There are a total of fourteen economics core courses that students are required to
take across six semesters. All the core courses are compulsory. In addition to core
courses in economics, a student of B.A. (Hons.) Economics will choose four
Discipline Specific Elective (DSE) Courses. The Discipline Specific Elective (DSE)
Courses are offered in the fifth and sixth semesters and two such courses will be
selected by a student from a set of courses specified for each of these semesters
(Groups I and II in the attached table). It is recommended that each college should
offer at least three Discipline Specific Elective (DSE) Courses in the fifth and sixth
semesters to allow the students some minimal element of choice.
The syllabi for the Discipline Specific Elective (DSE) Courses are
provisional and subject to revision.
Contact Hours: Each course has 5 lectures and 1 tutorial (per group) per week. The
size of a tutorial group is 8-10 students.
Note on Course Readings: The nature of several of the courses is such that only
selected readings can be specified in advance. Reading lists should be updated and
topic-wise readings should be specified at regular intervals, ideally on an annual
Course Template - BA Honours in Economics
Enhancement Skill Elective: Elective:
Semester CORE COURSE Compulsory Enhancement Discipline Generic
Course Course (SEC) Specific DSE (GE) #
ECO HC 1016 English/MIL
I ECO HG 1016
ECO HC 1026
ECO HC 2016 Environmental
II ECO HG 2016
ECO HC 2026 Science
ECO HC 3016
III ECO HC 3026 ECO SE 3014 ECO HG 3016
ECO HC 3036
ECO HC 4016
IV ECO HC 4026 ECO SE 4014 ECO HG 4016
ECO HC 4036
ECO HC 5016 ECO HE 5016 *
V /ECO HE 5026
ECO HC 5026 /ECO HE 5036
ECO HC 6016 ECO HE 6016 *
VI /ECO HE 6026
ECO HC 6026 /ECO HE 6036
Course Nomenclature for B.A. (Hons.) Economics
Semester-I Semester-II
Core Course 1 Core Course 3
ECO-HC-1016: Introductory Microeconomics ECO-HC-2016: Introductory Macroeconomics
Core Course 2 Core Course 4
ECO-HC-1026: Mathematical Methods for Economics-I ECO-HC-2026: Mathematical Methods for Economics-II
Ability Enhancement Compulsory Course (AECC)-I Ability Enhancement Compulsory Course (AECC)-II
Generic Elective (GE) Generic Elective (GE)
ECO-HG-1016: Principles of Microeconomics I ECO-HG-2016: Principles of Microeconomics II
Semester-III Semester-IV
Core Course 5 Core Course 8
ECO-HC-3016: Intermediate Microeconomics-I ECO-HC-4016: Intermediate Microeconomics-II
Core Course 6 Core Course 9
ECO-HC-3026: Intermediate Macroeconomics-I ECO-HC-4026:Intermediate Macroeconomics-II
Core Course 7 Core Course 10
ECO-HC-3036: Statistical Methods for Economics ECO-HC-4036: Introductory Econometrics
Skill Enhancement Course (SEC)-I Skill Enhancement Course (SEC)-II
ECO-SE-3014: Data Collection and Presentation ECO-SE-4014: Data Analysis
Generic Elective (GE) Generic Elective (GE)
ECO-HG-3016: Principles of Macroeconomics I ECO-HG-4016: Principles of Macroeconomics II
Semester-V Semester-VI
Core Course 11 Core Course 13
ECO-HC-5016: Indian Economy-I ECO-HC-6016: Indian Economy-II
Core Course 12 Core Course 14
ECO-HC-5026: Development Economics-I ECO-HC-6026: Development Economics-II
Group-I (Discipline Specific Elective (DSE) Courses) (Any Two) Group-II (Discipline Specific Elective (DSE) Courses) (Any Two)
(i) ECO-HE-5016: Economics of Health and Education (iv) ECO-HE-6016: Environmental Economics
(ii) ECO-HE-5026: Money and Financial Markets (v) ECO-HE-6026: International Economics
(iii) ECO-HE-5036: Public Finance (vi) ECO-HE-6036: The Economy of Assam
Course Description
This course is designed to expose the students to the basic principles of microeconomic
theory. The emphasis will be on thinking like an economist and the course will illustrate
how microeconomic concepts can be applied to analyze real-life situations.
