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(A) Usage Rates of Plant and Machinery

Description of Machine Output of
Sl. No. Activity Output Unit Rate
Air Compressor capacity in
P&M-001 General Purpose 170/250 hour 619.50 14
Batching and Mixing Plant
P&M-002 Concrete Mixing cum/hour 20 hour 1380.000 32
(a) 30 cum capacity
Batching and Mixing Plant
P&M-003 (b) 15 - 20 cum capacity Concrete Mixing cum/hour 13 hour 1205.80 32

Emulsion Pressure Applying bitumen tack

P&M-004 sqm/hour 1750 hour 963.00 18
Distributor coat
Bitumen Boiler oil fired capacity in
P&M-005 Bitumen Spraying 1500 hour 234.00 29
Concrete Paver Finisher Paving of concrete
P&M-006 cum / hour 20 hour 3248.00 40
with 40 HP Motor surface
Concrete Pump of 45 & 30
P&M-007 Pumping of concrete cum / hour 33 / 22 hour 899.00 34
cum capacity
Concrete Bucket capacity in
P&M-008 For Pouring concrete 1 hour 15.80 36
Concrete Mixer (a)
P&M-009 Concrete Mixing cum/hour 2.5 hour 627.60 38
0.4/0.28 cum
P&M-010 Concrete Mixer (b) 1 cum Concrete Mixing cum/hour 7.5 hour 727.00 38
P&M-011 Crane (a) 80 tonnes Lifting Purpose hour 1312.00 35
P&M-012 Cranes b) 35 tonnes Lifting Purpose hour 886.00 35
P&M-013 Cranes c) 3 tonnes Lifting Purpose hour 394.00 35
Dozer D - 80 - A 12 Spreading /Cutting / 300/
P&M-014 cum/hour hour 2956.90 1
Clearing 150/250
Dozer D - 50 - A 15 Spreading /Cutting / 200/
P&M-015 cum/hour hour 1758.00 2
Clearing 120/150
Emulsion Pressure Applying emulsion tack
P&M-016 sqm/hour 1750 hour 963.00 18
Distributor coat
Front End loader 1 cum Soil loading / Aggregate
P&M-017 cum/hour 60 /25 hour 1844.00 5
bucket capacity loading
P&M-018 Generator (a) 125 KVA Genration of electric KVA 100 hour 1478.00 43
P&M-019 Generator( b) 63 KVA Energy
Genration of electric KVA 50 hour 1237.40 43
P&M-020 GSB Plant 50 cum Energy
Producing GSB cum/hour 40 hour 1280.00 30
Hotmix Plant - 120 TPH
P&M-021 DBM/BM/SDC/ Premix cum/hour 40 hour 31556.00 19
Hotmix Plant - 100 TPH
P&M-022 DBM/BM/SDC/ Premix cum/hour 30 hour 27072.00 20
Hotmix Plant - 60 to 90
P&M-023 DBM/BM/SDC/ Premix cum/hour 25 hour 24268.00 21
TPH capacity
Hotmix Plant - 40 to 60
P&M-024 DBM/BM/SDC/ Premix cum/hour 17 hour 21414.00 22
TPH capacity
P&M-025 Hydraulic Chip Spreader Surface Dressing sqm/hour 1500 hour 2875.00 25
Hydraulic Excavator of 1 Soil Ordinary/Soil
P&M-026 cum/hour 60 /60 /60 hour 3331.20 4
cum bucket Marshy / Soil Unsuitable
Integrated Stone Crusher
P&M-027 Crushing of Spalls TPH 100 hour 9757.00 41
Integrated Stone Crusher
P&M-028 Crushing of Spalls TPH 200 hour 20573.00 41
200 HP
P&M-029 Kerb Casting Machine Kerb Making Rm/hour 80 hour 348.00 37
Mastic Cooker capacity in
P&M-030 Mastic Wearing coat 1 hour 73.00 31
Mechanical Broom
P&M-031 Surface Cleaning sqm/hour 1250 hour 400.00 16
Motor Grader 3.35 mtr Clearing /Spreading 200/200/50/
P&M-032 cum/hour hour 3602.00 3
blade /GSB /WBM 50
Mobile slurry seal Mixing and laying slurry
P&M-033 sqm/hour 2700 hour 1261.00 47
equipment seal
Paver Finisher Hydrostatic
Paving of DBM/
P&M-034 with sensor control 100 cum/hour 40 hour 3427.00 23
TPH BM/SDC/ Premix

