Apex Integrated System Manual - 02082022
Apex Integrated System Manual - 02082022
Apex Integrated System Manual - 02082022
TABLE OF CONTENTS ............................................................................................................. 2
AUTHORIZATION ................................................................................................................... 3
FOREWORD ........................................................................................................................... 4
APPROVER / DISTRIBUTION LIST ............................................................................................ 5
CHANGE HISTORY & RECORD ................................................................................................ 6
ABBREVIATIONS .................................................................................................................... 7
ORGANIZATION PROFILE ....................................................................................................... 9
1 SCOPE .......................................................................................................................... 10
2 NORMATIVE REFERENCE .............................................................................................. 11
4 TERMS AND DEFINITIONS .................................................. Error! Bookmark not defined.
5 CONTEXT OF THE ORGANISATION ................................................................................ 13
6 LEADERSHIP AND WORKER PARTICIPATION ................................................................. 16
7 PLANNING .................................................................................................................... 21
8 SUPPORT ...................................................................................................................... 29
9 OPERATION .................................................................................................................. 34
10 PERFORMANCE EVALUATION .................................................................................. 38
11 IMPROVEMENT ....................................................................................................... 43
ANNEXURE-1 LIST OF PROCEDURES REFERENCED FOR PROCESSES ..................................... 44
ANNEXURE-2 ORGANISATION CHART .................................................................................. 47
SYSTEM ............................................................................................................................... 48
ANNEXURE-6 IMS OBJECTIVES............................................................................................. 77
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Research Designs and Standards Organization
Apex integrated Systems Manual (Level 1)
The Apex Integrated Systems Manual has been prepared meeting the requirements of ISO
14001:2015, ISO 45001:2018 and ISO 50001:2018.
RDSO to implement and maintain the Environmental, Occupational Health & Safety and
Energy management systems with a view to ensure Legal and Interested Parties compliances
& continual improvement.
The Apex Integrated Systems Manual has been authorized by the undersigned for circulation
and implementation at all levels in the Organization. Revisions shall be prepared by MR &
approved by the undersigned.
This document and the contents therein are the property of RDSO. It shall not be reproduced
either wholly or in part, without prior consent in writing from the undersigned.
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Research Designs and Standards Organization
Apex integrated Systems Manual (Level 1)
The purpose of this Apex Integrated Systems Manual is to define the Environmental,
Occupational health & safety and Energy policies and application of the Management Systems
as per ISO 14001:2015, ISO 45001:2018 and ISO 50001:2018 Standards respectively at RDSO.
General details, organizational structure, responsibilities, authorities and relationship of
personnel and the method of carrying out of task of each element of the system have been
given in this manual. Wherever applicable, references have been given to other relevant
This Manual provides guidance to the Organization’s personnel to carry out their tasks in
conformity with this documented system, maintain orderliness and ensure clarity and
uniformity in the description of work by different personnel.
Management Representative (MR) is responsible for control of the contents, distribution, and
general administration of this Manual. This Manual is made available to recipients as soft copy
with “read only” access.
This Manual will be of use to customers and other interested parties for knowing our
capabilities and our concern for the environment, safety and energy. It will convey
organization’s concern and commitment towards environment, energy, health & safety. This
will also be useful to them to know how we are fulfilling and are continually improving
keeping in view the range of our products, systems, and facilities.
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Research Designs and Standards Organization
Apex integrated Systems Manual (Level 1)
The document as read only mode is available to all users in the Organization - wide intranet.
Access is freely available to all employees and adequate number of support hardcopy is also
made available
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Research Designs and Standards Organization
Apex integrated Systems Manual (Level 1)
Details of changes are captured as under for Release No. 1.0 dated. DDMMYYYY
Sl. Page/ Clause/ Section Affected Brief Description of Change
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Research Designs and Standards Organization
Apex integrated Systems Manual (Level 1)
Abbreviation Explanation/Definition
ADG Additional Director General
AIA Aspects Impact Analysis
AISM Apex Integrated Systems Manual
BEE Bureau of Energy Efficiency
B& S Bridge & Structure
CAR Corrective Action Report
CARR Carriage
Cl. Clause
CMO Chief Medical Officer
COTO Context of the Organization
CPCB Central Pollution Control Board
CSC Chief Security Commissioner
CSO Central Standards Office
CVO Chief Vigilance Officer
DG Director General
DMP Disaster Management Plan
DMR Deputy Management Representative
DPM Department / Directorate Procedure Manual
ED Executive Director
EMCP Environment Management Control Process
EMS Environmental Management Systems
EnB Energy baseline
EnPI Energy Performance Indicator
EnMCP Energy Management Control Process
EnMS Energy Management Systems
FIN Finance
GCM Governing Council Meeting
HIRA Hazard Identification & Risk Assessment
HSE Health, Safety & Environment
IA Internal Audit
IMCP Integrated Management Control Process
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Research Designs and Standards Organization
Apex integrated Systems Manual (Level 1)
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Research Designs and Standards Organization
Apex integrated Systems Manual (Level 1)
In 1853, the Railways were introduced in India and with their expansion through the
twentieth century, several company managed and state-owned railway systems grew up. To
enforce standardization and co-ordination amongst various railway systems, the Indian
Railway Conference Association (IRCA) was set up in 1903 followed by the Central Standards
Office (CSO) in 1930, for preparation of designs, standards and specifications. However, till
independence, most of the designs and manufacture of railway equipment was entrusted to
foreign consultants, but with Independence and the resultant phenomenal growth in
country’s industrial and economic activities leading to increase in the demand for rail
transportation, there was a complete shift in emphasis in the field of design & manufacture.
Consequently, a new organization called Railway Testing and Research Centre (RTRC) was set
up on 1st September,1952 with its headquarter at Lucknow for testing and conducting
indigenous applied research in railway technology. Later on, Central Standards Office (CSO)
and the Railway Testing and Research Centre (RTRC) were merged into a single unit and thus
in 1957; Research Designs and Standards Organization (RDSO) came into being as an attached
office of Railway Board.
The status of RDSO has been changed from an ‘Attached Office’ to ‘Zonal Railway’ with effect
from 1st January, 2003.