Course Outline
3. The Households
The consumption decision - budget constraint, consumption and income/price changes,
demand for all other goods and price changes; description of preferences (representing
preferences with indifference curves); properties of indifference curves; consumer‘s
optimum choice; income and substitution effects; labour supply and savings decision -
choice between leisure and consumption.
6. Input Markets
Labour and land markets - basic concepts (derived demand, productivity of an input,
marginal productivity of labour, marginal revenue product); demand for labour; input
demand curves; shifts in input demand curves; competitive labour markets; and labour
markets and public policy.
1. Karl E. Case and Ray C. Fair, Principles of Economics, Pearson Education Inc.,
8th Edition, 2007.
2. N.GregoryMankiw,Economics:PrinciplesandApplications,IndiaeditionbySouth
Western, a part of Cengage Learning, Cengage Learning India Private Limited, 4 th
3. Joseph E. Stiglitz and Carl E. Walsh, Economics, W.W. Norton & Company,Inc.,
New York, International Student Edition, 4th Edition,2007.
Course Description
This is the first of a compulsory two-course sequence. The objective of this sequence is to
transmit the body of basic mathematics that enables the study of economic theory at the
undergraduate level, specifically the courses on microeconomic theory, macroeconomic
theory, statistics and econometrics set out in this syllabus. In this course, particular
economic models are not the ends, but the means for illustrating the method of applying
mathematical techniques to economic theory in general. The level of sophistication at
which the material is to be taught is indicated by the contents of the prescribed textbook.
Course Outline
1. Preliminaries
Sets and set operations, relations and functions, number system
3. Differential calculus
Differentiation of a function, Basic rules of differentiation, partial and total differentiation, second
and higher order derivatives for single variable, economic applications of differentiation
5. Integration of functions
Meaning and significance of integration, basic rules of integration, significance of a constant after
integration, applications: derivations of total functions (total cost, total revenue, consumption and
saving functions) from marginal functions, consumer’s surplus and producer’s surplus, problems
relating to investment and capital formation
1. K. Sydsaeter and P. Hammond, Mathematics for Economic Analysis, Pearson Educational
Asia: Delhi, 2002
2. Chiang A.C. and K. Wainwright, Fundamental Methods of Mathematical Economics, McGraw
Hill International Edition
3. Baruah S.N., Basic Mathematics and its Economic Applications, MacMillan
Course Description
This course aims to introduce the students to the basic concepts of Macroeconomics.
Macroeconomics deals with the aggregate economy. This course discusses the
preliminary concepts associated with the determination and measurement of aggregate
macroeconomic variable like savings, investment, GDP, money, inflation, and the balance
Course Outline
2. Money
Functions of money; quantity theory of money; determination of money supply and
demand; credit creation; tools of monetary policy.
3. Inflation
Inflation and its social costs; hyperinflation.
