Ajava Introduction
Ajava Introduction
Ajava Introduction
Swing is a Java Foundation Classes [JFC] library and an extension of the Abstract
Window Toolkit [AWT]. Swing offers much-improved functionality over AWT,
new components, expanded components features, excellent event handling with
drag and drop support.
Swing has about four times the number of User Interface [UI] components as AWT
and is part of the standard Java distribution. By today’s application GUI
requirements, AWT is a limited implementation, not quite capable of providing the
components required for developing complex GUI’s required in modern commercial
applications. The AWT component set has quite a few bugs and really does take up a
lot of system resources when compared to equivalent Swing resources. Netscape
introduced its Internet Foundation Classes [IFC] library for use with Java. Its Classes
became very popular with programmers creating GUI’s for commercial applications.
Swing is a Set Of API ( API- Set Of Classes and Interfaces )
Swing is Provided to Design a Graphical User Interfaces
Swing is an Extension library to the AWT (Abstract Window Toolkit)
Includes New and improved Components that have been enhancing the looks and
Functionality of GUI’s
Swing can be used to build(Develop) The Standalone swing GUI Apps Also as
Servlets And Applets
It Employs model/view design architecture
Swing is more portable and more flexible than AWT, The Swing is built on top of
the AWT
Swing is Entirely written in Java
Java Swing Components are Platform-independent And The Swing Components
are lightweight
Swing Supports Pluggable look and feels And Swing provides more powerful
such as tables, lists, Scrollpanes, Colourchooser, tabbedpane, etc
Further Swing Follows MVC
Many programmers think that JFC and Swing is one and the same thing, but that is
not so.
JFC contains Swing [A UI component package] and quite a number of other items:
Cut and paste: Clipboard support
Accessibility features: Aimed at developing GUI’s for users with disabilities
The Desktop Colors Features Has been Firstly introduced in Java 1.1
The Java 2D: it has Improved colors, images, and also texts support
Class Description
Component A Component is the Abstract base class for
about the non menu user-interface controls
of SWING. Components are represents an
object with graphical representation