RDSO functions as a center for acquisition, absorption and development of new technology
and upgradation of existing technology for the Indian Railways. RDSO is specifically entrusted
with the following mandate:
Final authority on all technical matters pertaining to Indian Railways & its
sister Organizations, including approval of Technical Specifications and
Research & Development of New and Improved Designs/Technology.
Advisor to office of Chair of Chairman Railway Board on all Technical Matters
related to Adoption/Proliferation of new Technologies.
Testing & recommending authority for Statutory Clearances (including Metro
Quality Assurance & Product Commercialization of delegated items.
Indian Railways’ Platform for International interaction in R&D domain.
RDSO also offers international consultancy for design, testing and inspection of railway
equipment. RDSO is having wide infrastructure with number of laboratories which are well
equipped with research and testing facilities for development, testing and design evaluation
of various railway related equipment and materials.
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Research Designs and Standards Organization
Apex integrated Systems Manual (Level 1)
The requirement for EMS in this manual is to provide a Reference Documents for
establishment, Implementation, maintenance, and improvement of Environmental
Management Systems adopted by RDSO in line with the Environmental policy and in an
environmentally responsible manner as per ISO 14001:2015.
The requirement for OH&SMS in this manual is to provide a Reference Documents for
establishment, Implementation, maintenance, and improvement of Occupational Health
and Safety Management Systems adopted by RDSO in line with the OH&S Policy as per
ISO 45001:2018.
The requirement for EnMS in this manual is to provide a Reference Documents for
establishment, Implementation, maintenance, and improvement of Energy Management
Systems adopted by RDSO in line with the Energy Policy as per ISO 50001:2018.
The Integrated Management Systems is realized in RDSO by adopting the following
Standards: -
ISO 14001:2015 (for all activities and services on-site)
ISO 45001:2018 (for all activities and services on-site)
ISO 50001:2018(for all activities and services on-site)
Integrated Management Systems has been designed and documented so as to meet the
requirements of the above standards and also the stated policies of RDSO. The
management System for the unit aims primarily in improving the delivery performance of
Products and Services, in an environmental friendly, energy efficient and safe manner on
a continuous basis.
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Research Designs and Standards Organization
Apex integrated Systems Manual (Level 1)
The following referenced documents are indispensable for the application of this document.
For detailed references only the edition cited applies. For undated references, the latest
edition of the referenced document (including any amendments) applies:
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Apex integrated Systems Manual (Level 1)
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Apex integrated Systems Manual (Level 1)
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Research Designs and Standards Organization
Apex integrated Systems Manual (Level 1)
“The boundary of EnMS covers all Energy related activities resulting from the from the
Research, design, Standard development, inspection, Testing, procurement and
maintenance of railways equipment at Manak Nagar, Lucknow”.
The documented Scope of all Management systems are available and are maintained by MR
as documented information and are available for interested parties.
All clauses of EMS, EnMS and OH&SMS are applicable.
4.4.1 Environmental management system (Cl. 4.4 of EMS)
RDSO has established documented, implemented and maintains an environmental
management system as per ISO 14001: 2015 and continually improves the management
system, using the requirements. The details of requirements, implementation and
maintenance are described in this manual, also defining the scope of EMS.
4.4.2 Occupational Health and Safety management system (Cl. 4.4 OH&S)
RDSO has established documented, implemented and maintains an OH&S management
system as per ISO 45001:2018 and continually improves the management system, using
the requirements. The details of requirements, implementation and maintenance are
described in this manual, also defining the scope of OH&SMS.
4.4.3 Energy Management System (Cl. 4.4 EnMS)
RDSO has established documented, implemented, and maintains an Energy management
system as per ISO 50001:2018 and continually improves the management system, using
the requirements. The details of requirements, implementation and maintenance are
described in this manual, also defining the scope of EnMS.
RDSO has adopted a process approach for its integrated management system, by
identifying the top-level processes within the organization, and then managing each of
these discretely. This reduces the potential for nonconforming outputs discovered during
final processes or after delivery. Instead, nonconformities and risks are identified in real
time, and corrective actions taken within each of the top-level processes.
Note: Not all activities are considered “processes” – the term “process” in this context
indicates the activity has been elevated to a higher level of control and management
The following top-level processes have been identified for RDSO:
The Organizational processes are grouped into Directorates, which takes full control of
the activities, as Processes and are defined in the Directorate/Departmental Procedure
Manuals, with Directorate Heads.
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Apex integrated Systems Manual (Level 1)
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Apex integrated Systems Manual (Level 1)
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Research Designs and Standards Organization
Apex integrated Systems Manual (Level 1)
RDSO is committed to development of safe, modern and cost-effective railway technology
to cater to the growing needs of Indian Railway through excellence in Research, Designs
and Standards by setting and reviewing objectives and targets through continual
improvement of Quality, Environment, OH&S and Energy, ensuring availability of
information and necessary resources. RDSO is further committed to:
• Comply with applicable relevant standards, legal and other requirements for
environmental sustainability.
• Continual development of Design, Specification and Standards of products, processes
and Supply Chains for improved Quality & Safety in train operation to meet customer
• Ensure to protect environment, prevent pollution, controlling and mitigating the
environmental impact.
• Ensure Safe, Clean & Healthy work Environment for prevention of Injury and ill Health
with participation of employees & stakeholders.
• Comply with applicable legal and other requirements, related to Energy efficiency,
energy usage and deployment of energy efficient products and services that impact
on energy performance and support design activities that ensure optimisation of
energy usage
Our IMS Policy is communicated, applied within the organization and made available to all
the relevant interested parties.
The above given Policy statement is approved by RDSO Management, and adopted by
RDSO. The Policy statement is signed by Director General.
The IMS Policy is appropriate to the purpose of organization, is appropriate to the nature,
scale and environmental impacts of RDSO’s Research & Design activities, products and
services and is appropriate to the specific nature of OH&S risks and opportunities.
The IMS Policy provides framework for setting and reviewing objectives and
targets and
Is documented in English and Hindi. It is communicated at all levels within the
organization, implemented and maintained, reviewed for continuing
suitability and updated as necessary.
