Makalah TEFL Group 7
Makalah TEFL Group 7
Makalah TEFL Group 7
By :
Group 7
Niken Ayu Purbosari 200220034
Aminatun Nisa 200220029
Asri Astuti 200220030
Ismi Nurul Hikmah 200230043
Putri Rahayu 200210024
Thanks we deliver to the presence of AllAH SWT, because his grace, his
life, and his power we were able to complete this paper and the tittle of paper is
“Teaching Speaking”. It is prepared with the purpose of completing the course of
Teaching English as A Foreign Language and adding to the knowledge of
teaching speaking.
On this occasion we would like to thank Mr. Ray Suryadi Hasyim S.Pd.
M.Pd. As professor of the course Teaching English as A Foreign Language for
having guided us in the writing process of this paper. Not to mention, thank you
for our encouraging friends so that we can finish this paper on time.
It is our hope that it will benefit us as both its writers and its readers. We
realized that in the paper we had written there was still a lot of errors, hence, our
criticism, and suggestions were high in the hope for the perfection of writing it.
The end of our words is thank you.
CHAPTER I.....................................................................................................................1
A. Background...........................................................................................................1
B. Problem Formulation...........................................................................................1
C. Purpose..................................................................................................................1
BAB II...............................................................................................................................2
A. Elements of Speaking...........................................................................................2
BAB III...........................................................................................................................11
A. Conclusion...........................................................................................................11
A. Background
TEFL stands for teaching English as a foreign language. This thing
allows us who are not native speakers to be able to learn it, both in school and
elsewhere like courses and so on. In studying English there are also
specifications in its usage commonly called ESP or English for Specific
Purpose. With ESP we can learn English according to our targeted major. In
our case its specification is in the educational field.
B. Problem Formulation
1. What are the elements in speaking?
2. What does the reluctant students mean?
3. What are the roles of teacher?
4. What kinds of activities can be thaught in the speaking class?
C. Purpose
1. Knowing the elements of speaking
2. To identify the reluctant students itself
3. To know the roles of teacher
4. To learn kinds of activities can be thaught by the teachers in speaking class
A. Elements of Speaking
Speaking is one of four skills that exist in every language, and in this case is
English. Speaking is one of the most difficult aspects for students to master.
This is hardly surprising when one considers everything that is involved when
speaking: ideas, what to say, language, how to use grammar and vocabulary,
pronunciation as well as listening to and reacting to the person you are
communicating with. Any learner of a foreign language can confirm how
difficult speaking is. If the students want to be able to speak English fluently,
they should be able to pronounce phonemes correctly, use appropriate stress
and intonation patterns and speak in connected speech. Not only these things
but also they must be able to speak in a range of different genres and situations.
1. Different Speaking Events
Jeremy Harmer, in his book, distinct the event of speaking as
planned and unplanned. Planned speaking is an event of speaking where we
have to decide what we are going to talk. This kind of speaking can be seen
in such event like speech, lecture, wedding speech, etc. While, unplanned
speaking is when the words we want to say just come out spontaneously,
such as conversation that takes place spontaneously when we bump into
someone on the street.
These distinctions made him to describe an event such as a job
interview in term of purpose (largely transactional), participation
(Interactive), and planning (partly planned). Some speaking in a job
interview maybe for the exact purpose of maintaining and sustaining good
interpersonal relations, and most interviewers do their best to plan what
they are going to say. Nevertheless, thinking of speaking in terms of
purpose, participation and planning helps us to provide speaking activities.
2. Conversational Strategies
Talking about conversational strategies of speaking is about face to
face interaction with others. To make this conversation successfull, it
depends on a knowledge of turn-taking that we have. Furthermore, speakers
use various discourse to buy time, to start a turn, or to mark the beginning
or the end of the segment.
a) Conversational rules and structure
According to Dornyei and Thurnell (1994), there are several categories
of discourse, namely :
Conversational openings (How are you?; That’s a nice dress!; How
is it going?)
Interrupting ( sorry to interrupt, but...)
Topic shift (Oh, by the way it reminds me...)
Closing (It’s been nice talking to you...)
b) Survival and repair strategies
Try to figure out what was mis-heard or mis-understood and repeat
that part with better pronunciation and a slower rate
If you can’t figure out what they mis-understood, try repeating the
last part slower and more clearly
Tell the person you’re confused and ask them what they thought you
Ask them a question about what they said
Tell them you got confused and start over from the beginning.
c) Real talk
Real talk is occur when there is face to face conversation
between two people or more. In this class, we must create a condition
where the students can talk with each other. We can use a script to
make them speak, such as speech script, drama script, presentation or
3. Functional Language
Functional language is language that you need in different day-to-
day situations. For example: greeting, introducing yourself, asking for or
giving advice, explaining rules, apologising, or agreeing and disagreeing.
