PRAM Users Guide

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Project Risk Analysis Model

User’s Guide


Strategic Analysis and Estimating Office March 2018

Base Cost Estimate The reviewed or validated project cost estimate used in quantitative risk analysis. It
represents the expected cost if the project materializes as planned, including PE, RW,
and CN costs. It is unbiased and neutral (neither optimistic nor conservative).
Base Variability The ordinary quantity and price variations about the estimated base. It is captured as
a modest symmetric range about the estimated value, of the form: base value ±x% —
typically from ±5% to ±15% depending on level of project development and
complexity of the project.
Estimate A quantitative assessment of the likely amount or outcome. Refers to project costs,
and durations – typically preceded by a modifier (i.e. preliminary, conceptual, order-of-
magnitude, etc.). An indication of accuracy (e.g. ± x percent).
An estimate has two components: the base cost estimate component and the
risk/uncertainty component. An estimate is best expressed as a range, not a single
Impact A consequence of a risk occurring in terms of cost ($) or months (mo); expressed as a
range defined by three values: minimum, maximum, and “most-likely”. A threat
impact adds cost or delay; an opportunity impact adds value or reduces cost.
Mitigation Action taken to reduce the impact or likelihood of an undesirable risk event or events.
Opportunity An event risk that has the potential to positively impact project objectives.
Probability An estimated likelihood that a particular risk event will occur. Often expressed on a
scale of 0 to 10 or 0 to 100 percent. Estimates of probability are often subjective, as
the combination of tasks, people and circumstance varies among projects.
Qualitative An assessment of risk relating to the qualities and subjective elements of the risk —
assessment those that cannot be quantified accurately. Qualitative techniques include the
identification of risk, recording risk details and relationships, categorization and
prioritization of risk relative to each other.
Quantitative Analysis Modeling of numerical outcomes by combining actual or estimated values with an
assumed or known relationship between values, using arithmetic or statistical
techniques, to determine a range of likely outcomes of a variable or to understand
how variance in one or more values is likely to affect others.
Risk Effect of uncertainty on objectives.
Risk Events Uncertain events that affect the project resulting in impacts to cost, schedule, safety,
performance or other characteristic but do not include the minor variance inherent in
Base Costs.
Risk Register The risk register serves as a repository for identified project risks. The risk register
includes detailed information about the risk and is a “living” document that evolves as
the project evolves.
Risk Response The process of developing response actions to identified risk events that enhance
opportunities and reduce threats to project objectives.
Threat An event risk that has the potential to negatively impact project objectives.
Uncertainty The lack of knowledge of the outcome for a particular element or value.
YOE Year Of Expenditure. The estimated year that money will be spent to complete project
work elements.
Base costs reported to program management shall be in current-year dollars (the un-
inflated estimate).
Additional terms for Risk Management may be found in the
WSDOT Glossary for Cost Risk Estimating Management

Project Risk Analysis Model (PRAM)

Overview ………………………………………………………………………………………………….. 1

Two-in-One ………………………………………….……………………………………………………. 2

Basic Parts ………………………………………………...………………………………………………. 3

Workbook Sheets: Inputs …………………………….…………...……………………………………. 4

Workbook Sheets: Outputs …….………………………………………………………………………. 5

Using the PRAM

Basic Steps ….……………….……………………………………………………………………………. 7

Before Using ………………………………………………………….……………………………………. 8

Get the Workbook ……………………………………………….………………………………………. 8

Open the Workbook / Table of Contents / Navigation …………….……………………………. 8

Reordering Risk Sheets ……………………………………………………….…………………………. 10

Entering Data ……………………………………..………………………………………………………. 10

Base Estimate ……………………………………………………………………..………………………. 11

Risk Sheets …………………………………………………………………………………………………. 15

Model Input Tables ………………………………………………………………………………………. 20

Run the Project Risk Analysis Model …………………………………….……………………………. 21

Viewing the Results ………………………………………………………………………………………. 22

Risk Response ……….……………………………………….……………………………………………. 24

Risk Response Analysis Inputs ……………..…………………………...………………………………. 26

Running the Risk Response Model ……………………………………………………………………. 29

Risk Breakdown Structure ..…………………………………..…………………………………………. 31

Conditionality ..……………………………………………………………………………………………. 33
Project Risk Analysis Model: Overview
A Risk model simulates events that may occur in the real world. For project risk analysis, attention
is focused on events that can affect project objectives such as cost and schedule.

The Project Risk Analysis Model (PRAM) uses Monte Carlo simulation to generate cost and
schedule probability distributions from user input cost, schedule, risk and uncertainty information.
It produces quantitative risk analysis outputs that provide actionable information to project
managers and teams.

The model runs thousands of simulations or “project realizations” that virtually execute the
project under the influence of all input uncertainties and risks. For each realization some risks
occur, some do not; some impacts are high and others are low. The output provides an
estimated range of project cost and schedule outcomes. Few realizations reach the extreme
limits of the distribution, most aggregate toward the middle.

Up to 24 individual risks may be entered into the model. The outputs present statistical
summaries, graphically as a distribution histogram, a cumulative distribution function S-curve,
and as a percentile table. The model reports cost distribution forecasts for Preliminary
Engineering (PE), Right of Way (RW), and Construction (CN) as well as total project cost. Results
are provided in Current Year (CY) dollars and as inflated to Year of Expenditure (YOE) dollars.
There are two schedule distribution forecasts, contract advertisement date and end of
construction date. There are also tornado diagrams, sorting risks by expected value (EV), by
cost and schedule impact.

The model accommodates two analyses. The first is for analyzing project estimate exposure to
risks as initially identified and assessed, and the second is for analyzing the response to those risks.
Comparing the pre-mitigated and post mitigated results offers users a quantified measure of the
value added by proactive project risk management. The Base Estimate and Risk input forms
serve both analyses. Color-coding is used throughout the model to promote instant recognition
of which analysis inputs or results are which:

ORANGE = Risk Analysis (pre risk-response: pre-mitigated risk analysis)

BLUE = Risk-Response Analysis (post risk-response: post mitigated risk analysis)

The following illustration shows the two analyses available in the model, how they are color-
coded, and how single input sheets are used for each:

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Basic Parts

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Workbook Sheets
The PRAM workbook contains sheets for data input and for output reports of simulation results.
These sheets serve to record the Risk Analysis — pre risk-response — and the Risk-Response
Analysis entries and results. The respective zones are clearly labeled and color-coded.


BASE Estimate (Sheet: Base)

Base Estimate
Users enter the expected cost as if the project goes as planned. The BASE Cost
Pre Risk-
is an unbiased neutral estimate of cost and schedule; care should be taken Response
that information entered is neither conservative nor optimistic. The BASE
estimate captures the total estimated project costs including, preliminary
engineering, right-of-way, construction, Mobilization, Construction Engineering, Post Risk-
Tax, Change Order Contingency, and below the line items (700/800 items).
(WSDOT standard construction contingency amount is based upon historical
usage). The upper portion is for the initial Project Risk Analysis. The lower portion Base
accounts for any base estimate adjustments due to risk response strategies — the Risk Response

Values are entered in Current Year (CY) dollars. Risk Form

RISK (Sheets: identifications vary) Response
The simulation handles up to 24 discrete risks. Each Risk sheet records an
identified risk associated with the project under study: the phase it affects, Post
its details, probability and quantified consequences. The upper portion of Response
the form is about the risk as it is first identified, with no regard to doing
anything about it, i.e., before any response strategy — pre risk-response
Risk AB
values, or pre-mitigated risk. The lower portion details the proposed Risk C
response strategy with any expected change to likelihood or impact due to
implementing the strategy — the post risk-response values, or Post-mitigated Risk.