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Apex integrated Systems Manual (Level 1)
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Apex integrated Systems Manual (Level 1)
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Apex integrated Systems Manual (Level 1)
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Research Designs and Standards Organization
Apex integrated Systems Manual (Level 1)
RDSO has established, implemented, and maintains the processes needed to meet the
requirements in 6.1.1 to 6.1.4, and the relevant processes are Environment Management
Control Process, EMCP, OH&S Management Control Process, OH&SMCP, Energy
Management Control Process, EnMCP and Integrated Management Control Process,
In planning for the Integrated Management System, RDSO has considered the issues,
requirements, and Scope identified under Cl. 4.1, 4.2 & 4.3, for determination of risks and
opportunities that need to be addressed to:
Give assurance that the Management Systems can achieve its intended
results/outcome, including energy performance improvements.
Give Control that the integrated management system can achieve its
intended result(s) & outcomes.
Enhance desirable effects.
Prevent, or reduce, undesired effects including the potential for external
environmental conditions to affect the organization.
Achieve improvement & continual improvement.
Within the scope of Environmental management system, RDSO has determined the
potential emergency situations, using Procedure for Emergency Control, under
Environmental Management Control Process, EMCP.
Records are maintained for Risks and Opportunities that need to be addressed, with
evidence that the above-mentioned processes are carried out as planned.
RDSO’s Hazard identification and Assessment of Risks and Opportunities procedure under
OH&SMS Management Control Process, RDSO has taken into account the various
requirements as per Cl. 6.1.2 of OH&SMS, for Hazard identification and Assessment of
Risks and Opportunities.
RDSO ensures that the results of these assessments are considered when determining
Reference Documents: OHSMCP - Procedure for Occupational Health & Safety
Management Control Process; EMCP - Procedure for Environment Management Control
Process; EnMCP-Procedure for Energy Management Control Process and IMCP –
Procedure for Integrated Management Control Process.
RDSO has planned actions to address these risks and opportunities and how to integrate
and implement the actions into its integrated management system processes and
evaluate the effectiveness of these actions. Actions taken to address risks and
opportunities are proportionate to the potential impact on the conformity of the
products and services and on activities.
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Apex integrated Systems Manual (Level 1)
All departments will identify risks and opportunities related to their activities and
processes as per the Procedure for Risk & Opportunity Management -IMCP-05 in
Procedure for Integrated Management Control Process, IMCP. The critical and significant
risks will be reviewed by Management during every MRM. While designing and
implementing EMS/EnMS and OH&S, top management ensures to recognize the risk
associated at its business environment. Accordingly, Management reviews critical and
significant risks on account of various factors at a frequency of once in 6 months. They are
reported to the Board. All applicable departments/processes will provide periodic inputs
to for an effective review. Based on the review findings at MRM, risk related to
EMS/EnMS/OH&S will be revised and modified by the concerned department as
Reference Documents: Procedure for Risk & Opportunity Management- IMCP-05 in
Integrated Management Control Process, IMCP.
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Apex integrated Systems Manual (Level 1)
6.1.4 Hazard Identification and Assessment of Risks and Opportunities (Cl. 6.1.2
of OH&SMS) Hazard identification (Cl. of OH&SMS)
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Apex integrated Systems Manual (Level 1)
RDSO has established, implemented, and maintains a process for hazard identification
that is ongoing and proactive. Process takes into account the following:
a) How work is organized, including social factors (including workload, work
hours, victimization, harassment and bullying), leadership, and culture in
the organization.
b) Routine and non-routine activities and situations.
c) Past relevant incidents including emergencies and their causes.
d) Potential emergency situations.
e) People, including their other considerations.
f) Other issues and considerations.
g) Actual or proposed changes in organization, operations and processes,
activities and OH&SMS.
h) Changes in knowledge of, and information about hazards.
Reference Documents: OHSCP-01- Procedure for HIRA & Risk Control Process in Procedure
for Occupational Health & Safety Management Control Process, OHSMCP. Assessment of OH&S Risks and other risks to OH&SMS (Cl. of
RDSO has established, implemented and maintains process to:
a) Assess OH&S risks from the identified hazards, while taking into account
the effectiveness of existing controls.
b) Determine and assess the other risks related the establishment,
implementation, operation, and maintenance of the OH&SMS.
RDSO’s methodology and criteria for the assessment of OH&S risks are defined and used
in a systematic way. Procedure is documented and records maintained for the
methodology and criteria.
Reference Documents: OHSCP-01- Procedure for HIRA & Risk Control Process in Procedure
for Occupational Health & Safety Management Control Process, OHSMCP.
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Research Designs and Standards Organization
Apex integrated Systems Manual (Level 1)
Objectives are consistent with Policy Statements, measurable and take into account
applicable requirements and are monitored, communicated, and updated as appropriate.
Management monitors and reviews the performance against set objectives in every
MRM. Each Directorate Head is responsible for achievement of objectives/targets for
his/her process / area of operation and MR for reporting performance to management.
The organisation has laid down guidelines for achieving its objectives and targets, which
include the following: -
The designation of responsibility for achieving objectives and targets at each
relevant function and level of the organization, including resources required.
The means and the time frame by which these will be achieved.
Records to be maintained for all objectives.
6.2.1 Environmental Objectives (CL. 6.2.1 of EMS)
The register of aspect & impact and the Legal register shall form the basis for fixing of
objectives and targets. The organisation has laid down specific management programmes for
achieving its objectives and targets. The management programme includes the following:
The delegation of responsibility for achieving objectives and targets at each
relevant function and levels of organization.
The means and the time frame by which these will be achieved.
Environmental Objectives are framed: -
Consistent with the environmental policy, SEA & Compliance obligations.
Measurable (if practical)
Updated as appropriate.
Objectives are specific and targets are measurable to the extent feasible. Records are
maintained for Environmental objectives. Linkage of organisation-wide objectives to
policy requirement.
6.2.2 OH&S Objectives and planning to achieve them (CL. 6.2.1 and 6.2.2 OF
A procedure has been laid down to establish and review Occupational health & Safety
objectives, at relevant functions and levels. The objectives are measurable, where
practical, and consistent with the OH&S policy, including the commitment to the
prevention of injury and ill-health, to comply with applicable legal and other
requirements to which RDSO subscribes, and to continual improvement.
