Blood and Blood Products Transfusiion
Blood and Blood Products Transfusiion
Blood and Blood Products Transfusiion
1. Potentially life saving procedure that replaces blood lost during surgery or injury
2. Serve as a treatment for patients with illnesses that stifle their ability to naturally produce enough blood
cells for their bodies. Example: anemia, Leukemia and kidney diseases
3. Essential step for surgeries and other lifesaving measures
4. A routine medical procedure that deliveries blood into a patients body
RED BLOOD CELL TRANSFUSION may be given to patients who suffer from an iron deficiency (anemia). This would
boost a patients hemoglobin and iron levels while improving oxygen levels in the body
PLATELET TRANSFUSIONS are often administered to patients who suffer from Leukemia or other types of
cancer.This is because they may have lower platelet counts due to chemotherapy treatments. Other patients may
suffer from illnesses that stop the body from creating enough platelets. Because of this, they may receive regular
transfusions in order to stay healthy.
PLASMA TRANSFUSIONS provide vital proteins and other substances that are crucial to a patient’s overall health. It
is often administered to those with liver failure, severe infections or serious burns.
1.Many patients who undergo a major surgical procedure will receive a blood transfusion to replace blood lost
during surgery
2.It is typically administered to patient’s who have suffered serious injuries from car crashes,natural disasters or
other traumatic events.
3.Patients who suffer from illnesses that cause anemia will typically require blood transfusions as part of treatment
and include illnesses such as leukemia or kidney diseases
Depending on the amount of blood a patient requires, a simple blood transfusion can take 1 to 4 HOURS.
The procedure starts when an intravenous (IV) line is placed into the patient’s body. With this IV, the patient can
receive new blood.
If the patient is receiving IV medication this IV line cannot be used as access for blood transfusion, there must be
another IV line for blood transfusion.
-Transfusion is within 20-30 mins. And must be done 2-4 hours inorder not to have bacteria and septicemia. And
the blood must be warm.
-The patient’s ABO compatabiliy and RH Factors must be identified. That is the blood type of the patient.
Type O universal donor
Type AB universal recipient
Allergic reactions
Acute immune hemolytic reaction
Blood-borne infections
However, the most common reaction to a blood transfusion is mild soreness around
the IV site.
You can avoid some of these adverse reactions by following the appropriate steps.
What they say is true: practice makes perfect.
After the procedure, patients may experience some soreness near the puncture site,
but this side effect should dissipate quickly. In addition, the patient’s doctor might
request a checkup after the transfusion.