Course Description
This course is the second part of a compulsory two-course sequence. This part is to be
taught in Semester II following the first part in Semester I. The objective of this sequence
is to transmit the body of basic mathematics that enables the study of economic theory at
the undergraduate level, specifically the courses on microeconomic theory,
macroeconomic theory, statistics and econometrics set out in this Syllabus. In this course,
particular economic models are not the ends, but the means for illustrating the method of
applying mathematical techniques to economic theory in general. The level of
sophistication at which the material is to be taught is indicated by the contents of the
Course Outline
1. Linear algebra
Matrix: various types of matrices, vector and vector space-concept, matrix operations: addition,
subtraction and multiplication; rank, norm and trace of a matrix, introduction to the concept of
determinants and their properties, non-singularity of matrix, matrix inversion, solutions of
simultaneous equations by using matrix inversion and Cramer’s rule, simple market model and
national income model
3. Multi-variable optimization
Unconstrained optimization: geometric characterization, characterization using calculus and
applications: price discrimination and multi-plant firm; constrained optimization with equality
constraints, Lagrange multiplier, applications: consumer’s equilibrium and producer’s equilibrium
4. Differential equation
Meaning, first order differential equation, application to market model
5. Difference equation
First order difference equation, Cob-Web market model
1. K. Sydsaeter and P. Hammond, Mathematics for Economic Analysis, Pearson Educational
Asia: Delhi, 2002
2. Chiang A.C. and K. Wainwright, Fundamental Methods of Mathematical Economics, McGraw
Hill International Edition
3. Baruah S.N., Basic Mathematics and its Economic Applications, MacMillan
Course Description
The course is designed to provide a sound training in microeconomic theory to formally
analyze the behaviour of individual agents. Since students are already familiar with the
quantitative techniques in the previous semesters, mathematical tools are used to facilitate
understanding of the basic concepts. This course looks at the behaviour of the consumer
and the producer and also covers the behaviour of a competitive firm.
Course Outline
1. ConsumerTheory
Preference; utility; budget constraint; choice; demand; Slutsky equation; buying and
selling; choice under risk and inter-temporal choice; revealed preference.
Course Description
Course Outline
Course Description
This is a course on statistical methods for economics. It begins with some basic concepts and
terminology that are fundamental to statistical analysis and inference. It then develops the notion
of probability, followed by probability distributions of discrete and continuous random variables
and of joint distributions. This is followed by a discussion on sampling techniques used to collect
survey data. The course introduces the notion of sampling distributions that act as a bridge
between probability theory and statistical inference. The semester concludes with some topics in
statistical inference that include point and interval estimation.
Course Outline
5. Sampling
Principal steps in a sample survey; methods of sampling; Sampling techniques- random, stratified
random, multi-stage random and systematic random sampling; the role of sampling theory;
properties of random samples.
1. Jay L. Devore, Probability and Statistics for Engineers, Cengage Learning, 2010.
2. John E. Freund, Mathematical Statistics, Prentice Hall, 1992.
3. Richard J. Larsen and Morris L. Marx, An Introduction to Mathematical Statistics and its
Applications, Prentice Hall, 2011.
4. William G. Cochran, Sampling Techniques, John Wiley, 2007.
Course Description
1. Dominick Salvatore, Micro Economics – Theory and Applications, OUP.
2. Koutsoyiannis. A, Modern Micro-Economics, ELBS/Macmillan.
3. Hal Varian, Microeconomic Analysis, Third Edition, Selected Chapters, W.W. Norton and
4. C. Snyder and W. Nicholson, Fundamentals of Micro Economics, Cengage Learning
5. G.S. Maddala and Ellen Miller, Micro Economic Theory and Application, Tata McGraw
6. R.R. Barthwal, Micro Economic Analysis, Wiley Eastern Limited.
7. Martin J. Osbrne, An Introduction to Game Theory, OUP, New Delhi.
8. Hugh Gravelle and Ray Rees, Micro Economics, Pearson Education.
Course Description
This course is a sequel to Intermediate Macroeconomics I. In this course, the students are
introduced to the long run dynamic issues like growth and technical progress. It also
provides the micro-foundations to the various aggregative concepts used in the previous
Course Outline
1. Economic Growth
Harrod-Domar model; Solow model; golden rule; technological progress and elements
of endogenousgrowth.
2. Microeconomic Foundations
a. Consumption: Keynesian consumption function; Fisher‘s theory of optimal
intertemporal choice; life-cycle and permanent income hypotheses; rational
expectations and random-walk of consumptionexpenditure.
b. Investment: determinants of business fixed investment; residential investment and
c. Demand formoney.