Any one of these functions can have a number of different exponents, or
fixed expressions. As functional language involves interaction and
dialogue, it is best to present it in the context of a real-life situation so that
learners can see how functional language is used to achieve different
objectives. Short videos of different situations can be a very effective way
of focusing on functional language.
a) Reluctant Student
According to Joyce M. Herzog, a reluctant learner is a student that
is not interested in what the teacher is teaching and consequently, not able
to learn within the time-frame nor manner of presentation provided (2002,
as cited by 123HelpMe, February 2019). Students are reluctant to speak
because they are shy and are not predisposed to expressing themselves in
front of other people, especially when they are being asked for some
personal informations and opinions. Frequently, there is a worry about
speaking badly or make a mistake when thay are speaking and therefore
losing face in front of their classmates. For additional information, Rudy
Azcuy (2019) in his blog, Teach and Kids Learn, said that there are some
reasons of students being reluctant, they are:
1. A lack of confidence with the learning tasks or experiences
2. Misconceptions about one’s own abilities
3. Fear of failing (students are afraid of what might happen)
4. Anxiety
5. Learning problems
6. Shyness or personality issues
7. Peer pressure
8. A lack of interest
9. A lack of motivation
10. Language barriers
11. Behavior issues
12. Home environment problems
13. Situational
14. Social-economic status
b) Preparation
Preparation is vital as it will help students to speak more easily.
One aspect of preparation is warming students up to the subject matter. If
they are to communicate well, it’s important to engage them in the topic.
This can be done by checking their prior knowledge and experience of the
topic; e.g. if the speaking task is based on driving in big cities, ask them
about their experiences of driving in big cities, what they think about it, do
they have any anecdotes or unpleasant experiences they could share with
the class and so on. This phase can also be used to introduce vocabulary.
David Wilson is describing the value of planning and rehersal for
speaking success, and students, too, will perform much better if they have
the chance to think about what they are going to say and how to say it.
This may involve just giving them quiet time to think in their heads about
how they will speak, or it may mean letting them practice dialogue, in
pairs before having to do anything more public. At other times, where
students are going to take part in a discussion, we can put them in buzz
groups to brainstorm ideas so that they have something to say when the
real discussion happens. Of course there will be times when we want and
expect spontaneous production from students, but at other times we will
allow them to prepare themselves for what they want to tell.
c) Repetition
Repetition has many beneficial effects. Each new encounters with a
word or phrase helps to fix it in the students memory. Beside that,
repetition also allows students to improve on what they did before. They
can think about how to re-word things or just get a feel for how it sounds.
When students repeat speaking tasks they have already done once
or twice, their first attempt is like a rehearsal for the final effort. Each
rehearsal gives them more confidence as they are not attempting to get the
words out for the first time when they try to speak in subsequence
d) Making group
A major reason for reluctant student to rake part in speaking
activities is that they find themselves having to talk in front of a big group.
A way of counteracting this is by making sure that they get chances to
speak and interact in smaller groups too. As we have seen, this can be
preparation for dialogue-making or discussion.
e) Mandatory participation
Mandatory participation is carried out with the aim that all students
participate in class.
a. Films :
Activity : questionnaire
Focus : lexis and grammar; interacting with others
Age: young adult and above
Level : lower intermediate and above
b. My hometown :
Activity : communication game
Focus : lexis and grammar; language processing; information
Age : any
Level : elementary
c. The debate :
Activity : discussion; making speeches
Focus : making a compelling argument
Age : young adult +
Level : intermediate
d. Travel agent :
Activity : role-play
Focus : interacting with others; information processing
Age : any
Level : intermediate and above
e. The interview :
Activity : simulation
Focus : interacting with others; lexis and grammar; language processing
Age : adult
Level : intermediate and above.
A. Conclusion
Speaking is one of the learning materials a teacher needs in Teaching
English. In speaking English, of course, learners must not only speak words
but also observe some aspects of speaking that are good and true. In this paper
we put together a few things a teacher could do when wanting to teach
speaking. The first is about elements in speaking, then how a teacher can
identify and handle the lazy and less-interested learners to learn speaking. In
addition, teachers are expected to understand what a teacher's role is in
teaching speaking and also be able to use some learning methods as well as
activities that might make speaking class more attractive to learners. Of the
few above, it is expected that learners can and are able to master English skills
especially speaking.