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p-ISSN: 0972-6268

Nature Environment and Pollution Technology (Print copies up to 2016)

Vol. 19 No. 2 pp. 521-538 2020
An International Quarterly Scientific Journal
e-ISSN: 2395-3454

Original Research Paper

Original Research Paper Open Access Journal

Field Performance and Economic Feasibility of Self-Propelled Vertical Conveyor

Reaper (VCR) for Harvesting of Rice in West Sikkim and A Technological Strategy
for Mitigation of Air Pollution through Crop Residue Burning in India
Abhijit Debnath*†1 and Narvendra Singh Chauhan*
*Department of Farm Machinery & Power Engineering, College of Agricultural Engineering & Post Harvest Technology
(Central Agricultural University, Imphal), Ranipool, Gangtok-737135, Sikkim, India
†Correspondence author: Abhijit Debnath;
Present Address: Department of Civil Engineering, IIT (BHU), Varanasi-221005, Uttar Pradesh, India

Nat. Env. & Poll. Tech.
Website: Sikkim is a small Indian state located in the Himalayan region with 10.67 thousand hectares under
cultivation and rice production of 19.69 thousand tonnes. Mechanized rice harvesting can play a crucial
Received: 09-08-2019 role in reducing grain loss and operational cost. To mechanize rice harvesting in hilly areas, a feasibility
Accepted: 27-08-2019 study has been undertaken to evaluate the field performance of self-propelled Vertical Conveyor
Key Words: Reaper (VCR) for the harvesting of rice as well as economically in terraces of Daramdin Government
Harvesting of rice; farm, Sikkim. In India, out of total 488 MT crop residue, about 24% of it was burnt in agricultural fields
Vertical Conveyor reaper; during 2017, resulting in emissions of particulate matter (PM2.5), elemental carbon (EC) and organic
Cost efficiency; carbon (OC) and additionally CO2 equivalent greenhouse gases (CO2, CH4, N2O) were also added to
Air pollution; the atmosphere. VCR has been evaluated under the Bureau of Indian Standards (BIS) code in field &
Crop residue laboratory conditions. The pre and post-harvesting field parameters for operating the VCR have been
determined. The field capacity and efficiency of VCR were 0.1203 ha/h and 72.03% at 1.52 km/h,
compared to 0.0178 ha/h in manual operation. At lower speed and better control, terrace-1 losses
were 0.58% less than terrace-2. The harvesting cost/ha calculated considering the field capacity was
Rs.1140.59/ha (US$16.44) and Rs. 1368.61/ha (US$19.73) for gear-1 and gear-2 respectively, which
leads to considerable savings in time and labour which was 85.2% and 30.8% for the operational
cost (gear-1) giving maximum efficiency. Also, instead of manual operation where stubble height
remains at 70 mm, VCR harvest the crop at a maximum height of 11-13 mm, which further reduces
the crop residue burning in fields and results in mitigation of air pollution. Therefore, in hilly terraces or
plane areas where the use of reaper is feasible, its use may be promoted as efficient harvesting and
environmental strategy both.

INTRODUCTION the cost of cultivation very high in Sikkim. Topography and

climatic condition of the state are favourable for agriculture
Harvesting of crops is one of the time and labour consuming and horticulture in the state as different principal crops grown
agricultural operations in peak harvesting season to get max- in Sikkim are: wheat, paddy, maize, barley, buckwheat, car-
imum return and minimum losses. Mechanical harvesting of damom, potato, tea, etc. In Sikkim, the cultivation is carried
all most all cereal crops is a challenging problem in India and out in two conditions namely in terraces and valleys. The area
tropical countries as India has good potential for increasing occupied under rice cultivation and production in 2013-14
production, method of harvesting are still primitive, and was 11040 hectares and 20.18 MT respectively and while
farmer use hand sickle for this purpose (Tripathi et al. 2018a, from 2012-13 to 2015-16 the production was subsequently
Tripathi et al. 2018b). The agriculture status of Sikkim thus decreased from 21.34 MT to 19.69 MT.
remained highly subsistence-oriented. Major obstacles of It is the fact that crop productivity of any region highly
the State’s agricultural development are the limited area depends on the farm power availability. In Sikkim, most of
of cultivable land, smaller and fragmented land holdings, the field crops are cultivated either in sloping fields or in
difficult hilly terrain, and diverse agro-climatic condition narrow terraces. The farm mechanization in Sikkim is almost
prevailing at short distances, low farm income, declining la- non-existent and mainly depends on human and draft animal.
bour availability for agriculture and allied activities, and lack Due to very steep slopes, the terraces are narrow and at times
of adequate supportive infrastructures (FS & ADD 2016). with a vertical interval of nearly 6 to 7 feet. Even scope for
Further, its dependence on traditional methods has made the use of conventional power tillers (Rated power 8 to 10
522 Abhijit Debnath and Narvendra Singh Chauhan