Course Description
Course Outline
1. Statistical Background
Normal distribution; chi-sq, t- and F-distributions; estimation of parameters;
properties of estimators; testing of hypotheses: defining statistical hypotheses;
distributions of test statistics; testing hypotheses related to population parameters; Type I
and Type II errors; power of a test; tests for comparing parameters from two samples.
5. SpecificationAnalysis
Omission of a relevant variable; inclusion of irrelevant variable; tests of specification
Course Description
Using appropriate analytical frameworks, this course reviews major trends in economic
indicators and policy debates in India in the post-Independence period, with particular
emphasis on paradigm shifts and turning points. Given the rapid changes taking place
in India, the reading list will have to be updated annually.
Course Outline
1. Economic Development since Independence
Major features of the economy at independence; growth and development under different
policy regimes—goals, constraints, institutions and policy framework; an assessment of
performance—sustainability and regional contrasts; structural change, savings and
4. International Comparisons
With China, Pakistan, Banglade3sh, Sri Lanka, Nepal and Vietnam
1. Jean Dreze and Amartya Sen, Jean Dreze and Amartya Sen, 2013. An Uncertain
Glory: India and its Contradictions, Princeton UniversityPress.
2. Pulapre Balakrishnan, 2007, The Recovery of India: Economic Growth in the
Nehru Era, Economic and Political Weekly, November.
3. Rakesh Mohan, 2008,―Growth Record ofIndianEconomy:1950-2008.AStory of
Sustained Savings and Investment, Economic and Political Weekly,May.
4. S.L. Shetty, 2007,―India‘sSavingsPerformancesincethe Advent of Planning,in
K.L. Krishna and A. Vaidyanathan, editors, Institutions and Markets in India’s
5. Himanshu, 2010, Towards New Poverty Lines for India, Economic and
Political Weekly,January.
6. Jean Dreze and Angus Deaton, 2009, Food and Nutrition in India: Facts
and Intepretations, Economic and Political Weekly,February.
7. Himanshu. 2011, ―Employment Trends inIndia: A Re-examination,
Economicand Political Weekly, September.
8. Rama Baruetal, 2010, ―Inequities in Access to Health Services in India: Caste,
Class and Region, Economic and Political Weekly,September.
9. Geeta G.Kingdon, 2007,―TheProgress of School Education in India, Oxford
Review of Economic Policy.
10. J.B.G.Tilak, 2007,―Post Elementary Education, Poverty and Development in
India, International Journal of Educationa lDevelopment.
11. T. Dyson,2008,―India‘sDemographic Transition and its Consequences for
Development ǁin Uma Kapila, editor, Indian Economy Since Independence,
19thedition, Academic Foundation.
12. Kaushik Basu, 2009,―ChinaandIndia:IdiosyncraticPaths to High Growth,
Economic and Political Weekly, September.
13. K.James,2008, ―Glorifying Malthus: Current Debate on Demographic Dividend
in Indiaǁ, Economic and Political Weekly,June.
14. Reetika Khera, 2011,―India‘sPublicDistributionSystem: Utilisation and Impact
Journal of Development Studies.
15. Aniruddha Krishna and Devendra Bajpai, 2011,―Lineal Spread and Radial
Dissipation: Experiencing Growth in Rural India, 1992-2005, Economic and
Course Description
This is the first part of a two-part course on economic development. The course begins
with a discussion of alternative conceptions of development and their justification. It then
proceeds to aggregate models of growth and cross-national comparisons of the growth
experience that can help evaluate these models. The axiomatic basis for inequality
measurement is used to develop measures of inequality and connections between growth
and inequality are explored. The course ends by linking political institutions to growth
and inequality by discussing the role of the state in economic development and the
informational and incentive problems that affect stategovernance.
Course Outline
1. Conceptions of Development
Alternative measures of development, documenting the international variation in these
measures, comparing development trajectories across nations and within them.
