Sts Case Study

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Andrada, Joanna Michelle

Cogal, Ricardo

Palomares, Khyla Marie

Rabaya, Antonio

Vergara, Mhicke Stephen

Bachelor of Science in Accountancy

Manila Business College, Sta. Cruz Manila

GESTS-1 Science, Technology and Society

Ma. Teresa Piñon



The main goal of researching the advantages of stress management through

mindfulness and meditation is to emphasize the significant positive effects these
approaches may have on people's wellbeing. The purpose of this study is to clarify the
benefits that regular practice of mindfulness and meditation has on the mind and
body. One of the objectives of this case study is to Evaluate the effects of mindfulness
and meditation on mental health is an important goal. This investigation seeks to
pinpoint changes in mood, anxiety levels, and general psychological well-being that
can be linked to regular participation in these contemplative activities through a
review of empirical research and anecdotal data. Additionally, this research aims to
offer useful advice on how people might include mindfulness and meditation into
their daily routines. The aim of this study is to provide practical guidance on the
integration of stress management approaches, length recommendations, and
appropriate situations. Clarifying the long-term advantages of using mindfulness and
meditation as long-term stress management techniques is also a primary goal. This
investigation seeks to highlight the enduring benefits and sustainability of these
behaviors on people's stress resilience through an analysis of long-term studies and
personal experiences.


Background of the Study

Meditation and mindfulness practices have been found to have a variety of health
benefits and can help people improve the quality of their lives. According to the
American Psychological Association, mindfulness meditation can improve both
mental and physical health by reducing stress, anxiety, and depression. Practicing
mindfulness involves breathing methods, guided imagery, and other practices to relax
the body and mind and help reduce stress. Mindfulness-based stress reduction
(MBSR) is a therapeutic intervention that involves weekly group classes and daily
mindfulness exercises to practice at home, over an 8-week period. MBSR teaches
people how to increase mindfulness through yoga and meditation. Mindfulness-based
cognitive therapy (MBCT) is a therapeutic intervention that combines elements of
MBSR and cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) to treat people with depression.
Researchers reviewed more than 200 studies of mindfulness among healthy people
and found mindfulness-based therapy was especially effective for reducing stress,
anxiety, and depression

The purpose of mindfulness meditation is to achieve a mental state of calm

concentration and positive emotions. Mindfulness has two main parts: attention and
acceptance. The attention piece is about tuning into your experiences to focus on
what’s happening in the present moment. It typically involves directing your
awareness to your breath, your thoughts, the physical sensations in your body, and the
feelings you are experiencing. The acceptance piece involves observing those feelings
and sensations without judgment. Instead of responding or reacting to those thoughts
or feelings, you aim to note them and let them go. The goal of meditation, on the other
hand, is to build awareness, increase peace and calm, and live more fully in the
present moment

Supporting Data

Meditation is a popular technique for reducing stress and anxiety. According to the
Mayo Clinic, meditation can help you gain a new perspective on stressful situations,


build skills to manage your stress, increase self-awareness, focus on the present,
reduce negative emotions, increase imagination and creativity, increase patience and
tolerance, lower resting heart rate, lower resting blood pressure, and improve sleep

The Mayo Clinic also provides a simple guide to practice meditation whenever you
need it most. You can practice meditation wherever you are, whether you’re out for a
walk, riding the bus, waiting at the doctor’s office, or even in the middle of a difficult
business meeting.

If you’re new to meditation, you may want to try mindfulness exercises. Mindfulness
is a type of meditation in which you focus on being intensely aware of what you’re
sensing and feeling in the moment, without interpretation or judgment. Practicing
mindfulness involves breathing methods, guided imagery, and other practices to relax
the body and mind and help reduce stress.

Headspace suggests that numerous studies have shown that meditation is an effective
stress-management tool, ultimately reprogramming the brain to the extent that
meditators end up with more capacity to manage stress when meditation is a
consistent, daily practice

APA states that mindfulness-based stress reduction (MBSR) is a therapeutic

intervention that involves weekly group classes and daily mindfulness exercises to
practice at home, over an 8-week period. MBSR teaches people how to increase
mindfulness through yoga and meditation. Mindful provides a comprehensive guide
on how to manage stress with mindfulness and meditation. The guide includes tips on
how to practice mindfulness meditation, deep breathing, and listening to music.

Jon Kabat-Zinn, a godfather of modern Mindfulness, is a professor emeritus of

medicine and in 1979, he created the Stress Reduction Clinic and the Centre for
Mindfulness in Medicine, Health Care, and Society at the University of Massachusetts
Medical School. He is also the proponent of Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction


According to Laura Harold (2023), Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction is a type of

meditation which requires an instructor to help the following participants to lower or
reduce the stress level of an individual experiencing different kinds of physical and
mental distress. The following practices included in Mindfulness-Based Stress
Reduction are breathing technique, gratitude journaling, group dialogue, meditation,
yoga and many more; each distinct practice or task has distinct benefits to a person
who is experiencing distress.