kW; Weight 200 to 400 kg) is limited to a few pockets of West straw grain ratio, moisture content and crop yield an also area
Sikkim. The use of a machine of large size is not feasible harvested, operational speed, working width, stubble height
due to the narrow and non-uniform width of terraces and the achieved and losses (Kathirvel et al. 2009).
heavy weight of the machine. Researchers indicated that self-propelled vertical con-
Tillage, inter-culture and sowing equipment are specific veyor reaper windrowers are suitable for harvesting crop
to the type of land and those designed for plain lands does with low plant population, plant height, crop canopy and
not necessarily suit to hill agriculture. The soil of Sikkim is low yield levels under rainfed conditions (Alizadeh et al.
mostly rocky and is also prone to landslide. Therefore, there 2007, Bansal & Sakr 1992, Gill et al. 2018). Three different
arises a need to tackle these difficulties by carrying out vari- combined performances in terms of harvesting time, grain
ous possible solutions. Despite excellent climatic conditions, losses, fuel consumption, the energy required and total cost
abundant rainfall, and fertile soil (high organic content) of were compared and found that field efficiency of 70.5% at
the region, the productivity of different crops is much lower speed about 4.0 km/h and grain moisture content of 22%
as compared to national productivity level. Further, manual (Badr 2005). The parameters that were used to measure
harvesting of crop requires considerable labour and time. during crop harvesting as follows-(1) speed of travel (2)
Harvesting, threshing, and transplanting consume about 70 time losses and effective operating time (3) field efficiencies
per cent of the total labour requirement (Kumar et al. 2013). (4) effective field capacity (5) harvesting loss (6) harvesting
Harvesting operation alone consumes 20 per cent which cost. Front-mounted NDUAT (Narendra Deva University of
includes harvesting by sickles and bundle making (Dutt & Agriculture Technology, Faizabad, India) vertical conveyer
Prasad 2002). During harvesting season, sufficient labourers reaper was compared with the conventional method regarding
are not available, and this leads to delayed harvesting and field capacity, forward speed and manpower for harvesting
thus resulting in considerable losses of the crop. Therefore, in hilly areas. The capacity of the machine at the farm was
mechanizing the harvesting, through the introduction of the observed 93% more than the manual harvesting (0.009 ha/h)
self-propelled machine is one of the alternatives to tackle the and saved 35% cost of operation with two times labour (Singh
problem, and reduce grain losses due to delayed harvesting et al. 2007). Improvements and assessment are required due
and save the duration of harvesting. Where government have to inherent shortcomings like the drudgery of operation and
adopted and promoted combines for harvesting, but due to non-suitability to harvest taller food crops that increase the
large quantity of straw handling after harvesting and disposal utility of reaper (Singh et al. 2008). The field capacity of
of waste products creating environmental pollution by burn- harvesting paddy through VCR was 0.3 ha/h with 73% at
ing in the field to prepare for next season. On the other hand, speed 3.2 km/h and 5.5 L/ha fuel consumption respectively.
reaper harvesters are other alternative harvesting equipment. Manual harvesting was Rs. 400/ha (US$5.77) costlier than
The present study addresses the relevance of Vertical mechanical harvesting (Manjunatha 2009). Performance
Conveyor Reaper in the agricultural development of the evaluation of VCR was carried for wheat crop varieties WH
state. Researchers have analysed for different width of cut 147 and HD 2189 with BIS test code procedure. The header
and field grain yields and at what width of cut the costs of loss, conveying loss, and total machine losses were 0.85 %,
complete machine are reaping with manual gathering would 3.1%, and 3.95%, respectively. The cost of the harvesting
be equal to those of manual harvesting (Garg et al. 1984, with the straight-line method was found to be Rs. 677.50 /
Guruswamy et al. 1996). Reaper performance in relatively ha (US$9.77) with field capacity 0.13 ha/h, saving up to 44
high working speed, giving it an overall reaping output of per cent cost of harvesting (Kurhekar & Patil 2011). The
about 0.35 ha/h for 1.6 m wide cut and other three reapers, harvesting for Finger millet (Eleusinecoraconagaertn) in the
two were of 1 m cut, and the other was 0.5 m cut (Prasad GKVK (Gandhi Krishi Vignana Kendra), Bangalore with
et al. 1992). The effective field capacity of reaper was 0.43 four different commercial reapers viz. Sharchi, Fortune,
ha/h using gear combination II with 76% field efficiencies KAMCO (Kerala Agro Machinery Corporation Ltd., India)
(Nadeem & Gee-Clough 1983). Grain losses in wheat crop and Vinayaka make power tiller reaper attachment was car-
harvesting by Sayyed reaper-windrower in two different ried out while it is better by using the Shrachi reaper fitted
locations (Malir and Latif farm) were 1.03% and 1.46% at with 24 cutting blades optimized with 90 cm cutting width.
different crop moisture levels, and farm losses in machine The minimum and satisfactory harvesting stubble height of
and manual harvesting are 41.1 kg/ha and 84.9 kg/ha in case 8-9 cm with negligible shattering losses observed by using
of Malir and Latif farms were 48.0 kg/ha and 139.6 kg/ha re- Shrachi reaper compared to other reapers. Feasibility study
spectively (Bukhari et al. 1991). The crop conditions included of such equipment is required before their promotion for the
crop variety, age of the crop, plant height, plant population, harvesting of crops in the hilly region.

Vol. 19, No. 2, 2020 • Nature Environment and Pollution Technology


Biomass burning is an important source of aerosol and 2005, McNeill 2017). The declining air quality is a great
gaseous pollutants in the atmosphere, other than industrial concern due to residue burning in the rural areas which
and vehicular emissions having a potential impact on global harm human health and the environment, and there is a
air quality and climate chemistry (Andreae 1991, Levine need to minimize the dispersion of burning emissions in the
et al. 1995, Andreae & Merlet 2001, Yang et al. 2008). Open atmosphere (Awasthi et al. 2011, Ravindra et al. 2016a).
biomass burning is a global practice to incineration of living Technological improvements in the agricultural sector and
and dead vegetation for land clearing and change land-use the use of modern agricultural practices can minimize the
patterns. According to recent reports, around 730 Tg of production of crop residue from rice harvesting (Ravindra
biomass is burned annually from both natural and an- et al. 2019a).
thropogenic sources in Asia, of which 18% is contributed In the background of the above, the present study has been
by India which also includes forest fires, grassland fires, undertaken to evaluate the field performance and economic
and crop residue burning in agriculture field (Streets et al. feasibility of Self-Propelled VCR (3.64 kW) for the harvest-
2003a, b). A study by Jain et al. (2014) and Venkataraman ing of rice as well as to corporate a technological strategy
et al. (2006) also found that nearly 18-30% of the residue is to mitigate air pollution by burning paddy crop residues.
burned in agricultural fields in India. According to National
Policy for Management of Crop Residues (NPMCR) 2014 STUDY AREA
report, Ministry of Agriculture, Government of India crop
residue generated in Sikkim is around 0.15 MT, residue sur- The present study is covering the Daramdin village located
plus is 0.02 MT, residue burned 0.01 MT. In-situ crop residue in Himalayan State of Sikkim the north-eastern part of India,
burning is practiced not only in India but also worldwide covering coordinates of 27.31°N latitude and 88.30°E lon-
(McCarty et al. 2009, Chen et al. 2017) despite having det- gitude. Daramdin has an average elevation of 1246 m. The
rimental effects on air quality and human health. Hence, average annual temperature of Sikkim is around 18°C. Fig.
there is a need to understand pollutants emanated from crop 1 depicts the map of CAEPHT, Ranipool and also it includes
residue burning can also affect properties, materials and the area of the Daramdin farm where the performance eval-
human health when they are inhaled, causing respiratory uation of VCR has been undertaken.
problems (Schwartz 1993, Godish 1997, Mohanraj & Azeez
2004, Thaller et al. 2004, WHO 2004, Pandey et al. 2005). MATERIALS AND METHODS

Air Pollution From Crop Residue Burning This includes the materials used and methodology followed
for evaluating the performance of the commercially available
During harvesting periods, open burning of agricultural crop self-propelled vertical conveyer reaper (walking type). The
residues leads to emission of a large amount of air pollut- field evaluation of the machine has been undertaken in the
ants such as particulate matter (PM10, PM2.5, PM1), trace laboratories of CAEPHT and Daramdin Government Farm.
gases [carbon monoxide (CO), ammonia (NH3), sulphur The details of the machine and other instruments used and
dioxide (SO2)], greenhouse gases (GHGs) [carbon dioxide methodology adopted is discussed under the following heads.
(CO2), oxides of nitrogen (NOx),  methane (CH4), ozone
(a) Brief description of the machine
(O3)], elemental carbons (EC), organic carbons (OC), along
with volatile organic compounds (VOCs) to the atmosphere (b) Instruments used for performance evaluation
(Ravindra et al. 2019a, Duan et al. 2004, Lemieux et al. (c) Laboratory testing procedure [IS: 11467-1985 (Reaf-
2004). As many developed countries have banned but it is firmed in 2012)]
still a prevailing practice in developing countries to burn the
(d) Field evaluation procedure [IS: 11467-1985 (Reaffirmed
residue due to poor crop residue management (Ravindra et al.
in 2012)]
2019a). Also, air quality is significantly affected because of
agricultural field burning during the harvest period (Mittal et (e) Cost analysis procedure [IS:9164-1979 (Reaffirmed in
al. 2009). Witham & Manning (2007) showed that the impact 2002)]
of transport of pollutants during agricultural residue burning (f) Reason and consequences of stubble burning
on a regional scale of air pollution.
Brief Description of Self-Propelled Vertical Conveyor
Pollutants emission from crop residue burning and Reaper (VCR)
their dispersion varies according to seasons, atmospheric
meteorology, and types of agricultural residue which could Self-propelled VCR is a commercially available engine
potentially affect biogeochemical cycles and climate change operated self-propelled machine (walk-behind type) used
(Kaskaoutis et al. 2014, Sen et al. 2017, Ramanathan et al. for harvesting cereal crops. It consists of crop row divider,

Nature Environment and Pollution Technology • Vol. 19, No. 2, 2020

also it includes the area of the Daramdin farm where the performance evaluation of VCR
524 Abhijit Debnath and Narvendra Singh Chauhan
has been undertaken.

