CCA 1664blanc InspiredByTaste

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Blanc 1664 – Inspired by Taste

KUNDE: Carlsberg
PRODUKT: Blanc 1664
1. Kampagnens titel: Blanc 1664 – Inspired by Taste

Kunde: Carlsberg
Produkt: Blanc 1664

2. År shortlistet/vundet ved CCA:


3. Executive summary:

1664 Blanc is a crisp, refreshing wheat beer, celebrated across the globe. In
Denmark however, it lived a lonely life unnoticed in bars and supermarket aisles.

Carlsberg wanted to change that; so, we were asked to develop a new brand
strategy fit for the Danish market. Abandoning the hyperbolic French postcard
aesthetics, we introduced “Tastemakers”, repositioning 1664 Blanc as a lifestyle
brand rooted in fashion, design and the cultural scene. Cutting through a
saturated, identical craft beer segment, 1664 Blanc has become Carlsberg’s
fastest growing brand. And while most other beer brands suffered during the
pandemic, 1664 Blanc increased sales by 10%.

4. Har du tidligere indsendt denne kampagne i

Creative Effectiveness/Creative Impact?


5. Hvad var målsætningen for kampagnen?

1664 Blanc was launched in 2006 as an alternative to Kronenbourg’s classic lager

and entered the Danish consumer market in 2018. While the iconic blue bottled
beer celebrated wide success around the globe, it didn’t hit home in Denmark. The
reasons were threefold:

A cliché French image build A saturated and highly A low awareness and interest
on postcard aesthetics competitive craft beer market in wheat beer

Turning that image around, we needed to develop a new brand strategy and
creative concept, establishing 1664 Blanc as an iconic go-to-brand brand in on-
and off-trade. To recreate 1664 Blanc as a stylish and refreshing alternative to the
classic Danish beers, we set the following objectives:

Step 3 Step 4
Step 1 Step 2
Increase sales by 3rd biggest Foreign
Increase consideration Increase trial
30% reaching 1M Craft Beer brand in
with 30% by 40%
litres sold volume & sale

To achieve these goals, we needed a strategic platform that would act as a catalyst
for all future activities, as well as a creative concept that could articulate our main
point of differences.

6. Beskriv ideen og arbejdet som sådan – og forklar hvilke kanaler,

der blev brugt i eksekveringen

The creative direction combined modern, design-savvy aesthetics with a brand

communication tailored to our target audience. To turn around the brand
perception, we needed to go beyond a one-off campaign and build a platform for
multiple, diverse touchpoints while keeping a clear long-term narrative. The
foundation for that platform was built on the idea of “Taste Makers”. The seeding
and campaign structure was subsequently split into a Discover Phase and Inspire
Phase. Lastly, we added an activation pillar to bring 1664 Blanc to the audience.

Phase 1: Phase 2: Phase 3:


Discover Inspire Activation

The Foundation: Tastemakers

Leveraging our strongest brand assets, we used the iconic bottle and blue colour
as the main brand ques throughout all marketing activities. In doing so, we created
consistency and increased brand recall.

The Foundation: Taste Makers

Taste Makers are inspirational, iconic figures from the Danish fashion and design
scene. The creative concept centred around portraying the following three Taste
Makers through hero videos, which then functioned as key visuals throughout the

• Charlotte Eskildsen, Designers Remix. Being one of the frontrunners in the

sustainable fashion trend, with an eye on recycling and the entire journey of the
fabric, she was an ideal fit for the modern yet classic positioning.

• Henrik Bülow, fashion photographer. Being one of the most respected fashion
photographers in Denmark, with an eternal edge to his appearance and mood,
he brought exactly that edge and a certain street-factor we were aiming to

• Poppykalas, flower artist. Having taken over the Copenhagen Instagram-scene
with her beautiful flower decorations, she represented the beautiful aesthetics,
we wanted to incorporate from our French heritage.

