Data Movement Utilities Guide and
Data Movement Utilities Guide and
Data Movement Utilities Guide and
There are a number of other important differences that distinguish the ingest utility
from the load and import utility:
v The ingest utility allows the input records to contain extra fields between the
fields that correspond to columns.
v The ingest utility supports update, delete, and merge.
v The ingest utility supports constructing column values from expressions
containing field values.
v The ingest utility allows other applications to update the target table while
ingest is running.
2 Db2 11.1 for Linux, UNIX, and Windows: Data Movement Utilities Guide and Reference
File formats and data types
When using DEL or ASC data file formats, define the table, including its column
names and data types, before importing the file. The data types in the operating
system file fields are converted into the corresponding type of data in the database
table. The import utility accepts data with minor incompatibility problems,
including character data imported with possible padding or truncation, and
numeric data imported into different types of numeric fields.
When using the PC/IXF data file format, the table does not need to exist before
you begin the import operation. However, the user-defined distinct type (UDT)
does need to be defined, otherwise you receive an undefined name error
(SQL0204N). Similarly, when you are exporting to the PC/IXF data file format,
UDTs are stored in the output file.
When using the CURSOR file type, the table, including its column names and data
types, must be defined before beginning the load operation. The column types of
the SQL query must be compatible with the corresponding column types in the
target table. It is not necessary for the specified cursor to be open before starting
the load operation. The load utility will process the entire result of the query
associated with the specified cursor whether or not the cursor has been used to
fetch rows.
PC/IXF is the recommended file format for transferring data across platforms.
PC/IXF files allow the load utility or the import utility to process (normally
machine dependent) numeric data in a machine-independent fashion. For example,
numeric data is stored and handled differently by Intel and other hardware
Single-part PC/IXF files created on UNIX operating systems with the Db2 export
utility can be imported by Db2 database for Windows.
DEL files have differences based on the operating system on which they were
created. The differences are:
v Row separator characters
– Text files from UNIX operating systems use a line feed (LF) character.
– Text files from other operating systems use a carriage return/line feed (CRLF)
v End-of-file character
– Text files from UNIX operating systems do not have an end-of-file character.
– Text files from other operating systems have an end-of-file character (X'1A').
Since DEL export files are text files, they can be transferred from one operating
system to another. File transfer programs can handle operating system-dependant
differences if you transfer the files in text mode; the conversion of row separator
and end-of-file characters is not performed in binary mode.
Note: If character data fields contain row separator characters, these will also be
converted during file transfer. This conversion causes unexpected changes to the
data and, for this reason, it is recommended that you do not use DEL export files
to move data across platforms. Use the PC/IXF file format instead.
The following table describes the format of DEL files that can be imported, or that
can be generated as the result of an export action.
DEL file ::= Row 1 data || Row delimiter ||
Row 2 data || Row delimiter ||
Row n data || Optional row delimiter
4 Db2 11.1 for Linux, UNIX, and Windows: Data Movement Utilities Guide and Reference
Cell value(i,m)
Decimal digit ::= Any one of the characters ’0’, ’1’, ... ’9’
The export utility will replace every character string delimiter byte (default is
double quote or x22) that is embedded within column data with two character
string delimiter bytes (ie. doubling it). This is done so that the import parsing
routines can distinguish between a character string delimiter byte that defines the
beginning or end of a column, versus a character string delimiter byte embedded
within the column data. Take caution when using an exported DEL file for some
application other than the export utility, and note that the same doubling of
character string delimiters occurs within 'FOR BIT' binary column data.
The following table lists the data types and the acceptable forms for each one for
the import and load utilities.
Table 5. Acceptable data type forms for the DEL file format
Form in files created by the Form acceptable to the
Data type export utility import and load utilities
BIGINT An INTEGER constant in the An ASCII representation of a
range -9223372036854775808 numeric value in the range
to 9223372036854775807. -9223372036854775808 to
Decimal and float numbers
are truncated to integer
BLOB, CLOB Character data enclosed by A delimited or non-delimited
character delimiters (for character string. The
example, double quotation character string is used as
marks). the database column value.
BLOB_FILE, CLOB_FILE The character data for each The delimited or
BLOB/CLOB column is non-delimited name of the
stored in individual files, and file that holds the data.
the file name is enclosed by
character delimiters.
BOOLEAN A Boolean value of 1 or 0. A delimited or non-delimited
Other values (TRUE or character string containing
FALSE, YES or NO, etc.) the character "1" (indicating
cannot be used. TRUE) or "0" (indicating
6 Db2 11.1 for Linux, UNIX, and Windows: Data Movement Utilities Guide and Reference
Table 5. Acceptable data type forms for the DEL file format (continued)
Form in files created by the Form acceptable to the
Data type export utility import and load utilities
CHAR Character data enclosed by A delimited or non-delimited
character delimiters (for character string. If required
example, double quotation to match the width of the
marks). target column, the character
string is leading truncated or
padded with trailing spaces
DATE yyyymmdd (year month day) A delimited or non-delimited
with no character delimiters. character string containing a
For example: 19931029 for 29 date value in an ISO format
October 1993. consistent with the territory
code of the target database,
Alternatively, the DATESISO or a non-delimited character
option can be used to specify string of the form yyyymmdd.
that all date values are to be
exported in ISO format.
DBCLOB (DBCS only) Graphic data is exported as a A delimited or non-delimited
delimited character string. character string, an even
number of bytes in length.
The character string is used
as the database column
DBCLOB_FILE (DBCS only) The character data for each The delimited or
DBCLOB column is stored in non-delimited name of the
individual files, and the file file that holds the data.
name is enclosed by
character delimiters.
DB2SECURITYLABEL Column data is exported as The value in the data file is
“raw” data enclosed in assumed by default to be the
quotation marks ("). Use the actual bytes that make up
SECLABEL_TO_CHAR scalar the internal representation of
function in the SELECT that security label, delimited
statement to convert the by quotation marks (" ").
value to the security label
string format.
DECIMAL A DECIMAL constant with An ASCII representation of a
the precision and scale of the numeric value that does not
field being exported. The overflow the range of the
decplusblank file type database column into which
modifier can be used to the field is being imported. If
specify that positive decimal the input value has more
values are to be prefixed digits after the decimal point
with a blank space instead of than can be accommodated
a plus sign (+). by the database column, the
excess digits are truncated.
FLOAT(long) A FLOAT constant in the An ASCII representation of a
range -10E307 to 10E307. numeric value in the range
-10E307 to 10E307.
8 Db2 11.1 for Linux, UNIX, and Windows: Data Movement Utilities Guide and Reference
Table 5. Acceptable data type forms for the DEL file format (continued)
Form in files created by the Form acceptable to the
Data type export utility import and load utilities
VARGRAPHIC (DBCS only) Graphic data is exported as a A delimited or non-delimited
delimited character string. character string, an even
number of bytes in length.
The character string is
truncated, if necessary, to
match the maximum width
of the database column.
The following example illustrates the use of non-delimited character strings. The
column delimiter has been changed to a semicolon, because the character data
contains a comma.
Smith, Bob;4973;15.46
Jones, Bill;12345;16.34
Williams, Sam;452;193.78
1. A space (X'20') is never a valid delimiter.
2. Spaces that precede the first character, or that follow the last character of a cell
value, are discarded during import. Spaces that are embedded in a cell value
are not discarded.
3. A period (.) is not a valid character string delimiter, because it conflicts with
periods in time stamp values.
4. For pure DBCS (graphic), mixed DBCS, and EUC, delimiters are restricted to
the range of x00 to x3F, inclusive.
5. For DEL data specified in an EBCDIC code page, the delimiters might not
coincide with the shift-in and shift-out DBCS characters.
6. On the Windows operating system, the first occurrence of an end-of-file
character (X'1A') that is not within character delimiters indicates the end-of-file.
Any subsequent data is not imported.
7. A null value is indicated by the absence of a cell value where one would
normally occur, or by a string of spaces.
8. Since some products restrict character fields to 254 or 255 bytes, the export
utility generates a warning message whenever a character column of maximum
length greater than 254 bytes is selected for export. The import utility
accommodates fields that are as long as the longest LONG VARCHAR and
When moving delimited ASCII (DEL) files, it is important to ensure that the data
being moved is not unintentionally altered because of problems with delimiter
Delimiter restrictions
There are a number of restrictions in place that help prevent the chosen delimiter
character from being treated as a part of the data being moved. First, delimiters are
mutually exclusive. Second, a delimiter cannot be binary zero, a line-feed character,
a carriage-return, or a blank space. As well, the default decimal point (.) cannot be
a string delimiter. Finally, in a DBCS environment, the pipe (|) character delimiter
is not supported.
10 Db2 11.1 for Linux, UNIX, and Windows: Data Movement Utilities Guide and Reference
When you use the nochardel file type modifier with export, the
character fields are not surrounded by character delimiters. When
nochardel is used import and load, the character delimiters are not
treated as special characters and are interpreted as actual data.
Other file type modifiers can be used to manually prevent confusion
between default delimiters and the data. Thechardel file type modifier
specifies x, a single character, as the character string delimiter to be
used instead of double quotation marks (as is the default).
Similarly, if you wanted to avoid using the default comma as a column
delimiter, you could use coldel, which specifies x, a single character, as
the column data delimiter.
Another concern in regards to moving DEL files is maintaining the
correct precedence order for delimiters. The default priority for
delimiters is: row, character, column. However, some applications
depend on the priority: character, row, column. For example, using the
default priority, the DEL data file:
"Vincent <row delimiter> is a manager",<row delimiter>
When importing or loading ASC data, specifying the reclen file type modifier will
indicate that the datafile is fixed length ASC. Not specifying it means that the
datafile is flexible length ASC.
The non-delimited ASCII format, can be used for data exchange with any ASCII
product that has a columnar format for data, including word processors. Each ASC
file is a stream of ASCII characters consisting of data values ordered by row and
column. Rows in the data stream are separated by row delimiters. Each column
within a row is defined by a beginning-ending location pair (specified by IMPORT
parameters). Each pair represents locations within a row specified as byte
positions. The first position within a row is byte position 1. The first element of
each location pair is the byte on which the column begins, and the second element
of each location pair is the byte on which the column ends. The columns might
overlap. Every row in an ASC file has the same column definition.
The following table lists the data types and the acceptable forms for each one for
the import and load utilities.
Table 6. Acceptable Data Type Forms for the ASC File Format
Data type Acceptable forms
BIGINT A constant in any numeric type (SMALLINT, INTEGER,
BIGINT, DECIMAL, or FLOAT) is accepted. Individual values
are rejected if they are not in the range -9223372036854775808 to
9223372036854775807. Decimal numbers are truncated to integer
values. A comma, period, or colon is considered to be a decimal
point. Thousands separators are not allowed.
12 Db2 11.1 for Linux, UNIX, and Windows: Data Movement Utilities Guide and Reference
Table 6. Acceptable Data Type Forms for the ASC File Format (continued)
Data type Acceptable forms
DECIMAL A constant in any numeric type (SMALLINT, INTEGER,
BIGINT, DECIMAL, or FLOAT) is accepted. Individual values
are rejected if they are not in the range of the database column
into which they are being imported. If the input value has more
digits after the decimal point than the scale of the database
column, the excess digits are truncated. A comma, period, or
colon is considered to be a decimal point. Thousands separators
are not allowed.
1. ASC files are assumed not to contain column names.
2. Character strings are not enclosed by delimiters. The data type of a column in
the ASC file is determined by the data type of the target column in the
database table.
3. A NULL is imported into a nullable database column if:
v A field of blanks is targeted for a numeric, DATE, TIME, or TIMESTAMP
database column
v A field with no beginning and ending location pairs is specified
v A location pair with beginning and ending locations equal to zero is
14 Db2 11.1 for Linux, UNIX, and Windows: Data Movement Utilities Guide and Reference
v A row of data is too short to contain a valid value for the target column
v The NULL INDICATORS load option is used, and an N (or other value specified
by the user) is found in the null indicator column.
4. If the target column is not nullable, an attempt to import a field of blanks into
a numeric, DATE, TIME, or TIMESTAMP column causes the row to be rejected.
5. If the input data is not compatible with the target column, and that column is
nullable, a null is imported or the row is rejected, depending on where the
error is detected. If the column is not nullable, the row is rejected. Messages are
written to the message file, specifying incompatibilities that are found.
The IXF architecture is a generic relational database exchange format that supports
a rich set of relational data types, including some types that might not be
supported by specific relational database products. The PC/IXF file format
preserves this flexibility; for example, the PC/IXF architecture supports both
single-byte character string (SBCS) and double-byte character string (DBCS) data
types. Not all implementations support all PC/IXF data types; however, even
restricted implementations provide for the detection and disposition of
unsupported data types during import.
A PC/IXF file might also contain application records of record type A, anywhere
after the H record. These records are permitted in PC/IXF files to enable an
application to include additional data, not defined by the PC/IXF format, in a
PC/IXF file. A records are ignored by any program reading a PC/IXF file that does
not have particular knowledge about the data format and content implied by the
application identifier in the A record.
Every record in a PC/IXF file begins with a record length indicator. This is a 6-byte
right-aligned character representation of an integer value specifying the length, in
bytes, of the portion of the PC/IXF record that follows the record length indicator;
that is, the total record size minus 6 bytes. Programs reading PC/IXF files should
use these record lengths to locate the end of the current record and the beginning
of the next record. H, T, and C records must be sufficiently large to include all of
their defined fields, and, of course, their record length fields must agree with their
actual lengths. However, if extra data (for example, a new field), is added to the
If a PC/IXF file contains LOB Location Specifier (LLS) columns, each LLS column
must have its own D record. D records are automatically created by the export
utility, but you will need to create them manually if you are using a third party
tool to generate the PC/IXF files. Further, an LLS is required for each LOB column
in a table, including those with a null value. If a LOB column is null, you will
need to create an LLS representing a null LOB.
The D record entry for each XML column will contain two bytes little endian
indicating the XML data specifier (XDS) length, followed by the XDS itself.
PC/IXF file records are composed of fields which contain character data. The
import and export utilities interpret this character data using the CPGID of the
target database, with two exceptions:
v The IXFADATA field of A records.
The code page environment of character data contained in an IXFADATA field is
established by the application which creates and processes a particular A record;
that is, the environment varies by implementation.
v The IXFDCOLS field of D records.
The code page environment of character data contained in an IXFDCOLS field is
a function of information contained in the C record which defines a particular
column and its data.
Numeric fields in H, T, and C records, and in the prefix portion of D and A records
should be right-aligned single-byte character representations of integer values,
filled with leading zeros or blanks. A value of zero should be indicated with at
least one (right-aligned) zero character, not blanks. Whenever one of these numeric
fields is not used, for example IXFCLENG, where the length is implied by the data
type, it should be filled with blanks. These numeric fields are:
Note: The database manager PC/IXF file format is not identical to the System/370.
16 Db2 11.1 for Linux, UNIX, and Windows: Data Movement Utilities Guide and Reference
There are seven application subtypes that Db2 uses:
v index
v hierarchy
v subtable
v continuation
v terminate
v identity
Each PC/IXF record type is defined as a sequence of fields; these fields are
required, and must appear in the order shown.
18 Db2 11.1 for Linux, UNIX, and Windows: Data Movement Utilities Guide and Reference
when importing data. When writing a PC/IXF file, the database manager
writes the DOS file name (and possibly path information) to this field.
The length, in bytes, of the table name qualifier in the IXFTQUAL field.
Table name qualifier, which identifies the creator of a table in a relational
system. This is an informational field only. If a program writing a file has
no data to write to this field, the preferred fill value is blanks. Programs
reading a file might print or display this field, or store it in an
informational field, but no computations should depend on the content of
this field.
Used to indicate the original source of the data. This is an informational
field only. If a program writing a file has no data to write to this field, the
preferred fill value is blanks. Programs reading a file might print or
display this field, or store it in an informational field, but no computations
should depend on the content of this field.
Convention used to describe the data. This field must be set to C for
import and export, indicating that individual column attributes are
described in the following column descriptor (C) records, and that data
follows PC/IXF conventions.
Convention used to store numeric data. This field must be set to M,
indicating that numeric data in the data (D) records is stored in the
machine (internal) format specified by the IXFTMFRM field.
The format of any machine data in the PC/IXF file. The database manager
will only read or write files if this field is set to PCbbb, where b represents a
blank, and PC specifies that data in the PC/IXF file is in IBM® PC machine
The location of the data. The database manager only supports a value of I,
meaning the data is internal to this file.
The number of C records in this table. It is a right-aligned character
representation of an integer value.
Spare field set to two blanks to match a reserved field in host IXF files.
Descriptive data about the table. This is an informational field only. If a
program writing a file has no data to write to this field, the preferred fill
value is blanks. Programs reading a file might print or display this field, or
store it in an informational field, but no computations should depend on
the content of this field. This field contains NOT NULL WITH DEFAULT if the
column was not null with default, and the table name came from a
workstation database.
The name of the primary key defined on the table (if any). The name is
stored as a null-terminated string.
20 Db2 11.1 for Linux, UNIX, and Windows: Data Movement Utilities Guide and Reference
The position of the column as part of the primary key. Valid values range
from 01 to 16, or N if the column is not part of the primary key.
The class of data types to be used in the IXFCTYPE field. The database
manager only supports relational types (R).
The data type for the column.
Contains a single-byte character representation of a SBCS CPGID. This field
specifies the CPGID for single-byte character data, which occurs with the
IXFDCOLS field of the D records for this column.
The semantics of this field vary with the data type for the column
(specified in the IXFCTYPE field).
v For a character string column, this field should normally contain a
non-zero value equal to that of the IXFHSBCP field in the H record;
however, other values are permitted. If this value is zero, the column is
interpreted to contain bit string data.
v For a numeric column, this field is not meaningful. It is set to zero by
the export utility, and ignored by the import utility.
v For a date or time column, this field is not meaningful. It is set to the
value of the IXFHSBCP field by the export utility, and ignored by the
import utility.
v For a graphic column, this field must be zero.
Contains a single-byte character representation of a DBCS CPGID. This
field specifies the CPGID for double-byte character data, which occurs with
the IXFDCOLS field of the D records for this column.
The semantics of this field vary with the data type for the column
(specified in the IXFCTYPE field).
v For a character string column, this field should either be zero, or contain
a value equal to that of the IXFHDBCP field in the H record; however,
other values are permitted. If the value in the IXFCSBCP field is zero,
the value in this field must be zero.
v For a numeric column, this field is not meaningful. It is set to zero by
the export utility, and ignored by the import utility.
v For a date or time column, this field is not meaningful. It is set to zero
by the export utility, and ignored by the import utility.
v For a graphic column, this field must have a value equal to the value of
the IXFHDBCP field.
Provides information about the size of the column being described. For
some data types, this field is unused, and should contain blanks. For other
data types, this field contains the right-aligned character representation of
an integer specifying the column length. For yet other data types, this field
is divided into two subfields: 3 bytes for precision, and 2 bytes for scale;
both of these subfields are right-aligned character representations of
integers. Starting with Version 9.7, for a timestamp data type this field
contains the right-aligned character representation of an integer specifying
the timestamp precision.
22 Db2 11.1 for Linux, UNIX, and Windows: Data Movement Utilities Guide and Reference
per dimension. Since arrays are not supported (that is, the number of
dimensions must be zero), this field has zero length, and does not actually
One record of this type is specified for each user defined index. This record is
located after all of the C records for the table. The following fields are contained in
Db2 index records:
24 Db2 11.1 for Linux, UNIX, and Windows: Data Movement Utilities Guide and Reference
The record length indicator. A 6-byte character representation of an integer
value specifying the length, in bytes, of the portion of the PC/IXF record
that follows the record length indicator; that is, the total record size minus
6 bytes. Each A record must be sufficiently long to include at least the
entire IXFAPPID field.
The IXF record type, which is set to A for this record, indicating that this is
an application record. These records are ignored by programs which do not
have particular knowledge about the content and the format of the data
implied by the application identifier.
The application identifier, which identifies Db2 as the application creating
this A record.
Specifies that this is subtype "I" of Db2 application records.
The date on which the file was written, in the form yyyymmdd. This field
must have the same value as IXFHDATE.
The time at which the file was written, in the form hhmmss. This field must
have the same value as IXFHTIME.
The length, in bytes, of the index name in the IXFANDXN field.
The name of the index.
The length, in bytes, of the index creator name in the IXFANCN field.
The name of the index creator.
The length, in bytes, of the table name in the IXFATABN field.
The name of the table.
The length, in bytes, of the table creator name in the IXFATCN field.
The name of the table creator.
Specifies the type of index. Valid values are P for a primary key, U for a
unique index, and D for a non unique index.
Specifies the number of columns in the index definition.
Specifies whether reverse scan is allowed on this index. Valid values are Y
for reverse scan, and N for no reverse scan.
One record of this type is used to describe a hierarchy. All subtable records (see the
following list) must be located immediately after the hierarchy record, and
hierarchy records are located after all of the C records for the table. The following
fields are contained in Db2 hierarchy records:
The record length indicator. A 6-byte character representation of an integer
value specifying the length, in bytes, of the portion of the PC/IXF record
that follows the record length indicator; that is, the total record size minus
6 bytes. Each A record must be sufficiently long to include at least the
entire IXFAPPID field.
The IXF record type, which is set to A for this record, indicating that this is
an application record. These records are ignored by programs which do not
have particular knowledge about the content and the format of the data
implied by the application identifier.
The application identifier, which identifies Db2 as the application creating
this A record.
Specifies that this is subtype "X" of Db2 application records.
The date on which the file was written, in the form yyyymmdd. This field
must have the same value as IXFHDATE.
26 Db2 11.1 for Linux, UNIX, and Windows: Data Movement Utilities Guide and Reference
The time at which the file was written, in the form hhmmss. This field must
have the same value as IXFHTIME.
Specifies the number of subtable records that are expected after this
hierarchy record.
Specifies the index of the subtable records at the beginning of the exported
data. If export of a hierarchy was started from a non-root subtable, all
parent tables of this subtable are exported. The position of this subtable
inside of the IXF file is also stored in this field. The first X record
represents the column with an index of zero.
One record of this type is used to describe a subtable as part of a hierarchy. All
subtable records belonging to a hierarchy must be stored together, and
immediately after the corresponding hierarchy record. A subtable is composed of
one or more columns, and each column is described in a column record. Each
column in a subtable must be described in a consecutive set of C records. The
following fields are contained in Db2 subtable records:
The record length indicator. A 6-byte character representation of an integer
value specifying the length, in bytes, of the portion of the PC/IXF record
that follows the record length indicator; that is, the total record size minus
6 bytes. Each A record must be sufficiently long to include at least the
entire IXFAPPID field.
The IXF record type, which is set to A for this record, indicating that this is
an application record. These records are ignored by programs which do not
have particular knowledge about the content and the format of the data
implied by the application identifier.
The application identifier, which identifies Db2 as the application creating
this A record.
Specifies that this is subtype "Y" of Db2 application records.
The date on which the file was written, in the form yyyymmdd. This field
must have the same value as IXFHDATE.
This record is found at the end of each file that is part of a multi-volume IXF file,
unless that file is the final volume; it can also be found at the beginning of each
file that is part of a multi-volume IXF file, unless that file is the first volume. The
purpose of this record is to keep track of file order. The following fields are
contained in Db2 continuation records:
The record length indicator. A 6-byte character representation of an integer
value specifying the length, in bytes, of the portion of the PC/IXF record
that follows the record length indicator; that is, the total record size minus
6 bytes. Each A record must be sufficiently long to include at least the
entire IXFAPPID field.
The IXF record type, which is set to A for this record, indicating that this is
an application record. These records are ignored by programs which do not
have particular knowledge about the content and the format of the data
implied by the application identifier.
28 Db2 11.1 for Linux, UNIX, and Windows: Data Movement Utilities Guide and Reference
The application identifier, which identifies Db2 as the application creating
this A record.
Specifies that this is subtype "C" of Db2 application records.
The date on which the file was written, in the form yyyymmdd. This field
must have the same value as IXFHDATE.
The time at which the file was written, in the form hhmmss. This field must
have the same value as IXFHTIME.
This field is a binary field, in little-endian format. The value should be one
less than the value in IXFATHIS.
This field is a binary field, in little-endian format. The value in this field on
consecutive volumes should also be consecutive. The first volume has a
value of 1.
This field is a binary field, in little-endian format. The value should be one
more than the value in IXFATHIS, unless the record is at the beginning of
the file, in which case the value should be zero.
This record is the end-of-file marker found at the end of an IXF file. The following
fields are contained in Db2 terminate records:
The record length indicator. A 6-byte character representation of an integer
value specifying the length, in bytes, of the portion of the PC/IXF record
that follows the record length indicator; that is, the total record size minus
6 bytes. Each A record must be sufficiently long to include at least the
entire IXFAPPID field.
The IXF record type, which is set to A for this record, indicating that this is
an application record. These records are ignored by programs which do not
have particular knowledge about the content and the format of the data
implied by the application identifier.
The application identifier, which identifies Db2 as the application creating
this A record.
Specifies that this is subtype "E" of Db2 application records.
30 Db2 11.1 for Linux, UNIX, and Windows: Data Movement Utilities Guide and Reference
column is always GENERATED. All other values are interpreted to mean
that the column is of type GENERATED BY DEFAULT.
The START AT value for the identity column that was supplied to the
CREATE TABLE statement at the time of table creation.
The INCREMENT BY value for the identity column that was supplied to
the CREATE TABLE statement at the time of table creation.
The CACHE value for the identity column that was supplied to the
CREATE TABLE statement at the time of table creation. A value of "1"
corresponds to the NO CACHE option.
The MINVALUE for the identity column that was supplied to the CREATE
TABLE statement at the time of table creation.
The MAXVALUE for the identity column that was supplied to the CREATE
TABLE statement at the time of table creation.
The CYCLE value for the identity column that was supplied to the
CREATE TABLE statement at the time of table creation. A value of "Y"
corresponds to the CYCLE option, any other value corresponds to NO
The ORDER value for the identity column that was supplied to the
CREATE TABLE statement at the time of table creation. A value of "Y"
corresponds to the ORDER option, any other value corresponds to NO
The length, in bytes, of the remark in IXFARMRK field.
This is the user-entered remark associated with the identity column. This is
an informational field only. The database manager does not use this field
when importing data.
One record of this type is used to indicate the IXF file cannot be used to re-create
the table in a subsequent import operation. For more information, refer to the
message and reason code returned in IXFASLCA.
32 Db2 11.1 for Linux, UNIX, and Windows: Data Movement Utilities Guide and Reference
Table 7. PC/IXF Data Types (continued)
Name IXFCTYPE Value Description
BLOB, CLOB 404, 408 A variable-length character string. The
maximum length of the string is contained
in the IXFCLENG field of the column
descriptor record, and cannot exceed 32 767
bytes. The string itself is preceded by a
current length indicator, which is a 4-byte
integer specifying the length of the string,
in bytes. The string is in the code page
indicated by IXFCSBCP.
34 Db2 11.1 for Linux, UNIX, and Windows: Data Movement Utilities Guide and Reference
Table 7. PC/IXF Data Types (continued)
Name IXFCTYPE Value Description
DECFLOAT 996 A decimal floating-point value is an IEEE
754r number with a decimal point. The
position of the decimal point is stored in
each decimal floating point value. The
range of a decimal floating-point number is
a number with either 16 or 34 digits of
precision, and an exponent range of 10-383
to 10+384 or 10-6143 to 10+6144,
respectively. The storage length of the 16
digit value is 8 bytes, and the storage
length of the 34 digit value is 16 bytes.
FLOATING POINT 480 Either a long (8-byte) or short (4-byte)
floating point number, depending on
whether IXFCLENG is set to eight or to
four. The data is in the internal machine
form, as specified by IXFTMFRM.
significant, and should be zero. Four-byte
floating point is not supported by the
database manager.
GRAPHIC 468 A fixed-length string of double-byte
characters. The IXFCLENG field in the
column descriptor record specifies the
number of double-byte characters in the
string, and cannot exceed 127. The actual
length of the string is twice the value of the
IXFCLENG field, in bytes. The string is in
the DBCS code page, as specified by
IXFCDBCP in the C record. Since the string
consists of double-byte character data only,
IXFCSBCP should be zero. There are no
surrounding shift-in or shift-out characters.
INTEGER 496 A 4-byte integer in the form specified by
IXFTMFRM. It represents a whole number
between -2 147 483 648 and
+2 147 483 647. IXFCSBCP and IXFCDBCP
are not significant, and should be zero.
IXFCLENG is not used, and should contain
LONGVARCHAR 456 A variable-length character string. The
maximum length of the string is contained
in the IXFCLENG field of the column
descriptor record, and cannot exceed 32 767
bytes. The string itself is preceded by a
current length indicator, which is a 2-byte
integer specifying the length of the string,
in bytes. The string is in the code page
indicated by IXFCSBCP. If IXFCDBCP is
non-zero, the string can also contain
double-byte characters in the code page
indicated by IXFCDBCP. If IXFCSBCP is
zero, the string is bit data and should not
be translated by any transformation
36 Db2 11.1 for Linux, UNIX, and Windows: Data Movement Utilities Guide and Reference
Table 7. PC/IXF Data Types (continued)
Name IXFCTYPE Value Description
VARBINARY 908 A variable-length binary string. The
maximum length of the string, in bytes, is
contained in the IXFCLENG field of the
column descriptor record, and cannot
exceed 32672 bytes. The string itself is
preceded by a current length indicator,
which is a two-byte integer specifying the
length of the string, in bytes. The string
data is binary data and should not be
translated by any transformation program.
VARCHAR 448 A variable-length character string. The
maximum length of the string, in bytes, is
contained in the IXFCLENG field of the
column descriptor record, and cannot
exceed 32672 bytes. The string itself is
preceded by a current length indicator,
which is a two-byte integer specifying the
length of the string, in bytes. The string is
in the code page indicated by IXFCSBCP. If
IXFCDBCP is non-zero, the string can also
contain double-byte characters in the code
page indicated by IXFCDBCP. If IXFCSBCP
is zero, the string is bit data and should not
be translated by any transformation
VARGRAPHIC 464 A variable-length string of double-byte
characters. The IXFCLENG field in the
column descriptor record specifies the
maximum number of double-byte
characters in the string, and cannot exceed
127. The string itself is preceded by a
current length indicator, which is a 2-byte
integer specifying the length of the string in
double-byte characters (that is, the value of
this integer is one half the length of the
string, in bytes). The string is in the DBCS
code page, as specified by IXFCDBCP in the
C record. Since the string consists of
double-byte character data only, IXFCSBCP
should be zero. There are no surrounding
shift-in or shift-out characters.
Not all combinations of IXFCSBCP and IXFCDBCP values for PC/IXF character or
graphic columns are valid. A PC/IXF character or graphic column with an invalid
(IXFCSBCP,IXFCDBCP) combination is an invalid data type.
Table 8. Valid PC/IXF Data Types
Valid Invalid
PC/IXF Data Type Pairs Pairs
CHAR, VARCHAR, or (0,0), (x,0), or (x,y)1 (0,y)1
BLOB (0,0) (x,0), (0,y), or (x,y)1
CLOB (x,0), (x,y)1 (0,0), (0,y)1
Note: Neither x nor y is 0.
The following table lists the data types and the acceptable forms for each one for
the import and load utilities.
Table 9. Acceptable data type forms for the PC/IXF file format
Form in files created by the Form acceptable to the import and
Data type export utility load utilities
BIGINT A BIGINT column, identical A column in any numeric type
to the database column, is (SMALLINT, INTEGER, BIGINT,
created. DECIMAL, or FLOAT) is accepted.
Individual values are rejected if they
are not in the range
-9 223 372 036 854 775 808 to
9 223 372 036 854 775 807.
is created. The database column is acceptable if the PC/IXF
column length, the SBCS column single-byte code page values
CPGID value, and the DBCS and double-byte code page values are
CPGID value are copied to both zero. Otherwise, a BINARY or
the PC/IXF column VARBINARY column is acceptable.
descriptor record.
If the PC/IXF column is of fixed
length, its length must be compatible
with the length of the database
column. The data is padded on the
right with hexadecimal zero characters
(x'00'), if necessary.
38 Db2 11.1 for Linux, UNIX, and Windows: Data Movement Utilities Guide and Reference
Table 9. Acceptable data type forms for the PC/IXF file format (continued)
Form in files created by the Form acceptable to the import and
Data type export utility load utilities
created. The maximum VARCHAR, BLOB, BLOB_FILE, or
length of the database BLOB_LOCATION_SPECIFIER column
column, the SBCS CPGID is acceptable if:
value, and the DBCS CPGID v The database column is marked FOR
value are copied to the BIT DATA
column descriptor record.
v The PC/IXF column single-byte
code page value equals the SBCS
CPGID of the database column, and
the PC/IXF column double-byte
code page value equals zero, or the
DBCS CPGID of the database
VARGRAPHIC BLOB column is also
acceptable. If the PC/IXF column is
of fixed length, its length must be
compatible with the maximum
length of the database column.
BOOLEAN A Boolean value is converted A non-zero SMALLINT value is
to a SMALLINT: converted to TRUE, zero is converted
v FALSE is converted to 0. to FALSE, and NULL remains NULL.
v TRUE is converted to 1.
v NULL remains NULL.
created. The database LONG VARCHAR column is
column length, the SBCS acceptable if:
CPGID value, and the DBCS v The database column is marked FOR
CPGID value are copied to BIT DATA
the PC/IXF column
v The PC/IXF column single-byte
descriptor record.
code page value equals the SBCS
CPGID of the database column, and
the PC/IXF column double-byte
code page value equals zero, or the
DBCS CPGID of the database
40 Db2 11.1 for Linux, UNIX, and Windows: Data Movement Utilities Guide and Reference
Table 9. Acceptable data type forms for the PC/IXF file format (continued)
Form in files created by the Form acceptable to the import and
Data type export utility load utilities
only) is created. The database or LONG VARGRAPHIC column is
column length, the SBCS acceptable if the PC/IXF column
CPGID value, and the DBCS double-byte code page value equals
CPGID value are copied to that of the database column. If the
the column descriptor record. PC/IXF column is of fixed length, its
length must be compatible with the
database column length. The data is
padded on the right with double-byte
spaces (x'8140'), if necessary.
INTEGER An INTEGER column, A column in any numeric type
identical to the database (SMALLINT, INTEGER, BIGINT,
column, is created. DECIMAL, or FLOAT) is accepted.
Individual values are rejected if they
are not in the range -2 147 483 648 to
2 147 483 647.
column is created. The LONG VARCHAR column is
maximum length of the acceptable if:
database column, the SBCS v The database column is marked FOR
CPGID value, and the DBCS BIT DATA
CPGID value are copied to
v The PC/IXF column single-byte
the column descriptor record.
code page value equals the SBCS
CPGID of the database column, and
the PC/IXF column double-byte
code page value equals zero, or the
DBCS CPGID of the database
42 Db2 11.1 for Linux, UNIX, and Windows: Data Movement Utilities Guide and Reference
Table 9. Acceptable data type forms for the PC/IXF file format (continued)
Form in files created by the Form acceptable to the import and
Data type export utility load utilities
VARGRAPHIC If the maximum length of the A PC/IXF GRAPHIC, VARGRAPHIC,
(DBCS only) database column is = 127, a or LONG VARGRAPHIC column is
PC/IXF VARGRAPHIC acceptable if the PC/IXF column
column is created. If the double-byte code page value equals
maximum length of the that of the database column. If the
database column is > 127, a PC/IXF column is of fixed length, its
PC/IXF LONG length must be compatible with the
VARGRAPHIC column is maximum length of the database
created. The maximum column.
length of the database
column, the SBCS CPGID
value, and the DBCS CPGID
value are copied to the
column descriptor record.
Note: The CREATE and REPLACE_CREATE options of the IMPORT command are
deprecated and might be removed in a future release.
v The value of IXFHSBCP in the PC/IXF H record must equal the SBCS CPGID, or
there must be a conversion table between the IXFHSBCP/IXFHDBCP and the
SBCS/DBCS CPGID of the target database. The value of IXFHDBCP must equal
either '00000', or the DBCS CPGID of the target database. If either of these
conditions is not satisfied, the import utility rejects the PC/IXF file, unless the
FORCEIN option is specified.
v Invalid data types - new tables
Import of a PC/IXF file into a new table is specified by the CREATE or the
REPLACE_CREATE keywords in the IMPORT command. If a PC/IXF column of an
invalid data type is selected for import into a new table, the import utility
terminates. The entire PC/IXF file is rejected, no table is created, and no data is
v Invalid data types - existing tables
Import of a PC/IXF file into an existing table is specified by the INSERT, the
command. If a PC/IXF column of an invalid data type is selected for import into
an existing table, one of two actions is possible:
– If the target table column is nullable, all values for the invalid PC/IXF
column are ignored, and the table column values are set to NULL
– If the target table column is not nullable, the import utility terminates. The
entire PC/IXF file is rejected, and no data is imported. The existing table
remains unaltered.
44 Db2 11.1 for Linux, UNIX, and Windows: Data Movement Utilities Guide and Reference
When importing a valid PC/IXF character column into a new database table, the
value of IXFCSBCP must equal either zero or the SBCS CPGID of the database,
or there must be a conversion table. If IXFCSBCP is zero, IXFCDBCP must also
be zero (otherwise the PC/IXF column is an invalid data type); IMPORT creates
a character column marked FOR BIT DATA in the new table. If IXFCSBCP is not
zero, and equals the SBCS CPGID of the database, the value of IXFCDBCP must
equal either zero or the DBCS CPGID of the database; in this case, the utility
creates a character column in the new table with SBCS and DBCS CPGID values
equal to those of the database. If these conditions are not satisfied, the PC/IXF
and database columns are incompatible.