Project risks can pose a Threat of negative impacts to project objectives, or present an
Opportunity that has a positive impact.

Model Input Tables: Inter-Risk Conditionality / Model Input Synopsis

RMP (Risks ordered 1 – 12) & RMPSuppl (Risks ordered 13 – 24) Model Input Tables
Data entered in the individual forms for Risk Analysis (pre risk- RUN
response) appear in these tables. The first twelve risks (1 – 12), in
the same order as workbook sheet tabs, are in one, the second 1 $↗
twelve (13 – 24), are in the other. At the top of each table is a 2 $↗
summary of (pre risk-response) Base Estimate inputs.
This is where to Indicate conditionality between risks, to model 4
basic correlations, dependencies, and duration links. See later RMP RMPSuppl
section for more details.

The model-engine uses the inputs from these sheets. Review the inputs before running.

4|P A G E
RMPM (Risks ordered 1 – 12) & RMPSupplM (Risks ordered 12 – 24) Model Input Tables
Data entered in the individual forms for Risk-Response Analysis RUN
appear in these tables. The first twelve risks (1 – 12), in the same
order as workbook sheet tabs, are in one, and the second 1 $↗
twelve (13 – 24), are in the other. At the top of each table is a 2 $↗
summary of (post risk-response) Base Estimate inputs.
Revise or indicate conditionality between risks accordingly, to 4
reflect the effects of response strategies (more detail provided RMPM RMPSupplM
later in this guide).

Review the model inputs here before running.


Expected Value (sheet: EV)

Graphs on this sheet sort entered risks by Expected Value (EV) as an Expected
aid for optimizing the risk-response effort. Typically, risks at the top
warrant the most attention, with a diminishing rate of return on Value
effort as we descend on the diagram. Limited risk management
resources should be applied proportional to a risks likelihood and
impact. To that end, expected value combines factors to one
convenient, probability-weighted number. When using, however,
be aware that this calculation could de-emphasize a high impact
risk that has low probability. Project Managers are advised to look
for these events (known as “Black Swans”), and give them due

The expected value of individual random variables is the probability-weighted

average of input values.

There are four diagrams in the sheet. The top two show pre risk-response ranking, one for cost
and another for schedule. The bottom two are for after risk-response adjustments. The
simulation need not run before viewing the Expected Value summary. This diagram is available
as soon as all risks have been entered/quantified. “Click” the launch button on the sheet after
risk entry; “click” to update after any risk entry revision. Do the same after recording risk-
response values to note any changes in standing.

5|P A G E
Outputs: Analysis Results Current
Risk model forecast results are presented in 8 sheets Year
for cost, and 2 for schedule. There are reports for Expenditure
Contract Ad
Preliminary Engineering, Right-of-Way, and
Date End of
Construction cost, as well as total project cost. Costs
Cost Construction
are provided in Current Year (CY) dollars, for Cost
Cost Cost
reporting to Program Management, and in Year-of- Cost
Expenditure (YOE) dollars. Schedule reports give date ranges for Ad Date
contract advertisement and end of construction. End CN

Result Sheets
Project Phase Current Year (CY) dollars Year-of-Expenditure (YOE) dollars
Preliminary Engineering PE-Cost (CY) PE-Cost (YOE)
Right of Way ROW-Cost (CY) ROW-Cost (YOE)
Construction CN-Cost (CY) CN-Cost (YOE)
Total Total-Cost (CY) Total-Cost (YOE)
Contract Advertisement Ad Date
End of Construction End CN

Below is an example Result Sheet:

See: Viewing the Results

6|P A G E
Using the PRAM: Basic Steps

7|P A G E
Before Using

The correct application of the Project Risk Analysis Model assumes familiarity with basic risk
management theory and technique. Please review WSDOT’s Project Risk Management Guide
before using the model:

Get the Workbook

The Project Risk Analysis Model workbook is available online here:

Open the Workbook / Table of Contents / Navigation

The Project Risk Analysis Model workbook should open at the Table of Contents (TOC) sheet.

Table of Contents
Base Estimate Base Risk Template R‐0
Risks Ordered 1 – 12 Risks Ordered 13 – 24
0 0
This area is empty when a0 0
new workbook is first opened.
0 0
0 0
0 0
0 0
0 0
0 0
As Risk Sheets are added, they0 0
are listed here with tab-links.0 0
After risks are added
0 0
0 0

Risk Tables Risks Ordered 1 – 12 Risks Ordered 13 – 24

Pre‐Response RMP Pre‐Response RMPSuppl
Post‐Response RMPM Post‐Response RMPSupplM
Expected Value EV

Cost $ Current Year Year of Expenditure

PE‐Cost (CY) Preliminary Engineering PE‐Cost (YOE)
ROW‐Cost (CY) Right of Way ROW‐Cost (YOE)
CN‐Cost (CY) Construction CN‐Cost (YOE)
Total‐Cost (CY) Total Total‐Cost (YOE)
Dates ⌛
Contract Advertisement Ad Date
End of Construction End CN
Risk Breakdown Structure RBS User's Guide Users Guide

8|P A G E
Notice the variously colored rectangles that look like the sheet tabs; these are links to respective
sheets in this workbook. The user may navigate to sheets in the usual way by selecting tabs at
the bottom of the workbook, or go to any sheet in the workbook from the TOC by clicking on
these tab-links.

Each destination sheet has at least one TOC tab-link to return the user to the Table of Contents.

Most sheets have tab-links to provide a direct route to other sheets, as well.

The exception is when in one of the Model Input Tables:

Model Input Tables Risks Ordered 1 – 12 Risks Ordered 13 – 24

Pre‐Response RMP Pre‐Response RMPSuppl

Post‐Response RMPM Post‐Response RMPSupplM


9|P A G E
From the Model Input Tables, along the left edge of
the table, notice that for each risk entry there are
two tab-links. The upper one goes to the risk sheet,
the lower one goes to the Table of Contents.

All of these navigational shortcuts have some

advantage over the traditional sheet selection-by
bottom-tab. There are over 40 sheets to negotiate
in a model fully loaded with project risk sheets (up to
24 risks). Getting from one sheet to another can be
difficult when limited to scrolling and selecting from
a wide array of bottom sheet tabs.

Reordering Risk Sheets

Risks may be entered in any order, but later it

may be desired or necessary to change the
sequence as they list in the Table of Contents
and/or in the Model Input Tables. For purposes
of modeling inter-risk conditionality (see later
section) the sequence of risk entries is crucial;
but even for purely esthetic reasons, reordering
risks is a simple matter of dragging their
respective tabs (at bottom) to the required

Be careful when reordering tabs in a workbook

that already has inputs for inter-risk conditionality.

The user may reorder risk sheets by dragging their respective sheet tabs, but conditionality
indicators will not automatically update to suit a new order. Any that were set before a
reordering should be checked afterwards to ensure risks are still connected as intended.

Entering Data

There are two parts to each input worksheet. The first records the values required for a Risk
Analysis (pre risk-response) simulation. The second is for Risk-Response Analysis, to model the
effect of response strategies. Combining these in one workbook allows for ready comparison
and quantification of the value added by active risk management.

Data may be entered live during a workshop, before, or sometime after active or collaborative
risk assessment. It may be copied-in from a list, from separate sheets, imported, or received from
remote collaborators, etc. Risk response strategizing may lag the risk analysis, or it may take
place on the heels of initial risk elicitation and assessment. Data for each analysis, pre or post
response, does not need to be entered in a particular sequence, but care must be taken to
assure that it is complete for an analysis, and that it is entered in the right section.