For the creative assets, we asked each of the Taste Makers to design a unique
artwork using a 1664 Blanc bottle. Along with the artworks, we created a portrait of
each Taste Maker as well as a series of executions using the art piece. From the
three artworks created, we chose the first two to become the primary key visuals
for the Discover Phase, whereby the biggest spend was put on the floral key visual.
We launched the concept for the second edition of Copenhagen Fashion Week
with 1664 Blanc as the official beer. Taste Makers continued to be the creative
platform for the following 18 months.

Discover Phase: Driving Awareness
In line with our marketing objectives, the Discover phase served to drive awareness
through reach and impressions. We achieved that firstly through focussing on
classic mass media such as OOH, TV and display. Due to budget limitations TV
was handled as a sponsorship deal on NENT, Discovery and TV2 Play.

Secondly, we built a physical presence at CPHFW and Chart Art Fair. During
Fashion Week designers, influencers and models race from one event to the next.
We wanted to position 1664 Blanc not only where it would be seen by influencers,
but where it took the role of a celebrity itself. Accordingly, we enrolled a large OOH
campaign in Copenhagen for the two-week period corresponding with FW.

Inspire Phase: Create Engagement & Trial
Subsequently, the Inspire Phase should create engagement and establish 1664
Blanc as the fashionable new alternative. After all, we needed to drive trial to
achieve the ultimate goal of increased sales. Using a video driven concept,
YouTube and Playad were chosen as primary outlets. With the stories of our Taste
Makers being genuine and relevant, we added a native track to the campaign.
Using media channels focusing on fashion and lifestyle, we placed articles and
videos in online media such as Euroman, Costume, Alt for Damerne,
Boligmagasinet and Eurowoman. In doing so, we could qualify and control the
audience better than we could through traditional media. Further, we could create
broader brand awareness and consideration.

Activation: Increase Trial

While the Taste Makers brand platform functioned primarily as an online
campaign, events played a central part in the creative activation, aimed at
increasing trial.
Prominent examples are:
• Northside in Aarhus, where we built a big 1664 Blanc Bar, which created a
lot of awareness and gave our audience the chance to spend time within the
newly created brand universe.
• Chart Art Fair, where we created a bar for consumers to try the beer without
any commitment. Staying true to the sustainable agenda of the event, the
bar was built from refurbished mattress springs, and served as a visual
powerhouse at the festival.

Tastemakers 2.0
Following the success of the first Taste Makers campaign, CPHFW approached us
the following year, wanting to increase the collaboration with 1664 Blanc. The
brand had gained influence, momentum and started to become part of modern
culture. With CPHFW onboard, we once again put together a campaign focusing
on famous Danish designers. This time collaborating with the “Soulland” duo and
iconic “Baum und Pferdgarten”. Being internationally acclaimed brands on top of
the Danish fashion scene, we had achieved the culmination of cultural status in
little less than a year. For this second edition, we created a graphical and artistic
visual expression, that would be displayed all over Copenhagen during fashion

Particularly interesting this time: the vast number of guests attending CPHFW,
who used our bottle like an accessory to their outfits. This led to 1664 Blanc being
staged on various photos and Influencers’ social media – organically strengthening
our position strategy.

7. Hvad var strategien bag det kreative arbejde?

Renewing the brand perception around 1664 Blanc, we built on the challenges the
brand was facing (please see appendix for an extensive analysis of the challenges)
to create a threefold strategic solution:

Rethink Leverage Change

the unique blue bottle

and different taste, the perception around
the deep-rooted French while the category wheat beer and
heritage to make focused on manliness, establish 1664 Blanc
1664 Blanc culturally the art of brewing as a modern, simple
relevant for a young and a limited- and refreshing
urban audience. edition approach. premium beer.