Course Description
This course examines sector-specific polices and their impact in shaping trends in key
economic indicators in India. It highlights major policy debates and evaluates the Indian
empirical evidence. Given the rapid changes taking place in the country, the reading list
will have to be updated annually.
Course Outline
Course Description
This is the second module of the economic development sequence. It begins with basic
demographic concepts and their evolution during the process of development. The
structure of markets and contracts is linked to the particular problems of enforcement
experienced in poor countries. The governance of communities and organizations is
studied and this is then linked to questions of sustainable growth. The course ends with
reflections on the role of globalization and increased international dependence on the
process of development.
Course Outline
5. Globalization
Globalization in historical perspective; the economics and politics of multilateral
agreements; trade, production patterns and world inequality; financial instability in a
globalized world.
3. Abhijit Banerjee,Roland Benabou and Dilip Mookerjee, Understanding Poverty,
Oxford University Press, 2006.
4. Thomas Schelling, Micromotives and Macrobehavior, W. W. Norton,1978.
5. Albert O. Hirschman, Exit, Voice and Loyalty: Responses to Decline in Firms,
Organizations and States, Harvard University Press,1970.
6. Raghuram Rajan, Fault Lines: How Hidden Fractures Still Threaten the World
7. Elinor Ostrom, Governing the Commons: The Evolution of Institutions for Collective
Action, Cambridge University Press,1990.
8. Dani Rodrik, The Globalization Paradox: Why Global Markets, States and
Democracy Can’t Coexist, Oxford University Press,2011.
9. Michael D. Bordo, Alan M. Taylor and Jeffrey G. Williamson (ed.), Globalization in
Historical Perspective, University of Chicago Press,2003.
(Any Two per Semester)
Course Description
The importance of education and health in improving well-being is reflected in their
inclusion among the Millennium Development Goals adopted by the United Nations
member states, which include among other goals, achieving universal primary education,
reducing child mortality, improving maternal health and combating diseases. This course
provides a microeconomic framework to analyze, among other things, individual choice
in the demand for health and education, government intervention and aspects of inequity
and discrimination in both sectors. It also gives an overview of health and education in
Course Outline
Course Description
This course exposes students to the theory and functioning of the monetary and financial
sectors of the economy. It highlights the organization, structure and role of financial
markets and institutions. It also discusses interest rates, monetary management and
instruments of monetary control. Financial and banking sector reforms and monetary
policy with special reference to India are also covered.
Course Outline
1. Money
Concept, functions of money; concept of money supply and its measurement; money multiplier
theory, RBI’s approach to money supply.
3. Interest Rates
Determination; sources of interest rate differentials; theories of term structure of
interest rates; interest rates in India.
4. Banking System
Meaning and types; Functions of Commercial banks, process of credit creation and its limitations,
Balance sheet of Commercial banks, portfolio management-meaning and objective of portfolio
management, theories of portfolio management; banking sector reforms in India.
1. F. S. Mishkin and S. G. Eakins, Financial Markets and Institutions, Pearson Education, 6th
edition, 2009.
2. F. J. Fabozzi, F. Modigliani, F. J. Jones, M. G. Ferri, Foundations of Financial Markets and
Institutions, Pearson Education, 3rd edition, 2009.
3. M. R. Baye and D. W. Jansen, Money, Banking and Financial Markets, AITBS,1996.
4. Rakesh Mohan, Growth with Financial Stability- Central Banking in an Emerging
Market, Oxford University Press, 2011.
5. L. M. Bhole and J. Mahukud, Financial Institutions and Markets, Tata McGraw Hill, 5th
edition, 2011.
6. M. Y. Khan, Indian Financial System, Tata McGraw Hill, 7th edition, 2011.
7. N. Jadhav, Monetary Policy, Financial Stability and Central Banking in India,
Macmillan, 2006.
8. R.B.I. – Report of the Working Group: Money Supply Analytics and Methodology
of Compilation, 1998.