10 | P A G E
For the purpose of orderly presentation in this guide, we will assume a workflow where Risk
Analysis data is entered first, then we will return to make Risk Response Analysis entries. This guide
follows the diagram Using the PRAM: Basic Steps.

Base Estimate

Go to the Base sheet.

Enter data in the fields of the upper portion of the sheet, for Risk Analysis (with Pre-mitigated
Risks). The orange outlined boxes are critical for the model to calculate results. Leave blank
when there is no associated value.

Do not enter zero”0” in the entry fields.

Important, but less critical for modeling, are

the lighter-outlined boxes. Hatched fields
are for a more complex analysis — see the
section, Non-WSDOT Inflation Rates, for
more information. Underlined fields are
calculated values or information referenced from elsewhere and are auto-filled.

Make cost entries in million dollar units, and durations in months.

NOTE: Values are displayed in “Millions of dollars” ($M) and “Months” (mo). Less than a million
dollars or less than a month is entered as a decimal. Examples:

$200,000 enter as .2 it is displayed as 0.20 $M 1 week enter as .25 it is displayed as 0.3 mo

$2,689,123 enter as 2.69 it is displayed as 2.69 $M 3 months and three weeks enter as 3.75 displayed as 3.8 mo

$23,000 enter as .023 it is displayed as 0.02 $M one and a half years enter as 18 it is displayed as 18.0 mo

11 | P A G E
Project information is at the top.

Critical fields include:

• Project Title, Enter the complete project title as programmed.

• Estimate Date: Enter the date of the current project estimate. This is the critical base date
entry for modeled contract advertisement and end of construction forecasts.

Less critical:

• Model Date: A project may be analyzed several times over the course of its development.
Enter the date of this model to place it in history with others.

• State Route: Enter the route identifier(s) if they are not already in the project title.

• Mileposts: Enter the project milepost limits if they are not already in the project title.

• Project Manager: Enter the name of the project manager.

• PIN #: Enter the Program Item Number.

• WIN #: Enter the Work Item Number.

• Estimate Prepared by: Enter the name of the person who prepared the estimate.

• Last Updated: Enter the date that the estimate was last updated.

• Basis of Estimate Date: Enter the date of the Basis of Estimate form.

• Review Date: Enter the date that the estimate was last reviewed.

12 | P A G E
The next section is for Base Estimate Cost values:

COST $ Base Estimate Non‐WSDOT Inflation Rates Market Conditions

Millions ($M) Spent to Date ↓ ↓ Probability Impact
Engineering: PE: PE: Favorable:
← → Unfavorable:

Right of Way: RW: RW: Inflation Points

← → Pre‐construction (PE & ROW): 50%
Variability Construction: 50%
Construction: CN: CN:
← → Risk Markups Mobilization:
Minimum Variability Maximum Sales Tax:
Preliminary Engineering: 0.0%
↗ Estimated Total Cost to Complete Range* Construction Engineering:
Total Spent
← to Date Change Order Contingency:

← Es mated Total Project Cost Range*

*Extremes — not including risk impacts, market conditions, nor inflation.

• Base Estimate: Enter base cost for each project phase: Preliminary Engineering (PE), Right of
Way (RW), and Construction (CN). Do not include ANY misc. allowances in these. The
construction figure should already reflect the cost of all Bid Items, Mobilization, Sales Tax,
Change Order Contingency, Construction Engineering, 700 & 800 Level Items, etc. — the Total
Cost to Complete minus RW & PE costs.

Cost and Schedule Variability: Below each project phase cost and schedule estimate is an
input for inherent variability — not caused by risk events. Base variability captures a modest
symmetric range (of the form: base value ± x%) about the estimated value, typically from 5% to
15% depending on level of project development and complexity. Cost variability represents
quantity and price variations about the estimated base.

• Spent to Date Project dollars already spent may be accounted for in this column.

• Non-WSDOT Inflation Rates By default, the model refers to an internal inflation rate table
developed by a third party. The user may opt-out of the table by entering an inflation rate
that better suits conditions.

• Market Conditions: Enter percentages that reflect characteristics or trends in the market. Cost
and availability of labor and materials, or the number of contractors available to bid the work,
will all effect the market conditions.
Values reflect the opinion of the project team, an assessment of the bidding environment.
Enter a Probability for Favorable: (likelihood of better than planned) and Unfavorable:
(likelihood of worse than planned). Enter a percentage of construction cost representing the
Impact of how much better, or worse the project cost might be due to market conditions,
primarily the bidding environment.
13 | P A G E
• Inflation Points: 50% by default; this directs the model to inflate costs to the midpoint of each
phase duration, i.e. 0.5. Inflation point fields are provided for Pre-Construction (Preliminary
Engineering and Right of Way acquisition) and Construction activities.
Please contact the Strategic Analysis and Estimating office (SAEO) for assistance.

• Risk Markups: These are applied to the risk cost impact result per simulation. Values are
typically the same as those used in calculating the construction base cost estimate. Enter
Project Markup percentages for:
→ Mobilization
→ Local Sales Tax Rate
→ Construction Engineering
→ Preliminary Engineering — this is a calculated field, assuming the user expects
the same ratio as entered for estimated PE/CN for any simulated total risk cost
impact (users may override if desired).
→ Change Order Contingency

The next section is for Base Schedule values:

SCHEDULE ⌛ Pre‐construction (Pre‐CN) Construction (CN)

months (mo) Preliminary Engineering
Estimate RW Acquisition A/B/A Estimated
Date Start Date Target Ad Date Duration Construction Duration
01‐00‐00 01‐00‐00
(For Inflation) ← → ← → End of
Variability Variability Construction
*Minimum → 0.0 mo 01‐00‐00 01‐00‐00 0.0 mo 01‐00‐00
*Maximum → 0.0 mo 01‐00‐00 01‐00‐00 0.0 mo 01‐00‐00

*Extremes — not including risk impacts.

• Target AD Date, Enter the planned Advertisement Date of the project.

• Ad/Bid/Award (A/B/A) Duration, Enter how many months from the AD date until it is awarded.

• Estimated Construction Duration, Enter how many months the project will be in Construction.

Risks: Qualitative Translations — informational (no entries required, advanced feature)

This section shows and controls how the model translates risk probability and impact
(quantitative) values into qualitative terms relative to base estimate entries. This governs the
Heat Map display in each risks Qualitative Rendition section. In reverse, it serves as an aid in
quantifying risk probability and impact when starting from qualifying terms like “High”, “Very
Low”, etc.

RISKS Qualitative Translations

Probability ↓ Impact → PE $ RW $ CN $ Pre‐CN ⌛ CN ⌛
Base $ → 0.00 $M 0.00 $M 0.00 $M Base ⌛ → 0.0 mo
Very High ≥ 80% > 10.0% 0.000 $M 0.000 $M 0.000 $M > 30% 0.0 mo 0.0 mo Very High
High ≥ 60% > 5 0% 0.000 $M 0.000 $M 0.000 $M > 20% 0.0 mo 0.0 mo High

14 | P A G E
Risk sheets

Go to the Risk Form template sheet.

Make a Form for your risk by copying the template “R-0”.

This can be done several ways, but the easiest is to hold down the Ctrl key and drag the “R-0”
tab. This will result in a new tab named “R-0 (2)”, which you will rename a little later.

You may repeat this as many times as you have known risks already identified.

15 | P A G E
When adding more risks later, after previous forms have been filled-out, always start by making a
copy of a blank template “R-0”. This prevents unintentionally using values from a pre-existing
(copied) risk form.