Rethink the French connection

Wanting to rethink 1664 Blanc’s French heritage by giving it a Danish twist, we
turned to fashion culture as the perfect starting point. Building on fashion, we
could not only create a genuine French-Danish connection, but we could find a
position in the market that no other beer was occupying. We identified three key
entry points:

• The Collaborations with Copenhagen Fashion Week and Chart Art Fair: As
the embodiment of fashion in Denmark, CPFW gave us an effective and
strong push to market and opened up the entire industry network. The
collaboration started in 2019 with 1664 Blanc becoming the fair’s official

• The visual elements: Wanting to pass on the brand’s French core without
showing the “postcardesque” imagery, we concentrated on the core values
of style, artistic and the iconic blue colour.
• The communication channels: To address a young, fashionable audience,
social media would have to play a pivotal role. The fashion industry is
dominated by Instagram and influencers. This gave us the possibility to
position 1664 Blanc as lifestyle brand through aspiring and aesthetically

Leverage the focus of the category

Besides a few specialty beers, all our competitors were focused on the brewing
process, the complexity of ingredients and the creation of new and exotic
products. Their core target group: the male urban hipster.

Beer brands traditionally try to be associated with a lot of different occasions, so

that consumers can easily identify with the brand. This wasn’t for us. We wanted
1664 Blanc to have a distinguished identity and a clear market position. We wanted
the brand to be different, and to embody a certain lifestyle. Our ambition was:

To create a brand that was aspirational but at the same time accessible.

Changing the perception of wheat beer

The third strategic pillar built on one essential question: Why do Danes not drink
wheat beer? We needed to get to the bottom of this question if we wanted 1664
Blanc to become a go-to-brand.

If Danes simply did not like the taste, we would have had a huge problem from the
start. However, studies by Carlsberg had shown that in blind tests, 1664 Blanc
actually received the most positive feedback among all beers tested. But if it
wasn’t the taste, it had to be the lack of awareness and trial. Danes simply hadn’t
given wheat beer a chance.

Overall, being an active part of the urban culture and fashion scene, we increase
awareness and drive trial in the key target group.

8. Hvad var kampagnens umiddelbare kreative impact?

Measuring against the marketing objectives, the campaign outperformed on every

parameter and 1664 Blanc went from an irrelevant and niche brand to carving out a
unique position in the saturated beer category.

Increased awareness, consideration and trial

Firstly, we achieved a total of 40.818.208 impressions and reached a notable 89%
of our target audience. Approaching such a large share of the target audience,
strongly influenced brand awareness and identification. During the campaign
period we increased brand awareness from 25% to 30%1. Further, we achieved a
significant boost in brand identification of 52% (people could identify 1664 Blanc
as the brand behind the campaign) compared to 2018.

The “Taste Maker” videos, which were launched and targeted through YouTube,
performed well over benchmark with a click through rate of 0.30% (bm 0.18%). An
impressive 204.333 loops were generated, landing 50% over the benchmark.

Especially time spent on articles and influencer engagement showed impressive

results. Through the media partnerships with various magazines, we accumulated
1.296.159 impressions and 27.349 total reads across all taste makers. And with an
average time spent of 2:15 – 4:13 minutes per article, we exceeded the benchmark
of 60 sec. Furthermore, we saw a very positive influencer performance: we
reached 405.929 impressions, 11.118 likes and a minimum of 1.842 swipes/clicks,
based only on 8 posts and 10 stories. The engagement rate across the influencers
ranged from and impressive 3.13% to 10.27%.

All data referring to this section comes from IUM

These initiatives led to increased consideration and trial as per the marketing
goals. The percentage of people who consider 1664 Blanc in their purchase
decision has risen from 14% to 25% in only 5 quarters leading to an increase in
consideration of 78,6% and thus by far exceeding the desired 30%.

Looking at trial, in Q3 of 2018 29% of people said they had tried 1664 Blanc, by Q1
2020 that number had risen to 42% accounting for 44.8% increase in trial – once
again exceeding the already ambitious 40% set by the marketing goals.

9. Hvilken kommerciel effekt/værdi løftede kampagnens

kreative impact?

Increased volume sales

This chapter will touch on the value and growth created for the business as a result
of the creative impact and the marketing objectives. As a result of the campaign,

1664 Blanc Brand Tracking

we achieved an aggressive sales growth in Denmark. Since 2018 sales volume has
constantly increased, with 2019 being the year of sales growth3:

• We recorded a total sales volume of 2.4 million litres, thus by far exceeding
the goal of 1 million.
• Unprecedented sales growth of 110% compared to 2018, resulting in a sales
growth index of 210.
• With a ROMI of 3.134.

