Aspirant's Application Form - Traditional Yoga
Aspirant's Application Form - Traditional Yoga
Aspirant's Application Form - Traditional Yoga
Step 3 of 8
Course Outline
This course is for serious aspirants who look to Yoga for complete transformation, purification and liberation of the body, mind and soul.
The course is conducted in Purvashrama Sampradaya, the traditional system of Guru Shishya Parampara of Shrutha Sampradaya, which means
the oral tradition, ‘as heard from Gurus.’ Every word spoken by Dr Kumar, honors the pure lineages which he graciously represents in absolute
gratitude and reverence.
Though online, students on the course are entering into a virtual ashram and should be prepared to conduct themselves with utmost caution,
discipline and awareness.
When one enters the gates of an ashram, they must leave their intellectual baggage and prior learning at the door regardless of qualifications,
experience or status, and enter in humility, as a beginner, an empty cup ready to be filled with the purest of pure teachings.
The path to enlightenment can only be taught by one who has achieved it. Going to such a Guru should only be undertaken if one is able to
surrender one’s own perceptions and judgments and to understand that everything being taught is necessary for the goal to be achieved. What
is taught comes direct from the Pool of Consciousness exactly as it should be in order for us to break out of the bondages of our conditioning. In
every traditional ashram in India, the student is at the lotus feet of the Guru in unquestioning devotion and surrender. The Guru is a
representative of the Pool of Consciousness and a conduit to Singularity/ Holy Spirit/ Parabrahma/Paramatma/ Allah/ Non-Entropy and the way
to connect is through the grace of the Guru’s teaching and voice.
This course is not for those who learn from the head, approach the course as an intellectual pursuit, or consider it their right to critically
evaluate, judge or take a position of agreement or disagreement on the teachings, as one might do in other educational contexts. Neither is it
correct to learn conditionally, partially or on one’s own terms. The only way to learn in such a setting is unconditionally, non-judgmentally and
choicelessly, to learn from the heart not from the head, and to establish a sense of connectedness to the Guru so that what flows through him
can flow through you.
An enlightened Guru is a super-conductor. Any positive conduct as a student under such a Guru is like planting a mango seed in fertile ground
that will bear hundreds of sweet fruits, however, any negative conduct is like planting a bitter seed in fertile ground that will bear hundreds of
poisonous fruit. This is the reason why the Code of Discipline & Joining Agreement is strictly enforced in any ashram in which the technologies of
enlightenment are being taught, it is for the protection of the student, the protection of the community and the protection of the traditions.
There will be no published curriculum, modules or electives. The course teaches us adaptability, flexibility and responsiveness. The course is not
a commodity and students are not customers. The course will be taught in the ancient tradition of going to a Guru to choicelessly learn
whatever that Guru teaches. The daily class will vary in length so each student needs to have some degree of flexibility about time commitment,
any missed portions of classes can be caught up with on non-class days. The teaching style will be very strict, in line with the culture of
Traditional Ashrams. Yoga is to be learned orally and experientially, not intellectually or through reading. For thousands of years, Yoga/ Vedic
traditions are called Sruthas, which means only by listening. This entire tradition is based on listening, the quickest way to learn more, absorb
and adapt to be transformed.
As a student, what is important is to have the right intention, the right attitude and the right devotion in order to benefit from this rare and
precious opportunity. The teachings of Yoga do not exist without enlightened teachers to convey them and the student-teacher relationship
(Sanskrit: Guru Shishya Parampara) is everything. Even though the course is online this is still very relevant as consciousness has no barriers.
The attitude of a student is of paramount importance when taking a course of this nature. This is for your own benefit and in respect for the
Guru and great lineage of enlightened teachers who have preserved these teachings.
This course is for those aspiring to follow the highest path of Yoga, who wish to make a soul journey under the expert guidance of an
accomplished and fully enlightened Guru. The aim is to become completely selfless, thereby liberating the soul from the ego. To become a
student of such a teacher is a great privilege and an incredibly rare opportunity, the criteria to join is not payment, but suitability based on the
attributes of a student outlined by the great Indian Saints and Gurus of the Yoga tradition.
The opportunity is to learn Yoga within its authentic Indian cultural context. In the Indian system a Guru teaches not just techniques but guides
one on every single aspect of life, teaching us how to live in purity for the perfect health and happiness of the individual and for the rebalancing
of society as a whole.
Although the course is for five months, the tradition of going to learn with a Guru is to find a guide for a lifetime because this journey is not easy
or immediate. Deep transformation takes dedication, perseverance and a burning desire to pursue the path. As long as Dr Kumar is willing to
teach, students who uphold the Code of Discipline & Joining Agreement can continue their journey with him on an ongoing basis.
The course follows the strict ethos of the lineages and traditions of the noble ones, the Yogis. This is in order to uphold the sanctity, purity and
undiluted teachings of those Yogis who selflessly sacrificed their secrets of practice and path, in absolute trust, in order to benefit their devoted
What will be taught is the highest science given by enlightened Yogis, not by those who are still seekers or teachers at the stage of exploring
mind and body having not yet attained full liberation. The course will teach the pure technique of Self Realization (Sanskrit: Siddhantha
Vicharana / Vidya Paddhathi) as practiced and realized by every Yogi and Saint for thousands of years, such as the great Nachiketa, Brigu,
Yagnavalkya, Vasista, Vyasa, Krishna, Buddha, Prophet, Jesus, Nanak, Patanjali, Adi Shankara.
The following are the expected qualities of a student (Shadguna) as given by Adi Shankaracharya and other important points.
Damamu: Not becoming distracted
Shamamu: The ability to focus
Uparathi: The ability to sustain concentration
Titiksha: The ability to avoid reacting
Shraddha: Total surrender, self motivation, devotion and interest
Also, Mumuksha
Mumuksha: The burning desire to become enlightened. The realisation of Allah, the Holy Spirit, Paramatma, requires perseverance in
spiritual progress.
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