Now go back to tab “R-0 (2)”. Enter risk FORM ENTRY LEGEND
analysis (pre risk-response) values in the
= critical for proper model results
upper portion of the Risk Form. Notice that
= risk information
critical entries for simulation are in solid,
black or orange outlined boxes. Important, = for complex analysis
but less critical for modeling, are the lighter- = calculated or referenced field
outlined boxes. Hatched fields are for a
more complex analysis — see the section on
Conditionality for more information. Underlined fields are calculated values or information
referenced from elsewhere and are auto-filled.

The top portion is for risk identification information and is common to both pre and post
mitigated risk analyses.

Risk Form Example Project Date:

Risk ID:
R‐0 (2) Category: RBS Code: .10 MDL Code:
ENV 30 Environmental Permitting (incl Appeals)
Risk Title:
Status: Phase that it Impacts: Critical Path? Yes
Detailed Description of Risk Event: (SMART―Speci fic, Mea s ura bl e, A ri buta bl e, Rel eva nt, Ti mebound)


The title of the project is automatically copied from the Base Estimate form.

Date: Enter date the risk was identified and assessed.

Risk ID: (auto-filled) copies what you enter as the tab name. Recommendation — use a Risk
Breakdown Structure (RBS) code as a Risk ID / tab name. Build one by first selecting a general
Category, then pick a specific from the drop-down in the upper-right form-corner. The result will
appear in the RBS Code field. Change the decimal place if the ID is the same as a previously
entered risk. Enter this unique ID as the tab-name for this sheet/risk. (See later section for more
details about RBS).

Risk ID examples:

Category: (drop-down) Select from among the following:

16 | P A G E
Environmental / Hydraulics Structures / Geotech Design / PS&E
Right-of-Way Utilities Railroad
Partnerships / Stakeholders Management / Funding Contracting / Procurement
Construction Enterprise Risk

After choosing a category, specify by selecting a subcategory from the drop-down in the
upper-right corner of the sheet. Example (Right-of-Way):

RBS Code: (auto-filled) See Risk ID: above. This is auto-filled, but it may be over-written.

MDL Code: (optional) is the Master Deliverable List ID.

Risk Title: Summary Description. Enter a concise descriptive title for the risk.

Status: (drop-down) marks a change of the risks potential in relation to project progress. Select:

Active – The risk is included in the simulation; it should get a response; it should be
monitored and controlled.

Dormant – Low priority risk; is excluded from the simulation; could become active in the
future if conditions change.

Retired – The risk is excluded from the simulation; it is no longer relevant; it poses no real
threat (or opportunity) to the project.

Phase that it Impacts: (drop-down) select the phase which the risk is likely to affect:


Critical Path? (drop-down) The default is “Yes”. Select Yes or No to indicate whether or not this
risk affects an activity that has impact on the critical path of the project schedule.

Detailed Description of Risk Event: Concisely describe the risk with enough detail so that its
nature is clear to later readers. Description of risks are: Specific, Measurable, Attributable,
Relevant, and Time-bound (SMART). The note fields at the bottom half of the worksheet can be
used for additional details.

Trigger: Enter a brief description of any event that must occur to initiate the risk’s potential.

17 | P A G E
The next section is for entering data for the initial risk analysis:

Pre-Response: Quantitative Assessment

Nature: (drop-down) select whether the risk poses a:

Threat – If the risk occurs, it will negatively affect project objectives.

Opportunity – If the risk occurs, it will positively affect project objectives.

Probability: Quantify the likelihood of the risk occurring. Enter a percentage %. Of course, 100%
means the risk should be part of the Base Estimate, 50% is a coin toss — it could go either way,
and 0% means there is no risk at all. The following guide offers qualitative renderings of
probability ranges:

0%—Very Low—20%—Low—40%—Moderate—60%—High—80%—Very High—100%

Make the following entries for Cost and Schedule in million dollar units, or in months, respectively.

NOTE: Values are displayed in “Millions of dollars” ($M) and “Months” (mo). Less than a million
dollars or less than a month is entered as a decimal. Examples:

$200,000 enter as .2 it is displayed as 0.20 $M 1 week enter as .25 it is displayed as 0.3 mo

$2,689,123 enter as 2.69 it is displayed as 2.69 $M 3 months and three weeks enter as 3.75 displayed as 3.8 mo

$23,000 enter as .023 it is displayed as 0.02 $M one and a half years enter as 18 it is displayed as 18.0 mo

COST $ — Expected impact range if risk occurs, in millions of dollars ($M). If the risk presents only
a schedule impact, leave these blank.

Minimum: Quantify and enter the value of the least cost impact.

Most Likely: Quantify and enter the value of the most likely cost impact.

Maximum: Quantify and enter the value of the greatest cost impact.

SCHEDULE ⌛ — Expected impact range if risk occurs, in months (mo). If the risk presents only a
cost impact, leave these blank.

Minimum: Quantify and enter the value of the least schedule impact.
18 | P A G E
Most Likely: Quantify and enter the value of the most likely schedule impact.

Maximum: Quantify and enter the value of the greatest schedule impact.

Pre-Response: Qualitative Rendering

This section plots a qualitative depiction of probability and impact in an intuitive and familiar

Impact Relative to: (auto-filled & drop-down) by default this plots the risk impacts relative to the
phase selected in Phase that it impacts entry (above). The user may select “Project” from the
drop-down to scale this risk’s potential to the entire project instead of just a phase. The selection
has no effect on the simulation.

$↔⌛ Impact Correlation: (drop-down) selection is for a more complex analysis; informs the
simulation of correlation between the risk’s cost impact and its schedule impact. See the later
section on Conditionality for more information.

Supplemental Risk Information: (This box is located lower down on the form). Enter further notes
or clarifications about the risk, its trigger(s), etc.


In practice, the user may continue to the Post-Response half of the Risk Form if data is available,
but for orderly presentation in this guide, we will assume a project execution modelling workflow
that focuses on a complete project risk analysis first, followed by a complete risk response
analysis. This guide follows the diagram Using the PRAM: Basic Steps.

Enter the Next Risk

Go to the next blank Risk Form, or make another copy of the Risk Form template sheet, “R-0”.
Follow the same data entry instructions as above. Do this for each identified/assessed risk (up to
24). After all risks have been entered to the extent required for risk analysis, go to the following

19 | P A G E
Model Input Tables

Go to the RMP and RMPSuppl sheets - this is where the model Model Input Tables
retrieves data, and from where the simulation is launched. All RUN
of the values necessary for modeling project execution are
1 $↗
gathered from the various input forms and presented here in
2 $↗
tables. This layout lends easy scanning for input errors, and it is
recommended to do so before running the model. Base 3
Estimate inputs are at the top of each sheet. The sheet titled 4
RMP holds risks 1 – 12, and the sheet titled RMPSuppl holds risks RMP RMPSuppl
13 – 24. (If there are less than 13 risks, then only the RMP sheet is used.)

If for some reason the order of risks as they

appear here, and in the table of contents, is not
as desired, it may easily be changed.

Conditionality (between risks)

Although not crucial to generating meaningful
results in many cases, at this point the user may
consider setting risk conditionality. See the later
section on this topic for more details. The risks
need to be in a particular order to suit

The user may reorder risk sheets by dragging their respective sheet tabs, but conditionality
indicators will not automatically update to suit a new order. Any that were set before a
reordering should be checked afterwards to ensure risks are still connected as intended.

20 | P A G E
Run the Project Risk Analysis Model

After setting conditionality and checking the entries, find the Run Model button near the top of
the RMP sheet, “click” the button. Expect that the program will calculate for a minute or two.