The growth story continues throughout 2020, where despite CoVid19, we

continued to secure a strong increase in volume sold:
• By July 2020, we sold over 3 million litres of beer, achieving a sales growth
of over 100% and an index of above 200 compared to 2019.
• Until the end of July sales volume had kept increasing, leading to an
estimated ROMI of 6.145 for the year 2020.

Being able to achieve a sales growth index above 200 for two consecutive years
together with an increase in volume sales and halted marketing efforts, shows the
impact of the Taste Makers campaign in establishing 1664 Blanc as a new option in
a saturated market.

All sales data provided by 1664 Blanc
ROMI 2019 = 18.797.000/6.000.000 (Value Sales ‘19/Marketing Expenditure ’19)
ROMI 2020* = 28.175.000/4.750.000 (Value Sales ‘20/Marketing Expenditure ’20) *as of July 2020

In line with the client’s brief, we succeeded for 1664 Blanc to be sold in volumes
that would seem mainstream, while at the same time establishing a premium
positioning. And with an industry-leading growth rate of 203% in volume in the
foreign craft beer category in there is no slowing down of 1664 Blanc’s future

Rank #2 in foreign craft beers

Carlsberg further wanted to establish a clear market position for 1664 Blanc. The
product should grow to become a leading premium craft beer in the category and
become the #3 biggest brand in foreign craft beers.

The results show a score above market average for all set attributions on brand
image. The brand outperformed all attributes important to the client, such as “a
brand for someone like me” and “a beer I would like to be seen with”. Furthermore,
1664 Blanc was perceived to be a high quality, modern and a premium beer that
customers were willing to pay extra for. These results delivered on the on ambition
of positioning 1664 Blanc as a premium refreshing wheat beer for urban

Overall, 1664 Blanc excelled on every measure. Not only did we establish the brand
as a leading craft beer in the segment, we outperformed the already ambitious goal
of becoming #3 in the market and made 1664 Blanc the second biggest brand in
foreign craft beers in Denmark behind Grimbergen with a total value growth of
435% – and that in a declining market!6

Most impressively: the isolated market for foreign craft beer was declining with 2%
in the same period. So, although the total market for craft beer was rising, the
segment in which 1664 Blanc was perceived was falling – making the rise of 435%
even more impressive.

Data provided by 1664 Blanc

10.Er der andre faktorer, som kan have haft indflydelse
på den kommercielle effekt/værdi eller den
forretningsmæssige udvikling?

Carlsberg has shifted its global strategy tapping into the ongoing trend of craft
beers, that we executed locally in collaboration with local influencers, events and
activations. Thus, the general trend in craft beer together with Carlsberg’s global
focus might have influenced the success of the campaign. Contrary, the generally
declining trend in beer sales strengthens the success of 1664 Blanc.

11. Skubbede arbejdet til grænserne for, hvordan kreativitet kan

give impact på forretningen?

The 1664 Blanc case sets the category standard on how creativity can transform a
brand from being a neglected wallflower to becoming an iconic go-to-lifestyle
brand that people want to be associated with. Raising awareness, consideration,
trial and eventually sales.

The results illustrate the brands rapid growth story. In less than 2 years, we
achieved an increase in consideration of 80% and raising trial from 29% to 42%.
We elevated 1664 Blanc to be the second largest foreign craft beer brand in
Denmark, with the industry’s fastest growth rate. Additionally, we achieved a YoY
sales growth index of over 200 and an impressive ROMI of 6.14. With an industry-
leading volume growth of 203% it’s only a matter of time until 1664 Blanc will be
leading the pack.


The Challenges
Clash with postcardesque Frenchness
Previously, 1664 Blanc had used stereotypical postcardesque imagery in their
communication to emphasise the French heritage and joie de vivre. The product
was shown in a romantic setting with Paris or the Eiffel tower in the background.
While this might work well for other markets, it didn’t make sense for Denmark as
it clashed with the Danish perception of quality and craftmanship giving the brand
a rather tacky perception. If we wanted to establish 1664 as a premium beer, we
needed to change that.