9. R.B.I. Bulletin, Annual Report and Report on Currency and Finance (latest).
10. Sampat Mukherjee, Macro Economics: Global Text,
11. S.B.Gupta, Monetary Economics: Institutions, Theory and Policy, S.Chand and Company Ltd.,
12. M.L.Jinghan, Money, Banking, International Trade and Public Finance, Vrinda Publications.
13. Bharati V Pathak, Indian Financial System: Markets, Institutional and services, Pearson
Education India,3rd edition,2011.
Course Description
This course is a non-technical overview of government finances with special reference to India.
The course does not require any prior knowledge of economics. It will look into the efficiency
and equity aspects of taxation of the centre, states and the local governments and the issues of
fiscal federalism and decentralisation in India. The course will be useful for students aiming
towards careers in the government sector, policy analysis, business and journalism.
Course Outline
Part 1: Theory
1. Normative Theory of Public Finance –Nature and Scope: Allocation Function, Distribution
Function and Stabilization Function. Coordinating the functions.
2. Public Goods and their characteristics. Free Rider Problem and Market Failure, Externalities vis-
à-vis Public Good.
3. Direct and Indirect Tax. Concepts of taxation: tax rate, buoyancy & elasticity of a tax.
Proportional, Progressive and Regressive Taxation. Benefit Principle and Ability to Pay Theory.
Policy to complement Fiscal Policy: The Indian Experience.
5. Indian Tax System. Direct Taxes: Income Tax, Corporate Tax, Customs Duty etc. Reforms in the
Indirect Tax Structure: Goods and Service Tax.
6. Structure of the Public Budget. Types of Deficits and their significance: Revenue Deficit, Fiscal
Deficit and Primary Deficit
7. Fiscal Federalism in India: Principles of Fiscal Devolution, Horizontal and Vertical Fiscal
Balance. Federal Finance and the Finance Commission.
8. State and Local Finances. The State Subjects and its Budget. Fiscal decentralization: Role of
Municipalities and Gaon Panchayats.
1. Musgrave, R.A. and P.B. Musgrave, Public Finance in Theory and Practice, Mc-Graw
Hill, 1989.
2. Mahesh Purohit , “Value Added Tax: Experience of India and Other Countries”, Gayatri
Publications, 2007.
3. KaushikBasu, and A. Maertens (ed.), The Oxford Companion to Economics in India,
Oxford University Press,2007.
4. M.M Sury, Government Budgeting in India, Commonwealth Publishers, 1990.
5. Shankar Acharya, “Thirty years of tax reform” in India, Economic and Political Weekly,
May 2005.
6. Government of India, Report of the 13th Finance Commission.
7. Economic Survey, Government of India (latest).
8. State Finances: A Study of Budgets, Reserve Bank of India (latest).
(Any Two per Semester)
Course Description
This course focuses on economic causes of environmental problems. In particular, economic
principles are applied to environmental questions and their management through various
economic institutions, economic incentives and other instruments and policies. Economic
implications of environmental policy are also addressed as well as valuation of environmental
quality, quantification of environmental damages, tools for evaluation of environmental
projects such as cost-benefit analysis and environmental impact assessments. Selected topics
on international environmental problems are also discussed.
Course Outline
1. Introduction
Basic concepts: Environment, Ecology, Economy and the ecosystem. Definition and scope of
environmental economics, why study environmental economics.Interaction between the
environment and the economy, environmental economics and ecological economics, environmental
economics and resource economics.Review of microeconomics and welfare economics: the utility
function, social choice mechanism, the compensation Principle and social welfare function
(concepts only).
6. Sustainable Development
Conventional development model: a critique, Alternative approach: Sustainable Development and
its origin, objectives of Sustainable Development, Approaches to Sustainable Development: weak
sustainability, strong sustainability, Safe minimum standard approach, ecological perspective and
social perspective, Rules and indicators of Sustainable Development.