Fig. 1: Laboratory andand

Fig. 1: Laboratory field
field evaluation locations
evaluation locations in Sikkim.


star wheel, cutter bar, and a pair of lugged conveyor belts 3. Tachometer
and a handle Thisfittedincludes
with clutchtheandmaterials
brakes, engine, used and methodology
power 4. Stopwatch followed for evaluating the
transmission box, lugged of the commercially
wheels, crop row dividers, available
5. Infra-redvertical
moisture conveyer
meter reaper (walking
or, startype).
wheels,The field evaluation of the machine has been undertaken in the laboratories of
operating controls, and a sturdy frame. The 6. Hot oven
CAEPHTcut and convey
and the crop vertically
Daramdin to one side and
Government Farm.7.The
Weighing balance
details of (capacity= 1 kg andand
the machine 10 kg:other
windrow the crops on the ground uniformly. Collection of g and 0.5 g)
instruments used and methodology adopted is discussed under the following heads.
crops for making bundles is done manually. The engine power 8. Measuring cylinder for estimation of fuel consumption
a) Brief
is transmitted description
to cutter of the chain
bar and conveyor machine through chain 9. Sickle
crop row dividers usedarefor performance
provided evaluation
with star wheels 10. Cleaning brushes
c) Laboratory
which help testing
in lifting, gathering andprocedure
guiding the crop [IS:towards
11467-1985 (Reaffirmed in 2012)]
d) Field evaluation procedure [IS: 11467-1985
the cutter bar, where reciprocating action of cutter bar cuts Laboratory
(Reaffirmed Testing Procedure
in 2012)]
the crop e)stems.
CostAfteranalysis procedure
the crop is cut, it is[IS:9164-1979
held in a vertical(Reaffirmed in 2002)]
The methodology adopted for both the laboratory testing of
position during its passage employing
f) Reason and consequences of stubble pressure springs and
the Self-Propelled VCR is as per following test codes:
star wheel against the vertical frame of the reaper. The ver-
IS: 11467-1985 (Reaffirmed in 2012): Test Code for
tically-held crop is then delivered one side of the machine
Brief Description of Self-Propelled
by two lugged chain conveyors (one close to the cutter bar
Vertical Conveyor Reaper
Cereal Harvesting (VCR)
Machine (IS: 11467-1985, 2012).
and the other Self-propelled
at the upper end) VCR and fallsison the
a ground
in the Theavailable engine operated
main component self-propelled
of the self-propelled VCR and
form of a fine-windrow perpendicular to the direction of the specification checking:
machine (walk-behind type) used for harvesting cereal crops. It consists of crop row com- The machine consists of major
movement of the machine (El-Sharbasy 2006, Nadeem et ponents of the machine are prime mover, a steering handle,
divider, star wheel, cutter bar, and a pair of lugged conveyor belts and a handle fitted with
al. 2015). It helps in easy collection of crops manually and drive wheel, crop divider, star wheel, conveyor chains, and
saves clutch
labour for and brakes,
bundling engine, power transmission
operation. box,
cutter lugged
bar (Fig. 2). wheels, crop row dividers,
conveyor, star wheels, operating controls, and a sturdy frame. The machines cut and convey
The brief specifications of the VST reaper used for per-
the crop
Instruments andvertically to Used
Other Items one side and windrow theformance
crops on the ground
evaluation uniformly.
are summarized Collection
in Table 1.
During oflaboratory
crops fortesting
makingfor bundles is doneandmanually.
its functionality perfor- The engine power is transmitted to cutter bar
Material analysis: The hardness and chemical analysis of
manceand conveyor
evaluation of thechain through
machine in the chain
field forpulleys.
the har- The cropcomponents,
critical row dividers such are provided
as knife with6025-1982)
section (IS: star
vestingwheels which
of rice crop, help ininstruments
following lifting, gathering and guiding
and other items the crop towards the cutter bar, where
(IS: 6025-1982, 1999), guard and ledger plate (IS : 6024-
reciprocating action of cutter bar cuts the crop1983
were used. stems. After the crop
) (IS:6024-1983, 1999)isand
it isback
(ISin: 10378-
vertical position
1. Measuring scale (1000during
mm) its passage employing1982) pressure springs and2001)
(IS: 10378-1982, starshall
wheel against
be made and the
vertical tape
2. Measuring frame
(30 of
m) the reaper. The vertically-held as percrop
Bureauis ofthen delivered
Indian side of the
machine by two lugged chain conveyors (one close to the cutter bar and the other at the
Vol. 19, No. 2, 2020 • Nature Environment and Pollution Technology
upper end) and falls on the ground in the form of a fine-windrow perpendicular to the
direction of the movement of the machine (El-Sharbasy 2006, Nadeem et al. 2015). It helps
The main component of the self-propelled VCR and specification checking: The
consists of major components
PERFORMANCE OF SELF of the machine
PROPELLED are prime
VERTICAL mover, a steering
drive wheel, crop divider, star wheel, conveyor chains, and cutter bar (Fig. 2).

Fig. 2: Schematic diagramdiagram

Fig. 2: Schematic of self-propelled VCR
of self-propelled VCR showing
showing different components.
different components.

1. 1. Prime
Prime mover
mover 2. 2. Steering
Steering handle
3. 3. Muffler
Muffler 4. 4. Drive wheel
Drive wheel
5. 5. Conveyor
Conveyor chain
chain 6. 6. Cutter
7. 7. Crop
Crop divider
divider 8. 8. Crop
Crop guide(star
guide(star wheel)

Visual observations and adjustments: The machine was BIS, following information were recorded.
The brief
thoroughly specifications
inspected and lubricatedoffor
its VST reaper
bearings, used(a)
drives forField
performance evaluation
condition: It includes theare summarized
shape of test field; area
and other moving
in Table 1. parts and adjustments of forward speed, of test field; topography of field; type of field; moisture
ground clearance, wheel track, cutting device, marker content of soil and frequency of bunds were recorded
etc. as per manufacturer’s recommendations and Indian
Table 1: Specifications of the self-propelled
and reported. VCR.
standards. (b) Crop conditions: It includes the name of the crop; the
Field Evaluation Procedure [According to IS: 11467-
VST Tiller
variety Tractors
of crop; Ltd.and plant inclination; type
1985 (Reaffirmed in 2012)] of weed present; density of weed; moisture of straw;
grain and weeds; crop grain ratio; maturity of the crop
Performance evaluation of vertical conveyor reaper in the (age in days); number of tiller/sq.m; number of grain/
field: After completion of the laboratory testing successfully, ear head were recorded and reported.
the machine was operated for normal field conditions for (c) Determination of pre-harvest losses: The pre-harvest
rice crops. The testing was conducted in the Govt. Farm at losses were determined at three places from the area
Daramdin, West Sikkim. Fig. 3 depicts the VST model of with one-meter length in the direction of travel and
Vertical Conveyor Reaper and Fig. 4 shows the harvesting width equal to the full width of the cutter bar. All the
operation in Daramdin farm. As per recommendations of the loose grain and ear heads are picked up manually.
Table 1: Specifications of the self-propelled VCR.

Manufacturer VST Tiller Tractors Ltd.