After running, the view should orient on a basic output presentation at the top-right of the sheet:

“Clicking” one of the green or blue tab-links near the top takes you to the respective output

21 | P A G E
Example pre risk-response (pre-mitigated) results graph and table:

Viewing the Results

The model simulates 10,000 project realizations, under the influence of entered risks, with resulting
phase costs and dates. It renders these results into frequency distribution histograms of cost and
date ranges. It does this by collecting resultant values into uniform bins (incremental ranges),
then graphing them as columns, each with a height relative to the number of total outcomes
that fall within the bin bounds. Bin maximums, in dollars or dates, mark the horizontal axis.

A typical graph looks like a mound, implying that the actual, real-life outcome will itself be
somewhere near the middle of the mass. The report tempers this notion by listing outcome-pool
percentile values, suggesting a confidence level that the actual value will not exceed that

The results are also depicted with a Cumulative Distribution Function S-curve, which is the running
total number (y) of outcomes with values at or below each upper bin limit (x). This shape
provides insight into the aggregate project estimate simulated outcome.

For reference, the original base estimate appears as a vertical, dashed line.

After running the risk-response analysis — the second part of this comprehensive risk
management process — using the initial risk analysis result as a backdrop, the tool displays pre
and post results in the same report. This facilitates ease of comparison, the difference being the
value of active risk management. Color-coding allows instant recognition of pre-response and
post-response results:
22 | P A G E
ORANGE = Risk Analysis (pre risk-response) results

BLUE = Risk-Response Analysis (risk management) results

The following example shows results of pre and post risk response analysis:

(CDF) axis /
histogram axis


upper bin-limits Base Estimate

Tabular minimum and maximum values are not the limits of what is possible, but are the range of
this particular model run. The program replicates risk by generating random numbers. It does
this fresh each run, so no two outcome sets will be the same; but the governing input bounds are
the same, so the outputs will be similar. A subsequent run will likely show slightly different values.

It is expected that the graph of the risk analysis results alone will look somewhat different after
the risk-response analysis run. Besides the obvious addition of another histogram and S-curve,
the bin limits will adjust to cover the whole outcome spectrum of both runs, likewise the y-axis/%
labels. This is because the report uses the same number of bins to cover a different range. This
graphical artifact makes no difference to the validity of the statistics presented in either set.

The risk-response result plots on top of the risk analysis. In many response scenarios, the base
estimate does not change. In that case the base estimate appears as only a dashed, blue,
vertical line (the orange is underneath it at the same value).

23 | P A G E
Risk Response

Risk response is where the true value of project risk management is realized. The Expected Value
(EV) diagram sheet suggests how to prioritize and allocate risk management effort and

Right-sizing the Risk Response

Response to a risk should be proportional to its likelihood and consequence.

Risk Management Actions

Manage and Management Extensive

High monitor effort management
risks required essential

Accept, Management Must manage

Medium but monitor effort and
risks worthwhile monitor risks

Risks may be
Accept worth
Low management
risks accepting with

Minor Moderate Significant

While much of the brainstorming and ideas about how to respond to a risk naturally flow on the
heels of identifying the risk in the first place, this guide assumes a workflow where risk response is
deferred to a discrete phase. This activity is dedicated to risk response strategizing, and the
orderly recording of the decisions, plans, and actions intended to counter the risks, either to
lessen detrimental effects and likelihood of threats, or by taking advantage of opportunities.

24 | P A G E
Risk Response Strategies
Threat Responses Opportunity Responses
Avoid – actions to eliminate the risk and Exploit – response actions taken to ensure the
protect project objectives from risk impact. benefits of the opportunity are realized.
Examples: Examples:
 Change scope  Change timing of ad or construction
 Change requirements  Modify work restrictions
 Revise resources allocations such as  Employ expertise that can make sure
cost or time. the opportunity is realized

Mitigate – reduce probability of occurrence Enhance – actions take to enhance an

or intensity of the impact. Mitigation is risk opportunity; actions that can increase
and project specific. probability or beneficial impacts.
Examples: Examples:
 Look at work activities and schedule  Look at work activities and schedule
 Change requirements  Change requirements
 Additional investigation  Add features to trigger opportunity

Transfer – transfer activity to other responsible Share – opportunity risks may be shared with
parties best able to address the risk and parties positioned to help secure the benefits
associated work. of the opportunity risk.
Examples: Examples:
 Contract work  Share ownership and allocate benefits
 Assign to other stakeholders among parties best able to make sure
 Insurance the opportunity is realized.

Acceptance of the risk

All projects live with some level of risk and uncertainty. In many cases, even for identified risk
events, the decision is made to accept the risk. The planned project is not changed due to
the possibility of the risk occurring, nor is any response strategy adopted other than agreeing
to address the risk if it occurs. Project managers should always monitor risks and project health
during execution. If a risk appears imminent, communicate with leadership.

Just as in quantifying risk analysis, the model needs numerical values to input, so the response
activity includes quantifying changes resulting from response actions. The post risk-response
probability and impacts are entered in the model, and after running, will quantify the value of
the risk (management) response itself.

25 | P A G E
Risk-Response Analysis Inputs
Risk Form
Risk Forms Pre
Use the same Risk Forms used for input to the risk analysis, to input for
analyzing risk-response.
Return to the risk sheets and go down to the Post-Response section. Make Response
entries in fields as performed previously for the risk analysis.
Risk AB
Risk C

Risk Response: (drop-down) select from the following:

If a Threat: If an Opportunity:
Avoid Exploit
Transfer Share
Mitigate Enhance
Accept Accept
Selecting “Accept” automatically populates the quantitative assessment fields with the values
from the above, pre-response section.

Risk Owner: Enter the name of the person responsible for managing this risk.
26 | P A G E
Response Description: Enter a concise description of the response and reason for the strategy.

“Action by” date: Enter the date that the management action should be engaged.

Post-Response: Quantitative Assessment

Nature: (drop-down) this is usually the same as above — Threat or Opportunity.

Probability: Adjust the probability according to the response strategy. Passive acceptance
should not lead to changing probability, but if circumstances have changed outside of any
active strategy, consider running the initial risk analysis with the latest probability.

COST $ — Adjust the expected Minimum, Most likely, and Maximum cost impact values
according to the proposed response strategy.

SCHEDULE ⌛ — Adjust the expected Minimum, Most likely, and Maximum schedule impact values
according to the proposed response strategy.

Post-Response: Qualitative Rendition: This provides a qualitative, visual interpretation of risk

probability and impact. The user may compare this heat map with the one above to observe
difference in symbol placement proportional with anticipated post-response probability and
impact quantifications.

Impact Relative to: (auto-filled & drop-down) by default this follows the Phase that it impacts:
entry (above) and governs the Quantitative Rendition Heat Map to graph impacts relative to
the phase. One may select “Project” from the drop-down to scale this risk’s potential to the
entire project instead of just the phase. The selection has no effect on the simulation.

$↔⌛ Impact Correlation: (drop-down) selection is for a more complex analysis; informs the
simulation of correlation between the cost impact and the schedule impact of the risk. See the
later section on Conditionality for more information. Revise this entry if affected by the response

Response Action(s) to be taken: Detail the action you will undertake in response to the
identified risk.

Action by date: Enter the date by which response action(s) need to be taken.

Supplemental Risk Information:

Response Details: Enter further notes or clarifications about the risk response strategy, basic
outline of the practical steps involved with monitoring and controlling the risk, etc.

Risk Monitoring and Control: As project execution progresses, journal the actions taken, status,
and review comments regarding this risk. Date and stack entries on top of one another to retain

Next review date: Enter the date when the risk is due for review as part of risk monitoring and

27 | P A G E
Base Estimate sheet
The same worksheet used to input for project risk analysis also handles inputs for risk-response —
on the second part or page. After carefully developing a response strategy for all risks as
warranted, and quantifying the expected probabilities and impacts, one may
Base Estimate
find that some of the responses, however beneficial in the long run, come at a
Pre Risk-
price up-front. The total of all these (per project phase) should be added to Response
the estimate. There may also be instances where brainstorming about risks
and risk-response has led to some impromptu Value Engineering (VE) — or VE
Post Risk-
may be integrated and result in quantified costs or savings to the project. The Response
second base estimate is to account for any changes to the first. This is an
appropriate backdrop for the second simulation, which actually analyzes the
value of the risk-response (and VE) itself and reflects updates to the estimate.