The FORCEIN option can be used to override code page equality checks.
However, a PC/IXF character column with IXFCSBCP equal to zero and
IXFCDBCP not equal to zero is an invalid data type, and cannot be imported,
even if FORCEIN is specified.
v A valid PC/IXF graphic column (GRAPHIC, VARGRAPHIC, or LONG
VARGRAPHIC) can always be imported into an existing database character
column marked FOR BIT DATA, but is incompatible with all other database
columns. The FORCEIN option can be used to relax this restriction. However, a
PC/IXF graphic column with IXFCSBCP not equal to zero, or IXFCDBCP equal
to zero, is an invalid data type, and cannot be imported, even if FORCEIN is
When importing a valid PC/IXF graphic column into a database graphic
column, the value of IXFCDBCP must equal the DBCS CPGID of the target
database column (that is, the double-byte code pages of the two columns must
v If, during import of a PC/IXF file into an existing database table, a fixed-length
string column (CHAR or GRAPHIC) is selected whose length is greater than the
maximum length of the target column, the columns are incompatible.
v If, during import of a PC/IXF file into an existing database table, a
variable-length string column (VARCHAR, LONG VARCHAR, VARGRAPHIC,
or LONG VARGRAPHIC) is selected whose length is greater than the maximum
length of the target column, the columns are compatible. Individual values are
processed according to the compatibility rules governing the database manager
INSERT statement, and PC/IXF values which are too long for the target
database column are invalid.
v PC/IXF values imported into a fixed-length database character column (that is, a
CHAR column) are padded on the right with single-byte spaces (0x20), if
necessary, to obtain values whose length equals that of the database column.
PC/IXF values imported into a fixed-length database graphic column (that is, a
GRAPHIC column) are padded on the right with double-byte spaces (0x8140), if
necessary, to obtain values whose length equals that of the database column.
v Since PC/IXF VARCHAR columns have a maximum length of 254 bytes, a
database VARCHAR column of maximum length n, with 254 n 4001, must be
exported into a PC/IXF LONG VARCHAR column of maximum length n.
v Although PC/IXF LONG VARCHAR columns have a maximum length of
32 767 bytes, and database LONG VARCHAR columns have a maximum length
restriction of 32 700 bytes, PC/IXF LONG VARCHAR columns of length greater
than 32 700 bytes (but less than 32 768 bytes) are still valid, and can be
imported into database LONG VARCHAR columns, but data might be lost.
v Since PC/IXF VARGRAPHIC columns have a maximum length of 127 bytes, a
database VARGRAPHIC column of maximum length n, with 127 n 2001, must be
exported into a PC/IXF LONG VARGRAPHIC column of maximum length n.
Table 10 and Table 11 summarize PC/IXF file import into new or existing database
tables without the FORCEIN option.
Table 10. Summary of PC/IXF file import without FORCEIN option-numeric types
E E E Ea E E
E E E Ea E E
a a
E E E Ea E E
a a a
E E E Ea E E
a a a a
E E E E E Ea
a a a a
Individual values are rejected if they are out of range for the target numeric data
Table 11. Summary of PC/IXF file import without FORCEIN option-character, graphic, and date/time types
-(0,0) N
E Ec Ec Ec
-(SBCS,0) N N
E E E Ec Ec Ec
-(SBCS, DBCS) N Ec Ec Ec
46 Db2 11.1 for Linux, UNIX, and Windows: Data Movement Utilities Guide and Reference
Data type is available only in DBCS environments.
Individual values are rejected if they are not valid date or time values.
Data type is not available in DBCS environments.
1. The table is a matrix of all valid PC/IXF and database manager data types. If a
PC/IXF column can be imported into a database column, a letter is displayed
in the matrix cell at the intersection of the PC/IXF data type matrix row and
the database manager data type matrix column. An 'N' indicates that the utility
is creating a new database table (a database column of the indicated data type
is created). An 'E' indicates that the utility is importing data to an existing
database table (a database column of the indicated data type is a valid target).
2. Character string data types are distinguished by code page attributes. These
attributes are shown as an ordered pair (SBCS,DBCS), where:
v SBCS is either zero or denotes a non-zero value of the single-byte code page
attribute of the character data type
v DBCS is either zero or denotes a non-zero value of the double-byte code
page attribute of the character data type.
3. If the table indicates that a PC/IXF character column can be imported into a
database character column, the values of their respective code page attribute
pairs satisfy the rules governing code page equality.
The forcein file type modifier permits import of a PC/IXF file despite code page
differences between data in the PC/IXF file and the target database. It offers
additional flexibility in the definition of compatible columns.
The following general semantics apply when using the forcein file type modifier
in either an SBCS or a DBCS environment:
v The forcein file type modifier should be used with caution. It is usually
advisable to attempt an import without this option enabled. However, because
of the generic nature of the PC/IXF data interchange architecture, some PC/IXF
files might contain data types or values that cannot be imported without
v Import with forcein to a new table might yield a different result than import to
an existing table. An existing table has predefined target data types for each
PC/IXF data type.
v When LOB data is exported with the lobsinfile file type modifier, and the files
move to another client with a different code page, then, unlike other data, the
CLOBS and DBCLOBS in the separate files are not converted to the client code
page when imported or loaded into a database.
The following code page semantics apply when using the forcein file type
modifier in either an SBCS or a DBCS environment:
v The forcein file type modifier disables all import utility code page comparisons.
This rule applies to code page comparisons at the column level and at the file
level as well, when importing to a new or an existing database table. At the
column (for example, data type) level, this rule applies only to the following
database manager and PC/IXF data types: character (CHAR, VARCHAR, and
VARGRAPHIC). The restriction follows from the fact that code page attributes of
other data types are not relevant to the interpretation of data type values.
v forcein does not disable inspection of code page attributes to determine data
For example, the database manager allows a CHAR column to be declared with
the FOR BIT DATA attribute. Such a declaration sets both the SBCS CPGID and
the DBCS CPGID of the column to zero; it is the zero value of these CPGIDs
that identifies the column values as bit strings (rather than character strings).
v forcein does not imply code page translation.
Values of data types that are sensitive to the forcein file type modifier are
copied "as is". No code point mappings are employed to account for a change of
code page environments. Padding of the imported value with spaces might be
necessary in the case of fixed length target columns.
v When data is imported to an existing table using forcein:
– The code page value of the target database table and columns always
– The code page value of the PC/IXF file and columns is ignored.
This rule applies whether or not forcein is used. The database manager does
not permit changes to a database or a column code page value once a database
is created.
48 Db2 11.1 for Linux, UNIX, and Windows: Data Movement Utilities Guide and Reference
v When importing to a new table using forcein:
– The code page value of the target database prevails.
– PC/IXF character columns with IXFCSBCP = IXFCDBCP = 0 generate table
columns marked FOR BIT DATA.
– All other PC/IXF character columns generate table character columns with
SBCS and DBCS CPGID values equal to those of the database.
– PC/IXF graphic columns generate table graphic columns with an SBCS
CPGID of "undefined", and a DBCS CPGID equal to that of the database
(DBCS environment only).
1. This table assumes there is no conversion table between a and x. If there were,
items 3 and 4 would work successfully without forcein.
2. See the notes for Table 13.
Table 13. Summary of Import Utility Code Page Semantics (New Table) for DBCS
of PC/IXF DATA TYPE Without forcein With forcein
(0,0) (0,0) (0,0)
(a,0) (a,b) (a,b)
(x,0) reject (a,b)
1. This table assumes there is no conversion table between a and x.
2. Code page attributes of a PC/IXF data type are shown as an ordered pair,
where x represents a non-zero single-byte code page value, and y represents a
non-zero double-byte code page value. A '-' represents an undefined code page
3. The use of different letters in various code page attribute pairs is deliberate.
Different letters imply different values. For example, if a PC/IXF data type is
shown as (x,y), and the database column as (a,y), x does not equal a, but the
PC/IXF file and the database have the same double-byte code page value y.
4. Only character and graphic data types are affected by the forcein code page
5. It is assumed that the database containing the new table has code page
attributes of (a,0); therefore, all character columns in the new table must have
code page attributes of either (0,0) or (a,0).
In a DBCS environment, it is assumed that the database containing the new
table has code page attributes of (a,b); therefore, all graphic columns in the new
table must have code page attributes of (-,b), and all character columns must
have code page attributes of (a,b). The SBCS CPGID is shown as '-', because it
is undefined for graphic data types.
6. The data type of the result is determined by the rules described in Data type
semantics for forcein.
7. The reject result is a reflection of the rules for invalid or incompatible data
50 Db2 11.1 for Linux, UNIX, and Windows: Data Movement Utilities Guide and Reference
Table 14. Summary of Import Utility Code Page Semantics (Existing Table) for SBCS
PC/IXF DATA TYPE COLUMN Without forcein With forcein
(0,0) (0,0) accept accept
(a,0) (0,0) accept accept
(x,0) (0,0) accept accept
(x,y) (0,0) accept accept
(a,y) (0,0) accept accept
(0,y) (0,0) accept accept
(0,0) (a,0) null or reject accept
(a,0) (a,0) accept accept
(x,0) (a,0) null or reject accept
(x,y) (a,0) null or reject accept
(a,y) (a,0) null or reject accept
(0,y) (a,0) null or reject null or reject
v This table assumes there is no conversion table between a and x.
v See the notes for Table 12 on page 49.
v The null or reject result is a reflection of the rules for invalid or incompatible
data types.
Table 15. Summary of Import Utility Code Page Semantics (Existing Table) for DBCS
PC/IXF DATA TYPE COLUMN Without forcein With forcein
(0,0) (0,0) accept accept
(a,0) (0,0) accept accept
(x,0) (0,0) accept accept
(a,b) (0,0) accept accept
(x,y) (0,0) accept accept
(a,y) (0,0) accept accept
(x,b) (0,0) accept accept
(0,b) (0,0) accept accept
(0,y) (0,0) accept accept
(0,0) (a,b) null or reject accept
(a,0) (a,b) accept accept
(x,0) (a,b) null or reject accept
(a,b) (a,b) accept accept
(x,y) (a,b) null or reject accept
v This table assumes there is no conversion table between a and x.
v See the notes for Table 12 on page 49.
v The null or reject result is a reflection of the rules for invalid or incompatible
data types.
The forcein file type modifier permits import of certain PC/IXF columns into
target database columns of unequal and otherwise incompatible data types. The
following data type semantics apply when using forcein in either an SBCS or a
DBCS environment (except where noted):
v In SBCS environments, forcein permits import of:
– A PC/IXF BIT data type (IXFCSBCP = 0 = IXFCDBCP for a PC/IXF character
column) into a database character column (non-zero SBCS CPGID, and DBCS
CPGID = 0); existing tables only
– A PC/IXF MIXED data type (non-zero IXFCSBCP and IXFCDBCP) into a
database character column; both new and existing tables
– A PC/IXF GRAPHIC data type into a database FOR BIT DATA column (SBCS
CPGID = 0 = DBCS CPGID); new tables only (this is always permitted for
existing tables).
v The forcein file type modifier does not extend the scope of valid PC/IXF data
PC/IXF columns with data types not defined as valid PC/IXF data types are
invalid for import with or without forcein.
v In DBCS environments, forcein permits import of:
– A PC/IXF BIT data type into a database character column
52 Db2 11.1 for Linux, UNIX, and Windows: Data Movement Utilities Guide and Reference
– A PC/IXF BIT data type into a database graphic column; however, if the
PC/IXF BIT column is of fixed length, that length must be even. A fixed
length PC/IXF BIT column of odd length is not compatible with a database
graphic column. A varying-length PC/IXF BIT column is compatible whether
its length is odd or even, although an odd-length value from a varying-length
column is an invalid value for import into a database graphic column
– A PC/IXF MIXED data type into a database character column.
Table 16 summarizes PC/IXF file import into new or existing database tables with
forcein specified.
Table 16. Summary of PC/IXF File Import with forcein
E E E Ea E
Ea E E Ea E
Ea Ea E Ea E
Ea Ea Ea Ea E
Ea Ea Ea Ea E
-(SBCS,0) E E w/F E w/F E w/F Ec Ec Ec
-(SBCS, DBCS) E E E Ec Ec Ec
N w/Fd N Ec Ec Ec
E E w/F E
Individual values are rejected if they are out of range for the target numeric data
Data type is available only in DBCS environments.
Individual values are rejected if they are not valid date or time values.
Applies only if the source PC/IXF data type is not supported by the target
Data type is not available in DBCS environments.
Note: If a PC/IXF column can be imported into a database column only with
forcein, the string 'w/F' is displayed together with an 'N' or an 'E'. An 'N'
indicates that the utility is creating a new database table; an 'E' indicates that the
The DEL, ASC, and PC/IXF file formats are supported for a Unicode database, as
described in this section.
When exporting from a Unicode database to an ASCII delimited (DEL) file, all
character data is converted to the application code page. Both character string and
graphic string data are converted to the same SBCS or MBCS code page of the
client. This is expected behavior for the export of any database, and cannot be
changed, because the entire delimited ASCII file can have only one code page.
Therefore, if you export to a delimited ASCII file, only those UCS-2 characters that
exist in your application code page will be saved. Other characters are replaced
with the default substitution character for the application code page. For UTF-8
clients (code page 1208), there is no data loss, because all UCS-2 characters are
supported by UTF-8 clients.
When importing from an ASCII file (DEL or ASC) to a Unicode database, character
string data is converted from the application code page to UTF-8, and graphic
string data is converted from the application code page to UCS-2. There is no data
loss. If you want to import ASCII data that has been saved under a different code
page, you should change the data file code page before issuing the IMPORT
command. You can specify the code page of the data file by setting the
DB2CODEPAGE registry variable to the code page of the ASCII data file or by using
the codepage file type modifier.
The range of valid ASCII delimiters for SBCS and MBCS clients is identical to what
is currently supported by Db2 for those clients. The range of valid delimiters for
UTF-8 clients is X'01' to X'7F', with the usual restrictions.
When exporting from a Unicode database to a PC/IXF file, character string data is
converted to the SBCS/MBCS code page of the client. Graphic string data is not
converted, and is stored in UCS-2 (code page 1200). There is no data loss.
When importing from a PC/IXF file to a Unicode database, character string data is
assumed to be in the SBCS/MBCS code page stored in the PC/IXF header, and
graphic string data is assumed to be in the DBCS code page stored in the PC/IXF
header. Character string data is converted by the import utility from the code page
specified in the PC/IXF header to the code page of the client, and then from the
client code page to UTF-8 (by the INSERT statement). Graphic string data is
converted by the import utility from the DBCS code page specified in the PC/IXF
header directly to UCS-2 (code page 1200).
The load utility places the data directly into the database and, by default, assumes
data in ASC or DEL files to be in the code page of the database. Therefore, by
default, no code page conversion takes place for ASCII files. When the code page
for the data file has been explicitly specified (using the codepage file type
modifier), the load utility uses this information to convert from the specified code
page to the database code page before loading the data. For PC/IXF files, the load
utility always converts from the code pages specified in the IXF header to the
database code page (1208 for CHAR, and 1200 for GRAPHIC).
54 Db2 11.1 for Linux, UNIX, and Windows: Data Movement Utilities Guide and Reference
The code page for DBCLOB files is always 1200 for UCS-2. The code page for
CLOB files is the same as the code page for the data files being imported, loaded
or exported. For example, when loading or importing data using the PC/IXF
format, the CLOB file is assumed to be in the code page specified by the PC/IXF
header. If the DBCLOB file is in ASC or DEL format, the load utility assumes that
CLOB data is in the code page of the database, while the import utility assumes it
to be in the code page of the client application.
The import, export and load utilities can be used to transfer data from the Chinese
code page GB18030 (code page identifier 1392 and 5488) and the Japanese code
page ShiftJISX 0213 (code page identifier 1394) to Db2 Unicode databases. In
addition, the export utility can be used to transfer data from Db2 Unicode
databases to GB18030 or ShiftJIS X0213 code page data.
For example, the following command will load the Shift JIS X0213 data file
u/jp/user/x0213/data.del residing on a remotely connected client into MYTABLE:
db2 load client from /u/jp/user/x0213/data.del
of del modified by codepage=1394 insert into mytable
Since only connections between a Unicode client and a Unicode server are
supported, you need to use either a Unicode client or set the Db2 registry variable
DB2CODEPAGE to 1208 before using the load, import, or export utilities.
Conversion from code page 1394 to Unicode can result in expansion. For example,
a 2-byte character can be stored as two 16-bit Unicode characters in the GRAPHIC
columns. You need to ensure the target columns in the Unicode database are wide
enough to contain any expanded Unicode byte.
Use the XML FROM option of the IMPORT command to specify the location of the
XML documents to import. The XMLVALIDATE option specifies how imported
documents should be validated. You can select to have the imported XML data
validated against a schema specified with the IMPORT command, against a
schema identified by a schema location hint inside of the source XML document,
or by the schema identified by the XML Data Specifier in the main data file. You
can also use the XMLPARSE option to specify how whitespace is handled when
the XML document is imported. The xmlchar and xmlgraphic file type modifiers
allow you to specify the encoding characteristics for the imported XML data.
The load utility offers an efficient way to insert large volumes of XML data into a
table. This utility also allows certain options unavailable with the import utility,
such as the ability to load from a user-defined cursor.
Like the IMPORT command, with the LOAD command you can specify the
location of the XML data to load, validation options for the XML data, and how
whitespace is handled. As with IMPORT, you can use the xmlchar and xmlgraphic
file type modifiers to specify the encoding characteristics for the loaded XML data.
56 Db2 11.1 for Linux, UNIX, and Windows: Data Movement Utilities Guide and Reference
You can use the XMLFILE, XML TO, and XMLSAVESCHEMA parameters of the
EXPORT command to specify details about how exported XML documents are
stored. The xmlinsepfiles, xmlnodeclaration, xmlchar, and xmlgraphic file type
modifiers allow you to specify further details about the storage location and the
encoding of the exported XML data.
You can call the procedure once or multiple times, one call for each operation
performed by the procedure. Using multiple calls provides you with additional
options, such as cancelling the move or controlling when the target table is taken
offline to be updated.
Keep the following consideration in mind when exporting or importing XML data:
v Exported XML data is always stored separately from the main data file
containing exported relational data.
v By default, the export utility writes XML data in Unicode. Use the xmlchar file
type modifier to have XML data written in the character code page, or use the
xmlgraphic file type modifier to have XML data written in UTF-16 (the graphic
code page) regardless of the application code page.
v XML data can be stored in non-Unicode databases, and the data inserted into an
XML column is converted from the database codepage to UTF-8 before insertion.
In order to avoid the possible introduction of substitution characters during
XML parsing, character data to be inserted should consist only of code points
that are part of the database codepage. Setting the enable_xmlchar configuration
parameter to no blocks the insertion of character data types during XML parsing,
restricting insertion to data types that do not undergo codepage conversion,
such as BIT DATA, BLOB, or XML.
v When importing or loading XML data, the XML data is assumed to be in
Unicode unless the XML document to import contains a declaration tag that
includes an encoding attribute. You can use the xmlchar file type modifier to
indicate that XML documents to import are encoded in the character code page,
while the xmlgraphic file type modifier indicates that XML documents to import
are encoded in UTF-16.
v The import and load utilities reject rows that contain documents that are not
v If the XMLVALIDATE option is specified for the import utility or the load utility,
documents that successfully validate against their matching schema are
annotated with information about the schema used for validation as they are
inserted into a table. Rows containing documents that fail to validate against
their matching schema are rejected.
v If the XMLVALIDATE option is specified for an import or load utility and multiple
XML schemas are used to validate XML documents, you might need to increase
58 Db2 11.1 for Linux, UNIX, and Windows: Data Movement Utilities Guide and Reference
relational data file. Similarly, if the XML FROM option is not specified, the
XML files to import are assumed to reside in the same path as the input
relational data file.
Export examples
In the following example, all LOB values are written to the file
/mypath/t1export.del.001.lob, and all XDM instances are written to the file
In the following example, the first LOB value is written to the file
/lob1/t1export.del.001.lob, the second is written to the file /lob2/
t1export.del.002.lob, the third is appended to /lob1/t1export.del.001.lob, the
fourth is appended to /lob2/t1export.del.002.lob, and so on:
EXPORT TO /mypath/t1export.del OF DEL LOBS TO /lob1,/lob2
In the following example, the first XDM instance is written to the file
/xml1/xmlbase.001.xml, the second is written to the file /xml2/xmlbase.002.xml,
the third is written to /xml1/xmlbase.003.xml, the fourth is written to
/xml2/xmlbase.004.xml, and so on:
EXPORT TO /mypath/t1export.del OF DEL XML TO /xml1,/xml2 XMLFILE xmlbase
Import examples
For a table "mytable" that contains a single XML column, and the following
IMPORT command:
IMPORT FROM myfile.del of del LOBS FROM /lobpath XML FROM /xmlpath
The import utility will try to import an XML document from the file
/lobpath/mylobfile.001.lob, starting at file offset 123, with its length being 456
The XDS is a string represented as an XML tag named "XDS", which has attributes
that describe information about the actual XML data in the column; such
The XDS is interpreted as a character field in the data file and is subject to the
parsing behavior for character columns of the file format. For the delimited ASCII
file format (DEL), for example, if the character delimiter is present in the XDS, it
must be doubled. The special characters <, >, &, ', " within the attribute values
must always be escaped. Case-sensitive object names must be placed between
" character entities.
Consider a FIL attribute with the value abc&"def".del. To include this XDS in a
delimited ASCII file, where the character delimiter is the " character, the "
characters are doubled and special characters are escaped.
<XDS FIL=""abc&"def".del"" />
Individual XDM instances can be written to one or more XML files by means of
the EXPORT command.
60 Db2 11.1 for Linux, UNIX, and Windows: Data Movement Utilities Guide and Reference
Export utility
The export utility is a relatively simple, yet flexible data movement utility. You can
activate it by issuing the EXPORT command in the CLP, by calling the ADMIN_CMD
stored procedure, or by calling the db2Export API through a user application.
In IBM Data Studio Version 3.1 or later, you can use the task assistant for exporting
data. Task assistants can guide you through the process of setting options,
reviewing the automatically generated commands to perform the task, and running
these commands. For more details, see Administering databases with task
Together, privileges and authorities control access to the database manager and its
database objects. You can access only those objects for which you have the
appropriate authorization: that is, the required privilege or authority.
You must have DATAACCESS authority or the CONTROL or SELECT privilege for
each table or view participating in the export operation.
When you are exporting LBAC-protected data, the session authorization ID must
be allowed to read the rows or columns that you are trying to export. Protected
rows that the session authorization ID is not authorized to read are not exported. If
the SELECT statement includes any protected columns that the session
authorization ID is not allowed to read, the export utility fails, and an error
(SQLSTATE 42512) is returned.
Exporting data
Use the export utility to export data from a database to a file. The file can have
one of several external file formats. You can specify the data to be exported by
supplying an SQL SELECT statement or by providing hierarchical information for
typed tables.
Before running the export utility, you must be connected (or be able to implicitly
connect) to the database from which you want to export the data. If implicit
connect is enabled, a connection to the default database is established. Utility
access to Linux, UNIX, or Windows database servers from Linux, UNIX, or
Windows clients must be through a direct connection through the engine and not
through a Db2 Connect gateway or loop back environment.
Because the utility issues a COMMIT statement, complete all transactions and
release all locks by issuing a COMMIT or a ROLLBACK statement before running
the export utility. There is no requirement for applications accessing the table and
using separate connections to disconnect.
62 Db2 11.1 for Linux, UNIX, and Windows: Data Movement Utilities Guide and Reference
A simple export operation requires you to specify only a target file, a file format,
and a source file for the SELECT statement.
For example:
db2 export to filename of ixf select * from table
where filename is the name of the output file that you want to create and export,
ixf is the file format, and table is the name of the table that contains the data you
want to copy.
However, you might also want to specify a messages file to which warning and
error messages are written. To do that, add the MESSAGES parameter and a message
file name (in this case, msg.txt). For example:
db2 export to filename of ixf messages msgs.txt select * from table
By default, exported QDM instances are all concatenated to the same XML file. You
can use the XMLINSEPFILES file type modifier to specify that each QDM instance be
written to a separate file.
The XML data, however, is represented in the main data file with an XML data
specifier (XDS). The XDS is a string represented as an XML tag named "XDS",
which has attributes that describe information about the actual XML data in the
column; such information includes the name of the file that contains the actual
XML data, and the offset and length of the XML data within that file.
The destination paths and base names of the exported XML files can be specified
with the XML TO and XMLFILE options. If the XML TO or XMLFILE option is
specified, the format of the exported XML file names, stored in the FIL attribute of
the XDS, is, where xmlfilespec is the value specified for the
XMLFILE option, and xxx is a sequence number for xml files produced by the
export utility. Otherwise, the format of the exported XML file names is:, where exportfilename is the name of the exported output
file specified for the EXPORT command, and xxx is a sequence number for xml
files produced by the export utility.
By default, exported XML files are written to the path of the exported data file.
The default base name for exported XML files is the name of the exported data file,
with an appending 3-digit sequence number, and the .xml extension.
For the following examples, imagine a table USER.T1 containing four columns and
two rows:
Example 1
Example 2
The following command exports the contents of USER.T1 in DEL format to the file
"t1export.del". XML documents contained in columns C2 and C4 are written to the
path "/home/user/xmlpath". The XML files are named with the base name
"xmldocs", with multiple exported XML documents written to the same XML file.
The XMLSAVESCHEMA option indicates that XML schema information is saved
during the export procedure.
EXPORT TO /mypath/t1export.del OF DEL XML TO /home/user/xmlpath
64 Db2 11.1 for Linux, UNIX, and Windows: Data Movement Utilities Guide and Reference
The exported XML file "/home/user/xmlpath/xmldocs.001.xml" contains:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?><note time="12:00:00"><to>You</to>
<from>Me</from><heading>note1</heading><body>Hello World!</body>
</note><?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?><note time="13:00:00">
Hello World!</body></note><?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
<note time="14:00:00"><to>Us</to><from>Them</from><heading>
note3</heading><body>Hello World!</body></note>
Example 3
The following command is similar to Example 2, except that each exported XML
document is written to a separate XML file.
EXPORT TO /mypath/t1export.del OF DEL XML TO /home/user/xmlpath
Example 4
Note: The result of this particular XQuery does not produce well-formed XML
documents. Therefore, the file exported in this example, could not be directly
imported into an XML column.
Example 2
The following example shows how to export the information about employees in
Department 20 from the STAFF table in the SAMPLE database (to which the user
must be connected) to awards.ixf, with the output in IXF format:
db2 export to awards.ixf of ixf messages msgs.txt select * from staff
where dept = 20
Example 3
The following example shows how to export LOBs to a DEL file:
db2 export to myfile.del of del lobs to mylobs/
lobfile lobs1, lobs2 modified by lobsinfile
select * from emp_photo
Example 4
The following example shows how to export LOBs to a DEL file, specifying a
second directory for files that might not fit into the first directory:
db2 export to myfile.del of del
lobs to /db2exp1/, /db2exp2/ modified by lobsinfile
select * from emp_photo
Example 5
The following example shows how to export data to a DEL file, using a single
quotation mark as the string delimiter, a semicolon as the column delimiter, and a
comma as the decimal point. The same convention should be used when importing
data back into the database:
db2 export to myfile.del of del
modified by chardel’’ coldel; decpt,
select * from staff
If your LBAC credentials do not allow you to read a row, that row is not exported,
but no error is returned. If your LBAC credentials do not allow you to read a
column, the export utility fails, and an error (SQLSTATE 42512) is returned.
66 Db2 11.1 for Linux, UNIX, and Windows: Data Movement Utilities Guide and Reference
In the following examples, output is in DEL format and is written to the file
myfile.del. The data is exported from a table named REPS, which was created
with the following statement:
create table reps (row_label db2securitylabel,
id integer,
name char(30))
security policy data_access_policy
This example exports the values of the row_label column in the default format:
db2 export to myfile.del of del select * from reps
The data file is not very readable in most text editors because the values for the
row_label column are likely to contain several ASCII control characters.
The following example exports the values of the row_label column in the security
label string format:
db2 export to myfile.del of del select SECLABEL_TO_CHAR
(row_label,’DATA_ACCESS_POLICY’), id, name from reps
Here is an excerpt of the data file created by the previous example. Notice that the
format of the security label is readable:
"Secret:():Epsilon 37", 2005, "Susan Liu"
"Secret:():(Epsilon 37,Megaphone,Cloverleaf)", 2006, "Johnny Cogent"
"Secret:():(Megaphone,Cloverleaf)", 2007, "Ron Imron"
To export a table, you must specify the PC/IXF file format. You can then re-create
your saved table (including its indexes) using the import utility in CREATE mode.
However, some information is not saved to the exported IXF file if any of the
following conditions exist:
v The index column names contain hexadecimal values of 0x2B or 0x2D.
v The table contains XML columns.
v The table is multidimensional clustered (MDC).
v The table contains a table partitioning key.
v The index name is longer than 128 bytes due to code page conversion.
v The table is protected.
v The EXPORT command contains action strings other than SELECT * FROM
v You specify the METHOD N parameter for the export utility.
For a list of table attributes that are lost, see "Table import considerations." If any
information is not saved, warning SQL27984W is returned when the table is
Note: Import's CREATE mode is being deprecated. Use the db2look utility to capture
and re-create your tables.
When working with typed tables, the export utility controls what is placed in the
output file; specify only the target table name and, optionally, the WHERE clause.
You can express subselect statements only by specifying the target table name and
the WHERE clause. You cannot specify a fullselect or select-statement when
exporting a hierarchy.
Preservation of hierarchies using traverse order
Typed tables can be in a hierarchy. There are several ways you can move
data across hierarchies:
v Movement from one hierarchy to an identical hierarchy
v Movement from one hierarchy to a subsection of a larger hierarchy
v Movement from a subsection of a large hierarchy to a separate hierarchy
Identification of types in a hierarchy is database dependent, meaning that
in different databases, the same type has a different identifier. Therefore,
when moving data between these databases, a mapping of the same types
must be done to ensure that the data is moved correctly.
The mapping used for typed tables is known as the traverse order, the order
of proceeding top-to-bottom, left-to-right through all of the supertables and
subtables in the hierarchy. Before each typed row is written out during an
export operation, an identifier is translated into an index value. This index
value can be any number from one to the number of relevant types in the
hierarchy. Index values are generated by numbering each type when
moving through the hierarchy in a specific order-the traverse order. Figure
1 shows a hierarchy with four valid traverse orders:
v Person, Employee, Manager, Architect, Student
68 Db2 11.1 for Linux, UNIX, and Windows: Data Movement Utilities Guide and Reference
v Person, Student, Employee, Manager, Architect
v Person, Employee, Architect, Manager, Student
v Person, Student, Employee, Architect, Manager
8 1
3 Person_t 2
(Oid, Name, Age)
5 Employee 6
4 (SerialNum, Salary, REF 7 (SerialNum, Marks)
Manager Architect
Manager_t Architect_t
(Bonus) (StockOption)
(artname: 00002440.gif)
Figure 1. An example of a hierarchy
Example 1
Note that setting the parameter HIERARCHY STARTING to Person indicates that the
default traverse order starting from the table PERSON.
Example 2
To export the entire hierarchy, but only the data for those people over the age of
20, you would enter the following commands:
DB2 CONNECT TO Source_db
DB2 EXPORT TO entire_hierarchy.del OF DEL HIERARCHY (Person,
Employee, Manager, Architect, Student) WHERE Age>=20
If the SELECT statement that you specify for the export operation is of the form
SELECT * FROM tablename and you do not use the METHOD option, exporting
identity column properties to IXF files is supported. You can then use the
REPLACE_CREATE and the CREATE options of the IMPORT command to re-create the
table, including its identity column properties. If you create the exported IXF file
from a table containing an identity column of type GENERATED ALWAYS, the
only way that you can successfully import the data file is to specify the
identityignore file type modifier during the import operation. Otherwise, all rows
are rejected (SQL3550W is issued).
Note: The CREATE and REPLACE_CREATE options of the IMPORT command are
deprecated and might be removed in a future release.
70 Db2 11.1 for Linux, UNIX, and Windows: Data Movement Utilities Guide and Reference
LOB export considerations
When exporting tables with large object (LOB) columns, the default action is to
export a maximum of 32 KB per LOB value and to place it in the same file as the
rest of the column data. If you are exporting LOB values that exceed 32 KB, you
should have the LOB data written to a separate file to avoid truncation.
To specify that LOB should be written to its own file, use the lobsinfile file type
modifier. This modifier instructs the export utility to place the LOB data in the
directories specified by the LOBS TO clause. Using LOBS TO or LOBFILE implicitly
activates the lobsinfile file type modifier. By default, LOB values are written to
the same path to which the exported relational data is written. If one or more
paths are specified with the LOBS TO option, the export utility cycles between the
paths to write each successful LOB value to the appropriate LOB file. You can also
specify names for the output LOB files using the LOBFILE option. If the LOBFILE
option is specified, the format of lobfilename is, where
lobfilespec is the value specified for the LOBFILE option, and xxx is a sequence
number for LOB files produced by the export utility. Otherwise, lobfilename is of
the format:, where exportfilename is the name of the
exported output file specified for the EXPORT command, and xxx is a sequence
number for LOB files produced by the export utility.
By default, LOBs are written to a single file, but you can also specify that the
individual LOBs are to be stored in separate files. The export utility generates a
LOB Location Specifier (LLS) to enable the storage of multiple LOBs in one file.
The LLS, which is written to the export output file, is a string that indicates where
the LOB data is stored within the file. The format of the LLS is
lobfilename.ext.nnn.mmm/, where lobfilename.ext is the name of the file that
contains the LOB, nnn is the offset of the LOB within the file (measured in bytes),
and mmm is the length of the LOB (measured in bytes). For example, an LLS of
db2exp.001.123.456/ indicates that the LOB is located in the file db2exp.001,
begins at an offset of 123 bytes into the file, and is 456 bytes long. If the indicated
size in the LLS is 0, the LOB is considered to have a length of 0. If the length is -1,
the LOB is considered to be NULL and the offset and file name are ignored.
If you don't want individual LOB data concatenated to the same file, use the
lobsinsepfiles file type modifier to write each LOB to a separate file.
Note: The IXF file format does not store the LOB options of the column, such as
whether or not the LOB column is logged. This means that the import utility
cannot re-create a table containing a LOB column that is defined to be 1 GB or
Example 1
The following example shows how to export LOBs (where the exported LOB files
have the specified base name lobs1) to a DEL file:
db2 export to myfile.del of del lobs to mylobs/
lobfile lobs1 modified by lobsinfile
select * from emp_photo
Example 2
The following example shows how to export LOBs to a DEL file, where each LOB
value is written to a separate file and lobfiles are written to two directories:
db2 export to myfile.del of del
lobs to /db2exp1/, /db2exp2/ modified by lobsinfile
select * from emp_photo
Import overview
The import utility populates a table, typed table, or view with data using an SQL
INSERT statement. If the table or view receiving the imported data already
contains data, the input data can either replace or be appended to the existing
Like export, import is a relatively simple data movement utility. It can be activated
by issuing CLP commands, by calling the ADMIN_CMD stored procedure, or by
calling its API, db2Import, through a user application.
There are a number of data formats that import supports, as well as features that
can be used with import:
v Import supports IXF, ASC, and DEL data formats.
v Import can be used with file type modifiers to customize the import operation.
v Import can be used to move hierarchical data and typed tables.
v Import logs all activity, updates indexes, verifies constraints, and fires triggers.
v Import allows you to specify the names of the columns within the table or view
into which the data is to be inserted.
v Import can be used with Db2 Connect.
Import modes
Import has five modes which determine the method in which the data is imported.
The first three, INSERT, INSERT_UPDATE, and REPLACE are used when the target tables
already exist. All three support IXF, ASC, and DEL data formats. However, only
INSERT and INSERT_UPDATE can be used with nicknames.
Table 18. Overview of INSERT, INSERT_UPDATE, and REPLACE import modes
Mode Best practice usage
INSERT Inserts input data into target table without
changing existing data
INSERT_UPDATE Updates rows with matching primary key
values with values of input rows
Where there's no matching row, inserts
imported row into the table
REPLACE Deletes all existing data and inserts
imported data, while keeping table and
index definitions
The other two modes, REPLACE_CREATE and CREATE, are used when the target tables
do not exist. They can only be used with input files in the PC/IXF format, which
contains a structured description of the table that is to be created. Imports cannot
be performed in these modes if the object table has any dependents other than
Note: Import's CREATE and REPLACE_CREATE modes are being deprecated. Use the
db2look utility instead.
72 Db2 11.1 for Linux, UNIX, and Windows: Data Movement Utilities Guide and Reference
Table 19. Overview of REPLACE_CREATE and CREATE import modes
Mode Best practice usage
REPLACE_CREATE Deletes all existing data and inserts
imported data, while keeping table and
index definitions
Creates target table and index if they don't
CREATE Creates target table and index
Can specify the name of the table space
where the new table is created
In IBM Data Studio Version 3.1 or later, you can use the task assistant for
importing data. Task assistants can guide you through the process of setting
options, reviewing the automatically generated commands to perform the task, and
running these commands. For more details, see Administering databases with task
The number of steps and the amount of time required for an import depend on the
amount of data being moved and the options that you specify. An import
operation follows these steps:
1. Locking tables
Import acquires either an exclusive (X) lock or a nonexclusive (IX) lock on
existing target tables, depending on whether you allow concurrent access to the
2. Locating and retrieving data
Import uses the FROM clause to locate the input data. If your command
indicates that XML or LOB data is present, import will locate this data.