SOR 2021-22 @ 15% Page 1 INPUT SHEET

Paver Finisher Mechanical Paving of WMM /Paving
P&M-035 cum/hour 40/30 hour 2519.00 24
100 TPH of DLC
Piling Rig with Bantonite 0.75 m dia to 1.2 m dia
P&M-036 Rm/hour 2 to 3 hour 6132.00 39
Pump Boring attachment
P&M-037 Pneumatic Road Roller Rolling of Asphalt Surface cum/hour 25 hour 1437.00 27
P&M-038 Pneumatic Sinking Plant Pneumatic Sinking of cum/hour 1.5 to 2.00 hour 63.00 Old rate
P&M-039 Pot Hole Repair Machine wells of potholes
Repair cum/hour 4 hour 946.00 28
Prestressing Jack with Stressing of steel
P&M-040 hour 158.00 42
Pump & access wires/stands
P&M-041 Ripper Scarifying cum/hour 60 hour 103.00 103.00

P&M-042 Rotavator Scarifying cum/hour 25 hour 8.00 8.00

P&M-043 Road marking machine Road marking Sqm/hour 100 hour 124.00 46
Smooth Wheeled Roller 8 Soil Compaction /BM
P&M-044 cum/hour 70/25 hour 1625.80 8
tonne Compaction
P&M-045 Tandem Road Roller Rolling of Aspalt Surface cum/hour 30 hour 1844.00 26
Tipper - 5 cum Transportation of soil, Capacity in
P&M-046 5.5 km input
GSB, WMM, Hotmix etc. cum
Tipper - 5 cum Transportation of soil, Capacity in
P&M-047 5.5 tonne.km -
GSB, WMM, Hotmix etc. cum
Tipper - 5 cum Transportation of soil, Capacity in
GSB, WMM, Hotmix etc. cum
5.5 hour 1185.60 I & CADD 54
Transit Mixer 4.0/4.5 cum Transportation of
P&M-049 cum/hour 4.5 hour 2532.40 33
Concrete Mix to site
Transit Mixer 4/4.5 cum Transportation of
P&M-050 Concrete Mix to site cum/hour 4.5 tonne.km 0.00

P&M-051 Transit Mixer 3.0 cum (Assuming that of

Transportation the mix cum/hour 3 hour 33.00
Transit Mixer 3.0 cum Concrete Mix toofsite
P&M-052 Concrete Mix to site cum/hour 3 tonne.km 0.00

Tractor (Assuming that the mix

P&M-053 Pulling capacity in HP 50 hour 465.00 11

P&M-054 Tractor with Rotevator Rate of Tractor + hour 473.00 12

P&M-055 Tractor with Ripper Rotevator
Rate of Tractor 6+ Ripper hour 568.00 13
Truck 5.5 cum per 10
P&M-056 Material Transport capacity/cum 4.5 km input
Truck 5.5 cum per 10
P&M-057 Material Transport capacity/cum 4.5 hour 1142.60 45
Truck 5.5 cum per 10
P&M-058 Material Transport capacity/cum 4.5 tonne.km
P&M-059 Vibratory Roller 8 tonne Earth or soil / GSB / cum/hour 100/60/60 hour 3292.40 7
Water Tanker WBM
P&M-060 Water Transport capacity in KL 6 hour 699.00 10

Water Tanker
P&M-061 Water Transport capacity in KL 6 km input Old rate

P&M-062 Wet Mix Plant 60 TPH Wet Mix cum/hour 25 hour 1844.00 15
Sl. No. Description of Machine Unit Rate
P&M-063 Air compressor with pneumatic chisel attachment for cutting hard clay. hour input
Batch type cold mixing plant 100-120 TPH capacity producing an average output of
P&M-064 hour input
75 tonne per hour
P&M-065 Belt conveyor system hour input

P&M-066 Boat to carry atleast 20 persons hour input

P&M-067 Cement concrete batch mix plant @ 175 cum per hour (effective output) hour 1380.000 32

P&M-068 Cement concrete batch mix plant @ 75 cum per hour hour 1380.000 32

P&M-069 Cold milling machine @ 20 cum per hour hour input

P&M-070 Crane 5 tonne capacity (as per SSR rate for 3 t) hour 394.00 35

P&M-071 Crane 10 tonne capacity hour input

P&M-072 Crane 15 tonne capacity hour input

P&M-073 Crane 20 tonne capacity hour input

P&M-074 Crane 40 T capacity (Rate adopted for 35tonnes capacity ) hour 886.00 35

SOR 2021-22 @ 15% Page 2 INPUT SHEET

P&M-075 Crane with grab 0.75 cum capacity hour 2419.00 35

P&M-076 Compressor with guniting equipment along with accessories hour 396.20 I & CAD sl.no.37