While establishing and reviewing Occupational health & Safety objectives, RDSO has
taken in to account its OH&S risks and also considered the technological options, its
financial, operational and business requirements and the views of Interested parties,
results of consultation and participation of workers.
The Organization has laid down specific management programmes for achieving its
objectives. The management programme includes the following:
The designation of responsibility and authority for achieving objectives at
each relevant function and levels of organization.
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Research Designs and Standards Organization
Apex integrated Systems Manual (Level 1)
The means and the time frame by which these will be achieved.
The programme shall be reviewed at regular and planned intervals and
adjusted as necessary, to ensure that the objectives are achieved.
Linkage of Organization-wide objectives to policy requirement is given.
Procedure documented for deriving departmental objectives from
Organisation wide objectives and planning to achieve them, in IMCP-07-
Procedure for Setting Objectives, Targets & Management Programs & Action
Plans in Integrated Management Control Process, IMCP.
Reference Documents: IMCP-07- Procedure for Setting Objectives, Targets & Management
Programs & Action Plans in Integrated Management Control Process, IMCP.
6.2.3 Objectives, Energy Targets and Planning to achieve them (CL. 6.2 OF EnMS)
A procedure has been laid down to establish and review Energy objectives, at relevant
functions and levels. The objectives are measurable, where practical, and consistent with
the Energy policy, comply with applicable legal and other requirements to which RDSO
subscribes, and to continual improvement. While establishing Energy Policy, SEUs are
considered, taking into account opportunities to improve energy performance:
a) The Energy Objectives are monitored, communicated, and updated as
b) Records are maintained on Energy Objectives and Energy Targets.
c) The Organization has laid down specific Action Plans for achieving its
The Action Plans includes the following:
The designation of responsibility and authority for achieving objectives at
each relevant function and levels of organization.
The means and the time frame by which these will be achieved.
The programme shall be reviewed at regular and planned intervals and
adjusted as necessary, to ensure that the objectives are achieved.
Linkage of organisation -wide objectives to policy requirement is given.
Procedure documented for deriving departmental objectives from
Organization wide objectives and planning to achieve them, in IMCP-07-
Procedure for Setting Objectives, Targets & Management Programs & Action
Plans in Integrated Management Control Process, IMCP.
Reference Documents: IMCP-07- Procedure for Setting Objectives, Targets & Management
Programs & Action Plans in Integrated Management Control Process, IMCP.
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Research Designs and Standards Organization
Apex integrated Systems Manual (Level 1)
RDSO has ensured that key characteristics of its operations affecting energy performance
are identified, measured, monitored and analyzed at planned intervals. The organization
has defined and implemented an energy data collection plan and its measurement and
monitoring equipment. The Plan specifies the data necessary to monitor the key
characteristics and state how and at what frequency the date will be collected and
Data to be collected includes the relevant variables for SEUs, energy consumption relating
to SEUs, Operational criteria related to SEUs, static factors as applicable and data
specified in action plans.
The energy data collection plan is reviewed at defined intervals and updated as
RDSO ensures that the equipment used for measurement of key characteristics provides
data which are accurate and repeatable. The organization retains records on
measurement, monitoring and other means of establishing accuracy and repeatability.
The Procedure, EnCP-04 Procedure for Energy Monitoring, Measurement & Analysis, in
Procedure for Energy Management Control Process, EnMCP, captures the necessary
Reference Documents: EnCP-04 -Procedure for Monitoring, Measurement & Analysis
Process in Procedure for Energy Management Control Process, EnMCP
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Apex integrated Systems Manual (Level 1)
RDSO has determined and provided the resources needed for the establishment,
implementation, maintenance, and continual improvement of the Management Systems.
The Resource Management activity is handled by the Personnel Department for
Providing the necessary human resources to implement, maintain and continually
improve the effectiveness of the Management System is the responsibility of the
Personnel Department.
Appropriate records of education, skills, and experience are maintained in Personnel
The training is given to various levels of personnel after identifying their training needs.
Training needs of personnel whose work may create an impact on environment, energy
and Occupational Health and Safety are also identified and appropriate training imparted,
evaluating the effectiveness of the action taken.
Employees at each relevant function and level are made aware of: -
The importance of conformance to the IMS policy and procedures and with
the requirements of the environment, energy and Occupational Health and
Safety management system and how they contribute to the achievement of
The significant environment aspects, business risks, health hazards, actual or
potential of their work activities and the environmental and safety benefits of
improved personal performance.
The benefit of conservation of energy and improving the energy
The roles and responsibilities in achieving conformance with the
environmental, conservation of energy, health and safety policies and
procedures and with the requirements of the emergency preparedness and
The potential consequences of departure from environment and
Occupational Health and Safety management system requirements, specified
operating procedure and organization’s compliance obligations.
The hazards, risks and actions determined that are relevant to them.
Appropriate record of education, training imparted, skills and experience is
7.4.1 General
RDSO ensures that the internal and external communication relevant to the organization
On what it will communicate
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Apex integrated Systems Manual (Level 1)
When to communicate
With whom to communicate
How to communicate
Who communicates?
When establishing communication process, it is ensured that information communicated
is consistent with information generated and dependable.
Process is implemented by which any person doing work under the organization’s control
can make comments or suggest improvements to management system and performance.
Records are retained for suggested information.
7.4.2 Internal Communication (Cl. 7.4.2 of EMS & OH&SMS)
The top management has provided for communication systems among various levels and
functions connected with the EMS, EnMS and OH&S and its effective implementation.
Typical methods of internal communication adopted are:
Awareness training programs pertaining to EMS, EnMS and OH&S Internal
Circulation of system documents.
Environment, Energy and OH&S related meetings,
External audits
Notices, circulars, display charts pertaining to EMS, EnMS and OH&S
Suggestions from various personnel to improve the working system.
Internal communication is addressed under Cl. 7.4.2 of EMS & OH&SMS. A documented
procedure is established, implemented, and maintained for environmental aspects
internal communication among the various levels and functions of the organization and
for receiving documenting and responding to relevant communication from external
interested parties. It will be decided by the organization whether to communicate
externally about the significant environmental aspects, taking into account their
relevance to others.