3. Inserting data
Import either replaces existing data or adds new rows of data to the table.
4. Checking constraints and firing triggers
As the data is written, import ensures that each inserted row complies with the
constraints defined on the target table. Information about rejected rows is
written to the messages file. Import also fires existing triggers.
5. Committing the operation
Import saves the changes made and releases the locks on the target table. You
can also specify that periodic take place during the import.
Users can access only those objects for which they have the appropriate
authorization; that is, the required privilege or authority.
With DATAACCESS authority, you can perform any type of import operation. The
following table lists the other authorities on each participating table, view or
nickname that enable you to perform the corresponding type of import.
Table 20. Authorities required to perform import operations
Mode Required authority
74 Db2 11.1 for Linux, UNIX, and Windows: Data Movement Utilities Guide and Reference
Table 20. Authorities required to perform import operations (continued)
Mode Required authority
REPLACE_CREATE When the target table exists: CONTROL or
When the target table doesn't exist: CREATETAB (on the
database), USE (on the table space), and
when the schema does not exist: IMPLICIT_SCHEMA (on
the database), or
when the schema exists: CREATEIN (on the schema)
CREATE CREATETAB (on the database), USE (on the table space),
when the schema does not exist: IMPLICIT_SCHEMA (on
the database), or
when the schema exists: CREATEIN (on the schema)
Note: The CREATE and REPLACE_CREATE options of the IMPORT command are
deprecated and might be removed in a future release.
As well, to use the REPLACE or REPLACE_CREATE option on a table, the session
authorization ID must have the authority to drop the table.
If you want to import to a hierarchy, the required authority also depends on the
mode. For existing hierarchies, CONTROL privilege on every subtable in the
hierarchy is sufficient for a REPLACE operation. For hierarchies that don't exist,
CONTROL privilege on every subtable in the hierarchy, along with CREATETAB
and USE, is sufficient for a REPLACE_CREATE operation.
In addition, there a few considerations for importing into tables with label-based
access control (LBAC) security labels defined on them. To import data into a table
that has protected columns, the session authorization ID must have LBAC
credentials that allow write access to all protected columns in the table. To import
data into a table that has protected rows, the session authorization ID must have
been granted a security label for write access that is part of the security policy
protecting the table.
Importing data
The import utility inserts data from an external file with a supported file format
into a table, hierarchy, view, or nickname.
The load utility is a faster alternative, but the load utility does not support loading
data at the hierarchy level.
Before invoking the import utility, you must be connected to (or be able to
implicitly connect to) the database into which you want to import the data. If
implicit connect is enabled, a connection to the default database is established.
Utility access to Db2 for Linux, UNIX, or Windows database servers from Db2 for
Linux, UNIX, or Windows clients must be a direct connection through the engine.
Utility access cannot be through a Db2 Connect gateway or loop back
Note: The CREATE and REPLACE_CREATE parameters of the IMPORT command are
deprecated and might be removed in a future release.
The following limitation applies to the import utility: If the volume of output
messages generated by an import operation against a remote database exceeds 60
KB, the utility keeps the first 30 KB and the last 30 KB.
76 Db2 11.1 for Linux, UNIX, and Windows: Data Movement Utilities Guide and Reference
A simple import operation requires you to specify only an input file, a file format,
an import mode, and a target table (or the name of the table that is to be created).
For example, to import data from the CLP, enter the IMPORT command:
db2 import from filename of fileformat import_mode into table
where filename is the name of the input file that contains the data you want to
import, fileformat is the file format, import_mode is the mode, and table is the name
of the table that you want to insert the data into.
However, you might also want to specify a messages file to which warning and
error messages are written. To do that, add the MESSAGES parameter and a message
file name. For example:
db2 import from filename of fileformat messages messagefile import_mode into table
When importing data into an XML table column, you can use the XML FROM
option to specify the paths of the input XML data file or files. For example, for an
XML file "/home/user/xmlpath/xmldocs.001.xml" that had previously been
exported, the following command could be used to import the data back into the
IMPORT FROM t1export.del OF DEL XML FROM /home/user/xmlpath INSERT INTO USER.T1
You can use the XMLPARSE option to specify whether whitespace in the imported
XML documents is preserved or stripped. In the following example, all imported
XML documents are validated against XML schema information that was saved
when the XML documents were exported, and these documents are parsed with
whitespace preserved.
IMPORT FROM t1export.del OF DEL XML FROM /home/user/xmlpath XMLPARSE PRESERVE
SQL3150N The H record in the PC/IXF file has product "Db2 01.00", date
"19970220", and time "140848".
SQL3110N The utility has completed processing. "58" rows were read from the
input file.
SQL3149N "58" rows were processed from the input file. "58" rows were
successfully inserted into the table. "0" rows were rejected.
Example 2
The following example shows how to import into a table that has identity
The following command generates identity values for rows 1 and 2, since no
identity values are supplied in DATAFILE1 for those rows. Rows 3 and 4, however,
are assigned the user-supplied identity values of 100 and 101, respectively.
db2 import from datafile1.del of del replace into table1
To import DATAFILE1 into TABLE1 so that identity values are generated for all
rows, issue one of the following commands:
db2 import from datafile1.del of del method P(1, 3, 4)
replace into table1 (c1, c3, c4)
db2 import from datafile1.del of del modified by identityignore
replace into table1
To import DATAFILE2 into TABLE1 so that identity values are generated for each
row, issue one of the following commands:
78 Db2 11.1 for Linux, UNIX, and Windows: Data Movement Utilities Guide and Reference
db2 import from datafile2.del of del replace into table1 (c1, c3, c4)
db2 import from datafile2.del of del modified by identitymissing
replace into table1
Example 3
The following example shows how to import into a table that has null indicators:
Data Records:
Test data 1 XXN 123abcdN
Test data 2 and 3 QQY wxyzN
Test data 4,5 and 6 WWN6789 Y
1. Because COL4 is not provided in the input file, it will be inserted into TABLE1
with its default value (it is defined NOT NULL WITH DEFAULT).
2. Positions 23 and 32 are used to indicate whether COL2 and COL3 of TABLE1
will be loaded NULL for a given row. If there is a Y in the column's null
indicator position for a given record, the column will be NULL. If there is an N,
the data values in the column's data positions of the input record (as defined in
L(........)) are used as the source of column data for the row. In this example,
neither column in row 1 is NULL; COL2 in row 2 is NULL; and COL3 in row 3
is NULL.
3. In this example, the NULL INDICATORS for COL1 and COL5 are specified as
0 (zero), indicating that the data is not nullable.
For import to be able to re-create the table, the export operation must meet some
requirements. The original table must have been exported to an IXF file. If you
export files with DEL or ASC file formats, the output files do not contain
descriptions of the target table, but they contain the record data. To re-create a
table with data stored in these file formats, create the target table, then use the
load or import utility to populate the table from these files. You can use the
db2look utility to capture the original table definitions and to generate the
corresponding data definition language (DDL). As well, the SELECT statement
used during the export can only contain certain action strings. For example, no
column names can be used in the SELECT clause and only SELECT * is permitted.
Note: Import's CREATE mode is being deprecated. Use the db2look utility to capture
and re-create your tables.
Retained attributes
The re-created table will retain the following attributes of the original table:
v The primary key name, and definition
v Column information, including:
– Column name
– Column data type, including user-defined distinct types, which are
preserved as their base type
– Identity properties
– Lengths (except for lob_file types)
– Code page (if applicable)
– Identity options
– Whether the column is defined as nullable or not nullable
– Default values for constants, if any, but not other types of default
v Index information, including:
– Index name
– Index creator name
– Column names, and whether each column is sorted in ascending or
descending order
– Whether the index is defined as unique
– Whether the index is clustered
– Whether the index allows reverse scans
– PCTFREE values
80 Db2 11.1 for Linux, UNIX, and Windows: Data Movement Utilities Guide and Reference
The re-created table does not retain several attributes of the original table,
v Whether the source was a normal table, a materialized query table
(MQT), a view, or a set of columns from any or all of these sources
v Unique constraints and other types of constraints or triggers (not
including primary key constraints)
v Table information, including:
– MQT definition (if applicable)
– MQT options (if applicable)
– Table space options; however, this information can be specified
through the IMPORT command
– Multidimensional clustering (MDC) dimensions
– Partitioned table dimensions
– Table partitioning key
– Check constraints
– Table code page
– Protected table properties
– Table or value compression options
v Column information, including:
– Any default value except constant values
– LOB options (if any)
– XML properties
– References clause of the CREATE TABLE statement (if any)
– Referential constraints (if any)
– Check constraints (if any)
– Generated column options (if any)
– Columns dependent on database scope sequences
– Implicitly hidden property
v Index information, including:
– INCLUDE columns (if any)
– Index name, if the index is a primary key index
– Descending order of keys, if the index is a primary key index
(ascending is the default)
– Index column names that contain hexadecimal values of 0x2B or 0x2D
– Index names that contain more than 128 bytes after code page
– PCTFREE2 value
– Unique constraints
If the import fails and SQL3311N is returned, you can still re-create the table using
the file type modifier forcecreate. This modifier allows you to create the table
with missing or limited information.
The movement of data from one hierarchical structure of typed tables to another is
done through a specific traverse order and the creation of an intermediate flat file
during an export operation. In turn, the import utility controls the size and the
placement of the hierarchy being moved, using the CREATE, INTO table-name, UNDER,
and AS ROOT TABLE parameters. As well, import determines what is placed in the
target database. For example, it can specify an attributes list at the end of each
subtable name to restrict the attributes that are moved to the target database. If no
attributes list is used, all of the columns in each subtable are moved.
Table re-creation
The type of import you are able to perform depends on the file format of
the input file. When working with ASC or DEL data, the target table or
hierarchy must exist before the data can be imported. However, data from
a PC/IXF file can be imported even if the table or hierarchy does not
already exist if you specify an import CREATE operation. It must be noted
that if the CREATE option is specified, import cannot alter subtable
Traverse order
The traverse order contained in the input file enables the hierarchies in the
data to be maintained. Therefore, the same traverse order must be used
when invoking the export utility and the import utility.
For the PC/IXF file format, one need only specify the target subtable
name, and use the default traverse order stored in the file.
When using options other than CREATE with typed tables, the traverse order
list enables one to specify the traverse order. This user-specified traverse
order must match the one used during the export operation. The import
utility guarantees the accurate movement of data to the target database
given the following:
v An identical definition of subtables in both the source and the target
v An identical hierarchical relationship among the subtables in both the
source and target databases
v An identical traverse order
Although you determine the starting point and the path down the
hierarchy when defining the traverse order, each branch must be traversed
to the end before the next branch in the hierarchy can be started. The
import utility looks for violations of this condition within the specified
traverse order.
Examples in this section are based on the following hierarchical structure with four
valid traverse orders:
v Person, Employee, Manager, Architect, Student
v Person, Student, Employee, Manager, Architect
v Person, Employee, Architect, Manager, Student
v Person, Student, Employee, Architect, Manager
82 Db2 11.1 for Linux, UNIX, and Windows: Data Movement Utilities Guide and Reference
8 1
3 Person_t 2
(Oid, Name, Age)
5 Employee 6
4 (SerialNum, Salary, REF 7 (SerialNum, Marks)
Manager Architect
Manager_t Architect_t
(Bonus) (StockOption)
(artname: 00002440.gif)
Figure 2. An example of a hierarchy
Example 1
To re-create an entire hierarchy (contained in the data file entire_hierarchy.ixf
created by a prior export operation) using import, you would enter the following
DB2 CONNECT TO Target_db
DB2 IMPORT FROM entire_hierarchy.ixf OF IXF CREATE INTO
Each type in the hierarchy is created if it does not exist. If these types already
exist, they must have the same definition in the target database as in the source
database. An SQL error (SQL20013N) is returned if they are not the same. Since a
new hierarchy is being created, none of the subtables defined in the data file being
moved to the target database (Target_db) can exist. Each of the tables in the source
database hierarchy is created. Data from the source database is imported into the
correct subtables of the target database.
Example 2
To re-create the entire hierarchy of the source database and import it to the target
database, while only keeping selected data, you would enter the following
DB2 CONNECT TO Target_db
DB2 IMPORT FROM entire_hierarchy.del OF DEL INSERT INTO (Person,
Employee(Salary), Architect) IN HIERARCHY (Person, Employee,
Manager, Architect, Student)
The target tables PERSON, EMPLOYEE, and ARCHITECT must all exist. Data is
imported into the PERSON, EMPLOYEE, and ARCHITECT subtables. That is, the
following will be imported:
v All columns in PERSON into PERSON
v All columns in PERSON plus SALARY in EMPLOYEE into EMPLOYEE
v All columns in PERSON plus SALARY in EMPLOYEE, plus all columns in
Example 3
This example shows how to export from a regular table, and import as a single
subtable in a hierarchy. The EXPORT command operates on regular (non-typed)
tables, so there is no Type_id column in the data file. The file type modifier
no_type_id is used to indicate this, so that the import utility does not expect the
first column to be the Type_id column.
DB2 CONNECT TO Source_db
DB2 EXPORT TO Student_sub_table.del OF DEL SELECT * FROM
DB2 CONNECT TO Target_db
DB2 IMPORT FROM Student_sub_table.del OF DEL METHOD P(1,2,3,5,4)
In this example, the target table STUDENT must exist. Since STUDENT is a
subtable, the modifier no_type_id is used to indicate that there is no Type_id in the
first column. However, you must ensure that there is an existing Object_id column,
in addition to all of the other attributes that exist in the STUDENT table. Object-id
is expected to be the first column in each row imported into the STUDENT table.
The METHOD clause reverses the order of the last two attributes.
If you do not have valid LBAC credentials, the import fails and an error
(SQLSTATE 42512) is returned. In cases where the input data does not contain a
security label or that security label is not in its internal binary format, you can use
several file type modifiers to allow your import to proceed.
When you import data into a table with protected rows, the target table has one
column with a data type of DB2SECURITYLABEL. If the input row of data does
not contain a value for that column, that row is rejected unless the usedefaults file
type modifier is specified in the import command, in which case the security label
you hold for write access from the security policy protecting the table is used. If
you do not hold a security label for write access, the row is rejected and processing
continues on to the next row.
When you import data into a table that has protected rows and the input data does
include a value for the column with a data type of DB2SECURITYLABEL, the
same rules are followed as when you insert data into that table. If the security
label protecting the row being imported (the one in that row of the data file) is one
that you are able to write to, then that security label is used to protect the row. (In
other words, it is written to the column that has a data type of
84 Db2 11.1 for Linux, UNIX, and Windows: Data Movement Utilities Guide and Reference
DB2SECURITYLABEL.) If you are not able to write to a row protected by that
security label, what happens depends on how the security policy protecting the
source table was created:
v If the CREATE SECURITY POLICY statement that created the policy included
an error is returned.
v If the CREATE SECURITY POLICY statement did not include the option or if it
security label in the data file for that row is ignored and the security label you
hold for write access is used to protect that row. No error or warning is issued
in this case. If you do not hold a security label for write access, the row is
rejected and processing continues on to the next row.
Delimiter considerations
When importing data into a column with a data type of
DB2SECURITYLABEL, the value in the data file is assumed by default to
be the actual bytes that make up the internal representation of that security
label. However, some raw data might contain newline characters which
could be misinterpreted by the IMPORT command as delimiting the row. If
you have this problem, use the delprioritychar file type modifier to
ensure that the character delimiter takes precedence over the row delimiter.
When you use delprioritychar, any record or column delimiters that are
contained within character delimiters are not recognized as being
delimiters. Using the delprioritychar file type modifier is safe to do even
if none of the values contain a newline character, but it does slow the
import down slightly.
If the data being imported is in ASC format, you might want to take an
extra step in order to prevent any trailing white space from being included
in the imported security labels and security label names. ASCII format uses
column positions as delimiters, so this might occur when importing into
variable-length fields. Use the striptblanks file type modifier to truncate
any trailing blank spaces.
Nonstandard security label values
You can also import data files in which the values for the security labels
are strings containing the values of the components in the security label,
for example, S:(ALPHA,BETA). To do so you must use the file type
modifier seclabelchar. When you use seclabelchar, a value for a column
with a data type of DB2SECURITYLABEL is assumed to be a string
constant containing the security label in the string format for security
labels. If a string is not in the proper format, the row is not inserted and a
warning (SQLSTATE 01H53) is returned. If the string does not represent a
valid security label that is part of the security policy protecting the table,
the row is not inserted and a warning (SQLSTATE 01H53) is returned.
You can also import a data file in which the values of the security label
column are security label names. To import this sort of file you must use
the file type modifier seclabelname. When you use seclabelname, all values
for columns with a data type of DB2SECURITYLABEL are assumed to be
string constants containing the names of existing security labels. If no
security label exists with the indicated name for the security policy
protecting the table, the row is not inserted and a warning (SQLSTATE
01H53) is returned.
For all examples, the input data file myfile.del is in DEL format. All are importing
data into a table named REPS, which was created with this statement:
create table reps (row_label db2securitylabel,
id integer,
name char(30))
security policy data_access_policy
For this example, the input file is assumed to contain security labels in the default
db2 import from myfile.del of del modified by delprioritychar insert into reps
For this example, the input file is assumed to contain security labels in the security
label string format:
db2 import from myfile.del of del modified by seclabelchar insert into reps
For this example, the input file is assumed to contain security labels names for the
security label column:
db2 import from myfile.del of del modified by seclabelname insert into reps
Buffered-insert imports
In a partitioned database environment, the import utility can be enabled to use
buffered inserts. This reduces the messaging that occurs when data is imported,
resulting in better performance.
The buffered inserts option should only be enabled if you are not concerned about
error reporting, since details about a failed buffered insert are not returned.
When buffered inserts are used, import sets a default WARNINGCOUNT value to 1. As a
result, the operation will fail if any rows are rejected. If a record is rejected, the
utility will roll back the current transaction. The number of committed records can
be used to determine which records were successfully inserted into the database.
The number of committed records can be non zero only if the COMMITCOUNT option
was specified.
Use the Db2 bind utility to request buffered inserts. The import package,
db2uimpm.bnd, must be rebound against the database using the INSERT BUF option.
For example:
db2 connect to your_database
db2 bind db2uimpm.bnd insert buf
86 Db2 11.1 for Linux, UNIX, and Windows: Data Movement Utilities Guide and Reference
causes the import operations in the INSERT_UPDATE mode to fail. Import operations
in the INSERT, REPLACE, or REPLACE_CREATE modes are not affected by the binding of
the new file.
If no identity-related file type modifiers are used, the utility works according to the
following rules:
v If the identity column is GENERATED ALWAYS, an identity value is generated
for a table row whenever the corresponding row in the input file is missing a
value for the identity column, or a NULL value is explicitly given. If a
non-NULL value is specified for the identity column, the row is rejected
v If the identity column is GENERATED BY DEFAULT, the import utility makes
use of user-supplied values, if they are provided; if the data is missing or
explicitly NULL, a value is generated.
The import utility does not perform any extra validation of user-supplied identity
values beyond what is normally done for values of the identity column's data type
(that is, SMALLINT, INT, BIGINT, or DECIMAL). Duplicate values will not be
reported. In addition, the compound=x modifier cannot be used when importing
data into a table with an identity column.
There are two ways you can simplify the import of data into tables that contain an
identity column: the identitymissing and the identityignore file type modifiers.
A user might want to import data from a file (import.del) into TABLE1, and this
data might have been exported from a table that does not have an identity column.
The following is an example of such a file:
Robert, 45.2, J
Mike, 76.9, K
Leo, 23.4, I
One way to import this file would be to explicitly list the columns to be imported
through the IMPORT command as follows:
db2 import from import.del of del replace into table1 (c1, c3, c4)
For a table with many columns, however, this syntax might be cumbersome and
prone to error. An alternate method of importing the file is to use the
identitymissing file type modifier as follows:
db2 import from import.del of del modified by identitymissing
replace into table1
If the user-supplied values of 1, 2, and 3 are not to be used for the identity
column, the user could issue the following IMPORT command:
db2 import from import.del of del method P(1, 3, 4)
replace into table1 (c1, c3, c4)
Again, this approach might be cumbersome and prone to error if the table has
many columns. The identityignore modifier simplifies the syntax as follows:
db2 import from import.del of del modified by identityignore
replace into table1
Note: The CREATE and REPLACE_CREATE options of the IMPORT command are
deprecated and might be removed in a future release.
If no generated column-related file type modifiers are used, the import utility
works according to the following rules:
v A value is generated for a generated column whenever the corresponding row in
the input file is missing a value for the column, or a NULL value is explicitly
given. If a non-NULL value is supplied for a generated column, the row is
rejected (SQL3550W).
v If the server generates a NULL value for a generated column that is not nullable,
the row of data to which this field belongs is rejected (SQL0407N). This could
happen, for example, if a non-nullable generated column were defined as the
sum of two table columns that have NULL values supplied to them in the input
There are two ways you can simplify the import of data into tables that contain a
generated column: the generatedmissing and the generatedignore file type
88 Db2 11.1 for Linux, UNIX, and Windows: Data Movement Utilities Guide and Reference
create table table1 (c1 int,
c2 int,
g1 int generated always as (c1 + c2),
g2 int generated always as (2 * c1),
c3 char(1))
A user might want to import data from a file (load.del) into TABLE1, and this
data might have been exported from a table that does not have any generated
columns. The following is an example of such a file:
1, 5, J
2, 6, K
3, 7, I
One way to import this file would be to explicitly list the columns to be imported
through the IMPORT command as follows:
db2 import from import.del of del replace into table1 (c1, c2, c3)
For a table with many columns, however, this syntax might be cumbersome and
prone to error. An alternate method of importing the file is to use the
generatedmissing file type modifier as follows:
db2 import from import.del of del modified by generatedmissing
replace into table1
The user-supplied, non-NULL values of 10, 11, and 12 (for g1), and 15, 16, and 17
(for g2) result in the row being rejected (SQL3550W). To avoid this, the user could
issue the following IMPORT command:
db2 import from import.del of del method P(1, 2, 5)
replace into table1 (c1, c2, c3)
Again, this approach might be cumbersome and prone to error if the table has
many columns. The generatedignore modifier simplifies the syntax as follows:
db2 import from import.del of del modified by generatedignore
replace into table1
For an INSERT_UPDATE, if the generated column is also a primary key and the
generatedignore modifier is specified, the IMPORT command honors the
generatedignore modifier. The IMPORT command does not substitute the
user-supplied value for this column in the WHERE clause of the UPDATE
The import utility, by default, treats data in the input file as data to load into the
column. However, when large object (LOB) data is stored in the main input data
The LOBS FROM clause implicitly activates lobsinfile. The LOBS FROM clause
conveys to the import utility the list of paths to search for the LOB files while
importing the data. If LOBS FROM option is not specified, the LOB files to import
are assumed to reside in the same path as the input relational data file.
The LOB Location Specifier (LLS) can be used to store multiple LOBs in a single
file when importing the LOB information. The export utility generates and stores it
in the export output file when lobsinfile is specified, and it indicates where LOB
data can be found. When data with the modified by lobsinfile option specified is
being imported, the database will expect an LLS for each of the corresponding
LOB columns. If something other than an LLS is encountered for a LOB column,
the database will treat it as a LOB file and will load the entire file as the LOB.
For an import in CREATE mode, you can specify that the LOB data be created and
stored in a separate table space by using the LONG IN clause.
The following example shows how you would import an DEL file which has its
LOBs stored in separate files:
IMPORT FROM inputfile.del OF DEL
LOBS FROM /tmp/data
MODIFIED BY lobsinfile
INSERT INTO newtable
When import uses a stored procedure, messages are created in the message file
using the default language installed on the server. The messages are in the
language of the application if the language at the client and the server are the
90 Db2 11.1 for Linux, UNIX, and Windows: Data Movement Utilities Guide and Reference
The import utility creates two temporary files in the tmp subdirectory of the sqllib
directory (or the directory indicated by the DB2INSTPROF registry variable, if
specified). One file is for data, and the other file is for messages generated by the
import utility.
If you receive an error about writing or opening data on the server, ensure that:
v The directory exists.
v There is sufficient disk space for the files.
v The instance owner has write permission in the directory.
ALLOW NO ACCESS mode prevents concurrent applications from accessing table data.
ALLOW WRITE ACCESS mode allows concurrent applications both read and write
access to the import target table. If no mode is explicitly specified, import runs in
the default mode, ALLOW NO ACCESS. As well, the import utility is, by default,
bound to the database with isolation level RS (read stability).
In ALLOW NO ACCESS mode, import acquires an exclusive (X) lock on the target table
is before inserting any rows. Holding a lock on a table has two implications:
v First, if there are other applications holding a table lock or row locks on the
import target table, the import utility waits for those applications to commit or
roll back their changes.
v Second, while import is running, any other application requesting locks waits for
the import operation to complete.
Note: You can specify a locktimeout value, which prevents applications (including
the import utility) from waiting indefinitely for a lock.
By requesting an exclusive lock at the beginning of the operation, import prevents
deadlocks from occurring as a result of other applications working and holding
row locks on the same target table.
In ALLOW WRITE ACCESS mode, the import utility acquires a nonexclusive (IX) lock
on the target table. Holding this lock on the table has the following implications:
v If there are other applications holding an incompatible table lock, the import
utility does not start inserting data until all of these applications commit or roll
back their changes.
v While import is running, any other application requesting an incompatible table
lock waits until the import commits or rolls back the current transaction. Note
that import's table lock does not persist across a transaction boundary. As a
result, online import has to request and potentially wait for a table lock after
every commit.
v If there are other applications holding an incompatible row lock, the import
utility stops inserting data until all of these applications commit or roll back
their changes.
v While import is running, any other application requesting an incompatible row
lock waits until the import operation commits or rolls back the current
Load utility
Load overview
The load utility is capable of efficiently moving large quantities of data into newly
created tables, or into tables that already contain data.
The utility can handle most data types, including XML, large objects (LOBs), and
user-defined types (UDTs).
The load utility is faster than the import utility, because it writes formatted pages
directly into the database, while the import utility performs SQL INSERTs.
The load utility does not fire triggers, and does not perform referential or table
constraints checking (other than validating the uniqueness of the indexes).
The load process has several distinct phases (see Figure 3 on page 93):
1. Analyze
When data is being loaded into a column-organized table, the first phase is the
analyze phase, which is unique to column-organized tables. The analyze phase
occurs only if a column compression dictionary needs to be built, which
operation (if the column-organized table is empty). For column-organized
tables, this phase is followed by the load, build, and delete phases. The index
copy phase applies to row-organized tables only.
2. Load
During the load phase, data is loaded into the table, and index keys and table
statistics are collected, if necessary. Save points, or points of consistency, are
established at intervals specified through the SAVECOUNT parameter in the LOAD
command. Messages are generated, indicating how many input rows were
successfully loaded at the time of the save point.
3. Build
During the build phase, indexes are produced based on the index keys
collected during the load phase. The index keys are sorted during the load
phase, and index statistics are collected (if the STATISTICS USE PROFILE option
was specified, and profile indicates collecting index statistics). The statistics are
similar to those collected through the RUNSTATS command.
92 Db2 11.1 for Linux, UNIX, and Windows: Data Movement Utilities Guide and Reference
4. Delete
During the delete phase, the rows that caused a unique or primary key
violation are removed from the table. These deleted rows are stored in the load
exception table, if one was specified.
5. Index copy
During the index copy phase, the index data is copied from a system
temporary table space to the original table space. This will only occur if a
system temporary table space was specified for index creation during a load
operation with the READ ACCESS option specified.
Load Load Build Build Delete Delete Index Copy Index Copy
Phase Phase Phase Phase Phase Phase Phase Phase
Starts Ends Starts Ends Starts Ends Starts Ends
(artname: 00002429.gif)
Figure 3. Phases of the Load Process for Row-organized Tables
Note: After you invoke the load utility, you can use the LIST UTILITIES command
to monitor the progress of the load operation.
Load modes
In this mode, load appends input data to the table without making any changes
to the existing data.
In this mode, load deletes existing data from the table and populates it with the
input data.
In this mode, an interrupted load is resumed. In most cases, the load is resumed
from the phase it failed in. If that phase was the load phase, the load is resumed
from the last successful consistency point.
In this mode, a failed load operation is rolled back.
Note: The load utility does not honor the COMPACT lob option.
v A message file name. During load operations, you can specify that message files
be created to contain the error, warning, and informational messages associated
with those operations. Specify the name of these files with the MESSAGES
1. You can only view the contents of a message file after the operation is
finished. If you want to view load messages while a load operation is
running, you can use the LOAD QUERY command.
2. Each message in a message file begins on a new line and contains
information provided by the Db2 message retrieval facility.
v Whether column values being loaded have implied decimal points.
v Whether the utility should modify the amount of free space available after a
table is loaded.
v Whether statistics are to be gathered during the load process. This option is only
supported if the load operation is running in REPLACE mode. Statistics are
collected according to the profile defined for the table. The profile must be
created by the RUNSTATS command before the LOAD command is executed. If the
profile does not exist and the load operation is instructed to collect statistics
according to the profile, the load will fail, and an error message will be returned.
If data is appended to a table, statistics are not collected. To collect current
statistics on an appended table, invoke the RUNSTATS utility following completion
of the load process. If gathering statistics on a table with a unique index, and
duplicate keys are deleted during the delete phase, statistics are not updated to
account for the deleted records. If you expect to have a significant number of
duplicate records, do not collect statistics during the load operation. Instead,
invoke the RUNSTATS utility following completion of the load process.
v Whether to keep a copy of the changes made. This is done to enable rollforward
recovery of the database. This option is not supported if rollforward recovery is
disabled for the database; that is, if the database configuration parameters
logarchmeth1 and logarchmeth2 are set to OFF. If no copy is made, and
rollforward recovery is enabled, the table space is left in Backup Pending state at
the completion of the load operation.
Logging is required for fully recoverable databases. The load utility almost
completely eliminates the logging associated with the loading of data. In place of
logging, you have the option of making a copy of the loaded portion of the
table. If you have a database environment that allows for database recovery
following a failure, you can do one of the following:
– Explicitly request that a copy of the loaded portion of the table be made.
– Take a backup of the table spaces in which the table resides immediately after
the completion of the load operation.
94 Db2 11.1 for Linux, UNIX, and Windows: Data Movement Utilities Guide and Reference
If the database configuration parameter logindexbuild is set, and if the load
operation is invoked with the COPY YES recoverability option and the
INCREMENTAL indexing option, the load logs all index modifications. The benefit
of using these options is that when you roll forward through the log records for
this load, you also recover the indexes (whereas normally the indexes are not
recovered unless the load uses the REBUILD indexing mode).
If you are loading a table that already contains data, and the database is
non-recoverable, ensure that you have a backed-up copy of the database, or the
table spaces for the table being loaded, before invoking the load utility, so that
you can recover from errors.
If you want to perform a sequence of multiple load operations on a recoverable
database, the sequence of operations will be faster if you specify that each load
operation is non-recoverable, and take a backup at the end of the load sequence,
than if you invoke each of the load operations with the COPY YES option. You can
use the NONRECOVERABLE option to specify that a load transaction is to be marked
as non-recoverable, and that it will not be possible to recover it by a subsequent
rollforward operation. The rollforward utility will skip the transaction, and will
mark the table into which data was being loaded as "invalid". The utility will
also ignore any subsequent transactions against that table. After the rollforward
operation is completed, such a table can only be dropped (see Figure 4). With
this option, table spaces are not put in backup pending state following the load
operation, and a copy of the loaded data does not have to be made during the
load operation.
(recovery time-line)
(artname: 00002436.gif)
Figure 4. Non-recoverable Processing During a Roll Forward Operation
v The fully qualified path to be used when creating temporary files during a load
operation. The name is specified by the TEMPFILES PATH parameter of the LOAD
command. The default value is the database path. The path resides on the server
machine, and is accessed by the Db2 instance exclusively. Therefore, any path
name qualification given to this parameter must reflect the directory structure of
the server, not the client, and the Db2 instance owner must have read and write
permission on the path.
To load data into a table, you must have one of the following:
v DATAACCESS authority
v LOAD or DBADM authority on the database and
Since all load processes (and all Db2 server processes, in general), are owned by
the instance owner, and all of these processes use the identification of the instance
owner to access needed files, the instance owner must have read access to input
data files. These input data files must be readable by the instance owner, regardless
of who invokes the command.
If the REPLACE option is specified, the session authorization ID must have the
authority to drop the table.
v To load data into a table that has protected columns, the session authorization
ID must have LBAC credentials that allow write access to all protected columns
in the table.
v To load data into a table that has protected rows, the session authorization ID
must have been granted a security label for write access that is part of the
security policy protecting the table.
LOAD authority
Users having LOAD authority at the database level, as well as INSERT privilege on
a table, can use the LOAD command to load data into a table.
Note: Having DATAACCESS authority gives a user full access to the LOAD
Users having LOAD authority at the database level, as well as INSERT privilege on
a table, can LOAD RESTART or LOAD TERMINATE if the previous load operation is a
load to insert data.
Users having LOAD authority at the database level, as well as the INSERT and
DELETE privileges on a table, can use the LOAD REPLACE command.
If the previous load operation was a load replace, the DELETE privilege must also
have been granted to that user before the user can LOAD RESTART or LOAD
If the exception tables are used as part of a load operation, the user must have
INSERT privilege on the exception tables.
96 Db2 11.1 for Linux, UNIX, and Windows: Data Movement Utilities Guide and Reference
The user with this authority can perform QUIESCE TABLESPACES FOR TABLE,
Loading data
The load utility efficiently moves large quantities of data into newly created tables,
or into tables that already contain data.
Before invoking the load utility, you must be connected to (or be able to implicitly
connect to) the database into which you want to load the data.
Since the utility issues a COMMIT statement, complete all transactions and release
all locks by issuing either a COMMIT or a ROLLBACK statement before invoking
the load utility.
Data is loaded in the sequence that appears in the input file, except when using
multidimensional clustering (MDC) tables, partitioned tables, or the anyorder file
type modifier. If you want a particular sequence, sort the data before attempting a
load operation. If clustering is required, the data should be sorted on the clustering
index before loading. When loading data into multidimensional clustered tables
(MDC), sorting is not required before the load operation, and data is clustered
according to the MDC table definition. When loading data into partitioned tables,
sorting is not required before the load operation, and data is partitioned according
to the table definition.
These are some of the restrictions that apply to the load utility:
v Loading data into nicknames is not supported.
v Loading data into typed tables, or tables with structured type columns, is not
v Loading data into declared temporary tables and created temporary tables is not
v XML data can only be read from the server side; if you want to have the XML
files read from the client, use the import utility.
v You cannot create or drop tables in a table space that is in Backup Pending state.
v You cannot load data into a database accessed through Db2 Connect or a server
level before Db2 Version 2. Options that are only available with the current
cannot be used with a server from the previous release.
v If an error occurs during a LOAD REPLACE operation, the original data in the table
is lost. Retain a copy of the input data to allow the load operation to be
v Triggers are not activated on newly loaded rows. Business rules associated with
triggers are not enforced by the load utility.
v Loading encrypted data is not supported.
These are some of the restrictions that apply to the load utility when loading into a
partitioned table:
v Consistency points are not supported when the number of partitioning agents is
greater than one.
v Loading data into a subset of data partitions while keeping the remaining data
partitions fully online is not supported.
In this example:
v Any warning or error messages are placed in the staff.msgs file.
v A copy of the changes made is stored in Tivoli® Storage Manager (TSM).
v 4000 pages of buffer space are to be used during the load operation.
The following is another example of a LOAD command issued through the CLP:
db2 load from stafftab.ixf of ixf messages staff.msgs
tempfiles path /u/myuser replace into staff
In this example:
v The table data is being replaced.
v The TEMPFILES PATH parameter is used to specify /u/myuser as the server path
into which temporary files are written.
Note: These examples use relative path names for the load input file. Relative path
names are only allowed on calls from a client on the same database partition as the
database. The use of fully qualified path names is recommended.
What to do next
After you invoke the load utility, you can use the LIST UTILITIES command to
monitor the progress of the load operation. If a load operation is performed in
either INSERT mode, REPLACE mode, or RESTART mode, detailed progress monitoring
support is available. Issue the LIST UTILITIES command with the SHOW DETAILS
parameter to view detailed information about the current load phase. Details are
not available for a load operation performed in TERMINATE mode. The LIST
UTILITIES command simply shows that a load terminate utility is currently
98 Db2 11.1 for Linux, UNIX, and Windows: Data Movement Utilities Guide and Reference
Loading XML data
The load utility can be used for the efficient movement of large volumes of XML
data into tables.