P&M-077 Drum mix plant for cold mixes of appropriate capacity but not less than 75 hour input
P&M-078 Epoxy Injection gun hour input

P&M-079 Generator 33 KVA hour 1237.40 43

P&M-080 Generator 100 KVA hour 1261.00 43

P&M-081 Generator 250 KVA hour 2072.00 43

P&M-082 Induction, deinduction and erection of plant and equipment including all hour input
components and accessories for pneumatic method of well sinking.
P&M-083 Joint Cutting Machine with 2-3 blades (for rigid pavement)… hour 900.00 Old rate

P&M-084 Jack for Lifting 40 tonne lifting capacity. day input

P&M-085 Piling rig Including double acting pile driving hammer (Hydraulic rig) hrs input

P&M-086 Plate compactor hour 54.00 48

P&M-087 Snow blower equipment 140 HP @ 600 cum per hour hour input

P&M-088 Texturing machine (for rigid pavement) hour 450.00 Old rate

P&M-089 Truck Trailor 30 tonne capacity hour input

P&M-090 Truck Trailor 30 tonne capacity t.km input

P&M-091 Tunnel Boring machine hour input

P&M-092 Vibrating Pile driving hammer complete with power unit and accessories. hour input

P&M-093 Wet Mix Plant 100 TPH (Adopted the rate of 60TPH ) hour 1844.00 15

P&M-094 Wet Mix Plant 75 TPH (Adopted the rate of 60TPH 1844.00 15
(B) Labour
Sl. No. Description of Labour Unit Rate
Taken as Mason II
L-01 Blacksmith (IInd class) day 515.00
L-02 Blacksmith (Ist class)/ Welder/ Plumber/ Electrician day 522.50 497.50

L-03 Blaster (Stone cutter) day 645.00

L-04 Carpenter I Class day 545.00 545.00

L-05 Chiseller (Head Mazdoor) day 515.00

L-06 Driller (Jumper) day 625.00

L-07 Diver day 625.00 other categary I & CAD

L-08 Fitter (Ist class) day 620

Sl.No.11 Pg no.17 I &
L-09 Mali (Assumed mazdoor rate) day 515.00
L-10 Mason (IInd class) day 515.00

L-11 Mason (Ist class) day 524.00 499.00

L-12 Mate / Supervisor day 515.00

L-13 Mazdoor day 490.00

L-14 Mazdoor/Dresser (Semi Skilled) (assumed as mason Iind class ) day 515.00

L-15 Mazdoor/Dresser/Sinker (Skilled) day 524.00

L-16 Medical Officer (assumed as work inspectorwith BE qualification) day 1175

I&CAD Sl.No.24
L-17 Operator(grouting) (as per jack hammer operator ) day 570.00
L-18 Painter I class day 548.00 521.50

L-19 Para medical personnel (assumed as work inspector with I.T.I qualification) day 655
(C) Materials

SOR 2021-22 @ 15% Page 3 INPUT SHEET

Sl. No. Description Unit Rate

M-001 Stone Boulder of size 150 mm and below at Cruser Plant cum 406.01

M-002 Supply of quarried stone 150 - 200 mm size for Hand Broken at site cum 462.01

M-003 Boulder with minimum size of 300 mm for Pitching at Site cum 464.01

M-004 Coarse sand at Mixing Plant cum 1139.78

M-005 Coarse sand at Site cum 1139.78

M-006 Fine sand at Site ( Sand for filling ) cum 1443.55

M-007 Moorum at Site cum 228.62

M-008 Gravel/Quarry spall at Site Cum 228.62

M-009 Granular Material or hard murrum for GSB works at Site Cum 228.62

M-010 Granular Material or hard murrum for GSB works at Mixing Plant Cum 228.62
Fly ash conforming to IS: 3812 ( Part II & I) atHMP Plant / Batching Plant /
M-011 Cum 72.00 95 Pg.No.31
Crushing Plant
Filter media/Filter Material as per Table 300-3 (MoRT&H Specification) (Assumed
M-012 Cum 621.01
60% rate of 150mm and 40% of 25mm
Rate at
Description Unit Rate at Site
Stone crusher dust finer than 3mm with not more than 10% passing
M-021 cum 901.01
0.075 sieve.