7.4.3 External Communication (Cl. 7.4.3 of EMS & OH&SMS)
External communications are both inward and outward and will be with Regulatory
bodies such as CPCB, UPPCB, MOEF, BEE, Dept. of Factories, Industrial Health and Safety,
Local authorities or with interested parties, non-government groups, and public. Such
communications range from structured like consents, authorizations, permits, periodic
returns, correspondences to unstructured and un-defined communications such as
general complaints / requirements from local public. However, potential emergency
situations (off-site) arising from significant aspects are communicated to the concerned
statutory authorities like UPPCB.
Display board containing environmental information is put up in the main gate for
external communication with the public.
Potential emergency situations (off-site) arising from significant aspects are
communicated to the concerned statutory authorities like UPPCB, Deputy Commissioner
and Factory Inspector.
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7.5.1 General
The management system documentation for RDSO includes 4-layer structures as
mentioned below.
Documented statements of Environmental, Energy and Occupational Health & Safety
Policy, Objectives, and Targets:
Level-1: Apex Integrated Systems Manual, containing scope, boundaries,
documented statement of all Policies & Objectives, elements, and
requirements of EMS, EnMS and OH&SMS & their interaction.
Level-2: Integrated Procedure Manual, containing documented procedures
required as per ISO 14001:2015; ISO 45001:2018 and ISO 50001:2018.
Level-3: Departmental (Directorate) Procedure Manual (DPM), Work
Instructions, Departmental Record Formats, Fire Manual, HR Manual, OH & S
Manual, SOPs, OCPs, On-site Emergency Response Plan as required by ISO
14001:2015; ISO 45001:2018 and ISO 50001:2018.
Level-4: Forms Manual for System Related Record Formats and Registers to
record the results of various processes carried out as required ISO
14001:2015; ISO 45001:2018 and ISO 50001:2018.
This Apex Integrated Systems Manual is established, maintained, and includes the
The scope of the Environmental, Energy and Occupational Health & Safety
Management System
The Integrated System Procedures (referred in this manual under each of the
relevant clauses) and listed in Annexure 1
All documented policy statements, as IMS Policy and IMS objectives.
Organizational chart as per Annexure 2,
Responsibilities for key personnel & their matrix as per Annexure 3 & 4.
Sequence and interaction of processes and other processes as per Annexure
7.5.2 Creating and updating.
All the documents pertaining to Environmental, Energy and Occupational Health & Safety
management system are controlled. Records are special type of documents and are
A documented procedure is established, in the IMCP, as IMCP-01- Procedure for
Documents & Records Control under Procedure for Integrated Management Control
Process, IMCP to define the controls needed which has taken into consideration, the
following steps:
Approving documents for adequacy prior to use,
Reviewing, updating and re-approving documents,
Identification of method to make changes &ensure current revision status of
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Control of soft documents, data and records: Whenever documents, data and records are
exclusively stored in electronic media, the controls are ensured. The soft documents and
records are made as “read only” for all users and are deleted when no longer required.
Reference Documents: IP-01-Procedure for Document Control Process in Integrated
Management Control Process, IMCP;
IP-02- Procedure for Records Control process in Integrated Management Control Process-
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RDSO has established, implemented, controlled, and maintained the processes needed to
meet organizational operational processes, environmental management system
requirements, and to implement the actions identified in Cl. 6.1 and 6.2 by establishing
operating criteria for the processes and implementing control of the processes in
accordance with the operating criteria.
RDSO has controlled planned changes and reviews the consequences of unintended
changes, taking action to mitigate any adverse effects, as necessary. RDSO has ensured
that outsourced processes are controlled or influenced. The type and extent of control or
influence to be applied to the processes are defined within the environmental
management system.
The operations and activities that are associated with the significant environmental
aspects and significant health hazard in line with policy, objectives and targets have been
identified. Documented operational control procedures for the activities to cover
situations where their absence could lead to deviations from the environmental policy,
objectives and targets have been established and documented under respective WIs. The
procedures also stipulate operating criteria. The organisation has established operational
control procedures for identifiable significant environmental aspects of goods and
services and communicated the relevant procedures and requirements to suppliers and
To establish safe work procedure for Operations in the stations, the following are made
Procedure for reporting accidents / incidents / suggestions
Established system for safe material handling.
Established work permit system for various activities.
Established safe work procedures.
Personnel Protective Equipment management
Procedure for Working with compressed gas cylinders.
Procedure for Working with Hand Tools
Established system to work on electrical equipment.
Procedure for working in closed areas and in heights.
Consistent with a life cycle perspective, the organization has:
a) Established controls, as appropriate, to ensure that its environmental
requirements are addressed in the design and development process for
the product or service, considering each life cycle stage.
b) Determined our environmental requirements for the procurement of
products and services, as appropriate.
c) Communicated the relevant environmental requirements to external
providers, including contractors.
d) Considered the need to provide information about potential significant
environmental impacts associated with the transportation or delivery,
use, end-of- life treatment and final disposal of our products and services.
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e) Records are maintained to have confidence that the processes have been
carried out as planned.
8.2.1 General
RDSO has planned, implemented, controlled, and maintained the processes, needed to
meet the requirements of OH&SMS and to implement the actions determined in Cl. 6 by:
a) Establishing criteria for processes.
b) Implementing controls of the processes in accordance with the criteria.
c) Maintaining, and retaining records to the extent necessary, to have
confidence that the processes have been carried out as planned.
d) adapting work to employees (workers)
8.3 Cl. 8.1.2 Eliminating Hazards and reducing OH&S Risks
RDSO has established, implemented, and maintains a process, for the elimination of
hazards and reduction of OH&S risks using the following hierarchy of controls:
a) Eliminate the hazard.
b) Substitute with less hazardous processes, operations, materials or
c) Use engineering controls and reorganization of work.
d) Use administrative controls, including training.
e) Use adequate personal protective equipment.
8.4 Cl. 8.1.3 Management of Change
RDSO has established, a process for the implementation and control of planned
temporary and permanent changes that impact OH&S performance, including:
a) new products, services and processes, or changes to existing product,
services and processes including:
Workplace locations and surroundings.
Work organization.
Working conditions.
Work force.
b) Changes to legal requirements and other requirements.
c) Changes in knowledge or information about hazards and OH&S risks.
d) Development in knowledge and technology.