When loading data into an XML table column, you can use the XML FROM option
to specify the paths of the input XML data file or files. For example, to load data
from an XML file /home/user/xmlpath/xmlfile1.xml you could use the following
LOAD FROM data1.del OF DEL XML FROM /home/user/xmlpath INSERT INTO USER.T1
The delimited ASCII input file data1.del contains an XML data specifier (XDS)
that describes the location of the XML data to load. For example, the following
XDS describes an XML document at offset 123 bytes in file xmldata.ext that is 456
bytes in length:
<XDS FIL=’xmldata.ext’ OFF=’123’ LEN=’456’ />
Loading XML data using a declared cursor is supported. The following example
declares a cursor and uses the cursor and the LOAD command to add data from the
table CUSTOMERS into the table LEVEL1_CUSTOMERS:
DECLARE cursor_income_level1 CURSOR FOR
SELECT * FROM customers
WHERE XMLEXISTS(’$DOC/customer[income_level=1]’);
The ANYORDER file type modifier of the LOAD command is supported for loading
XML data into an XML column.
During load, distribution statistics are not collected for columns of type XML.
For tables that are distributed among database partitions, you can load XML data
from XML data files into the tables in parallel. When loading XML data from files
into tables, the XML data files must be read-accessible to all the database partitions
where loading is taking place
In this case, the XDS contains an SCH attribute with the fully qualified SQL
identifier of the XML schema to use for validation, "S1.SCHEMA_A":
<XDS FIL=’xmldata.ext’ OFF=’123’ LEN=’456’ SCH=’S1.SCHEMA_A’ />
You can use the XMLPARSE option to specify whether whitespace in the loaded
XML documents is preserved or stripped. In the following example, all loaded
XML documents are validated against the schema with SQL identifier
"S2.SCHEMA_A" and these documents are parsed with whitespace preserved:
Data Records:
Test data 1 XXN 123abcdN
Test data 2 and 3 QQY XXN
Test data 4,5 and 6 WWN6789 Y
1. The specification of striptblanks in the MODIFIED BY parameter forces the
truncation of blanks in VARCHAR columns (COL1, for example, which is 11, 17
and 19 bytes long, in rows 1, 2 and 3, respectively).
2. The specification of reclen=40 in the MODIFIED BY parameter indicates that
there is no newline character at the end of each input record, and that each
record is 40 bytes long. The last 8 bytes are not use to load the table.
3. Since COL4 is not provided in the input file, it will be inserted into TABLE1
with its default value (it is defined NOT NULL WITH DEFAULT).
4. Positions 23 and 32 are used to indicate whether COL2 and COL3 of TABLE1
will be loaded NULL for a given row. If there is a Y in the column's null
indicator position for a given record, the column will be NULL. If there is an N,
the data values in the column's data positions of the input record (as defined in
L(........)) are used as the source of column data for the row. In this example,
neither column in row 1 is NULL; COL2 in row 2 is NULL; and COL3 in row 3
is NULL.
5. In this example, the NULL INDICATORS for COL1 and COL5 are specified as
0 (zero), indicating that the data is not nullable.
100 Db2 11.1 for Linux, UNIX, and Windows: Data Movement Utilities Guide and Reference
6. The NULL INDICATOR for a given column can be anywhere in the input
record, but the position must be specified, and the Y or N values must be
If an attempt is made to load the following data records into this table,
23, 24, bobby
, 45, john
4,, mary
the second row is rejected because the first INT is NULL, and the column
definition specifies NOT NULL. Columns which contain initial characters that are
not consistent with the DEL format will generate an error, and the record will be
rejected. Such records can be written to a dump file.
The utility will load "sam" in the third column of the table, and the characters "sdf"
will be flagged in a warning. The record is not rejected. Another example:
22 3, 34,"bob"
The utility will load 22,34,"bob", and generate a warning that some data in
column one following the 22 was ignored. The record is not rejected.
In this case, rows 1 and 2 will be rejected, because the utility has been
instructed to override system-generated identity values in favor of
user-supplied values. If user-supplied values are not present, however, the row
must be rejected, because identity columns are implicitly not NULL.
5. If DATAFILE1 is loaded into TABLE2 without using any of the identity-related
file type modifiers, rows 1 and 2 will be loaded, but rows 3 and 4 will be
rejected, because they supply their own non-NULL values, and the identity
The following command loads all the data from MY.TABLE1 into MY.TABLE2:
load from mycursor of cursor method P(1,2,3) insert into
1. Only one cursor name can be specified in a single LOAD command. That is,
load from mycurs1, mycurs2 of cursor... is not allowed.
2. P and N are the only valid METHOD values for loading from a cursor.
102 Db2 11.1 for Linux, UNIX, and Windows: Data Movement Utilities Guide and Reference
3. In this example, METHOD P and the insert column list (one,two,three) could
have been omitted since they represent default values.
4. MY.TABLE1 can be a table, view, alias, or nickname.
104 Db2 11.1 for Linux, UNIX, and Windows: Data Movement Utilities Guide and Reference
Important: Starting with Version 10.1 Fix Pack 1, the ALLOW READ
ACCESS parameter is deprecated and might be removed in a future
release. For more details, see “ALLOW READ ACCESS parameter in the
LOAD command is deprecated” at .
The ingest utility also supports partitioned tables and is better suited to
allow data concurrency and availability than the LOAD command with the
ALLOW READ ACCESS parameter. It can move large amounts of data
from files and pipes without locking the target table. In addition, data
becomes accessible as soon as it is committed based on elapsed time or
number of rows.
Data partition states
After a successful load, visible data partitions might change to either or
both Set Integrity Pending or Read Access Only table state, under certain
conditions. Data partitions might be placed in these states if there are
constraints on the table which the load operation cannot maintain. Such
constraints might include check constraints and detached materialized
query tables. A failed load operation leaves all visible data partitions in the
Load Pending table state.
Error isolation
Error isolation at the data partition level is not supported. Isolating the
errors means continuing a load on data partitions that did not run into an
error and stopping on data partitions that did run into an error. Errors can
be isolated between different database partitions, but the load utility
cannot commit transactions on a subset of visible data partitions and roll
back the remaining visible data partitions.
Other considerations
v Incremental indexing is not supported if any of the indexes are marked
invalid. An index is considered invalid if it requires a rebuild or if
detached dependents require validation with the SET INTEGRITY
v Loading into tables partitioned using any combination of partitioned by
range, distributed by hash, or organized by dimension algorithms is also
v For log records which include the list of object and table space IDs
affected by the load, the size of these log records (LOAD START and
COMMIT (PENDING LIST)) could grow considerably and hence reduce
the amount of active log space available to other applications.
v When a table is both partitioned and distributed, a partitioned database
load might not affect all database partitions. Only the objects on the
output database partitions are changed.
v During a load operation, memory consumption for partitioned tables
increases with the number of tables. Note, that the total increase is not
linear as only a small percentage of the overall memory requirement is
proportional to the number of data partitions.
When you load data into a table with protected rows, the target table has one
column with a data type of DB2SECURITYLABEL. If the input row of data does
not contain a value for that column, that row is rejected unless the usedefaults file
type modifier is specified in the load command, in which case the security label
you hold for write access from the security policy protecting the table is used. If
you do not hold a security label for write access, the row is rejected and processing
continues on to the next row.
When you load data into a table that has protected rows and the input data does
include a value for the column with a data type of DB2SECURITYLABEL, the
same rules are followed as when you insert data into that table. If the security
label protecting the row being loaded (the one in that row of the data file) is one
that you are able to write to, then that security label is used to protect the row. (In
other words, it is written to the column that has a data type of
DB2SECURITYLABEL.) If you are not able to write to a row protected by that
security label, what happens depends on how the security policy protecting the
source table was created:
v If the CREATE SECURITY POLICY statement that created the policy included
v If the CREATE SECURITY POLICY statement did not include the option or if it
security label in the data file for that row is ignored and the security label you
hold for write access is used to protect that row. No error or warning is issued
in this case. If you do not hold a security label for write access, the row is
rejected and processing continues on to the next row.
Delimiter considerations
When loading data into a column with a data type of
DB2SECURITYLABEL, the value in the data file is assumed by default to
be the actual bytes that make up the internal representation of that security
label. However, some raw data might contain newline characters which
could be misinterpreted by the LOAD command as delimiting the row. If
you have this problem, use the delprioritychar file type modifier to
ensure that the character delimiter takes precedence over the row delimiter.
When you use delprioritychar, any record or column delimiters that are
contained within character delimiters are not recognized as being
delimiters. Using the delprioritychar file type modifier is safe to do even
if none of the values contain a newline character, but it does slow the load
down slightly.
If the data being loaded is in ASC format, you might have to take an extra
step in order to prevent any trailing white space from being included in
the loaded security labels and security label names. ASCII format uses
column positions as delimiters, so this might occur when loading into
variable-length fields. Use the striptblanks file type modifier to truncate
any trailing blank spaces.
Nonstandard security label values
You can also load data files in which the values for the security labels are
strings containing the values of the components in the security label, for
example, S:(ALPHA,BETA). To do so you must use the file type modifier
106 Db2 11.1 for Linux, UNIX, and Windows: Data Movement Utilities Guide and Reference
seclabelchar. When you use seclabelchar, a value for a column with a
data type of DB2SECURITYLABEL is assumed to be a string constant
containing the security label in the string format for security labels. If a
string is not in the proper format, the row is not inserted and a warning
(SQLSTATE 01H53) is returned. If the string does not represent a valid
security label that is part of the security policy protecting the table, the row
is not inserted and a warning (SQLSTATE 01H53) is returned.
You can also load a data file in which the values of the security label
column are security label names. To load this sort of file you must use the
file type modifier seclabelname. When you use seclabelname, all values for
columns with a data type of DB2SECURITYLABEL are assumed to be
string constants containing the names of existing security labels. If no
security label exists with the indicated name for the security policy
protecting the table, the row is not loaded and a warning (SQLSTATE
01H53) is returned.
Rejected rows
Rows that are rejected during the load are sent to either a dumpfile or an
exception table (if they are specified in the LOAD command), depending on
the reason why the rows were rejected. Rows that are rejected due to
parsing errors are sent to the dumpfile. Rows that violate security policies
are sent to the exception table.
Note: You cannot specify an exception table if the target table contains an
XML column.
For all examples, the input data file myfile.del is in DEL format. All are loading
data into a table named REPS, which was created with this statement:
create table reps (row_label db2securitylabel,
id integer,
name char(30))
security policy data_access_policy
For this example, the input file is assumed to contain security labels in the default
db2 load from myfile.del of del modified by delprioritychar insert into reps
For this example, the input file is assumed to contain security labels in the security
label string format:
db2 load from myfile.del of del modified by seclabelchar insert into reps
For this example, the input file is assumed to contain security labels names for the
security label column:
db2 load from myfile.del of del modified by seclabelname insert into reps
If no identity-related file type modifiers are used, the utility works according to the
following rules:
v If the identity column is GENERATED ALWAYS, an identity value is generated
for a table row whenever the corresponding row in the input file is missing a
The load utility does not perform any extra validation of user-supplied identity
values beyond what is normally done for values of the identity column's data type
(that is, SMALLINT, INT, BIGINT, or DECIMAL). Duplicate values are not
In most cases the load utility cannot guarantee that identity column values are
assigned to rows in the same order that these rows appear in the data file. Because
the assignment of identity column values is managed in parallel by the load utility,
those values are assigned in arbitrary order. The exceptions to this are as follows:
v In single-partition databases, rows are not processed in parallel when
CPU_PARALLELISM is set to 1. In this case, identity column values are implicitly
assigned in the same order that rows appear in the data file parameter.
v In multi-partition databases, identity column values are assigned in the same
order that the rows appear in the data file if the identity column is in the
distribution key and if there is a single partitioning agent (that is, if you do not
specify multiple partitioning agents or the anyorder file type modifier).
When loading a table in a partitioned database where the table has an identity
column in the partitioning key and the identityoverride modifier is not specified,
the SAVECOUNT option cannot be specified. When there is an identity column in the
partitioning key and identity values are being generated, restarting a load from the
load phase on at least one database partition requires restarting the whole load
from the beginning of the load phase, which means that there can't be any
consistency points.
Note: A load RESTART operation is not permitted if all of the following criteria are
v The table being loaded is in a partitioned database environment, and it contains
at least one identity column that is either in the distribution key or is referenced
by a generated column that is part of the distribution key.
v The identityoverride modifier is not specified.
v The previous load operation that failed included loading database partitions that
failed after the load phase.
A load TERMINATE or REPLACE operation should be issued instead.
There are three mutually exclusive ways you can simplify the loading of data into
tables that contain an identity column: the identitymissing, the identityignore,
and the identityoverride file type modifiers.
The identitymissing modifier makes loading a table with an identity column more
convenient if the input data file does not contain any values (not even NULLS) for
the identity column. For example, consider a table defined with the following SQL
108 Db2 11.1 for Linux, UNIX, and Windows: Data Movement Utilities Guide and Reference
create table table1 (c1 varchar(30),
c2 int generated by default as identity,
c3 decimal(7,2),
c4 char(1))
If you want to load TABLE1 with data from a file (load.del) that has been
exported from a table that does not have an identity column, see the following
Robert, 45.2, J
Mike, 76.9, K
Leo, 23.4, I
One way to load this file would be to explicitly list the columns to be loaded
through the LOAD command as follows:
db2 load from load.del of del replace into table1 (c1, c3, c4)
For a table with many columns, however, this syntax might be cumbersome and
prone to error. An alternate method of loading the file is to use the
identitymissing file type modifier as follows:
db2 load from load.del of del modified by identitymissing
replace into table1
This command would result in the three columns in the data file being loaded into
c1, c3, and c4 of TABLE1. A value will be generated for each row in c2.
The identityignore modifier indicates to the load utility that even though the
input data file contains data for the identity column, the data should be ignored,
and an identity value should be generated for each row. For example, a user might
want to load TABLE1, as defined previously, from a data file (load.del) containing
the following data:
Robert, 1, 45.2, J
Mike, 2, 76.9, K
Leo, 3, 23.4, I
If the user-supplied values of 1, 2, and 3 are not used for the identity column, you
can issue the following LOAD command:
db2 load from load.del of del method P(1, 3, 4)
replace into table1 (c1, c3, c4)
Again, this approach might be cumbersome and prone to error if the table has
many columns. The identityignore modifier simplifies the syntax as follows:
db2 load from load.del of del modified by identityignore
replace into table1
If no generated column-related file type modifiers are used, the load utility works
according to the following rules:
v Values are created for generated columns when the corresponding row of the
data file is missing a value for the column or a NULL value is supplied. If a
non-NULL value is supplied for a generated column, the row is rejected
v If a NULL value is created for a generated column that is not nullable, the entire
row of data is rejected (SQL0407N). This could occur if, for example, a
non-nullable generated column is defined as the sum of two table columns that
include NULL values in the data file.
There are three mutually exclusive ways you can simplify the loading of data into
tables that contain a generated column: the generatedmissing, the
generatedignore, and the generatedoverride file type modifiers:
Loading data without generated columns
The generatedmissing modifier makes loading a table with generated
columns more convenient if the input data file does not contain any values
(not even NULLS) for all generated columns present in the table. For
example, consider a table defined with the following SQL statement:
CREATE TABLE table1 (c1 INT,
c2 INT,
c3 CHAR(1))
If you want to load TABLE1 with data from a file (load.del) that has been
exported from a table that does not have any generated columns, see the
following example:
1, 5, J
2, 6, K
3, 7, I
One way to load this file would be to explicitly list the columns to be
loaded through the LOAD command as follows:
DB2 LOAD FROM load.del of del REPLACE INTO table1 (c1, c2, c3)
This command will result in the three columns of data file being loaded
into c1, c2, and c3 of TABLE1. Due to the generatedmissing modifier,
values for columns g1 and g2 of TABLE1 will be generated automatically
and will not map to any of the data file columns.
Loading data with generated columns
110 Db2 11.1 for Linux, UNIX, and Windows: Data Movement Utilities Guide and Reference
The generatedignore modifier indicates to the load utility that even though
the input data file contains data for all generated columns present in the
target table, the data should be ignored, and the computed values should
be loaded into each generated column. For example, if you want to load
TABLE1, as defined previously, from a data file (load.del) containing the
following data:
1, 5, 10, 15, J
2, 6, 11, 16, K
3, 7, 12, 17, I
The user-supplied, non-NULL values of 10, 11, and 12 (for g1), and 15, 16,
and 17 (for g2) result in the row being rejected (SQL3550W) if no
generated-column related file type modifiers are used. To avoid this, the
user could issue the following LOAD command:
DB2 LOAD FROM load.del of del method P(1, 2, 5)
REPLACE INTO table1 (c1, c2, c3)
Again, this approach might be cumbersome and prone to error if the table
has many columns. The generatedignore modifier simplifies the syntax as
DB2 LOAD FROM load.del of del MODIFIED BY generatedignore
This command will result in the columns of data file being loaded into c1
(with the data 1, 2, 3), c2 (with the data 5,6,7), and c3 (with the data J, K, I)
of TABLE1. Due to the generatedignore modifier, values for columns g1
and g2 of TABLE1 will be generated automatically and the data file
columns (10, 11, 12 and 15, 16, 17) will be ignored.
Loading data with user-supplied values
The generatedoverride modifier is used for loading user-supplied values
into a table with generated columns. This can be useful when migrating
data from another database system, or when loading a table from data that
was recovered using the RECOVER DROPPED TABLE option of the ROLLFORWARD
DATABASE command. When this modifier is used, any rows with no data (or
NULL data) for non-nullable generated columns are rejected (SQL3116W).
When this modifier is used, the table is placed in the Set Integrity Pending
state after the load operation. To take the table out of Set Integrity Pending
state without verifying the user-supplied values, issue the following
To take the table out of the Set Integrity Pending state and force
verification of the user-supplied values, issue the following command:
If a generated column is in any of the partitioning, dimension, or
distribution keys, the generatedoverride modifier is ignored and the load
utility generates values as if the generatedignore modifier is specified. This
is done to avoid a scenario where a user-supplied generated column value
conflicts with its generated column definition, which would place the
resulting record in the wrong physical location, such as the wrong data
partition, MDC block, or database partition.
Additionally, you can load data from another database by referencing a nickname
within the SQL query, by using the DATABASE option within the DECLARE
CURSOR statement, or by using the sqlu_remotefetch_entry media entry when
using the API interface.
There are three approaches for moving data using the CURSOR file type. The first
approach uses the Command Line Processor (CLP), the second the API, and the
third uses the ADMIN_CMD procedure. The key differences between the CLP and
the ADMIN_CMD procedure are outlined in the following table.
Table 21. Differences between the CLP and ADMIN_CMD procedure.
Differences CLP ADMIN_CMD_procedure
Syntax The query statement as well The query statement as well
as the source database used as the source database used
by the cursor are defined by the cursor is defined
outside of the LOAD within the LOAD command
command using a DECLARE using the LOAD from
CURSOR statement. (DATABASE database-alias
User authorization for If the data is in a different If the data is in a different
accessing a different database database than the one you database than the one you
currently connect to, the are currently connected to,
DATABASE keyword must the DATABASE keyword
be used in the DECLARE must be used in the LOAD
CURSOR statement. You can command before the query
specify the user id and statement. The user id and
password in the same password explicitly specified
statement as well. If the user for the source database
id and password are not connection are required to
specified in the DECLARE access the target database.
CURSOR statement, the user You cannot specify a userid
id and password explicitly or password for the source
specified for the source database. Therefore, if no
database connection are used userid and password were
to access the target database. specified when the
connection to the target
database was made, or the
userid and password
specified cannot be used to
authenticate against the
source database, the
ADMIN_CMD procedure
cannot be used to perform
the load.
112 Db2 11.1 for Linux, UNIX, and Windows: Data Movement Utilities Guide and Reference
To execute a LOAD FROM CURSOR operation from the CLP, a cursor must first be
declared against an SQL query. Once this is declared, you can issue the LOAD
command using the declared cursor's name as the cursorname and CURSOR as the
file type.
For example:
1. Suppose a source and target table both reside in the same database with the
following definitions:
Table ABC.TABLE1 has 3 columns:
v TWO CHAR(10)
Table ABC.TABLE2 has 3 columns:
Executing the following CLP commands will load all the data from
LOAD FROM mycurs OF cursor INSERT INTO abc.table2
Note: The preceding example shows how to load from an SQL query through
the CLP. However, loading from an SQL query can also be accomplished
through the db2Load API. Define the piSourceList of the sqlu_media_list
structure to use the sqlu_statement_entry structure and SQLU_SQL_STMT media
type and define the piFileType value as SQL_CURSOR.
2. Suppose the source and target tables reside in different databases with the
following definitions:
Provided that you have enabled federation and cataloged the data source
('dsdbsource'), you can declare a nickname against the source database, then
declare a cursor against this nickname, and invoke the LOAD command with the
FROM CURSOR option, as demonstrated in the following example:
CREATE NICKNAME myschema1.table1 FOR
LOAD FROM mycurs OF cursor INSERT INTO abc.table2
Or, you can use the DATABASE option of the DECLARE CURSOR statement, as
demonstrated in the following example:
Using the DATABASE option of the DECLARE CURSOR statement (also known as
the remotefetch media type when using the Load API) has some benefits over the
nickname approach:
Fetching of data using the remotefetch media type is tightly integrated
within a load operation. There are fewer layers of transition to fetch a
record compared to the nickname approach. Additionally, when source and
target tables are distributed identically in a multi-partition database, the
load utility can parallelize the fetching of data, which can further improve
Ease of use
There is no need to enable federation, define a remote datasource, or
declare a nickname. Specifying the DATABASE option (and the USER and
USING options if necessary) is all that is required.
While this method can be used with cataloged databases, the use of nicknames
provides a robust facility for fetching from various data sources which cannot
simply be cataloged.
1. The previous example shows how to load from an SQL query against a
cataloged database through the CLP using the DATABASE option of the
DECLARE CURSOR statement. However, loading from an SQL query against a
cataloged database can also be done through the db2Load API, by defining the
piSourceList and piFileTypevalues of the db2LoadStruct structure to use the
sqlu_remotefetch_entry media entry and SQLU_REMOTEFETCH media type
2. As demonstrated in the previous example, the source column types of the SQL
query do not need to be identical to their target column types, although they
do have to be compatible.
When loading from a cursor defined using the DATABASE option (or equivalently
when using the sqlu_remotefetch_entry media entry with the db2Load API), the
following restrictions apply:
1. The SOURCEUSEREXIT option cannot be specified concurrently.
2. The METHOD N option is not supported.
3. The usedefaults file type modifier is not supported.
114 Db2 11.1 for Linux, UNIX, and Windows: Data Movement Utilities Guide and Reference
Propagating dependent immediate staging tables
If the table being loaded is an underlying table of a staging table with the
immediate propagate attribute, and if the load operation is done in insert mode,
the subsequent propagation into the dependent immediate staging tables is
If a table is in incomplete state and the INCREMENTAL option has been specified, but
incremental propagation of the table is not possible, an error is returned. If any of
the following have taken place, the system turns off immediate data propagation
and sets the table state to incomplete:
v A load replace operation has taken place on an underlying table of the staging
table, or the NOT LOGGED INITIALLY WITH EMPTY TABLE option has been
activated after the last integrity check on the underlying table.
v The dependent materialized query table of the staging table, or the staging table
has been loaded in REPLACE or INSERT mode.
v An underlying table has been taken out of Set Integrity Pending state before the
staging table has been propagated by using the FULL ACCESS option during
integrity checking.
v An underlying table of the staging table has been checked for integrity
v The table space containing the staging table or its underlying table has been
rolled forward to a point in time, and the staging table and its underlying table
reside in different table spaces.
The following example illustrates a load insert operation into the underlying table
UT1 of staging table G1 and its dependent deferred materialized query table AST1.
In this scenario, both the integrity checking for UT1 and the refreshing of AST1 are
processed incrementally:
If the materialized query table has one or more W values in the CONST_CHECKED
column of the SYSCAT.TABLES catalog, and if the NOT INCREMENTAL option is not
specified in the SET INTEGRITY statement, the table is incrementally refreshed and
the CONST_CHECKED column of SYSCAT.TABLES is marked U to indicate that
not all data has been verified by the system.
The following example illustrates a load insert operation into the underlying table
UTI of the materialized query table AST1. UT1 is checked for data integrity and is
placed in the no data movement mode. UT1 is put back into full access state once
the incremental refresh of AST1 is complete. In this scenario, both the integrity
checking for UT1 and the refreshing of AST1 are processed incrementally.
116 Db2 11.1 for Linux, UNIX, and Windows: Data Movement Utilities Guide and Reference
When using the LOAD command with an MDC or ITC table, violations of unique
constraints are be handled as follows:
v If the table included a unique key before the load operation and duplicate
records are loaded into the table, the original record remains and the new
records are deleted during the delete phase.
v If the table did not include a unique key before the load operation and both a
unique key and duplicate records are loaded into the table, only one of the
records with the unique key is loaded and the others are deleted during the
delete phase.
Note: There is no explicit technique for determining which record is loaded and
which is deleted.
Performance Considerations
To improve the performance of the load utility when loading MDC tables with
more than one dimension, the util_heap_sz database configuration parameter value
should be increased. The mdc-load algorithm performs significantly better when
more memory is available to the utility. This reduces disk I/O during the
clustering of data that is performed during the load phase. Beginning in version
9.5, the value of the DATA BUFFER option of the LOAD command can temporarily
exceed util_heap_sz if more memory is available in the system. .
MDC or ITC load operations always have a build phase since all MDC and ITC
tables have block indexes.
During the load phase, extra logging for the maintenance of the block map is
performed. There are approximately two extra log records per extent allocated. To
ensure good performance, the logbufsz database configuration parameter should be
set to a value that takes this into account.
A system temporary table with an index is used to load data into MDC and ITC
tables. The size of the table is proportional to the number of distinct cells loaded.
The size of each row in the table is proportional to the size of the MDC dimension
key. ITC tables only have one cell and use a 2-byte dimension key. To minimize
disk I/O caused by the manipulation of this table during a load operation, ensure
that the buffer pool for the temporary table space is large enough.
The purpose of the user exit is to populate one or more named pipes with data
that is simultaneously read from by the load utility. In a multi-partition database,
multiple instances of the user exit can be invoked concurrently to achieve
parallelism of the input data.
As Figure 5 on page 118 shows, the load utility creates a one or more named pipes
and spawns a process to execute your customized executable. Your user exit feeds
data into the named pipe(s) while the load utility simultaneously reads.
The data fed into the pipe must reflect the load options specified, including the file
type and any file type modifiers. The load utility does not directly read the data
files specified. Instead, the data files specified are passed as arguments to your
user exit when it is executed.
The user exit must reside in the bin subdirectory of the Db2 installation directory
(often known as sqllib). The load utility invokes the user exit executable with the
following command line arguments:
<base pipename> <number of source media>
<source media 1> <source media 2> ... <user exit ID>
<number of user exits> <database partition number>
<base pipename >
Is the base name for named-pipes that the load utility creates and reads
data from. The utility creates one pipe for every source file provided to the
LOAD command, and each of these pipes is appended with .xxx, where
xxx is the index of the source file provided. For example, if there are 2
source files provided to the LOAD command, and the <base pipename>
argument passed to the user exit is pipe123, then the two named pipes that
your user exit should feed with data are pipe123.000 and pipe123.001. In
a partitioned database environment, the load utility appends the database
partition (DBPARTITION) number .yyy to the base pipe name, resulting in
the pipe name
118 Db2 11.1 for Linux, UNIX, and Windows: Data Movement Utilities Guide and Reference
<number of source media>
Is the number of media arguments which follow.
<source media 1> <source media 2> ...
Is the list of one or more source files specified in the LOAD command.
Each source file is placed inside double quotation marks.
<user exit ID>
Is a special value useful when the PARALLELIZE option is enabled. This
integer value (from 1 to N, where N is the total number of user exits being
spawned) identifies a particular instance of a running user exit. When the
PARALLELIZE option is not enabled, this value defaults to 1.
<number of user exits>
Is a special value useful when the PARALLELIZE option is enabled. This
value represents the total number of concurrently running user exits. When
the PARALLELIZE option is not enabled, this value defaults to 1.
<database partition number>
Is a special value useful when the PARALLELIZE option is enabled. This is
the database partition (DBPARTITION) number on which the user exit is
executing. When the PARALLELIZE option is not enabled, this value defaults
to 0.
A user could pass this information using the INPUT FROM BUFFER option as
shown in the following LOAD command:
Note: The load utility limits the size of <buffer> to the maximum size of a
LOB value. However, from within the command line processor (CLP), the
size of <buffer> is restricted to the maximum size of a CLP statement.
From within CLP, it is also recommended that <buffer> contain only
traditional ASCII characters. These issues can be avoided if the load utility
is invoked using the db2Load API, or if the INPUT FROM FILE option is
used instead.
The <user exit ID>, <number of user exits>, and <database partition number>
arguments passed into each user exit reflect the unique identifier (1 to N), the total
number of user exits (N), and the database partition (DBPARTITION) number on
which the user exit instance is running, respectively. You should ensure that any
data written to the named pipe by each user exit process is not duplicated by the
other concurrent processes. While there are many ways your user exit application
might accomplish this, these values could be helpful to ensure data is not
duplicated. For example, if each record of data contains a unique integer column
value, your user exit application could use the <user exit ID> and <number of user
exits> values to ensure that each user exit instance returns a unique result set into
its named pipe. Your user exit application might use the MODULUS property in
the following way:
i = <user exit ID>
N = <number of user exits>
foreach record
if ((unique-integer MOD N) == i)
write this record to my named-pipe
The number of user exit processes spawned depends on the distribution mode
specified for database partitioning:
1. As Figure 6 on page 121 shows, one user exit process is spawned for every
pre-partitioning agent when PARTITION_AND_LOAD (default) or PARTITION_ONLY
without PARALLEL is specified. .
120 Db2 11.1 for Linux, UNIX, and Windows: Data Movement Utilities Guide and Reference
(artname: 00023507.gif)
Figure 6. The various tasks performed when PARTITION_AND_LOAD (default) or PARTITION_ONLY without PARALLEL is
2. As Figure 7 on page 122 shows, one user exit process is spawned for every
partitioning agent when PARTITION_AND_LOAD (default) or PARTITION_ONLY with
PARALLEL is specified.
3. As Figure 8 on page 123 shows, one user exit process is spawned for every load
agent when LOAD_ONLY or LOAD_ONLY_VERIFY_PART is specified.
122 Db2 11.1 for Linux, UNIX, and Windows: Data Movement Utilities Guide and Reference
(artname: 00023508.gif)
Figure 8. The various tasks performed when LOAD_ONLY or LOAD_ONLY_VERIFY_PART is specified.
v The LOAD_ONLY and LOAD_ONLY_VERIFY_PART partitioned-db-cfg mode options are
not supported when the SOURCEUSEREXIT PARALLELIZE option is not specified.
Example 1: A Load userexit script that replaces all tab characters '\t' with comma
characters ',' from every record of the source media file. To invoke the Load utility
using this userexit script, use a command similar to the following:
DB2 LOAD FROM /path/file1 OF DEL INSERT INTO schema1.table1
Note that the userexit must be placed into the sqllib/bin/ folder, and requires
execute permissions.
# Filename:
# This script is a simple example of a userexit for the Load utility
# SOURCEUSEREXIT feature. This script will replace all tab characters ’\t’
# with comma characters ’,’ from every record of the source media file.
# Open the output fifo file (the Load utility is reading from this pipe)
$basePipeName = $ARGV[0];
$outputPipeName = sprintf("%s.000", $basePipeName);
open(PIPETOLOAD, ’>’, $outputPipeName) || die "Could not open $outputPipeName";
# Open each media file, read the contents, replace ’\t’ with ’,’, send to Load
for ($i=0; $i<$NumMediaFiles; $i++)
# Open the media file
$mediaFileName = $ARGV[2+$i];
open(MEDIAFILETOREAD, ’<’, $mediaFileName) || die "Could not open $mediaFileName";
exit 0;
124 Db2 11.1 for Linux, UNIX, and Windows: Data Movement Utilities Guide and Reference
Monitoring a load operation using the LIST UTILITIES
You can use the LIST UTILITIES command to monitor the progress of load
operations on a database.
Phase Number = 3
Description = BUILD
Total Work = 2 indexes
Completed Work = 0 indexes
Start Time = Not Started
There are several ways in which parallel processing of large amounts of data can
take place using the load utility. One way is through the use of multiple storage
devices, which allows for I/O parallelism during the load operation (see Figure 9
on page 126). Another way involves the use of multiple processors in an SMP
environment, which allows for intra-partition parallelism (see Figure 10 on page
126). Both can be used together to provide even faster loading of data.
(artname: 00002434.gif)
Figure 9. Taking Advantage of I/O Parallelism When Loading Data
(artname: 00002432.gif)
Figure 10. Taking Advantage of Intra-partition Parallelism When Loading Data
126 Db2 11.1 for Linux, UNIX, and Windows: Data Movement Utilities Guide and Reference
Load operations that specify the ALLOW READ ACCESS option require special
consideration in terms of space usage and logging depending on the type of
indexing mode chosen. When the ALLOW READ ACCESS option is specified, the load
utility keeps indexes available for queries even while they are being rebuilt.
When a load operation in ALLOW READ ACCESS mode specifies the INDEXING MODE
INCREMENTAL option, the load utility writes some log records that protect the
integrity of the index tree. The number of log records written is a fraction of the
number of inserted keys and is a number considerably less than would be needed
by a similar SQL insert operation. A load operation in ALLOW NO ACCESS mode with
the INDEXING MODE INCREMENTAL option specified writes only a small log record
beyond the normal space allocation logs.
Note: This is only true if you did not specify COPY YES and have the
logindexbuild configuration parameter set to ON.
When a load operation in ALLOW READ ACCESS mode specifies the INDEXING MODE
REBUILD option, new indexes are built as a shadow either in the same table space as
the original index or in a system temporary table space. The original indexes
remain intact and are available during the load operation and are only replaced by
the new indexes at the end of the load operation while the table is exclusively
locked. If the load operation fails and the transaction is rolled back, the original
indexes remain intact.
By default, the shadow index is built in the same table space as the original index.
Since both the original index and the new index are maintained simultaneously,
there must be sufficient table space to hold both indexes at the same time. If the
load operation is aborted, the extra space used to build the new index is released.
If the load operation commits, the space used for the original index is released and
the new index becomes the current index. When the new indexes are built in the
same table space as the original indexes, replacing the original indexes takes place
almost instantaneously.
If the indexes are built within an SMS table space, you can see index files in the
table space directory with the .IN1 suffix and the .INX suffix. These suffixes do not
indicate which is the original index and which is the shadow index. However, if
the indexes are built in a DMS table space, you cannot see the new shadow index.
Note: If either the system temporary table space or the index table space
are DMS table spaces, the read from the system temporary table space can
cause random I/O on the system temporary table space and can cause a
delay. The write to the index table space is still optimized and the
DISK_PARALLELISM values are used.
Considerations for large indexes
In order to improve performance when building large indexes during a
load, it can be useful to tune the sortheap database configuration
parameter. sortheap allocates the amount of memory dedicated to the
sorting of index keys during a load operation. For example, to direct the
load utility to use 4000 pages of main memory per index for key sorting,
set sortheap to 4000 pages, disconnect all applications from the database,
and then issue the LOAD command.
If an index is so large that it cannot be sorted in memory, a sort spill, or an
overflow, occurs. That is, the data is divided among several "sort runs" and
stored in a temporary table space that is merged later. Use the
sort_overflows monitor element to determine whether a sort spill
occurred. If there is no way to avoid a sort spill by increasing the size of
the sortheap parameter, ensure that the buffer pool for temporary table
spaces be large enough to minimize the amount of disk I/O that spilling
causes. Furthermore, to achieve I/O parallelism during the merging of sort
runs, it is recommended that temporary table spaces be declared with
multiple containers, each residing on a different disk device. If there is
more than one index defined on a table, memory consumption increases
proportionally because the load operation keeps all keys in memory.
Deferring index creation
Generally speaking, it is more efficient to allow indexes to be created
during the load operation by specifying either REBUILD or INCREMENTAL
mode than it is to have index creation deferred. As Figure 11 on page 129
indicates, tables are normally built in three steps: data loading, index
building, and statistics collection. This causes multiple data I/O during the
load operation, index creation (there can be several indexes for each table),
128 Db2 11.1 for Linux, UNIX, and Windows: Data Movement Utilities Guide and Reference
and statistics collection (which causes I/O on the table data and on all of
the indexes). A much faster alternative is to let the load utility complete all
of these tasks in one pass through the data. It should be noted, however,
that unique indexes reduce load performance if duplicates are encountered.
(artname: 00002439.gif)
Figure 11. Increasing load performance through concurrent indexing and statistics collection. Tables are normally built
in three steps: data loading, index building, and statistics collection. This causes multiple data I/O during the load
operation, during index creation (there can be several indexes for each table), and during statistics collection (which
causes I/O on the table data and on all of the indexes). A much faster alternative is to let the load utility complete all of
these tasks in one pass through the data.
Page-level dictionaries are created and updated automatically during either LOAD
options of the LOAD command have no effect on page-level dictionaries.
Table-level dictionaries are created automatically for both LOAD INSERT and
LOAD REPLACE operations if no dictionary exists; however, if a table-level
dictionary does exist, by default, the dictionary is not updated. More specifically,
Data movement utilities and reference 129
LOAD REPLACE operations assume the KEEPDICTIONARY option by default. You can
specify the RESETDICTIONARY option to remove the existing table-level dictionary
and create a new one.
LOAD INSERT always follows the behavior implied by the KEEPDICTIONARY option.