There might not be any changes, and the worksheet automatically populates the Post-mitigated
Base Estimate with the values entered from the initial estimate. These may be over-written;
doing so automatically highlights the changes for ease of comparing the two estimates.

RISK MODEL x Example Project Model Date:

Post-mitigated 01‐00‐00
Base Estimate State Route: 124 Mileposts: 0
Project Manager: 0 PIN #: 0 WIN #: 0
Estimate Prepared by: 0 Estimate Date: 04‐28‐16
Last Updated: 01‐00‐00 Basis of Estimate Date: 01‐00‐00 Review Date: 01‐00‐00

COST $ Base Estimate Non‐WSDOT Inflation Rates Market Conditions

Millions ($M) Spent to Date ↓ ↓ Probability Impact
Engineering: 0.79 $M PE: 0.00 $M PE: 0.0% Favorable: 30% 10%
0.71 $M ← 10% → 0.87 $M Unfavorable: 20% 10%

Right of Way: 1.05 $M RW: 0.00 $M RW: 0.0% Inflation Points

0.95 $M ← 10% → 1.16 $M Pre‐construction (PE & ROW): 50%
Variability Construction: 50%
Construction: 6.54 $M CN: 0.00 $M CN: 0.0%
5.89 $M ← 10% → 7.19 $M Risk Markups Mobilization: 6.0%
Minimum Variability Maximum Sales Tax: 8.1%
7.54 $M 8.38 $M 9.22 $M Preliminary Engineering: 12.1%
↗ Estimated Total Cost to Complete Range* Construction Engineering: 12.0%
Total Spent
0.00 $M ← to Date Change Order Contingency: 4.0%
7.54 $M 8.38 $M 9.22 $M ← Es mated Total Project Cost Range*
*Extremes—does not including risk impacts, market conditions, nor inflation

SCHEDULE ⌛ Pre‐construction (Pre‐CN) Construction (CN)

months (mo) Preliminary Engineering
Estimate RW Acquisition A/B/A Estimated
D t St t D t T t Ad D t D ti C t ti D ti
28 | P A G E
RMPM and RMPSupplM sheets Model Input Tables
At this point, go to the post risk-response Model Input Tables and RUN
adjust any inter-risk conditionality that may have changed due
1 $↗
to response strategies involving one or more of the associated
risks. 2 $↗
It is also possible that response strategies now anticipate a
significant conditionality between risks. Read the Conditionality
section, later in this guide, before making these settings.

Running the Risk Response Model

After adjusting conditionality and checking the Base and Risk entries, find the Run Model button
near the top of the RMPM sheet, “click” the button. Expect that the program will calculate for a
minute or two.

29 | P A G E
After running, the view orients on a basic output presentation at the top-right of the sheet:

“Clicking” the green or blue “buttons” near the top, will take you to the respective output sheet:


30 | P A G E
Appendix: Risk Breakdown Structure (RBS)
The Risk Breakdown Structure (RBS) provides a consistent approach for organizing risks.

The RBS is a list of common transportation project risks organized in a hierarchical matrix, by
category and subcategory. Besides promoting a consistent risk identification system, it can
serve as a prompt for risk elicitation.

The RBS provides several functions and benefits to the project team and to management,

1) Consistency with taxonomy (wording)

2) Organizes risk events into common categories
3) Helps identify trends with respect to common usage of risk event categories and event
types, along with their probability and impact values
4) Helps to identify common risk events among projects that the Region and Headquarters
offices should be aware of due to their potential cumulative effects; e.g. negotiating
agreements with agencies or other municipalities
5) Provides a basis to work from for risk assessment and risk elicitors during workshops
6) Provides a basis for development of independent risk surveys for those unable to attend
a workshop

For more information regarding the RBS, see the Project Risk Management Guide, Chapter 7 for
additional details.

31 | P A G E
Level 1 M ajor Proje ct Risks
Environmental Structures Design / PS&E Right-of-Way Utilities Railroad Partnerships Management / Contracting Construction Enterprise Risk
Level 2 & Hydraulics
ENV & Geotechnical
STG DES (Acquisition
ROW & Access) UTL RR & Stakeholders
PSP Funding
MGT & Procurement
ENV 10 STG 10 DES 10 ROW 10 UTL 10 RR 10 PSP 1010 MGT 10 CTR 10 CNS 10 10 ERO 10
Changes to Structures
to Structures Changes
Changes to to roadway design
roadway design Issues
Issues Associated
Associated with
with Utility
Utility Design
Design Coordination
Coordination Railroad
Railroad DesignDesign
Coordination Tribal
Tribal Issues
Issues Change
Change in Project
in Project Managers Change
Change in
in Project Delivery
Project Delivery Traffic
Traffic Control
Control and Staging
and Staging Safety
10 Documentation Completion Design (Bridge (vertical and/or horizontal Development of ROW Plan and Agreements Coordination and Managers and/or other key Method Issues (MOT/WZTC)
Documentation Completion Design (Bridge (vertical and/or horizontal Development of ROW Plan and Agreements and Agreements and/or other key Leadership Method Issues (MOT/WZTC)
(Section 4f, etc.) Superstructure, Retaining alignment, earthwork, Agreements Leadership
(Section 4f,
Challenges Superstructure,
Walls) Retaining alignment,
pavement, earthwork,
NEPA/SEPA Challenges Walls) pa ement etc )
ENV 20 STG 20 DES 20 ROW 20 UTL 20 RR 20 PSP 2020 MGT 20 CTR 20 CNS 20 20 ERO 20
ESA Issues
Issues (Consultation,
(Consultation, Changes
Changes to to Geotechnical
Geotechnical Approval
Approval of Design
of Design Uncertainty
Uncertainty in
in Future ROW
Future ROW Utility
Utility relocations and
relocations and Railroad
Railroad Coordination
Coordination during Public
Public Involvement
Involvement Issues
Issues Delayed
Delayed Decision Making
Decision Making Issues
Issues Related
Related to Contract
to Contract Construction
Construction Permitting
Permitting Trust
Biologic Assessments / Design Foundations, Deviations Escalation Rate (Project- conflicts during construction Other Interagency Language (Contract Issues (work restrictions,
20 Biologic Assessments / Design Foundations, Deviations Escalation Rate (Project- conflicts construction (flagging, work Other Interagency Language (Contract Issues (work restrictions,
Biological Opinions, Fish Liquefaction, Mitigation, etc. Changes to roadway design Specific, including change (flagging, work restrictions, Agreements (Sound Packaging, Warranties, etc.)
Biological Opinions, Fish
Passage) Liquefaction,
Challenging Mitigation,
Geotechetc. Changes
criteria (shoulder design Specific,
to roadwaywidth, including
in land use, change in
urbanization, restrictions, work windows,
work windows, etc.) Agreements
Transit, USFS, Transit,
(Soundcities, Packaging,
Liquidated Warranties,
Damages, DBE, etc.)
Passage) Conditions
Challenging Geotech sight
criteria distance,
(shoulder width, etc.)
etc.)sight land use, urbanization, etc.) etc.) USFS,counties,
cities, counties,
etc.) etc.) Insurance/Bonding,
Liquidated etc.)
Damages, DBE,