RDSO reviews the consequences of unintended changes, taking action to mitigate any
adverse effects, as necessary.
8.5 Cl. 8.1.4 Procurement
Cl. General: RDSO has established, implemented and maintains a process to
control the procurement of products and services in order to ensure their conformity to
its OH&SMS.
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Cl. Contractors: RDSO Coordinates its procurement Processes with its contractors,
in order to identify hazards and to assess and control the OH&S risks arising from:
a) The contractors’ activities and operations that impact the organization.
b) Our activities and operations that impact the contractors’ workers.
c) The contractors’ activities and operations that impact other interested
parties in the workplace.
RDSO ensures that the requirements of its OH&SMS are met by contractors and their
workers. The organization’s procurement process defines and applies occupational health
and safety criteria for the selection of contractors.
Cl. Outsourcing: RDSO ensures that outsourced functions and processes are
controlled. The organization ensures that its outsourcing arrangements are consistent
with legal requirements and other requirements and with achieving the intended
outcomes of the OH&SMS. The type and degree of control to be applied to these
functions and processes are defined within the OH&SMS.
RDSO has planned, implemented, and controlled the processes, related to its SEUs,
needed to meet requirements and to implement the actions determined in Cl. 6.2 by:
a) Establishing criteria for the processes, including the effective operation
and maintenance of facilities, equipment, systems, and energy- using
processes, where their absence can lead to a significant deviation from
intended energy performance.
b) Communicating the criteria to relevant persons doing work under the
control of the organization.
c) Implementing control of the processes in accordance with the criteria,
including operating and maintaining facilities, equipment, systems, and
energy-saving processes in accordance with established criteria.
d) Keeping documented information to the extent necessary to have
confidence that the processes have been carried out as planned.
RDSO controls planned changes and reviews the consequences of unintended changes,
taking actions to mitigate any adverse effects, as necessary.
The organization ensures that outsourced SEUs or processes related to its SEUs are
RDSO has established, implemented, and maintains as ECP-03- Procedure for Emergency
Response in Integrated Management Control Process, EMCP for the identification of
potential emergency situations and potential incidents that can have impact on the
environment, health & safety, and how it will respond to them. RDSO will respond to
actual emergency situations and incidents and prevent or mitigate associated adverse
environmental impacts and incidents. Emergency preparedness procedure is periodically
reviewed and revised after the occurrence of accidents or emergency situations and if
any new risk is identified. Relevant information and training are provided related to
emergency preparedness and response to persons working under its control, including
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workers. Necessary records are maintained to have confidence that the process is carried
out as planned, by periodical testing and exercising the planned response capability.
Relevant information is communicated to relevant interested parties, ensuring their
The potential emergencies will be reviewed.
in case of changes in legal requirements
in case of incidents or output of audits
Reference Documents: ECP-03- Procedure for Emergency Response in Integrated
Management Control Process, EMCP
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To demonstrate achievement of conformity to Environmental, Energy and OH&S
Management System and to continually improve the systems, RDSO has planned and
implemented the monitoring, measurement, analysis, and improvement processes as
9.1.1 General
EMS - RDSO monitors, measures, analyses and evaluates its environmental performance
and the effectiveness of the Environmental Management System, communicating
relevant environmental performance information both internally and externally, as
identified in the communication process and as required by the compliance obligations.
OH&SMS – RDSO has established implements and maintains procedure to monitor and
measure OH&S performance on a regular basis. This procedure provides for:
Both qualitative and quantitative measures, appropriate to the needs of
Monitoring of the extent to which RDSO’s OH&S objectives are met.
Monitoring the effectiveness of controls for OH&S.
Proactive measures of performance that monitor conformance with the
OH&S programs, controls and operational criteria.
Relative measures of performance that monitor ill health, incidents (including
accidents, near misses etc.) and other historical evidence of deficient OH&S
Recording of data and results of monitoring and measurement sufficient to
facilitate subsequent analysis of the corrective action data.
EnMS – RDSO ensures that the key characteristics of its operations that determine energy
performance are monitored, measured and analysed at planned intervals. Key
characteristics includes at a minimum, significant energy uses and other outputs of
energy review, relevant variables related to significant energy uses, EnPIs, the
effectiveness of the action plans in achieving objectives and targets, and evaluation of
actual versus expected energy consumption. Records for results from monitoring and
measurement of the key characteristics are maintained. RDSO defines and periodically
reviews its measurement needs.
RDSO ensures that calibrated or verified monitoring and measuring equipment is used
and maintained. Monitoring & measuring equipment and Measurement traceability are
maintained as per 7.1.5 of this manual.
9.1.2 Monitoring and measurement of processes
RDSO has determined Key Performance Indicators as monitoring and measurement
method to demonstrate the ability of the determined processes to achieve required
results. ensure the achievement of KPI's monthly as a part of MIS reports.
Top management reviews the performance of the departments during the MRM where
the Process owners present the achievement of departmental activities.
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Process monitoring
Compilation and interpretation of inspection and process monitoring records.
Data analysis associated with corrective actions.
Data analysis and trends of audit findings and performances relating to EMS,
Compilation of inspection and process monitoring data is used for controlling
product characteristics and serves as a basis of continual improvement.
9.2.1 General
Internal Audit is carried out at least once in six months on all departments coming under
the purview of Environmental, Energy & OH&S management system. The audits shall be
carried out to verify whether the system is functioning as planned and to determine the
effectiveness of the system.
The audits shall be carried out according to pre-designed schedules, which may be altered
if warranted, and the Non-conformances -Major/ Minor NC, Opportunity for
Improvement (OFI) for improvement of the Environmental, Energy & OH&S management
system are taken up for necessary action.
The audit shall be carried out by trained internal auditors independent of the area being
Findings of the audit are recorded and intimated to the Process owner / auditee. MR's
decision is final in all matters.
The auditee is responsible for initiating timely corrective actions on deficiencies, if any,
found during audit.
The implementation status of the corrective actions against the observed non-
conformance shall be examined in the follow up or subsequent rounds of audit. The MR
shall also have the authority to examine the implementation status. Internal audit results
are subject to review by MRM for which MR is to take necessary action.