Some celebrities or known personalities also share their experiences by practicing

mindfulness, one of them is Tracee Ellis Ross, an American actress who shares her
soothing exercise to her followers on Instagram especially during the Black Lives
Matter movement. Lady Gaga an American singer, songwriter, and actress also share
or encourage her followers to do it for themselves and she hosted a live meditation on
her Instagram in attempt to spread love saying, "If you choose to meditate with me I
will explain how meditation is important in my life and how I will be doing I practice
it before we get started.” Even though they are successful in their own respective field
they also experience physical or mental distress, and mostly their response to that is
by using or practicing mindfulness.

Problems encountered when doing meditation and mindfulness practices

Meditation and mindfulness has significant effects on our lives. These practices will
give an individual clarity and peace that is beneficial to their well-being. However,
there are hindrances that a person may encounter when doing these practices such as:

1. Restlessness - A person that is new to practicing meditation and mindfulness

may find it difficult to focus on doing certain activities. They may find it hard
to keep their mind calm and quiet because of unsettled feelings that could lead
to a flood of thoughts. Although it is normal to experience this challenge, this
could be draining to the mental and physical health of a person.


2. Emotional Distress - Some people may wonder if these practices will give
them the results that they want. They may feel different emotions such as
anxiousness, doubts, and frustration that makes it difficult to do the practices.
Additionally, an individual may not be okay on how things are going because
they feel inadequate and unworthy during the process.
3. Sleepiness - A person who is new to the practices often encounters challenges
such as being sleepy. It can be hard to concentrate on meditation and
mindfulness, leading to tiredness and restlessness. Emotions like frustration,
shame, anxiousness, and anger may drain an individual resulting in sleepiness
later on. However, sleepiness can be a positive outcome of doing the practices,
as meditation and mindfulness promote mental relaxation. Yet it is crucial to
be alert and avoid dozing off.
4. Impatient - Each person has many tasks to do and needs to accomplish those
tasks as soon as possible, especially if it is crucial. If you are doing meditation
and you are currently in that meditation session, suddenly you remember that
you have to do something urgent. You will immediately stop meditating and
proceed to what you need to accomplish. This impatient thing may be the
greatest obstacle to every person’s meditation session. A person who is
impatient in meditating may result in ending his meditation session early,
which impedes his concentration, and makes him stop doing it.
5. Lack of Time - People often set an intention to meditate but most of the time
it ends up getting tossed aside for more crucial things. We often think that
there are a lot of things to do other than meditation, especially those who are
more focused on reaching their goals. They tend to set aside meditation and
concentrate on the things that would help them to earn more profit for their


Survey/ Supporting Document

Question Respondent Respondent Respondent 3 Respondent 4 Respondent

1 2 5

Meditation Agree Strongly Agree Disagree Agree

helps me to Agree
reduce Interpretatio Interpretation Interpretation: Interpretatio
stress and n: Interpretatio : In which the n:
anxiety. In which the n: In which the respondent In which the
(Strongly respondent In which the respondent is has an anger respondent
Agree, is currently respondent is searching and issue in which is having a
Agree, learning the currently reading on he cannot hard time in
Disagree, meditation taking up BS what’s the control learning the
Strongly at the early Psychology benefits of himself when meditation
Disagree) stage of in which meditation, he feels stress but she is
learning the meditation is he is or anxiety, he continuously
respondent one of their convinced also states trying and
felt that class topics that that looking at
meditation she dive into meditation meditation the little
helped him it and make would really would be improvemen
to reduce his it a habit help an helpful if he t as a result
stress. everyday individual if can control of learning
where she he/she has his emotions the
will do long patience. but as of now meditation.
meditation to meditation
reduce her isn't helping
stress. . him.

2. Strongly Strongly Strongly Agree Strongly


Mindfulnes Agree Agree Agree Agree

s practices
my ability
to manage
and react
calmly in

3. I often Strongly Strongly Strongly Strongly Strongly

feel a sense Agree Agree Agree Disagree Agree
of calmness
engaging in

4. Strongly Strongly Strongly Disagree Strongly

Meditation Agree Agree Agree Agree
helps me
stress and


5. I am Strongly Strongly Strongly Strongly Strongly

likely to Agree Agree Agree Agree Agree
to a friend
their overall

Question Respondent Respondent Respondent 8 Respondent 9 Respondent 10

6 7

Meditation Strongly Strongly Agree Agree Agree

helps me to Agree Agree
reduce Interpretation: Interpretation Interpretation:
stress and Interpretatio Interpretatio In which the : In which the
anxiety. n: n: respondent In which the respondent
(Strongly In which the In which the says that the respondent states that
Agree, respondent respondent result of says that meditation
Agree, learned and attended one meditation on meditation reduce the
Disagree, mastered the seminar her side is felt helps him to blood pressure
Strongly way of doing about that her reduce the she’s
Disagree) the meditation energy doubts, anger experiencing
meditation and she try to increases and confusion before
where his learn the whenever she in his learning the
cognitive meditation as do meditation everyday life. meditaion


flexibility is it states on in the He can also

improved he the seminar morning control his
also states its one emotions and
that when he benefit is it feelings..
learned helps to
meditation control her
his insomnia thoughts now
reduced. she can
justify that
from their