M-022 Coarse graded Granular sub-base Material 2.36 mm & below cum 228.62

M-024 Coarse graded Granular sub-base Material 4.75 mm to 2.36 mm cum 228.62

M-050 Aggregates 6 mm SS5 nominal size cum 947.26 947.26

M-051 Aggregates 10 mm SS 5 nominal size cum 1137.26 1137.26

M-052 Aggregates 13.2/12.5 mm SS 5 nominal size cum 1292.26 1292.26

M-053 Aggregates 20 mm SS 5 nominal size cum 1403.51 1403.51

M-054 Aggregates 25 mm SS 5 nominal size cum 1353.51 1353.51

M-055 Aggregates 40 mm SS 5 nominal size cum 947.26 947.26

Sl. No. Description Unit Rate
M-056 AC pipe 100 mm dia (public health item ) metre 288.00 Pg.No.442

M-057 Acrylic polymer bonding coat litre input

M-058 Alluminium Paint litre input

M-059 Aluminium alloy plate 2mm Thick sqm input

M-060 Aluminium alloy/galvanised steel tonne input

Aluminium sheeting fixed with encapsulated lens type reflective sheeting including
M-061 2% towards lettering, cost of angle iron, cost of drilling holes, nuts, bolts etc.and sqm input
signs as applicable

M-062 Aluminium studs 100 x 100 mm fitted with lense reflectors nos input

M-063 Barbed wire (As per I&C page no.35) kg 90.00 p. 98/M152

M-064 Bearing (Cost of parts) nos input

M-065 Bearing (Cast steel rocker bearing assembly of 250 tonne ) nos input

Bearing (Elastomeric bearing assembly consisting of 7 internal layers of elastomer

M-066 bonded to 6 nos. internal reinforcing steel laminates by the process of nos 9216.00 Quotation rate of Ammenjirub
vulcanisation,) (LS amount)

SOR 2021-22 @ 15% Page 4 INPUT SHEET

M-067 Bearing (Forged steel roller bearing of 250 tonne nos input

Bearing (Pot type bearing assembly consisting of a metal piston supported by a disc,
M-068 PTFE pads providing sliding surfaces against stainless steel mating together with nos 62500.00 Quotation rate of Ammenjirub
cast steel assemblies/fabricated structural steel assemblies duly painted with all
M-069 Bearing (PTFE sliding plate bearing assembly of 80 tonnes ) nos input

M-070 Bearing (Supply of sliding plate bearing of 80 tonne) nos input

M-071 Bentonite (As per I&C page no.35) kg input

M-072 Binding wire kg 66.00 pg.27

M-073 Bitumen ( Cationic Emulsion ) tonne 40129.00

M-074 Bitumen (VG_30 grade) tonne 0.00

M-075 Bitumen (VG-40 grade ) tonne 42236.00

M-076 Bitumen (cutback- rate for 60/70 grade is adopted ) tonne 0.00

M-077 Bitumen (emulsion) tonne 40129.00

M-078 Bitumen (modified graded) (CRMB 55) tonne 0.00

M-079 Brick each 7.00 Pg.no.84

M-080 C.I.Shoes for the pile(As per I&C page no.36) kg 50.00

M-081 cement tonne 5600.00 (Dt.18-06-2020 from PH

M-082 cold twisted bars (HYSD FE-500 bars ) tonne 57000.00 FE-500

M-083 Coller for joints 300 mm dia(As per I&C page no.36) nos input

M-084 Compressible Fibre Board(20mm thick) sqm 580.00 As per I & CAD pg.no.4,
M-085 Connectors/ Staples each input

M-086 Copper Plate(12m long x 250mmwide) kg 857.00 Item 1603 of electrical

M-087 Corrosion resistant Structural steel tonne 57000.00

M-088 Corrugated sheet, 3 mm thick, "Tie" beam section railing kg 57.00

M-089 Credit for excavated rock found suitable for use(As per I&C page no.36) cum 220.00

M-090 Curing compound . ( As per I&C data page no 24 ) liter 132.00 28 pg no(I & CAD)

M-091 Delineators from ISI certified firm as per the standard drawing given in IRC - 79 each input

Earth Cost or compensation for earth taken from private land SSR rate of "Earth
M-092 work excavation and depositing on bank with an initial lead of 10 mts. And an cum 0.00 Pg.No.5 of I & CAD
initial lift of 2 mts. ( As per I&C data page no 36)