When building table-level dictionaries for non-XML data, the load utility uses the
data that exists in the target table to build the dictionaries, under the assumption
that this preexisting data is representative of the type of data that will be stored in
that table. In cases where there is insufficient preexisting data in the target table,
the load utility builds the dictionaries once it has sampled enough input data. In
this situation, the load utility uses only the input data to build the dictionary.
For XML data, the load utility samples incoming data only.
When dictionaries are created for range-partitioned tables, each partition is treated
like an individual table. There will not be any cross-partition dictionaries and
dictionary creation does not occur on partitions already containing dictionaries. For
table data, the dictionary generated for each partition is based on the preexisting
table data (and, if necessary, the loaded data) in that partition only. In Version 9.7
Fix Pack 1 and later, if the preexisting data in a partition is less than the minimum
threshold, the dictionary is generated based only on the loaded data. For XML
data, the dictionary generated for each partition is based the data being loaded
into that partition.
A LOAD REPLACE that uses the KEEPDICTIONARY option keeps the existing
dictionaries and uses them to compress the loaded data, as long as the
target table has the COMPRESS attribute enabled. If dictionaries do not
exist, the load utility generates new ones (provided the data that is being
loaded into the table surpasses a predetermined threshold for table rows or
XML documents stored in the default XML storage object) for tables with
the COMPRESS attribute enabled. Since the data in the target table is
replaced, the load utility uses only the input data to build the dictionaries.
After a dictionary has been created, it is inserted into the table and the
load operation continues.
There are two key implications of using the RESETDICTIONARY option when
loading into a table with the COMPRESS attribute on. First, dictionary
creation occurs as long as any amount of data will exist in the target table
once the LOAD REPLACE has completed. In other words, the new
compression dictionaries can be based on a single row of data or a single
XML document. The other implication is that the existing dictionaries are
deleted but are not replaced (the target table will no longer have
compression dictionaries) if any of the following situations are true:
v The operation is performed on a table with the COMPRESS attribute off
v Nothing was loaded (zero rows), in which case ADM5591W is printed to
the notification log
Note: If you issue a LOAD TERMINATE operation after a LOAD REPLACE with
the RESETDICTIONARY option, any existing compression dictionaries will be
deleted and not replaced.
130 Db2 11.1 for Linux, UNIX, and Windows: Data Movement Utilities Guide and Reference
Performance impact
While some operations related to the building of dictionaries can affect the CPU
utilization by the LOAD command, load operations are generally I/O bound. That is,
much of the time spent waiting for the load to complete is taken up waiting for
data to be written to disk. The increased load on the CPU caused by dictionary
creation generally does not increase the elapsed time required to perform the load;
indeed, because data is written in compressed format, I/O times can actually
decrease as compared to loading data into uncompressed tables.
Command parameters
The load utility attempts to deliver the best performance possible by determining
optimal values for DISK_PARALLELISM, CPU_PARALLELISM, and DATA BUFFER, if these
parameters have not be specified by the user. Optimization is done based on the
size and the free space available in the utility heap. Consider using the autonomic
DISK_PARALLELISM and CPU_PARALLELISM settings before attempting to tune these
parameters for your particular needs.
Important: Starting with Version 10.1 Fix Pack 1, the ALLOW READ
ACCESS parameter is deprecated and might be removed in a future
release. For more details, see “ALLOW READ ACCESS parameter in the
LOAD command is deprecated” at .
Use this parameter to specify whether a copy of the input data is to be
made during a load operation. COPY YES, which is only applicable when
forward recovery is enabled, reduces load performance because all of the
loading data is copied during the load operation. The increased I/O
activity might increase the load time on an I/O-bound system. Specifying
multiple devices or directories (on different disks) can offset some of the
performance penalty resulting from this operation. COPY NO, which is only
Data movement utilities and reference 131
applicable when forward recovery is enabled, does not affect load
performance. However, all table spaces related to the loaded table will be
placed in a Backup Pending state, and those table spaces must be backed
up before the table can be accessed.
Use this parameter to exploit the number of processes running per
database partition (if this is part of your machine's capability), and
significantly improve load performance. The parameter specifies the
number of processes or threads used by the load utility to parse, convert,
and format data records. The maximum number allowed is 30. If there is
insufficient memory to support the specified value, the utility adjusts the
value. If this parameter is not specified, the load utility selects a default
value that is based on the number of CPUs on the system.
Record order in the source data is preserved (see Figure 12) regardless of
the value of this parameter, provided that:
v the anyorder file type modifier is not specified
v the PARTITIONING_DBPARTNUMS option (and more than one
partition is to be used for partitioning) is not specified
If tables include either LOB or LONG VARCHAR data, CPU_PARALLELISM is
set to 1. Parallelism is not supported in this case.
Although use of this parameter is not restricted to symmetric
multiprocessor (SMP) hardware, you might not obtain any discernible
performance benefit from using it in non-SMP environments.
(artname: 00002433.gif)
Figure 12. Record Order in the Source Data is Preserved When the Number of Processes Running Per Database
Partition is Exploited During a Load Operation
The DATA BUFFER parameter specifies the total amount of memory, in 4 KB
units, allocated to the load utility as a buffer. It is recommended that this
buffer be several extents in size. The data buffer is allocated from the utility
heap; however, the data buffer can exceed the setting for the util_heap_sz
database configuration parameter as long as there is available memory in
the system.
The DISK_PARALLELISM parameter specifies the number of processes or
threads used by the load utility to write data records to disk. Use this
parameter to exploit available containers when loading data, and
significantly improve load performance. The maximum number allowed is
the greater of four times the CPU_PARALLELISM value (actually used by the
load utility), or 50. By default, DISK_PARALLELISM is equal to the sum of the
table space containers on all table spaces containing objects for the table
being loaded, except where this value exceeds the maximum number
If forward recovery is enabled, use this parameter if you do not need to be
able to recover load transactions against a table upon rollforward. A
132 Db2 11.1 for Linux, UNIX, and Windows: Data Movement Utilities Guide and Reference
NONRECOVERABLE load and a COPY NO load have identical performance.
However, there is a significant difference in terms of potential data loss. A
NONRECOVERABLE load marks a table as not rollforward recoverable while
leaving the table fully accessible. This can create a problematic situation in
which if you need to rollforward through the load operation, then the
loaded data as well as all subsequent updates to the table will be lost. A
COPY NO load places all dependent table spaces in the Backup Pending state
which renders the table inaccessible until a backup is performed. Because
you are forced to take a backup after that type of load, you will not risk
losing the loaded data or subsequent updates to the table. That is to say, a
COPY NO load is totally recoverable.
v When the binarynumerics, packeddecimal, or zoneddecimal file type
modifiers are specified, numeric data is interpreted in big-endian (high
byte first) format, regardless of platform.
v The packeddecimal and zoneddecimal file type modifiers are mutually
v The packeddecimal and zoneddecimal file type modifiers only apply to
the decimal target columns, and the binary data must match the target
column definitions.
v The reclen file type modifier must be specified when the
binarynumerics, packeddecimal, or zoneddecimal file type modifiers are
134 Db2 11.1 for Linux, UNIX, and Windows: Data Movement Utilities Guide and Reference
Use with caution. In situations where the data being loaded is known to be
valid, it can be unnecessary to have load perform the same amount of
syntax checking as with more suspect data. In fact, decreasing the scope of
this step can improve load's performance by about 10 or 20 percent. This
can be done by using the fastparse file type modifier, which reduces the
data checking that is performed on user-supplied column values from ASC
and DEL files.
During a load operation, warning messages about rejected rows are written
to a specified file. However, if the load utility has to process a large
volume of rejected, invalid or truncated records, it can adversely affect
load's performance. In cases where many warnings are anticipated, it is
useful to use the norowwarnings file type modifier to suppress the
recording of these warnings.
As data is inserted and updated in tables over time, the need for table and
index reorganization grows. One solution is to increase the amount of free
space for tables and indexes using pagefreespace, indexfreespace, and
totalfreespace. The first two modifiers, which take precedence over the
PCTFREE value, specify the percentage of data and index pages that is to
be left as free space, while totalfreespace specifies the percentage of the
total number of pages that is to be appended to the table as free space.
If the loaded table has constraints as well as descendent foreign key tables,
dependent materialized query tables and dependent staging tables, and if all of the
tables are in normal state before the load operation, the following will result based
on the load parameters specified:
The loaded table, its dependent materialized query tables and dependent
staging tables are placed in set integrity pending state with read access.
Only the loaded table is placed in set integrity pending with read access.
Descendent foreign key tables, descendent materialized query tables and
descendent staging tables remain in their original states.
The loaded table, its dependent materialized query tables and dependent
staging tables are placed in set integrity pending state with no access.
Only the loaded table is placed in set integrity pending state with no
access. Descendent foreign key tables, descendent immediate materialized
query tables and descendent immediate staging tables remain in their
original states.
The table and all its descendent foreign key tables, descendent immediate
materialized query tables, and descendent immediate staging tables are
placed in set integrity pending state with no access.
Note: Specifying the ALLOW READ ACCESS option in a load replace operation
results in an error.
To remove the set integrity pending state, use the SET INTEGRITY statement. The
SET INTEGRITY statement checks a table for constraints violations, and takes the
table out of set integrity pending state. If all the load operations are performed in
INSERT mode, the SET INTEGRITY statement can be used to incrementally process
the constraints (that is, it checks only the appended portion of the table for
constraints violations). For example:
db2 load from infile1.ixf of ixf insert into table1
db2 set integrity for table1 immediate checked
In IBM Data Studio Version 3.1 or later, you can use the task assistant for setting
integrity. Task assistants can guide you through the process of setting options,
136 Db2 11.1 for Linux, UNIX, and Windows: Data Movement Utilities Guide and Reference
reviewing the automatically generated commands to perform the task, and running
these commands. For more details, see Administering databases with task
You can override the No Data Movement state by specifying the FULL ACCESS
option when you issue the SET INTEGRITY statement. The table is fully accessible,
however a full re-computation of the dependent materialized query tables takes
place in subsequent REFRESH TABLE statements and the dependent staging tables
are forced into an incomplete state.
If the ALLOW READ ACCESS option is specified for a load operation, the table
remains in read access state until the SET INTEGRITY statement is used to check
for constraints violations. Applications can query the table for data that existed
before the load operation once it has been committed, but will not be able to view
the newly loaded data until the SET INTEGRITY statement is issued.
Several load operations can take place on a table before checking for constraints
violations. If all of the load operations are completed in ALLOW READ ACCESS
mode, only the data that existed in the table before the first load operation is
available for queries.
When issuing the SET INTEGRITY statement, you can specify the INCREMENTAL
option to explicitly request incremental processing. In most cases, this option is not
needed, because the Db2 database selects incremental processing. If incremental
processing is not possible, full processing is used automatically. When the
INCREMENTAL option is specified, but incremental processing is not possible, an
error is returned if:
v New constraints are added to the table while it is in set integrity pending state.
v A load replace operation takes place, or the NOT LOGGED INITIALLY WITH
EMPTY TABLE option is activated, after the last integrity check on the table.
v A parent table is load replaced or checked for integrity non-incrementally.
The SET INTEGRITY statement does not activate any DELETE triggers as a result
of deleting rows that violate constraints, but once the table is removed from set
integrity pending state, triggers are active. Thus, if you correct data and insert
rows from the exception table into the loaded table, any INSERT triggers defined
on the table are activated. The implications of this should be considered. One
option is to drop the INSERT trigger, insert rows from the exception table, and
then re-create the INSERT trigger.
A load operation in ALLOW NO ACCESS mode uses a super exclusive lock (Z-lock) on
the table for the duration of the load.
Before a load operation in ALLOW READ ACCESS mode begins, the load utility waits
for all applications that began before the load operation to release their locks on
the target table. At the beginning of the load operation, the load utility acquires an
update lock (U-lock) on the table. It holds this lock until the data is being
committed. When the load utility acquires the U-lock on the table, it waits for all
applications that hold locks on the table before the start of the load operation to
release them, even if they have compatible locks. This is achieved by temporarily
upgrading the U-lock to a Z-lock which does not conflict with new table lock
requests on the target table as long as the requested locks are compatible with the
load operation's U-lock. When data is being committed, the load utility upgrades
the lock to a Z-lock, so there can be some delay in commit time while the load
utility waits for applications with conflicting locks to finish.
Note: The load operation can time out while it waits for the applications to release
their locks on the table before loading. However, the load operation does not time
out while waiting for the Z-lock needed to commit the data.
Applications holding conflicting locks on the system catalog tables are not forced
off by the load utility. If an application is forced off the system by the load utility,
the application loses its database connection, and an error is returned (SQL1224N).
138 Db2 11.1 for Linux, UNIX, and Windows: Data Movement Utilities Guide and Reference
When you specify the COPY NO option for a load operation on a recoverable
database, all objects in the target table space are locked in share mode before the
table space is placed in the Backup Pending state. This occurs regardless of the
access mode. If you specify the LOCK WITH FORCE option, all applications holding
locks on objects in the table space that conflict with a share lock are forced off.
The ALLOW NO ACCESS option is the default behavior. The ALLOW READ ACCESS option
prevents all write access to the table by other applications, but allows read access
to preexisting data. This section deals with the ALLOW READ ACCESS option.
Important: Starting with Version 10.1 Fix Pack 1, the ALLOW READ ACCESS
parameter is deprecated and might be removed in a future release. For more
details, see “ALLOW READ ACCESS parameter in the LOAD command is
deprecated” at .
Table data and index data that exist before the start of a load operation are visible
to queries while the load operation is in progress. Consider the following example:
1. Create a table with one integer column:
create table ED (ed int)
2. Load three rows:
load from File1 of del insert into ED
Number of rows read = 3
Number of rows skipped = 0
Number of rows loaded = 3
Number of rows rejected = 0
Number of rows deleted = 0
Number of rows committed = 3
3. Query the table:
select * from ED
3 record(s) selected.
4. Perform a load operation with the ALLOW READ ACCESS option specified and load
two more rows of data:
load from File2 of del insert into ED allow read access
5. At the same time, on another connection query the table while the load
operation is in progress:
select * from ED
3 record(s) selected.
5 record(s) selected.
The ALLOW READ ACCESS option is very useful when loading large amounts of data
because it gives users access to table data at all times, even when the load
operation is in progress or after a load operation has failed. The behavior of a load
operation in ALLOW READ ACCESS mode is independent of the isolation level of the
application. That is, readers with any isolation level can always read the
preexisting data, but they are not be able to read the newly loaded data until the
load operation has finished.
Read access is provided throughout the load operation except for two instances: at
the beginning and at the end of the operation.
Firstly, the load operation acquires a special Z-lock for a short duration of time
near the end of its setup phase. If an application holds an incompatible lock on the
table before the load operation requesting this special Z-lock, then the load
operation waits a finite amount of time for this incompatible lock to be released
before timing out and failing. The amount of time is determined by the locktimeout
database configuration parameter. If the LOCK WITH FORCE option is specified then
the load operation forces other applications off to avoid timing out. The load
operation acquires the special Z-lock, commits the phase, releases the lock, and
then continues onto the load phase. Any application that requests a lock on the
table for reading after the start of the load operation in ALLOW READ ACCESS mode is
granted the lock, and it does not conflict with this special Z-lock. New applications
attempting to read existing data from the target table are able to do so.
Secondly, before data is committed at the end of the load operation, the load utility
acquires an exclusive lock (Z-lock) on the table. The load utility waits until all
applications that hold locks on the table release them. This can cause a delay
before the data is committed. The LOCK WITH FORCE option is used to force off
conflicting applications, and allow the load operation to proceed without having to
wait. Usually, a load operation in ALLOW READ ACCESS mode acquires an exclusive
lock for a short amount of time; however, if the USE <tablespace-name> option is
specified, the exclusive lock lasts for the entire period of the index copy phase.
When the load utility is running against a table defined on multiple database
partitions, the load process model executes on each individual database partition,
meaning that locks are acquired and released independently of other db-partitions.
Thus, if a query or other operation is executed concurrently and is competing for
the same locks, there is a chance for deadlocks. For example, suppose that
operation A is granted a table lock on db-partition 0 and the load operation is
granted a table lock on db-partition 1. A deadlock can occur because operation A is
waiting to be granted a table lock on db-partition 1, while the load operation is
waiting for a table lock on db-partition 0. In this case, the deadlock detector will
arbitrarily roll back one of the operations.
140 Db2 11.1 for Linux, UNIX, and Windows: Data Movement Utilities Guide and Reference
1. If a load operation is interrupted or fails, it remains at the same access level
that was specified when the load operation was issued. That is, if a load
operation in ALLOW NO ACCESS mode fails, the table data is inaccessible until a
load terminate or a load restart is issued. If a load operation in ALLOW READ
ACCESS mode aborts, the preexisting table data is still accessible for read access.
2. If the ALLOW READ ACCESS option was specified for an interrupted or failed load
operation, it can also be specified for the load restart or load terminate
operation. However, if the interrupted or failed load operation specified the
ALLOW NO ACCESS option, the ALLOW READ ACCESS option cannot be specified for
the load restart or load terminate operation.
Generally, if table data is taken offline, read access is not available during a load
operation until the table data is back online.
The load utility does not quiesce (put persistent locks on) the table spaces involved
in the load operation and uses table space states only for load operations for which
you specify the COPY NO parameter.
You can check table space states by using the LIST TABLESPACES command. Table
spaces can be in multiple states simultaneously. The states returned by LIST
TABLESPACES are as follows:
The Normal state is the initial state of a table space after it is created,
indicating that no (abnormal) states currently affect it.
Load in Progress
The Load in Progress state indicates that there is a load in progress on the
table space. This state prevents the backup of dependent tables during the
load. The table space state is distinct from the Load in Progress table state
(which is used in all load operations) because the load utility places table
Note: Db2 LOAD does not set the table space state to Load Pending or Delete
and you open another session and issue the following commands,
connect to sample;
list tablespaces;
connect reset;
USERSPACE1 (the default table space for the sample database) is in the Load in
Progress state and, after the first commit, the Backup Pending state as well. After
the load operation finishes, the LIST TABLESPACES command reveals that
USERSPACE1 is now in the Backup Pending state:
Tablespace ID = 2
Type = Database managed space
Contents = All permanent data. Large table space.
State = 0x0020
Detailed explanation:
Backup pending
To determine the state of a table, issue the LOAD QUERY command, which also
checks the status of a load operation. Tables can be in a number of states
simultaneously. The states returned by LOAD QUERY are as follows:
142 Db2 11.1 for Linux, UNIX, and Windows: Data Movement Utilities Guide and Reference
Normal State
The Normal state is the initial state of a table after it is created, indicating
that no (abnormal) states currently affect the table.
Read Access Only
If you specify the ALLOW READ ACCESS option, the table is in the Read
Access Only state. The data in the table that existed before the invocation
of the load command is available in read-only mode during the load
operation. If you specify the ALLOW READ ACCESS option and the load
operation fails, the data that existed in the table before the load operation
continues to be available in read-only mode after the failure.
Load in Progress
The Load in Progress table state indicates that there is a load in progress
on the table. The load utility removes this transient state after the load is
successfully completed. However, if the load operation fails or is
interrupted, the table state will change to Load Pending.
Redistribute in Progress
The Redistribute in Progress table state indicates that there is a redistribute
in progress on the table. The redistribute utility removes this transient state
after it has successfully completed processing the table. However, if the
redistribute operation fails or is interrupted, the table state will change to
Redistribute Pending.
Load Pending
The Load Pending table state indicates that a load operation failed or was
interrupted. You can take one of the following steps to remove the Load
Pending state:
v Address the cause of the failure. For example, if the load utility ran out
of disk space, add containers to the table space. Then, restart the load
v Terminate the load operation.
v Run a load REPLACE operation against the same table on which the load
operation failed.
v Recover table spaces for the loading table by using the RESTORE DATABASE
command with the most recent table space or database backup, then
carry out further recovery actions.
Redistribute Pending
The Redistribute Pending table state indicates that a redistribute operation
failed or was interrupted. You can perform a REDISTRIBUTE CONTINUE or
REDISTRIBUTE ABORT operation to remove the Redistribute Pending state.
Not Load Restartable
In the Not Load Restartable state, a table is partially loaded and does not
allow a load restart operation. There are two situations in which a table is
placed in the Not Load Restartable state:
v If you perform a rollforward operation after a failed load operation that
you could not successfully restart or terminate
v If you perform a restore operation from an online backup that you took
while the table was in the Load in Progress or Load Pending state
The table is also in the Load Pending state. To remove the table from the
Not Load Restartable state, issue the LOAD TERMINATE or the LOAD REPLACE
If you load an input file (staffdata.del) with a substantial amount of data into a
table NEWSTAFF, as follows:
connect to sample;
create table newstaff like staff;
load from staffdata.del of del insert into newstaff allow read access;
connect reset;
and you open another session and issue the following commands,
connect to sample;
load query table newstaff;
connect reset;
the LOAD QUERY command reveals that the NEWSTAFF table is in the Read Access
Only and Load in Progress table states:
Load in Progress
Read Access Only
144 Db2 11.1 for Linux, UNIX, and Windows: Data Movement Utilities Guide and Reference
The exception table used with the load utility is identical to the exception tables
used by the SET INTEGRITY statement. It is a user-created table that reflects the
definition of the table being loaded and includes some additional columns.
You can assign a load exception table to the table space where the table being
loaded resides or to another table space. In either case, assign the load exception
table and the table being loaded to the same database partition group, and ensure
that both tables use the same distribution key. Additionally, ensure that the
exception table and table being loaded have the same partition map id
(SYSIBM.SYSTABLES.PMAP_ID), which can potentially be different during the
redistribute operation (add/drop database partition operation).
Use an exception table when loading data that has a unique index and could have
duplicate records. If you do not specify an exception table and duplicate records
are found, the load operation continues, and only a warning message is issued
about the deleted duplicate records. The duplicate records are not logged.
After the load operation is completed, you can use information in the exception
table to correct data that is in error. You can then insert the corrected data into the
Rows are appended to existing information in the exception table. Because there is
no checking done to ensure that the table is empty, new information is simply
added to the invalid rows from previous load operations. If you want only the
invalid rows from the current load operation, you can remove the existing rows
before invoking the utility. Alternatively, when you define a load operation, you
can specify that the exception table record the time when a violation is discovered
and the name of the constraint violated.
Because each deletion event is logged, the log could fill up during the delete phase
of the load if there are a large number of records that violate a uniqueness
Any rows rejected because of invalid data before the building of an index are not
inserted into the exception table.
If the load utility does not even start because of a user error such as a nonexistent
data file or invalid column names, the operation terminates and leaves the target
table in a normal state.
When the load operation begins, the target table is placed in the Load in Progress
table state. In the event of a failure, the table state will change to Load Pending. To
remove the table from this state, you can issue a LOAD TERMINATE to roll back the
operation, issue a LOAD REPLACE to reload the entire table, or issue a LOAD RESTART.
Typically, restarting the load operation is the best choice in this situation. It saves
time because the load utility restarts the load operation from the last successfully
reached point in its progress, rather than from the beginning of the operation.
If you are loading XML documents, the behavior is slightly different. Because the
SAVECOUNT option is not supported with loading XML data, load operations that fail
during the load phase restart from the beginning of the operation. Just as with
other data types, if the load fails during the build phase, indexes are built in
REBUILD mode, so the table is scanned to pick up all index keys from each row;
however, each XML document must also be scanned to pick up the index keys.
This process of scanning XML documents for keys requires them to be reparsed,
which is an expensive operation. Furthermore, the internal XML indexes, such as
the regions and paths indexes, need to be rebuilt first, which also requires a scan of
the XDA object.
Once you have fixed the situation that caused the load operation to fail, reissue the
load command. Ensure that you specify exactly the same parameters as in the
original command, so that the load utility can find the necessary temporary files.
An exception to this is if you want to disallow read access. A load operation that
specified the ALLOW READ ACCESS option can also be restarted as an ALLOW NO
ACCESS option.
Note: Do not delete or modify any temporary files created by the load utility.
you would restart it by replacing the specified load method (load_method) with
the RESTART method:
LOAD FROM file_name OF file_type
MESSAGES message_file
INTO target_tablename
You cannot restart failed or interrupted load operations if the table involved in the
operation is in the Not Load Restartable table state. Tables are put in that state for
the following reasons:
v A rollforward operation is performed after a failed load operation that has not
been successfully restarted or terminated
v A restore operation is performed from an online backup that was taken while
the table was in the Load in Progress or Load Pending table state
You should issue either a LOAD TERMINATE or a LOAD REPLACE command.
The BACKUP DATABASE command might return an I/O error if the LOAD command
fails on a table in SMS tablespace and the table is left in Load Pending state.
146 Db2 11.1 for Linux, UNIX, and Windows: Data Movement Utilities Guide and Reference
Table data might not appear consistent when a table is in Load Pending state.
Inconsistent table data will cause the BACKUP DATABASE command to fail. The table
will remain inconsistent until a subsequent LOAD TERMINATE, LOAD RESTART, or LOAD
REPLACE command is completed.
You must remove the table from the Load Pending state before backing up your
If the original load operation is interrupted or canceled in the index copy phase, a
restart operation in the ALLOW READ ACCESS mode is not permitted because the
index might be corrupted.
Note: All load restart operations choose the REBUILD indexing mode even if the
INDEXING MODE INCREMENTAL parameter is specified.
A load restart operation cannot be undertaken on a table that is in the Not Load
Restartable table state. A table can be placed in the Not Load Restartable table state
during a rollforward operation. This can occur if you roll forward to a point in
time that is before the end of a load operation, or if you roll forward through an
interrupted or canceled load operation but do not roll forward to the end of the
load terminate or load restart operation.
If the location file does not exist, or no matching entry is found in the file, the
information from the log record is used.
The information in the file might be overwritten before rollforward recovery takes
1. In a multi-partition database, the DB2LOADREC registry variable must be set for
all the database partition servers using the db2set command.
2. In a multi-partition database, the load copy file must exist at each database
partition server, and the file name (including the path) must be the same.
3. If an entry in the file identified by the DB2LOADREC registry variable is not valid,
the old load copy location file is used to provide information to replace the
invalid entry.
The following information is provided in the location file. The first five parameters
must have valid values, and are used to identify the load copy. The entire structure
is repeated for each load copy recorded. For example:
TIMestamp 19950725182542 *
Time stamp generated at load time
DBPartition 0 *
DB Partition number (OPTIONAL)
Schema of table loaded
Table name
DATabasename DBT *
Database name
DB2instance toronto *
BUFfernumber NULL *
Number of buffers to be used for
SESsionnumber NULL * Number of sessions to be used for
TYPeofmedia L * Type of media - L for local device
A for TSM
O for other vendors
LOCationnumber 3 * Number of locations
ENTry /u/toronto/dbt.payroll.employes.001
ENT /u/toronto/dbt.payroll.employes.002
ENT /dev/rmt0
TIM 19950725192054
DBP 18
DB2 toronto
148 Db2 11.1 for Linux, UNIX, and Windows: Data Movement Utilities Guide and Reference
TIM 19940325192054
DB2 toronto
SHRlib /@sys/lib/backup_vendor.a
1. The first three characters in each keyword are significant. All keywords are
required in the specified order. Blank lines are not accepted.
2. The time stamp is in the form yyyymmddhhmmss.
3. All fields are mandatory, except for BUF and SES (which can be NULL), and
DBP (which can be missing from the list). If SES is NULL, the value specified
by the dft_loadrec_ses configuration parameter is used. If BUF is NULL, the
default value is SES+2.
4. If even one of the entries in the location file is invalid, the previous load copy
location file is used to provide those values.
5. The media type can be local device (L for tape, disk or diskettes), TSM (A), or
other vendor (O). If the type is L, the number of locations, followed by the
location entries, is required. If the type is A, no further input is required. If the
type is O, the shared library name is required.
6. The SHRlib parameter points to a library that has a function to store the load
copy data.
7. If you invoke a load operation, specifying the COPY NO or the NONRECOVERABLE
option, and do not take a backup copy of the database or affected table spaces
after the operation completes, you cannot restore the database or table spaces to
a point in time that follows the load operation. That is, you cannot use
rollforward recovery to re-create the database or table spaces to the state they
were in following the load operation. You can only restore the database or table
spaces to a point in time that precedes the load operation.
If you want to use a particular load copy, you can use the recovery history file for
the database to determine the time stamp for that specific load operation. In a
multi-partition database, the recovery history file is local to each database partition.
Then rows that are rejected by the load subagent on database partition five will be
stored in a file named /u/usrname/dumpit.load.005, rows that are rejected by the
load Subagent on database partition two will be stored in a file named
For rows rejected by the load subagent, if the row is less than 32 768 bytes in
length, the record is copied to the dump file in its entirety; if it is longer, a row
fragment (including the final bytes of the record) is written to the file.
For rows rejected by the partitioning subagent, the entire row is copied to the
dump file regardless of the record size.
Load temporary files are removed when the load operation completes without
error. The temporary files are written to a path that can be specified through the
temp-pathname parameter of the LOAD command, or in the piTempFilesPath
parameter of the db2Load API. The default path is a subdirectory of the
partition-global directory.
Load operations against different databases must not specify the same temporary
files path.
The temporary files path resides on the server machine and is accessed by the Db2
instance exclusively. Therefore, it is imperative that any path name qualification
given to the temp-pathname parameter reflects the directory structure of the server,
not the client, and that the Db2 instance owner has read and write permission on
the path.
Note: In a Db2 pureScale® environment, the load temporary files should reside on
a path that is accessible by all members (for example, on a shared disk). The
temporary files need to be on a shared disk, otherwise member crash recovery and
LOAD TERMINATE operations executed from a different member might have issues.
Attention: The temporary files written to this path must not be tampered with
under any circumstances. Doing so causes the load operation to malfunction and
places your database in jeopardy.
The following log records mark the beginning or end of a specific activity during a
load operation:
v Setup phase
– Load Start. This log record signifies the beginning of a load operation's setup
150 Db2 11.1 for Linux, UNIX, and Windows: Data Movement Utilities Guide and Reference
– Commit log record. This log record signifies the successful completion of the
setup phase.
– Abort log record. This log record signifies the failure of the setup phase.
(Alternately, in a single partition database, if the Load setup phase fails prior
to physically modifying the table, it will generate a Local Pending commit log
v Load phase
– Load Start. This log record signifies the beginning of a load operation's load
– Local Pending commit log record. This log record signifies the successful
completion of the load phase.
– Abort log record. This log record signifies the failure of the load phase.
v Delete phase
– Load Delete Start. This log record is associated with the beginning of the
delete phase in a load operation. The delete phase is started only if there are
duplicate primary key values. During the delete phase, each delete operation
on a table record, or an index key, is logged.
– Load Delete End. This log record is associated with the end of the delete
phase in a load operation. This delete phase is repeated during the
rollforward recovery of a successful load operation.
The following list outlines the log records that the load utility creates depending
on the size of the input data:
v Two log records are created for every table space extent allocated or deleted by
the utility in a DMS table space.
v One log record is created for every chunk of identity values consumed.
v Log records are created for every data row or index key deleted during the
delete phase of a load operation.
v Log records are created that maintain the integrity of the index tree when
performing a load operation with the ALLOW READ ACCESS and INDEXING MODE
INCREMENTAL options specified. The number of records logged is considerably less
than a fully logged insertion into the index.
Loading data into a multi-partition database takes place in two phases: the setup
phase, during which database partition resources such as table locks are acquired,
and the load phase, during which the data is loaded into the database partitions.
You can use the ISOLATE_PART_ERRS option of the LOAD command to select how
errors are handled during either of these phases, and how errors on one or more of
the database partitions affect the load operation on the database partitions that are
not experiencing errors.
The following terminology is used when discussing the behavior and operation of
the load utility in a partitioned database environment with multiple database
v The coordinator partition is the database partition to which the user connects in
order to perform the load operation. In the PARTITION_AND_LOAD,
PARTITION_ONLY, and ANALYZE modes, it is assumed that the data file
resides on this database partition unless the CLIENT option of the LOAD command
is specified. Specifying CLIENT indicates that the data to be loaded resides on a
remotely connected client.
pre-partitioning agent reads the user data and distributes it to the next agent in
the pipeline. The actual agent depends on the distribution method.
– For random distribution tables using random by generation method, the data
is distributed in a round-robin fashion directly to the loading agents.
– Otherwise, data is distributed in a round-robin fashion to the partitioning
agents which then distribute the data. This process is always performed on
the coordinator partition. A maximum of one partitioning agent is allowed
per database partition for any load operation.
152 Db2 11.1 for Linux, UNIX, and Windows: Data Movement Utilities Guide and Reference
LOAD_ONLY_VERIFY_PART modes, load agents run on each output database
partition and coordinate the loading of data to that database partition.
v Load to file agents run on each output database partition during a
PARTITION_ONLY load operation. They receive data from partitioning agents
and write it to a file on their database partition.
v The SOURCEUSEREXIT option provides a facility through which the load utility can
execute a customized script or executable, referred to herein as the user exit.
Load agent
Load agent
Load agent
(artname: 00002435.gif)
Figure 13. Partitioned Database Load Overview. The source data is read by the
pre-partitioning agent, and approximately half of the data is sent to each of two partitioning
agents which distribute the data and send it to one of three database partitions. The load
agent at each database partition loads the data.
The following restrictions apply when using the load utility to load data in a
multi-partition database:
v The location of the input files to the load operation cannot be a tape device.
v The ROWCOUNT parameter is not supported unless the ANALYZE mode is being
v If the target table has an identity column that is needed for distributing and the
identityoverride file type modifier is not specified, or if you are using multiple
database partitions to distribute and then load the data, the use of a SAVECOUNT
greater than 0 on the LOAD command is not supported.
v If an identity column forms part of the distribution key or it is a random
distribution table using the random by generation method, only the
PARTITION_AND_LOAD mode is supported.
v The LOAD_ONLY and LOAD_ONLY_VERIFY_PART modes cannot be used with the
CLIENT parameter of the LOAD command.
v The LOAD_ONLY_VERIFY_PART mode cannot be used with the CURSOR input source
v The distribution error isolation modes LOAD_ERRS_ONLY and SETUP_AND_LOAD_ERRS
cannot be used with the ALLOW READ ACCESS and COPY YES parameters of the LOAD
v Multiple load operations can load data into the same table concurrently if the
database partitions specified by theOUTPUT_DBPARTNUMS and
PARTITIONING_DBPARTNUMS options do not overlap. For example, if a table is
defined on database partitions 0 through 3, one load operation can load data
into database partitions 0 and 1 while a second load operation can load data into
database partitions 2 and 3. If the database partitions specified by the
PARTITIONING_DBPARTNUMS options do overlap, then load will automatically
choose a PARTITIONING_DBPARTNUMS parameter where no load partitioning
subagent is already executing on the table, or fail if none are available.
Starting with Version 9.7 Fix Pack 6, if the database partitions specified by the
PARTITIONING_DBPARTNUMS options do overlap, the load utility automatically tries
to pick up a PARTITIONING_DBPARTNUMS parameter from the database partitions
indicated by OUTPUT_DBPARTNUMS where no load partitioning subagent is already
executing on the table, or fail if none are available.
It is strongly recommended that if you are going to explicitly specify partitions
with the PARTITIONING_DBPARTNUMS option, you should use that option with all
concurrent LOAD commands, with each command specifying different partitions.
If you only specify PARTITIONING_DBPARTNUMS on some of the concurrent load
commands or if you specify overlapping partitions, the LOAD command will need
to pick alternate partitioning nodes for at least some of the concurrent loads, and
in rare cases the command might fail (SQL2038N).
v Only non-delimited ASCII (ASC) and Delimited ASCII (DEL) files can be
distributed across tables spanning multiple database partitions. PC/IXF files
cannot be distributed, however, you can load a PC/IXF file into a table that is
distributed over multiple database partitions by using the load operation in the
154 Db2 11.1 for Linux, UNIX, and Windows: Data Movement Utilities Guide and Reference
The following examples illustrate how to use the LOAD command to initiate various
types of load operations. The database used in the following examples has five
database partitions: 0, 1, 2, 3 and 4. Each database partition has a local directory
/db2/data/. Two tables, TABLE1 and TABLE2, are defined on database partitions 0,
1, 3 and 4. When loading from a client, the user has access to a remote client that
is not one of the database partitions.
Distribute and load example
In this scenario, you are connected to a database partition that might or
might not be a database partition where TABLE1 is defined. The data file
load.del resides in the current working directory of this database partition.
To load the data from load.del into all of the database partitions where
TABLE1 is defined, issue the following command:
Note: In this example, default values are used for all of the configuration
parameters for partitioned database environments: The MODE parameter
defaults to PARTITION_AND_LOAD. The OUTPUT_DBPARTNUMS parameter defaults
to all database partitions on which TABLE1 is defined. The
PARTITIONING_DBPARTNUMS defaults to the set of database partitions selected
according to the LOAD command rules for choosing database partitions
when none are specified.
To perform a load operation where data is distributed over database
partitions 3 and 4, issue the following command:
156 Db2 11.1 for Linux, UNIX, and Windows: Data Movement Utilities Guide and Reference
(artname: 00007957.gif)
Figure 15. Loading data into database partitions 1 and 3 using one partitioning agent.. This
diagram illustrates the behavior that results when the previous command is issued. Data is
loaded into database partitions 1 and 3, using one partitioning agent running on database
partition 0.