ENV 30 STG 30 DES 30 30 ROW 30 UTL 30 RR 30 PSP 30 30 MGT 30 CTR 30 CNS 30 30 ERO 30
Environmental Permitting
Environmental Permitting Changes
Changes toto Structural
Structural Changes
Changes to Architectural,
to Architectural, LimitedLimited
(Interchange Contractor
Contractor Right
Right of Entry
of Entry Additional
Additional Scope
Scope inin Availability
Availability ofof Funding
Funding // Delays
Delays in
in Ad-Bid-Award
Ad-Bid-Award Work
Work Windows (Weather,
Windows (Weather, Credibility
(Appeals, etc.) Design Criteria (seismic, CSS, Landscape Design (Interchange Justification Requirements Response to Third Party Cash Flow Restrictions Process (Addenda, Fish, etc.)
30 (Appeals, etc.) Design Criteria (seismic, CSS, Landscape Design Justification Report - IJR, Requirements Response to Third Party Cash Flow Restrictions Process (Addenda, Protests, Fish, etc.)
etc.) Report - IJR, Access Concerns (artwork, shared- Protests, etc.)
etc.) Access Hearing,
Hearing, etc.)etc.) Concerns (artwork,
use pathways, shared-
intersection etc.)
useimprovements, etc.)
pathways, intersection

ENV 40 STG 40 DES 4040 ROW 40 UTL 40 RR 40 PSP 40 MGT 40 CTR 40 CNS 40 40 ERO 40
Archaeological/Cultural Projects
Projects by
by other agencies
other agencies Managed
Managed Access (Appeal
Access (Appeal Political/Policy
Political/Policy Changes
Changes Market
Market Conditions (non-
Conditions (non- Construction
Construction Schedule
Schedule Reputation
40 Discoveries, historic affected by or affecting this Hearing, etc.) competitive bidding Uncertainty (general,
Discoveries, historic affected by or affecting this Hearing, etc.) competitive bidding Uncertainty (general,
property impacts & project (design environment) Lack of including timing of award)
property impacts
mitigation & mitigation
(Section 106) project (design coordination)
coordination) environment) Lack of
Qualified Bidders including timing of award)
(S ti 106) Q lifi d Bidd
ENV 50 STG 50 DES 50 ROW 50 UTL 50 RR 50 PSP 50 MGT 50 CTR 50 CNS 50 50 ERO 50
Hazardous Materials
Hazardous Materials Changes
Changes to to Design
Design ofof ROW
ROW Acquisition Issues
Acquisition Issues State
State Workforce Limitations
Workforce Limitations Delays
Procurement ofof Marine/Over-Water
50 Groundwater and Soil Permanent Traffic Items (condemnation, relocations, Specialty Materials or Construction Issues
Groundwater and Soil Permanent Traffic Items (condemnation, relocations, Specialty Materials or Construction Issues
Contamination (PE, RW, (ITS, Illumination, demolitions, etc.) Equipment and associated

CN) (PE, RW, (ITS, Illumination,
Intersection, etc.) demolitions, etc.) Equipment and associated
cost premiums
CN) I t ti t ) t i
ENV 60 STG 60 DES 60 60 ROW 60 UTL 60 RR 60 PSP 60 MGT 60 CTR 60 CNS 60 ERO 60

Le ve l
Wetlands // Stream Habitat
Stream // Habitat Design
Design // PS&E
PS&E Reviews
Reviews Additional
Additional ROW
ROW is required
is required Contractor
Contractor Non-
Mitigation Additional Scope Driven by (including full vs partial Performance
Mitigation Additional Scope Driven by (including full vs partial
Internal Considerations takes): Temporary and
60 Internal Considerations
(Maintenance, Traffic takes): Temporary
Permanent Access Breaksand -
Tolling,Traffic FHWA
extend Permanent approval
Access Breaks -
project terminii, change to Construction/Subterranean
Projections, Tolling, extend FHWA approval
purpose and need, etc.) Easements
project terminii, change to Construction/Subterranean
ENV 70 STG 70 DES 70 ROW 70 UTL 70 RR 70 PSP 70 MGT 70 CTR 70 CNS 7070 ERO 70
Stormwater, Changes
Changes toto Availability
Availability ofof Specialty
Specialty Earthwork
Earthwork Issues
Issues (re-use,
70 Flow Control or Runoff Labor, Labor and/or haul, disposal, etc.)
Flow Control or Runoff Labor, Labor and/or haul, disposal, etc.)
Treatment / Hydraulic Productivity Disruptions
Treatment / Hydraulic
Requirements Productivity Disruptions
ENV 80 STG 80 DES 80 ROW 80 UTL 80 RR 80 PSP 80 MGT 80 CTR 80 CNS 8080 ERO 80
Environmental Impacts
Impacts Coordination
Coordination with Adjacent
with Adjacent
80 during Construction (water Projects During
during Construction (water Projects During Construction
quality, TESC etc.) Construction
quality TESC etc )
ENV 90 STG 90 DES 90 ROW 90 UTL 90 RR 90 PSP 90 MGT 90 CTR 90 CNS 90 ERO 90
Permanent Noise Mitigation
Noise Mitigation Contractor Access/Staging
Contractor Access/Staging
90 Coordination and
Coordination and
Constructability Issues
Constructability Issues
ENV 100 STG 100 DES 100 ROW 100 UTL 100 RR 100 PSP 100 MGT 100 CTR 100 CNS 100 ERO 100
100 Construction Accidents
Construction Accidents
ENV 900 STG 900 DES 900 ROW 900 UTL 900 RR 900 PSP 900 MGT 900 CTR 900 CNS 900 900
ERO 900
Other ENV
ENV Issues
Issues Other
Other STG
STG Issues
Issues Other
Other DES Issues
DES Issues Other
Other ROW
ROW Issues
Issues Other
Other UTL
UTL Issues
Issues Other
Other RR
RR Issues
Issues Other
Other PSP Issues
PSP Issues Other
Other MGT
MGT Issues
Issues Other CTR Issues
Other CTR Issues Other CNS Issues
Other CNS Issues Other
Other ERO
ERO Issues
900 (unanticipated change
(unanticipated change orders,
orders, claims, etc.)

32 | P A G E
claims etc )
Appendix: Conditionality
Refining the base estimate and identifying significant risks are most essential to project risk
analysis, but a thorough assessment gives some attention to interactions between risks. To a
degree, this model can accommodate some common risk relationships. The “Conditionality” risk
relationships described here are limited to the model’s capability. Further study of this subject
equips one for more comprehensive risk assessment. Awareness of conditionality informs and
forewarns the project team, allowing more pro-active, response options. The types of
conditionality covered here are Correlation, Dependency, and Duration Link.

Conditionality Where to enter it in the tool

As handled by the model:
Risk Form
Types by risk component and extent.
Pre Correlation between cost $ and schedule ⌛
Response impact within a risk event is recorded in the
Within a Risk Risk Form. (This is the only conditionality
$↗ ⌛↗
that is captured in the Risk Form).
Correlation $↗ ⌛↗

Conditionality between risks: Correlation,

Risk AB
Risk Duration Link, and Dependency are
Risk C
Duration Link entered in the Risk Tables.
Model Input Tables
Between Risks


1 $⌛↗
Dependency $↗
2 $⌛↗
3 $↗


33 | P A G E
Where to enter inter-risk conditionality:


Describes an expected parity or disparity of impact severity. Positive Correlation marks the
expectation that if a certain risk occurs and its impact is high (↗), then the impact of a certain
other risk, if it occurs, will tend toward the high end of its input range (↗); similarly if it strikes low
(↘), the other will tend low (↘). Negative Correlation marks the expectation that if a certain risk
occurs and its impact is high (↗), then the impact of a certain other risk, if it occurs, will tend
toward the low end of its input range (↘); if it hits low (↘), the other will tend high (↗).