Elastomeric slab seal expansion joint assembly manufactured by using chloroprene,

M-093 metre input
elastomer for elastomeric slab unit conforming to clause 915.1 of IRC: 83 (part II),

M-094 Electric Detonators @ 1 detonator for 1/2 gelatin stick of 125 gms each 100 nos 1000.00 Pg.no.28

Epoxy compound with accessories for preparing epoxy mortar ( As per I&C data
M-095 kg input
page no 36)
M-096 Epoxy mortar ( As per I&C data page no 36) kg input

M-097 Epoxy primer ( As per I&C data page no 36) kg 82.00 Bitumen solution primer
M-098 Epoxy resin-hardner mix for prime coat ( As per I&C data page no 36) kg input

M-099 Flag of red color cloth 600 x 600 mm each 25.00 old rate

M-100 Flowering Plants each input

M-101 Galvanised MS flat clamp nos 12.38

M-102 Galvanised steel wire crates of mesh size 100 mm x 100 mm woven with 4mm dia. sqm input
GI wire in rolls of required size.
M-103 Galvanised structural steel plate 200 mm wide, 6 mm thick, 24 m long kg 57.00

M-104 Gelatin 80% kg 73.00 old rate

SOR 2021-22 @ 15% Page 5 INPUT SHEET

M-105 Geo grids sqm input

M-106 Geomembrane sqm input

M-107 Geonets sqm input

M-108 Geotextile sqm input

M-109 Geotextile filter fabric sqm input

M-110 GI bolt 10 mm Dia (As per I&C data page no 37) nos 7.00

M-111 Grouting pump with agitator(As per I&C data page no 50 hour 418.60 pg.no.20

M-112 Grass (Doob) (As per I&C data page no 37) kg input

M-113 Grass (Fine)(As per I&C data page no 37) kg input

M-114 HDPE pipes 75mm dia metre input

M-115 HDPE pipes 90mm dia metre input

M-116 Hedge plants each input

M-117 Helical pipes 600mm diameter metre input

M-118 Hot applied thermoplastic compound litre input

M-119 HTS strand (P.C drawn wire/H.T wire 4mm) tonne 62000.00
M-120 Joint Sealant Compound kg 115.00
15, sl.no.718
Jute netting, open weave, 2.5 cm square opening for seeding and Mulching (As per
M-121 sqm input
I&C data page no 38)
M-122 LDO for steam curing (As per I&C data page no 38) litre input

M-123 M.S. Clamps nos 12.38

M-124 M.S. Clamps (structural steel rate adopted ) kg 57.00

M-125 M.S.shoes @ 35 Kg per pile of 15 m (structural steel rate adopted ) kg 57.00

M-126 Mild Steel bars tonne 57000.00

Modular strip/box seal expansion joint including anchorage catering to a
M-127 metre input
horizontal movement beyond 70 mm and upto 140mm assembly comprising of edge
Modular strip/box seal expansion joint catering to a horizontal movement beyond
M-128 metre input
140mm and upto 210mm box/box seal joint assembly containing 3 modules/cells
M-129 Nipples 12mm(As per I&C page no.38) nos 20.00 Pg.No.38

M-130 Nuts and bolts(As per I&C page no.38) kg 83.00 28 pg no(i&CAD)

M-131 Paint(As per I&C page no.38) litre 221.00 30 pg no(i&CAD)

M-132 Pavement Marking Paint litre input

M-133 Paving Fabric sqm input

M-134 Perforated geosynthetic pipe 150 mm dia metre input

M-135 Perforated pipe of cement concrete, internal dia 100 mm metre

M-136 Pesticide kg input

Pipes 200 mm dia, 2.5 m long for drainage (assumed the rate of RCC 200 mm dia
M-137 metre input
plain ended pipe)
M-138 Plastic sheath, 1.25 mm thick for dowel bars (L.S. Amount) sqm 5.00 Old rate

M-139 Plastic tubes 50 cm dia, 1.2 m high nos input

M-140 Polymer braids metre input

20 mm thick Building
M-141 Pre moulded Joint filler,25 mm thick for expansion joint sqm 308.00
M-142 Pre-coated stone chips of 13.2 mm nominal size cum input
Preformed continuous chloroprene elastomer or closed cell foam sealing element
M-143 metre input
with high tear strength, vulcanised in a single operation for the full length of a joint
M-144 Pre-moulded asphalt filler board sqm input