Danish Design has a long standing. Going back all the way to the great masters of
design and architecture with the likes of Jacobsen and Utzon, Danes are proud of
their roots in design. But it doesn’t stop in the past. Noma is a world-wide
inspiration in terms of food and Copenhagen Fashion Week has established itself
to be one of the most sought after in the world. Brushing off the image of all-black
and minimalism, Danish fashion has re-invented itself and become the country’s
fourth largest export7.


Today, one could go as far as to say that Danish fashion is the new Danish
furniture. – BoF8

Wanting to position 1664 Blanc as a premium, go-to-brand for urban trendsetters

savouring a special moment, we saw the strong potential in the connection of style
and craftmanship between France and Denmark. Both cultures are at the forefront
of fashion, they value craft and quality, and influence cultures worldwide in doing
so. The task we set ourselves:

Rethink the deep-rooted connection in design and fashion by giving it a Danish


“Brands can leverage their origin to create a greater effect and cultural impact, but
this often means walking a fine line between using accepted wisdom to benefit a
brand, and perpetuating stereotypes.” – BrandZ

Saturated and competitive craft beer market

All across Europe we have seen a big trend in specialty and craft beers, and
Denmark is no exception9. While in 2003 there were merely 12 Danish breweries,
today there are more than 200 established breweries and micro-breweries in the
country10. This has created a surge in new beers; 2019 alone has seen the rise of
more than 2.000 new Danish beers11. But while the number of breweries and beer
is increasing the volume of sold beers is steadily decreasing, leading to a highly
competitive market.


Considering the look and feel of other craft and speciality beer brands, it quickly
becomes apparent: They are all the same. Most brands focus on the craft of
brewing and the indulgence of beer. They use punchy colours, bold fonts or thickly
illustrated packaging to create a crafty and rustic look12. They build on limited
editions to create a hype. The image of a beer-loving, lumberjack shirt wearing
urban hipster with beard immediately springs to mind.


We saw this as our possibility to position 1664 Blanc differently. Unlike other craft
beers, 1664 Blanc could build on its French heritage and lifestyle to be established
as an aperitif enjoyed in the company of others. With its unique citrusy taste and
its outstanding packaging, 1664 Blanc could be a “non-beer” in the beer category
and thus target the non-beer drinkers, a potential untapped until recently. This was
just in line with the client’s insights:

19% af de unge drikker ikke øl i dag, hvor 1664 Blanc er særligt egnet til at rekrutterer ind til
kategorien, da den har en meget lav bitterhed hvilket er en primær barriere for ikke-øl
drikkere. Derfor ønskes der en adfærdsændring hvor vi i stigende grad beholder vores
målgruppe i kategorien, ved at gøre 1664 Blanc til en ”ikke øl” i en ølkategori. – Client Brief

Lack of interest in wheat beer

Beer has a long history in Denmark. Jon Bonne Eriksen, brew master at Carlsberg
once said in an interview: “Beer is just a huge part of the culture in Denmark. Our
foods are heavy and go well with beer – potatoes, rye bread, pork. Every holiday is
accompanied by beer in some way”13.

Despite a long-standing beer tradition, Danes weren’t used to wheat beer – be it

the different taste, the lack of lighter wheat beer options or simply a matter of


sticking to what you know14. In 2018, only 1% of sold beers were wheat beers
whereas pilsner and lager accounted more than 90%15.

IPA has long been the new and hip choice among Danes, but wheat beer has a
hidden potential16. A potential we recognized from other markets, a potential we
wanted to leverage to become the new go-to-choice. We saw that one of the
reasons wheat beer was lacking interest in Denmark in the beer’s perceived taste.
Up to date, Danish wheat beers were known for its smoky, malty aroma. However,
the refreshing and light taste, that 1664 Blanc brought something new to the table
and could thereby create a broader appeal to the Danes.

The resulting Brand Challenge: Transform 1664 Blanc from a tacky French beer
brand that few people know into a lifestyle beer with equal appeal to men and



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