Positive Correlation: ↗↗ or ↘↘

Negative Correlation: ↗↘ or ↘↗


1) Zebra herds crossing a river in Africa. High water means crocodiles are less visible and more
mobile. The expectation is that when crossing, if the water is high, death by predation is high
— positive correlation. This expectation is reasonable even if there happen to be no

34 | P A G E
crocodiles at the crossing that year, or they are already full — no actual crocodile strikes. If
the crossing meets shallow water, the expectation is fewer zebras lost.

2) The higher the Nile floods, the more arable land is available for cultivation — positive

3) As prices go up, consumption goes down — negative correlation.

4) More excavation may be required at this end of the project, but if the material is suitable, it
means less importation for the fill at the other end — negative correlation.

Correlation between Cost and Schedule Impacts (within a single risk)

Risk A with Positive Cost and Schedule Impact Correlation: $↗⌛↗ or $↘⌛↘

Max Max Max Max

$ ↘↘ ⌛
$ ↗↗ ⌛
Risk A Risk A
occurs occurs
Min Min
Min Min
When Cost $ Impact is high, When Cost $ Impact is low,
Schedule ⌛ Impact is high Schedule ⌛ Impact is low

Risks A with Negative Cost and Schedule Impact Correlation: $↗⌛↘ or $↘⌛↗

Max Max
Max Max

$ ↗↘ ⌛ $ ↘↗ ⌛
Risk A Risk A
occurs occurs
Min Min
Min Min
When Cost $ Impact is high, When Cost $ Impact is low,
Schedule ⌛ Impact is low Schedule ⌛ Impact is high

35 | P A G E
Correlation within a single risk, between cost impact ($) and schedule impact (⌛) — Positive:
$↗⌛↗ or $↘⌛↘, or Negative: $↗⌛↘ or $↘ ⌛↗ — is noted on the individual risk sheet.

The default value is <blank> (no, unknown, or uncertain correlation). The dropdown selections
affirm correlation while telling which type.

36 | P A G E
Correlation between Risk Impacts (between risks)

Risks A and B with Positive Impact Correlation: $⌛↗$⌛↗ or $⌛↘$⌛↘

Max $⌛ Max $⌛

Max $⌛
Risk A Risk B Max $⌛
occurs may
occur Min $⌛
Min $⌛
If Risk B occurs, the impact will be high
Risk A Risk B
Max $⌛
Max $⌛ does not may
occur occur Min $⌛
Min $⌛
If Risk B occurs, the impact is free-range

Risk A Risk B
occurs Min $⌛ may
occur Min $⌛
If Risk B occurs, the impact will be low

Risks A and B with Negative Impact Correlation: $⌛↗$⌛↘ or $⌛↘$⌛↗

Max $⌛

Max $⌛
Risk A Risk B Max $⌛
occurs may
occur Min $⌛
Min $⌛
If Risk B occurs, the impact will be high
Risk A Risk B
Max $⌛
Max $⌛ does not may
occur occur Min $⌛
Min $⌛
If Risk B occurs, the impact is free-range

Risk A Risk B
occurs Min $⌛ may
occur Min $⌛
If Risk B occurs, the impact will be low

37 | P A G E
Impact correlations between risks are set in the Model Input Tables:

Note: The program assumes the correlation between risks is driven by the preceding risk of a
sequence on the list: #1 governs #2, #17 governs #18, etc. — risks must be ordered accordingly.
Note: the first batch of 12 risks cannot be connected to the second batch, 13 – 24, so #12
cannot govern #13.

38 | P A G E
The user may reorder risk sheets by dragging their respective sheet tabs, but conditionality
indicators will not automatically update to suit a new order. Any that were set before a
reordering should be checked afterwards to ensure risks are still connected as intended.

The initial risk randomly selects an impact severity within its input range — if it randomly occurs. If
the initial risk does not occur, then the following risk is free to impact randomly over the full range
of its input bounds — if it strikes.

Duration Link
This simply means that if both risks occur the program adds both their duration impacts against
the schedule base estimate (in “series”). This again is about impact or consequence, not about
probability of occurrence.


y and z depict randomly generated durations, selected within entered

(quantified) impact bounds (minimum, maximum, and most-likely).

No Duration Link — Both strike

Ri sk #1 y m onths (impact potential of 1 to 2 months)

Ri sk #2 z m onths (impact potential of 2 to 4 months)

z months delay

Duration Link — Both strike

Ri sk #1 y m onths

Ri sk #2 z m onths

y + z months delay

Duration Link — Only one strikes

Ri sk #1 y m onths

Ri sk #2 z m onths

y months delay

39 | P A G E
Duration Link is set in the Model Input Tables:

The default value is “0” (no, or unknown Duration Link). The dropdown selection of “1” affirms a
link with the risk just below on the list. Indicator fields confirm the link.

The model is limited to pairs of sequential risks, as listed in the Model Input Tables. One signifies
duration link from a “Master Duration Risk” on the list to the next down on the list. Link #1 and #2
from #1, #17 and #18 from #17, etc. — risks must be ordered accordingly. Caution: the first
batch of 12 risks cannot be connected to the second batch, 13 – 24, so #12 cannot link #13.

The user may reorder risk sheets by dragging their respective sheet tabs, but conditionality
indicators will not automatically update to suit a new order. Any that were set before a
reordering should be checked afterwards to ensure risks are still connected as intended.

40 | P A G E

Unlike the previous two conditionality types dealing with risk impacts, this one is a probability
relationship. The model’s default, also known as “mutually inclusive”, allows all risks to occur or
not, as random numbers dictate; however, the simulation may be sensitized for two other
scenarios. One where a risk can only happen if some other does, and a lopsided “mutually
exclusive”, where a risk cannot happen if some other does.

The model default value, <blank>, is that each risk probability is independent. The dropdown
selections affirm dependency while telling which type:

DEP-INCL = (Dependent-Inclusive) Yes, this risk is dependent on the preceding risk and may only
occur if the preceding risk does occur.

Risk B can strike only if Risk A strikes.

Risk A Risk B Risk A Risk B Risk A Risk B

Risk B might not strike. Risk B will not strike.

Best route of excavation is near abandoned, buried vessels; contents vary from benign to toxic.
Puncturing a vessel full of potable water is its own unfavorable impact, let alone having to deal
with toxic waste; but if no tanks or lines are discovered, the hazmat suits can be stowed.

DEP-EXCL = (Dependent-Exclusive) Yes, this risk is dependent on the preceding risk and may only
occur if the preceding risk does not occur.

Risk B can strike only if Risk A does not strike.

Risk A Risk B Risk A Risk B Risk A Risk B

Risk B might not strike. Risk B will not strike.

We will need increased capacity for de-watering if it rains heavy, but we will need water tanks
and sprayers for dust control if it does not rain at all.

An almost empty canteen while on expedition may mean perishing of dehydration, but one
could resort to local sources. The more one drinks from these however, the greater the chance
of contracting some other malady. Welcome to the jungle!

41 | P A G E
Dependency is set in the Model Input Tables:

Note: the program assumes that dependency between risks is driven by the preceding risk of a
sequence on the list: #1 governs #2, #17 governs #18, etc. — risks must be ordered accordingly,
with the selection made from the lower risk. Caution: the first batch of 12 risks cannot be
connected to the second batch, 13 – 24, so #12 cannot govern #13.

The user may reorder risk sheets by dragging their respective sheet tabs, but conditionality
indicators will not automatically update to suit a new order. Any that were set before a
reordering should be checked afterwards to ensure risks are still connected as intended.

42 | P A G E

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