158 Db2 11.1 for Linux, UNIX, and Windows: Data Movement Utilities Guide and Reference
Note: Rows that do not belong on the database partition from which they
were loaded are rejected and put into the dump file, if one has been
Loading from a remote client to a multi-partition database
To load data into a multi-partition database from a file that is on a remote
client, you must specify the CLIENT parameter of the LOAD command. This
parameter indicates that the data file is not on a server partition. For
Note: You must specify the MESSAGES option of the LOAD command in order for
these files to exist.
v Interrupt the current load operation if you find errors suggesting that one of the
load processes encountered errors.
The message files store all information, warning, and error messages produced
during the execution of the load operation. The load processes that produce
160 Db2 11.1 for Linux, UNIX, and Windows: Data Movement Utilities Guide and Reference
message files that can be viewed by the user are the load agent, pre-partitioning
agent, and partitioning agent. The content of the message file is only available after
the load operation is finished.
You can connect to individual database partitions during a load operation and
issue the LOAD QUERY command against the target table. When issued from the CLP,
this command displays the contents of the load message files that currently reside
on that database partition for the table that is specified in the LOAD QUERY
This command initiates a load operation that includes load agents running on
database partitions 0, 1, 2, and 3; a partitioning agent running on database
partition 1; and a pre-partitioning agent running on database partition 0.
Database partition 0 contains one message file for the pre-partitioning agent and
one for the load agent on that database partition. To view the contents of these
files at the same time, start a new session and issue the following commands from
the CLP:
set client connect_node 0
connect to wsdb
load query table table1
Database partition 1 contains one file for the load agent and one for the
partitioning agent. To view the contents of these files, start a new session and issue
the following commands from the CLP:
set client connect_node 1
connect to wsdb
load query table table1
If a load operation is initiated through the db2Load API, the messages option
(piLocalMsgFileName) must be specified and the message files are brought from
the server to the client and stored for you to view.
For multi-partition database load operations initiated from the CLP, the message
files are not displayed to the console or retained. To save or view the contents of
these files after a multi-partition database load is complete, the MESSAGES option of
the LOAD command must be specified. If this option is used, once the load
operation is complete the message files on each database partition are transferred
to the client machine and stored in files using the base name indicated by the
MESSAGES option. For multi-partition database load operations, the name of the file
corresponding to the load process that produced it is listed in the following table:
For example, if the MESSAGES option specifies /wsdb/messages/load, the load agent
message file for database partition 2 is /wsdb/messages/load.LOAD.002.
The first thing you need to do if your load operation in a partitioned environment
fails is to determine on which partitions it failed and at what stage each of them
failed. This is done by looking at the partition summary. If the LOAD command was
issued from the CLP, the partition summary is displayed at the end of the load (see
162 Db2 11.1 for Linux, UNIX, and Windows: Data Movement Utilities Guide and Reference
following example). If the LOAD command was issued from the db2Load API, the
partition summary is contained in the poAgentInfoList field of the
db2PartLoadOut structure.
If there is an entry of "LOAD" for "Agent Type", for a given partition, then that
partition reached the load stage, otherwise a failure occurred during the setup
stage. A negative SQL Code indicates that it failed. In the following example, the
load failed on partition 1 during the load stage.
Agent Type Node SQL Code Result
LOAD 000 +00000000 Success.
LOAD 001 -00000289 Error. May require RESTART.
LOAD 002 +00000000 Success.
LOAD 003 +00000000 Success.
For loads that fail on at least one output database partition during the load stage,
For loads that fail on at least one output database partition during the setup stage
and at least one output database partition during the load stage, you need to
perform two load operations to resume the failed load-one for the setup stage
failures and one for the load stage failures, as previously described. To effectively
undo this type of failed load operation, issue a LOAD TERMINATE command.
However, after issuing the command, you must account for all partitions because
no changes were made to the table on the partitions that failed during the setup
stage, and all the changes are undone for the partitions that failed during the load
There is a failure on output database partition 1 during the setup stage. Since
setup stage errors are isolated, the load operation continues, but there is a failure
on partition 3 during the load stage. To resume the load operation, you would
issue the following commands:
load from load.del of del replace into table1 partitioned db config
output_dbpartnums (1)
load from load.del of del restart into table1 partitioned db config
isolate_part_errs setup_and_load_errs
Then issue the following commands from the Db2 Command Line Processor:
The database has four database partitions numbered 0 through 3. Database WSDB
is defined on all of the database partitions, and table TABLE1 resides in the default
database partition group which is also defined on all of the database partitions.
Example 1
To load data into TABLE1 from the user data file load.del which resides on
database partition 0, connect to database partition 0 and then issue the following
load from load.del of del replace into table1
164 Db2 11.1 for Linux, UNIX, and Windows: Data Movement Utilities Guide and Reference
Agent Type Node SQL Code Result
LOAD 000 +00000000 Success.
LOAD 001 +00000000 Success.
LOAD 002 +00000000 Success.
LOAD 003 +00000000 Success.
PARTITION 001 +00000000 Success.
PRE_PARTITION 000 +00000000 Success.
RESULTS: 4 of 4 LOADs completed successfully.
The output indicates that there was one load agent on each database partition and
each ran successfully. It also shows that there was one pre-partitioning agent
running on the coordinator partition and one partitioning agent running on
database partition 1. These processes completed successfully with a normal SQL
return code of 0. The statistical summary shows that the pre-partitioning agent
read 100,000 rows, the partitioning agent distributed 100,000 rows, and the sum of
all rows loaded by the load agents is 100,000.
Example 2
In the following example, data is loaded into TABLE1 in the PARTITION_ONLY mode.
The distributed output files is stored on each of the output database partitions in
the directory /db/data:
load from load.del of del replace into table1 partitioned db config mode
partition_only part_file_location /db/data
The output indicates that there was a load-to-file agent running on each output
database partition, and these agents ran successfully. There was a pre-partitioning
agent on the coordinator partition, and a partitioning agent running on database
partition 1. The statistical summary indicates that 100,000 rows were successfully
read by the pre-partitioning agent and 100,000 rows were successfully distributed
by the partitioning agent. Since no rows were loaded into the table, no summary of
the number of rows loaded appears.
Example 3
To load the files that were generated during the PARTITION_ONLY load operation
shown previously, issue the following command:
load from load.del of del replace into table1 partitioned db config mode
load_only part_file_location /db/data
The output indicates that the load agents on each output database partition ran
successfully and that the sum of the number of rows loaded by all load agents is
100,000. No summary of rows distributed is indicated since distribution was not
Example 4
and one of the loading database partitions runs out of space in the table space
during the load operation, the following output might be returned:
SQL0289N Unable to allocate new pages in table space "DMS4KT".
166 Db2 11.1 for Linux, UNIX, and Windows: Data Movement Utilities Guide and Reference
LOAD 001 -00000289 Error. May require RESTART.
LOAD 002 +00000000 Success.
LOAD 003 +00000000 Success.
PARTITION 001 +00000000 Success.
PRE_PARTITION 000 +00000000 Success.
RESULTS: 3 of 4 LOADs completed successfully.
The output indicates that the load operation returned error SQL0289. The database
partition summary indicates that database partition 1 ran out of space. If additional
space is added to the containers of the table space on database partition 1, the load
operation can be restarted as follows:
load from load.del of del restart into table1
There are a number of configuration options that you can use to modify a load
operation in a partitioned database environment.
Specifies the mode in which the load operation occurs when loading a
multi-partition database. PARTITION_AND_LOAD is the default. Valid values are:
v PARTITION_AND_LOAD. Data is distributed (perhaps in parallel) and loaded
simultaneously on the corresponding database partitions.
v PARTITION_ONLY. Data is distributed (perhaps in parallel) and the output is
written to files in a specified location on each loading database partition. For
file types other than CURSOR, the format of the output file name on each
database partition is, where filename is the input file name
specified in the LOAD command and xxx is the 3-digit database partition
number. For the CURSOR file type, the name of the output file on each
database partition is determined by the PART_FILE_LOCATION option. See the
PART_FILE_LOCATION option for details on how to specify the location of the
distribution file for each database partition.
1. This mode cannot be used for a CLI load operation.
2. If the table contains an identity column that is needed for distribution,
then this mode is not supported, unless the identityoverride file type
modifier is specified.
1. This mode cannot be used for a CLI load operation, or when the CLIENT
parameter of LOAD command is specified.
2. If the table contains an identity column that is needed for distribution,
then this mode is not supported, unless the identityoverride file type
modifier is specified.
3. This mode cannot be used for random distribution tables that use the
random by generation method.
v LOAD_ONLY_VERIFY_PART. Data is assumed to be already distributed, but the
data file does not contain a partition header. The distributing process is
skipped, and the data is loaded simultaneously on the corresponding
database partitions. During the load operation, each row is checked to verify
that it is on the correct database partition. Rows containing database
partition violations are placed in a dump file if the dumpfile file type
modifier is specified. Otherwise, the rows are discarded. If database partition
violations exist on a particular loading database partition, a single warning
is written to the load message file for that database partition. The format of
the input file name for each database partition should be,
where filename is the name of the file specified in the LOAD command and xxx
is the 3-digit database partition number. See the PART_FILE_LOCATION option
for details on how to specify the location of the distribution file for each
database partition.
1. This mode cannot be used for a CLI load operation, or when the CLIENT
parameter of LOAD command is specified.
2. If the table contains an identity column that is needed for distribution,
then this mode is not supported, unless the identityoverride file type
modifier is specified.
3. This mode cannot be used for random distribution tables that use the
random by generation method.
v ANALYZE. An optimal distribution map with even distribution across all
database partitions is generated.
168 Db2 11.1 for Linux, UNIX, and Windows: Data Movement Utilities Guide and Reference
parameter can be used to specify the location of the distributed files. This
location must exist on each database partition specified by the
OUTPUT_DBPARTNUMS option. If the location specified is a relative path name, the
path is appended to the current directory to create the location for the
distributed files.
For the CURSOR file type, this option must be specified, and the location must
refer to a fully qualified file name. This name is the fully qualified base file
name of the distributed files that are created on each output database partition
in the PARTITION_ONLY mode, or the location of the files to be read from for
each database partition in the LOAD_ONLY mode. When using the
PARTITION_ONLY mode, multiple files can be created with the specified base
name if the target table contains LOB columns.
For file types other than CURSOR, if this option is not specified, the current
directory is used for the distributed files.
X represents a list of database partition numbers. The database partition
numbers represent the database partitions on which the load operation is to be
performed. Any data that does not partition to any of the database partitions
listed will not be loaded. Unless we are loading a random distribution table
that uses random by generation method. In that case all data will be loaded
into the set of database partitions listed.
The database partition numbers must be a subset of the database partitions on
which the table is defined, except for column-organized tables, in which case
all database partitions must be specified (SQL27906N). All database partitions
are selected by default. The list must be enclosed in parentheses and the items
in the list must be separated by commas. Ranges are permitted (for example,
(0, 2 to 10, 15)).
X represents a list of database partition numbers that are used in the
distribution process. The list must be enclosed in parentheses and the items in
the list must be separated by commas. Ranges are permitted (for example, (0, 2
to 10, 15)). The database partitions specified for the distribution process can be
different from the database partitions being loaded. If
PARTITIONING_DBPARTNUMS is not specified, the load utility determines how
many database partitions are needed and which database partitions to use in
order to achieve optimal performance.
If the anyorder file type modifier is not specified in the LOAD command, only
one partitioning agent is used in the load session. Furthermore, if there is only
one database partition specified for the OUTPUT_DBPARTNUMS option, or the
coordinator partition of the load operation is not an element of
OUTPUT_DBPARTNUMS, the coordinator partition of the load operation is used in
the distribution process. Otherwise, the first database partition (not the
coordinator partition) in OUTPUT_DBPARTNUMS is used in the distribution process.
If the anyorder file type modifier is specified, the number of database
partitions used in the distribution process is determined as follows: (number of
partitions in OUTPUT_DBPARTNUMS/4 + 1).
This option is ignored when loading random distribution tables using the
random by generation method. That distribution method does not use
partitioning agents.
Note: This mode cannot be used when both the ALLOW READ ACCESS and the
COPY YES parameters of the LOAD command are specified.
v SETUP_AND_LOAD_ERRS. In this mode, database partition-level errors during
setup or loading data cause processing to stop only on the affected database
partitions. As with the LOAD_ERRS_ONLY mode, when partition errors do occur
while data is loaded, newly loaded data will not be visible until a load
restart operation is performed and completes successfully.
Note: This mode cannot be used when both the ALLOW READ ACCESS and the
COPY YES options of the LOAD command are specified.
v NO_ISOLATION. Any error during the load operation causes the load operation
to fail.
X represents how often you are notified of the volume of data that has been
read. The unit of measurement is megabytes (MB). The default is 100 MB.
Valid values are whole numbers from 1 to 4000.
X represents the range of TCP ports used to create sockets for internal
communications. The default range is from 49152 to 65535. If defined at the
time of invocation, the value of the DB2ATLD_PORTS registry variable replaces the
value of the PORT_RANGE load configuration option. For the DB2ATLD_PORTS
registry variable, the range should be provided in the following format:
170 Db2 11.1 for Linux, UNIX, and Windows: Data Movement Utilities Guide and Reference
Specifies that the program should check for truncation of data records at
input/output. The default behavior is that data is not checked for truncation at
X specifies the input file name for the distribution map. This parameter must
be specified if the distribution map is customized, as it points to the file
containing the customized distribution map. A customized distribution map
can be created by using the db2gpmap program to extract the map from the
database system catalog table, or by using the ANALYZE mode of the LOAD
command to generate an optimal map. The map generated by using the
ANALYZE mode must be moved to each database partition in your database
before the load operation can proceed.
X represents the output filename for the distribution map. The output file is
created on the database partition issuing the LOAD command assuming that
database partition is participating in the database partition group where
partitioning is performed. If the LOAD command is invoked on a database
partition that is not participating in partitioning (as defined by
PARTITIONING_DBPARTNUMS), the output file is created at the first database
partition defined with the PARTITIONING_DBPARTNUMS parameter. Consider the
following partitioned database environment setup:
1 serv1 0
2 serv1 1
3 serv2 0
4 serv2 1
5 serv3 0
Running the following LOAD command on serv3, creates the distribution map
on serv1.
MAP_FILE_OUTPUT ’/home/db2user/’
Ingest utility
The ingest utility (sometimes referred to as continuous data ingest, or CDI) is a
high-speed client-side Db2 utility that streams data from files and pipes into Db2
target tables. Because the ingest utility can move large amounts of real-time data
without locking the target table, you do not need to choose between the data
currency and availability.
The ingest utility ingests pre-processed data directly or from files output by ETL
tools or other means. It can run continually and thus it can process a continuous
data stream through pipes. The data is ingested at speeds that are high enough to
populate even large databases in partitioned database environments.
An INGEST command updates the target table with low latency in a single step. The
ingest utility uses row locking, so it has minimal interference with other user
activities on the same table.
With this utility, you can perform DML operations on a table using a SQL-like
interface without locking the target table. These ingest operations support the
following SQL statements: INSERT, UPDATE, MERGE, REPLACE, and DELETE.
The ingest utility also supports the use of SQL expressions to build individual
column values from more than one data field.
172 Db2 11.1 for Linux, UNIX, and Windows: Data Movement Utilities Guide and Reference
The INGEST command supports the following input data formats:
v Delimited text
v Positional text and binary
v Columns in various orders and formats
In addition to regular tables and nicknames, the INGEST command supports the
following table types:
v multidimensional clustering (MDC) and insert time clustering (ITC) tables
v range-partitioned tables
v range-clustered tables (RCT)
v materialized query tables (MQTs) that are defined as MAINTAINED BY USER,
including summary tables
v temporal tables
v updatable views (except typed views)
There are two choices for where to run the ingest utility:
On an existing server in the data warehouse environment
There are two choices for where to run ingest jobs within this type of
v On the Db2 coordinator partition (the database partition server to which
applications will connect and on which the coordinating agent is located)
v On an existing ETL (extract, transform, and load) server
On a new server
There are two choices for where to run ingest jobs within this type of
174 Db2 11.1 for Linux, UNIX, and Windows: Data Movement Utilities Guide and Reference
v On a server that is only running the ingest utility
v On a server that is also hosting an additional Db2 coordinator partition
that is dedicated to the ingest utility.
There are a number of factors that can influence where you decide to install the
ingest utility:
v Performance: Having the ingest utility installed on its own server has a
significant performance benefit, so this would be suitable for environments with
large data sets.
v Cost: Having the ingest utility installed on an existing server means that no
additional expenses are incurred as a result of using it.
v Ease of administration
You have to create the restart table only once, and that table will be used by all
INGEST commands in the database.
The ingest utility will use this table to store information needed to resume an
incomplete INGEST command from the last commit point.
Note: The restart table does not contain copies of the input rows, only some
counters to indicate which rows have been committed.
v It is recommended that you place the restart table in the same tablespace as the
target tables that the ingest utility updates. If this is not possible, you must
ensure that the tablespace containing the restart table is at the same level as the
tablespace containing the target table. For example, if you restore or roll forward
one of the table spaces, you must restore or roll forward the other to the same
level. If the table spaces are at different levels and you run an INGEST command
with the RESTART CONTINUE option, the ingest utility could fail or ingest incorrect
v If your disaster recovery strategy includes replicating the target tables of ingest
operations, you must also replicate the restart table so it is kept in sync with the
target tables.
A DBA intends to run all INGEST commands as restartable, so the DBA needs to
first create a restart table:
1. The DBA connects to the database:
db2 CONNECT TO sample
2. The DBA calls the stored procedure:
What to do next
Ensure that any user who will modify the restart table has the appropriate
v If the INGEST command specifies RESTART NEW, the user must have SELECT,
INSERT, UPDATE, and DELETE privilege on the restart table.
v If the INGEST command specifies RESTART TERMINATE, the user must have SELECT
and DELETE privilege on the restart table.
Ingesting data
You can use the ingest utility to continuously pump data into Db2 tables using
SQL array inserts, updates, and deletes until sources are exhausted.
Before invoking the ingest utility, you must be connected to the database into
which the data will be imported.
By default, failed INGEST commands are restartable from the last commit point;
however you must first create a restart table, otherwise you receive an error
message notifying you that the command you issued is not restartable. The ingest
utility uses this table to store information needed to resume an incomplete INGEST
command from the last commit point. For more information about this, see
“Creating the restart table” on page 175.
For a list of the required privileges and authorities, see the INGEST command
176 Db2 11.1 for Linux, UNIX, and Windows: Data Movement Utilities Guide and Reference
For a comprehensive list of restrictions for the ingest utility, see “Ingest utility
restrictions and limitations” on page 187.
Issue the INGEST command specifying, at a minimum, a source, the format, and the
target table as in the following example:
INGEST FROM FILE <source_file>
INSERT INTO <table-name>;
It is recommended that you also specify a string with the RESTART NEW parameter
on the INGEST command:
INGEST FROM FILE <source_file>
INSERT INTO <table-name>;
The string you specify can be up to 128 bytes. Because the string uniquely
identifies the INGEST command, it must be unique across all INGEST commands in
the current database that specified the RESTART NEW option and are not yet
Basic ingest examples
The following example inserts data from a delimited text file:
INGEST FROM FILE <source_file>
INSERT INTO <table-name>
The following example inserts data from a delimited text file with fields
separated by a comma (the default). The fields in the file correspond to the
table columns.
INGEST FROM FILE <source_file>
$field2 DATE ’mm/dd/yyyy’,
$field3 CHAR(32)
INSERT INTO <table-name>
VALUES($field1, $field2, $field3);
Delimiter override example
The following example inserts data like the previous example, but the
fields are separated by a vertical bar.
INGEST FROM FILE <source_file>
$field2 DATE ’mm/dd/yyyy’,
$field3 CHAR(32)
INSERT INTO <table-name>
VALUES($field1, $field2, $field3);
Note that the third value is DEFAULT because the column that
corresponds to field $C3 is defined as GENERATED ALWAYS. The
fourth value is omitted because it has no field.
Extra fields used to compute column values example
The following example is the same as the delimiter override example, but
only the first two fields correspond to the first two table columns
(PROD_ID and DESCRIPTION), whereas the value for the third table
column (TOTAL_PRICE) is computed from the remaining three fields
INGEST FROM FILE <source_file>
$prod_ID CHAR(8),
$description CHAR(32),
$sales_tax DECIMAL(4,2) EXTERNAL,
$shipping DECIMAL(3,2) EXTERNAL
INSERT INTO <table-name>(prod_ID, description, total_price)
VALUES($prod_id, $description, $price + $sales_tax + $shipping);
Filler fields example
The following example inserts data from a delimited text file with fields
separated by a comma (the default). The fields in the file correspond to the
table columns except that there are extra fields between the fields for
columns 2 and 3 and columns 3 and 4.
INGEST FROM FILE <source_file>
$field1 INTEGER,
$field2 CHAR(8),
$filler1 CHAR,
$field3 CHAR(32),
$filler2 CHAR,
$field4 DATE
INSERT INTO <table-name> VALUES($field1, $field2, $field3, $field4);
178 Db2 11.1 for Linux, UNIX, and Windows: Data Movement Utilities Guide and Reference
Format modifiers example
The following example inserts data from a delimited text file in code page
850. Date fields are in American format and char fields are enclosed in
equal signs.
INGEST FROM FILE <source_file>
$field2 DATE ’mm/dd/yyyy’,
$field3 CHAR(32) ENCLOSED BY ’=’
INSERT INTO <table-name>
VALUES($field1, $field2, $field3);
Positional example
The following example inserts data from a file with fields in the specified
positions. The fields in the file correspond to the table columns.
INGEST FROM FILE <source_file>
$field2 POSITION(10:19) DATE ’yyyy-mm-dd’,
$field3 POSITION(25:34) CHAR(10)
INSERT INTO <table-name>
VALUES($field1, $field2, $field3);
DEFAULTIF examples
This example is similar to the previous example, except if the second field
starts with a blank, the ingest utility inserts the default value:
INGEST FROM FILE <source_file>
$field2 POSITION(10:19) DATE ’yyyy-mm-dd’ DEFAULTIF = ’ ’,
$field3 POSITION(25:34) CHAR(10)
INSERT INTO <table-name>
VALUES($field1, $field2, $field3);
This example is the same as the previous example, except that the default
indicator is in the column after the data columns:
INGEST FROM FILE <source_file>
$field2 POSITION(10:19) DATE ’yyyy-mm-dd’ DEFAULTIF(35) = ’ ’,
$field3 POSITION(25:34) CHAR(10)
INSERT INTO <table-name>
VALUES($field1, $field2, $field3);
Multiple input sources example
This example inserts data from three delimited text files:
INGEST FROM FILE <source_file>, <source_file2>, <source_file3>
$field2 DATE ’mm/dd/yyyy’,
If the command terminates before completing, you can restart it with the
following command:
INGEST FROM FILE <source_file>
$field2 DATE ’mm/dd/yyyy’,
$field3 CHAR(32)
RESTART CONTINUE ’ingestcommand001’
INSERT INTO <table-name>
VALUES($field1, $field2, $field3);
180 Db2 11.1 for Linux, UNIX, and Windows: Data Movement Utilities Guide and Reference
Restart terminate example
This example issues the same INGEST command as the previous "Restart
INGEST FROM FILE <source_file>
$field2 DATE ’mm/dd/yyyy’,
$field3 CHAR(32)
RESTART NEW ’ingestcommand001’
INSERT INTO <table-name>
VALUES($field1, $field2, $field3);
After issuing this command, you can no longer restart the INGEST
command with the job id: "ingestcommand001", but you can reuse that
string on the RESTART NEW parameter of a new INGEST command.
Reordering columns example
This example inserts data from a delimited text file with fields separated
by a comma. The table has three columns and the fields in the input data
are in the reverse order of the table columns.
INGEST FROM FILE <source_file>
$field2 DATE ’mm/dd/yyyy’,
$field3 CHAR(32)
INSERT INTO <table-name>
VALUES($field3, $field2, $field1);
Basic UPDATE, MERGE, and DELETE examples
The following examples update the table rows whose primary key matches
the corresponding fields in the input file.
INGEST FROM FILE <source_file>
$data1 CHAR(8),
$data2 CHAR(32),
UPDATE <table-name>
SET (data1, data2, data3) = ($data1, $data2, $data3)
WHERE (key1 = $key1) AND (key2 = $key2);
This example merges data from the input file into the target table. For
input rows whose primary key fields match a table row, it updates that
table row with the input row. For other input rows, it adds the row to the
INGEST FROM FILE <source_file>
$data1 CHAR(8),
$data2 CHAR(32),
MERGE INTO <table-name>
ON (key1 = $key1) AND (key2 = $key2)
UPDATE SET (data1, data2, data3) = ($data1, $data2, $data3)
INSERT VALUES($key1, $key2, $data1, $data2, $data3);
This example deletes table rows whose primary key matches the
corresponding primary key fields in the input file.
INGEST FROM FILE <source_file>
DELETE FROM <table-name>
WHERE (key1 = $key1) AND (key2 = $key2);
Complex SQL examples
Consider the following example in which there is a table with columns
KEY, DATA, and ACTION. The following command updates the DATA
column of table rows where the primary key column (KEY) matches the
corresponding field in the input file and the ACTION column is 'U':
INGEST FROM FILE <source_file>
UPDATE <table-name>
SET data = $data_fld
WHERE (key = $key_fld) AND (action = ’U’);
182 Db2 11.1 for Linux, UNIX, and Windows: Data Movement Utilities Guide and Reference
The following example is the same as the previous example except that if
the keys match and the ACTION column is 'D', then it deletes the row
from the table:
INGEST FROM FILE <source_file>
MERGE INTO <table-name>
ON (keyl = $key_fld)
UPDATE SET data = $data_fld
What to do next
If the INGEST command completes successfully, you can reuse the string specified
with the RESTART NEW parameter.
If the INGEST command fails and you want to restart it, you must specify the
RESTART CONTINUE option with the string you specified in the original command.
If you do not plan to restart the failed INGEST command and you want to clean up
the entries in the restart table, rerun the INGEST command, specifying the RESTART
If an INGEST command fails before completing and you want to restart it, reissue
the INGEST command with the RESTART CONTINUE option. This second INGEST
command starts from the last commit point and is also restartable.
The userid restarting the failed INGEST command must have SELECT, INSERT,
UPDATE, and DELETE privilege on the restart log table.
The INGEST utility considers a command to be complete when it reaches the end of
the file or pipe. Under any other conditions, the INGEST utility considers the
command incomplete. These can include:
v The INGEST command gets an I/O error while reading the input file or pipe.
v The INGEST command gets a critical system error from the Db2 database system.
v The INGEST command gets a Db2 database system error that is likely to prevent
any further SQL statements in the INGEST command from succeeding (for
example, if the table no longer exists).
v The INGEST command is killed or terminates abnormally.
1. If the target table and the restart table are in different table spaces, the two
table spaces must be at the same level in terms of rollforward or restore
If the third, fourth, fifth, or ninth restriction is violated, the ingest utility issues an
error and ends the INGEST command. In the case of the other restrictions, the ingest
utility does not issue an error, but the restarted INGEST command might produce
different output rows than the original would have if it had completed.
Once the restarted INGEST command completes, you can reuse the job-id on a later
INGEST command.
184 Db2 11.1 for Linux, UNIX, and Windows: Data Movement Utilities Guide and Reference
RESTART NEW ’ingestjob001’
INSERT INTO <table-name>
VALUES($field1, $field2, $field3);
The DBA corrects the problem that cause the failure and restarts the INGEST
command (which starts from the last commit point) with the following command:
INGEST FROM FILE <source_file>
$field2 DATE ’mm/dd/yyyy’,
$field3 CHAR(32)
RESTART CONTINUE ’ingestjob001’
INSERT INTO <table-name>
VALUES($field1, $field2, $field3);
If an INGEST command fails before completing and you do not want to restart it,
reissue the INGEST command with the RESTART TERMINATE option. This command
option cleans up the log records for the failed INGEST command.
The user ID terminating the failed INGEST command must have SELECT and
DELETE privilege on the restart log table.
To terminate a failed INGEST operation, reissue the INGEST command. Specify the
RESTART TERMINATE parameter with the appropriate string.
After the restarted INGEST command completes, you can reuse the RESTART NEW
string on a later INGEST command.
The DBA does not want to restart the INGEST command, so they terminate it with
the following command (which includes the RESTART TERMINATE parameter):
INGEST FROM FILE <source_file>
$field2 DATE ’mm/dd/yyyy’,
To issue the INGEST LIST and INGEST GET STATS commands, you need a separate
CLP session but they must be run on the same machine that the INGEST command
is running on.
The following shows an example of what output to expect from an INGEST LIST
The following shows an example of what output to expect from an INGEST GET
STATS command:
186 Db2 11.1 for Linux, UNIX, and Windows: Data Movement Utilities Guide and Reference
since start since start since last since last Total records
---------------- ----------------- --------------- ---------------- -------------
54321 65432 76543 87654 98765
2 record(s) selected.
188 Db2 11.1 for Linux, UNIX, and Windows: Data Movement Utilities Guide and Reference
Additional considerations for ingest operations
Performance considerations for ingest operations
Use the following set of guidelines to help performance tune your ingest jobs.
Field type and column type
Define fields to be the same type as their corresponding column types.
When the types are different, the ingest utility or Db2 must convert the
input data to the column type.
Materialized query tables (MQTs)
If you ingest data into a table that is a base table of an MQT defined as
REFRESH IMMEDIATE, performance can degrade significantly due to the
time required to update the MQT.
Row size
For tables with a small row size, increase the setting of the commit_count
ingest configuration parameter; for tables with a large row size, reduce the
setting of the commit_count ingest configuration parameter.
Other workloads
If you are executing the ingest utility with another workload, increase the
setting of the locklist database configuration parameter and reduce the
setting of the commit_count ingest configuration parameter
If the input data code page differs from the application code page, the ingest
utility temporarily overrides the application code page with the input data code
page so that Db2 converts the data directly from the input data code page to the
database code page. Under some conditions, the ingest utility cannot override the
application code page. In this case, the ingest utility converts character data that is
not defined as FOR BIT DATA to the application code page before passing it to
Db2. In all cases, if the column is not defined as FOR BIT DATA, Db2 converts the
data to the database code page.
CLP command file code page
Except for hex constants, the ingest utility assumes that the text of the
INGEST command is in the application code page. Whenever the ingest
utility needs to compare strings specified on the INGEST command (for
example, when comparing the DEFAULTIF character to a character in the
input data), the ingest utility performs any necessary code page conversion
to ensure the compared strings are in the same code page. Neither the
ingest utility nor Db2 do any conversion of hex constants.
The data in the fourth column is what the ingest utility sends to Db2 when
it can override the application code page. The data in the fourth column is
what the ingest utility sends when it cannot override the application code
page. Note that when the FOR BIT DATA attribute of the field and column
definitions are different, the results can vary as shown in the preceding
Code page errors
In cases where the input code page, application code page, or database
code page differ, either the ingest utility or Db2 or both will perform code
page conversion. If Db2 does not support the code page conversion in any
of the following cases, the ingest utility issues an error and the command
190 Db2 11.1 for Linux, UNIX, and Windows: Data Movement Utilities Guide and Reference
Conversion is In this case,
required when... conversion from... To... Is done by...
The INGEST command Application code Input data code page Ingest utility
contains strings or page
SQL identifiers that
need to be converted
to the input data
code page.
The utility can Input code page Database code page Db2
override the
application code page
to be the input data
code page.
The utility cannot Input code page Application code Ingest utility
override the page
application code
The utility cannot Application code Database code page Db2
override the page
application code
Multiple invocations of the ingest utility can operate on the same member or on
different members, depending on whether the SET CLIENT command with the
CONNECT_MEMBER option has been specified and which member WLB chooses.
INGEST commands running on a partitioned database use one or more flushers for
each partition, as specified by the num_flushers_per_partition configuration
parameter. The default is as follows:
max(1, ((number of logical CPUs)/2)/(number of partitions) )
You can also set this parameter to 0, meaning one flusher for all partitions.
Each flusher connects directly to the partition to which it will send data. In order
for the connection to succeed, all the Db2 server partitions must use the same port
number to receive client connections.
If the target table is a type that has a distribution key, the ingest utility determines
the partition that each record belongs to as follows:
where dist-keycol1 to dist-key-coln are all the distribution keys and each value
is a field name or a constant.
v For a MERGE statement, the search condition is of the form shown
previously for UPDATE and DELETE.
2. If every distribution key has exactly one corresponding field or constant value,
the ingest utility uses the distribution key to determine the partition number
and then routes the record to one of that partition's flushers.
Note: In the following cases, the ingest utility does not determine the record's
partition. If there is more than 1 flusher, the ingest utility routes the record to a
flusher chosen at random:
v The target table is a type that has no distribution key.
v The column list (INSERT) or predicate (UPDATE, MERGE, DELETE) does
not specify all distribution keys. In the following example, key columns 2-8
are missing:
UPDATE my_table SET data = $data
WHERE (key1 = $key1) AND (key9 = $key9);
v A distribution key corresponds to more than one field or value, as in the
following example:
UPDATE my_table SET data = $data
WHERE key1 = $key11 OR key1 = $key12;
v A distribution key corresponds to an expression, as in the following example
INSERT INTO my_table(dist_key, col1, col2)
VALUES($field1 + $field2, $col1, $col2);
v A distribution key column has type DB2SECURITYLABEL.
v A field that corresponds to a distribution key has a numeric type, but the
distribution key column type is a different numeric type or has a different
precision or scale.
The sample script is a shell script that automatically checks for
new files and generates an INGEST command to process the files. The script
performs the following tasks, in order:
1. Check the directory to see if there are new files to process. If there are no files,
the script exits.
Note: The script assumes that the specified directory only contains files for the
table that you want to populate.
2. Obtain the names of the new files and then generate a separate INGEST
command for each file
192 Db2 11.1 for Linux, UNIX, and Windows: Data Movement Utilities Guide and Reference
3. Run the INGEST command and handle the return code
4. Move the processed files to a success directory or a failed directory.
You can use the script as a basis for your own script. The
important modifications that you have to make to it are:
v Replace the sample values (namely, the database name, table name) with you
own values
v Replace the sample INGEST command with your own command
v Create the directories specified in the script
The script processes files that contain data to populate a single table. To populate
multiple tables, you can either replicate the mechanism for each table that you
want to populate or generalize the mechanism to handle multiple tables.
Sample scenario
A sample scenario has been included in the documentation to show you how you
can adapt the sample script to your data warehouse to automate the generation of
new INGEST commands.
The solution: You can write a script that automatically checks for new files,
generates a new INGEST command, and runs that command. The
is a sample of such a script. You also need to create a crontab entry in order to
specify how frequently the shell script is supposed to run.
Before the user implements this mechanism (that is, the script and the chrontab
entry) for processing the stream of files, the user needs to have met the following
prerequisites and dependencies:
v The target table has been created in the target database
v The ingest utility is ready to use (that is, it is installed and set up on a client
v An INGEST command has been specified and verified by running it manually
with a test file
v The objects, such as the exception table, referenced in the INGEST command have
been created
v A crontab file has been created on the system on which the ingest utility is
v The user has a process for creating the input files and moving them into the
source directory that the script uses
Ensure there is sufficient disk space to accommodate the copies of the table and
index, the staging table, and the additional log entries.
You can move a table online by calling the stored procedure once or multiple
times, one call for each operation performed by the procedure. Using multiple calls
provides you with additional options, such as cancelling the move or controlling
when the target table is taken offline to be updated.
Avoid performing online moves for tables without indexes, particularly unique
indexes. Performing a online move for a table without a unique index might result
in deadlocks and complex or expensive replay.
194 Db2 11.1 for Linux, UNIX, and Windows: Data Movement Utilities Guide and Reference
Applications holding conflicting locks on the source table might fail with
SQL0911N reason code 68, because ADMIN_MOVE_TABLE is more likely to be
successful in lock timeout conflicts. To prevent deadlocks during the SWAP
operation, the FORCE_ALL option can be used. See FORCE_ALL for more details.
where operation name is one of the following values: INIT, COPY, REPLAY,
VERIFY, or SWAP. You must call the procedure based on this order of
operations, for example, you must specify INIT as the operation name in the
first call.
Note: The VERIFY operation is costly; perform this operation only if you
require it for your table move.
2. If the online move fails, rerun it:
a. Fix the problem that caused the table move to fail.
b. Determine the stage that was in progress when the table move failed by
querying the SYSTOOLS.ADMIN_MOVE_TABLE protocol table for the
c. Call the stored procedure again, specifying the applicable option:
v If the status of the procedure is INIT, use the INIT option.
v If the status of the procedure is COPY, use the COPY option.
Example 1: Move the T1 table from schema SVALENTI, to the ACCOUNTING table
space without taking T1 offline. Specify the DATA, INDEX, and LONG table spaces
to move the table into a new table space.
Example 2: Move the T1 table from schema EBABANI to the ACCOUNTING table
space without taking T1 offline, and keep a copy of the original table after the
move. Use the COPY_USE_LOAD and LOAD_MSGPATH options to set the load
message file path. Specify the DATA, INDEX, and LONG table spaces to move the
table into a new table space. The original table will maintain a name similar to
Example 3: Move the T1 table within the same table space. Change the C1 column
within T1, which uses the deprecated datatype LONG VARCHAR to use a
compatible data type.
’C1 VARCHAR(1000), C2 INT(5), C3 CHAR(5), C4 CLOB’,
196 Db2 11.1 for Linux, UNIX, and Windows: Data Movement Utilities Guide and Reference
Note: You cannot change the column name during this operation.