Pre-packed cement based polymer concrete of strength 45 Mpa at 28 days(SSR

M-145 kg input
item "Expacrete SN50 or Equivalent" of miscellaneous item for buildings )

Primer (As per SSR item no. 318 of building items - rate of grade -I cement primer
M-146 kg Bldg item 76.20
has been adopted )

SOR 2021-22 @ 15% Page 6 INPUT SHEET

M-147 Quick setting compound kg input

M-148 Random Rubble Stone cum 555.01 old rate

M-149 RCC Pipe NP 4 heavy duty non presure pipe 1000 mm dia metre input

M-150 RCC Pipe NP 4 heavy duty non presure pipe 1200 mm dia metre input

M-151 RCC Pipe NP 4 heavy duty non presure pipe 300 mm dia metre input
Reflectorising glass beads (As per SSR item no. 168 of COMMON MATERIALS AND
M-152 kg input 80.3
M-153 Reinforcement strips 60 mm wide 5 mm thick as per clause 3102. (Copper Strips) metre input
Reinforcement strips 60 mm wide 5 mm thick as per clause 3102. (Galvanised
M-154 metre input
carbon steel strips)
Reinforcement strips 60 mm wide 5 mm thick as per clause 3102. (Glass reinforced
M-155 metre input
polymer/fibre reinforced polymer/polymeric strips)
Reinforcement strips 60 mm wide 5 mm thick as per clause 3102. (Stainless steel
M-156 metre input
Reinforcement strips 60 mm wide 5 mm thick as per clause 3102. Aluminium
M-157 metre input
M-158 Rivets(As per I&C page no.40) each input

M-159 Sand bags ( L.S Cost of sand and Empty cement bag)(As per I&C page no.40) nos 37.00 Pg.No.31

M-160 Sapling 2 m high 25 mm dia each input pg.no.26 of Irr

M-161 Scrap tyres of size 900 x 20 nos input

M-162 Seeds (Assumed L.S rate) kg input 50

M-163 Selected earth ( assuming Rate of gravel) cum input

Ply sheet 125 micron
M-164 Separation Membrane of impermeable plastic sheeting 125 micron thick sqm 17.00
M-165 Sheathing duct metre input
M-166 Shrubs(As per I&C page no.40) each input
M-167 Sludge / Farm yard manure @ 0.18 cum per 100 sqm at site of work for turfing cum input 150
M-168 Sodium vapour lamp each input
M-169 Square Rubble Coursed Stone cum 565.01 RMR (CR Masonary)
M-170 Steel circular hollow pole of standard specification for street lighting to mount light each input
M-171 at 5 mcircular
Steel height hollow
above deck
pole level
of standard specification for street lighting to mount light each input
M-172 at 9 mdrum
Steel height above
300 mm road level
dia 1.2 m high/empty bitumen drum (as per recovery rate of nos input
M-173 R&B
Steel Dept.)
helmet and cushion block on top of pile head during driving. kg input
M-174 Steel pipe 25 mm external dia as per IS:1239 metre input
M-175 Steel pipe 50 mm external dia as per IS:1239 metre input
M-176 Steel wire rope 20 mm kg input
M-177 Steel wire rope 40 mm kg input
M-178 Strip seal expansion joint metre 7800.00 Quotation rate of Ammenjirub
M-179 Structural Steel tonne 70000.00
M-180 Super plastisizer admixture IS marked as per 9103-1999(As per input data for kg 61.00 Pg.no.70 of I & CAD
M-181 Irrigation items,
Synthetic pgno.38)
Geogrids as per clause 3102.8 and approved design and specifications. sqm input SOR
M-182 Through and bond stone (SSR item no. 28 - 600*200*200mm) each 33.49 Pg.No.30
M-183 Tie rods 20mm diameter nos input
M-184 Tiles size 300 x 300 mm and 25 mm thick (As per SSR buildings meterial S.No 65)( each input
M-185 196.0
TimberX 0.305 X 0.305 ) cum input
M-186 Traffic cones with 150 mm reflective sleeve nos input
M-187 Tube anchorage set complete with bearing plate, permanent wedges etc nos input
M-188 Unstaked lime ( as per I&C ) tonne 743.55
M-189 Water (L.S) KL 73.00 pg.no.75
M-190 Water based cement paint litre input
M-191 Welded steel wire fabric ( as per I&C pg no.41 ) kg 172.00 pg.no.31 of Irr
M-192 Wire mesh 50mm x 50mm size of 3mm wire ( as per I&C pg no 41 ) kg input
M-193 Wooden ballies 2" Dia for bracing each input
M-194 Wooden ballies 8" Dia and 9 m long each input
M-195 Wooden packing ( as per I&C pg no 41 ) cum input
M-196 Wooden staff for fastening of flag 25 mm dia, one m long ( as per I&C pg no 41) each input