Model VS-4PR
Size of Reaper (mm)(L×W×H) 2200×1520×1100
Total Weight (kg) 210
Maximum power (kW) 4.5
Rated Power (kW) 3.64
No. of Gears Forward-2, Reverse-1
Availability Commercially available

Nature Environment and Pollution Technology • Vol. 19, No. 2, 2020

rice crops. The testing was conducted in the Govt. Farm at Daramdin, West Sikkim. Fig. 3
depicts the VST model of Vertical Conveyor Reaper and Fig. 4 shows the harvesting
526 operation in DaramdinAbhijit
farm. As per recommendations
Debnath and NarvendraofSingh
the BIS, following information
were recorded.

Fig. 3:3:VST
Fig. VST model
model ofofVCR.

a) Field condition: It includes the shape of test field; area of test field; topography of
(d) Field operation:field;
Thetype of field;
reaper moisture at
was operated content
uniformof soil and frequency
workers and of man-hour
bunds wererequired
side cutting as well
forward speed reported.
with full cutter bar and observations as the cost for harvesting were recorded.
c) Determination of pre-harvest losses: The pre-harvest losses were determined at three
b) width;
such as cutting Crop conditions: It includes the name of the crop; the variety of crop; appearance and
places cutting
from the height; post-harvest
area with one-meterlosses
length in the direction of travel and width equal to
plant inclination;
(cutter bar +conveyance); typeofofwindrows;
condition weed present;
for- densityAsof stated
weed;earlier the of
moisture preliminary
straw; graintesting
and of self-propelled
the full width of the cutter bar. All the VCR loose was
and ear outheads
in the are picked up
laboratory. Also, the machine
weeds; crop grain ratio; maturity of the crop (age in days); number of tiller/sq.m;
ward speed; area covered; fuel consumption, etc. were was operated at the field of Govt. Farm Daramdin, Sikkim)
number of grain/ear head were recorded and reported.
recorded ind)theField operation: The reaper was operated atas
datasheet. uniform forward
the terraces of speed
the farmwitharefull cutterand
wider barthus better suited
(e) Ease of operationsobservations
and and adjustment: such During
as cutting width;
field test cutting height; post-harvest losses (cutter bar
for operation of VCR. The performance evaluation of the
ease of operation, conditionaccessibility
operators’ comfort, of windrows;offorward speed; area covered; fuel consumption,
machine for the harvesting of rice was undertaken in two
etc. were recorded
controls and adjustments were noted in down
the datasheet.
and reported. terraces. The side crops of the terrace of about 500 mm width
e) Ease of operations and adjustment: During field test ease of operation, operators’
(f) Defects; breakdowns
comfort,and repairs: of
accessibility During field
controls andop- were harvested
adjustments were notedmanually
down and toreported.
enable the smooth operation of
eration, thef)defects observed were noted down
Defects; breakdowns and repairs: During and fieldthe reaper and windrowing
operation, of harvested
the defects observed werecrops. Samples of
reported. Any noted
down and occurred during
reported. Anyfield test the
breakdown crop were
occurred marked
during field with a square
test and of 1 m side and harvested
and replacement of any
of any parts/components
parts/components and repair
and repair underwent were noted
manually down and of
for estimation reported.
various parameters such as grain
underwent g)wereLabour
noted requirement and cost of operation: Number
down and reported. of workersratio
yield, straw-grain andetc.
the field operation of the
for side
(g) Labour requirement andcutting as operation:
cost of well as theNumber
cost for harvesting
of machine, were observations
recorded. such as the speed of operation, width

Fig. 4: Harvesting
Fig. operation
4: Harvesting withVCR
operation with VCRonon terrace-1.

As stated earlier the preliminary testing of self-propelled VCR was carried out in the
Vol. 19, No. 2, 2020 • Nature Environment and Pollution Technology
laboratory. Also, the machine was operated at the field of Govt. Farm Daramdin, Sikkim)
as the terraces of the farm are wider and thus better suited for operation of VCR. The
performance evaluation of the machine for the harvesting of rice was undertaken in two

of operation, time taken to harvest the terrace area and fuel plot area. The total samples were collected and
consumption were recorded. Using the above observations, threshed manually, and then the cleaning grains
the following parameters were computed for the machine. were weighted. The percentage of un-cutting losses
(a) Speed of operation (forward speed): To estimate the was calculated by using the following equation:
forward speed of the machine while harvesting, the time
taken for covering 10 m was recorded and the speed of un  cutting losses / ha
Un-cutting losses (%) =  100 ...(4)
travel was calculated. total yield / ha
(b) Time losses and effective duration of operation: Time (ii) Pre-cutting losses: Pre-cutting losses were obtained
losses while harvesting crop is the time for adjustments, by dividing each plot in four parts with the use of
turning, fuelling, etc. The start and finish time of har- a wooden frame of 1m×1m dimensions, all the
vesting in each plot were also noted. grains which fell within the frame are collected
(c) Field capacity: It is the average rate of area harvested. and weighed, and the mean of the measured values
It is two types: (i) Theoretical field capacity and (ii) are recorded. The percentage of pre-cutting losses
Actual/ Effective field capacity. was calculated by using the following equation:
(i) Theoretical field capacity (TFC): Theoretical Pre  cutting losses / ha
field capacity is the average rate of area coverage Pre-cutting losses (%) =  100
total yield / ha
by machine when the machine doing its intended …(5)
function at the rated speed and width utilized. The (iii) Shattering losses: Shattering losses were obtained
theoretical field capacity was calculated by the by locating a frame of the square meter on the
following equation: ground after cutting the crop by machine, and then
the grain losses in the frame represent pre-cutting
W S and operating losses together. Then, for indicating
10 ha/h ...(1) the operating losses or shattering losses only, the
Where, pre-cutting losses must be subtracted. The per-
centage of shattering was calculated by using the
W = Rated width of the implement in meters (m)
following equation:
S = Speed of travel(km/h)
Shattering losses / ha
(ii) Effective field capacity (EFC): Effective field Shattering losses (%) = × 100 ...(6)
total yield / ha
capacity is the actual rate of performance of land
or crop processing in a given time, based on total (f) Total grain losses: The percentage of total grain losses
field time. Actual field capacity was the actual was calculated by using the following equation:
average rate of field coverage by the amount of
actual time (lost + productive time) consumed in Total grain losses (%) = (pre-cutting + un-cutting
the cutting operation. The effective field capacity + shattering) losses ...(7)
was calculated using the following equation:
(g) Moisture Content of the crop: The moisture content
EFC(ha/h) = [ area covered(ha)/time(h)] ...(2) of the grain, straw and soil were measured using oven
(d) Field efficiency (FE): Field efficiency is the ratio of drying method and an infrared moisture meter. And it
effective field capacity to the theoretical field capacity is calculated by using the equation.
and determined by the following equation MC (%Wet basis)
EFC ...(3) weight of the water content in the product
FE  100  100
TFC Total weight of the product sample
Where, ...(8)
TFC = Theoretical Field Efficiency (ha/h)
Where, MC (%Wet basis) = Moisture content of the
EFC – Effective Field Efficiency (ha/h)
sample in percentage weight basis.
(e) Harvesting losses: Harvesting losses includes-(i) Uncut
losses (ii) Pre-cutting losses, and (iii) Shattering losses. Cost Analysis Procedure
(i) Un-cutting losses: Un-cutting losses were obtained The total cost of harvesting of Self Propelled VCR is esti-
by collecting un-cutting crop by sickle for each mated by referring to the Indian Standard Code i.e. IS: 9164-