Move the table within the same table space and drop columns C5 and C6:
’c1 BIGINT,c2 BIGINT ,c3 CHAR(20),c4 DEC(10,2),c7 GRAPHIC(10),c8 VARGRAPHIC(20),c9 XML’,
Example 5: You have a range partitioned table with two ranges defined in
tablespaces TS1 and TS2. Move the table to tablespace TS3, but leave the first range
in TS1.
Move the T1 table from schema EBABANI to the TS3 table space. Specify the
partition definitions.
Related information:
The primary components of Q replication are the Q Capture program and the Q
Apply program. The primary components of SQL replication are the Capture
program and Apply program. Both types of replication share the Replication Alert
Q Capture program
Reads the Db2 recovery log looking for changes to Db2 source tables and translates
committed source data into WebSphere® MQ messages that can be published in
XML format to a subscribing application, or replicated in a compact format to the
Q Apply program.
Q Apply program
Takes WebSphere MQ messages from a queue, transforms the messages into SQL
statements, and updates a target table or stored procedure. Supported targets
include Db2 databases or subsystems and Oracle, Sybase, Informix® and Microsoft
SQL Server databases that are accessed through federated server nicknames.
Capture program
Reads the Db2 recovery log for changes made to registered source tables or views
and then stages committed transactional data in relational tables called change-data
(CD) tables, where they are stored until the target system is ready to copy them.
SQL replication also provides Capture triggers that populate a staging table called
a consistent-change-data (CCD) table with records of changes to non-Db2 source
Apply program
Reads data from staging tables and makes the appropriate changes to targets. For
non-Db2 data sources, the Apply program reads the CCD table through that table's
nickname on the federated database and makes the appropriate changes to the
target table.
A utility that checks the health of the Q Capture, Q Apply, Capture, and Apply
programs. It checks for situations in which a program terminates, issues a warning
or error message, reaches a threshold for a specified value, or performs a certain
action, and then issues notifications to an email server, pager, or the z/OS console.
Copying schemas
The db2move utility and the ADMIN_COPY_SCHEMA procedure allow you to
quickly make copies of a database schema. Once a model schema is established,
you can use it as a template for creating new versions.
198 Db2 11.1 for Linux, UNIX, and Windows: Data Movement Utilities Guide and Reference
v Use the ADMIN_COPY_SCHEMA procedure to copy a single schema within the
same database.
v Use the db2move utility with the -co COPY action to copy a single schema or
multiple schemas from a source database to a target database. Most database
objects from the source schema are copied to the target database under the new
Troubleshooting tips
Both the ADMIN_COPY_SCHEMA procedure and the db2move utility invoke the
LOAD command. While the load is processing, the table spaces wherein the database
target objects reside are put into backup pending state.
Using this procedure with the COPYNO option places the table spaces
wherein the target object resides into backup pending state, as described in
the previous note. To get the table space out of the set integrity pending
state, this procedure issues a SET INTEGRITY statement. In situations
where a target table object has referential constraints defined, the target
table is also placed in the set integrity pending state. Because the table
spaces are already in backup pending state, the attempt by the
ADMIN_COPY_SCHEMA procedure to issue a SET INTEGRITY statement
To resolve this situation, issue a BACKUP DATABASE command to get the
affected table spaces out of backup pending state. Next, look at the
Statement_text column of the error table generated by this procedure to
find a list of tables in the set integrity pending state. Then issue the SET
INTEGRITY statement for each of the tables listed to take each table out of
the set integrity pending state.
db2move utility
This utility attempts to copy all allowable schema objects except for the
following types:
v table hierarchy
v staging tables (not supported by the load utility in multiple partition
database environments)
v jars (Java™ routine archives)
v nicknames
v packages
v view hierarchies
v object privileges (All new objects are created with default authorizations)
v statistics (New objects do not contain statistics information)
v index extensions (user-defined structured type related)
v user-defined structured types and their transform functions
Unsupported type errors
If an object of one of the unsupported types is detected in the source
schema, an entry is logged to an error file. The error file indicates that an
unsupported object type is detected. The COPY operation still succeeds;
the logged entry is meant to inform you of objects not copied by this
200 Db2 11.1 for Linux, UNIX, and Windows: Data Movement Utilities Guide and Reference
The new (target) schema objects are created by using the same object
names as the objects in the source schema, but with the target schema
qualifier. It is possible to create copies of tables with or without the data
from the source table. The source and target databases can be on different
Example 2: Specifying table space name mappings during the COPY operation
The following example shows how to specify specific table space name
mappings to be used instead of the table spaces from the source system
during a db2move COPY operation. You can specify the SYS_ANY keyword
to indicate that the target table space must be chosen by using the default
table space selection algorithm. In this case, the db2move utility chooses any
available table space to be used as the target:
db2move sample COPY -sn BAR -co target_db target schema_map
"((BAR,FOO))" tablespace_map "(SYS_ANY)" -u userid -p password
The SYS_ANY keyword can be used for all table spaces, or you can specify
specific mappings for some table spaces, and the default table space
selection algorithm for the remaining:
db2move sample COPY -sn BAR -co target_db target schema_map "
((BAR,FOO))" tablespace_map "((TS1, TS2),(TS3, TS4), SYS_ANY)"
-u userid -p password
This indicates that table space TS1 is mapped to TS2, TS3 is mapped to
TS4, but the remaining table spaces use a default table space selection
Example 3: Changing the object owners after the COPY operation
You can change the owner of each new object created in the target schema
after a successful COPY. The default owner of the target objects is the
connect user. If this option is specified, ownership is transferred to a new
owner as demonstrated:
db2move sample COPY -sn BAR -co target_db target schema_map
"((BAR,FOO))" tablespace_map "(SYS_ANY)" owner jrichards
-u userid -p password
The db2move utility must be started on the target system if source and
target schemas are found on different systems. For copying schemas from
one database to another, this action requires a list of schema names to be
copied from a source database, separated by commas, and a target
database name.
To copy a schema, issue db2move from an operating system command
prompt as follows:
db2move dbname COPY -co COPY-options
-u userid -p password
The tool queries the system catalog tables for a particular database and compiles a
list of all user tables. It then exports these tables in PC/IXF format. The PC/IXF
files can be imported or loaded to another local Db2 database on the same system,
This tool calls the Db2 export, import, and load APIs, depending on the action
requested by the user. Therefore, the requesting user ID must have the
authorization that the APIs require, or the request fails.
Command syntax
Command parameters
Specifies the name of the database.
action Specifies an action. Values are as follows:
Exports all tables that meet the filtering criteria according to the
option specified. If you do not specify an option then all tables are
exported. Internal staging information is stored in the db2move.lst
Imports all tables listed in the db2move.lst internal staging file.
Use the -io option for IMPORT specific actions.
Loads all tables listed in the internal staging file db2move.lst. Use
the -lo option for LOAD specific actions.
COPY Duplicates schemas into a target database. The target database
must be a local database. Use the -sn option to specify one or more
schemas. See the -co option for COPY specific options. Use the -tn
or -tf option to filter tables in LOAD_ONLY mode. You must use
the SYSTOOLSPACE table space if you use the
ADMIN_COPY_SCHEMA() stored procedure or if you use the
db2move command with the COPY parameter.
-tc table_definers
Specifies one or more table definers (creators).
202 Db2 11.1 for Linux, UNIX, and Windows: Data Movement Utilities Guide and Reference
This parameter applies only to the EXPORT action. If you specify the -tc
parameter, only those tables that were created by the specified definers are
exported. If you do not specify this parameter, all definers are used. If you
specify multiple definers, you must separate them with commas; no blanks
are allowed between definer IDs. You can use this parameter with the -tn
table_names parameter to select the tables for export.
You can use an asterisk (*) as a wildcard character anywhere in the string.
-tn table_names
Specifies one or more table names. This parameter applies only to the
EXPORT and COPY actions.
If you specify the -tn parameter with the EXPORT action, only those tables
whose names match those in the specified string are exported. If you do
not specify this parameter, all user tables are used. If you specify multiple
table names, you must separate them with commas; no blanks are allowed
between table names. Table names must be listed unqualified. To filter
schemas, you should use the -sn parameter.
For export, you can use an asterisk (*) as a wildcard character anywhere in
the string.
If you specify the -tn parameter with the COPY action, you must also
specify the -co "MODE" LOAD_ONLY copy_option parameter, and only the
specified tables are repopulated in the target database. The table names
must be listed with their schema qualifiers in the format "schema"."table".
-sn schema_names
Specifies one or more schema names. If you specify this parameter, only
those tables whose schema names match those in the specified string are
exported or copied. The default for the EXPORT action is all schemas. The
default does not apply to the COPY action.
If you specify multiple schema names, you must separate them with
commas; no blanks are allowed between schema names. Schema names of
fewer than 8 characters are padded to 8 characters in length.
In the case of the EXPORT action, if you use the asterisk (*) wildcard
character in the schema names, it is changed to a percent sign (%), and the
table name (with the percent sign) is used in the LIKE predicate of the
WHERE clause. If you use the -sn parameter with the -tn or -tc
parameter, the db2move command acts on only those tables whose schemas
match the specified schema names or whose definers match the specified
definers. A schema name fred has to be specified as -sn fr*d* instead of
-sn fr*d when using an asterisk.
If you do not specify the -tf parameter, all user tables are used.
If you specify this parameter with the COPY action, you must also specify
the -co "MODE" LOAD_ONLY copy_option parameter, and only those tables that
you specify in the file are repopulated in the target database. In the file,
you should list the table names with their schema qualifier in the format
-io import_option
Specifies options for the IMPORT action. Valid options are INSERT,
REPLACE_CREATE. For limitations of the import create function, see “IMPORT
command options CREATE and REPLACE_CREATE are deprecated” .
-lo load_option
Specifies options for the LOAD action. Valid options are INSERT and REPLACE.
The default is INSERT.
-co Specifies options for the COPY action.
"TARGET_DB db name [USER userid USING password]"
Specifies the name of the target database, user ID, and password.
(The source database userid and password can be specified using
the existing -p and -u options). The USER USING clause is optional.
If USER specifies a userid, then the password must either be
supplied following the USING clause, or if it is not specified, then
db2move will prompt for the password information. The reason for
prompting is for security reasons discussed in the following
section. TARGET_DB is a mandatory option for the COPY action. The
TARGET_DB cannot be the same as the source database and must be
a local database. The ADMIN_COPY_SCHEMA procedure can be
used for copying schemas within the same database. The COPY
action requires inputting at least one schema (-sn) or one table (-tn
or -tf).
Running multiple db2move commands to copy schemas from one
database to another will result in deadlocks. Only one db2move
command should be issued at a time. Changes to tables in the
source schema during copy processing may mean that the data in
the target schema is not identical following a copy.
This option is optional.
204 Db2 11.1 for Linux, UNIX, and Windows: Data Movement Utilities Guide and Reference
Creates all supported objects from the source schema, and
populates the tables with the source table data. This is the
default option.
Creates all supported objects from the source schema, but
does not repopulate the tables.
Loads all specified tables from the source database to the
target database. The tables must already exist on the target.
The LOAD_ONLY mode requires inputting at least one table
using the -tn or -tf option.
This is an optional option that is only used with the COPY action.
Renames a schema when copying to a target. This option is
To use this option, provide a list of the source-target schema
mappings, separated by commas, surrounded by parentheses, for
example, schema_map ((s1, t1), (s2, t2)). In this case, objects
from schema s1 are copied to schema t1 on the target, and objects
from schema s2 are copied to schema t2 on the target. The default
and recommended target schema name is the source schema name.
The reason is that the db2move command does not attempt to
modify the schema of any qualified objects within object bodies.
Therefore, using a different target schema name might lead to
problems if there are qualified objects within the object body.
Consider the following example, which creates a view called
v1:create view FOO.v1 as ’select c1 from FOO.t1’
In this case, copy of schema FOO to BAR, v1 will be regenerated
as:create view BAR.v1 as ’select c1 from FOO.t1’
This will either fail since schema FOO does not exist on the target
database, or have an unexpected result due to FOO being different
than BAR. Maintaining the same schema name as the source will
avoid these issues. If there are cross dependencies between
schemas, all inter-dependent schemas must be copied or there may
be errors copying the objects with the cross dependencies.
For example:create view FOO.v1 as ’select c1 from BAR.t1’
In this case, the copy of v1 will either fail if BAR is not copied as
well, or have an unexpected result if BAR on the target is different
than BAR from the source. db2move will not attempt to detect cross
schema dependencies.
This is an optional option that is only used with the COPY action.
If a target schema already exists, the utility will fail. Use the
ADMIN_DROP_SCHEMA procedure to drop the schema and all
objects associated with that schema.
This option allows the user to override the default behavior of the
load to be done with COPY-NO. With the default behavior, the
user will be forced to take backups of each table space that was
206 Db2 11.1 for Linux, UNIX, and Windows: Data Movement Utilities Guide and Reference
v The maximum value that can be specified for number_of_threads
is 16.
This is an optional option available to the COPY action.
-l lobpaths
For IMPORT and EXPORT, if this option is specified, it will be also used for
XML paths. The default is the current directory.
This option specifies the absolute path names where LOB or XML files are
created (as part of EXPORT) or searched for (as part of IMPORT or LOAD).
When specifying multiple paths, each must be separated by commas; no
blanks are allowed between paths. If multiple paths are specified, EXPORT
will use them in round-robin fashion. It will write one LOB document to
the first path, one to the second path, and so on up to the last, then back
to the first path. The same is true for XML documents. If files are not
found in the first path (during IMPORT or LOAD), the second path will be
used, and so on.
-u userid
The default is the logged on user ID.
Both user ID and password are optional. However, if one is specified, the
other must be specified. If the command is run on a client connecting to a
remote server, user ID and password should be specified.
-p password
The default is the logged on password. Both user ID and password are
optional. However, if one is specified, the other must be specified. When
the -p option is specified, but the password not supplied, db2move will
prompt for the password. This is done for security reasons. Inputting the
password through command line creates security issues. For example, a ps
-ef command would display the password. If, however, db2move is
invoked through a script, then the passwords will have to be supplied. If
the command is issued on a client connecting to a remote server, user ID
and password should be specified.
-aw Allow Warnings. When -aw is not specified, tables that experience
warnings during export are not included in the db2move.lst file (although
that table's .ixf file and .msg file are still generated). In some scenarios
(such as data truncation) the user might want to allow such tables to be
included in the db2move.lst file. Specifying this option allows tables which
receive warnings during export to be included in the .lst file.
v To export all tables in the SAMPLE database (using default values for all
options), issue:
db2move sample export
v To export all tables created by userid1 or user IDs LIKE us%rid2, and with the
name tbname1 or table names LIKE %tbname2, issue:
db2move sample export -tc userid1,us*rid2 -tn tbname1,*tbname2
v To import all tables in the SAMPLE database (LOB paths D:\LOBPATH1 and
C:\LOBPATH2 are to be searched for LOB files; this example is applicable to
Windows operating systems only), issue:
db2move sample import -l D:\LOBPATH1,C:\LOBPATH2
v To load all tables in the SAMPLE database (/home/userid/lobpath subdirectory
and the tmp subdirectory are to be searched for LOB files; this example is
applicable to Linux and UNIX systems only), issue:
Usage notes
v When copying one or more schemas into a target database the schemas must be
independent of each other. If not, some of the objects might not be copied
successfully into the target database
v Loading data into tables containing XML columns is only supported for the LOAD
and not for the COPY action. The workaround is to manually issue the IMPORT or
EXPORT commands, or use the db2move Export and db2move Import behaviour. If
these tables also contain GENERATED ALWAYS identity columns, data cannot
be imported into the tables.
v A db2move EXPORT, followed by a db2move IMPORT or db2move LOAD, facilitates the
movement of table data. It is necessary to manually move all other database
objects associated with the tables (such as aliases, views, or triggers) as well as
objects that these tables may depend on (such as user-defined types or
user-defined functions).
v If the IMPORT action with the CREATE or REPLACE_CREATE option is used to create
the tables on the target database (both options are deprecated and may be
removed in a future release), then the limitations outlined in “Imported table
re-creation” are imposed. If unexpected errors are encountered during the
db2move import phase when the REPLACE_CREATE option is used, examine the
appropriate tabnnn.msg message file and consider whether the errors might be
the result of the limitations on table creation.
v Tables that contain GENERATED ALWAYS identity columns cannot be imported
or loaded using db2move. You can, however, manually import or load these
tables. For more information, see “Identity column load considerations” or
“Identity column import considerations”.
v When export, import, or load APIs are called by db2move, the FileTypeMod
parameter is set to lobsinfile. That is, LOB data is kept in files that are separate
from the PC/IXF file, for every table.
v The LOAD command must be run locally on the machine where the database and
the data file reside.
v When using db2move LOAD and logarchmeth1 is enabled for the database (the
database is recoverable):
– If the NONRECOVERABLE option is not specified, then db2move will invoke the
db2Load API using the default COPY NO option, and the table spaces where
the loaded tables reside are placed in the Backup Pending state upon
completion of the utility (a full database or table space backup is required to
take the table spaces out of the Backup Pending state).
– If the NONRECOVERABLE option is specified, the table spaces are not placed in
backup-pending state, however if rollforward recovery is performed later, the
208 Db2 11.1 for Linux, UNIX, and Windows: Data Movement Utilities Guide and Reference
table is marked inaccessible and it must be dropped. For more information
aboutLoad recoverability options, see “Options for improving load
v Performance for the db2move command with the IMPORT or LOAD actions can be
improved by altering the default buffer pool, IBMDEFAULTBP, and by updating
the configuration parameters sortheap, util_heap_sz, logfilsiz, and
v When running data movement utilities such as export and db2move, the query
compiler might determine that the underlying query will run more efficiently
against an MQT than the base table or tables. In this case, the query will execute
against a refresh deferred MQT, and the result of the utilities might not
accurately represent the data in the underlying table.
v The db2move command is not available with Db2 clients. If you issue the db2move
command from a client machine, you will receive a db2move is not recognized
as an internal or external command, operable program or batch file error
message. To avoid this issue, you can issue the db2move command directly on the
v The db2move COPY command and the ADMIN_COPY_SCHEMA procedure
perform similar tasks. The ADMIN_COPY_SCHEMA procedure copies schemas
within the same database, and the db2copy COPY command copies from one
database to another. Many of the usage notes, behaviors, and restrictions that are
covered in ADMIN_COPY_SCHEMA procedure - Copy a specific schema and its
objects, also apply to the db2copy COPY command.
v Row and Column Access Control (RCAC) applies for any SQL access to tables
protected with row permissions and column masks. RCAC includes SQL in
applications and utilities like IMPORT and EXPORT. For example, when exporting
data from a table that is protected with row permissions and column masks that
use the EXPORT utility, only the data that you are authorized to access are
exported. If your intent is to export the full content of the table, you need to
make sure the SECADM grants you the proper authorization.
210 Db2 11.1 for Linux, UNIX, and Windows: Data Movement Utilities Guide and Reference
An output file containing messages generated by each invocation of the
Load utility (used to repopulate data on the target database).
An output file containing the names of tables that either encountered a
failure during Load or still need to be populated on the target database.
See the “Restarting a failed copy schema operation” topic for more
These files are timestamped and all files that are generated from one run will
have the same timestamp.
You can perform a redirected restore only if the database was previously backed
up using the Db2 backup utility.
Restores a database that has been backed up using the Db2 backup utility. The
restored database is in the same state that it was in when the backup copy was
made. The Restore Database command can also be used to encrypt an existing
For more information about the restore operations that are supported by Db2
database systems between different operating systems and hardware platforms, see
“Backup and restore operations between different operating systems and hardware
platforms” in the Data Recovery and High Availability Guide and Reference.
Incremental images and images only capturing differences from the time of the
previous capture (called a “delta image”) cannot be restored when there is a
difference in operating systems or word size (32-bit or 64-bit).
212 Db2 11.1 for Linux, UNIX, and Windows: Data Movement Utilities Guide and Reference
procedures must be dropped and re-created; and all external libraries must be
rebuilt on the new platform. (These are not considerations when restoring to the
same environment).
A restore operation that is run over an existing database and existing containers
reuses the same containers and table space map.
A restore operation that is run against a new database reacquires all containers and
rebuilds an optimized table space map. A restore operation that is run over an
existing database with one or more missing containers also reacquires all
containers and rebuilds an optimized table space map.
Required connection
Command syntax
USER username
USING password
► ►
ALL TABLESPACES IN IMAGE EXCEPT rebuild-tablespace-clause
( ▼ tablespace-name )
( ▼ schema-name )
► ►
INCREMENTAL USE TSM open-sessions options
ABORT LIBRARY library-name
SCRIPT script-name
LOAD shared-library open-sessions options
FROM ▼ directory
► ►
TAKEN AT date-time TO target-directory
DBPATH ON target-directory
ON path-list
DBPATH ON target-directory
► ►
STAGE IN staging-database USING STOGROUP storagegroup-name
► ►
INTO target-database-alias LOGTARGET directory NEWLOGPATH directory
► ►
► ►
► ►
Encryption Options Master Key Options
TABLESPACE ( ▼ tablespace-name )
214 Db2 11.1 for Linux, UNIX, and Windows: Data Movement Utilities Guide and Reference
OPTIONS "options-string"
@ file-name
Encryption Options:
Command parameters
DATABASE source-database-alias
Alias of the source database from which the backup was taken.
Specifies that the containers have been redefined, and that the final step in
a redirected restore operation should be performed.
This parameter:
v Stops a redirected restore operation. This is useful when an error has
occurred that requires one or more steps to be repeated. After RESTORE
DATABASE with the ABORT option has been issued, each step of a
redirected restore operation must be repeated, including RESTORE
DATABASE with the REDIRECT option.
v Terminates an incremental restore operation before completion.
USER username
Specifies the user name to be used when attempting a connection to the
USING password
The password that is used to authenticate the user name. If the password
is omitted, the user is prompted to enter it.
Restores the database with all the table spaces that are known to the
database at the time of the image being restored. This restore overwrites a
database if it already exists.
Restores the database with all the table spaces that are known to the
database at the time of the image being restored except for those specified
in the list. This restore overwrites a database if it already exists.
Restores the database with only the table spaces in the image being
restored. This restore overwrites a database if it already exists.
216 Db2 11.1 for Linux, UNIX, and Windows: Data Movement Utilities Guide and Reference
XBSA Specifies that the XBSA interface is to be used. Backup Services
APIs (XBSA) are an open application programming interface for
applications or facilities needing data storage management for
backup or archiving purposes.
Specifies that the data is to be restored from a snapshot backup.
You cannot use the SNAPSHOT parameter with any of the following
v TO
v ON
v WITH num-buffers BUFFERS
v OPEN num-sessions SESSIONS
Also, you cannot use the SNAPSHOT parameter with any restore
operation that involves a table space list, which includes the
The default behavior when you restore data from a snapshot
backup image is a full database offline restore of all paths that
make up the database, including all containers, the local volume
directory, and the database path (DBPATH). The logs are excluded
from a snapshot restore unless you specify the LOGTARGET INCLUDE
parameter; the LOGTARGET EXCLUDE parameter is the default for all
snapshot restores. If you provide a time stamp, the snapshot
backup image with that time stamp is used for the restore.
LIBRARY library-name
Integrated into IBM Data Server is a Db2 ACS API driver
for the following storage hardware:
v IBM TotalStorage SAN Volume Controller
v IBM Enterprise Storage Server® Model 800
v IBM Storwize® V7000
v IBM System Storage® DS6000™
v IBM System Storage DS8000®
v IBM System Storage N Series
218 Db2 11.1 for Linux, UNIX, and Windows: Data Movement Utilities Guide and Reference
containing the vendor backup and restore I/O functions to be used. The
name can contain a full path. If the full path is not given, the value
defaults to the path on which the user exit program resides.
TAKEN AT date-time
The time stamp of the database backup image. The time stamp is
displayed after successful completion of a backup operation, and is part of
the path name for the backup image. It is specified in the form
yyyymmddhhmmss. A partial time stamp can also be specified. For example,
if two different backup images with time stamps 20021001010101 and
20021002010101 exist, specifying 20021002 causes the image with time
stamp 20021002010101 to be used. If a value for this parameter is not
specified, there must be only one backup image on the source media.
TO target-directory
This parameter states the target database directory. This parameter is
ignored if the utility is restoring to an existing database. The drive and
directory that you specify must be local. If the backup image contains a
database that is enabled for automatic storage, then only the database
directory changes. The storage paths that are associated with the database
do not change.
DBPATH ON target-directory
This parameter states the target database directory. This parameter is
ignored if the utility is restoring to an existing database. The drive and
directory that you specify must be local. If the backup image contains a
database that is enabled for automatic storage and the parameter is not
specifiedON, then this parameter is synonymous with the TO parameter and
only the database directory changes. The storage paths that are associated
with the database do not change.
ON path-list
This parameter redefines the storage paths that are associated with a
database. If the database contains multiple storage groups this option will
redirect all storage groups to the specified paths, such that every defined
storage group uses path-list as its new storage group paths. Using this
parameter with a database that has no storage groups defined or is not
enabled for automatic storage results in an error (SQL20321N). The existing
storage paths as defined within the backup image are no longer used and
automatic storage table spaces are automatically redirected to the new
paths. If this parameter is not specified for an automatic storage database,
then the storage paths remain as they are defined within the backup
image. Without this parameter, while the path might not change, it is
possible for the data and containers on the paths to be rebalanced during
the restore. For rebalancing conditions, see .
One or more paths can be specified, each separated by a comma. Each path
must have an absolute path name and it must exist locally.
If this option is specified with the REDIRECT option, then this option takes
effect before the initial RESTORE ... REDIRECT command returns to the
caller, and before any SET STOGROUP PATHS or SET TABLESPACE
CONTAINERS statements are issued. Subsequently, if any storage group
paths are redirected, those modifications override any paths specified in
the initial RESTORE ... ON path-list command.
Any storage groups that have their paths redefined during a restore
operation do not have any storage path-related operations replayed during
a subsequent rollforward operation.
220 Db2 11.1 for Linux, UNIX, and Windows: Data Movement Utilities Guide and Reference
STAGE IN staging-database
Specifies the name of a temporary staging database for the backup image
that is the source for the transport operation. If the STAGE IN option is
specified, the temporary database is not dropped after the transport
operation completes. The database is no longer required after the transport
has completed and can be dropped by the DBA.
The following is true if the STAGE IN option is not specified:
v The database name is of the form SYSTGxxx where xxx is an integer
v The temporary staging database is dropped after the transport operation
USING STOGROUP storagegroup-name
For automatic storage table spaces, this specifies the target storage group
that will be associated with all table spaces being transported. If the
storage group is not specified, then the currently designated default
storage group of the target database is used. This clause only applies to
automatic storage table spaces and is only valid during a schema
transport operation.
Identifies the storage group in which table space data will be stored.
storagegroup-name must identify a storage group that exists at the
target-database-alias of the TRANSPORT operation. (SQLSTATE 42704). This is a
one-part name.
LOGTARGET directory
Non-snapshot restores:
The absolute path name of an existing directory on the database server to
be used as the target directory for extracting log files from a backup image.
If this option is specified, any log files that are contained within the
backup image will be extracted into the target directory. If this option is
not specified, log files that are contained within a backup image will not
be extracted. To extract only the log files from the backup image, specify
the LOGS option. This option automatically appends the database partition
number and a log stream ID to the path.
Restore log files from the backup image into the database's default
log directory, for example /home/db2user/db2inst/NODE0000/
Snapshot restores:
Restore log directory volumes from the snapshot image. If this
option is specified and the backup image contains log directories,
then they will be restored. Existing log directories and log files on
disk will be left intact if they do not conflict with the log
directories in the backup image. If existing log directories on disk
conflict with the log directories in the backup image, then an error
will be returned.
Do not restore log directory volumes. If this option is specified,
then no log directories will be restored from the backup image.
Existing log directories and log files on disk will be left intact if
they do not conflict with the log directories in the backup image. If
a path belonging to the database is restored and a log directory
Note: Use this option with caution, and always ensure that you
have backed up and archived all logs that might be required for
For snapshot restores, the default value of the directory option is LOGTARGET
NEWLOGPATH directory
The absolute path name of a directory that will be used for active log files
after the restore operation. This parameter has the same function as the
newlogpath database configuration parameter. The parameter can be used
when the log path in the backup image is not suitable for use after the
restore operation; for example, when the path is no longer valid, or is
being used by a different database.
Note: When the newlogpath command parameter is set, the node number
is automatically appended to the value of logpath parameter. The node
number is also automatically appended to the value of the logpath
parameter when the newlogpath database configuration parameter is
updated. For more information, see newlogpath - Change the database log
After the restore completes, the database should use the default log
directory: /home/db2user/db2inst/NODE0000/SQL00001/
LOGSTREAM0000 for logging.
WITH num-buffers BUFFERS
The number of buffers to be used. The Db2 database system will
automatically choose an optimal value for this parameter unless you
explicitly enter a value. A larger number of buffers can be used to improve
performance when multiple sources are being read from, or if the value of
PARALLELISM has been increased.
BUFFER buffer-size
The size, in pages, of the buffer used for the restore operation. The Db2
database system will automatically choose an optimal value for this
parameter unless you explicitly enter a value. The minimum value for this
parameter is eight pages.
The restore buffer size must be a positive integer multiple of the backup
buffer size that is specified during the backup operation. If an incorrect
buffer size is specified, the buffers are allocated to be of the smallest
acceptable size.
Specifies that the restore operation should replace the history file on disk
with the history file from the backup image.
222 Db2 11.1 for Linux, UNIX, and Windows: Data Movement Utilities Guide and Reference
If a database with the same alias as the target database alias already exists,
this parameter specifies that the restore utility is to replace the existing
database with the restored database. This is useful for scripts that invoke
the restore utility because the command line processor will not prompt the
user to verify deletion of an existing database. If the WITHOUT PROMPTING
parameter is specified, it is not necessary to specify REPLACE EXISTING, but
in this case, the operation will fail if events occur that normally require
user intervention.
Specifies a redirected restore operation. To complete a redirected restore
operation, this command should be followed by one or more SET
then by a RESTORE DATABASE command with the CONTINUE option. For
If a storage group has been renamed since the backup image was
produced, the storage group name that is specified on the SET STOGROUP
PATHS command refers to the storage group name from the backup image,
not the most recent name.
All commands that are associated with a single redirected restore operation
must be invoked from the same window or CLP session.
Creates a redirect restore script with the specified file name. The script
name can be relative or absolute and the script will be generated on the
client side. If the file cannot be created on the client side, an error message
(SQL9304N) will be returned. If the file already exists, it will be
overwritten. For more information, see the following examples.
Specifies that the database is not to be put in rollforward pending state
after it has been successfully restored.
If, following a successful restore operation, the database is in rollforward
pending state, the ROLLFORWARD command must be invoked before the
database can be used again.
If this option is specified when restoring from an online backup image,
error SQL2537N will be returned.
If the backup image is of a recoverable database, then WITHOUT ROLLING
FORWARD cannot be specified with REBUILD option.
Specifies the number of buffer manipulators that are to be created during
the restore operation. The Db2 database system will automatically choose
an optimal value for this parameter unless you explicitly enter a value.
Indicates the name of the library that is used to decompress or decrypt a
backup image. The path to the following libraries is $HOME/sqllib/lib.
The master key label is optional. If no master key label is specified, the
database manager looks in the keystore for a master key label that was
used to create the backup image. If you are using other libraries, the
format of the ENCROPTS variable depends on those libraries.
Specifies that an encrypted database is to be restored into a non-encrypted
new or existing database. This option does not work on table space restore
unless schema transport is specified with table space restore and the target
database is not encrypted.
Specifies that the restored database is to be encrypted. Encryption includes
all system, user, and temporary table spaces, indexes, and all transaction
log data. All data types within those table spaces are encrypted, including
long field data, LOBs, and XML data. You cannot specify this option when
restoring into an existing database; for table space-level restore operations;
when the TRANSPORT option is specified; or when the USE SNAPSHOT option
is specified.
Specifies the encryption algorithm that is to be used for encrypting
the database. You can choose one of the following FIPS 140-2
approved options:
224 Db2 11.1 for Linux, UNIX, and Windows: Data Movement Utilities Guide and Reference
AES Advanced Encryption Standard (AES) algorithm. This is
the default.
3DES Triple Data Encryption Standard (3DES) algorithm.
Specifies the encryption algorithm mode that is to be used for
encrypting the database. CBC (Cipher Block Chaining) is the
default mode.
KEY LENGTH key-length
Specifies the length of the key that is to be used for encrypting the
database. The length can be one of the following values, which are
specified in bits:
128 Available with AES only
168 Available with 3DES only
192 Available with AES only
256 Available with AES only
Specifies a label for the master key that is used to protect the key
that is used to encrypt the database. The encryption algorithm that
is used for encrypting with the master key is always AES. If the
master key is automatically generated by the Db2 data server, it is
always a 256-bit key.
Uniquely identifies the master key within the keystore that
is identified by the value of the keystore_type database
manager configuration parameter. The maximum length of
label-name is 255 bytes.
Specifies that the restore operation is to run unattended. Actions that
normally require user intervention will return an error message. When
using a removable media device, such as tape or diskette, the user is
prompted when the device ends, even if this option is specified.
1. In the following example, the database WSDB is defined on all 4 database
partitions, numbered 0 - 3. The path /dev3/backup is accessible from all
database partitions. The following offline backup images are available from
To restore the catalog partition first, then all other database partitions of the
WSDB database from the /dev3/backup directory, issue the following
commands from one of the database partitions:
db2_all ’<<+0< db2 RESTORE DATABASE wsdb FROM /dev3/backup
TAKEN AT 200802241234
db2_all ’<<+1< db2 RESTORE DATABASE wsdb FROM /dev3/backup
TAKEN AT 200802241234
db2_all ’<<+2< db2 RESTORE DATABASE wsdb FROM /dev3/backup
The db2_all utility issues the restore command to each specified database
partition. When performing a restore using db2_all, you should always
specify REPLACE EXISTING and/or WITHOUT PROMPTING. Otherwise, if there is
prompting, the operation will look like it is hanging. This is because db2_all
does not support user prompting.
2. Following is a typical redirected restore scenario for a database whose alias is
a. Issue a RESTORE DATABASE command with the REDIRECT option.
restore db mydb replace existing redirect
To verify that the containers of the restored database are the ones specified
in this step, issue the LIST TABLESPACE CONTAINERS command.
c. After successful completion of steps 1 and 2, issue:
restore db mydb continue
For a manual database restore of the images created on Friday morning, issue:
restore db mydb incremental taken at (Fri)
restore db mydb incremental taken at (Sun)
restore db mydb incremental taken at (Wed)
restore db mydb incremental taken at (Thu)
restore db mydb incremental taken at (Fri)
4. To produce a backup image, which includes logs, for transportation to a
remote site:
226 Db2 11.1 for Linux, UNIX, and Windows: Data Movement Utilities Guide and Reference
backup db sample online to /dev3/backup include logs
To restore that backup image, supply a LOGTARGET path and specify this path
restore db sample from /dev3/backup logtarget /dev3/logs
rollforward db sample to end of logs and stop overflow log path /dev3/logs
5. To retrieve only the log files from a backup image that includes logs:
restore db sample logs from /dev3/backup logtarget /dev3/logs
6. In the following example, three identical target directories are specified for a
backup operation on database SAMPLE. The data will be concurrently backed
up to the three target directories, and three backup images will be generated
with extensions .001, .002, and .003.
backup db sample to /dev3/backup, /dev3/backup, /dev3/backup
228 Db2 11.1 for Linux, UNIX, and Windows: Data Movement Utilities Guide and Reference
FILE /tmp/dms1 1000
, FILE /tmp/dms2 1000
-- ****************************************************************************
-- ** Tablespace name = RAW
-- ** Tablespace ID = 4
-- ** Tablespace Type = Database managed space
-- ** Tablespace Content Type = Any data
-- ** Tablespace Page size (bytes) = 4096
-- ** Tablespace Extent size (pages) = 32
-- ** Using automatic storage = No
-- ** Auto-resize enabled = No
-- ** Total number of pages = 2000
-- ** Number of usable pages = 1960
-- ** High water mark (pages) = 96
-- ****************************************************************************
DEVICE '/dev/hdb1’ 1000
, DEVICE '/dev/hdb2’ 1000
-- ****************************************************************************
-- ** start redirect restore
-- ****************************************************************************
-- ****************************************************************************
-- ** end of file
-- ****************************************************************************
10. A script output of the following command on an automatic storage database:
restore db test from /home/jseifert/backups taken at 20050304090733 redirect
generate script TEST_NODE0000.clp
230 Db2 11.1 for Linux, UNIX, and Windows: Data Movement Utilities Guide and Reference
-- ** Tablespace Content Type = Any data
-- ** Tablespace Page size (bytes) = 4096
-- ** Tablespace Extent size (pages) = 32
-- ** Using automatic storage = No
-- ** Storage group ID = 2
-- ** Source storage group ID = -1
-- ** Data tag = 9
-- ** Auto-resize enabled = No
-- ** Total number of pages = 2000
-- ** Number of usable pages = 1960
-- ** High water mark (pages) = 96
-- ****************************************************************************
FILE '/tmp/dms1’ 1000
, FILE '/tmp/dms2’ 1000
-- ****************************************************************************
-- ** Tablespace name = RAW
-- ** Tablespace ID = 4
-- ** Tablespace Type = Database managed space
-- ** Tablespace Content Type = Any data
-- ** Tablespace Page size (bytes) = 4096
-- ** Tablespace Extent size (pages) = 32
-- ** Using automatic storage = No
-- ** Auto-resize enabled = No
-- ** Total number of pages = 2000
-- ** Number of usable pages = 1960
-- ** High water mark (pages) = 96
-- ****************************************************************************
DEVICE '/dev/hdb1’ 1000
, DEVICE '/dev/hdb2’ 1000
-- ****************************************************************************
-- ** start redirect restore
-- ****************************************************************************
-- ****************************************************************************
-- ** end of file
-- ****************************************************************************
11. The following are examples of the RESTORE DB command using the SNAPSHOT
Restore log directory volumes from the snapshot image and do not prompt.
db2 restore db sample use snapshot LOGTARGET INCLUDE without prompting
Do not restore log directory volumes and do not prompt.
db2 restore db sample use snapshot LOGTARGET EXCLUDE without prompting
Do not restore log directory volumes and do not prompt. When LOGTARGET is
not specified, then the default is LOGTARGET EXCLUDE.
db2 restore db sample use snapshot without prompting
Allow existing log directories in the current database to be overwritten and
replaced when restoring the snapshot image containing conflicting log
directories, without prompting.
db2 restore db sample use snapshot LOGTARGET EXCLUDE FORCE without prompting
Allow existing log directories in the current database to be overwritten and
replaced when restoring the snapshot image containing conflicting log
directories, without prompting.
db2 restore db sample use snapshot LOGTARGET INCLUDE FORCE without prompting
12. The following are examples of a transport operation using the RESTORE
command with the TRANSPORT REDIRECT option:
Note: The USING STOGROUP option of the RESTORE command is only valid
during a transport operation, and cannot be used to specify a target storage
group during any other restore operation.