20 %
Contractors profit for Road 10 %

SOR 2021-22 @ 15% Page 7 INPUT SHEET

Overheads for Bridge 20 % for input of Overheads or Contractors profit please type
Works in collum C as like below
Overheads for Bridge 20 % Type symble of apostrope(') then input value then one
Works (Rehabilitation) space then symble of percentage (%) for example '08 %
Contractors profit for 10 %
Bridge Works

Lead from Mixing Plant to 0

working site
Lead for E/W borow area 0
to site
Lead for fly ash from 0
source to site

Items No. Summary of Rates calculated and used for analysis of rates of other items Unit Rate
per cm
Item 8.3 Printing new letter and figures of any shade (ii) English Roman height per 0.90
Item 8.8 Painting Two Coats on New Concrete Surfaces sqm 99.00

Item 8.9 Painting angle iron post two coats sqm 88.00
Item 12.6
Cement mortor 1:2 (Excluding OH & CP) cum 5289.00
Item 12.6
Cement mortor 1:3 (Excluding OH & CP) cum 4514.00
Item 12.6
Cement mortor 1:6 (Excluding OH & CP) cum 3442.00
Item 12.7
Course Rubble masonary in cement mortor 1:3 (including OH & CP) cum 5209.00
(A )
Item 12.7
Random Rubble masonary in cement mortor 1:6 (including OH & CP) cum 4602.00
(Addl) B)
Item 12.8
PCC Grade M15 including OH & CP for Open Foundation by Mixer cum 6217.00
Item 12.8 PCC Grade M15 for Open Foundation Per Cum Basic Cost of Labour, Material &
cum 4529.00
(A) Mechinery by Mixer
Item 12.8 PCC Grade M20 for Open Foundation Per Cum Basic Cost of Labour, Material &
cum 4972.00
(B) PCC Mechinery by Mixer
Item 12.8 RCC Grade M20 for Open Foundation Per Cum Basic Cost of Labour, Material &
cum 5107.00
(C) Mechinery by Mixer
Item 12.8
RCC Grade M20 including OH & CP for Open Foundation by Batching Plant cum 5903.00
Item 12.8 RCC Grade M20 for Open Foundation Per Cum Basic Cost of Labour, Material &
cum 4301.00
(C) Mechinery by Batching Plant
Item 12.8 PCC Grade M25 for Open Foundation Per Cum Basic Cost of Labour, Material &
cum 5282.00
(D) Mechinery by Mixer
Item 12.8
PCC Grade M25 including OH & CP for Open Foundation by Batching Plant cum 6132.00
Item 12.8 PCC Grade M25 for Open Foundation Per Cum Basic Cost of Labour, Material &
cum 4478.00
(D) Mechinery by Batching Plant
Item 12.8 RCC Grade M25 for Open Foundation Per Cum Basic Cost of Labour, Material &
cum 5421.00
(E) Mechinery by Mixer
Item 12.8 RCC Grade M25 for Open Foundation Per Cum Basic Cost of Labour, Material &
cum 4614.00
(E) Mechinery by Batching Plant
Item 12.8 PCC Grade M30 for Open Foundation Per Cum Basic Cost of Labour, Material &
cum 5316.00
(F) Mechinery by Mixer
Item 12.8 PCC Grade M30 for Open Foundation Per Cum Basic Cost of Labour, Material &
cum 4508.00
(F) Mechinery by Batching Plant
Item 12.8 RCC Grade M30 for Open Foundation Per Cum Basic Cost of Labour, Material &
cum 5439.00
(G) Mechinery by Mixer
Item 12.8 RCC Grade M30 for Open Foundation Per Cum Basic Cost of Labour, Material &
cum 4634.00
(G) Mechinery by Batching Plant
Item 12.8 RCC Grade M35 for Open Foundation Per Cum Basic Cost of Labour, Material &
cum 5525.00
(H) Mechinery by Mixer
Item 12.8
RCC Grade M35 including OH & CP for Open Foundation by Batching Plant cum 6416.00