Nature Environment and Pollution Technology • Vol. 19, No. 2, 2020

528 Abhijit Debnath and Narvendra Singh Chauhan

1979 (Reaffirmed in 2002) [IS: 9164-1979, 2002]. Under The cost of filters, replacement of oil, and other lubricants
these standards, the various cost factors include variable are included under repairs and maintenance.
cost and fixed cost. (c) Repair and Maintenance: The accumulated repair and
Fixed costs: (a) Depreciation: This component of cost maintenance costs (TAR) at any point in a machine’s life can
reflects the reduction in the value of a machine with use be estimated from the following formulae:
(wear) and time (obsolescence). While actual depreciation For self-propelled machine, reaper,
would depend on the sale price of the machine after its use,
based on different computational methods depreciation can TAR=0.096 X1.4 …(12)
be estimated. The following formula based on the straight- Where,
line method. TAR = Total Accumulated Repair Cost divided by the pur-
PS chased price of the machine expressed as a percentage, and
D ...(9)
L X = 100 times the ratio of the accumulated hours of use
Where, to the wear-out life.
D = depreciation cost (d) Wages and Labour Charges: The wages and labour
P = purchase price of the machine (Rs/annum) charges varied from person to person and prevailing rates in
S = residual value of the machine i.e 5% of the purchase the region. The average cost per hour may be computed by
dividing the total cost by the number of hours the operator
L = useful life of the machine in years has performed the work.
(b) Interest on investment: Annual charges of interest Total cost per hour: The sum of fixed cost, variable cost
may be calculated by the actual rate of interest payable. If per hour gives the total operating cost of the machine for the
the previous instalment is not available, 12 per cent of the harvesting of rice in terraces.
average purchase price may be taken. The following formula
Total cost per hectare: The total cost per hectare may be
shall calculate the average purchase price:
obtained based on the actual field capacity of the machine
PS with the use of the operating cost of the machine and actual
A …(10) field capacity of the machine. The value of harvesting one
Where, hectare with VCR may be compared with that of the tradi-
tional method of harvesting of rice crop in the region.
A = average purchase price (Rs)
P = purchase price of the machine (Rs) and Reason and Consequences of Rice Crop Residue
S = residual value of the machine (5% of P) Burning
(c) Insurance and Taxes: Actual amount paid annually for
Reasons for stubble burning of rice crop:
insurance and annual taxes, if any should be charged. If not
available, it may be calculated by 2 percent of the average (a) Mechanization has tremendously increased due to the
purchase price of the machine per year. Scarcity of labour for manual harvesting and their in-
Variable costs: (a) Fuel: Fuel consumption depends on the creasing wage rates.
size of the power unit, load factor, and operating conditions. (b) Due to shortened intervals between multiple cropping
While the machine is working, the actual oil consumption and seedbed preparation, urgent clearing of stubble is
should be recorded or may be taken from the results obtained needed.
at official testing stations. The following formulae can also (c) To Control weeds, insects, disease sand pest availability
estimate average fuel consumption: of N, P and S in the soil for a shorter time.
A = 0.15 × B …(11) (d) Poor storage facilitiesand higher diesel cost in trolley
Where, transportation and availability of crop residue market.
A = average diesel consumption in L/h, Consequences of Rice Crop Residue Burning
B = rated power in kW. (a) Rise of global warming due to the emission of GHGs.
(b) Lubricating oil: While the machine is working, the (b) The liberation of soot particles and causing smog in the
actual oil consumption should be recorded. In case oil con- environment (Lohan et al. 2018).
sumption data is not available, oil consumption may be taken (c) Emissions of harmful air pollutants cause a serious
as 2.5 to 3 per cent of the fuel consumption on a volume basis. threat to the health hazards of human, animal, and birds

Vol. 19, No. 2, 2020 • Nature Environment and Pollution Technology


(Lohan et al. 2018). chine was evaluated, are recorded and summarized in Table 3.
(d) Loss of carbon-nitrogen and sulphur present in straw The harvesting of rice crop (variety: Panth-12) grown
are entirely burnt and lost to the atmosphere burning in two terrace plots were 287.66 and 252.86 m2 areas. The
and deteriorate soil fertility (Lohan et al. 2018). average heights of the crop for terrace 1 and terrace 2 were
in the ranges of 850 to 1250 mm and 700 to 900 mm re-
spectively. The age of the crop at the time of harvesting was
The performance evaluation results of self- propelled vertical 110 days. The average number of hills per square meter of
conveyor reaper (VCR) obtained under laboratory and field terrace-1 and terrace-2 were 45-55 and 40-50 respectively.
conditions are discussed in three stages. The functionality The average moisture contents of the grain were found to
of the VCR was tested in the laboratory conditions in the be 16.26% (wet-basis) and 15.71% (wet-basis) for terrace
CAEPHT, and then its performance evaluation for harvest- 1 and 2 respectively.
ing the rice crop was undertaken in the field of Daramdin in
November 2013. Manual Harvesting

Laboratory Test To get the reference data for comparing various parameters
for evaluating the performance of the machine, the crop was
Under laboratory conditions, the machine was tested for its harvested manually, and relevant data were recorded and
functionality, and relevant data collected during the labora- summarized in Table 4.
tory tests were included in this section. The forward speed
of the machine was measured in a different gear, and throttle The average weight of the crop grain per square meter
settings of the machine (gear- 1 and gear- 2 with respect to was 0.76 kg and 0.73 kg for the terrace 1 and 2 respectively.
50% and 75% throttle settings) and the results recorded are It is evident from Table 4 that the grain yield of terrace 1 and
summarized in Table 2. 2 was 3400 kg/ha and 3000 kg/ha, respectively.
As per the observations, the comfortable speeds for the Performance Evaluation of Self-propelled Vertical
operation was 1.86 km/h and 2.51 km/h recorded at gear- 1 Conveyer Reaper
(50% and 75%) for gear- 2 (50% throttle valve). At the higher
speed, the vibration of the machine and the noise produced Performance evaluation of self-propelled vertical conveyer
were higher and inconvenient for the operator to handle reaper for the harvesting of rice crop was undertaken at Dar-
it and lower speed would affect the field capacity and amdin Farm (under Department of FSSandAD) Dist. West
thereby result into a higher cost of operation. Sikkim during November 2013. The performance evaluation
was undertaken according to the procedure as per BIS codes.
Crop Parameters
During field evaluation procedure, data related to the field,
The details of the crop, on which the performance of the ma- crop, and machine were recorded and summarized in Table 5.

Table 2: Laboratory speed measurement of self-propelled VCR.

Direction of motion Engine speed (rpm) Duration (s) Distance travelled (m) Speed (km/h) Average Speed (km/h)
1:44:83 3.43 3.34
Gear 2 and 75% throttle setting 100
1:50:83 3.25
2:17:79 2.61
Gear 2 and 50% throttle setting 100 2.51
2:28:91 2.42
Forward 3:12:20 0.93
Gear 2 and 25% throttle setting 100 0.91
Reverse 3:21:15 0.89
2:20:35 2.56
Gear 1 and 75% throttle setting 100 2.51
2:25:20 2.47
3:10:21 1.89
Gear 1 and 50% throttle setting 100 1.86
3:15:57 1.84
2:46:02 2.43
75% throttle setting 100 2.35
2:64:12 2.27

Reverse speed 3:04:25 1.97

50% throttle setting 100 1.97
3:06:12 1.96
4:12:21 0.71
25% throttle setting 100 0.71
4:17:70 0.70

Nature Environment and Pollution Technology • Vol. 19, No. 2, 2020

530 Abhijit Debnath and Narvendra Singh Chauhan

Table 3: Details of crop-related parameters used for harvesting with VCR.