Course Description
This course develops a systematic exposition of models that try to explain the composition,
direction and consequences of international trade, and the determinants and effects of trade
policy. It then builds on the models of open economy macroeconomics developed in courses
08 and 12, focusing on national policies as well as international monetary systems. It concludes
with an analytical account of the causes and consequences of the rapid expansion of
international financial flows in recent years. Although the course is based on abstract theoretical
models, students will also be exposed to real-world examples and case studies.
Course Outline
1. Introduction
What is international economics about?, subject matter of International Economics, An overview of
world trade- its changing pattern.
economies of scale and imperfect competition, technological gap and product cycle theories; the
Locational theory international trade; multinational enterprises and international trade.
3. Trade Policy
Instruments of trade policy- tariff and quota- partial equilibrium analysis; political economy of
trade policy- free trade vs. protection; controversies in trade policy.
1. Paul Krugman, Maurice Obstfeld, and Marc Melitz, International Economics: Theory and
Policy, Addison-Wesley (Pearson Education Indian Edition), 9 edition, 2012.
2. Dominick Salvatore, International Economics: Trade and Finance, John Wiley International
Student Edition, 10th edition, 2011.
Course Description
This course will provide students an idea of evolution of the Assam Economy from the colonial
period to the contemporary time. The course is expected to help students to better appreciate the
challenges and opportunities of the economy of Assam in the present context.
Course Outline
1. Changes and Evolution of the Economy in the Economic under Colonial Rule (1837 -
Imposition of Land Revenue and Its Impact, Prohibition of Opium Production and State Takeover
of Opium Trade, Inflow of Colonial Investment in Plantation, Mining and Other Industries.
Development of Water Transport and Railways, In-migration of Population and its Impact on
the Economy: Shock of Partition and its Impact
4. State Finances:
Public Finance in Assam and the emerging challenges. Trends and composition of revenue receipt
and its implications. State taxes in Assam and the impact of GST. Strategies to enhance
Revenue Receipt.
Composition of Public Expenditure and its implications. The Assam FRBM Act: Its
implementation and outcome. Fiscal Devolution to local bodies.
Atul Goswami "Assam's Industrial Development: Urgency of New Direction", Economic and
Political Weekly 1981
Department of Economics, Gauhati University, “Identity Aspirations, Developmental Backlogs and
Governance Issues in Northeast India” Maliyata Offset Press, Mirza, 2016
Directorate of Economics and Statistics, Government of Assam, “Economic Survey Assam” [recent
issues] https://des.assam.gov.in/information-services/economic-survey-assam
Directorate of Economics and Statistics, Government of Assam, “Statistical Handbook of Assam”
2018 or later addition
Guha, Amalendu, Planter’s Raj to Swaraj, Second Edition (paperback)
India Brand Equity Foundation “About Assam: Tourism, Industries In Assam, Agriculture,
Economy & Geography”, June 2020, https://www.ibef.org/states/assam.aspx
J B Ganguli, "Economic Conditions and Change in North-East India" in A.P. Singha (ed) Changing
North East India, Ludhiana: Gagan Publishers, 1986
J N Sarma, “Problems of Economic Development in Assam" Economic and Political Weekly, Vol.
1, No. 7, Pp. 281+283-286.
Planning and Development Department, Government of Assam “Assam Human Development
Report 2014”
Course Description
This course intends to expose the student to the basic principles in Microeconomic
Theory and illustrate with applications.
Course Outline
1. Introduction
a. Problem of scarcity and choice: scarcity, choice and opportunity cost; production
possibility frontier; economic systems.
b. Demand and supply: law of demand, determinants of demand, shifts of demand versus
movements along a demand curve, market demand, law of supply, determinants of
supply, shifts of supply versus movements along a supply curve, market supply, market
c. Applications of demand and supply: price rationing, price floors, consumer surplus,
producer surplus.
d. Elasticity: price elasticity of demand, calculating elasticity, determinants of price
elasticity, other elasticities.
