.
those on immunosuppressive therapy or with lymphoreticular disease). Seventy per cent
of renal allograft recipients will have warts 5 years after transplantation.
Human papillomaviruses are confirmed by biopsy or molecular and biochemical
1. Some plantar warts are very painful.
2. Epidermodysplasia verruciformis is a rare inherited disorder in which there is
a universal wart infection, usually with HPV of unusual types. An impairment
of cell-mediated immunity is commonly found and ensuing carcinomatous
change frequently occurs.
3. Malignant change is otherwise rare, although infection with HPV types 16 and
18 predisposes to cervical carcinoma. HPV infections in
immunocompromised patients (e.g. renal allograft recipients) have also been
linked with skin cancer, especially on lightexposed areas.
Differential diagnosis
Most warts are easily recognized. The following must be ruled out.
1. Molluscum contagiosum are smooth, domeshaped and pearly, with central
2. Plantar corns are found on pressure areas; there is no capillary bleeding on
paring. They have a central keratotic core and are painful.
3. Granuloma annulare lesions have a smooth surface, as the lesions are dermal,
and their outline is often annular.
4. Condyloma lata are seen in syphilis. They are rare but should not be confused
with condyloma acuminata (warts). The lesions are flatter, greyer and less
well defined. If in doubt, look for other signs of secondary syphilis and carry
out serological tests.
5. Amelanotic melanomas, squamous cell carcinomas and other epithelial
malignancies can present as verrucose nodules – those in patients over the age
of 40 years should be examined with special care.
This common pox virus infection can be spread by direct contact (e.g. sexually or by
sharing a towel at the swimming bath).
core, gives the lesions their characteristic umbilicated look.
On close inspection, a mosaic appearance may be seen. Multiple lesions are common
and their distribution depends on the mode of infection. Atopic individuals and the
immunocompromised are prone to especially extensive infections, spread by scratching
and the use of topical steroids.
Untreated lesions usually clear in 6 – 9 months, often after a brief local
inflammation. Large solitary lesions may take longer. Some leave depressed scars.
Clinical manifestations.
Molluscum contagiosum is a virus infection of the skin characterized by discrete, 2-
to 5- mm, slightly umbilicated, flesh-colored, dome-shaped papules. It spreads by
autoinoculation, by scratching, or by touching a lesion. The areas most commonly
involved are the face, trunk, axillae, extremities in children, and the pubic and genital
areas in adults. Lesions are frequently grouped; there may be few or many covering a
wide area. Unilike warts, the palms and soles are not involved. It is not uncommon to see
erythema and scaling at the periphery of a single or several lesions. This may be the result
of inflammation from scratching or may be a hypersensitivity reaction. Lesions spread to
inflamed skin, such as areas of atopic dermatitis. The individual lesion begins as a
smooth, dome-shaped, white-to-flesh colored papule. With time, the center becomes solf
and umbilicated. Most lesions are self-limiting and clear spontaneously in 6 to 9 months;
however, they may last much longer. Genital molluscum contagiosum may be a
manifestation of sexual abuse in children.
Eczematous patches often appear around mollusca. Traumatized or overtreated
lesions may become secondarily infected.
Differential diagnosis
Inflamed lesions can simulate a boil. Large solitary lesions in adults can be confused
with a keratoanthoma, an intradermal naevus or even a cystic basal cell carcinoma.
Confusion with warts should not arise as these have a rough surface and no central pore.
None are usually needed, but the diagnosis can be confirmed by looking under the
microscope for large swollen epidermal cells, easily seen in unstained preparations of
debris expressed from a lesion. Extensive mollusa of the beard area may suggest need for
HIV testing.
Many simple destructive measures cause inflammation and then resolution. They
include squeezing out the lesions with forceps, piercing them with an orange stick
(preferably without phenol) and curettage. Liquid nitrogen, wart paints and topical
imiquimod may also be helpful.
These measures are fine for adults, but young children dislike them and as mollusca
are selflimiting, doing nothing is often the best option. Sometimes a local anaesthetic
cream (EMLA) under polythene occlusion for an hour, will help children to tolerate more
attacking treatment. Sparse eyelid lesions can be left alone but patients with numerous
lesions may need to be referred to an ophthalmologist for curettage. Common sense
measures help to limit spread within the family
1. Curettage.
2. Cryosurgery.
3. Tretinoin cream or gel.
4. Salicylic acid.
5. Cantharidin.
6. Laser therapy.