9.2.2 Internal Audit Programme
Management Representative is responsible for planning and organizing audits depending
on the importance and the extent of the activity concerned and the results of the
previous audits. The internal integrated management system audits as per schedule are
to be carried out once in Six Months.
MR also ensures that the trained auditors are involved in integrated management system
audit to ensure objectivity of the auditing processes and are not directly responsible for
the area under audit. The results of the audit are documented in specified format for
Conformance, Non-Conformance, Opportunity for Improvement (OFI) in process and
work practices and brought to the notice of person responsible for the area audited, who
in turn shall take appropriate corrective actions within agreed time limit and ensure
removal of deficiencies observed. Follow up the effectiveness of the corrective action
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The effectiveness of identified corrective action against any such internal audit findings
are verified by the MR prior to subsequent management review meeting and recorded.
MR is responsible for ensuring that non-conformances observed during IA are closed by
appropriate corrective action implementation in a defined period. MR identifies and
marks the corrective actions needing confirmation for their effective implementation and
arrange for the verification in subsequent audits or follow up audits will be planned.
Reference Documents: IMCP-02- Procedure for Internal Audit in Procedure for Integrated
Management Control Process, IMCP.
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RDSO has determined opportunities for improvement and implemented necessary
actions to achieve intended outcomes of all management systems.
Correcting, preventing or reducing undesired effects.
Improving the performance and effectiveness of the management system by
correction, corrective action, continual improvement, breakthrough change,
innovation, and re-organization
The nonconforming situations are related to statutory and regulatory violations,
incidents, near miss situations which are captured, and immediate actions are initiated to
mitigate the environmental/Energy/Health impacts, evaluating the need for action to
eliminate the cause of the non-conformity. Deputed Safety Officer is responsible for
monitoring safety situations. RDSO does incident investigation on major accident
happening and records are maintained by Deputed Safety Officer.
RDSO has addressed actual and potential nonconformities by making corrections and by
taking corrective action, including the following:
Reviewing nonconformities or potential nonconformities or whether similar
incidents had occurred.
Take action to control and correct it
Deal with the consequences including mitigating adverse environmental
impacts. Determining the causes of non- conformities or potential
nonconformities, carrying out investigation.
Evaluating the need for action with the participation of workers and the
involvement of other relevant interested parties to ensure that
nonconformities do not occur or reoccur by:
a) Investigating the incident and reviewing the nonconformity
b) Determining the cause(s) of the incident or nonconformity
c) Determining if similar incidents have occurred, if nonconformities exist,
or if they could potentially occur
Review existing assessments of OH&S risks and other risks
Determining and implementing the appropriate action needed
Maintaining records of corrective actions
Reviewing the effectiveness of corrective action taken
Updating the Risk Register/COTO Log
Reference Documents: IMCP-03-Procedure for Non-conformance & Corrective Action in
Procedure for Integrated Management Control Process, IMCP.
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To segregate R&D activities from those of purchase •Authorized for all BB operations •Accountable for seggregtion
3.6 ED inspection, vendor development etc in the organization of R&D activities from other
To segregate R&D activities from those of purchase •Authorized for all Kol operations •Accountable for seggregtion
3.7 ED inspection, vendor development etc in the organization of R&D activities from other
3.8 Design/ICF ED Vacant - -
3.9 Design/ICF ED Vacant - -
3.91 Design/ICF ED Vacant - -
PED/Traction & PED/PS& EMU are is head of following directorates and brief of function of these directorate is as under:
Head - PED/PS & EMU
Directorate Function / Responsibility Authority Accountability
•Authorized for all PS operations •Accountable for train lighting
Design, Development and Standardisation of Train lighting
4.1 ED/PS in the organization and air conditioning activity
and air conditioning.
Design, Development and Standardisation of Electrical •Authorized for all EMU •Accountable for Electrical
Multiple units, Metro Rolling stock, Train lighting and air operations in the organization Multiple units, Metro Rolling
4.2 ED/EMU
conditioning. stock, Train lighting and and
air conditioning activity
Head -PED/Traction
•Authorized for all TI operations •Accountable for Traction
Design, Development, and standardisation of Traction
4.3 ED/TI in the organization Equipment activity
distribution equipment
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•Electrical Directorate is responsible for design and •Authorized for all Electric •Accountable for Electric
development of all types of Electric Locomotives including Locomotives operations in the Locomotives activity
their sub-systems. organization
•It also deals with service related technical problems,
including standardization, indigenisation of technology/sub-
systems through industry and quality control/vendor base of
vital items of Electric Locomotive assigned to RDSO by
Railway Board.
•Work also includes evaluation of new technologies and up
gradation of product for higher performance, reliability and
economies in operation.
•Holding of various types of Electric Locos on IR except WAG-
6 A, B, C and WAP5/WAG9 which were imported in limited
numbers with transfer of technology, all locos were designed
4.4 ED/RS
indigenously at RDSO .
•With adoption of 3-phase technology and import of WAG-
9/WAP-5 class 6000HP, 25KV with TOT from the then
M/s.ABB, Switzerland.
•IR possesses state of art technology in field of Electric Locos.
•These locos are now being indigenously manufactured at
CLW since 1998 and RDSO support this technology and
successfully indigenised vital sub-systems through industry,
thus bringing down cost of production of these locomotives in
•WAP7 locomotives, indigenously developed is an example of
successful example of absorption of technology. •In case of
dual voltage Locomotives, the two figures show HP capacity in
AC traction mode and DC traction mode respectively.
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Deals with initial registration, re-assessment of vendors and •Authorized for assessment of •Accountable for vendor
other activities connected with maintaining and updating the vendors registration
4.5 ED/IE/BPL master list of approved vendors for Electrical components.
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•Appointed as MR, •Overall implementation and maintenance of Integrated • Authorized to control of •Accountable for the
reporting to ED/ Management System. the contents, distribution, effective implementation and
Research for matters and general administration maintenance of IMS
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pertaining to IMS in •Reporting Integrated Management System Improvements of all levels of documents.
addition to his to Management. •Accountable for smooth
functional •Authorized to issue conduct of internal and
responsibilities •Coordinating with outside agencies with respect to ISO approved documents to external audits
certification requirements. relevant departments.