S. No. Parameters Observations

1. Crop variety Panth 12 (PD-12)
2. Row to row spacing NA (manual planted)
3. Age of the crop at the time of harvesting (days) 110
4. Field plots
First terrace Second terrace
5. Average plant height (mm) 1020±210 790±100.02
6. No. of hills/sq. m(No./sq. m) 45-55 40-50
7. No. of tillers per hill 10-13 9-11
8. Length of ear head (mm) 225±5.8 203±5.5
9. No. of grains per ear head (cm) 91±7 55±3
Moisture content (%wet-basis)
10. Straw 65.33±1.32 63.63±1.70
Grain 16.26±0.81 15.71±1.15

It is evident from Table 5 that effective field capacity of of the machine was 0.736 L/h. In case of terrace 2, results
the self-propelled VCR was 0.15 ha/h at an average operat- indicate that in 2nd gear effective field capacity of the machine
ing speed of 1.52km/h when the machine was operated in was 0.117 ha/h at an average speed of 2.189 km/h. Time taken
1st gear. Time taken to harvest rice crop of terrace 1 (Area: to harvest the rice crop (Area: 202.66 sq. m) was about 0.22
228.61 sq. m) was about 0.19 h and the fuel consumption h and the fuel consumption of the machine was 0.545 L/h.

Table 4: Performance data for manual harvesting of rice.

S. No. Parameters Terrace 1 Terrace 2

1. Moisture content (%Wet basis)
-Straw (Wet basis) 65.33±1.32 63.63±1.70
-Grains (Wet basis) 16.26±0.81 15.71±1.15
3. Soil moisture content (%Wet basis) 29.3 27.5
4. Variety of crop Panth 12(PD-12) Panth 12(PD-12)
5. Maturity of crop (days) 110 110
6. Area of the terrace (sq. m) 287.66 252.86
Cyprus sp. (motha), Cyprus rotendum sp.,
7. Type of weed in the field Cyanodon dactylum (durba), Echinocholoa crrusgalli (sama grass), Spilen-
Echinocholo acrrusgalli (sama grass) thus armezera (kooro)
8. Stubble height(mm) 70.3±5.7 69±3.6
9. Plant height (mm) 850-1250 700-900
10. Length of ear head (mm) 217.6±18.6 203±15.4
11. No. of grain per ear head 80-110 65-80
12. No. of hills per sq. m 45-55 40-50
13. No. of tillers per hill 10-13 9-11
14. Weight of crop per sq. m (kg) 0.76±0.015 0.73±0.015
15 Mass of grain per sq. m (kg) 0.34±0.02 0.30±0.02
16. Straw-grain ratio (%) 1.23:1 1.42:1
17. Grain yield (kg/ha) 3400 3000

Vol. 19, No. 2, 2020 • Nature Environment and Pollution Technology


The variations in the effective field capacities of the the machine. The cutter bar loss, conveying loss, and total
machine were due to variations in the operating speed of machine losses were 0.41%, 3.12%, and 3.53% in terrace-1;
the machine. The theoretical field capacity of the machine where 0.44%, 3.67% and 4.11% in terrace-2 respectively.
for terrace-1 and terrace-2 were 0.167 ha/h and 0.241 ha/h
Cost Analyses
respectively. The field efficiency of the machine in terrace 1
(72.03%) was higher than that of terrace-2 mainly because at Using the performance data above and referring the Indian
a lower speed, operator’s control on the machine was better Standard IS: 9164-1979 (Reaffirmed in 2002) the operating
and this he could operate the machine in a better manner in cost of the machine for the harvesting of rice was estimated.
terrace 1. The fixed and variable costs of the machine for harvesting
Table 6 gives the data for harvesting losses recorded the rice are given in Table 7. Fig. 5 shows the comparison
of the cost of harvesting (Rs/ha) for the machine at gear 1
during the field tests. The measured values of pre-harvest
and 2 and that of manual harvesting.
and harvesting losses for 10 m length in the terraces are
summarized here. The pre-harvest losses were neglected The comparison of fixed and variable cost for gear-1 and
in the analysis. The losses (viz. shattering loss, cutter bar gear-2 operation are shown in Fig. 6 and Fig. 7 respectively.
loss) were calculated by measuring the width of cut of the With respect to the purchase price, depreciation, interest,
machine (1.10 m) for 10m length of the forward direction of shelter, and insurance, the fixed cost of the machine operated

Table 5: Performance data for machine harvesting of rice.

Sl. No. Parameters st
1 gear/terrace 1 2nd gear /terrace 2
1 No. of operators 1 1
2 Duration of test (h) 0.19 0.22
3 Forward speed (km/h) 1.52 2.189
4 Area (sq. m) 287.66 252.86
5 Area harvested (sq. m) 228.61 202.66
6 Effective Working width (m) 1.10 1.10
7 Stubble height (mm) 15±8 21±3
8 No. of stoppage (times) 1 3
9 Mass of crop per sq. m (kg) 0.754 0.726
10 Mass of grain per sq. m (kg) 0.328 0.288
11 Crop grain ratio 1.29:1 1.52:1
12 Total Grain yield (kg) 94.35 72.82
Moisture content (% Wet basis)
Grain (% Wet basis) 16.26±0.81 15.71±1.15
Straw (% Wet basis) 65.55±1.32 63.63±1.70
14 Theoretical field capacity (ha/h) 0.1670 0.241
15 Effective field capacity (ha/h) 0.1203 0.092
16 Field efficiency (%) 72.03 38.50
17 Fuel consumption (L/h) 0.736 0.545
18 Crop handled (kg/h) 941.64 743.29
Harvesting loss (% total grain yield)
Pre-harvest loss (%) Nil Nil
19 Conveying loss (%) 3.12 3.67
Cutter bar loss (%) 0.41 0.44
Total losses (%) 3.53 4.11

Nature Environment and Pollution Technology • Vol. 19, No. 2, 2020

532 Abhijit Debnath and Narvendra Singh Chauhan

Table 6: Harvesting losses (g) for 10 m of operation.

Losses per width of cut × 10 m (g)

Sl. Time taken Width of Height of stub- To t a l m a c h i n e
terrace Cutter bar (Post + Un- Shattering loss in
No. for 10 m (s) cut (m) ble (mm) Pre-harvest losses for 10m (g)
cut) Loss 10 m length
1 1 23.65 1.10 15 Nil 15 115 130
2 2 16.89 1.10 21 Nil 14 120 134
3 2 16 1.10 23 Nil 12 123 135

in gear-1 was Rs. 48.91/h (US$0.70) which accounts for capacity was found to be Rs.1140.59/ha (US$16.44) and Rs.
13.67% of the operating cost of the machine. The total var- 1368.61/ha (US$19.73) for gear-1 and gear-2 respectively. It
iable cost of the machine (including fuel, oil and lubricants, is observed for harvesting with the gear-1 operation, and it
repair and maintenance cost and operator charges) was Rs. saves the cost, which is more beneficial. The labour require-
88.3/h (US$1.27) which accounts for 24.71% of the machine ment for the machine for operating in gear-1 and gear-2 are
cost. But the cost will vary according to the fluctuating fuel 8.3 (man-h/ha) and 10.8 (man-h/ha).
price and spare and repair rates of the machine parts. Lack
Comparison of Harvesting with VCR and Manual Har-
of authorized repair shops and suitable after-sale services are
vesting Methods
also a reason for high repair rate and spare rates. The total
cost of the machine was Rs.137.21/h (US$1.98) for gear The self-propelled VCR was compared with conventional
-1 and Rs.125.91/h (US$1.81) for gear- 2 respectively. The practices and presented in Table 8. It was observed in the
harvesting cost per hectare calculated considering the field field that on an average 56 man-h/ha could harvest rice crop

Table 7: Data related to the cost of rice harvesting with VCR and manual harvesting with a sickle.