To perform a transport into the default storage group of the target database,
the USING STOGROUP option does not need to be specified:
The storage group name that is specified on the RESTORE command during the
TRANSPORT operation must currently be defined in the target database. It
does not need to be defined within the backup image or source database.
13. The following examples show how to specify encryption options.
Restore into a new encrypted database named CCARDS by using the default
encryption options:
Restore into the same database by using explicitly provided encryption
options to decrypt the backup image:
ENCROPTS ’Master key Label=mylabel.mydb.myinstance.myserver’;
If you cannot remember what master key label was used to protect a backup
image, run the RESTORE DATABASE command with the SHOW MASTER KEY DETAILS
encryption option; its output is the equivalent of running the
ADMIN_GET_ENCRYPTION_INFO table function. The database is not
restored. For example:
ENCROPTS ’show master key details’
The command returns the label for each master key that was used to protect
the backup image. The command also returns information about the location
of the master key at the time that the backup was taken. This information is
available in the sqllib/db2dump directory in a file whose name has the
following format:
232 Db2 11.1 for Linux, UNIX, and Windows: Data Movement Utilities Guide and Reference
If the parameter AT DBPARTITIONNUM is used to re-create a database partition that
was dropped (because it was damaged), the database at this database partition will
be in the restore-pending state. After re-creating the database partition, the
database must immediately be restored on this database partition.
Usage notes
v In a Db2 pureScale environment, both the RESTORE operation using the REBUILD
option, as well as the ensuing database ROLLFORWARD operation, must be
performed on a member that exists within the database member topology of
every backup image involved in the operation. For example, suppose the
RESTORE REBUILD operation uses two backup images: backup-image-A has
database member topology {0,1}, and backup-image-B has database member
topology {0, 1, 2, 3}. Then, both the RESTORE operation and the ensuing
ROLLFORWARD operation must be performed on either member-0 or member-1
(which exist in all backup images).
v A RESTORE DATABASE command of the form db2 restore db name will perform a
full database restore with a database image and will perform a table space
restore operation of the table spaces that are found in a table space image. A
RESTORE DATABASE command of the form db2 restore db name tablespace
performs a table space restore of the table spaces that are found in the image. In
addition, if a list of table spaces is provided with such a command, the explicitly
listed table spaces are restored.
v Following the restore operation of an online backup, you must perform a
rollforward recovery.
v You can use the OPTIONS parameter to enable restore operations in TSM
environments supporting proxy nodes. For more information, see the
“Configuring a Tivoli Storage Manager client” topic.
v If a backup image is compressed, the Db2 database system detects this and
automatically decompresses the data before restoring it. If a library is specified
on the db2Restore API, it is used for decompressing the data. Otherwise, a check
is made to see if a library is stored in the backup image and if the library exists,
it is used. Finally, if a library is not stored in the backup image, the data cannot
be decompressed and the restore operation fails.
v If the compression library is to be restored from a backup image (either
explicitly by specifying the COMPRESSION LIBRARY option or implicitly by
performing a normal restore of a compressed backup), the restore operation
must be done on the same platform and operating system that the backup was
taken on. If the platform the backup was taken on is not the same as the
platform that the restore is being done on, the restore operation will fail, even if
the Db2 database system normally supports cross-platform restores involving the
two systems.
v A backed-up SMS table space can only be restored into an SMS table space. You
cannot restore it into a DMS table space, or vice versa.
v To restore log files from the backup image that contains them, the LOGTARGET
option must be specified, providing the fully qualified and valid path that exists
on the Db2 server. If those conditions are satisfied, the restore utility will write
the log files from the image to the target path. If a LOGTARGET is specified during
a restore of a backup image that does not include logs, the restore operation will
return an error before attempting to restore any table space data. A restore
operation will also fail with an error if an invalid, or read-only, LOGTARGET path
is specified.
v If any log files exist in the LOGTARGET path at the time the RESTORE DATABASE
command is issued, a warning prompt will be returned to the user. This
warning will not be returned if WITHOUT PROMPTING is specified.
234 Db2 11.1 for Linux, UNIX, and Windows: Data Movement Utilities Guide and Reference
The Db2 database manager will make all efforts to save existing log
directories (primary, mirror and overflow) before the restore of the paths
from the backup image takes place.
If you want the log directories to be restored and the Db2 database
manager detects that the pre-existing log directories on disk conflict with
the log directories in the backup image, then the Db2 database manager
will report an error. In such a case, if you have specified LOGTARGET
INCLUDE FORCE, then this error will be suppressed and the log directories
from the image will be restored, deleting whatever existed beforehand.
There is a special case in which the LOGTARGET EXCLUDE option is specified
and a log directory path resides under the database directory (for example,
/NODExxxx/SQLxxxxx/LOGSTREAMxxxxx/). In this case, a restore would still
overwrite the log directory as the database path, and all of the contents
beneath it, would be restored. If the Db2 database manager detects this
scenario and log files exist in this log directory, then an error will be
reported. If you specify LOGTARGET EXCLUDE FORCE, then this error will be
suppressed and those log directories from the backup image will overwrite
the conflicting log directories on disk.
Transporting table spaces and schemas
The complete list of table spaces and schemas must be specified.
The target database must be active at the time of transport.
If an online backup image is used, then the staging database is rolled
forward to the end of the backup. If an offline backup image is used, then
no rollforward processing is performed.
A staging database consisting of the system catalog table space from the
backup image is created under the path specified by the dftdbpath
database parameter. This database is dropped when the RESTORE DATABASE
command completes. The staging database is required to extract the DDL
used to regenerate the objects in the table spaces being transported.
When transporting table spaces, the Db2 database manager attempts to
assign the first available buffer pool of matching page size to the table
space that is transported. If the target database does not have buffer pools
that match the page size of the table spaces being transported, then a
hidden buffer pool might be assigned. Hidden buffer pools are temporary
place holders for transported table spaces. You can check the buffer pools
assigned to the transported table spaces after transport completes. You can
issue the ALTER TABLESPACE command to update buffer pools.
If database rollforward detects a table space schema transport log record,
the corresponding transported table space will be taken offline and moved
into drop pending state. This is because database does not have complete
logs of transported table spaces to rebuild transported table spaces and
their contents. You can take a full backup of the target database after
transport completes, so subsequent rollforward does not pass the point of
schema transport in the log stream.
The TRANSPORT option to transport table spaces and schemas from the
database backup image to the target database is not supported if a schema
being transported includes an index with an expression-based key.
Transporting storage groups
Disk mirroring is the process of writing data to two separate hard disks at the
same time. One copy of the data is called a mirror of the other. Splitting a mirror is
the process of separating the two copies.
You can use disk mirroring to maintain a secondary copy of your primary
database. You can use Db2 server suspended I/O functionality to split the primary
and secondary mirrored copies of the database without taking the database offline.
Once the primary and secondary databases copies are split, the secondary database
can take over operations if the primary database fails.
If you would rather not back up a large database using the Db2 server backup
utility, you can make copies from a mirrored image by using suspended I/O and
the split mirror function. This approach also:
v Eliminates backup operation overhead from the production machine
v Represents a fast way to clone systems
236 Db2 11.1 for Linux, UNIX, and Windows: Data Movement Utilities Guide and Reference
v Represents a fast implementation of idle standby failover. There is no initial
restore operation, and if a rollforward operation proves to be too slow, or
encounters errors, reinitialization is very fast.
The db2inidb command initializes the split mirror so that it can be used:
v As a clone database
v As a standby database
v As a backup image
This command can only be issued against a split mirror, and it must be run before
the split mirror can be used.
Note: Ensure that the split mirror contains all containers and directories which
comprise the database, including the volume directory. To gather this information,
refer to the DBPATHS administrative view, which shows all the files and
directories of the database that need to be split.
If the instance that a database belongs to is changing, you must do the following to
ensure that changes to the instance and database support files are made. If a
database is being moved to another instance, create the new instance. The new
instance must be at the same release level as the instance where the database
currently resides.
You must issue this command before you can use a split-mirror database.
Required connection
Command syntax
► ►◄
Command parameters
Specifies the alias of the database to be initialized.
Specifies that the mirrored database will be initialized as a clone of the
primary database.
Specifies that the database will be placed in rollforward pending state.
New logs from the primary database can be fetched and applied to the
standby database. The standby database can then be used in place of the
primary database if it goes down.
Specifies that the db2inidb command is to be used against an ACS
snapshot copy of the database to perform the STANDBY action. This
option is required because the db2inidb command can only be issued
against split mirror database snapshots created with the SET WRITE
Together, the use of the ACS STANDBY option initiates the ACS snapshot
copy to be placed into a rollforward pending state so that the Db2
BACKUP command can be successfully issued against the snapshot
image. Without this, any attempt to connect to the snapshot image
results in that copy of the database being placed in the
RESTORE_PENDING state, removing its usefulness as a backup copy
for future recovery.
This feature was introduced specifically for interfacing with storage
managers such as IBM Tivoli Storage FlashCopy® Manager, for the
purpose of producing an offloaded Db2 backup that is based upon an
ACS snapshot. Using this option for any other purpose, to mount or
modify the contents of an ACS snapshot copy, even including the
production of a Db2 backup, can lead to undefined behavior in the
MIRROR Specifies that the mirrored database is to be a backup image which you
can use to restore the primary database.
Specifies that the database files are to be relocated based on the
238 Db2 11.1 for Linux, UNIX, and Windows: Data Movement Utilities Guide and Reference
information listed in the configFile before the database is initialized as a
snapshot, standby, or mirror. The format of configFile is described in
“db2relocatedb - Relocate database” on page 240.
Usage notes
Do not issue the db2 connect to database-alias operation before issuing the
db2inidb database_alias as mirror command. Attempting to connect to a split
mirror database before initializing it erases the log files needed during roll forward
recovery. The connect sets your database back to the state it was in when you
suspended the database. If the database is marked as consistent when it was
suspended, the Db2 database system concludes there is no need for crash recovery
and empties the logs for future use. If the logs have been emptied, attempting to
roll forward results in the SQL4970N error message being returned.
If, However, if you are using the RELOCATE USING option, you cannot use the
db2_all command to run db2inidb on all of the partitions simultaneously. A
separate configuration file must be supplied for each partition, that includes the
NODENUM value of the database partition being changed. For example, if the
name of a database is being changed, every database partition will be affected and
the db2relocatedb command must be run with a separate configuration file on
each database partition. If containers belonging to a single database partition are
being moved, the db2relocatedb command only needs to be run once on that
database partition.
If the RELOCATE USING configFile parameter is specified and the database is relocated
successfully, the specified configFile will be copied into the database directory and
renamed to db2path.cfg. During a subsequent crash recovery or rollforward
recovery, this file will be used to rename container paths as log files are being
In Db2 pureScale environments, you can issue the db2inidb command from any
member and have to issue the command only once.
The target database must be offline before running the db2relocatedb command to
modify the control files and metadata of the target database.
The changes that the db2relocatedb command makes to files and control structures
of a database are not logged and are therefore not recoverable. A good practice is
to make a full backup after running the command against a database, especially if
the database is recoverable with log files being retained.
If automatic storage for the database is enabled, you must move the data from
each storage path to a new location by issuing the following command:
$ mv old_storage_path_N/inst_name/NODE0000/X/old_storage_path_N/inst_name/NODE0000/Y
You must perform this step to ensure that the db2relocatedb command executes
without generating an error message.
Command syntax
►► db2relocatedb ►
► -f configFilename ►◄
-g configFilename -d databaseName
-r ▼ replaceDefinition
Command parameters
-f configFilename
Specifies the name of the file containing the configuration information
necessary for relocating the database. This can be a relative or absolute file
name. The format of the configuration file is:
240 Db2 11.1 for Linux, UNIX, and Windows: Data Movement Utilities Guide and Reference
Specifies the name of the database being relocated. If the database
name is being changed, both the old name and the new name must
be specified. This is a required field.
Specifies the original path of the database being relocated. If the
database path is changing, both the old path and new path must
be specified. This is a required field.
Specifies the instance where the database exists. If the database is
being moved to a new instance, both the old instance and new
instance must be specified. This is a required field.
Specifies the node number for the database node being changed.
The default is 0.
Specifies a change in the location of the log path. If the log path is
being changed, both the old path and new path must be specified.
This specification is optional if the log path resides under the
database path, in which case the path is updated automatically.
Specifies a change in the location of table space containers. Both
the old and new container path must be specified. Multiple
CONT_PATH lines can be provided if there are multiple container
path changes to be made. This specification is optional if the
container paths reside under the database path, in which case the
paths are updated automatically. If you are making changes to
more than one container where the same old path is being replaced
by a common new path, a single CONT_PATH entry can be used. In
such a case, an asterisk (*) could be used both in the old and new
paths as a wildcard.
Specifies a change in the location of one of the storage paths for
the database. Both the old storage path and the new storage path
must be specified. Multiple STORAGE_PATH lines can be given if there
are several storage path changes to be made. You can specify this
parameter to modify any storage path in all storage groups.
However, you cannot specify this parameter to modify the storage
paths for an individual storage group.
242 Db2 11.1 for Linux, UNIX, and Windows: Data Movement Utilities Guide and Reference
Example 1
To change the name of the database TESTDB to PRODDB in the instance
db2inst1 that resides on the path /home/db2inst1, create the following
configuration file:
When the configuration file is created, you must alter any automatic
storage paths to match the new database name:
rename /home/db2inst1/db2inst1/TESTDB /home/db2inst1/db2inst1/PRODDB
244 Db2 11.1 for Linux, UNIX, and Windows: Data Movement Utilities Guide and Reference
The database MAINDB exists in the instance maininst on the path
/home/maininst. The location of four table space containers needs to be
changed as follows:
If you want to relocate this database, to change the database name to QAS,
to use the instance db2qas, and to change the autostorage paths
accordingly, you can use the following command:
db2relocatedb -g relocate.cfg -d PRD -r PRD=QAS,db2prd=db2qas
Usage notes
If the instance that a database belongs to is changing, the following must be done
before running this command to ensure that changes to the instance and database
support files are made:
v If a database is being moved to another instance, create the new instance. The
new instance must be at the same release level as the instance where the
database currently resides.
v If the new instance has a different owner than the current instance, grant access
to the new instance owner.
v Copy the files and devices belonging to the databases being copied onto the
system where the new instance resides. The path names must be changed as
necessary. However, if there are already databases in the directory where the
database files are moved to, you can mistakenly overwrite the existing sqldbdir
file, thereby removing the references to the existing databases. In this scenario,
the db2relocatedb utility cannot be used. Instead of db2relocatedb, an
alternative is a redirected restore operation.
v Change the permission of the files/devices that were copied so that they are
owned by the instance owner.
When moving a database from a database path where more than one database
resides, the sqldbdir directory within that database path must be copied and not
moved. This directory is still needed in the old location for Db2 to locate the
databases that are not moving. After copying the sqldbdir directory to the new
location, a LIST DB DIRECTORY ON newPath command lists databases that were not
moved. These references cannot be removed and new databases with those names
cannot be created on this same path. However, databases can be created with those
names on a different path.
If the instance is changing, the command must be run by the new instance owner.
You cannot use the db2relocatedb command to relocate a database that has a load
in progress or is waiting for the completion of a LOAD RESTART or LOAD TERMINATE
246 Db2 11.1 for Linux, UNIX, and Windows: Data Movement Utilities Guide and Reference
After you run the db2relocatedb command, you must recycle the Db2 instance to
allow the changes to take effect. To recycle the Db2 instance, perform the following
1. Issue the db2stop command.
2. Issue the db2start command.
The db2look command generates the DDL statements by object type. Note that this
command ignores all objects under SYSTOOLS schema except user-defined
functions and stored procedures.
It is often advantageous to have a test system that contains a subset of the data of
a production system, but access plans selected for such a test system are not
necessarily the same as those that would be selected for the production system.
However, using the db2look tool, you can create a test system with access plans
that are similar to those that would be used on the production system. You can use
this tool to generate the UPDATE statements that are required to replicate the
catalog statistics on the objects in a production database on a test database. You
MANAGER CONFIGURATION, and db2set commands so that the values of query
optimizer-related configuration parameters and registry variables on a test
database match those of a production database.
You should check the DDL statements that are generated by the db2look command
because they might not reproduce all characteristics of the original SQL objects. For
table spaces on partitioned database environments, DDL might not be complete if
some database partitions are not active. Make sure all database partitions are active
using the ACTIVATE DATABASE command.
SELECT privilege on the system catalog tables.
In some cases, such as generating table space container DDL, you will require one
of the following authorities:
v EXECUTE privilege on the ADMIN_GET_STORAGE_PATHS table function
Required connection
► ►
-u creator -z schema
-tw Tname
-t ▼ Tname
► ►
-ct -dp -h -ap -o Fname -a
-v ▼ Vname
(1) (2)
► ►
-m -l -x -xd -f
-c -r -xdep -xddep
► ►
-td delimiter -noview -i userid -w password -wlm
► ►
-wrap -wrapper Wname -nofed -fedonly -mod
-server Sname
► ►◄
-xs -cor -noimplschema
-xdir dirname
1 You cannot specify both the -x parameter and -xdep parameter
2 You cannot specify both the -xd parameter and -xddep parameter
Command parameters
-d DBname
Alias name of the production database that is to be queried. DBname can
be the name of a Db2 or Db2 for z/OS database. If the DBname is a Db2
for z/OS database, the db2look command generates the following
v DDL statements for tables, indexes, views, and user-defined distinct
v UPDATE statistics statements for tables, columns, column distributions,
and indexes
These DDL and UPDATE statistics statements are applicable to a Db2
database and not to a Db2 for z/OS database. These statements are useful
if you want to extract Db2 for z/OS objects and re-create them in a Db2
248 Db2 11.1 for Linux, UNIX, and Windows: Data Movement Utilities Guide and Reference
Generates the CREATE DATABASE command that was used to create the
source database.
The generated CREATE DATABASE command contains the usual parameters
and options found in the CREATE DATABASE syntax except the following
Generates UPDATE DB CFG commands for the database configuration
parameters. The printdbcfg command generates UPDATE DB CFG
commands in a similar order as the results returned from the GET DB CFG
For the parameters that support the AUTOMATIC value, you might need
to add AUTOMATIC at the end of the generated UPDATE DB CFG
The generated UPDATE DB CFG command contains the usual parameters and
options found in the UPDATE DATABASE CONFIGURATION syntax
except for the following parameters:
-e Extracts DDL statements for the following database objects:
v Aliases
v Audit policies
v Check constraints
v Function mappings
v Function templates
v Global variables
v Indexes (including partitioned indexes on partitioned tables)
v Index specifications
v Materialized query tables (MQTs)
v Nicknames
v Primary key, referential integrity, and check constraints
v Referential integrity constraints
v Roles
v Schemas
v Security labels
v Security label components
v Security policies
250 Db2 11.1 for Linux, UNIX, and Windows: Data Movement Utilities Guide and Reference
v Check constraints
v Views
v Triggers
Specify the list as follows:
v Separate table names by a blank space.
v Enclose case-sensitive names and double-byte character set (DBCS)
names with the backslash (\) and double quotation marks (" ") (for
example, \" MyTabLe \").
v Enclose multiword table names with the backslash and two sets of
double quotation marks (for example, "\"My Table\"") to prevent the
pairing from being evaluated word-by-word by the command line
processor (CLP). If you use only one set of double quotation marks (for
example, "My Table"), all words are converted into uppercase, and the
db2look command looks for an uppercase table name (for example, MY
If you specify the -t parameter with the -l parameter, partitioned tables
are supported.
You can use two-part table names of the format schema.table to fully qualify
a table name without using the -z schema parameter. Use a two-part table
name when the table has dependent objects that are in a different schema
than that of the table and you require DDL statements to be generated for
the dependent objects. If you use the -z schema parameter to specify the
schema, the parameter excludes dependent objects that do not have the
same parent schema, thereby preventing the generation of DDL statements
for the dependent objects.
-tw Tname
Generates DDL statements for tables with names that match the pattern
that you specify with Tname and generates the DDL statements for all
dependent objects of those tables. Tname must be a single value only. The
underscore character (_) in Tname represents any single character. The
percent sign (%) represents a string of zero or more characters. When -tw is
specified, the -t option is ignored.
You can use two-part table names of the format schema.table to fully qualify
a table name without using the -z schema parameter. Use a two-part table
name when the table has dependent objects that are in a different schema
than that of the table and you require DDL statements to be generated for
the dependent objects. If you use the -z schema parameter to specify the
schema, the parameter excludes dependent objects that do not have the
same parent schema, thereby preventing the generation of DDL statements
for the dependent objects.
-ct Generates DDL statements by object creation time. The object DDL
statements might not be displayed in correct dependency order. If you
specify the -ct parameter, the db2look command supports only the
following additional parameters: -e, -a, -u, -z, -t, -tw, -v, -l, -noview,
and -wlm. If you use the -ct parameter with the -z and -t parameters, the
db2look command generates the required UPDATE statements to replicate
the statistics on tables, statistical views, columns, and indexes.
-dp Generates a DROP statement before a CREATE statement. The DROP
statement might not work if there is an object that depends on the dropped
object. For example, you cannot drop a schema if there is a table that
depends on the schema, and you cannot drop a user-defined type or
252 Db2 11.1 for Linux, UNIX, and Windows: Data Movement Utilities Guide and Reference
-l Generates DDL statements for the following database objects:
v User-defined table spaces
v User-defined storage groups
v User-defined database partition groups
v User-defined buffer pools
-x Generates authorization DDL statements such as GRANT statements.
The supported authorizations include the following ones:
v Exemptions
v Global variables
v Indexes: CONTROL
v Roles
v Security labels
v Sequences: USAGE, ALTER
v Stored procedures: EXECUTE
v User-defined functions (UDFs): EXECUTE
v User-defined methods: EXECUTE
v Table spaces: USE
v Workloads: USAGE
Note: This parameter does not generate authorization DDL statements for
dependent objects when used with either the -t or -tw parameter. Use the
-xdep parameter to generate authorization DDL statements for parent and
dependent objects.
-xdep Generates authorization DDL statements, for example, GRANT statements,
for parent and dependent objects. This parameter is ignored if either the -t
or -tw parameter is not specified. The supported authorizations include the
following ones:
v Indexes: CONTROL
v Stored procedures: EXECUTE
v Table spaces: USE
v User-defined functions (UDFs): EXECUTE
v User-defined methods: EXECUTE
-xd Generates authorization DDL statements, including authorization DDL
Note: This parameter does not generate authorization DDL statements for
dependent objects when used with either the -t or -tw parameter. Use the
-xddep parameter to generate authorization DDL statements for parent and
dependent objects.
Generates all authorization DDL statements for parent and dependent
objects, including authorization DDL statements for objects whose
authorizations were granted by SYSIBM at object creation time. This
parameter is ignored if either the -t or -tw parameter is not specified.
-f Extracts the configuration parameters and registry variables that affect the
query optimizer.
-td delimiter
Specifies the statement delimiter for SQL statements that are generated by
the db2look command. The default delimiter is the semicolon (;). Use this
parameter if you specify the -e parameter because the extracted objects
might contain triggers or SQL routines.
Specifies that CREATE VIEW DDL statements will not be extracted.
-i userid
Specifies the user ID that the db2look command uses to log on to a remote
system. When you specify this parameter and the -w parameter, the
db2look command can run against a database on a remote system. The
local and remote database must use the same Db2 for z/OS version.
-w password
Specifies the password that the db2look command uses to log on to a
remote system. When you specify this parameter and the -i parameter, the
db2look command can run against a database on a remote system. The
local and remote database must use the same Db2 for z/OS version.
-wlm Generates WLM-specific DDL output, which can serve to generate CREATE
and ALTER statements for the following items:
v Histograms
v Service classes
v Thresholds
v WLM event monitors
v Workloads
v Work action sets
v Work class sets
-wrap Generates obfuscated versions of DDL statements for routines, triggers,
views, and PL/SQL packages.
-wrapper Wname
Generates DDL statements for federated objects that apply to the specified
wrapper. The federated DDL statements that might be generated include
the following ones:
254 Db2 11.1 for Linux, UNIX, and Windows: Data Movement Utilities Guide and Reference
v GRANT (privileges to nicknames, servers, indexes)
An error is returned if you do not specify a wrapper name or specify more
than one.
-server Sname
Generates DDL statements for federated objects that apply to the specified
server. The federated DDL statements that might be generated include the
following ones:
v GRANT (privileges to nicknames, servers, indexes)
An error is returned if you do not specify a server name or specify more
than one.
-nofed Specifies that no federated DDL statements will be generated. If you
specify this parameter, the -wrapper and -server parameters are ignored.
Specifies that only federated DDL statements will be generated.
-mod Generates DDL statements for each module, and for all of the objects that
are defined in each module.
-xs Exports all files that are necessary to register XML schemas and DTDs at
the target database and generates appropriate commands for registering
them. The set of XSR objects that is exported is controlled by the -u, -z,
and -a parameters.
-xdir dirname
Exports XML-related files into the specified path. If you do not specify this
parameter, all XML-related files are exported into the current directory.
-cor Generates DDL statements with the CREATE OR REPLACE clause,
regardless of whether or not the statements originally contained that
Specifies that CREATE SCHEMA DDL statements for implicitly created
schemas are not generated. If you specify this parameter, you must also
specify the -e parameter.
256 Db2 11.1 for Linux, UNIX, and Windows: Data Movement Utilities Guide and Reference
The output can then be read by the CLP:
db2 -td% -f db2look.sql
v Generate the DDL statements for objects in database DEPARTMENT, excluding
the CREATE VIEW statements. The output is sent to the db2look.sql file.
db2look -d department -e -noview -o db2look.sql
v Generate the DDL statements for objects in database DEPARTMENT related to
specified tables. The output is sent to the db2look.sql file.
db2look -d department -e -t tab1 "\"My TaBlE2\"" -o db2look.sql
v Generate the DDL statements for all objects (federated and non-federated) in the
federated database FEDDEPART. For federated DDL statements, only those that
apply to the specified wrapper, FEDWRAP, are generated. The output is sent to
standard output.
db2look -d feddepart -e -wrapper fedwrap
v Generate a script file that includes only non-federated DDL statements. The
following system command can be run against a federated database
FEDDEPART and yet only produce output like that found when run against a
database which is not federated. The output is sent to the out.sql file.
db2look -d feddepart -e -nofed -o out
v Generate the DDL statements for objects that have schema name walid in the
database DEPARTMENT. The files required to register any included XML
schemas and DTDs are exported to the current directory. The output is sent to
the db2look.sql file.
db2look -d department -z walid -e -xs -o db2look.sql
v Generate the DDL statements for objects that were created by all users in the
database DEPARTMENT. The files that are required to register any included
XML schemas and DTDs are exported to the /home/ofer/ofer/ directory. The
output is sent to standard output.
db2look -d department -a -e -xs -xdir /home/ofer/ofer/
v Generate only WLM-specific DDL statements for database DEPARTMENT:
db2look -d department -wlm
v Generate the DDL statements for all objects in database DEPARTMENT:
db2look -d department -wlm -e -l
v Generate the DDL statements for both the parent table TAB1 in schema TABLES
and the dependent view of TAB1 that is called VIEW1 in the VIEWS schema in
database DB1. The output is sent to the db2look.sql file.
db2look -d DB1 -t TABLES.TAB1 -e -o db2look.sql
v Generate the DDL statements and authorization DDL statements for the parent
table TAB1 in schema TABLES and the dependent view of TAB1 that is called
VIEW1 in the VIEWS schema in database DB1. The output is sent to the
db2look.sql file.
db2look -d DB1 -t TABLES.TAB1 -e -xdep -o db2look.sql
v Generate the RUNSTATS DDL statements on the TABLE1 table in mimic mode.
The output is sent to the db2look.sql file. Not all available RUNSTATS clauses
of the command are supported.
db2look -d DB1 -t TABLE1 -m -e -o db2look.sql
v Generate the CREATE DATABASE command that was used to create the database
DEPARTMENT. The output is sent to the db2look.sql file.
db2look -d department -createdb -o db2look.sql
v Generate the UPDATE DB CFG statements from the database DEPARTMENT.
The output is sent to the db2look.sql file.
Usage notes
On Windows operating systems, you must issue the db2look command from a Db2
command window.
By default, the instance owner has the EXECUTE privilege on db2look packages.
For other users to run the db2look command, the instance owner has to grant the
EXECUTE privilege on db2look packages. To determine the db2look package
names, the db2bfd command can be used as follows:
cd .../sqllib/bnd
db2bfd -b db2look.bnd
db2bfd -b db2lkfun.bnd
db2bfd -b db2lksp.bnd
To create DDL statements for federated objects, you must enable the use of
federated systems in the database manager configuration. After the db2look
command generates the script file, you must set the federated configuration
parameter to YES before running the script. The following db2look command
parameters are supported in a federated environment:
Generates AUDIT USING statements.
-e Generates DDL statements for federated objects.
-f Extracts federated-related information from the database manager
-m Extracts statistics for nicknames.
-x Generates GRANT statements to grant privileges on federated objects.
Generates DDL statements to add system-granted privileges to federated
Generates WLM-specific DDL statements.
If the nickname column and the remote table column are of different data types,
then the db2look command will generate an ALTER COLUMN statement for the
nickname column.
You must modify the output script to add the remote passwords for the CREATE
USER MAPPING statements.
258 Db2 11.1 for Linux, UNIX, and Windows: Data Movement Utilities Guide and Reference
v To both generate the DDL statements for objects in the DEPARTMENT database
associated with tables that have names beginning with abc and send the output
to the db2look.sql file:
db2look -d department -e -tw abc% -o db2look.sql
v To generate the DDL statements for objects in the DEPARTMENT database
associated with tables that have a d as the second character of the name and to
send the output to the db2look.sql file:
db2look -d department -e -tw _d% -o db2look.sql
v The db2look command uses the LIKE predicate when evaluating which table
names match the pattern specified by the Tname argument. Because the LIKE
predicate is used, if either the _ character or the % character is part of the table
name, the backslash (\) escape character must be used immediately before the _
or the %. In this situation, neither the _ nor the % can be used as a wildcard
character in Tname. For example, to generate the DDL statements for objects in
the DEPARTMENT database associated with tables that have a percent sign in
the neither the first nor the last position of the name:
db2look -d department -e -tw string\%string
v Case-sensitive, DBCS, and multi-word table and view names must be enclosed
by both a backslash and double quotation marks. For example:
\"My TabLe\"
If a multibyte character set (MBCS) or double-byte character set (DBCS) name is
not enclosed by the backward slash and double quotation delimiter and if it
contains the same byte as the lowercase character, it will be converted into
uppercase and db2look will look for a database object with the converted name.
As a result, the DDL statement will not be extracted.
v The -tw option can be used with the -x option (to generate GRANT privileges),
the -m option (to return table and column statistics), and the -l option (to
generate the DDL for user-defined table spaces, database partition groups, and
buffer pools). If the -t option is specified with the -tw option, the -t option (and
its associated Tname argument) is ignored.
v The -tw option cannot be used to generate the DDL for tables (and their
associated objects) that reside on federated data sources, or on Db2 Universal
Database on z/OS and OS/390®, Db2 for i , or Db2 Server for VSE & VM.
v The -tw option is only supported via the CLP.
You can issue the db2look command from a Db2 client to a database that is of the
same or later release as the client, but you cannot issue this command from a client
to a database that is of an earlier release than the client. For example, you can
issue the db2look command from a Version 9.8 client to a Version 10.1 database,
but you cannot issue the command from a Version 10.1 client to a Version 9.8
When you invoke the db2look utility, the db2look command generates the DDL
statements for any object created using an uncommitted transaction.
When you extract a DDL statement for a security label component of type array,
the extracted statement might not generate a component whose internal
representation (encoding of elements in that array) matches that of the component
Data movement utilities and reference 259
in the database for which you issued the db2look command. This mismatch can
happen if you altered the security label component by adding one or more
elements to it. In such cases, data that you extract from one table and moved to
another table that you created from db2look output will not have corresponding
security label values, and the protection of the new table might be compromised.
This feature is supported on SuSE and RHEL Linux. For IBM SoftLayer Object
Storage, only the Swift type is currently supported.
The remote storage support in Db2 requires the following packages to be installed:
v libcURL, version 7.19.7 and up
v libxml2, version 2.7.6 and up
A local staging path is needed for holding temporary files in the following
v Downloading an object from a remote storage server
v Uploading an object from a local file system to a remote storage server
The default staging path is in <instance_directory>/sqllib/tmp/
RemoteStorage.xxxx, where xxxx refers to the database partition number.
260 Db2 11.1 for Linux, UNIX, and Windows: Data Movement Utilities Guide and Reference
Compressed input data
Users are able to load directly from compressed input data files stored in the
supported remote storage.
It is required that the compressed file name has the same name as the original file,
with the additional .zip or .gz file extension. For example, if a file has the name
db2load.txt, it is expected that the compressed file name is or
264 Db2 11.1 for Linux, UNIX, and Windows: Data Movement Utilities Guide and Reference
MQTs (continued) remote storage tables (continued)
Set Integrity Pending state 116 requirements 260 locking 138
REMOTEFETCH media type 112 moving online
replication ADMIN_MOVE_TABLE
N tools 197
restart table
procedure 194
re-creating exported 80
non-delimited ASCII (ASC) file
creating 175 temporary files
format 11
RESTORE DATABASE command load utility
non-identity generated columns 88
details 212 overview 150
nonidentity generated columns 110
restore utility termination
nonrecoverable databases
GENERATE SCRIPT option 260 load operations
load options 92
restores partitioned database
earlier versions of Db2 databases 212 environments 162
P rollforward utility PC/IXF records 16
parallelism load copy location file 148 typed tables
load utility 125 rows exporting 68
partitioned database environments exporting LBAC-protected data 62, importing 82
loading data 66 moving data between 68, 82
migration 164 importing to LBAC-protected 84 re-creating 82
monitoring 160 loading data into LBAC-protected traverse order 68, 82
overview 151, 159 rows 106
restrictions 153
version compatibility 164 U
migrating 164
version compatibility 164
samples distinct types
partitioned tables
ASC file 14 importing 90
loading 103
DEL file 9 Unicode UCS-2 encoding
schemas data movement 54
code page conversion files 43
copying 199 usedefaults file type modifier
data types
seclabelchar file type modifier LBAC-protected data imports 84
invalid 32, 43
data importing 84 LBAC-protected data loads 106
valid 32, 38
data loading 106 user exit programs
file importing
seclabelname file type modifier data movement 117
data type-specific rules 44
data importing 84 utilities
forcein file type modifier 48
data loading 106 file formats 3
general rules 43
incompatible columns 43
split mirrors
invalid column values 43
moving data across platforms 3
overview 236
staging tables
overview 15 XML data
dependent immediate 115
record types 16 exporting 63
propagating 115
System/370 IXF comparison 47 importing 77
performance loading 99
XML data specifier 59
load utility 131 movement 56, 57
striptblanks file type modifier
privileges Query and XPath Data Model 60
LBAC-protected data importing 84
export utility 62 XML data type
LBAC-protected data loading 106
import utility 74 exporting 58
subtable records 16
load utility 95 importing 58
summary tables
XQuery statements
import restriction 75
Query and XPath Data Model 60
suspended I/O
R overview 236
records SYSINSTALLOBJECTS procedure
types creating restart table 175
PC/IXF 16 System/370 IXF
recoverable databases contrasted with PC/IXF 47
load options 92
table record 16
command 212
table spaces
without rollforward 212
states 141
redirected restores
table states
using generated script 211
load operations 142
registry variables
loading 138
relocate database command 240
Index 265
266 Db2 11.1 for Linux, UNIX, and Windows: Data Movement Utilities Guide and Reference
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