2. Consumer Theory
Budget constraint, concept of utility, diminishing marginal utility, Diamond-water
paradox, income and substitution effects; consumer choice: indifference curves,
derivation of demand curve from indifference curve and budget constraint.
4. Perfect Competition
a. Assumptions: theory of a firm under perfect competition, demand and revenue;
equilibrium of the firm in the short run and long run; long run industry supply curve:
increasing, decreasing and constant cost industries.
b. Welfare: allocative efficiency under perfect competition.
Case, Karl E. & Ray C. Fair, Principles of Economics, Pearson Education, Inc., 8th
edition, 2007.
Course Description
1. Market Structures
a. Theory of a Monopoly Firm
Concept of imperfect competition; short run and long run price and output decisions of
a monopoly firm; concept of a supply curve under monopoly; comparison of perfect
competition and monopoly, social cost of monopoly, price discrimination; remedies for
monopoly: Antitrust laws, natural monopoly.
b. Imperfect Competition
Monopolistic competition: Assumptions, short run and long run price and output
determinations under monopolistic competition,
Oligopoly: assumptions, overview of different oligopoly models, contestable markets.
2. Factor pricing
Demand for a factor input in a competitive factor market, supply of inputs to a firm,
market supply of inputs, equilibrium in a competitive factor market. Factor markets
with monopsony power.
3. Market Failure
Efficiency of perfect competition, Sources of market failure.
Externalities and market failure, public goods and market failure, markets with
asymmetric information (Ideas only)
Case, Karl E. & Ray C. Fair, Principles of Economics, Pearson Education, Inc., 8th
edition, 2007.
Pindyck, R.S, Rubinfield, B.L and Mehta, P.L, Microeconomics, Pearson, 7 th edition
Course Description
Course Outline
1. Introduction
What is macroeconomics? Macroeconomic issues in an economy.
3. Determination of GDP
Actual and potential GDP; aggregate expenditure; consumption function; investment
function; equilibrium GDP; concepts of MPS, APS, MPC, APC; autonomous expenditure;
Concept of multiplier.
1. Case, Karl E. & Ray C. Fair, Principles of Economics, Pearson Education, Inc.,
8th edition,2007.
2. Sikdar, Shoumyen, Principles of Macroeconomics, 2nd Edition, Oxford University
Course Description
Course Outline
1. IS-LM Analysis
Derivations of the IS and LM functions; IS-LM and aggregate demand; shifts in the
AD curve.
1. Case, Karl E. & Ray C. Fair, Principles of Economics, Pearson Education, Inc.,
8th edition,2007.
2. Sikdar, Shoumyen, Principles of Macroeconomics, 2nd Edition, Oxford University
ECO-SE-3014: Data Collection and Presentation
Course Description:
This course helps students in understanding use of data, presentation of data using computer
softwares like MS-Excel. Students will be involved practically to preparation of
questionnaires/interview schedules, collection of both primary and secondary data and its
presentation. Students will also be asked to prepare a report on collected data and will be
evaluated accordingly.
Course Outline:
1. Use of Data
Use of data in social sciences; types and sources of data; data collection methods. Population
census versus sample surveys. Random sampling.
3. Presentation of Data
Data presentation in tabular formats; use of diagrams for data presentation; creating charts
and diagrams in MS-Excel – bar, line, pie, scatter, radar, bubble diagrams, population
ECO-SE-4014: Data Analysis
Course Description:
This course discusses how data can be summarized and analysed for drawing statistical
inferences. The students will be introduced to important data sources that are available and will
also be trained in the use of statistical softwares like SPSS/PSPP to analyse data.
Course Outline:
1. P.H. Karmel and M. Polasek (1978), Applied Statistics for Economists, 4th edition,
2. M.R. Spiegel (2003), Theory and Problems of Probability and Statistics (Schaum