Unit 10 Grammar
Unit 10 Grammar
Unit 10 Grammar
1 Complete the New Year’s resolutions with a 5. She’s getting a haircut this morning. (-)
form of going to and a verb from the list. _______________________________
swim | not eat | spend | run | read | play 6. They’re practicing with their band tomorrow
evening. (?)
1. I am going to swim at the beach every day. _______________________________
2. I _______________ 5km on Tuesdays and 4 Complete the diary entry with verbs in the
Thursdays. present continuous.
3. We ___________ more time with friends. Dear diary,
4. I ______________ more often with my little Tomorrow the family and I 1are going to the
brothers. beach in Málaga. We 2_________up at 5am. Then
5. They ________________ at least 3 books a I 3_________ breakfast with my sister at 5:30 while
month. my parents pack the car. We 4 _________ for the
6. I ______________ so many sweets. airport at 7am, and we 5 _________ up my cousins
first because they 6 _________ with us. When we
2 Write sentences about what is going to get there we 7 _________ straight to the hotel and
happen. then the beach! I 8 _________ a tan on this trip!
1. The dog is hungry. There’s a steak on the
table. 5 Rewrite the sentences using adverbs.
The dog’s going to eat the steak. 1. This game is easy to win. I can win this game
2. She has 10€. The CD costs 15€. easily.
_______________________________ 2. He’s very bad at basketball. He
3. She’s holding her hand up and smiling. She ________________.
has a mobile. 3. It was an accident. I broke ________________.
_______________________________ 4. He was very noisy when he came into the
4. They are walking towards the supermarket. room. He ________________.
_______________________________ 5. I felt very lazy doing my homework. I did
5. His friends are going dancing. He doesn’t feel ________________.
well. 6. It was a very violent act. They
_______________________________ ________________.
6. She’s very hot. She has air conditioning.
_______________________________ 6 Write 2 things you’ve arranged to do
3 Change the sentences to affirmative (+), 1. _______________________________
negative (-) or questions (?). 2. _______________________________
1. I’m going to Tokyo on holiday. (-) Write 2 things you’ve arranged to do or intend
I’m not going to Tokyo on holiday. to do this summer.
2. We’re having roast beef for supper. (?) 3. _______________________________
_______________________________ 4. _______________________________
3. Is he going to the concert later? (-) Write 2 things you intend to do in the future.
_______________________________ 5. _______________________________
4. They’re not going parachuting on Sunday. (+) 6. _______________________________
6 (possible answers)
1. I’m not going to Tokyo on holiday.
2. Are we having roast beef for supper? 1. I’m meeting friends in the park.
3. He’s not going to the concert later. 2. I’m having dinner with my family.
4. They’re going parachuting on Sunday. 3. I’m studying for exams after dinner.
5. She’s not getting a haircut this morning. 4. I’m traveling to London.
6. Are they practicing with their band 5. I’m taking the train to Paris from London.
tomorrow evening? 6. I’m going to eat a crêpe in a café.
7. I’m going to go to university abroad.
8. I’m going to be a doctor.