BEJEAP - Instructions For Authors
BEJEAP - Instructions For Authors
BEJEAP - Instructions For Authors
The B.E. Journal of Economic Analysis & introduction; further, body of review, expert opinion, outlook,
Policy: Information for Authors highlights, and references. A nomenclature list at the end of
the paper is recommended when many symbols are
included in the text.
I. Editorial policy
Unpublished material Please us the Chicago Manual of Style author-date system
Submission of a manuscript to The B.E. Journal of Economic
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Analysis & Policy implies that the work described is not
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abstract form. The corresponding author should ensure that all
co-authors approve the manuscript before its submission. ml and click on the Author-Date tab.
III. Preparation of manuscripts • Only use Unicode fonts (e.g. Times New Roman, Arial)
Graphical abstract figure and text for the table of Scott Whitener
contents (optional): A graphical abstract figure (minimum 121 High St, Third Fl
resolution of 300 dpi) and a graphical abstract text (consisting Boston, MA 02110, USA
of the article title, all author names without affiliations, and a
one sentence summary of the manuscript, followed by 3–5 +1 (617) 377-4395
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elements are meant to provide the reader a summary of the
research reviewed in the paper.
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