2. Strongly Strongly Strongly Strongly Strongly

Mindfulnes Agree Agree Agree Agree Agree
s practices
my ability
to manage
and react
calmly in

3. I often Strongly Strongly Strongly Strongly Strongly

feel a sense Agree Agree Agree Agree Agree
of calmness


engaging in

4. Strongly Strongly Strongly Agree Strongly

Meditation Agree Agree Agree Agree
helps me
stress and

5. I am Strongly Strongly Strongly Agree Strongly

likely to Agree Agree Agree Agree
to a friend
their overall

Overall interpretation
It is evident from the survey results that overall wellbeing, positive thinking, and
meditation are strongly correlated. After integrating meditation and positive thinking


into their daily lives, the majority of participants reported feeling better mentally and

This view is supported by several important findings:

1. Improved Mental Health:A sizable portion of participants stated that their mental
health had significantly improved, with less instances of stress, anxiety, and depressed
symptoms. This implies that encouraging mental health may be greatly aided by
meditation and positive thought.

2. Improved Focus and Concentration: A number of participants reported that

frequent meditation practice helped them focus and remain focused. This might
improve cognitive function and productivity.

3. Increased Mindfulness: According to study participants, who reported being more

conscious of their thoughts and feelings, meditation helps people become more
thoughtful. Improved emotional resilience and self-regulation might result from this
increased awareness.

4. Beneficial Effect on Physical Health: A few individuals mentioned feeling better

physically, including more energy generally, less stress, and higher-quality sleep.
These results imply that the advantages of positive thinking and meditation can go
beyond mental health.

5. Improved Emotional Well-Being: Most participants expressed a more upbeat

attitude on life and greater levels of satisfaction and happiness. This shows that a
major factor in promoting emotional well-being is developing a positive mindset
through methods like positive thinking.


Ultimately, the survey results validate the notion that people's lives can be positively
impacted by positive thinking and meditation, which can benefit their mental,
emotional, and even physical health. The findings imply that adopting these habits
into daily living may result in a more contented and balanced existence. It's important
to remember that everyone's experiences are unique, and more study may shed light
on the precise processes by which positive thinking and meditation achieve their
advantageous benefits.


In the modern world, using mindfulness and meditation techniques to manage stress is
becoming more and more popular. People can get a variety of physical, mental, and
emotional advantages by practicing present-moment mindfulness and adopting a
nonjudgmental perspective. It has been demonstrated that meditation practice lowers
stress levels, improves emotional well-being, and advances mental health in general.
Furthermore, by practicing mindfulness, people can respond to stressors with
increased resilience and adaptation, which promotes balance and serenity in the face
of adversity. The beneficial effects of meditation on physiological stress markers,
such as decreased cortisol levels and increased heart rate variability, have been
repeatedly demonstrated by scientific studies. Furthermore, improved focus,
attentiveness, and cognitive flexibility have cognitive advantages that make stress
management more efficient and composed. People who incorporate mindfulness and
meditation into their daily routines may discover that they are better able to handle the
pressures of a world that is frequently overwhelming and moves quickly.

These techniques are also easily accessible, which makes them adaptable stress-
reduction strategies. People can select the method that best fits their tastes and lives,
whether it be through guided meditation sessions, mindfulness applications, or easy
breath awareness exercises. This flexibility increases the viability of integrating


mindfulness and meditation into everyday living, making it a long-term and

sustainable stress-reduction strategy.

Essentially, an overwhelming body of research indicates that incorporating

mindfulness and meditation into one's daily routine can result in a life that is more
robust, balanced, and stress-resilient. People who accept these age-old practices in the
context of modern life might embark on a life-changing path toward improved
wellbeing and inner peace.



● 5 Challenges in Meditation and How to Handle Them. (n.d.). Gaia.
● Experts, B. Y. H. M. &. M. (2023, October 13). Meditation for stress.
● Janette. (2018, March 19). Jon Kabat-Zinn – the godfather of modern
Mindfulness. Mindfulness and Mindfulness Exercises.
● Kane, R. (2023, August 15). What Is The Goal Of Meditation? Mindfulness
● Malivindi, D. (2021, December 6). 15 Celebrities Who Swear By Meditation
To Improve Their Mental Health. Marie Claire.
● Meditation: A simple, fast way to reduce stress. (2022, April 29). Mayo
● Mindfulness exercises. (2022, October 11). Mayo Clinic.
● Mindfulness meditation: A research-proven way to reduce stress. (2019,
October 30)


● Mukhwana, J. (2023, October 16). 6 Common Meditation Challenges And

How To Overcome Them. BetterMe Blog.
● Staff, M. (2023, April 6). How to Manage Stress with Mindfulness and
Meditation. Mindful.
● Stahl, B., & Flowers, S. (2021, November 23). Overcome these five common
obstacles to meditation. Mindful.


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