•Assisted by DMRs and
staffs in ISO Cell. •Monitor achievement of IMS Policy and IMS Objectives. •Authorized to plan and
schedule IMS related
•Control of IMS Documents & Records activities.
•Responsible for Internal Audit, it’s follow up, Auditor •Authorized to close the
training and conducting Management Review Meetings non- conformities.
and maintenance of records of the same.
•Authorized to approve KPI
•Responsible for maintenance of records of corrective for the processes and
actions Departments as part of
organisation wide
•Responsible for monitoring Continual Improvement in all objectives.
processes and maintenance of records of the same.
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Research Designs and Standards Organization
Apex integrated Systems Manual (Level 1)
•Periodic review of Level 1 & Level 2 documents NCRs raised during internal Environmental Performance
•Assisted by Managers •Coordinating activities related to internal audit and site audit pertaining to EMS in RDSO
and staffs in ISO cell. audits till closure. •Authorized to approve • Accountable for compliance
•Participate in MRMs and ensure actions required for the KPI for the processes and obligation related to EMS.
same. Departments as part of
•Responsible for review of NCs and ensuring appropriate organisation wide
root cause, correction and corrective action are identified objectives pertaining to
for the NCs by the respective departments EMS.
•Coordinating activities related to training on EMS. • Authorized for ensuring
•Responsible for collection, analysis of data as per agenda compliance obligation
of MRM. related to EMS.
Responsible for Ensuring compliance obligation related to
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Research Designs and Standards Organization
Apex integrated Systems Manual (Level 1)
©RDSO. Only the electronic file of this document is CONTROLLED. Printed copies of this document are UNCONTROLLED.
Users of this document are responsible for ensuring that printed copies are valid at time of use.
Research Designs and Standards Organization
Apex integrated Systems Manual (Level 1)
incident investigation
•Responsible for collection, analysis of data
as per
agenda of MRM
• Responsible for Ensuring legal and other
requirements related to OH&SMS.
©RDSO. Only the electronic file of this document is CONTROLLED. Printed copies of this document are UNCONTROLLED.
Users of this document are responsible for ensuring that printed copies are valid at time of use.
Research Designs and Standards Organization
Apex integrated Systems Manual (Level 1)
©RDSO. Only the electronic file of this document is CONTROLLED. Printed copies of this document are UNCONTROLLED.
Users of this document are responsible for ensuring that printed copies are valid at time of use.
Research Designs and Standards Organization
Apex integrated Systems Manual (Level 1)
©RDSO. Only the electronic file of this document is CONTROLLED. Printed copies of this document are UNCONTROLLED.
Users of this document are responsible for ensuring that printed copies are valid at time of use.
Research Designs and Standards Organization
Apex integrated Systems Manual (Level 1)
©RDSO. Only the electronic file of this document is CONTROLLED. Printed copies of this document are UNCONTROLLED.
Users of this document are responsible for ensuring that printed copies are valid at time of use.
Research Designs and Standards Organization
Apex integrated Systems Manual (Level 1)
Mechanical, Electrical)
All Directorate Head
Maintenance (Civil,
Directorate Head -
& Stores
ISO 14001
ISO 50001
ISO 45001
5. 5. 5. Leadership (Title)
©RDSO. Only the electronic file of this document is CONTROLLED. Printed copies of this document are UNCONTROLLED.
Users of this document are responsible for ensuring that printed copies are valid at time of use.
Research Designs and Standards Organization
Apex integrated Systems Manual (Level 1)
Mechanical, Electrical)
All Directorate Head
Maintenance (Civil,
Directorate Head -
& Stores
ISO 14001
ISO 50001
ISO 45001
P = Primary C = Contributory
©RDSO. Only the electronic file of this document is CONTROLLED. Printed copies of this document are UNCONTROLLED.
Users of this document are responsible for ensuring that printed copies are valid at time of use.
Research Designs and Standards Organization
Apex integrated Systems Manual (Level 1)
Performance Evaluation
Evaluate Actions taken to address
Leadership Risks & opportunities
Risks of not
Promotes Risks-
considering needs of Needs of Actions to address Identified IMS Results
Based Thinking
Interested parties & Interested Parties Risks & Opportunities IMCP Process
Opportunities of
Fulfilling them IMCP, EMCP, OHSMCP
IMCP Process
& EnMCP,
Update Risks & Opportunities
©RDSO. Only the electronic file of this document is CONTROLLED. Printed copies of this document are UNCONTROLLED.
Users of this document are responsible for ensuring that printed copies are valid at time of use.
Research Designs and Standards Organization
Apex integrated Systems Manual (Level 1)
©RDSO. Only the electronic file of this document is CONTROLLED. Printed copies of this document are UNCONTROLLED.
Users of this document are responsible for ensuring that printed copies are valid at time of use.
Research Designs and Standards Organization
Apex integrated Systems Manual (Level 1)
4. Ensure to protect environment, Actively Continual EMPs to As per Head of Completion of Reviewed
prevent pollution, controlling and reducing improvemen improve EMPs Environment/ EMPs during every
mitigating the environmental waste t of EMS environment DMR-EMS MRM
impact in all areas of Performance al
operation through performance
with a focus Monitoring
on Programs
5. Ensure Safe, Clean & Healthy - Monitor and Increase
work Environment for prevention control all loss Prevent No
safety Safety
of Injury and ill Health with exposures to number of additional Reduce than
awareness Officer/ DMR-
participation of employees & enhance safety resources last year
through OH&SMS
stakeholders occupational concerns required
health &
performance Reviewed
during every
Adopt safe More No Safety Officer More than
- To prevent MRM
and healthy number of additional / DMR- last year
work related
work Job safety resources OH&SMS
injury and ill-
practices Analysis required
health &
incidents &
provide safe
Enhance More resources
and healthy
competency number of
©RDSO. Only the electronic file of this document is CONTROLLED. Printed copies of this document are UNCONTROLLED.
Users of this document are responsible for ensuring that printed copies are valid at time of use.
Research Designs and Standards Organization
Apex integrated Systems Manual (Level 1)
©RDSO. Only the electronic file of this document is CONTROLLED. Printed copies of this document are UNCONTROLLED.
Users of this document are responsible for ensuring that printed copies are valid at time of use.