SOR 2021-22 @ 15% Page 8 INPUT SHEET

Item 12.8
RCC Grade M35 excluding OH & CP for Open Foundation by Batching Plant cum 4861.00
Item 12.8 RCC Grade M35 for Open Foundation Per Cum Basic Cost of Labour, Material &
cum 4720.00
(H) Mechinery by Batching Plant
Item 12.11 PCC Grade M20 for Open Foundation (Bottom Plug) Per Cum Basic Cost of
cum 5352.00
(C) i Labour, Material & Mechinery by Mixer
Item 12.11 PCC Grade M20 for Open Foundation (Bottom Plug) Per Cum Basic Cost of
cum 4504.00
(C) i Labour, Material & Mechinery by Batching Plant
Item 12.11 PCC Grade M25 for Open Foundation (Bottom Plug) Per Cum Basic Cost of
cum 5529.00
(C) ii Labour, Material & Mechinery by Mixer
Item 12.11 PCC Grade M25 for Open Foundation (Bottom Plug) Per Cum Basic Cost of
cum 4679.00
(C) ii Labour, Material & Mechinery by Batching Plant
Item 12.11 PCC Grade M30 for Open Foundation (Bottom Plug) Per Cum Basic Cost of
cum 5562.00
(C) iii Labour, Material & Mechinery by Mixer
Item 12.11 PCC Grade M30 for Open Foundation (Bottom Plug) Per Cum Basic Cost of
cum 4715.00
(C) iii Labour, Material & Mechinery by Batching Plant
Item 12.11 PCC Grade M35 for Open Foundation (Bottom Plug) Per Cum Basic Cost of
cum 5641.00
(C) iv Labour, Material & Mechinery by Mixer
Item 12.11 PCC Grade M35 including OH & CP for Well Foundation (Bottom Plug) by
cum 6548.00
(C) iv Batching Plant
Item 12.11 PCC Grade M35 for Open Foundation (Bottom Plug) Per Cum Basic Cost of
cum 4751.00
(C) iv Labour, Material & Mechinery by Batching Plant
Item 12.11 PCC Grade M35 including OH & CP for Well Foundation (Well Cap) by Batching
cum 6416.00
(F) iv Plant
Item No.
Excavation for Structures (Manual Means) cum 539.00
Item No.
Excavation for Structures (Mechenical Meanse) cum 106.00
RCC Grade M20 for super-structure including OH & CP by Batching Plant cum
14.1(A) 6757.00
RCC Grade M25 for super-structure including OH & CP by Batching Plant cum
14.1(B) 7277.00
PSC Grade M45 for super-structure including OH & CP by Batching Plant cum
14.1(E) 7771.90
Item RCC Grade M30 for super-structure including formwork and excluding OH & CP
14.1(C) by Batching Plant 5565.00
Item RCC Grade M30 for super-structure excluding formwork and excluding OH & CP
14.1(C) by Batching Plant 4637.00
Supplying ,fitting and placing HYSD bar reinforcement in super-structure
Item 14.2 A tonne 66093.00
exncluding OH & CP
Item 13.6 Supplying, fitting and placing HYSD including OH & CP for sub-structure tonne 85339.00
Item 5.17 Fog Seal sqm 4.00
Item 5.21 Crack Prevention courses. Case-I Stress Absorbing Membrane (SAM) crack width
sqm 18.00
Case-I less than 6 mm
Item 5.21 Crack Prevention courses. Case-II Stress Absorbing Membrane (SAM) with crack
sqm 20.00
Case-II width 6 mm to 9 mm
Item 5.21 Crack Prevention courses. Case-III Stress Absorbing Membrane (SAM) crack
sqm 23.00
Case-IV width above 9 mm and cracked area above 50 %
Item 5.21
Crack Prevention courses. Case-IV Bitumen Impregnated Geotextile sqm #VALUE!
Item 5.15
Slurry Seal Case-I 5 mm thickness sqm 78.00
Item 5.15
Slurry Seal Case-II 3 mm thickness sqm 54.00
Item 5.15
Slurry Seal Case III 1.5 mm thickness sqm 31.00
Item 5.9
Surface Dressing Case-I 19 mm nominal chipping size sqm 37.00
Item 5.9
Surface Dressing Case-II 13 mm nominal size chipping sqm 28.00
seignoragus for earth cum 30
seignoragus for Metal cum 75
seignoragus for Sand cum 40
seignoragus for gravel cum 30
Sand for Mortar cum 1139.78

SOR 2021-22 @ 15% Page 9 INPUT SHEET

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