Harvesting Harvesting (gear- 2) with

Sl. No. Observations Manual harvesting (Sickle)
(gear- 1) with VCR VCR
1 Purchase value (Rs.) 107227 107227 60
2 Machine life (years) 15 15 10
3 Annual use (hours) 300 300 200
4 Salvage value (Rs.)-5% 5361.35 5361.35 3
5 Interest rate (%) 12 12 12
Taxes, shelter and insurance (2% of purchase
6 2 2 0
7 Operator’s charges, Rs./day (8h) 335 335 235
8 Actual field capacity (ha/h) 0.1203 0.092 0.017857
9 Fixed cost
10 Depreciation (R.s/year 6791.04 6791.04 5.70
11 Interest (Rs./year) 6755.30 6755.30 3.78
12 Shelter and insurance (Rs./year) 1125.88 1125.88 0
13 Total fixed cost(Rs/h) 48.91 48.91 0.05
14 Variable cost
Fuel (Rs./h) 42.68 31.65 0.00
15 Oil and lubricants (Rs./h) 1.06 0.79 0.00
16 Repair and Maintenance (Rs./h) 2.69 2.69 0.00
17 Operator charges (Rs/h) 41.88 41.88 29.38
18 Total variable cost (Rs./h) 88.31 77.01 29.38
19 Total cost (Rs./h) 137.21 125.91 29.42
20 Cost of harvesting (Rs./ha) 1140.59(US$16.44) 1368.61(US$19.73) 1647.67(US$23.75)

Vol. 19, No. 2, 2020 • Nature Environment and Pollution Technology

20 Cost of harvesting (Rs./ha)
6.44) 9.73) 3.75)

Fig.Fig.5:5: Bar graph

Bar graph showing
showing the cost ofthe cost (Rs/ha)
harvesting, of harvesting,
for the machine(Rs/ha)
(gear-1 andfor theandmachine
gear-2) (gear-1
manual harvesting.
and gear-2) and manual harvesting.

The comparison of fixedMachine harvesting

and variable with gear-1
cost for gear-1 and gear-2 operation are shown in
Fig. 6 and Fig. 7 respectively.

Repair &
maintenance, 2%

Shelter &
Fuel insurance,
Oil & lubricants, 31% 3%

Fig. 6: Comparison of fixed

Fig. 6: Comparison cost
of fixed costand variable
and variable cost
cost for foroperation.
gear-1 gear-1 operation.

manually with the sickle. The use of VCR lead to considera- mended for better operational control of the machine during
Machine harvesting with gear-2
ble savings in time and labour was found 85.2% (Gear 1) and the harvesting operation. However, this machine cannot be
80.6% (Gear 1) higher than that of manual harvesting method operated in the terraces having a width less than 4 m.
and could save 30.8 and 16.9% of the cost of operation in Depreciation
Total Crop Residue Generation and Amount of Proportion
gear-1and gear-2 respectively. Burnt in Indian Agricultural
18% Fields
Based on the study it is evident that the use of VCR The total crop residue generated in India was calculated
is certainly helpful in saving time, labour, and cost of the using Eggleston (2006) guidelines based on annually crop
harvesting operation. The lower speed of operation is recom- production data acquired from the Department of Agriculture
Nature Environment and Pollution Technology • Vol. 19, No. 2, 2020
Repair & 18%
maintenance, 2%
534 Abhijit Debnath and Narvendra Singh Chauhan
Fig. 6: Comparison of fixed cost and variable cost for gear-1 operation.

Machine harvesting with gear-2


Repair & 18%
maintenance, 2%

Fuel Shelter &

Oil & lubricants, 25% insurance,
1% 3%

Fig. 7: Comparison of fixed

Fig. 7: Comparison cost
of fixed costand variable
and variable cost
cost for foroperation.
gear-2 gear-2 operation.

With etrespect
(2018) (Ravindra to Sowing
al. 2019a). the purchase price, depreciation,
window between the ble whichinterest, shelter, toand
is neither required burninsurance, thesowing
in the field for
harvesting of Kharif crops, and rabi crops are very short are next crop. It is because
fixed cost of the machine operated in gear-1 was Rs. 48.91/h (US$0.70) which accounts for the cutter bar is operated in the field
one of the major causes that farmers prefer to burn residue in at a height of 1.2 mm. 15-21 mm of average stubble can be
13.67% of the operating cost of the machine. The total variable cost of the machine
agriculture fields (Ravindra et al. 2019a). As can be observed easily degraded on the field by in-situ methods, which can
from Table 9, crop fuel, oil and
production has lubricants,
increased fromrepair and maintenance
476 MT lead to enrichment costofand operator
soil for the next charges) wasmanual
crop. Besides,
to 618Rs.
MT88.3/h (US$1.27)
since 2003-04 whichTable
to 2016-17. accounts
10 showsforthe24.71% of the
harvesting machine
leaves cost.
a gap for Butof the
cutting costwhich
stubbles will needs
vary according
comparative overview ofto theresidue
crop fluctuating
burningfuel price andlabour
in India. spare and
andputsrepair rates
a huge of thefarmer
pressure machinedue toparts.
Lack of authorized repair shops and suitable after-sale wage
Also, afterarecutting
also anoreason for high
availability of storage
Crop Residue Generated by Harvesting with VCR
repair rate and spare rates. The total cost of the machine
facilities was Rs.137.21/h
and proper market to sell the(US$1.98)
crop residue.for
Implement and its Benefits
gear -1 and Rs.125.91/h (US$1.81) for gear- 2 respectively. Harvesting withTheVCRharvesting cost
leaves rare per hectare
possibilities of burning
The plant heights ofconsidering the field
the crop in terrace capacity
1 and terrace was found
2 were to bebyRs.1140.59/ha
crop residues (US$16.44)it reduces
the farmers and subsequently, and the
850 toRs.
1250 mm and 700 to 900 mm respectively. As per
1368.61/ha (US$19.73) for gear-1 and gear-2 respectively. It is observed for harvesting in the
possibility of air pollution and pollutant dispersion
Table 11, the average plant height of paddy crop in terrace atmosphere. VCR can be used as a technological solution
with the gear-1 operation, and it saves the cost, which is more beneficial. The labour
1 and terrace 2 was 1020±210 mm and 790±100.02 mm to reduce biomass burning in paddy fields.
respectively. But after harvesting with VCR the stubble
height in terrace 1 and terrace 2 were 15±8 mm and 21±3 mm Available Options for Mitigation of After Harvested
respectively, which is 50 mm shorter than manual harvesting Crop Residue Burning Pollution
in both terraces. The plant height in second terrace slightly There are various available tech and non-technological based
higher due to VCR operated at 2nd gear. residue burning mitigation options, which will help to reduce
VCR harvested crop produces very less amount of stub- air pollution and GHG emissions, but also limit the adverse

Table 8: Performances with VCR for rice harvesting.

Sl. No. Parameters Gear-1 Gear- 2

Labour requirement(man-h/ha) 8.3 10.8
Total cost of operation (Rs./ha) 1140.59(US$16.44) 1368.61(US$19.73)
Time and labour Savings (%) 85.2 80.6
Cost savings (%) 30.8 16.9

Vol. 19, No. 2, 2020 • Nature Environment and Pollution Technology


Table 9: Annual total crop production, residue generation and residue burnt scenario for all crops in India (Ravindra et al. 2019a).

Year Crop Production (P) (in MT) Crop Residue Generated (in MT) Residue Burnt (in MT)
2003–04 476.79 375.84 89.60
2004–05 464.44 356.27 86.39
2005–06 522.84 383.65 92.56
2006–07 602.98 411.89 97.25
2007–08 615.13 433.02 102.59
2008–09 552.87 422.34 101.07
2009–10 541.49 400.39 96.37
2010–11 626.87 454.02 107.27
2011–12 658.15 480.37 112.86
2012–13 637.06 472.79 111.90
2013–14 658.14 487.82 115.14
2014–15 649.78 468.54 111.02
2015–16 632.26 462.39 110.05
2016–17 618.97 487.71 116.82

Table 10: Comparative overview of crop residue burning estimates for India (Ravindra et al. 2019a).

Year Crop residue burned (MT) References

Mid-90s 84 Streets et al. (2003a, b)
2001 116 (58–289) Venkataraman et al. (2006)
2008-09 98 Jain et al. (2014)
2010 63 Sahai et al. (2011)
2016-17 116 Ravindra et al. (2019a)

Table 11: Manual and VCR harvesting crop residue height.

S. No. Parameters Observations

1. Crop variety Panth 12(PD-12)
2. Field plots
First terrace Second terrace
3. Plant height (mm) 850 -1250 700 - 900
4. Average plant height (mm) 1020±210 790±100.02

Average Stubble Height Observations

(After Harvesting) First terrace Second terrace
6. Manual Harvesting 70.3±5.7 69±3.6
7. VCR Harvesting 15±8 21±3

impacts of climate change. Also, these technologies can technological mitigation options for air pollution (Ravindra
convert residue into daily usable energy and ameliorated et al. 2019a, Lohan et al. 2018, Shafie 2016). According to
field products. reports, around 500 biomass power and cogeneration plants
Crop residues in biomass-based energy generation: Crop have been installed in India by the Ministry of New and
residues contain lignocellulosic biomass which meets the Renewable Energy which generates 11.5% of the total re-
needs of production of alternate energy through gasifica- newable power supply (Ravindra et al. 2019a, MNRE 2016,
tion, bio methanation, and ethanol generation is one of the Energy statistics 2017). Crop residue can also be used to

Nature Environment and Pollution Technology • Vol. 19, No. 2, 2020

536 Abhijit Debnath and Narvendra Singh Chauhan

produce biofuels as compatible energy for new generating workshops, and training programs at the village and district
vehicles in an environment-friendly, and cost-effective way. level.
Biochar and composting: Paddy residue could be used for
formulating useful products viz. making compost, organic CONCLUSIONS
manure and biochar to improve soil health, soil fertility The study has been undertaken for the assessing the feasi-
(Lohan et al. 2018). Uses of vermicompost and biochar in bility and performance of the VCR in laboratory condition
agricultural practices is a sustainable environmental friendly and in Daramdin Farm for the harvesting of the rice crop
alternative, which could also help to mitigate climate change and VCR as a possibility of technological mitigation for
as it helps in carbon sequestration (Ravindra et al. 2019a). after harvesting crop residue burning resulting air pollution.
Promote farm-implements with subsidy: Higher subsidy Based on the study, the following conclusions may be drawn:
rate to farmers on farm implements and chemical fertilizers 1. Optimum machine performance was obtained with gear-
who retain their residue in the field could lead to decrease the 1 as harvesting at this speed could help to minimize the
crop residue burning pollution (Lohan et al. 2018). Resource harvesting losses and maximize the work rate (actual
conservation technologies (RCTs) based farm machinery field capacity).
such as a Zero-till seed-cum-fertilizer drill, Happy seeder,
2. The effective field capacity of the VCR for rice harvest-
Straw chopper, Hay rakes, Straw reaper, Super straw man-
ing was 0.1203 ha/h and 0.092 ha/h in terrace 1 and 2
agement system, Balers and others could provide a better
compared to 0.0178 ha/h in manual operation.
way to control paddy residues for improving soil health,
productivity, reducing pollution to achieve sustainable agri- 3. The field efficiency of harvesting operations at operating
culture (Jat et al. 2009, Palma et al. 2014, Lohan et al. 2018). speeds of 1.52 km/h and 2.19 km/h was found to be
72.03% and 38.50% respectively.
In-situ incorporation: By retention of crop residues increas-
es soil temperature in winter through reducing upward heat 4. The labour requirements for VCR were 8.3 and 10.8
flux and decreases in summer due to shading effect (Pathak man-h/ha in terrace 1 and 2 as compared to 56 man-h/
et al. 2011, Lohan et al. 2018). Enhanced decomposition ha for manual harvesting.
transforms combine harvested residues to advance nutrients 5. The grain losses for VCR harvesting were 3.53% and
and also several positive impacts and health attributes such 4.11% in both the terraces.
as pH, organic carbon, infiltration rate, higher C: N, and soil 6. As the fixed cost is considerable (35.7%), the machine
alkalinity, hydraulic conductivity, microbial biomass, cation may be promoted for its use on the custom-hire basis
exchange capacity (CEC) and water holding capacity in the to make the venture economically viable.
soil (Gupta et al. 2004, Gangwar et al. 2006, Kumar et al.
7. Based on the study, it may be concluded that use of
2015, Lohan et al. 2018). Crop residues, particularly from
the machine may lead to considerable savings in time
wheat and rice crops, have a wide C:N ratio of 70:1 to 100:1.
(85.2%), labour (80.6%) and cost (30.8%) of harvesting,
Moreover, incorporation of residue impacts denitrification
as compared to manual harvesting methods. Therefore,
rate, an abundance of denitrifier, and N2O emissions in soil
in terraces where the use of reaper is feasible, its use
(Shan & Yan 2013) and straw mulching by mechanical means
may be promoted.
must be promoted (Lohan et al. 2018).
8. During the harvesting of paddy crop, the crop stem cuts
Promotion of hybrid seeds and use of rice straw as live- at an average height of 15-21 mm which leaves shorter
stock feed: The use of hybrid seeds, which has less mature residues in the field by this Vertical conveyor reaper.
period and producing low residues, can help in sowing
within the cropping interval and enforcement of rice-wheat 9. Harvesting paddy with VCR reduces the possibility
cropping system intensification. However, alternative use of air pollution by stubble burning in atmosphere and
of rice straw as livestock feed contains high silica, resulting dispersion of pollutants.
in low digestibility and nutritive values (Na et al. 2014, 10. The small amount of crop residues left after harvesting
Ravindra et al. 2019a). enrich the soil for next crop, also further recovery of
residue can be used for biocomposting, bioenergy, etc.
Education and awareness and promotion: By increasing
awareness and education among farmer communities about
severe impacts of crop residue burning in fields leads to air
pollution and transport of pollutants in the atmosphere and The authors are sincerely thankful to Department of Farm
promoting alternative uses of crop residues through different Machinery and Power Engineering, College of Agricultural

Vol. 19, No. 2, 2020 • Nature Environment and Pollution Technology


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